Song and Sound Instruction Part 1 – Ps Sharon Bendixen (WTB)

Scripture reference: Ephesians 4:7-13 (MSG); Ephesians 5:19 (AMPC); 2 Corinthians 5:20 (AMPC); Joshua 10:12-14 (KJV)

Pastor John:

Thank You, Jesus. Hallelujah. Glory, glory, glory, glory to You Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Thank you, Lord, that You paid the price for us. There is no way we could ever pay the price. There is never anything we could’ve done to recover our hopeless situation, but Jesus, You died for us; recovered everything through the price You paid. You gave us everything that You had intended from the beginning that we should walk in. Thank You, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. Praise You, Lord, praise You, Lord.

Let’s just praise Him with our mouths in our natural language, just for 60 seconds. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Lord. We are thankful to You Lord, we give You glory, we give You praise, we give You honour. Thank You that You are the Lord of our lives. You show us Your goodness every day; when we wake up, Your mercies are new every morning. Every day is a brand new day to live in eternal glory with You. Praise You, Jesus. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

Thank you for the power of Your blood. The power, the power, the power. The power to deal with our sin, the power to heal our lives, the power to bring us to all the things that You have for us. We never, never take it lightly, Lord. We always remember what You did for us, Jesus. Hallelujah. Praise the mighty name of Jesus! Praise the mighty, wonderful, great, and glorious name of Jesus! Your name that is above every single name. You are the God of all other peoples’ gods. You are the Lord of lords and the King of kings. Hallelujah. 

You are worthy, Jesus. Praise You, Lord. No wonder, Father, that there are creatures that fly around the heavenly throne that cry eternally, “Worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb” because truly worthy is the Lamb that was slain. Hallelujah. And we say, “Lord, there is nothing we have that You didn’t give us. There is nothing we have that You can’t have back because we know that You will always multiply and increase because that’s the way You are with Your goodness. Thank you, Lord.”

Bless every ear today, every heart, every mind; may they receive from You the words of true life, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah. It was touch-and-go and we nearly had a prayer meeting this morning. Hallelujah. You may be seated, thank you. [Pastor John to worship team: please stay up here.] 

I want to read a passage of Scripture to you from Ephesians chapter 4. I’m reading from the Message Translation, so it will read differently from what you would normally hear from a King James or a New King Jame Bible, or something of that sort. It goes as follows:¹³ It’s true that the One who climbed up also climbed down, down to the valley of earth? And the One who climbed down is the One who climbed back up, in your version of the Bible, the Amplified, or whatever, it would be ascending and descending; up to highest heaven. He handed out gifts above and below, filled heaven with his gifts. He filled heaven with His gifts.

He handed out gifts above and below, filled heaven with his gifts, filled earth with his gifts. He handed out gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, and pastor-teacher to train Christ’s followers in skilled servant work, working within Christ’s body, the church, until we’re all moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in response to God’s Son, fully mature adults, fully developed within and without, fully alive like Christ. (Ephesians 4:7-13 MSG)

So, God has given gifts to the church, and I believe every church should have more than one gift that is functioning in the church. Predominantly you will normally have a gift that is a teacher-pastor and perhaps might have an apostolic call on his life; that is something that God determines, not man. Most ministries will either have a pastor-teacher and/or an evangelist. There are few ministries that are run just under the prophetic, although there have risen some like those in the world. 

We have a five-fold minister in our church, that is co-worker with me. Pastor Sharon has the leading of the Spirit, and she has the gifting of the Spirit to be a teacher and an apostle. So, she’s going to come, and minister to you this morning, and I want to lead you to Ephesians 5, when it says this: Speak out to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, offering praise with voices [and instruments] and making melody with all your heart to the Lord. (Ephesians 5:19 AMPC)

Pastor Sharon has a mandate that is on her right now to speak about Sound and Song. About what music, Sound and Song of the impact of it, and what it’s doing for us in our ministry and what it’s doing into the church. 

So, she’s going to preach this Sunday and next Sunday, and if the Lord requires it to go further, that will also be the case. For many, many, many years, the Lord allowed me to see her gift, and I recognised the ministry of a Psalmist upon her. In the time of God, she stepped up to that mantle, and now that mantle is upon her, and she’s operating in it, and praise God, she’s going to minister from that.

Some of you, I’m encouraging you and I’m asking you to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you, because what is said from the scripture, what is said from the Word of God about music, and about how you can use music and do all of that, is a very powerful teaching. I fully expect that because of the gifting that she has—it will dynamically alter the way we are doing Sound and Song. It’s already been altered quite dramatically over the last 2 years, or 3 years or so, but it’s going to escalate now. It’s going to go even stronger and further. Hallelujah. [To Pastor Sharon] With your anointing, Pastor Sharon, come and minister the Word to us. 

Pastor Sharon:

Hallelujah, glory to God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Can we stand again, please? In the presence of the Lord. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. [Pastor Sharon singing] He’s mighty to save. He’s mighty to save. He’s mighty to save. He’s mighty to save. He’s mighty to save. He is mighty, He is mighty, He’s mighty to save. He’s mighty, He’s mighty, He’s mighty to save. He’s mighty to save right now, here in this place, such grace. He’s mighty to save you, right now. He’s mighty to save, His Spirit is here. His spirit is here. His spirit is near. He’s mighty to save. He is mighty to save.

His Spirit is here. His Spirit is new. Right here, right now. Right here, right now. He’s reaching out to you. He is knocking at the door of your heart. He’s knocking. He’s knocking. He’s knocking at the door of your heart. If you don’t know Him, if you don’t know Him, He will show Himself to you today.


