The love of God is the most powerful force in the universe. God doesn’t have love, He is love. He is the Creator of love and love is created by Him and Him in love and the two are One. If we ever have to trust and depend on anything, we need to trust on the love of God.

We put faith as a very high value in our walk with God and to be sure it is of high value. Our whole existence in Jesus is because of faith in Him. But still even if I’ve got faith to move mountains, but I don’t have love, I am nothing.
Even though we have a mission in life, a purpose in life and we live life with purpose, but we don’t continuously access the love of God, to be our driving force, then we are in danger of becoming work orientated, faith and faith with works and it comes to nothing.
Giving to the poor just to look good, profits nothing. We have to be motivated, driven and established in love. Love is a big deal to God because God is love.

Say: I do not put my trust in riches. I do not give just to look good to other people. I am motivated and driven by love. I trust and depend on the love of God.

Even though there are three forces that are in God that will remain forever; faith, hope and love, the one that’s the greatest, that’s going to always remain will be love because you can’t do away with God and God is love.

Abiding in love, dwelling in love, communion in love enables us to be in the world as He was in the world. It allows us to be in the world as He is now. In that moment of union and love with Him, His love just draws you into your eternity. It draws you into all of the things you need to be, in Him. You wouldn’t even have to ask Him a question. You would just know all your answers are in Him. All of your joy is immediately fulfilled in Him. He is the beginning and the end. He’s the Alpha and the Omega. He’s the all of everything. He is love. You cannot be in the presence of love and doubt anything. Truly the love of God is the beginning and the end of everything.

There is no fear in love. (1 John 4:18) Terror and fear begins in your head because your mind goes to places that it shouldn’t go, then your mind starts to take over what your spirit man is trying to tell you.

Say: No fear! No! I do not receive fear. Terror, leave my heart, leave my life. I am going to go after God, I am going to put Him first place. I refuse to fear. Mind be quiet. I do not worry. I trust God. I live and abide in Him and His perfect love for me.

Jesus was never afraid that the Father would not meet His need. He knew that there was no situation on earth that God hadn’t already provided the answer for. We must have this same confidence. Because as He is, so are we in this world. (1 John 4:17)

God is saying to us, “I will never let you down. My love for you is guaranteed. If you ever fear, turn to My love and it will cast out your fear. I will never let you down. I will never ever let you down if you just love Me and if you trust Me. Wherever you feel like I’m letting you down, it’s because My love has not yet been perfected in you. You need to be in My presence so My love can grow strong in you.”

If you’re in the presence of God then you will experience the fullness of His love. If you’re not in the presence of God then you’re going to experience the terror of the world. If you have any issue, it will be a love-issue, stay secure in His love. Stay in His love. If you have any issues, go back to love, because perfect love casts out all of your fear.

If you want to know what God’s love is, it’s God. God is there and He is continuous and He is perfect, and He is always in a state of being for you. There is no state of being that I am in that He is not with me in it. The only difference is that I might fluctuate in my being and He doesn’t.

Pray: I ask You, Lord, to reveal to me the greatness of Your love. Wherever I’m imperfect, I ask You to perfect Your love in me.

Our dependance must be on the love of God, not our rands. If God is asking you to part with something, it’s not because He is trying to get your money, He is trying to reveal His love to you. He wants to meet your needs, but He wants you to see His love in meeting your needs. He wants you to appreciate and recognize who He is.
If you show Him your love with your life, He comes with His life and His love and He just overwhelms everything that you are. There’s not enough that you can give Him, that you can outgive Him.

Everything is provided for you in the Person of Jesus Christ. In your Saviour, in your Lord and everything you want to give Him, He will give it back to you and meet all your needs in the meantime. Energy, gifts, talents, money, whatever it is. He is not actually looking to take anything away from you. He is looking to reveal Himself to you. He is looking to show you how great and how loving He is because you can’t see all of His love until you show Him you’re prepared to love Him. If you’re not prepared to give something, it reveals what you love more than you love God.

The love of Jesus is irresistible, it is irresistible. If you have a challenge with the way and where you are living and what you’re doing in life, you’ve got to dive into love – His continuous state of being, perfect state of being, that’s Who Jesus is. It’s perfect for you. Perfect.

Say: There is nothing that I am not prepared to give away if God asks it of me. I love God more.
The love of God is perfect. The love of Jesus cast out all fear. It casts out all of the terrors that might come to my life. His love just pushes it away. Hallelujah!