Crossover Part 32: The Path to Dominion – Ps John Bendixen

TRANSCRIPTION Scripture reference: Isaiah 55:6 (NKJV); Isaiah 55:8-9 (NKJV); Isaiah 55:11 (NKJV); Isaiah 9:6-7 (NKJV); Romans 14:17 (NKJV); Matthew 6:33 (NKJV); Genesis 1:26&28 (NKJV); Genesis 2:16-17 (NKJV); Genesis 3:17-19 (NKJV); Genesis 4:1-12 (NKJV); Hebrews 11:4 (AMPC); John 1:29-30 & 35 (NKJV); 1 Peter 1:18-20 (NKJV); 1 Peter 1:23-24 NKJV); Malachi 3:3 (NKJV); Malachi 7-12 (NKJV); […]
Crossover Part 17: Crossover from the Curses to the Blessing – Ps John Bendixen

TRANSCRIPTION Scripture reference: Eph 5: 1-6 (NKJV); Exodus 20:5-6 (NKJV); Exodus 20:7-11 (NKJV); Deuteronomy 28:1-2 (NKJV); Deuteronomy 28:15-21 (NKJV); Deuteronomy 28:25-29 (NKJV); Deuteronomy 28:42-44 (NKJV); Colossians 1:13,14 (NKJV); 1 John 3 :8-9 (NKJV); Deuteronomy 28:8-14 (NKJV); Exodus 7:20, (NKJV); Deuteronomy 28:1 (NKJV) Pastor Sharon: Father, once again as a congregation together we want to say. […]
Crossover Part 16: Crossover from the Curses to the Blessing – Ps John Bendixen

TRANSCRIPTION Scripture Reference: Colosians 1:19-20 (NKJV); Colossians 2:13-15 (NLT); Jeremiah 17:5-10 (NLT); Isaiah 14:9-11, 16-19 (NKJV); Galatians 1: 6-8 (NLT) Pastor Sharon Bendixen: Glory to God. Can we just close that door at the back there, please? Thank you so much. I appreciate that. Thank you. Glory to God. Let’s pray. Father, we thank You […]
Crossover Part 15: Crossover from the Curses to the Blessing – Ps John Bendixen

TRANSCRIPTION Scripture reference: Genesis 1:28-29 (NLT), Genesis 2:15-17 (NLT); Genesis 3:1-24 (NLT); Genesis 4:2-15 (NLT) Well, today’s a grand day. It’s a wonderful day. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Yeah. Today is the day where we get to share some things that God is continuously showing, His goodness, His favour, His blessing on me […]
Crossover Part 6: The Life We Live – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

TRANSCRIPTION Scripture reference: Romans 12:2 (NLT); Genesis 15:1-8 (NLT); Genesis 17:1-8 (NLT); Genesis 22:12-19 (NLT) Praise Jesus. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Father, that Your Word enters the hearts of Your people. That Your Word that is declared accomplishes that which it sent out to do. And none of it […]
Crossover Part 5 – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

TRANSCRIPTION Scripture Reference: 2 Peter 1:14-21 (NLT); Acts 13:14-26 (NLT); Joshua 1:7-9 (NLT); Psalm 48:9-10 (NLT); Psalm 119:47-52 (NLT); Colossians 3:1-17 (NLT) I mean, I don’t work with the team to pick the songs or know what they’re going to sing on a Sunday morning. I find out normally when I come in here, sometimes […]
Crossover Part 2 – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

TRANSCRIPTION Scripture reference: Ephesians 2:1-3 (TPT); Hebrews 6:1-8 (NKJV); 2 Peter 1:3-11 (NLT); 2 Peter 1:5-7 (NLT); Session 1 So, we had a pretty dynamic morning session. Yes? I think we kind of pulled the veil back in terms of the fact that everything we’re doing there’s a spiritual component to it. There’s definitely a […]
Breaking Point Blessing – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

TRANSCRIPTION Scripture reference: Haggai 2:7-9 (AMPC); Psalms 27:4 (NKJV); Acts 5:15 NKJV); Acts 2:17 (AMPC); Luke 5:1-10 (AMPC); Luke 5:5 (NKJV) Pastor Sharon: Father, as Pastor John comes to bring another message, Lord, we already receive, we already believe, we do not receive it as the word of mere man, as it says in the […]