Scripture reference: Ephesians 5:17-21 (NKJV), Ephesians 6:10-13 (NKJV)
Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. Thank you, Jesus, thank you, Jesus. Thank you. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Well, we’re going to do something a little different this morning, and it’s on purpose so that the message that I’m going to preach today will have greater meaning and greater impact. So, we are the church of the Lord Jesus. Right? We are His. We are His. That’s a good thing. So, we can confidently say that the Lord Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit as a testament, a testimony that He is with us.
So, He wanted to make sure that we knew that He was always going to be with us, that He wasn’t in heaven somewhere, that He was always going to be with us. So, He sent the Holy Spirit to be with us, to make sure that we always know that He’s with us. So, if you’re a born-again believer, then you have the Holy Spirit. Now there is an additional infilling of the Holy Spirit that comes, not just from the new birth. But, it comes with a different encounter with the Holy Spirit. So, when you get born again, you know Jesus is real because the Holy Spirit comes with Jesus.
But then, He wants us to know the Holy Spirit in the same way that we know Him. So, He invites us to have a different encounter with the Holy Spirit, where He fills you with Himself, meaning the Holy Spirit. When you have the infilling of the Holy Spirit, something happens to you. He gives you the language of the Father. It’s not a language that is understood by any other language on the earth, although sometimes it’s interpreted that way, but it is a language of the Holy Spirit.
And so, if you are filled with the Holy Spirit, having had that experience with the Holy Spirit, then you will have a different language. And that’s a language you can speak anytime because the Holy Spirit wants you to speak that language. And it’s a language that when you speak it, it’s designed so that the rest of the earth, the people on the earth, the rest of the universe can recognize that you have an encounter with the Holy Spirit. And it’s called speaking in other tongues, the infilling of speaking in tongues. So, why don’t we, as a church, this morning, just speak in tongues? [Church praying in tongues].
Praise Jesus. You may stop. So, when I was speaking in tongues, Pastor Sharon, I had to stop speaking in that language and come and talk to you in English. Because when I’m talking that language, you don’t understand it. Because that’s a language that comes from the Holy Spirit. And I’m speaking to the Father and the Holy Spirit and to Jesus through that language that no one else understands, except my spirit that’s filled with His Spirit. And my spirit that’s filled with His Spirit is speaking a language that can be doing many different things because it’s a language of God. Now if I want to speak to you or I want to speak to her, I’ve got to speak in a language you can understand. Otherwise, if I’m speaking in the Spirit and the gift of speaking in tongues is working through me for you, the Bible says, we must have faith to talk to the same Holy Spirit and ask Him to give us an interpretation of what we’ve been talking about so that you can understand what we’ve been talking about.
Wow. I mean, isn’t this a beautiful thing that actually when we speak in tongues, this is something that can tell the rest of the world that we have something living and unique? Some people would like us to be convinced of the fact that this language is cuckoo. It’s crazy. It’s nonsense. It’s useless. You shouldn’t do it. Meanwhile, to the Father, it’s important that we speak this language because it not only tells us that we have this communication with Him, but it also tells the whole universe that we are His. We are a witness to the universe when we talk like this. That means we have a special relationship with the Holy Spirit. Some people in the church of the Lord Jesus who are born again, they say that language died with the Apostles. It’s no longer available to us, and the answer is why not? It’s the same Holy Spirit. Why would He give it to them and not to us? Because it’s designed to tell the whole universe that we are His. I think we should do it again just to tell the whole universe we are His. Don’t you think? [Church praying in tongues].
We speak in another language, Father. We thank You for filling us with your Holy Spirit so that the whole universe can know that You are alive in us and we are Your church. [Church continues to pray in tongues]. Hallelujah. Now, you know, when we intercede, intercession is not because we speak in tongues. Intercession is an act of words. They can be your natural language words. They can be reading the words of Jesus in a specific way to be intercession. But when you are interceding, it means you are standing in-between on behalf of. So, you can do that in different languages and in different ways, but sometimes, you can intercede by praying in the language of the Spirit. Because we tell the Father, this is what we want Your will to be, and we know that if we talk like this, Your will is heard by us in the spirit. And You take exactly what you are praying and make it come to pass on the earth.
