In 2008, Pastor John and Pastor Sharon were in a time of prayer and fasting, inquiring of the Lord where the ministry must go. At that time, the Lord spoke clearly and said, “Prayer is to be organized and established to increase and intensify in the church!”
Pastor John and Pastor Sharon have since established Prayer Connect Groups where all HOFMI members can participate in corporate prayer both in person and on a digital platform.
We believe that corporate prayer is a vital requirement in bringing God’s Kingdom onto the earth. As a body of believers who are citizens of Heaven, we are called to do business for God.
Corporate prayer is the local church coming together in one spirit with one heart, one mind, and one accord to work in cooperation and agreement with God to release His will on the earth. Prayer is a partnership between the believer and God, working hand in hand toward the realization of His redemptive purpose on earth.
Prayer meetings provide a vehicle through which every believer can take up their God-given right and responsibility to pray and co-labor with God to bring about His specific plans for His Church and for the nation of South Africa.
John G. Lake said, “The church is the generation power of God in the world; the church has been negligent in one thing, she has not prayed the power of God out of Heaven.” We as the local church of Heritage of Faith will pray.
We are called to be a House of Prayer. It is only through prayer that God is able to move among us and that He is able to restore the supernatural operations of His Spirit in our local churches. This is why Pastor John and Pastor Sharon have not only established platforms for prayer to be made continually unto God but have also labored to teach the body of Christ about the power of prayer and how to pray effectively by the Word of God.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International