Journey To New Discoveries Part 6 Constellation – Ps Sharon Bendixen (WTB)
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Constellation is an assemblage of splendours and excellences. It means destiny. A constellation is what causes all that a man does. Constellation is an arrangement of parts and elements. The outcome depends on the configuration of the influences of the time. Constellation also means a gathering of very important people. A group […]
Journey To New Discoveries Part 5 Believe And Speak – Ps Sharon Bendixen (WTB)
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD God is very personal with a legitimate local church. It is our responsibility to be led by the Holy Spirit to be planted in a place of His choosing. We have been on a journey from ancient paths to new discoveries. God has taken performance out of our walk with Him. If […]
Journey To New Discoveries Part 4 From Ancient Paths to New Discoveries – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Demonic forces have to react to the words you speak, they can’t react to your thoughts. You can have doubts in your mind but speak the words of God out of your mouth. That’s what meditation on the Word is all about. You meditate on the Word, then those words come out […]
Journey To New Discoveries Part 3 From Ancient Paths To New Discoveries – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD If you give your everything to Jesus, then you will receive everything from Him. If you give nothing to Jesus, then there is nothing for Him to work with, that He can put back into your life, He can only draw you to a better decision. Most Christians live between nothing and […]
Journey To New Discoveries Part 2 From Ancient Paths To New Discoveries – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Scripture Reference: Psalm 8:3-9 (NKJV); John 8:25, 32, 38 (NKJV); Hebrews 2:14-15 NKJV); Ephesians 2:1-3 (NKJV); Colossians 1:13-17 (KJV) We have been born into an age where mankind’s life is developing at an incredible pace. We are privileged enough to grow up in a time when no significant major war exists. The […]
The Kingdom At Hand Part 3 – Br Bill Horn (WTB)
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Man is more mindful of time than any other thing and the church has been mindful of time, and we can’t always wait for it to end, or put limits on time. It’s only a short time we have so we have to use the time that we have for the glory […]
The Kingdom At Hand Part 2 – Br Bill Horn (WTB)
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Scripture reference: Matthew 10:7-8 (TPT); Luke 9:2,8 (TPT); Luke 10:9 (TPT); Matthew 4:23 (TPT); Matthew 6:9-12 (TPT); Isaiah 55:11; John 3:16; Romans 10:9-10; Acts 2:21; John 5:24; Luke 10:27. 95% of Christians have never shared the Gospel. I believe revival, on the inside of us, is for the church to take to […]
The Kingdom At Hand Part 1 – Br Bill Horn (WTB)
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Everything about the Kingdom of God, everything is for the harvest. Everything in the church is for one purpose; it’s for the harvest. For God so loved the world that He sent His Son, Jesus. He loved us so much that He sent Him to save the world and whosoever believeth in […]
Journey To New Discoveries From Ancient Paths To New Discoveries – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD We were born to have dominion over everything, we were not born to be trodden upon, we were not born to be subservient, we were not born to just wait for things to happen to us. We have the power to have dominion in ways that other people don’t have, if we […]
Beloved Part 22 Filled With His Words And His Spirit – Ps Sharon Bendixen (WTB)
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD The Lord is coming, through a human vessel, in January. There is a preparation and a readiness of heart, a condition of heart, that the Lord requires and desires for His people; to get into position for spiritual things that are coming. Today, if you will hear His voice, do not […]