Lifting the Lid

PROPHETIC WORD & PRAYER: The thing that keeps coming up in my spirit is that God is lifting the lid.  God is lifting the lid to reveal what He’s put into us,  what He’s creating amongst us, and what He’s doing with us. As He’s lifting the lid, there are going to be many, many, […]

Strengthen Yourself Prophetic Word

PROPHETIC WORD & PRAYER: Strengthen Yourself Prophetic Word Pastor John Bendixen  Chaos and Crisis 5 March 2024 The Lord has put these words into my heart and tonight, I’m going to tell you about it. He has told me that there’s chaos coming and there’s crisis coming, but when the Christians understand the chaos and […]

Prophecy – 24 to 34 will Pour – Ps Sharon Bendixen

PROPHETIC WORD & PRAYER: All of the eight messages Brother Jerry brought, all of everything that God has brought to us this far, all of the prophecy promises, all of these words have been accumulating; all is now culminating and He is consummating this now in our Ecclesia, in our church. This is not a […]

When the Pattern is Right, the Glory will Fall -Garth Bendixen

PROPHETIC WORD & PRAYER: On Monday evening whilst putting Keira-Leigh to sleep, the Holy Spirit came all over me and said this to my spirit, “When the pattern is right the glory will fall.” This is something I have heard countless times and yet when He said it to me this time, I knew that […]

Prayer – 2024 Declaration from the Book of Ephesians – Ps John Bendixen

PROPHETIC WORD & PRAYER: DOWNLOAD Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,which He brought about in Christ when He raised Him from the dead,and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, and raised us […]

Prophecy – 2024 More in 24 John Bendixen

PROPHETIC WORD & PRAYER: DOWNLOAD More in ‘24  “More Maximum in ‘24”  I asked the Lord, I said, “Lord, what happens after, The Year of Maximum?” I’m just asking Him. What happens after maximum? Because if you’ve got maximum what else can you get?  So, then He said, “More, more of maximum.”  You can’t get […]

Prophecy – 2024 Year of Progressing, Advancing, Promotion Jerry Savelle

PROPHETIC WORD & PRAYER: DOWNLOAD 2024 Prophecy – Jerry Savelle  2024 The Year of Progressing, Advancing, Experiencing Promotion, and Seeing Your Highest Expectations Fulfilled.  Going into 2024  it is vital,  it is important,  it is mandatory that we  stay in faith,  stay focused on the promises of God  and do not allow anything that’s happening […]

Prayer – 2024 Take Heed How You Hear – Ps Garth Bendixen

PROPHETIC WORD & PRAYER: DOWNLOAD 18 Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; andwhoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him(Luke 8:18 NKJV).Father, my prayer is that You help us to take heed how we hear from the Spirit of […]

Prophecy – 2023 Overtaking Time John Bendixen

PROPHETIC WORD & PRAYER: When I was standing down there, I got a picture in my spirit that I have to declare over you today. The Spirit of the Lord showed me a picture and I declare these words that the blessings of God, the glory of God, the wonder of God, the goodness of […]

Prophecy – 2023 Fly Fly Fly John Bendixen

PROPHETIC WORD & PRAYER: DOWNLOAD Hey, hey, hey, hey.  It’s My Spirit I bring so that you can sing.  Fly, Fly, Fly It’s My Spirit I bring that your life may fly on a wing.  Fly on a wing. Fly on a wing. My Spirit He brings.  This is no time to say I’m out […]