Ultimate Impact Limitless Imagination Part 2 -Ps John Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT Everything you do in life has a rhythm. You always have to adjust to the different rhythms of life. We have to step into the Holy Ghost rhythm of what God has for us. Faith has a rhythm based on circumstances. Sometimes it is time to sow your seed, and then […]

Ultimate Impact Limitless Imagination – Ps John Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT We’re on a journey to new discoveries. We are in crossover, we are in reset, and we’re following the plan that God has for our lives. This is probably the most exciting thing that you and I can do, to follow God’s plan for our lives. It’s to do what He […]

Motion for Promotion Part 8 – Ps John Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT When God made Adam and Eve in Adam, He put him in a box, that box was called earth. He made them in His image, to be a powerful speaking spirit. That power had to be contained and confined to a space. God instructed them to have dominion and this is […]

Motion for Promotion Part 7 – Ps John Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT If you’re a Christian, you give your life to Jesus, you have a real opportunity in life that Jesus is your Savior of all boxes. Don’t you want the saving power of Jesus to deliver you from boxes and put you into a whole new world that He creates for you? […]

Motion for Promotion Part 6 – Ps John Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT The life of God is the ultimate government. It’s the ultimate law. The absence of God in government, or the absence of God’s law on the earth, guarantees destruction. If we make choices to say we don’t need God’s government in our lives, then we are saying, wherever we choose to […]

Motion for Promotion Part 5 – Ps John Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT God has given us a very powerful weapon, and the weapon is to show our trust in Him. He recognises and reveals Himself more to us because we trust Him. Our biggest challenge that we face on a daily basis with our lives is that we have to trust God that […]

Legacy Sons of God -Ps Justin Bridges

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT Pastor John: Remember in March the Lord said that there would be crisis and chaos? But if we will keep our eyes open, it will not come near us. And in recent times, the Lord’s been very clear that, actually, opportunities are going to present themselves to us. And I’m going […]

Motion For Promotion Part 3 – Ps John Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT Pastor John shares an anecdote about Brother Jerry, who receives annual prophetic words from the Lord. He reflects on a phrase that has been resonating in his spirit, He’s lifting the lid, which signifies God revealing and adding new things to the congregation. He likens it to cooking, where lifting the […]

Motion for Promotion Part 2 – Ps John Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT 9 “But I am the Lord your God, … 10 I have also spoken by the prophets, And have multiplied visions; I have given symbols through the witness of the prophets.” (Hosea 12:9-10, NKJV). There is a place that God has chosen to bring to His people an increase of visions, […]

Motion for Promotion – Ps John Bendixen

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT DOWNLOAD HIGHLIGHT 10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10 NLT) We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things He had planned […]