On the first of January 2017: Pastor John brought a message that the Lord pegged in my heart. He said, “This will be part of your life now, going forward,” The Holy Spirit said to me, “Now you get those points I gave him.”
Number 1: We have to have recognition of the time. God gives recognition of the time to His apostles, He will speak to His prophets and He will speak to His sons that are planted in the house of the Lord where they are supposed to be planted. Every child of God has got the environment that God has perfectly made for them to go to – the new creature, the new creation, when you get born again, the very next thing God desires to do is to lead and guide you to the place that he has for you where you can grow. That is the Garden of Eden that God has created for the new creature, planted in the house of the Lord. Planted, not attending church.
To be planted: A plant puts its roots down into the soil and draws the nourishment up from the water and nutrients that are in the soil of that place, of every message, of every sound. You grow by the Word of God. That’s how you grow and that’s how I grow. You don’t have a different way to grow than me. Planted in the house of the Lord you will bear fruit. Why? Because there comes the Word of God that must come to you for you to take because the Word is seed. You take it, put it in your heart, in your mouth, you believe it and you receive it. Then it exercises its superhuman power in you who believe.
Number 2: We need to receive instruction from the Lord.
Number 3: We have to be bold in our obedience to those instructions. Lifestyle changes now. Speak to your children saying; “We’re not going to do that anymore. You have to know that mom and dad have repented. We have impacted you, influenced you, infiltrated you, and imprinted ourselves on you. And we repent from that. Now we are going to be seeking the Lord for your life. The Word of the Lord has come to us and we will enquire of Him for the plans He has for our lives.”
Number 4: We may have to be the one to give instruction – no matter how way out it may seem. Be alert; Jesus brought messages to His people that shocked them. He said to the rich young ruler, “Okay now if you are asking Me what to do and I’m telling you to sell everything and come follow Me”. The Passion Translation says that he was shocked that Jesus would even ask him that. Jesus is coming now with a shock for us to wake up! Wake up and follow His plans, don’t follow your own plans for your life.
Number 5: The law of attraction kicks in. Who do you attract? You attract God and His voice to you. He can speak to you now, whereas before you were going the way of the world, going the way your father taught you and his father taught him. Traditions of men denying the power of God. God says, “I will take the children.”
Be spiritually awake and alert this December: For people whose hearts are awake and are listening to God, He is going to speak to some of you. There is such excitement because this is a defining moment time and we have to be awake. I don’t have to know what it is, I just have to know it’s God and it’s something big. He wants to shift some things – be awake. He is wanting to tell you some things that concern your children. He is wanting you to hear from Him about this month of December. Hanging in the balance are destinies for children, destinies for men and women. Hanging in the balance are mantles, gifts, callings that God is wanting to bring. Plans that God has for us, He wants to do some things in the month of December to set some things right. Be spiritually awake and alert in this month of December. God’s time is not our time. He is not on vacation and having Christmas. He is celebrating the birth and the resurrection of His Son in this way. The plans of Jesus, the plans of God the Father that must come to pass now. Glory to God. Be expectant for what God is going to show you in the month of December – things you have to see, things that you have to say, things that you have to pray. All of it – the law of attraction.
Number 6: When the law of attraction begins to happen, don’t get lifted up in pride, then start all over again with the recognition of the time – receiving instruction, giving instruction, activating your boldness and your obedience with boldness, knowing that you are obeying God. The law of attraction attracting all of God’s fullness, all of God’s fulfilment, all of God’s blessing, all of God’s promises fulfilled in your life.
God said: This morning’s assembly is going to be different. We will sit here waiting upon the Lord to see and hear what He will say. There are times I know exactly what to say because my preparation is always the same. It’s very intense with the Lord but when He doesn’t give it to me exactly, then I know something else is up. We are awake and alert, Lord.
Spiritual ears and eyes: In the days of Ezra, he would stand up in the pulpit and just read scripture. They didn’t have their own Bibles but they heard and they saw and they wept. Many of them wept. There was a response from the message. There are some things that God just wants your ear to catch and hear about the time that we are in now and where we are going. No man can stop Him. No man can stop us, we are moving. God has brought us to this place in 2020 – perfect period of waiting is over. A cycle has been completed not only for Pastor John and I and all of us but for God. God is at the place now where He is not waiting for things anymore. He is very active and He is moving in the earth. Moving in the hearts of men, moving in the body of Christ. God has brought about a shift in the nation and in the body of Christ. That’s why you are shifting all the time – you who are listening to these messages. It’s messy but it’s marvellous. We know we are in the grip of The Mighty God like never before.