The spirit world hates it because it underlines His authority in our lives. It shows that we are submitted. I heard somebody preach recently on the dreadful “S” word. It’s a dreadful word. It’s called submitted. In the modern-day world, it’s a dreadful word because nobody wants to be submitted. But when we pray in the Holy Spirit, we are submitting to His will, to a recognition that He is in our lives. That’s a beautiful thing. It’s a beautiful thing. Sometimes we can do this in a different way. Pastor Sharon, will you and Pastor Garth lead us just singing in the spirit? Let’s join and let’s sing in the Spirit together. [Pastor Sharon and Pastor Garth lead the congregation in singing in the Spirit].
What are you doing right now? You know, what you’re doing right now is you’re submitting yourself to a language your mind doesn’t understand, your vocal cords to something that is unfamiliar to you, and you’re doing it together in such a way that says, “We all want to do this”. We want to sing in the Spirit – spiritual songs to the Lord, Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. We want to sing that to the Lord. Why? Because it’s something that we do rather than get drunk in the flesh. You know what that’s telling the universe? You’re submitted. You are a witness, a living witness to the living Holy Spirit who is alive on the earth. Wow, hey, you know, you don’t just have to see speaking in tongues or praying in the Spirit as something that I must do. You can do it because you want to do it, and if you want to do it, you could just say, “I’m telling the universe, all the realms of heaven, and all the things that exist there, that I’m submitted to Him, to His Spirit, to His Life, to His Word”. Let’s do it again. Hallelujah. Let’s praise Him while we do it because this is a good thing. [Pastor John leads the congregation to sing in the Spirit]. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, ooh, ooh! Glory to Jesus, glory to Jesus, glory to Jesus. Praise the Name of Jesus. Glory to the Name of Jesus. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah, praise His mighty Name.
Wow, isn’t that amazing when you just choose to say, “I’m a witness, and I’m going to pray in tongues just to be a witness. I’m going to sing in the Spirit just to be a witness.” You don’t have to be interceding. You don’t have to do anything. You just, “I’m going to be a witness that the Holy Spirit is alive in me. And I can pray in a different language because He is alive in me. And whatever He chooses to do with it, it’s His business. I’m just going to pray.” Hey. It makes you want to get in your car and drive somewhere and go. [Ps John praying in the Spirit] “What are you doing, Pastor John?” “I’m just being a witness and I’ve got a greater One living in me than he that’s in the world.” “What are you praying about?” “I don’t know. It doesn’t matter. I’m submitted.” [Ps John praying in the Spirit].
And the devil says to you, “But you are just talking rubbish and nonsense.” “I know you like to think that it’s rubbish to you, but to God the Father, it’s pure, precious, anointing, oil of submission of the Word of God, of the Holy Ghost that lives inside of me.” Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah, Jesus. Glory to Jesus. Hey, if you are here today and you have not ever prayed in this language, now is the time to pray. You say, “Well, pastor John, I need to fast about this a little bit.” “No.” You know, it’s a funny thing about children when they learn the language of their mother or their father, how do you think they learn it? Isn’t it amazing, that the first words that most of the kids would say is Mama or Dada? Something like that, right? Whatever language you speak, because they hear that a lot. Right? So, it kind of becomes a natural thing. You hang around people that speak that way, then it just comes from your spirit. I want to say something that doesn’t make sense to my brain.
Because you are just hanging around Jesus and Christians, and people that speak like that. And so, right now, we are just going to speak again. If you haven’t been filled, and some words come to your head and out of your spirit, just speak it out by faith. That’s how you do it. That is how a baby does it. Come on. Let’s do it. [Congregation praying in the Spirit].
Hallelujah. So, you might say, but, you know, when you started speaking, the words that I wanted you to speak sounded like your words that were coming out of your mouth. So? You speak in the Spirit because He fills you by faith, not because it’s a specific set of words that you do or don’t. And if you find yourself walking out there, you find yourself in your shower, you know, “Hey, today’s a good day.” [Pastor John praying in tongues].
“Hey, where did that word come from? Where did that word come from?” It’s your spirit man telling you, you full of the Holy Spirit, and you can speak in another language. “Oh, it’s a glad day today. I’m happy today. I’m full of joy today. Oh, yeah.” What happened now? The Holy Ghost is coming out of your spirit man. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Glory. This is not complicated, people. We are a born-again, renewed, recreated people who have a language of the Spirit. Hallelujah. Glory to Jesus. Maybe we should just sing one more time, in the Spirit. Just sing in the Spirit one more time. Submit again. Let’s just submit again. And declare again. Demonstrate. Go girl! [Congregation singing in the Spirit].