If you don’t know Him. You’ve never, never known Him. He’s here right now. He invites you now, with His glorious power, to come to Him, to come to Him. He’s knocking, knocking, knocking, knocking at the door of your heart. He’s doing His part. Now, He says, “Come.” He says, “Come.” His presence is here and His power is here. If you don’t know Jesus, You’ve never been born again. You’ve never been born again. You’ve never said, “Oh, Jesus come into my heart. Jesus, I believe you paid the price I couldn’t pay. You paid the price that I couldn’t pay. I receive You today.”


He’s inviting you. He’s inviting you to come. Come to the altar. Come to His altar now. Come. He’s knocking. He’s knocking, come. If you don’t know Jesus, you’ve never known Him. He doesn’t live in your heart. You’ve never asked Him. He says, “Come now.” He’s waiting. He’s waiting. He knew this day would come, you’d become His son. He’s waiting, don’t put it off. Don’t put it off, precious one. Don’t put it off. Just come. Come to Him. Just step out of where you are standing and come. Come to Him.


You’ve never been born again. He is calling you. Calling you. Calling you. Calling you. Come, come. You may have known Him at one time. You walked away. Oh, you walked away. You walked away. You can come back today. Come. This is for someone. Definitely for someone. Come, come. You know Jesus died for you publicly. He hung on the cross, publicly for all to see. You can come publicly today, to come back to Him and to receive Him. Glory to God. He’s knocking, He is pounding in your heart. We’re just gonna wait a little bit longer. Just gonna wait a little bit longer. Come. He invites you today. Jesus. Jesus. Glory. You’re coming to Him today.


Yes, He knew this day would come. He knew this day would come. Yes. Yes. He knew this day would come. And heaven rejoices, the angels are rejoicing. He knew this day would come, that into His arms you’d run. Hallelujah! Yes, Lord! Yes, Lord! Yes, Lord! Glory! Hallelujah! “Nathan, stay here with him. Stay here. Put your arm around him.” Praise you, Jesus. Yes, Lord! Yes, Lord! Yes, yes, yes, yes. We are going right down now. We’re going right down now. Thank you. Thank you music ministry.


Oh, oh, what is your name? Pardon. “Charlee.” That’s beautiful. Charlee, is this you coming back to Him? So, I’m gonna pray a prayer, and you can just follow me, but you say it to the Lord. You can close your eyes. Just you and Him. Say, “Father, You are my Father. Jesus, You are my Lord. Today, I make a turnaround. I’m returning to You, with all my heart. With all heart. Thank You for calling me today. I’m gonna love You now, more than I’ve ever loved You before. And I want to say to You today, Father, I do love You. My Jesus, I love You. Thank You Holy Spirit, that You live inside of me. You’re going to help me to return fully to the Father. Hallelujah. 

Now I’m going to pray for you Charlee, Charlee. [Pastor Sharon praying] Father, I pray, she is sealed in by the power of Your Word and the precious blood of Jesus surrounds her and protects her. Garrison’s and guards her mind and her hearts in Christ Jesus. Thank you for the staying keeping power of the Blood. Thank You for the deep, deep cleansing flood. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You. In the name of Jesus, she’s protected. Protected by the Word and the Blood. Hallelujah. You will never be the same. You will never be the same Charlee. This is your day today. Hallelujah. Just hug her, Christi. Praise the Lord. 

What is your name? Mark. Hi Mark. I’m Sharon. It’s wonderful to have you come today. Mark, are you coming back? Or did you get born again at one time? You know, when you get born again, you can’t get unborn again. It’s like a baby that gets born. When that child is born, it’s your child. It can’t, not ever be your child. So you are His child. If you’ve been born again, you know what that means. Right? You had that experience. You’re coming back today. Oh, oh, Paul, Paul, is it Paul? Mark sorry, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul. Hallelujah. [Pastor Sharon laughs] Mark, it’s wonderful, He knew this day would come and then you just needed a friend to come and help you. Hallelujah. 

So, Mark, you want to just say this to the Father today. Just repeat after me. You can close your eyes if you want to or we can just do this like this. Say, “Father, today, I’m coming to You. I’m coming back home. I’m coming back into Your love. Father, I’m asking You now to help me with the many things that You know that I need help with. I’m asking You to help me. I thank You that You’re hearing me today. You are answering this prayer. I want to just tell You this Father, I do love You and I’m going to love You more than I ever have before. Thank You for inviting me to come close to You today. I am staying right here, close to You. In Jesus name.”

Wonderful Mark. I pray for you. I pray for Mark. Do you mind if I just lay my hands on you like this? I pray for Mark. Lord, I thank You that the Word and the Blood of Jesus surrounds him and protects him, his mind and his heart Lord in Christ Jesus. Lord, thank You, Father, for Your great and mighty Holy Spirit who lives within him. That’s going to help him with everything now Father, Hallelujah. Hallelujah. You putting a ring on his fingers. Lord, You’re clothing him, You’re receiving him back, Father, You’re receiving him back, Lord. Hallelujah, and we rejoice today. We celebrate today, Father, We celebrate today, Lord. Hallelujah. We celebrate Father, that this son has come home. This son has come home. Hallelujah. 

You strengthen him with mighty power in the inner man by Your Holy Spirit Himself, indwelling his innermost being Lord. Thank you. Thank you. In Jesus name, in Jesus name, Mark. Glory to God. Thank you for coming, Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit. It’s them. It’s the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit that orchestrated this today for you, Mark. All for you and Charlee too. Glory. Hallelujah. 

Yes, sir. Hello. What is your name? Leon. I’m Sharon. Leon. Pleased to meet you, Leon. So Leon, are you coming back to God today? You’re coming back. So you are born again. You did receive Jesus. Right, but you are coming back today? And what’s happening to you, Leon? What’s happening in your heart? 

