I Will Take The Children Part 4 – Ps Sharon Bendixen (JHB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email Jesus is the head of His church: 4Come out of Babylon, my people, (the world system). so that you may not participate in her sins (Revelations 18:4 GW). Jesus is the One who is the head of His church. He certainly is the […]

God is Answering Part 3 – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email A Teaching foundation: A legal dissertation. The Creator of life is the Truth; and the foundation of everything in the Universe. There can be no other version of the truth. God’s will created a platform where Truth is worshiped. Everything in the universe […]

God is Answering Part 2 – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email My will is my platform and my worship is my power. For me to develop more than just a knowledge base about someone, I have got to have a will that will create a much deeper knowledge of a person. I must will […]

I Will Take The Children Part 3 – Ps Sharon Bendixen (JHB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email Scripture Reference: Revelation 18:4 AMPC; 1 John 2:15 KJV Prayer: “Father, we ask You to speak through this earthen vessel, speak straight to our hearts. We are ready to receive. May it be all of You, in Jesus’ name. Amen.” Pastor Sharon is […]

God is Answering – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email Bring everything that you think under subjection to the Word of God. In my musings and meditation I’m asking the question, “Am I still doing what God has called me to do in this time on the earth?” When I go and stand […]

I Will Take The Children Part 3 – Ps Sharon Bendixen (JHB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email Scripture Reference: Revelation 18:4 AMPC; 1 John 2:15 KJV Prayer: “Father, we ask You to speak through this earthen vessel, speak straight to our hearts. We are ready to receive. May it be all of You, in Jesus’ name. Amen.” Pastor Sharon is […]

God is Answering – Ps John Bendixen (JHB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email I know where my authority lies and I trust my God more than I trust medicine. I trust God more than I trust the doctors, than I trust anybody – I trust Jesus more. I trust the Word of God more. Spiritual authority […]

God’s Master Plan Part 2 – Ps Sharon Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email Look a little closer at: – what man’s crown is and what it’s about: Psalm 8:4-8 (AMPC); Hebrews 2:6-7 (AMPC). – the reason why Jesus died: Revelation 5:9-10 (AMPC); Galatians 1:4 (NLT). – God’s will that has never changed: Genesis 1:26-29 (AMPC). and […]

I Will Take The Children Part 2 – Ps Sharon Bendixen (JHB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email Your Word today: Not a trace of familiarity in us is found, Lord. Our spirit speaks to You to prepare for Your Word. I receive Your words today Father with faith, in Jesus’ Name. Your anointing is here on Your Word today to […]

Jesus – The Person, The People & The Purpose – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Share on facebook Share on whatsapp Share on email I believe this is an order that God wants us to continue as a ministry one way or another, to have different kinds of services, doing different kinds of things. Chariots of Light, a ministry to bikers, was started many years ago by […]