The Scripture here says, therefore do not be unwise, 17 “Do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” So, if you don’t understand what the will of the Lord is in that moment, you are unwise. When you understand what the will of the Lord is, you become wise. But watch what it says next, 18 “And do not be drunk with wine…” That’s a bit unwise. Because that’s not the will of the Lord, “in which is stupidity, dissipation. But be filled with the Spirit 19 speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:17-19 NKJV). Hey, when you praise the Lord, all of heaven, all of universe hears it.
So, guess what the devil wants to do? He wants to fill your head and your mouth with other words that are not glory words so that you don’t give glory to God. You just speak words that are nonsense words. Hey. Come on, this is a cool life to live. Don’t you think? Yes. I mean, it’s simple. Isn’t it? It’s not complicated. Amen. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You may be seated. And you all… but I think you must just say to one another before you sit down and say, ”You must speak psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to the Lord, and to each other.” Praise Jesus. Now I get to only start my clock now because I wasn’t preaching till now. Was I? No. You were all singing. I wasn’t preaching. Hallelujah.
It’s an amazing thing when you pray in the Spirit and or you’re singing in the Spirit, you can be as quiet, I mean, you don’t have to be noisy. You can just be, you know, like under your breath. If you, even if you’re in a public place, you can go, [Pastor John, softly praying in the Spirit]. You know what you’re doing? You’re just giving glory to God. You’re giving place to God, showing all of the universe that God is in you. Amen. You know, I mean this is a story I’ve told a number of times. You know, when you’ve got your own stories, these are your stories. And I don’t want to make up stories so that I have made up stories. These are my stories and you’ve lived with me long enough to know many of my stories. But it nevertheless remains a strong testimony in my heart and in my life that when I was in a company and we were having difficulty with a partner and circumstances that had worked out so that we were, you know, bound with a business partner. It was my job to go and see them and try and repair what had been damaged. And I went into their boardroom and I was there early, and I went and I stood at the window, and I just started to speak to the Father. First in my natural language and then in the Spirit. And I was in their boardroom, so how many of you know I wasn’t being real noisy? Right?
I was just in my suit standing there [Pastor John softly praying in the Spirit], and the next minute I began to laugh [Pastor John starts to laugh]. And the next minute, the Holy Spirit fell upon me and I was properly drunk. I didn’t know how to stand up straight. I was holding onto the windowsill there. I was drunk, and I said to the Lord, “Not now, Lord. I got a big meeting to get done here. Not now, Lord.” The Holy Spirit fell on me like that. I mean, it was just a short while. I mean, I don’t know how long it was. A minute, two minutes, I don’t know. Short while. The Holy Spirit just lifted off my body just like this. He’s anointing just lifted. And as He lifted off, they walked into the room because He’s a gentleman. He’s going to touch me when I need it and He did it for me. I didn’t realize at that time it must have permeated the whole building. Because when they walked in, I mean they were just so happy and full of good, light-hearted talk. Not like serious, like you know, “we’re about to axe you now”. You understand what I’m saying? I mean, they were friendly. We weren’t in the meeting for five minutes – everything sorted, let’s go. Partnership intact. Let’s go.
What happened? He happened. But, Pastor John, that doesn’t make sense. It didn’t to me at the time either. I thought I was going to deal with a very complicated partnership relationship issue. But when the Holy Spirit gives you His ways and His will to take care of stuff, things can get fixed quick. Quick quick. Amen. So, today I’m still a witness. I still give testimony of the Holy Spirit who will be with you and me in everything we do in everyday life. He is not separated from us when we leave the church. On the contrary, He knows we need more light when we go into the darkness, not less. Amen. Can I read that passage of scripture to you again? 17 “Therefore, do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation” or excess, “but be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking to one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, 20 giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:17-20 NKJV). “In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father…” (Ephesians 5:20 NKJV).
Isn’t that amazing that when you do this, you’re giving thanks to the Father? No wonder the Devil wants us to stop doing this stuff. Right? Because when you do that, you’re giving thanks to God, the Father of all things. Amen. Hallelujah. You guys are quiet this morning. You were all loud when you were singing, and now you’re just all quiet. [Congregation shouts “Amen”]. Please be noisy like that for the rest of the meeting. [Congregation shouts “Amen” again”]. Thank you. I don’t want to feel like I’m talking to a bunch of, you know, thinkers. I’m happy if you think, but you can also talk at the same time. We just did that for 10 minutes.
