This is a life-defining moment message. The people that get this are going to become. God wants to bring you these anointed Scriptures again and again and rub it into you, until it becomes part of you. God’s heart and character are revealed in His story, His truth – the Bible. Your name and your story are already being recorded in His books and God is candid about your story too. The Lord sees everything and hears everything and knows what is happening in the earth today.
God created all men to be born to be born-again. God made man, to walk with Him and talk with Him and men choose to do what they wanted to do. It grieved God and made Him regretful that He made man. God did not change because Jesus came; God sent Jesus so we could change, to be like Him. God is a merciful God, but then the time comes. God wants you to know Him like this today. Noah chose different, he walked in habitual fellowship with God just like we can. Just like God said to Noah to make for himself an ark, God has made for us an ark. The moment you got born again, He made the perfect environment to come into – the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ as found in Ephesians 4. It was God’s (and not man’s) idea to give gifts to men that they can be matured and come into full sonship. God has called Pastor John and I, so He can call you all to Himself. You, Heritage of Faith people, are our people, you are not our platform. (Genesis 6:5-13)
The entire Bible is one of deliverance out of … into ….
(Out of bondage, captivity, destruction, death and famine, sin – the ungodly).
God will send a messenger (like Moses, Joshua, Gideon, and five-fold-ministers) with a message and then release His power for deliverance to rescue you out.
It is still God’s plan to have a people. God takes the deliverance of His people very personally. He delivers because of His great mercy.
Everything that is in the world system was not created and designed by God. It was created and designed by man without God, influenced by Satan. There is nothing in the world system that impresses God. God calls it wicked/twisted. You don’t know how much you have been impacted, imprinted, and influenced by this present wicked world. God has got to bring this series of messages to show you, in no uncertain terms, that you are not okay to love the world and be in it.
God wants you out of it, because He has sent Jesus to deliver you from the wicked world system. (Galatians 1:4-5 KJV).
This word deliver, is a Greek word which means to rescue, to rush, to draw for oneself, to preserve from, to get away, out of.
God is saying, “Come out! Be Mine completely! Do not love the world system.”
Unless you repent and change to become like a little child, unless you change your inner man to meet God’s will, you can’t even see the Kingdom of God (your place of deliverance from the world system). (Matthew 18).
If God says, “Come out of the world” I say, “I am coming. Bring me out; deliver me from it. I have a completely different environment that God has created for me. I am planted in the Ecclesia. I am a born-again one, I am in the Kingdom”. Have an open honest relationship with God and say, “What of the world do I love? What attractions of this world; delights of wealth, search for success; lure of nice things; come in and crowd out God’s message from my heart”. The crop God is wanting to produce from this message is for you to become one who: comes out of the world system; desires to be totally translated from the kingdom of darkness and come into the Kingdom of Light; has a working, loving relationship with Him (Mark 4:18-19 TLB).
Moses was raised in the world system of the day, but he refused to make it his identity. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were teenagers that made that same choice
You can too. Know that Satan will rage and roar for you and He will bombard your mind with stuff. You will then be one who chooses to suffer the mistreatment with God’s people (Hebrews 11:24-27 TPT).
The church is the true Israel of God. God calls you to come out into what He has for you in the Kingdom. Come in, with your faith, through the promises of God. And keep coming in. Live in joyous freedom from the power of sin. There is no life in the world system. Life is in God! The resurrection life of Christ is in you, you have no excuse to let sin rule in your body. The wages of sin will separate you from walking in the lifeways of God and keep you living in the way of the world (Romans 6:12-16; 22-23 TPT).
Read en meditate on God’s Story from these Scriptures:
Exodus 3:6-10, 6:1-9; 7:2-6 (NLT & AMPC);
Numbers 13:2-3, 25-33 14:1-12, 20-24, 26-28, 30-31 (AMPC).
God wants you to see His Story of the Old Testament and how intent He was on rescuing His people. Right now, God’s Hand is moving in the earth in mighty acts of judgment, because He is very set for His people to come out of the world system (So that you may not participate in her sin nor share in her plagues). God is saying, “I listen, I hear, I see, I love, I look, I come to deliver”. He has not changed. He has the same heart beating in Him, “I want my people out, I want to deliver them, I want to rescue them.” He is more passionate now, about leading His people out of the world system than He ever was in the Old Covenant, because now it is based on the blood of Jesus.
God’s people were experiencing extreme protection as the plagues were coming, they were safe in Goshen. They left by the miraculous hand of God and they rejoiced, but then they began their unbelief, their hardness of heart, and their murmuring. They began to reject their deliverance (they choose it). They got into unbelief and fear just like we fall into unbelief when we look at our circumstances.
They wept that night, believing an evil report. Just like we do not sleep all night. We are not to fear the world system and what it can do to us. Our report may not be, “I can’t come out of the world system now. Don’t you see how famous, rich, strong, and mighty the people in the world system is? Joshua and Caleb’s hearts were like Abraham full of faith (without knowing what the future looks like). As Caleb, I am here to tell you today, “Let us go at once. We are well able to conquer it. Jesus has conquered the world for you, come out of it.”
Change and become a person that recognizes and deals with a spirit of fear. The Bible says 366 times “Fear not”. Fear is sin. You have to deal with fear like a rattlesnake; you have to cut that thing off. You are the only one that can deal with fear. Say (like David), “What time I am afraid, I will praise the Lord”. God knows you can (not fear).
After ten times, God drew a line. He still took care of them, but they didn’t go, and they didn’t experience His gold; His best. God knows all the thoughts you have in your heart. God doesn’t want one of you here, murmuring against Him. God is saying, “I will take the children” (those that have become like little children, those believing me, those wanting to be led by Me, those that have not hardened their hearts, the Calebs, Joshuas, Josephs, Daniels, Shadrachs, Meshachs and Abednegos).
God speaks about what the people did then, and how He wanted to deliver them and how they didn’t want His deliverance. Still today, God’s own people, choose to reject His deliverance. God challenges you in your heart, He is speaking to you. “Do you want to come out and love Me first?” A response is required because He brings this message to us all. Neutrality is a “No” to God. What we say now, what we do now, what we decide now, and how we respond now, is going to determine our future. Start sowing into your heart already saying, “I love not the world, I am coming out of Babylon”.
God wants you to possess it, conquer it, occupy it, take it.
But you’ll have to leave it and not love it, so that you can have it.
We’re going to be led by Him, He’s going to show us.
We don’t have to plan it, He will give us the military strategy for possession and occupation.
Our next characteristic, our next strong feature we are going to be known by is that we are a people who seek the Lord. We enquire of the Lord. We really believe that God will speak to us and show us how to go into the Promised Land. We are really just following God completely. We’re going to seek the Lord to bring us out completely, to take this world-system out of our hearts as a people. We will spend my days choosing to love Jesus.
Pray, “I choose Jesus, I choose to love Him, I choose to come out and to not love the world system. I thank You, Lord, that the blood of Jesus will do what it must in my heart with these defining moment messages that You are bringing to me. It builds me up and gives me my inheritance, in Jesus’ name. Amen”.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International