Preparation Prayer – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

4 I am always thanking my God for you because he has given you such free and open access to his grace through your union with Jesus, the Messiah. 5 You have been endowed with a wealth of inspired utterance, and the riches that come from your intimate knowledge of him (1 Corinthians 1:4, 5 TPT). Come on, inspired utterance, that’s what we were praying for. We were praying about the help of the Holy Spirit. We want to talk under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Whatever we ask the Father, whatever we declare in the spirit, we are inspired. With utterance – that means that you got to utter stuff. Let’s increase our level of inspiration by uttering. Let’s mutter and utter.

We say: We increase our faith. We increase our inspiration. We lift up ourselves in the Holy Spirit. Because You have given us inspiration and we pray and inspire our faith through the inspired utterance of the Holy Spirit. Thank You, Jesus.

I always fully understood why the church needs to come together. The Bible is clear that we together make up the body. Me, singularly, cannot represent the whole body. Because you have an anointed expectation together with an anointed calling and anointed gifting – there’s a whole lot more revealing that happened. When we have an event like Brother Jerry coming – he’s not coming here with the same anointing as elsewhere in the world. He’s coming here with the anointing that our expectations release in him for us. To whatever level we create an expectation is the level that God can multiply the gift that we bring to the rest of the body.

The woman with the alabaster jar of perfume – she took something that she had saved for, for a whole year, brought it to Jesus, broke it over His feet and rubbed it in with her hair. She had a one-on-one intimate relationship with Jesus. This was her moment but when she created an expectation and she brought her gift and her love and her intimate knowledge of Him, that He had saved her from a future that was doomed to great failure. When she brought it, that fragrance spread into the room and it made everything confront what’s happening. For the most part, people obviously enjoyed the fragrance but some began to say, “Why, this is a waste.” Some people actually ended up choosing to betray Jesus because of the extravagance of the intimate knowledge of Him.

So, if you and I come with, “It’s me and Jesus,” you have to come one-on-one first. I’m coming, me and Jesus – we’re coming and we’re bringing our perfume, our gift, and we are going to lay it at the feet of our gathering. Because this was an event where people gathered together. And then when you do that you release a fragrance that everybody can experience, it’s a fragrance that goes across digital channels. He is everywhere, the fragrance of Him goes everywhere. When we bring inspired utterances. 

Let’s pray that there will be a fragrance, this wonderful aroma, that comes from our coming to Him – our kneeling, our offering, our coming with our gifting and recognising that this is a moment like no other. In her desire to show Jesus the thankfulness of her heart, she brought an offering of herself. She had to come willing to kneel at His feet and break open that perfume and pay the price of it and humble herself. That’s the power of intimacy – that you can bring into a collective forum your fragrance – it can be powerful.

We pray, Father, we come with inspired utterance tonight. We come with an inspired utterance that we will all have an encounter. We determine and we purpose in our heart to have an intimate encounter with the Holy One, with Jesus, with the Holy Spirit, with the Father. We come with our determined purpose that we are going to enter in. We are not just going to be participating, we are going to enter in and then our fragrance will touch other people, and their fragrance will touch us.  Then it will go broader and wider and across the planet, wherever this is watched. The fragrance of our Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Father will be felt and smelt everywhere. Glorious aroma of the glories of God will go across the planet.

Sometimes you have to act out what you see in the spirit happening. Sometimes you have a need for a breakthrough so you just have to dance at home. And you don’t feel like dancing at home but you feel, like a little bit weird. It has great power.

Sometimes an event is necessary to bring about cataclysmic change, a spiritual transition from one form to another. Sometimes you need an event to make that switch and that change. Certainly, in the case of God breaking down the temple of Solomon that could never exist through eternity because it was a temple made with man’s hands. He wanted an eternal temple where His presence would dwell for eternity. That became you and me. And the only way He could achieve that is through an event.

This is not just an event happening. This is an event because of our expectation. There’s a God-glory thing happening here, a God-ordained time thing. Brother Jerry’s coming,  he’s coming with his gifts, with his calling, in a time, he’s coming because of the order of God. He is coming for us and because of our expectation we are never going to be the same again. We are going to be transformed. We are going to transition. It’s going to be a glorious, dramatic, cataclysmic change that is going to happen around us, in us, amongst us, with us, for us, to us. Both personally and corporately.

An event is about to unfold. The Scripture goes on to say: 6 For the reality of the truth of Christ is seen among you and strengthened through your experience of Him (1 Corinthians 1:6 TPT). We are about to be strengthened through our experience of Him. That is why, when this is over, we are going to have greater strength.

8 He will keep you steady and strong to the very end, making your character strong and mature so that you will be found innocent on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 God is forever faithful and can be trusted to do this in you for He has invited you to co-share the life of His Son Jesus, the Anointed One, our King. (1 Corinthians 1:8-9 TPT) We have been invited on a lifelong journey but for right now He is inviting us, creating an opportunity for us to come and co-share in this great experience.

She probably would not have had an encounter of that level of intimate nature with Jesus if there weren’t others there to witness it. It was because of the witnesses that it became so powerful. Because the witness of the fragrance was an experience for everybody that was there. They were all challenged by it.

Will you agree with me that the Holy Spirit will minister to us collectively in everything that happens as we go into this time with God? That this will be both very personal but also very public. Personal and public and powerful. The Lord said to me today, cataclysmic change. He showed me a shifting of like tectonic plates under the earth. Cataclysmic. A shift is going to happen, it’s going to change everything. It’s going to change everything.

I am released by the Lord to share one more thing with you. Jesus does something that breaks all the rules. He talks to a Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus wasn’t after a physical drink.  He wanted her to drink but He just used the natural water and the well as a contact point so that she could drink. So that she could understand worship. He used a natural thing to introduce a spiritual thing. The punchline of the story is that it’s never going to be about where you worship. It’s all about you! And her life changes, and everybody’s life changes, and we are still living in that change. Because Jesus ends up making one of the most profound statements of the New Testament, “He that drinks of this water will never thirst again.” And He makes this statement, “You will worship Me in spirit and in truth.” Because God orchestrated an event that turned out to be personal, then it became public and it was very powerful. Personal, public and powerful!

I want to tell you, there’s going to be many people that have been crying out for a long time, they’ve been crying out for something with God, some new thing with God, something… Lord I want to leave the past behind, I want to leave that stuff behind, I want to step into a new phase – Now it happens! You can have it, if you have an expectation for it.