Say: I’m not in the realm of reason or relevance or reality with any of the messages. I switched immediately. I’m zooming across, and right now I’m moving into the realm of revelation. Revelation for redemption to experience a revolution in all of my thinking and all of my lifestyle. I come to church to hear and receive from the Lord.
The Year of the Maximum; The Highest Level Attainable. The measure of our trust in God will determine how tightly we hold on to what He has asked us to let go of.
If you hold on to something very tightly and God has asked you to let go of it, then you will never ever be able to step into the things that God has got for you. He is not trying to take something from us, He is trying to give something to us. Relationally, spiritually, financially with your future. If you give something that’s precious to you to God, He will give you much more in return.
God is saying to us, “What you’re holding on to is so little, and you think that that’s all that you can get, but it’s so little. Why don’t you let go of what you think is so valuable to you, let go of it, and let Me show you how much you can have.”
Now it’s my choice. What do I give up? If it’s my most valuable thing and I’m holding onto it that tightly, that’s called a choke point. It’s too valuable to me. It’s my choke point. That will always limit how far I can go with God.
We have to evaluate, with a sober mind, what our choke points are so that we can move past it. Your choke point is also your comfort and it is what keeps you from pressing into all that God has for you.
“When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”(Luke 5:4 NKJV)
It is time for us to launch out into the deep. It means that you have to push a little, a little further and go a little deeper than you have before. Get out of your comfort zone and past your choke point. Wake up, wake up from your comfort zone, because otherwise you are going to fall asleep.
The highest level of life that is attainable to us, is life living in fellowship with God and fellowship with His Word. It is not how much money you make, it is not how important you become, it’s not how powerful you are, it’s living in Him. Allowing God to order your steps and allowing His Word to be final authority in all the affairs of your life, is how you live the maximum highest level of life attainable.
“And the disciples were astonished at His words. But Jesus answered again and said to them, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God!”(Mark 10:24 NKJV)
Trusting in riches means you are just trusting in yourself. It doesn’t mean you can’t be saved. Being saved and entering into the kingdom of God are two different things. Being saved is just an internal birth. Entering into the kingdom of God is a lifestyle. It’s the way you choose to live life.
Family is not the most important thing; following Jesus is. Your brother and your sister; that’s not the most important thing. Jesus, following Jesus, is. Houses and riches are not the most important thing. What owns you? What is your comfort zone? What is your chokepoint? Don’t mess with my future. Well, God is not trying to mess with your future, He is trying to give you one.
Say: I’m going out of my comfort zone, follow God and let me take the persecution and in the meantime, my reward is a hundredfold in what I’ve given up.”
All your life is in Him, not just a little, not just what you want to give Him, all your life. All joy, hope, peace, goodness and mercy, these are my words. You should be living life in its fullness. Loving God is the only way to live life, your best life. Never allow the love of things to become your number one pursuit in life.
The key to happiness in life is consistency. Consistency in Him and His Word. Change your inconsistency with God’s Word. Speak to it. You have to allow God to bring a message to you and you’ve got to be ready to hear what God’s saying. Then, when you hear it, you can take those steps with God.
Say: I choose to be consistent in God’s Word and His way. I change my inconsistency by speaking Your Word Lord!
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International