God is always dealing with our spirits. He’s never going to deal with our minds or bodies. What He deals with you, in the spirit man, will change the way you think, and it will change the way you behave. If you try and get rid of your weaknesses so that you can get favour with God, you’re never going to get favour with God because God doesn’t deal with you because you can control your weakness, or you can control your self-nature. God deals with you because you give Him your heart. You give Him the choices of your life. You give Him your spirit life, and then the power of His Spirit changes you from the inside. It’s important that you learn that when the desires come for things, that you have the power of the Spirit to say no to them. Not because you have the willpower to say no to it, but because you have the spirit life to say no and to say yes. You need to be able to say yes to the things of God, as much as you need to be able to say no to the flesh and to the things that attract you.
Don’t put your body first, don’t put your mind first, put your spirit first. What you focus on is what you develop, and you are in danger of not nourishing and growing your inner man. If you put your mind and your body first and you do not give nourishment to your spirit, then you’re going to be in danger. Your spirit is the real you and contacts God and should direct every part of your life. That’s the real you.
The difference between a strong spirit and a weak spirit is what you feed it. It’s what you feed it. It’s the choices that you make. It’s the way you follow God.
Say: My spirit man is the real me! I choose to focus on and develop my spirit.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. (John 3:6 NKJV)
We all have been given faith. If you don’t have faith, you have nothing. Faith causes you to live in His Word. We have precious faith. It is our faith that is more precious than gold. I would rather chase the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and have His advantage that He gives me. His divine power has given me all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge that was given as a prophetic word of His intent towards us. (2 Peter 1:2-3) I receive the knowledge of Him, and I receive His Divine power to have what He prophesied, and He declared He would give to me. Divine favour, Divine favour with such unprecedented goodness and greatness that other people will be astounded, I receive the exceedingly great and precious promises that God has given me.
Say; “I receive it. I am a partaker of the Divine nature of God.”
I understand the real me needs to be fed. I feed the real me with the Word of God. I feed the real me with worship and praise and thanksgiving; out of my mouth. I fill my ears, and I fill my life with sound and song. I fill my room, I fill my day with worship, and I give thanks to God. I praise Him. I fill my days with the Word of God. I’m constantly, constantly meditating on the will of God for my life.”
I’m constantly meditating, I’m constantly looking into my inner man for things that God wants to say about every single conversation that I have, every single meeting that I have, every single encounter that I have. When I come into the presence of someone that’s got a strong soul and strong desire, strong intent, strong emotions going on, I have to sometimes calibrate my soul and say, “Be quiet. Listen to my spirit man. What’s my spirit man telling me? What’s God telling me through my spirit man?
The lust of the flesh that is constantly coming at me. I escape it, because His Divine nature is living in me. I escape it through His promises that He’s given me. I escape the corruption.
How do you escape it? I feed my spirit man with the fact that God looks after me and He gives me long life, and He satisfies me; He shows me salvation. He gives me strength, so that when I’m weary, I don’t feel the weariness, because through my weakness He’s made strong. The Word of God says, I shall run, and I will not grow weary. I shall walk and not go faint. That is a promise God has given me. Through that promise I can escape the corruption of the world. The world does not know me, and the world does not know you, because they do not know Jesus. They do not know the Father, God, so they cannot predict how you will behave. They cannot predict or determine the outcome of your life.
2 Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 3 And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. 3…everyone who has this hope… purifies himself, just as He is pure (1 John 3:1-3 NKJV). Meditate on that. Everyone that has this hope that He has given us and bestowed on us the great love to be called sons, the real man is the spirit man and that if you just accept that He loves you, and that He wants to give you all of Himself to you, and show Himself to you, then you purify yourself, if you have hope in that.
The world teaches you to depend on yourself, but the Word teaches you to depend on God. There is no person on this earth that has got wealth, power, status, or anything that they on the outside might look like they’ve got it made, they are never satisfied, because God designed every human being only to be satisfied by Him. Even though they may have rejected God, if they reject God, still, they will never be satisfied, because God created them to have Him dwell in them.
The world wants us to live according to our own passions, according to our own desires, according to ourselves. If you do that, you can’t have an unrestricted love relationship with your brother.(1 John 2:8-11) It has to be restricted based on your own dependence on yourself. If I love God, and I am doing the will of God, and He is number one in my life, everything I do now abides forever. If I love the world, and I have a lust for the things of the world, and I have a pride of life in me, that is all about me. Everything I do, even though I’m a Christian, everything I do, dies with me. It’s going to be burnt like wood, hay and stubble; it will be burnt up. It cannot be in the presence of God.
And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. (I John 2:17 NKJV)
God is all about abiding, He is not about binding. He has not come to bind you to a set of works. He has come to empower you to be abiding. We don’t have to be bound to our past, we don’t have to be bound to our natural selves, we don’t have to be bound to all the things that people say that we must be self-dependent. We can abide in Him and then all things in our lives get given to us freely.
I believe it is time for us to put into warp speed everything that God has been talking to us about with educating our young people and having a system, ourselves, this ministry having a system, a program, that we can teach our children things that are acceptable to the standards that the world say that we have to live up to, but we can teach them God
because I trust God and I do not depend on myself, God has made everything come to pass that He has called me to do and He is busy making it come to pass. We are just getting started. We have to come along with Pastor John. God is looking, God is establishing for Himself a people that will go with him.
The world system is teaching us to depend on ourselves. We must learn to live by our faith, not depend on ourselves. The world system, the enemy of God, is after your mind to cause you to think like it’s telling you to think so that you don’t accomplish the will of God for your life. If you know Him, you don’t have to depend on anybody else. There is one Person you can trust, His name is Jesus. He will never let you down, He will never forsake you, He will always keep you, He will always be strong for you and He will lead you and guide you into the truth that you need everywhere you go and in everything you do. We are into the Most High God. We trust Him, we obey Him, we follow Him, He is worth following .
Say: I don’t depend on myself. I depend on and trust in You Lord Jesus. I am a son of God. I thank You, Lord, as a son I walk in power, with Your Divine nature in me. I walk and I expect all of the promises that You have given me to come to pass and I walk in them, in Jesus’ Name.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International