Let these messages prepare you to be ready to receive the fullness and for the Songs and the Sounds released to do what it needs to do – for the God results that God declared and that He is bringing to pass (Music Prophecy). We can have the full effect of the penetration in the piercing of spiritual sounds and songs personally and in us as a collective greatness, because we want the presence of God.
Dispensation of the Holy Spirit
It is the Dispensation of the Holy Spirit in this time of the church. The Holy Spirit draws from Jesus to lead everything in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. In God’s order the Holy Spirit transmits, declares and discloses to leaders that He has called and who are listening (John 16:13-14, 15:26 AMPC). If the Holy Spirit is not leading in the church, then Jesus is not building there, and then the gates of hell will prevail there (Matthew 16:18 ESV).
Occupy spirit real dimensions
People are having interactive soul experiences in most of the music happening in the body of Christ today. Jesus, the Head of the Music Ministry in His church, is wanting to occupy the spirit realm dimensions of Song and Sound allotted to the church. Only spirit can occupy the spirit realm.
New songs will just keep coming. We will continue to release the songs as the Lord brings. The new songs are for the new things in the New Era of the church. The Holy Spirit is conducting the Heritage Music Ministry.
Led by the Holy Spirit – 1 Corinthians 2:9-14 (KJV)
God reveals everything to His church, by His Spirit We are led by the Holy Spirit in everything. You have not been given the spirit of the world. You are to have a strong spirit, not a strong soul. A strong spirit comes from Spirit Words and Spirit life. It’s not possible for a natural man to see spiritual things. If you’re natural all the time, your world will be natural. A strong spirit needs three square meals a day, at least
The way you bring heaven to earth in your earthen vessel in this local church is to have recognition of the time and to have these messages in your ears, in your heart and in your mouth. There are many ways to feed your spirit man with spiritual things (the Word of God, the messages, Scripture, intimacy and fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit, praying in the Spirit).
God’s order
In His Music Ministry, in His local church, God’s order is of utmost importance to Him. We must learn to flow with the Spirit. We must learn to minister under the anointing. We need to understand the role music plays in affecting the ministry. The anointing is God, the Holy Spirit moving and coming upon (2 Kings 3:15 KJV).
Ministry of Helps
The Music Ministry falls under the Ministry of Helps (1 Corinthians 12:28). It helps the Holy Spirit to be able to move in His church. Music affects all the ministries and will affect the anointing. Singing the wrong song kills the anointing. It’s necessary that singers and musicians be in tune with the Spirit of God as much as the minister is. God wants spiritual people in a church to sing. The pattern has got to be according to God for His Glory to fall (His manifest goodness, power and presence) (2 Chronicles 5:12-14 AMP).
How can we as a local church, and His Ecclesia, bring the presence of God to us?
It will not be man’s way, it will be God’s way.
Let Scripture Speak; see the order of God
The New Testament church followed the pattern of David’s tabernacle for Music Ministry, Songs and Sounds (Acts 15:16-17 NKJV).
The Levites represent the five-fold ministry in the church. The ark of the Lord was symbolic of His presence. All the church agreed, for it seemed right in the eyes of all the people to bring the Ark, but because it was all out of God’s order, there were consequences. David was offended, but should have first asked the question, “How can I bring the ark of God home to me?” David went and had a look at the writings of Moses (1 Chronicles 13:1-14 AMPC).
It is the fivefold minister’s responsibility for the spirituality of Jesus’ Music Ministry. There are different classes of singers, not to compare and compete – it is the order of God. There is a leader of the Levites in singing, put in charge of carrying the ark (the presence of God) and lifting up song. Pastor John is the spiritual leader over everything, but here is a type of what Pastor John put Pastor Sharon in charge of – spiritual musical director, learned in spiritual songs. The singers are to live clean before God, sanctifying themselves. (1 Chronicles 15:1-4, 12-22; 26-27 & 16:4 AMPC).
Babylon has fallen – Revelation 18:1-5, 21-22 (KJV) & 18:22 (MSG)
This is very important prophetically for us, in our church right now. Babylon has occupied the spirit realm dimension of Sound and Song and music, and God says it will no more, because He has found a church that will occupy the Spirit realm. You will still hear the sounds and songs of Babylon, but they will no longer have the impact and the effect and the influence on mankind like they used to. That time is over because it’s the time of God. (Ezekiel 26: 13-14 NKJV).
God’s desire is for the church to rise up with Sound and Song and occupy the Spirit realm dimensions for Him. The power of Babylon music has fallen. It will never rise again. The Lord God Almighty, His Sound of Music will now be heard in the earth. We occupy by being obedient to the Holy Spirit in Sound and in Song in this New Era of His church.
God is making all things new
God is now going to occupy the spirit realm dimension with Sound and Song (Isaiah 24:5-11 MSG), because He so loved the world (John 3:16 NKJV).
In music our fight is not against flesh and blood – Ephesians 6:10-12 (NLT)
One of the strategies that the devil has been using has been in Sound and Song – to capture the lives of men and women and mankind.
God is having His way – Revelation 12:9 (KJ21); Psalm 137:1-4 (KJ21)
The Spirit realm has been laughing at the church’s Sounds and Songs, because of the hearts of people, full of Babylon, full of worldly things, entrenched in the world system.
We will rock you – Joel 3:16; Isaiah 2:19; Hebrews 12:26
The Lord says He’s about to rock this world.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit and His Now Generation church, will rock, shake violently, startle, disturb and give vigorous blows to the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, the spiritual wickedness in heavenly places.
Sing a new song – Isaiah 42:10
Sing a song, such as has never been heard in the heathen world. No more epic rock anthems. They may sing it still, but it will never have the impact and the effect ever again on mankind that it has had. God is bringing an anointing because the Word of God has released it. The Spirit of God has had a say in what is now going to happen.
Invitation: Sound and Song
God has got us on our momentum where we’ve got to release more albums and songs quickly, because the spirit realm must hear what’s going on. The church has got to stand and rise. Occupation can’t happen if we don’t sing the sounds. We have a God-ordained obligation to release what we must release. The moment for it is now.
If you come with a heart ready, you can receive from the Word of God, from the Holy Spirit things into your life that God has ordained for us to be able to do.
Invitation: Relationship
Come celebrate with Pastor John and Sharon 40 years of marriage by the Word. It is their desire that the anointing that God has allowed them to enjoy in their marriage to come upon you and your relationships.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International