Crossover First Fruits Part 14 – Ps John Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT Our church is not a project-orientated church. We do not just give towards projects because the purpose draws us. We give because our hearts are in what God is doing with money. We have to be set free towards money in our hearts, otherwise there will always be this thing where […]

Crossover First Fruits Part 13 – Ps Sharon Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT Poverty is an aberration of God’s order. God never intended for us to have lack. The Lord is our Shepherd, we shall not lack. We ought not to lack because God is a God in His kingdom of abundance. It’s not His order. Jesus died to bring back the order that […]

Crossover First Fruits Part 12 – Ps John Bendixen and Ps Sharon Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT Pastor John: What the first fruits are doing is reaching into the future and commanding the fullness of productivity, the fullness of blessing, the fullness of increase. What you do now reaches into the future and ensures the fullness of what must come. God is commanding the blessings to be upon […]

Crossover First Fruits Part 6 – Ps Christi Grobler

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT Today we can walk in the promises, this is our prayer that we are actually bringing God our First Fruits. Ezekiel 44:30 (ESV), And the fruits of all the first fruits of all kinds. This can be money, houses, it can be produced but we are here today to give our […]

Crossover First Fruits Part 10 – Ps John Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT God, as a Continuous Perfect State of Being, lives in a place where it is a continuous perfect state of occupation. He brings with Him a continuous perfect state of order. He created earth to be a representation of heaven. As it is in heaven, so should it be on earth. […]

Crossover First Fruits Part 9 – Ps John Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT The world measures success and failure on a different level than God. Obedience to God makes you successful regardless of the outcome. Your willingness to go and to flow with the Holy Spirit makes you successful. Anytime you obey God, success is predictable. Obedience to God will always predictably lead you […]

Crossover First Fruits Part 7 – Ps John Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT Say: I’m perfect, and I am determined to be perfect continuously today as I live in a state of being with my Heavenly Father. What are our challenges? Reality, Reason, Relevance – The bible says: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for putting down […]

Crossover First Fruits Part 5 – Ps John Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT In the beginning was the Word. In the beginning was the Continuous Perfect State of Being. And the Continuous State of Being, the Word, was in the Continuous State of Being. He was in the beginning with God, who also is a Continuous Perfect State of Being. All things were made […]

Crossover First Fruits Part 3 – Ps John Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT If God is a Continuous Perfect State of Being God, what’s the devil then? He is a continuous imperfect state of current being, his state of being changes because he is imperfect. Satan is called the father of lies.  In Luke 4 Jesus says, “I’ve been sent to deliver the captives, […]

Crossover First Fruits Part 2 – Ps John Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT It’s an amazing and wonderful thing to be in the presence of God and to know the Living God. Matthew 4:17 TPT – From that time on Jesus began to proclaim His message with these words: ”Keep turning away from your sins and come back to God, for heaven’s kingdom realm […]