The will of men: 12For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage (Ephesians 6:12 TPT). Here comes the thing that I experienced with God; where do they get their power from? That exploded in me – from the will of men. They have no power if they cannot operate through the will of human beings. They have no authority unless they are given it. That shook me to my core. It moved me forward in the light. Where do they get their power from? The will of men. It is only the will of men that allows them to operate on the earth. They have no other power. Do you understand? They have to cooperate, they have to operate through the will of men. So where is the contest? God says, “Give Me your will so that I might consume the will of your children because if you give Me your will, I can have the will of your children and I will perpetuate My powerful influence on the earth for generations.” That’s why He chose Abraham for blessings because He knew that Abraham would command his sons after God, not after himself.
If we make this dedication properly, the visitation will be proper: God will have His full way here if we listen to this Word and obey it. The Bible says, that the sins of the fathers will be passed on for up to three generations. Powerful gods are controlling the lives of men through their will. You can’t fight that on your own. You need the will of God, the purpose and the plan of God to be able to fight. All the power we need is in the messages that God is bringing us now. The Word of God is our only defence against the enemy.
There are only two wills in the universe – there is no middle ground: If you are making your own plans, don’t be fooled that they are your own. There are only two wills in the universe, you are in the will of God or you are in the will of satan. You have either chosen life and God’s plans going forward or you have chosen death the ways of the world. There is no middle ground here. You either choose God’s will, or you choose whatever the god of this world wills for your life. 1And you [He made alive], when you were dead (slain) by [your] trespasses and sins. In which at one time you walked [habitually]. You were following the course and fashion of this world [were under the sway of the tendency of this present age], following the prince of the power of the air. [You were obedient to and under the control of] the [demon] spirit that still constantly works in the sons of disobedience [the careless, the rebellious, and the unbelieving, who go against the purposes of God] (Ephesians 2:1-2 AMPC).
There is no light in this world system: Everything in this world system is darkness because satan is the god of it. If you think there’s light, it’s because satan has transformed himself into an angel of light in the dark world system. How does he do that? He can only operate as an angel of light through the will of men. He knew how to do that in the garden of Eden. “You don’t have to listen to God, listen to me.” He was transforming and he needed to find a vessel and he found Eve. And still today, he finds men and women, Christians that say, “Yes, I see that is good. That fruit in the world is good, it can’t be so bad. I think I am going to eat it. I’m going to partake of it.” Think about the pop idols. They sing so beautifully, as if light comes from them but it is not the light of God. All of the accolades of men-that is not the light of God, that is the light of satan presenting to you an alternative to what God’s plan is for your life. God is putting His defibrillator on our hearts.
This is a defining moment: We are right there, where God has us where we enter in, we’re going in. But we’ve got a while here between the perfect period of waiting that is over and this defining moment. Whatever we, at Heritage of Faith, choose now or do not choose now is going to define your future! This while is not going to come again for you. This light that God is bringing now, He is not going to bring at another time again. Why? Because it is a defining moment time. He is bringing this light big and strong now. He is going to have it come until He is satisfied that every heart has heard it and understood everything perfectly. He knows exactly who has hardened their hearts and who has got it. He knows exactly who has flowed with it and He will go, “Right, now we move on.” He is in a hurry to get things done and to move us all into our Promised Land.
Ten virgins: This defining moment time is not like the days that we have had before. This is a five-foolish-virgin and five-wise-virgin moment. All ten virgins, all ten belonging to the Lord were asleep. Then they heard Jesus call and they knew Jesus is come. The five wise were the ones who had the oil (with the messages and with the Holy Spirit personally in the inner recesses of their hearts – being led by the Holy Spirit – they had been taught, and they took it). Then the other five realised that something was wrong. “I have not got what I need, I am not ready”. They said to the other five, “Give us some of yours.” And the wise said, “We can’t.” I got what I got with God because I purposed to get it with God. I can’t give you, you have to go and get it yourself. The best thing that I can do for you my sister and my brother is say; see if you can get it in time and if you can still make it to come in with us. I am just saying; do everything you can do to get ready. Do everything you can. Whether you are new to the church or you’ve been here for years, stay in the messages and don’t harden your hearts.
