I see God moving in such a way that it’s like the sun rising – it’s unstoppable.
It is His time.
23Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it. (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 NKJV).
A God-governed life is a fruitful life.
You are a three-part being. The person that you are (spirit and soul) will live for eternity and your body will cease to exist. There comes a time where your body is no longer the most important thing. What the spirit-man is, will dictate the outcomes of the soul life and your future. If your soul is not dictated by your spirit, then your soul will be dictated by your sense-living.
Genesis 2:15-18, 22-25 (NKJV)
God made man a helper, comparable to him; the same spirit and soul, a different body.
Adam and Eve’s bodies were the least important of what God made. Their bodies were merely hosting their spirits and their souls. Their essence of partnership with God was not a physical partnership, they were to rule and have dominion. It was more about what was in their spirit and soul (their spirit and soul man were equal).
Everybody else in the world says, “I don’t understand women? Why would I want to say that when God has actually placed me with a woman and everything I want to do is to understand her? Everything I have ever said is, “I understand Pastor Sharon, all her emotions, desires, passions, everything. Life and death are in the power of the tongue, I don’t want that part of my life to die.
Some things that are unique about a woman physiologically doesn’t make me understand her less. When I say, “I understand her”, then I can understand her because my words create a spiritual condition and a soul condition which opens my heart, my words and my future to be able to understand everything that she desires. I have all these years of spoken words; I understand her.
God made woman a very powerful super-being. I’m not intimidated by that super-being. I embrace her, I celebrate her, I understand her, I love her, I speak the word of God over her and I bless her. I consider everything that she wants in her life as almost my command to be something special to her. It’s the way I live my life. That’s the foundation of why we have such a great relationship.
It is a God-given principle that you and your woman are co-labourers, co-partners, equal in spirit and soul. The only difference is that you, as a man, might have a stronger physical body than the woman. The danger of adopting any of the principles of the world system about the differences between men and women and this unrighteous attack on equality, is that it leads to men losing their identity of what they need to be in society.
The ultimate end of this is that when you die, and your body ceases to exist you are going to have an encounter with Jesus and no-one else will be in that conversation and equation. It will only be about your obedience to God. You are not called to marriage, you are called through marriage. And when children become adults, they transition from being their parent’s kid to being God’s kid. Young adults become God’s and the church’s responsibility to make their calling come to pass.
That’s why people are supposed to stay planted in a church long enough. Uniquely put together by God, to help form and develop together (confrontation is inevitable). The place where everybody starts is the basic unit or family living, honouring your mother and father. As time passes, it becomes a matter of honour (instead of obedience). Honour is such a higher level of living with parents. Parents should be in church allowing the body to affect the blood-bought family. There comes a point where children are not supposed to hear from parent’s anymore, but from God for themselves.
Parents think they have a right to their children’s future more than God does. Men and women think that they have a right to their marriage partners, but their partners belong to Jesus. My children and my grandchildren are not my property to make spiritual decisions about their involvement with a blood-bought church. The blood-bought church must have an involvement and a say in what they become in their gifts and their callings. Children should be in church a lot and have relationships in the church a lot. We think we know what’s best for our kids? But God’s agenda is the thing that must stand.
John 2:1-7 (NLT) Jesus answers his mother, “Dear woman” as putting her on a spiritual footing that says, “You’re no longer mother to Me. You are a spirit being placed by God in eternity to walk with Me”. He was speaking to her as a Spirit in a woman’s body. He was no longer speaking to her as a mother. She did not want to let go of the mother title. Mother status and brother status were no longer the important status in Jesus’ life, but the will of the Father and those that follow the will of God mattered more than anything to Him.
At least 24 people were involved in this miracle (4 people carrying 6 x 100 to 150 litres to the well). Mary didn’t have the power other than the power that Jesus would let her have, based on the honour of a mother. She made a pull on Him as a mother. The people that work with me, have such a settled, powerful understanding of how they live and work in the ministry carrying clay pots, or carrying jars.
A miracle of turning water into wine happens because she pulled on the honour principle of mother. To God mothers are powerful in the outcome of their children. Mothers have to be very careful what they put into their children’s spirit and what they put into their souls for them to become something that God doesn’t want them to become. Mothers are so passionate about their children becoming something, that they take the role of God. Why would you want your child following all of the weaknesses that are in your life? We just raise them according to what our value system is and we think they must live like us. Maybe you do it for you, but what about what God says about it? We’ve been impacted for generations. The Babylonian system and all the ways of the world have been telling us how to live and they have got no clue.
Acts 16:7-10; 12-15 (AMPC)
The Holy Spirit can permit you not to go to towns, not to buy houses or sell houses or do stuff. He wants to be involved in all those decisions if you’ll let Him. God is actively involved in telling us where we can go and where we shouldn’t go.
Lydia persuaded Paul with her faith, her love for God, her resources, her words and all her influence. This was a powerful woman. If men want to be men, they can’t be afraid of superpower women. A feminist on the other hand doesn’t want God to be the leader in her life, she wants her own political, liberal views to be the thing that runs her life. A woman who is a lover of God, can do things that are so powerful, dynamic and spiritual, that they can change the course of an apostle’s history. It was clear that God intended Paul to meet Lydia. Paul had a meaningful partnership with his church at Philippi. Lydia was the first leader of the Church of Philippi. She was a divine connection.
It is about an understanding of spirituality as people (male and female). Paul encounters another woman controlled by another force (a familiar spirit). Lydia was the one providing for all his needs, whereas the familiar spirit was providing for the needs of other men in the city that were ungodly and in an unholy way. The devil tries to mirror what God is doing all the time. He caused divisions in the city.
God didn’t make us be alone. God made us to be in a community. Parents do a good job while you can, kids honour your parents when you grow up, visit them, love them, listen to them. Carefully give them all the affection and all the respect that you need to give them. If you should differ, don’t have arguments with them, just say, God’s got His agenda for our lives and our kids and it’s not yours.”
If you’re a superpower man, you can have a super understanding of the superwoman. We are all supposed to be super-beings. In God, super-beings produce super things.
Say, “I’m a son of God. I ask you, Lord, to make yourself more real to me every day. I receive you in my heart, as my Lord and Saviour, and that You save me, from myself, from all my weird things in Jesus’ name. I thank You, Lord, that You help me become a person that completely follows You, in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah
I am a person that is following Jesus completely. I have the wisdom of God, the intelligence of God; the direction of God. Everything that I must do, will be in alignment with Him and puts me on my life assignment. I give my wholehearted affection to Him this week, in Jesus name.” Because He is my Good Shepherd, whatever is being put in me, by whoever, with whatever, however, God will unscramble my brain.
© 2024 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International