Fulfilling God’s plan for your life is a step-by-step journey of obedience and faithfulness to walk in the light of what you know He wants you to do each day.
Fulfilling God’s plan for your life is a step-by-step journey of obedience and faithfulness to walk in the light of what you know He wants you to do each day.
Do you know that God has a specific plan for your life? In this book, Brother Hagin will empower you to find out what God has destined you to do and he equips you to run the race that God has set before you.
Embark on this journey with God and fulfill His plan for your life!
Kenneth E. Hagin was a prominent American preacher and author in the Charismatic movement, known for his teachings on faith, healing, and the believer’s authority. If “Following God’s Plan for Your Life” is consistent with his other works, it likely emphasizes the importance of seeking and following God’s guidance in various aspects of life, including personal relationships, career choices, and spiritual growth.
The book may provide practical insights and biblical principles to help readers discern God’s plan for their lives and navigate the challenges and decisions they encounter. It might explore topics such as prayer, faith, and the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding individuals toward fulfilling their God-given purpose.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International