I now understand the call of God: that He called me to on the 22nd of June, in the same month that Jesus said to Brother Jerry, it is a life-defining moment now. However, you respond, act and say now with these messages and the way God is speaking to us through Pastor John, Pastor Sharon and through Pastor Christi – will determine your future. But you will never be able to say, “God, I did not know.” If you do not recognise the time of visitation when Jesus comes with messages to you, the Bible says, then the enemy will come and he will have the run of your life. Jesus wept. Luke 19:41-44, I believe it is when He wept over people and He said, “The enemy is coming now and he is going to dash you. He is going to surround you, he is going to hit you. All because you did not come to know the visitation when I came to you to visit you with certain things.” This is that time of visitation. Right now it is that time!
How will you respond with the while God is giving us? When they came out of the wilderness, God said to Joshua, “Okay I am going to give you a time period here to get right. I am going to give everyone the opportunity to have their hearts circumcised” (circumcise their own hearts with the Word of God- to allow their hearts to be cut and pierced by the messages). God said; “I am going to give everybody more than enough time, a while.” I said, “How long is it?” He said, “It is My while. I told you I am going to rub it in and rub it in with these messages. It is going to be a time block and a time period that nobody in this church of Heritage of Faith will ever be able to ever forget.” Throughout eternity, you will stand on the day of judgment before the Lord Jesus and He will say to you, “I gave you those messages. I gave you that while. I gave you that time. I gave you that opportunity to repent, to have a complete lifestyle change. What did you do? How did you act? How did you respond? What did you say? In your heart, what did you say in your hearts?”
You will know everything and nothing: For those who choose to become like little children, you will enter in. You’re humbling, you’re repenting, you are entering in and you will know what it is like because when God calls you – you know everything and you know nothing. Like Abraham, God called him and he knew everything and he knew nothing. I know He called me, He is speaking to my heart. What are the details? I know nothing. That is the depth of covenant that you enter into with God. He takes note of that. “Oh, you are not troubling your mind. You just are going to follow Me. You just are going to trust Me and I credit it to you as righteousness.” It’s how you seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness. You follow Me like Abraham. I call you. Where am I going? I don’t know. But I know Your call. I know everything and I know nothing.
Abraham’s blessings get to be yours – inheritance: Because you know God’s calling you and you’re not going to trouble your mind. [Urged on] by faith when he was called obeyed and went forth to a place which he was destined to receive as an inheritance (Hebrews 11:8 AMPC). When you’re in the place that God has planted you, you will receive the inheritance destined for you. Your spiritual leader is your inheritance. The people in that place are your inheritance. The food and the Word of God and the messages in that place are your inheritance. The gifts and callings that are in that place. Pastor John has a powerful anointing on him to recognize gifts and callings that God is waiting to unloose and unleash in the people that are around him. It’s the work of an Apostle, he is anointed for that. Parents have thought they can be their child’s shepherd and their spiritual leader and up until now, Pastor John has been unable to even see anything because parents eclipse. But now the gift in Pastor John is going to come out. Jesus is going to come out of Pastor John through the anointing that’s on the apostle to say, “I see that one and that one, yes Lord, like this and like that. Yes, Lord.”
It’s under the curse! READ Deuteronomy 28:32, 41, 45, 48 AMPC. You shall serve your enemies. Your sons and your daughters shall be given to another people. People are so proud to say, “No, my children are living overseas.” They are so proud of it. “They’ve got a degree, they’ve got a this and that,” and they’re gone. It’s under the curse. 32Your sons and daughters shall be given to another people, and your eyes shall look and fail with longing for them all the day. 41You shall beget sons and daughters but shall not enjoy them, for they shall go. 45Because you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God (Deuteronomy 28:32, AMPC). The pride that the world system has. They send their sons here and their sons there and they do this and they do that and they’ve accomplished this and they’ve accomplished that. And grandchildren be born and they meet wives, they marry women they’re not supposed to marry and meet people they’re not supposed to. God is grieved. He was grieved with those whose carcasses fell in the wilderness. He was grieved.