Hallelujah. Alright. Just remind me to do announcements at the end because I’m into my flow here. Hallelujah. The next verse says, 21 “Submitting to one another in the fear of the Lord” (Ephesians 5:21 NKJV). So, when you get to do this kind of stuff when you get to pray in the Spirit, when you get to sing in the Spirit, when you get to give thanks to God always for all things, there’s something that happens to you. The fear of the Lord comes upon you. Now, I’m just going to produce a counterargument for you. I’m going to present this truth to you in a different way. Okay?
If you are a little child and you’re 5 years old and your mom and dad disciplined you for something you’ve done wrong, the discipline is likely to be painful. One way or another, whatever the discipline is, it’s not going to be disciplined if it’s not painful. Right? Because the pain is intended to teach you something. Right? So, if you do the wrong thing, then pain is intended to teach you something. So, if you don’t care for the pain or you say, “I don’t care how much pain you give me; I’m going to keep doing what I’m going to keep doing,” you might feel increasing levels of pain to the point where you may become immune to the pain. It’s possible, right? It’s possible. I don’t know if I should, if I should tell the secrets of my son, Garth. But my son, Garth, when he was a little boy, he used to lie in bed, he used to sleep on his tummy. And for some reason, he used to bang his head against the front of the bed like this. [Pastor John making a head-banging gesture]. He’s never recovered since then, you know? Ask Marcel and his kids—the headboard. He used to lie on his tummy like this and bang his head against the headboard, and we’d know he was in bed, and he’s awake because he’d be banging his head down. We could hear him banging his head.
At some point in time, he discovered that the banging of the head was something good for him, not bad for him. Whatever he was experiencing, I don’t know. I’m not sure he understands it, but, you know, he would bang his head. And so sometimes he’d bang his head a bit harder, then he’d stop, and then he’d bang his head again. He became immune to the pain of his skin on the headboard, and he’d rather like whatever it was telling him. Subconsciously, the little boy was wanting to bang his head against the headboard. Maybe he was seeking attention. Who knows? Maybe some psychologist can tell me, give me an understanding of my son, you know, all these years later. You know, certainly, as a cyclist, I’d like a psychologist to bring understanding to me why it is that I really feel the joy of getting on a bike and riding and riding and riding until I get more and more pain, and more and more pain, and more and more pain. And the higher levels of my pain, the more I want to keep going. That’s weird hey? And I set targets for myself so that I can feel pain. And before I get on the bike, I know that if I’ve got that target, I’m going to experience three hours of extreme pain, and even though I know the pain is coming, I embrace the pain.
How many of you know that’s not going to teach me anything? I’m not doing that to teach me a lesson of what not to do. You understand what I’m saying? I mean, I have benefited from it, but I’m not using it to teach me a lesson. I’m embracing the pain. Are you with me? So, I become somewhat immune to the pain thresholds. You get me? So, if I have to reverse argument this to you, I could say to you, if you are not giving thanks to the Lord if you are not speaking in tongues if you are not praying and doing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs in your heart to the Lord and to each other, if you are not doing that, then what’s going to happen is you are not going to fear the Lord. Because doing those things gives you fear of the Lord. If you don’t do those things, you’re going to stop having fear of the Lord. So, what happens when you stop having fear of the Lord? Then His ways get further and further away from you, right? And so, as His ways get further away from you, you find it less necessary to do the things that would bring the fear back. Now that fear is not a fear of, “I want to stop doing something because it’s painful”. I mean, it does include that because you know that God’s got your best interest at heart, in His heart for you. So, He wants you to understand that if you completely live with Him, His best interest is always what He’s looking for. If you don’t do the things that are about Him, you’re going to do the things that are about you.
And when you do the things that are about you, destruction is going to come to your life. But watch this. When you do the things that are about you, you stop needing to be submitted and respectful to God, because you respect you more than you respect God. And so, the whole thing about what you do is that you don’t know it, but you are going to bring destruction to your life. You think you’ve got it all covered because you think you know about what you want more than anybody else knows about what you want. Except God knows more about what you want than you do, except He’s not wanting you to do what you want to do to destroy you, He wants you to do what you want to do so that He can give you life. And you say, “But the things that God wants me to do don’t bring me life because it’s not the life that I want to live”. If you start thinking that way, you’re not going to fear God.
