Crossover Part 2 – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT The spirit realm is active and to everything we’re doing there is a spiritual component. In all the decisions we make in life, as simple as they may seem, we are making a stand and we are being confronted by a system. The important thing is which system are you listening […]

Crossover Part 1 – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT We are so quick to discount the validity of people with outward flaws and imperfections. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. God chose David because God looks at what is going on in the heart. David was an anointed king in waiting. He refused […]

Family God’s Design And Desire – Ps Garth Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT We are created with desire to fulfill design. God designed the Word to teach and train us, but it is our responsibility to let it train us. We must know His will. Firmly grasping it. (Ephesians 5:17 AMPC) God is bringing about a revolution on the earth. His desire is for […]

The Law of Recognition

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT John 17:24 AMPC We are gifts from the Father to Jesus. Do you think a gift can do whatever they want to do in life? No. The gift is at the call of the Creator, the Designer. We want God’s desire and His design for our lives. John 17:23 AMPC The […]

Celebration And Relationships Part 9 – Ps John Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT There is nothing that can compare with having the life of Jesus inside of you. There is nothing on this earth, there is nothing in eternity that can come close to actually having this understanding that the Most High God is in you. The moment you were conceived as a spirit […]

Celebration And Relationships Part 8

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT I declare that the Lord gives His angels charge over you. No weapon formed against you will prosper. He walks with you, He lives with you, He goes wherever you go and whenever danger will try and come near you, He is putting His angels between danger and you. He gives […]

Celebration And Relationships Part 7 – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT I got a picture in my spirit that I have to declare over you today:  The blessings of God, the glory of God, the wonder of God, and the goodness of God are overtaking you. The blessing of God will literally overtake you and bypass the natural time and things. The […]

Celebration And Relationships Part 6 – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT We have to remember the things that the Lord has given us, all the prophetic words, then we have already got reason to celebrate our faith. We are not going backwards, we are gaining territory. We are making significant moves going forward. We take these words and we keep pressing. It’s […]

Celebration And Relationships Part 5- Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT Today I want to celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus. Christmas is not when Jesus was born, it’s just a ritual. It’s an excuse to spend money and have a good time. Why can’t we celebrate the birth of Jesus any time? Because if Jesus wasn’t born, then Jesus couldn’t […]

Celebration And Relationships Part 4 – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT Many people in the church today say, “We should at least have a church that looks like the New Testament Church, that looks like the church of the days of the book of Acts, the Pentecost Church. If we could just get back to the days of Pentecost, then we would […]