When God made Adam and Eve in Adam, He put him in a box, that box was called earth. He made them in His image, to be a powerful speaking spirit. That power had to be contained and confined to a space. God instructed them to have dominion and this is the reason man wants to dominate. God didn’t design us to worry about what we’re going to eat or drink or wear. He gave mankind power and provided everything we might need. What I’ve got to do is I’ve got to pursue the Maker who put me here because when I pursue Him, He shows me how to live out of any box, not confined by boxes.
Don’t think that all these people that are running around the earth making bigger, more glamorous boxes for themselves, they are supposed to be the pinnacle of our desire or our evidence of something that we want to chase after, but they’re anti-God. When we are doing what they do, we are just as evil, if we don’t chase God. Whether you’re Christian or not, your works are the same evil.
Say: I am the living image of the Father on the earth. Lord, help me to teach my children not to chase after boxes but help me to lead them to the Creator of the box.
God wants a group of people that have their hearts turned towards Him. He wants them to show everybody else on the earth how to live. We will all have to answer to God one day about what we did with His dominating power on the earth.
Our legacy goes all the way back to Abraham. The God of Abraham is also our God. If I put the government of God in my life, then everything that Abraham’s got for me comes to me. If I don’t put God first place, then all the governments on the earth can’t protect me enough.
What is the promise we are inheriting from Abraham? Wherever you go, I am with you, and whoever blesses you will be blessed, and whoever curses you will be cursed. If someone is cursing you and you’re walking with God, the curse is coming on them. (Galatians 3:26)
Say: I am an heir according to the promise. The blessing of God is overtaking me. I am functioning in my gift.
Being like Christ and living as Christ is God’s desire for us from the beginning to the end. God is gathering all to Himself who wants to be in Him. We are His purchased possession. Therefore our focus should be to please Him, to live in Him, to find our life and move and have our being in Him.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International