These are defining moment messages directing our lives because the entrance of the Word brings great light and understanding to our lives.
Get to know the Key Scriptures, because faith comes by hearing. The Lord wants to rub this message in; He wants us to get it. We must understand that God is God, He knows how to lead us. We must be very careful, not to be arrogant. God always hears what we speak in our hearts. God wants all our hearts to hear this message because He is calling us as a people.
Numbers 14:1-4 (AMPC) The people’s hearts were hardened.
Numbers 14:27-30 (KJV) God’s response, “I will take the children.”
There is an entering that must take place for you and me into the plans of God. The qualifier: Those who have ears to hear, what Jesus is saying to His Church. We all have to make a choice to become. If we do not turn and change, we cannot be part of that entering.
Matthew 18:1-4 (AMPC) We all can absolutely turn around. Parents have big decisions to make from now on. Will you determine the way in which your child must go or will you trust God with your child and dedicate your child to God?
Jeremiah 29:11-14 (AMPC) The One living inside of you knows the plan, come and pray it out. You cannot know the plan if you do not talk to God. If you do not know how to talk and hear from God, it is time to come to Bible School and come to Prayer Connect, to feed on the Word of God and to come and learn from Jesus.
You can no longer ask your child what he or she wants to become because it is not up to them. Seek God, He’s got the perfect plan and in that plan is all the provision, all the protection, all the elements, all the parts, all the divine alignments; everything that God has for you. We are becoming a seeking, enquiring people. Not just following our own plans anymore.
Applying Bible principles in life is not the same as following God and being led by the Holy Spirit. Only you can know if there are certain areas in your heart where you are telling God, “I’m not willing for You to touch that part in my heart” which means you want to continue exactly the way you want to continue.
Examples of parents who dedicated their children to the Lord:
1 Samuel 1:11 (MSG); Judges 13:9-12 (AMPC); Genesis 22:11 (KJV).
If you have missed it as a parent, it is not too late; redemption and restoration is your portion and God will get your child.
Revelation 18:1-3 (TPT) Come out of the world system.
1 John 2:15-16 (TPT) The love of the Father and the love of the world are incompatible. Incompatible means to clash; it means something is not in harmony; not both are true.
If one is true, one is false, and one is twisted.
Galatians 1:4 (NLT) We have been impacted and influenced by the world system. Jesus gave His life to rescue us from this evil world in which we live.
Revelation 18:4 (TPT) Don’t participate in her sins and have no share with her in her plagues.
2 Corinthians 4:4 (AMPC). Babylon means the gate of gods.
The gate of gods is actively at work to blind the minds of unbelievers not to discern the truth.
Babylon/the world system is an environment that despises God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Babylon was a city devoted to materialism and sensual pleasure; seeking wealth for self.
Patterns and examples in the Word of God, help us to recognize Babylon and to show us how much we have been impacted and imprinted and influenced already.
Genesis 11:3-4 (NKJV) What the men of Babel vainly sought, was the very thing God actually wanted to give them. 1) They wanted to build for themselves, and 2) they wanted to make a name for themselves without seeking God (Let us do what we want to do). The Word of God says, ⁶…Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, (Zechariah 4:6 NKJV).
Genesis 12:2 (NKJV)
Abram gained by faith, laying down his self-will, these very two things that the people in Babel wanted to grab for themselves and toil. Abraham did not try to build anything for himself, it was God’s plan for him.
22 The blessing of the Lord makes one rich (Proverbs 10:22 NKJV).
Put your foot in the title, I’m taking the children. That means God will take you into the next thing, the next opportunity. He will take you through the New Door.
The blessing of the Lord makes.
It brings about the next step (the next opportunity, the next divine alignment).
In the taking, the blessing is making.
Hebrews 13:7 (AMPC)
It is a privilege to witness a living example, Pastor John who, despite many opportunities to build great things for himself, choose not to and instead laid down his own will and his own platform, to be led by the Holy Spirit, so that Jesus could build (now 20 years in Witbank).
Daniel 1:3-5 (NKJV)
The second pattern to see in the world system is that of competition (for elite jobs). The children were taken from their parents to serve in Babylon and were trained and employed under the king. The king treated them honorable, making their captivity easy. Elite jobs in the world system has great benefits (delicacies from the king’s table). For most people, going to university is a must. The world system wants the best. Christians are looking and planning on having these elite jobs. Once they have it, they have to keep on advancing (improving self is a necessity of Babylon). The question is, “In whose plan are they advancing? What did God say? What is God’s plan?” This is about seeking the face of God. Change now, to walk and be led and directed by the Holy Spirit. It takes great courage to live by faith not knowing where you are going, not troubling your mind.
2 Kings 24:13-16 (NKJV)
The third example (and principle) is that Babylon conquers spiritually (warfare with the one true God) and literally (war against God’s people and the house of God).
Like King Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon still comes to plunder the very house of the Lord by taking the children to go and serve the king. Babylon uses the rich and qualified for its own advantage. The world system targets the material wealth and human resources of the church. The system comes to take the greatest (the best, the skilled, the strong), it is not interested in the poor. 7The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower is a servant to the lender (Proverbs 22:7 NKJV). Only the poorest of the poor remain in the church because the poor do not have much influence.
God wants His people to be blessed, like Abraham, and to rise up and have dominion in every area; to rule and reign with Jesus; to be a voice that speaks God’s purpose into generations.
Brother Jerry said, “Everything begins with a decision. If it is to be, then it is up to me”. Choose the life of God and the plan of God. Choose to become a seeker of God’s plan and not just going ahead with your own plans. Ask God about your children (What must this one be? How will we manage this one?). If you’ve missed it, repent. Be a doer of the Word, be led and directed by the Holy Spirit and not by self. Put your foot in the message and say to the Lord, “Not by might, nor by power, nor by ….. (your name), but by Your Spirit. Lord, I am seeking Your plan and I know it is by Your anointing in me and on me.”
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International