Hannah: You know even just that word, ‘I’m so proud’, when you brought it you said we’re only blessed, we’re not impressed but that thing, “I’m so proud, my child. I’m so proud of you,” but the Lord says God resists the proud. So if you want to position yourself to be resisted by God, even if you are a born-again believer, then do that – we’re so proud of what we’ve achieved. We’re so proud of this one, so proud of that. Whereas it should actually be that humility attitude, “Lord, just You. Just You and what You have done”. I’ve also been in Psalm 106. You gave us that scripture years ago where it says they did not wait for God’s plans concerning them to fully develop. And so they were running off and made up their own plans, but then two verses later it says He sent leanness in their souls. They were going on and they were going on with their own plans and you know even in our prosperity message, if this attitude what you’ve taught us over these months now if that doesn’t come into place, we’re still just like a lot of the charismatic people. We are after the money and it looks lovely, but there is leanness in the souls of the people because the humility and the God’s way and the Abraham way, it’s not there. So what we walk in is, yes, we might have some stuff to display that looks impressive to the world and it’s part of that pride thing and all you’ve got the money and you’ve got the boat and you’ve got the house and you’ve got the this and the that but there’s no submission to God and there’s no humility and there’s no life of an honour to God. Then there’s just the lean soul and it’s so empty. And then you hit stuff in your life and you think, sho, I’m not getting through to God and whatever but doesn’t really matter because I’ve got this stuff but there’s this leanness in your soul, it’s just such a lean – it’s a poor, poor, poor life. (Hannah praying in tongues). If you will just allow Him, just allow Him, just allow Him. It’s so simple. He gave me this – it just stuck with me a while back – these words, He just said, “I’m come. I stand before you now. What will you do with Me? How will you choose?” It’s that simple. I don’t know what it’s going to look like. None of us knows exactly, but all you need to do is just in your heart say, “Lord, I choose You.” Because I tell you, this stuff is so much, we don’t even know what we need to get rid of and we don’t even know what there is. There are so many layers of the world that’s in us – just because of the way we’ve been in the world, even in the church, and still in the world. But if we just say, “Yes, Lord, You just do it.” That’s all – that’s all that He expects and He will work it out. He will work it out. He knows how to bring us through every layer and just get those resistances off, get us rid out of the stuff, open our eyes, what we need to see. But it’s just the, “Yes, Lord”. Even if you can’t do it in your heart with your emotions, just say with your mind, “Yes, Lord,” and He will come, and He will do because He’s here before us now. He’s here. Now if you can close your eyes and imagine and see that because that’s what I saw – Him, right before us now, “I’m come, I stand before you now. What will you do with Me? How will you respond?” So, Lord, we respond. We say, “Yes, Lord, have Your way. Have Your way. Have Your way. Have Your say.”
Charles: Thank you, Pastor Sharon. I’ve been so challenged over the last few months. Every time you bring up the rich young ruler it challenges me. I’ll tell you why it challenges me because when I did a study of this scripture I find that he sat in church. He got his wealth through the church. So he’s a very rich man, sitting in the church, listening to every message that’s coming from the pulpit. And yet when Jesus challenges him, he chooses to walk away from something that can change his life forever. One of the things that struck me was that when Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ if this young, rich ruler had taken up the mantle, guess who would have been the twelfth disciple immediately? He would have been sitting in the throne room, ruling with the rest of the apostles. Isn’t that something to think about?
Pastor Sharon: Challenged to draw near to God in this. Everything is shifting and changing now. God is shifting it. And the only instrument He has to change things in our hearts is His Word that’s His sword. It’s the only instrument. It’s His Word that He brings through human, earthen vessels. It’s why God had to deal with us about familiarity. Lilian, what do you say?