Leon: The Lord is knocking on my heart, and I want to open the door to my Lord. I want to be saved in Jesus’s name. Amen. Hallelujah. 

Pastor Sharon: Hallelujah. He’s knocking. It’s amazing when He knocks like that. Nobody else can do that for you. Nobody else. It’s like your heart just pounds like that. Hey? That’s Him calling you today. Leon, He knew you were going to come today. He knew you were going to come today. He arranged all of this for you. All of it. He did. 

So Leon, what do you want to say to Him? Do you want me to pray and you say after me again, like that? Oh, say, “Father, thank You for calling me today. To come back to You. I know You’ve never stopped loving me. I know I have always been Your child. But today I come back to You. I want to be close to You. I’m going to be close to You. Yes, I’m going to stay close to You because the Holy Spirit’s going to help me because He lives in me. I celebrate today, Father, that You would arrange something like this for me. I know it’s You. I know, it’s You. Take me, Lord. Take my life and let it be filled with beautiful things for You. Yes, Lord.” Oh, Hallelujah. 

Now I’m going to pray for you Leon. Father, I pray for Your child. I pray for Your child. Here he is Your son, Lord, You have knocked on the door of his heart and You have called him today. I declare the same thing that the Word of God and the blood of Jesus and the angels of God, surround him, surround him and protect him. His heart and his mind Lord and thank You great and mighty Holy Spirit who lives within Leon, thank You that You are mighty power at work within him. You are a mighty power at work within Leon Lord, and it will be today and it will be this afternoon and it will be tonight and it’ll be tomorrow and it will be the next day and the next day Lord, Hallelujah. Hallelujah Lord. Thank You, Father. Thank You, Father. Thank You, Father. Thank You, Lord, filled with Your Spirit today Father. He is filled with Your Spirit today. In Jesus’ mighty name. Glory. Oh, Bless you, Leon. God bless you. This is a good church for you to come to, for you to grow, for you to grow and if you know somebody here or not. I mean, we will help you grow. We’ll help you stay close to Him. We’ll help you, we know how to help you. Wonderful. Christi, you’ll see to him afterwards. 

Praise the Lord. Doesn’t it pay to obey Him? It pays to obey Him. Glory to God. Oh, we thank You for Charlee and Mark and Leon. Today Lord, they came back to You, Lord. The prodigal came back to You Lord. Hallelujah. Yes, Lord, we celebrate, we celebrate Father. Oh, praises to Your name. Praises to Your name. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah, yes we celebrate their lives. We celebrate their lives, Lord. Glory. Glory. Glory. 

Okay. That’s it. That’s it. He’s well pleased. He’s done with that. We’re going to move on now. We are switching gears here now. Thank you music ministry, precious ones to God serving Him like this every Sunday. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Hallelujah. You may be seated. 

Good morning, everybody. What a day. What a way to start the day. Glory to God. Oh, yes, yes, yes. So, the title of my message today is, Song and Sound Instruction 1, song and sound or sound and Song, Song and Sound Instruction 1. Right. I received this from the Lord a few weeks ago and the Lord just said to me, in the morning to,—let me just find it here now. I want to thank the Lord for this privilege of being able to minister with Him and for Him. He said this to me, let me just find it, here we go. 


On Wednesday, the 22nd of September, Prepare My people for the reception of these songs, these sounds, now. Before it’s released, give instruction and bring all the recent fresh new things about sound and song that I’ve given you as well. So, I mentioned it to Pastor John and then Pastor John, who is the leader in this ministry, he knows the timings of God for everything. And so, this week he said to me, “Sharon, this is the time for you to bring it” and then as I’ve been preparing, I just had a look and I saw that there is so much and so I was a little bit keyed, K-E-Y-E-D, you know what that means? I was a little bit, wound up, you know, and I was preparing and preparing and preparing.


I came upstairs, and Pastor John said to me, “Sharon if you’re not done in two Sundays and the Lord wants you to carry on…” And that immediately just put me at ease. It put me at ease because I’m very aware that these instructions that are coming now, from the Father, from the Son by the Holy Spirit to us, His church at this time, is going to bring about tremendous change in all of us. Glory to God. So, that is why I’m here this morning. Thank you, Pastor John, for introducing me, because it gives me a great confidence that I’m covered. My head is covered. Glory to God.


Because Pastor John is under the Lord, Jesus Christ, as the messenger of this church, the first messenger of this church. So, I’m going to go straight to Pastor John’s message, I’m going to use it as a springboard of what he said on Blow Your Mind with Truth and Nothing but the Truth. He said this; Things are changing. It’s a God-ordained timetable. Right, things are changing. I’m not accepting anything for granted, that anything that was before must be going forward. I don’t accept that we have to have services, assemblies, as we used to. Whatever that looked like before, that it has to look like that going forward. I’m completely focused.


This is Pastor John, I’m completely focused on finding out what the will of God is and flowing with what the will of God is for now because everything has changed. There’s been a massive change and a shift in the Spirit. Where does a massive change and a shift happen? Can you show me where? Where does it happen? That’s right. In hearts, in hearts, and it’s continuing to happen. Right. I’m completely focused on finding out what the will of God is and flowing with what the will of God is to actually have what might be God’s different. I’m determined not to be the same.


Something is certainly happening in our church. When I separated and began to pray for Brother Jerry in 2014, that became the main point where things really began to develop, things began to change in a much quicker way. So, we are aware that actually things have not slowed down for us as a church, things are speeding up for us. It’s escalating, getting faster, there’s more to be done, greater things to be done. Right. So, this is what I wanted to read to you. We are living in a moment that God has shifted our ministry, I am reading from his message, we are living in a moment that God has shifted our ministry and shifted our church dramatically. It will have to continue to move and change and become different, it will have to move and change and become different. Hallelujah. My message today is partly to prepare you for what’s coming.


