Precious Promises Part 2 – Ps Sharon Bendixen
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT Thank you, Lord God, for your presence and guidance. Thank you that we can be receptive to God’s word and your messages. Message Moments is a time when we as a church can revisit and reflect on previous sermons to deepen our understanding and ensure the messages resonate throughout the week. […]
Precious Promises Part 1 – Ps Sharon Bendixen
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT The Lord is with you. God, the Judge of the whole earth, got some things settled. He got glory and He got a great breaking loose for Himself. We gave God our yes, that we welcome His Holy Fire. God said, tell My people that all of these words from 2010 […]
The Response And The Reach – Ps John Bendixen
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT Our prayers for the nation have been working. We are headed for a true democracy. Politicians and government leaders will now have to work together to find the best solution for the reason they have been elected; to serve the people. I believe that God’s got good things for our country. […]
Crossover Part 42: Accumulation and Culmination – Ps Sharon Bendixen
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT What does Accumulating mean? It means to bring together in a quantity, to increase gradually in quantity and number. Accumulate means to gather and cause to increase. Accumulate means to mount up, pile up, heap up. All the messages and prophecy promise all the words have been accumulating. Culminating means to […]
Crossover Part 41 – Ps John Bendixen
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT It’s my desire and I believe it’s the leading of the Holy Spirit to take a moment to pause, to recognize the significance of a man who lived his life for 55 years, completely dedicated to the service of God, and what that means to you and I going forward. This […]
Crossover Part 39 Heeding the Call – Ps Melusi Ngcobo
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT We don’t fight like the world fights. The weapons of our warfare, they are not like the world’s. They might look weak to the world. Just for example, the first weapon that we have is coming clean, and confessing our sins. That is the weapon against the power of sin. We […]
Crossover Part 38 Get Wisdom – Ps Christi Grobler
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT Wisdom is the art of living in accordance with God’s expectations and His will. Wisdom comes from searching and seeking. (Prov 8:17) Wisdom is the principal thing, we must get wisdom. (Prov 4:7) Wisdom is advancing and promoting us. There are many things that only wisdom can do for you. Do […]
Crossover Part 36 Reset – Ps John Bendixen
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT There are many reasons why people make decisions and do things in life. Make decisions based on the will of God for your life. To make decisions purely for survival is the lowest form of decision making. Pursue God as your first point of contact, not your last. We are in […]
Crossover Part: 35 Love Light and Life – Ps John Bendixen
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT The fact that Jesus would come and die for us is a miracle. Before the foundation of the earth was formed, God had a plan to save you and me. God gives us the space to repent. We can have that walk with Him, that He doesn’t require perfection. He requires […]
Crossover First Fruits Part 14 – Ps John Bendixen
MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT Our church is not a project-orientated church. We do not just give towards projects because the purpose draws us. We give because our hearts are in what God is doing with money. We have to be set free towards money in our hearts, otherwise there will always be this thing where […]