Lilian: (Lilian wailing, a cry) Yes, you yield to that, Lilian. It’s the cry of God. It’s the cry of God. There’s a Scripture in Jeremiah, where God says; call for the wailing women, because death has crept into our homes. 17Thus says the Lord of hosts, “Consider and call for the mourning women to come; send for the skilful women to come. 18 Let them make haste and raise a wailing over us. It’s what you heard, it’s a wailing. A wailing over us and for us that our eyes may run down with tears and our eyelids gush with water. 19 For a sound of wailing is heard [coming] out of Zion: How we are plundered and ruined! We are greatly confounded and utterly put to shame. 20Yet hear the word of the Lord, O you women, and let your ears receive the word of His mouth; teach your daughters a lament, and each one [teach] her neighbour a dirge. 21For death has come up into our windows; it has entered into our palaces (our homes), cutting off the children from outdoors and the young men from the streets (Jeremiah 9:17-21 AMPC.) Pat, Pat. We have to yield to the Holy Spirit. Yeah, yeah. (Pat wailing, a cry) It’s a sign. This is God. This is the Holy Spirit. This is the Holy Spirit. This is not their emotion. Jesus wept to bring forth life. Just yield to that where you’re sitting. If that’s stirring in you, yield to that. If you don’t understand this, please, don’t judge it. Just allow God to be God to you. For those that are new here, these are women that have been known to me for many years, okay. These are faithful daughters of Zion. Faithful disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, what do you sense? The roar must come from her. Okay. You see the roar is the Lion of Judah. He roars over us because He wants all of us. (Crying / wailing for a few minutes). Cutting off children from the plans of God for their lives. This is the first time this has happened in our church. It’s the first time and it is prayer. It is intercession. It’s normally done in private. Okay? If you don’t understand it, just stay with it because some of this weeping is also for you – for things to change in your life. Okay. So I’m just, I see there are some new people here, okay. Yes, Mari. (Crying / wailing for a few minutes)
Angie: Resuscitate, resuscitate, don’t let this in your heart be fake.
Resuscitate, Resuscitate. We must awake.
Resuscitate, Resuscitate from the very depths within.
Awake oh Zion, awake
Awake oh Zion, awake and you, I will make.
Awake oh Zion, awake. Awake, oh Zion awake and you, I will make.
Your best is pathetic; a toil pandemic.
Awake, make haste. Get ready and see
The glory of the Lord is upon us.
Pastor Sharon: That is what Pastor John started to hear from Jesus. We are like sleepwalkers, sleepwalking. This is the word that the Lord gave Pastor John – sleepwalking. This is part of His process of waking us up.
I will wake up: I will wake up. I am sleepwalking, compared to the awakeness that Jesus wants me to have. Yes, I will. I will wake up. I will receive every defibrillating shock that He wants to bring to me. I will receive every defibrillating shock, shocking word that He wants to bring to me to shock me into awakening.
Kenneth Copeland prophecy: That reminds me of a prophecy that Kenneth Copeland had in 2009. The great awakening that is hanging heavy over us in many nations, the great awakening. And those churches that have been teaching their people and training their people to pray – will happen there first. We didn’t know this was going to happen to us, what’s happening to us now. But we’ve been teaching and training our people to pray. He says, and people will say; this and that has broken out over there. No, answered prayer has broken out over there. Hallelujah. We are beginning to experience this. We didn’t know it would be like this. But we know it’s God. We’re saying, “Don’t stop, Lord, until we get it all. Don’t stop until it’s done.” Ja. Yes. Yes. That’s right. It’s part of what God promised us as a people, God will do in one year in your life what normally would take ten years for Him to do. He will do in one year – that was the prophecy that came through Brother Jerry and we’ve taken that word. God has really done it and He will do it if you’ll believe it. For the new people that will come, that will hear God’s call and say, “I’ve got to be here. I’ve got to be in this place.” That’s part of the prophecy; People will come into that place and say, “Oh, to be clean, to be clean.” And I will cleanse them with My blood from the top of their head to the soles of their feet. And My Word will take root in them.
Surrendered: These are words of life, and they’re bringing about death to our self-will, our self-thinking, our self-plans, our self-will – causing us to be able to surrender to Him.
Mari: It’s that time when you find a pearl of great price and you sell all that you have and that’s what you go after – this is that time. That’s exactly – this is that time. It’s to go all-in with God. Knowing everything and knowing nothing. But at Your Word, Lord, nevertheless, at Your Word we’re coming. Praise the Lord.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International