So, we will have to become more different. See, we can’t just use that expression to say, “Things? Which things, I’m looking for all the different things.” Everything that’s going to dramatically change is going to dramatically change in us. Glory to God. 

So, that’s what Pastor John has brought, these seven beautiful messages. When I was busy with everybody in the office, I showed them these seven beautiful messages that Pastor John had brought. Blow Your Mind. Blow Your Mind, Terms and Conditions. Blow Your Minds, Get the Reward. Blow Your Minds with Love. Blow Your Minds with Joy. Blow Your Minds with Light and Blow Your Minds with the Truth. Right? Seven beautiful messages.


I’ve got them all together in one file, and my eyes scan them and scan them. They scan them and scan them because these are not Pastor John’s messages. They are from Jesus to me. They are from Jesus to me. Glory to God, hallelujah. They are from Jesus to me. Jesus comes here every Sunday. Jesus comes here every Sunday. Jesus comes to every prayer meeting. Jesus is at every prayer meeting. Jesus comes to this assembly every Sunday. Glory to God. Jesus is here today, right now with us. So that’s what I wanted to share with you. Then Pastor John said, I beg you, he was under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. He said, “I want to beg you for His sake,” because he read a scripture.


He read a scripture in 2 Corinthians 5:20 (AMPC). You don’t have to put it up where it says, so we beg you for His sake, to lay hold of the divine favor, now offered you, I want to beg you for His sake to lay hold of the divine favour. Now, now offered to you. You let this change that God is doing and wanting to bring about in your heart and your life. You let it slip. It’s not your now, next year. It will not, this will not be your now next year. This is what God is doing with us as a collective greatness as a people now, this is what the Spirit of God is saying to our assembly now. Hallelujah.


So, what the scripture means is: there are ways that you and I have lived, they are not God’s ways. They are not God’s ways, they are not. They are not God’s purposes, and they are not God’s plans, and we have lived them. I beg you that this new thing that God is doing in our younger generation, that it, is now going to change everything, that there is a grace that is now upon us. There is a flow, there is a grace, there is an inheritance of the Holy Spirit, there is a promise of the Holy Spirit that is here for us. It’s time, it’s time now for us to change, it’s time for us to be brave enough to be bold enough to be courageous enough, and to look and say, Joh, in the last 40, 50, 60 years. I may not actually have done the things that I should have done or may not have been able to according to my circumstances, there’s no point in getting condemnation about it. Let’s make the changes. Let’s go forward with it. Let’s give our hearts to God.


Now, completely. Time for us to lean on everything, He’s paid the price for us. I say to you, as a coworker, don’t let this moment pass you by as a coworker, you are all co-labourers with Pastor John if God has called you. If God has called you here, He has called you for a purpose, for your birth, for your life. Don’t let this moment pass you by. Don’t let this grace that God is giving us that is coming to you, don’t allow it to have no effect on your life. This is a moment for you to let you impact, let it impact you. 

And of course, Blow Up Your Mind With Light was very powerful because Pastor John made a statement and he said this, he said, “God will speak to you about something and speak to you and speak to you and speak to you, and if you keep ignoring Him and you keep resisting Him and keep resisting Him, then the light that is in you actually becomes darkness.” Why should God keep giving you light that you don’t want to walk in? Light is revelation knowledge from His Word. Light is not some mystical thing that’s going to light that is going to appear in your room and fly around your eyes. The light, the Bible says that the entrance of His words, which words? The words He’s bringing to His churches, brings light, it brings enlightenment, it brings illumination, it brings revelation. Every message contains in it, revelation, instruction, recognition, direction, opportunity for self-correction, every message because every scripture that comes is God-breathed. Right? 

Now I’m going to move right along. Glory, glory to God. Glory, glory to God. So today, I am starting because we are having sounds, we are having Songs and Sounds that are being released on Sunday, the 24th. These are songs from heaven. These are sounds from heaven. These are God’s songs, and they are God’s sounds. He was the One that instructed Psalms to be sung in this church. He was the One that instructed Psalms to be sung in this church. 

How much time do I still have left here, Pastor John? Good, well, then I’m going to go from the beginning, I’m not going to try and clip things, right. 

So, in light of the fact that the Lord said that you are to be prepared, God wants you to be prepared for when these sounds and songs are released. He wants you to be ready to receive the effect and the impact and the influence of these songs and these sounds. 

So, for the Purpose of Integration of Ways, Strategic Intentions and Divine Productivity and covenant, in Music Ministry, in this, His church, I am going to take you on my own personal journey with Sound and Song and Song and Sound. I’m going to take you on my own personal journey so that you can have recognition of things don’t happen haphazardly in this church. Just because somebody feels like doing something. It’s God’s preparations and it’s God’s plans and it’s God’s purposes. 

So, I share my personal journey of Sound and Song. The Lord requires me to share it for His purposes. He requires it for it to speak into the spirit realm at this time, it speaks for His time and His new era. It will also activate the law of recognition in you. It will bring instruction and understanding to you so that you can prepare yourselves to receive the new songs and the new sounds in your spirits. Right? 

My Song and Sound journey in the Lord. I was born again to a mother and a father that were pastors in the AFM. My mother and father used to sing, my mom used to play the piano, and my mom and dad used to sing what they used to call Rallies, Church Rallies, AFM. Now you would call them Conventions, but they would sing at the Rallies. I will travel with them in the car, and they would practice their singing in the car and then my mother started to teach me songs and she started to put me in front of the church as young as eight, nine, ten. I used to be so nervous, I remember wanting to just pass out at the front of the church. But she taught me the song, and she made me stand in front of the church to sing it. So, that’s my background, right? 

