Cooperation – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD God is a God of goodness and blessing; the ultimate Father.  A father disciplines His children and gives them boundaries of life (not limitations) that are necessary for them to make progress safely and to know where to go. Any correction from a father to a child starts with a word.   […]

The Abortion – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD When God said, “I will take the children,” there was a requirement. The requirement was that the children needed to want to be taken. The process of saying, “I want to be taken by God,” is the act of repentance. Once you’ve made the act, or you’ve gone through the act of […]

The Invitation – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Praising God is the way that you will bring everything from heaven to earth. You just praise Him until it’s uncomfortable; and then you will break through that level of comfort, comfort, discomfort, comfort, discomfort, until your capacity increases.  Then the public and the private begin to flow together into a very […]

Highest Level Conference Part 7 Dr – Jerry Savelle (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD One of the greatest expressions of faith is to be able to thank God in advance before you see anything happen. We must not do it backwards. Praise God now and watch it happen! The three gifts that God gave Adam after creating him; number one was dominion and authority. The second […]

Highest Level Conference Part 6 – Dr Jerry Savelle (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD In every generation, God desires to raise up an army of young people that are passionate about God. God is saying, “I desire to have influence in young people’s lives, by inspiring them to prophesy, to speak on My behalf and giving them visions of things to come.”(Joel 2:28) When there’s a […]

Highest Level Conference Part 3 – Eric Deaton (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD If we’re going to go higher, in 2023, we have to make a choice. You choose to go higher. God can’t make you go higher. He can’t make you go to the highest level, but you choose to and if you say yes to God, then you’re saying yes to His ways. […]

Highest Level Conference Part 3 – Ps Sharon Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD The Lord never runs out of inspired utterances. He will speak to you, as much as you will hear Him. And everything that He says to you is Spirit, and life. We are all being strengthened through our experience of Him. What’s happening to us in context of this time with God, […]

Highest Level Conference Part 4 – Tony Armstrong – Joe McCroskey (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Brother Tony Armstrong We have to attend church. God said, “There, I will speak to you. No matter your past, I am restoring you.” He has chosen to rework us, just like a potter reworks the clay. Everything’s not going to come out perfect the first time. But if you stick with […]

Highest Level Conference Part 5 – Dr Jerry Savelle (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD 40 …[the time shall come] when you will grow restive… (Genesis 27:40 AMPC) Restive means restless, dissatisfied, and fed up. When you get fed up you take action. The moment you get fed up is when you are going to break that yoke from your neck. If you are not living the […]

Highest Level Conference Part 2 – Dr Jerry Savelle (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Brother Jerry: It was such joy when I left Fort Worth and flew for the first time in my own international aircraft that I believed God for, for 20 years; and it is paid for. Hallelujah. Boy did it do a good job up until we got to Nairobi where it is […]