Journey To New Discoveries Part 10 – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD When God gives you a desire and  puts His plan into your heart, then almost certainly it will be to serve others and not yourself. If your dream is self-serving and self-centred, then almost always it is a measure of your desire, not God’s. If your dream is to serve others and […]

Time to Accelerate to Victory, Breakthrough and the Blessing Zone

PROPHETIC WORD DOWNLOAD There are things that you really desire to have as an outcome in your life and I believe that God is in the process of, in the climate of this church and what God has been ministering for some time now, He is creating the environment for you to step up, step […]

Journey To New Discoveries Part 6 Constellation – Ps Sharon Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Constellation is an assemblage of splendours and excellences. It means destiny. A constellation is what causes all that a man does. Constellation is an arrangement of parts and elements. The outcome depends on the configuration of the influences of the time. Constellation also means a gathering of very important people. A group […]