I was 24 in 1979 when I had a supernatural experience, I had a spiritual experience when the Lord came into my car, and I was listening to somebody singing. I was listening to somebody with a magnificent voice, singing a Christian song. I was in His presence, and I just said to the Lord, “Joh, Lord, I wish I could sing like that.” Instantly, He said to me, “It’s the song of the Spirit. It’s the song from your spirit and of your spirit that I hear.” It shifted me eternally. 

So, that was my experience. It’s the song from a heart devoted to Me that I hear. Right? From then on my own singing in the morning, in my private room to the Lord was just how it was with me in the Lord. In the morning, I would wake up to be with Him, and I would sing, and I would sing, and I would sing, and I would sing, and I would sing the church songs, where we were planted at the time that I just loved. I still sing some of them now because I sang them for years. I know them, you know, and I would sing and I would sing in the spirit, I would sing in the spirit. That’s what one Corinthians 14 says, What shall I do, I will sing in the spirit, and I will sing in my understanding. So, that I did, I did from 24 years old, 25, 26, 27. My own singing in the morning, in my private room with the Lord, to the Lord. That was 1979.1981, I married Pastor John, and I’m still singing in the morning. And then 1998. Forward, fast forward 1998, 1981 to 1998, I’m still singing in the morning. I’m still singing in the morning. Hallelujah. Without an instrument. It’s just me and the Lord still singing in the morning because that’s the scripture Pastor John read this morning. Speaking to yourself in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. Where? In the morning, in the afternoon, in the nighttime, just you with Him. Right? 

So, I’m still singing in the morning at 43. In the year 2000, fast forward, He called us to start pasturing in Witbank. I had a loose involvement in Music Ministry at the time, it was the same pattern as any other assembly, whoever has some talent and music ability, come, come play, come play, come sing. You know, that’s how it was. And 2002 now I’m 45 and the church in Johannesburg commences. I then continue to have a loose involvement in the then Praise and Worship Group, what was called Praise and Worship Group. Okay? We don’t have a Praise and Worship Group. We have Sound and Song, we have Music Ministry of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Right? God gives us new words so that we can have a shift in our hearts, glory to God. 

So, all the while I’m singing in the morning, all the while I’m singing in the morning, in 2011, I’m 54 and I have a massive music sound shift in me, this is just me and the Lord, massive music, a sound shift in my ear, in my whole being. It happened to me coming back from Prayer Mountain.—On the aeroplane with earphones in my ears while listening to music. I returned, unable, the only person that knew about that was my husband, I returned, unable to listen to any other Christian music for some time. 2015, so that was 2011. So, that’s 54,55, 56 it’s quite a few years, and I’m in this sound that He said, “Don’t get out of this sound, I want you in the sound.” 

Little did I know He was preparing me, I had no idea. I’m just obeying Him. I had no idea that He was preparing me because He wanted a Sound and a Song to come and He wanted me free from all the popular sounds of the day. He wanted that out of me. He wanted another sound in me, I didn’t know that I would come to be in this place with God where I am today. Here we go. 

Then I knew, in 2015, now I’m 58, there’s an about-turn and a new sound came to me supernaturally and I then received clear instruction from the Lord to listen only to this sound and shut all others out. Of course, I came to the assembly on a Sunday morning and enjoyed everything that was being sung. Right? Don’t go off the wall with this now, right? I didn’t go off the wall, but a sound, and I got a clear instruction from the Lord to listen only to this sound and shut all others out. 

I obeyed even though I did not know where this was going. He was separating me from all popular sound of the time in His Church. I was following Him spiritually, instinctively. He was getting me ready for His new era—when He would speak clearly about the sounds and the songs that He wants in His Church. 

Tuesday, 28th of March 2017, I’m praying, I’m singing, me and the Lord—it’s my custom, it’s my great love, it’s my great privilege to fully access Him. I hear these words. This is 2017, I’m 63, I’m holding you responsible for the spirituality of My Music Ministry. Whoa! “I’m holding you, Sharon, responsible for the spirituality of My Music Ministry.” He’s calling it—My Music Ministry. “I’m holding you responsible, Sharon.” I had no clue what that meant. 

I mean, up until then I had a loose involvement, you know, and some of the things that I had learnt from my spiritual father where we were planted, Kenneth E. Hagin, he would talk about songs being full of unbelief. So I know that I was kind of in charge of the songs—that was my loose involvement. I would say, “We can’t sing that song. It’s full of unbelief. We’re not going to sing that song, it’s full of unbelief.” Because you don’t want to sing something to God that you don’t want to say to Him. Singing is saying with melody. 

I’m holding you responsible for the spirituality of My Music Ministry. The songs, the words, it’s your responsibility. Be more responsible. So, I had received the instruction which I shared with our spiritual leader. I had absolutely no idea what would follow. I had no clue. It literally blew my mind. 

Sunday the 4th of June 2017 in the Witbank church, Pastor John announces. I’m sitting there, he doesn’t tell me what he’s about to do, I’m sitting there. I just knew that I received an instruction from the Lord, if I leave it with Pastor John, the Lord will show him how that’s got to pan out because that’s God’s order and that’s God’s pattern. I’m not looking for a platform. I’m looking to sing to Him in the morning, me and Him. Glory. 

So, Sunday the 4th, 2017 in the Witbank church, Pastor John announces to the congregation and more importantly he announces to me, the release of what God is doing and saying, now. He says this; My spiritual partner and co-leader in this ministry must be a witness because of the significance I must release out of my mouth. As of this morning, Sharon is operating in this; as Chief Psalmist of this ministry.

