Beloved Part 10 Restoration Of Relationships – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

Back to Transcriptions DOWNLOAD Glory to God. Look at all of you showing up on a Friday night to hear about relationships. Hah! Relationships and all the good things that God has to restore in our lives, and all of what fasting, and prayer does for us. So, of course you know the reason we […]

Beloved Part 10 Restoration Of Relationships – Ps John & Sharon Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD Relationships goes back to the three parts of God where there is no division, complete unity and fellowship. From the very beginning relationships are the foundation of everything that is created. Nothing is created without relationship.   The Lord has been speaking to us to develop in all our relationships so we […]

Beloved Part 9 In Bed Or In Red – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

Back to Transcriptions DOWNLOAD Scripture reference: 2 Peter 1:1-4 (NKJV); Romans 12:1-2 (AMPC & MSG); 1Corinthians 11:23-26 (NKJV); John 11:41-42 (NKJV); Colossians 3:12-17 (NKJV); 1 TImothy 2:1-3 (NKJV); Matthew 26:6-13 (NKJV) Praise Jesus. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Thank You, Lord. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You, Jesus. Father, I thank You that as we continue in Your […]

Beloved Part 9 In Bed or in Red – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD If you’re in the world system, it’s idolatry because you worship a system more than you worship God. So, you’re either in bed (with the world), or you’re in red (covered by the blood of Jesus). God is restoring relationships  because there are things that are happening in the world system that […]

Beloved Part 8: In Bed Or In Red – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

Back to Transcriptions DOWNLOAD Scripture Reference: Deuteronomy 30:19-20 (NKJV); 2 Peter 1:1-4 (NKJV); 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NKJV); Acts 20:17-38 (NKJV); Galatians 4:6-9 (AMPC) So, I have a modification to make in terms of the weekend of August, our prayer and fasting weekend. We were going to receive Dr. Gerrie Lindeque, who was going to come […]

Beloved Part 8 In Bed Or In Red – Ps John Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD “I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;” (Deuteronomy 30:19 NKJV) He has clearly given Himself to us and that He’s given us life and death. And […]

Beloved Part 7: Repentance – Ps Sharon Bendixen (WTB)

Back to Transcriptions DOWNLOAD Scripture reference: Romans‭‭‭ 8:17 (NKJV); 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 (AMPC); Galatians‬ ‭1:3-5‬ (‭KJ21‬‬); 2 Peter 3:16 (KJ21); Isaiah 45:19 (AMPC); 2 Peter 1:20-21 (AMPC); Psalm 50:16-17 (AMPC); Isaiah 66:5 (NIV); James 1:21,25 (AMPC); 1 Thessalonians 2:13 (AMPC); Colossians 3:16 (AMPC); 1 John 2:18-19 (NKJV); Hebrews 12:15-17 (NKJV); 2 Peter 3:16 (KJV); Luke […]

Beloved Part 7 Repentance – Ps Sharon Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD What is governing your life? Revolution has everything to do with coming out of darkness. Revolution: a total, radical, profound, fundamental change in one’s way of living and the way you’re governed. It is the overthrow and renunciation of one government and substitution of another. A drastic and far-reaching change in ways […]

Beloved Part 6 Redemption – Ps Sharon Bendixen (WTB)

MESSAGE HIGHLIGHT: DOWNLOAD God purposed in His heart to have a people that would serve Him and love Him and obey Him and be zealous for Him. Luke 1:17 (AMPC): He gave apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists to bring the people to maturity as sons of God. That is the highest calling – to […]

Beloved Part 6 Redemption – Ps Sharon Bendixen (WTB)

Back to Transcriptions DOWNLOAD Scripture references: Luke 1:17 (AMPC);  2 Corinthians 6:17-18 (AMPC);  Leviticus 26:1-13 (AMPC); Ephesians 2:2 (KJV); Romans 12:1-2 (MSG); Act 2:40 (TPT); Philippians 2:15 (TPT); 2 Timothy 3:1 (TPT); Revelation 5:9 (NKJV); Colossians 1:14 (NKJV); John 12:46-50 (KJ21), Matthew 10:1,2, 40, 41 (KJ21); Psalm 59:19; Ezekiel 33:30-34 Welcome to everybody. It’s wonderful […]