Clay Vessels For Supernatural Increase – Ps John Bendixen (JHB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email I grew up listening to Kenneth Hagin, Brother Copeland, Jerry Savelle and have lived in Pastor John and Sharon’s message. When it comes to the seed that is in me for you, you can trust that God has the very best coming out […]

Power of Resurrection Part 2 – Ps John Bendixen (JHB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email Thank You for designing and creating the body of Christ – I see Jesus in each other, and I learn from the Jesus in each other. I grow from the Jesus in each other. Brother Jerry was saying, you’re going to see the […]

God’s Master Plan – Ps Sharon Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email Pastor John’s surge right now is for Evangelism. This is your time to bring unsaved, backslidden family and/or friends, so that the sounds of these songs can permeate and penetrate and bring people to Jesus. We are believing God together, for people to […]

I Will Take The Children Part 1 – Ps Sharon Bendixen (JHB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email Beautiful Jesus: “I’ve got good news for us today”. I’m so glad that Jesus died for me and that God the Father sent his only son to the world. From the time that I’ve received Jesus into my heart, I received salvation and […]

The Power of Resurrection -Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email Scripture Reference: Philippians 3:10-11 (NKJV); Romans 1:16-27 (NLT); Philippians 3:8-9 (MSG) None of us want to fail at anything. We have been made by God to succeed and to have a fulfilled life. The first choice that you make in not being defeated; […]

Let’s Talk About Jesus Part 1 – Ps Sharon Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email The precious Holy, written Word is truth and will free your life up to walk in the fullness of everything that salvation brings. 1In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was […]

Power of Resurrection – Ps John Bendixen (JHB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email Your Word changes me, it inspires me, it strengthens me and causes me to realise just how a wonderful life I have because of You. The very choice that I made to make Jesus the Lord and Saviour of my life glorifies God […]

Preparation & Readiness – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email We have to live in the hope with the faith that we are the now generation! The word that the Lord has given me is: PREPARATION AND READINESS FOR THIS CHURCH! I am here this morning to give you a message – that’s […]

The Image – Father – John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email Scripture Reference: Genesis 1:26-27 (NLT); Isaiah 14:12-19 (NLT); John 10:12-18 (NKJV) Pastor Christi Prayer: Father, in the name of Jesus we come to tell you how much we love You. Father, we celebrate You, not because it’s father’s day once a year. We […]