I never went to him to say, “I’m chief psalmist of this ministry, Pastor John.” I had never heard God call me that, but Pastor John, like he said this morning, he had recognised that in me, he’d been married to me, decades. Right? 

He said this; This is the way a psalmist operates: they’re looking for a sound. This is Sunday the 4th in Witbank, Pastor John, the other way you can recognise the ministry of a psalmist is often they flow in a prophetic sense. They sing in their worship and they sing to God and they often sing out the ways of God and the will of God. You heard that this morning come out of her. This has been a conversation between us for years and years.

Every now and again throughout the years, Pastor John would say to me, [Pastor Sharon points] “You have to be in that group. You have to be in music ministry.” And, just the timing, hey, Pastor John? Just the timing. Just the timing for the new era. God’s new era. God’s new open door. Hallelujah. God is doing new things. 

So, he said this; This has been a conversation between us for years and years, but we recognised that as we were building the churches and as we were preaching in different places, that her teaching ministry was extremely valuable to the ministry. You will see that for a period of time she will be doing less formal teaching on a Sunday service. She is going to be more involved in establishing the Ministry of Psalmist in our ministry. Why is this so important? This is a part of our preparation for where God wants our whole church to go—our whole Ecclesia to go.

We want our Sound and Song, at that time he was still saying praise and worship, but I kind of blacked it out. We want our Sound and Song to go to a higher level than we were even at before. I know that we were being led by the Holy Spirit in prayer. It was a unanimous agreement, we both immediately understood it to be the will of the Lord that this is what Sharon must do now. So when He leads and speaks, we go. There are changes happening now and they are spiritual.

Then in Johannesburg, Sunday the same afternoon, he said; I really wanted you to see this morning’s worship because Pastor Sharon was on the stage and she was singing with the worship team and I declare that to you today because there are things that are happening that are changing and we are actively changing things under the guidance and leadership of the Holy Spirit. We are going and flowing with God. We are going to make all the changes necessary that God demands of us to make. 

Pastor Sharon, as of this morning, is operating in this; she is operating as the Chief Psalmist of this ministry. So, for a while you will see less of her in teaching, preaching mode, and I’m going to be doing the majority of the ministry. This is what the Holy Spirit is requiring from us. I will be doing all the ministry, unless I’m not here, if I’m travelling with Brother Jerry, and I’m following God on that, I will hand over the pulpit to Pastor Sharon. This is the order of what God has for us right now. As of this morning, she began to operate this morning in the Witbank church as the Chief Psalmist.

He went on to say many other things. When I walked into the service and I saw her standing up there singing, I had this great joy in my heart, because many of you know, you have been with us, this is not the first time I’ve spoken this over Sharon’s life, for that matter, God, but the fullness of time has come and now we are obedient. What a liberty I experienced in the flow of the Spirit of God today. I was just in Heaven, that’s all I can say. 

Pastor Sharon, you said, has a great voice. I kind of put the “great” in brackets and just put “reasonably good.” But at that time, in that service, you said; There are many who have a much, much better voice than she, even in our ministry, but there is an accuracy of the flow of the Spirit that she brings in worship that comes from her intimacyof her time with God. This is much more valuable than anything else that anyone else can bring. She brings that into the whole worship group, into all the music ministry, and I’m expecting that all of what we’re going to be experiencing as a church is going to go to greater levels, higher levels and flourish right now. Glory to God.

Then I had somebody that I really, Pastor John and I really honour and respect the gifting in her life, she is a musical genius, but she’s also called to be a psalmist. She said this, she said; You sing from the Spirit, you interpret… I’m not bringing attention to myself here, now. You have to have recognition of what’s happening here. My gift and my calling. Because for you to have recognition of this, you’re going to be able to come up higher and flow with God yourself when you understand what’s happening here. 

You sing from the Spirit, you interpret the mood of the Holy Spirit so accurately. Sho, I really endeavour to. But what a statement. No pressure. You are not afraid to be free, vocally you don’t take away from the musical sound, you hear what’s vocally missing, you step in and you do it with boldness. Many have not cultivated the Word and their prayer life at all and they have a pretty little voice, but it does not carry God at all. Because you have paid the price and put the Word and prayer first place, you are able to interpret and bring from Heaven to the people the sound of Heaven.

I tell you, that’s all I want. That’s all you want. All you want is Heaven on Earth. You don’t care how you get it. You don’t have to get it through somebody that’s got a voice like Celine Dion. You can get it through somebody that’s got a voice like a little child—as long as God does come. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Glory, glory, glory. To be quite honest with you and quite frank with you, that is the boldness of my obedience because I want Him to show up so much. If I have to be obedient in this and it’s dependent on God showing up, I will be obedient. Glory to God. I want Him so much when we’re together. I want Him so much when I’m singing to Him in the morning. I want Him so much! Hallelujah. Glory. And I have Him so much. I want Him so much, I have Him so much. 

Then it says here, then she finished with saying; You sing from your spirit and it’s a different sound. You have an excellent ear. There is a boost and an anointing that you contribute. I never had it before to this extent. I thought it was the Five-Fold anointing, and then she finished with that. 

But the Lord says this to me, that this Music Ministry that He has delegated spiritual leadership to me of, is a military division in His army. My call is to mobilise the army of God. He has called me like Deborah with Pastor John. He has called me like Deborah with Pastor John and the Lord said to Deborah, “Rise, rise, rise like a mother for Israel. Sing a song, Deborah! Sing a song, Deborah.” So it went with the calling. It went with the calling.

