2025 Prophetic Word Alive and Thrive – Ps John Bendixen

8 December 2024
In 2025, you and I are going to be more and more alive. I believe in 2025 that you and I are going to thrive.

1 January 2025
We are going to stay alive in 2025.
We are going to be alive to all of the things that God has planned for us, and we receive all of the good things that God has for us – both spiritual blessings and natural blessings.
We receive them in 2025.
16 December 2024
We, as a ministry, are accelerating into our future.
This is where God has positioned us as a ministry that after our crossover and after our reset, we are now at a place where we can begin to accelerate.
This acceleration is a shifting process.
You will find that this process, as you’re accelerating, brings all kinds of new things.
The scenery is changing quicker.
Everything around you is changing much faster.
When you’re going in first gear, you find that when you put your foot on the accelerator and take your foot off the accelerator, there’s a jerky movement going on the whole time.
You will see that as things are happening, it might feel like this.
Now, we are in acceleration mode and it is going to feel like there are moments of great intensity; great intensity.
Sometimes it might feel like even, “Oh, we were going so well and now suddenly the foot is off. And now we are going so well and now suddenly the foot is off,” but we are just waiting to get to gear two and then shift into gear three so that when we keep going, there is the momentum that keeps carrying us.
The Lord has been sharing with me and speaking to my heart that He’s going to accelerate things in our ministry.
Things are going to happen quicker, faster.
That means that sometimes it’s going to be more intense.
Intensity in the spirit requires a response of faith.
It does not require a response of emotion or a response of changing for the sake of making change happen.
Intensity in the spirit realm requires a response of faith because as the intensity increases, it’s like the bigger the light, the more moths come to the light.
The faster we accelerate, the more God does with us, the bigger the distance we can go, and the
more that comes with us, the intensity by nature will attract unwanted elements.
That’s not a time to respond with comfort and say, “I would like to go back to the comfort; let’s switch the light off.”
When the lights are on, when the movement is there and you’re going, that’s not a time to say, “Stop accelerating.”
That’s a time to keep going because now we’ve got the real momentum.
We need to learn to have foresight and have things that we can see coming from further away so that we can be prepared for them.
How do we do that? It’s the Holy Spirit that helps us see further in the spirit.
Declaration: “I’m in agreement that God is going to speak to me by the Holy Spirit and I am going to have prophetic words. I am going to have special insights by the Holy Spirit into things that are coming, things that I need to do, the ways that I need to go, how I need to make things happen. I’m in agreement with Pastor John and I’m in agreement with this church. I have a hope. I have a hope. I have a hope that I will be and do and become everything that I must do and be and become. I have a hope and I’m believing that I will see, that I will do all of that. I have a hope.”

31 December 2024
God is going to cause us to advance and accelerate into the things that God has for us, into our future; He’s going to accelerate things in 2025 and beyond.
The acceleration has begun in our lives.
It’s already visible in the natural, but you just keep speaking it and watch God do something.

1 January 2025
As we move through 2025, we are going to be moving at a pace.
As we are moving into the really wonderful things that God has for us, stay focused.
Be mindful of arguments, reasonings, thought-life, the stuff that comes to your head, the deceitfulness of the systems around us, the fantasies of men, the extreme things that come your way.
Remember that actually, God has got His own things that He wants to do for you that are beyond your wildest imagination.
2025 is our year of acceleration, and God is going to accelerate us into the good things that He has planned for us.
Wherever the enemy wants to try and distract us, slow us down, and bring up arguments and theories and all kinds of imaginations, we put aside those fantasies.
We recognize them by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
We put aside those fantasies and we keep running hard for the prize of the high calling of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
Redeeming Time
31 December 2024
I am convinced of this; the enemy of God has used systems, the world’s ways, and people to come and try and prevent you from being the gift that God has placed in you in its greater fullness.
But I’m convinced that God is busy redeeming time, and He is busy redeeming your gift in your life. I want to encourage you to press into God in 2025 and beyond.
Just press into Him and let Him redeem your gift.
Let’s just think about being useful to God right now.
Let’s not try and evaluate or measure our gifts and our lives. Let’s just be useful now and let Him do what He needs to do.
Fervency in Prayer
1 January 2025
We must be fervent in prayer in 2025.
We must be fervent in prayer.
We have to continue to pray as much as we possibly can.
In this year of 2025, we are going to have some victories in prayer.
The Lord is going to cause us to have victories in prayer, and we are going to raise up people that can pray around the world.
This is going to be a mighty, mighty thing for God that’s going to happen, and it’s all because of you. Because you come to prayer every week.
So, we have to continue to be a people that are fervent in prayer. We cannot lose our fervency of prayer.
We have got to be fervent; it means you are zealous.
You are committed to it.
You are going to stay the course. You’re fervent in it.

James 5:16 AMPC
The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power
available [dynamic in its working].