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Because God is a Spirit, those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit. God can only deal with humans in their spirits because He is spirit, and our bodies and our souls are living in a three-dimensional realm. God’s not going to deal with you about life stuff in your soul; He’s going to bring you stuff to your spirit that will change your soul.
I have a vision and the vision is that God will allow for gifts and callings to emerge in this church. And there is a new young generation of people that God is raising up in this church. And as they go about the work of the Lord Jesus and they work in this church, are they not part of the harvest and the working farmers that must eat from the harvest?
God desires for us to be in a place where, as their gifts are raised up amongst us, we feed them from our table. Are they not the same ministers in the household of faith? Are they not also called by God to serve us?
We are eternally grateful for the opportunity to be an instrument in the hands of a mighty God and as a functioning Ecclesia, a Body of Christ, to do His will and show His Glory.
This magazine is a reflection of the marvelous and wonderful works that the Lord Jesus has done and continues to do in us and through our ministry.