The result of it was, it says that all the sloppy, fat, sloppy in The Message bible, warriors that were out of shape, got into shape, came into shape. It’s part of that Jesus in me, gifting in me, to do this for you. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

So, wake up, wake up, Deborah, wake up, wake up, sing a song! Deborah, lead on, lead on, sing a song, lead on. On your feet, Barak. See? It’s spiritual. Glory to God. Hallelujah. And that you can all read about Deborah. You can see the pattern of God. 

So, I’ve read that, now I’m here in my message. I want to remind you of our overall mandate from the Lord. What’s the point of being a Christian? You will hear it until Pastor John and I go home, like in a couple of decades time, right. Many decades to come. He says this, it’s our mandate; what’s the point of being a Christian? To be spiritual. What did God say to me? I hold you accountable, be responsible for the spirituality of this Music Ministry. What’s the point of being spiritual? The next phrase is; to bring Heaven to Earth. Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in my heart and in my life and in this church on Earth as it is in Heaven. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Glory. So, to bring Heaven to Earth. So, His Music Ministry is to be spiritual.

Pastor John, I’m quoting a quote from him, in 2015—he was talking to the Music Ministry at the time and he said this; With many of the songs in the church today, you have an interactive soul experience. The soul is not the Spirit. That’s why God is wanting His Music Ministry here in this Ecclesia to be spiritual because He’s preparing a people for Himself to be spiritual. And that comes through the spiritual messages that come from the pulpit and it comes through the spiritual Sound and Song that comes to us. Hallelujah. Glory. If something is spiritual it means it comes from the Holy Spirit. 

After he did that, that Sunday, revelation started to come to me thick and fast from Scripture regarding the order of God in His music ministry. He began to take ownership of the Music Ministry in a way not like before. He was masterful and He continues to be. Great change came quickly in 2017. He gives instruction to me, I give instruction to Garth and so we go—all under the leadership of Pastor John, who is the first messenger of this church, under Jesus. 

We released Walk in the Light in 2019 which was given as a first fruit to Brother Jerry. A Holy Spirit inspired declaration came through Pastor John. After that album was released, this came out of Pastor John by the Holy Spirit, it’s a spiritual declaration, here in the Witbank church; 

Songs of Light / Sounds Of heaven

Father, I speak according to your Holy Spirit right now

I command this music, the songs and the sounds that are coming out of this Church

I command those words to go into this city

How can they? Because music is ethereal, it’s not tangible. Once the music is sung out into the realm of the spirit, it goes on and on and on and on. It’s like God, when He said, “Light be.” Light is being, being, being, being, still being. That’s why God has to have spiritual songs that can be and be and be and be in the realm of the spirit because He’s occupying the spirit realm now with music. Babylon, that’s next week’s message if God wills, Babylon is no longer occupying this realm of the spirit, the spirit realm of music. You may still hear people play songs in the natural world, but in the spirit realm, He’s found an Ecclesia that will give Him obedience where He can bring spiritual sounds out into the realm and He will occupy the spirit realm dimensions that has not been occupied. It’s not been occupied. Now He will occupy. Now He will occupy. Hallelujah.

…to go into the city

The words and the sounds to go into the nation

The words and the sounds and the songs to go into the nations of the world

The sounds and the songs and the words of this music to begin to draw people right here in Witbank

Draw them to Jesus

Draw them into the intimacy of the Holy One

Didn’t the Sound and Song, this morning draw you into the intimacy of the Holy One, Mark? It did, didn’t it? Charlee, didn’t it draw you into the intimacy of the Holy One, the sound and the song when the sound and song started? Glory to God. Drawing you into the intimacy of the Holy One because He’s wanting to draw you. And who was the other gentleman? [Congregation answers: Leon] Leon. Yes, Leon. Didn’t the sound and song draw you? That’s how you must let it continue to draw you every Sunday you come. Because that’s part of how He draws you. He draws you with the message that comes from here like I’m speaking now, He draws you. But He draws you too with the sounds and the songs, hallelujah, He draws you to Jesus. Glory, glory.

And so, then it says;

Words go forth, in the name of Jesus

I command these words to break down strongholds in this city and in this region

I command these words to be the sound of Heaven in every city, Father

The sound of Heaven will be heard

The sound of Heaven will be heard by the people, the people of this city, the people of Johannesburg, the people of Lenasia, the people of this country, the people of the nations

The sound will be heard

It will draw people to Jesus

Those that have not yet met Jesus

Father, let this be a part of what will draw them

That they will come to the sound that they will hear in this atmosphere

There will be a sound that they will hear in their hearts

There will be a sound that they will hear in their ears

There will be a response to the music that will cause them to fall down and repent and give their lives to Jesus

They will return from their old ways and come into the new ways of Jesus

I pray, Father, that the sound and the songs of this music would begin to permeate in the people of Heritage of Faith and wherever, Father, that You’re going to take it in this nation

It will begin to permeate in this nation, Father

I declare, Lord, that healings will take place

Ah, there were some healings that took place today, this morning. Some healings took place and sound and song played a vital part in that. Glory to God. He uses songs and sounds to heal when they come from Heaven when they come from Him. 

So, they will turn

I declare emotional changes will happen

People will give up their old ways and come into the new

Depression will leave

Oppression will leave

I declare, Father, that people will see the light and freedom in the name of Jesus

That these songs will be songs of light

Penetrate the darkness of the human mind

Penetrate the darkness of the soul

Penetrate the darkness of depression and oppression

Penetrate the darkness of all kinds of manners of sickness and disease

Penetrate the darkness of poverty

Penetrate the darkness of religious spirits, of all kinds of all ways that men have turned against God

It will go forth and accomplish what You have sent the sound out for, Father

I declare it this morning under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the prophetic mantle of the Word of God. 

And this will be so, in Jesus name. Glory to God. Hallelujah. 

So, now Songs of Psalms comes. Songs of Psalms come now. Why Songs of Psalms? Is that what it’s called? Have I got it right? Songs of Psalms because the Lord spoke on the 25th of September 2019. It’s simply obedience to God. He said this on the 20th of September 2019. This was a Word from the Lord, sing the Psalms Sharon, heaven will come and legacy will be transferred. You must work with Garth. This legacy transfer is eternal and from heaven and of heaven. John’s obedience to Me has opened up the spirit realm for this. Past, present and future merge now, at this time, in us. Time as we know it stands still for us. 

He gave me Joshua 10. 13 The sun stood still and the moon stayed. 14 And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the Lord hearkened unto the voice of a man; for the Lord fought for Israel. (Joshua 10:12-14 KJV)

Then He continued to say, this is the time of the restoration of all things. The very reason Heaven is retaining Jesus. This is the time of God when God is consummating all things in heaven and in earth, in Jesus, in Jesus, in Jesus, in Jesus, in Jesus. As far as Music Ministry goes, the years of our fathers. So He was showing me the past, all kinds of Sounds and Songs that ever were. Past, present, everything merged in that time of eternity when He speaks to you. As far as Music Ministry goes, the years of our fathers now come to us. I will transfer Music Ministry legacy to you as far back as the time of David. Acts 15:14-18, I said I’m restoring the Tabernacle of David at this time. This is only spiritually discerned. The recognition of the time that you’re living in, if you want it. 

So that is why Songs of Psalms comes now because it’s in obedience to the invitation of the Holy Spirit, in combination and conjunction with the inspired declaration that came out of Pastor John of what these songs would do. Glory to God, and God has been with us. He’s been with us. We gave, Walk in the Light, all of the proceeds of it to Brother Jerry as the first fruit so that the rest could be blessed. And this is so blessed, please get ready for being blessed spiritually, being blessed spiritually. Hallelujah. Glory to God. 

Yeah, I’m not. I’m going to pick up, next week. I’ve got nowhere near where I was going to finish today. Because God really wanted, He wanted Leon, and Mark and Charlee this morning. Glory to God. I’ve made a good start today. I’ve made a good start today. Next week, the Lord willing, the next point is in His Music Ministry. His order for Music Ministry is of utmost importance to Him and we’re going to look at Scripture for His order for Music Ministry. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Has this helped you today? Has this taken you higher? In your heart? 

Not only did we have a teaching, but we had it by precept and example this morning among us. Hallelujah. We had a demonstration of it among us. The Holy Spirit afforded us that. When we thank Him for that. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Glory to God. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Glory. Can we have some Sound and Song? Can we have some Pastor John? Is there something you want to say, can we? Can we have some sound and song and then? Yes, come, come. Let’s sing that song again. Kate, isn’t it beautiful? I enter boldly, no fear, no shame.


Pastor John: Praise the Lord. Just want to say that on the 24th of October, you would have received some communications, you’ll be receiving a lot more communication. Our service is not nine o’clock, as usual. It’s 9:30 on that morning, and we have a really wonderful agenda, if you like, for the service. We are going to share, Pastor Sharon and I, we’re going to share with you some things that have happened to us over 40 years of marriage and we are going to not only share natural things, we are going to share spiritual things. Because it is our desire, that the quality of marriage we have, the spirit life that we have in our marriage, the physical, emotional, and spiritual intimacy that we enjoy in our marriage is for everyone because it came from God. It was given from God to us to live out on the earth and there is not a marriage that doesn’t have, that doesn’t need this. If you want it, you can have it. 

So, that’s what we want to share with you, and then we’re going to also, we’re gonna launch the album, we’re gonna release Sound and Song after we’ve done some celebrating and other things. We’re going to release the album. It’s going to be just a wonderful, wonderful day. We’re gonna go from about 9:30 to about 11:30, maybe 12 o’clock at the most, but we’re aiming for a two hour thing and then we’ll invite you to come and celebrate with us and feast with us in celebration with real food. Real food. Amen.


Pastor Sharon: Thank you, Pastor John. You know, one of the words that you used for the 24th that has stuck with me is Anointing Release. On the 24th there will be an anointing release, a release of anointing, for relationships, friendships, Body of Christ relationships, Body of Christ, blood-bought family, relationships, as well as marriage, as well. Then there will be an anointing release of Sound, Songs and Sounds. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah Glory, glory, let’s stand. Let’s stand. 

Let me just pray over you before you go. I thank you, Father, that You’re already working mightily and powerfully in the hearts of every single one of the Heritage of Faith people, Father because Pastor John and I pray for them that it would be so and so we expect. We expect that Lord thank You, that You are working mightily, that the entrance of Your Word is bringing great light to them and they’re responding beautifully to the person of the Holy Spirit, who is working in them. The Word and the blood of Jesus surrounds everyone, protects everyone Father, their minds, and their hearts Father, and as they’re still developing Father that they will receive no condemnation from the enemy, they will receive no condemnation from the enemy for anything for the way they may have missed it, Father, I thank you Holy Spirit that they’re strengthened with mighty power in the inner man to overcome those things and cast down those imaginations Father and continue to declare that they are blood-bought, they’re blood-bought, and that God is still working in them to mature them and bring them to maturity. Hallelujah. In Jesus name, we ask this Amen. Hallelujah.


[Enter Boldly song]


Well, we want to thank You for a magnificent morning Lord, your people that we are so blessed, we are so blessed Lord. Your people are blessed going out now, blessed going into their cars, blessed going into their houses, blessed, blessed, blessed, blessed this whole week long in Jesus name. Bye-Bye, everybody. Bye-bye.