Then you’re going to think more like that and more like that and more like that. I must do what I must do because I don’t want to fear God. Because the minute I fear God, it means I’ve got to take what I want to do and all those grand schemes that I’ve got for my life and I’ve got to submit it to God. And you say, “That’s just too much effort. That’s just too much. That’s, you know, I got to give up my own dreams and my own nice comfortable ways so that I can do what God wants me to do.” Meanwhile, He actually knows you so well. He knows your DNA. He knows your thinking. He knows your background. He knows you before you are even born, and He knows what’s best for your life. All it requires is that you’ve got to just recognize Him, for you. And you know what He does in turn is He says, “When you do this, you become a witness of My life.” Hallelujah. Praise Jesus.
So, I want to show you some photographs now, and we’re going to start with the MiXchange Business Park. We’re going to start with some photographs on the My Exchange Business Park, Inhloso Foundation; MiXchange Business.
How cool does that look? Next one, please.
This was during the course of the building. I don’t know who those dudes are in the front there, but they look like they’re doing nothing. It looks like Matthew’s there and pointing at something. I don’t know what he’s doing. And Pastor Melusi, he’s also doing nothing. He’s just taking pictures or something. I don’t know. And the next one.
Here are the, guys who made it happen. Thank you, Paul, Khayzek, Ernest, Simon, Matty J, and there were others too. There were others. Who were the others? Kaenan, Louis and others that came in different times. Thank you, guys. Good job. Great job. I’m going to talk about them in a minute. Next one, please.
That’s the workspace. Do you see this table over here? Looks pretty good, hey? Do you know what they made that from? Pallets. You know those pallets that move things around? They made that. They made it. Particularly, I think Paul and Ernest, I mean, there were others that helped. I know Louis and they all did work on it. They sanded it and they did… I mean, that doesn’t look like a pallet. They converted a pallet into a beautiful piece of work. “Joshua, can you do that? That’s not in your wheelhouse hey? Me and you both. You may learn it. I’m not going to learn it.”
Ek is verby daai tyd in my lewe. You may learn it. I’m not going to learn it. I’d rather let someone else do that. “Doctor Nico, you want to take some tools? You want to try to make something like that? It’s better someone else does it, right? You want to work on the ears? Ek saam met jou, broer.”
I mean, there’s some people that can make this happen and some people that just can’t. Don’t look at me like “You can’t do something I can do.” I can do something you can’t do also. Moenie so vir my kyk nie, julle. Next one, please.
How wonderful does this workspace look like? Next one, please.
All pallets. Kan jy glo? Wow. Next.
Now this boardroom table here was also made from pallets, but they cut them sideways. You know how much work it took to put that many little bits of pieces of wood together? I wouldn’t even think of doing that because my brain wouldn’t work like that. You know? It just doesn’t work like that, but look, someone else’s brain could think of it. Not only does someone else’s brain think about it, but someone else knows how to do it. If you know how to do it, you can think about it. If you don’t know how to do it, you won’t even think about it. That’s me. I look at these tables and I say, “When are you making me one?” That’s not a rhetorical question, that’s the actual question for them that they must answer to me, you know. That’s marvellous. Don’t you think?
Next one, please.
That’s the new kind of coffee shop where you can go and have coffee at Inhloso Foundation offices. It’s not open for business full-time yet, but this is where we had coffee yesterday in our Slipstream cycle ride. You were not invited because they were learning how to make mass coffee. Even with our twenty-odd people there, they were working pretty much flat out. So, it’s a learning process. Neh? Okay. Next one.
Those are the people that were doing their stuff yesterday. Pretty cool, hey? You know, I mean, I could have done that, but it’s not my time to do that. Right? So, in their time, it’s their time to do something like this. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. I don’t think I have any more of these slides left, do I? No. It’s the next one that I’m going to go to. Before I go to the next ones, I want to just talk for a minute.
I want to say that I’m giving testimony today. I’m bearing witness to you with these photographs. What’s the witness? I want to talk to you about the witness for a minute. I want to talk to you about the witnesses that the people who were serving yesterday, the people who were building these offices; I bear witness to their gift. They have an ability to turn empty office space into an office space that’s got beautiful desks, chairs, and a place that looks like we, as a Mixchange Business and in Inhloso Foundation, we’ve got a place where we can go work and do business there, and that as we present ourselves to the world, it’s a worthy place. I’m giving witness to the fact that they and their gifts built it, I could not. Even if I could, it’s not my time to have been able to “could.” So it’s their time to do the could, even if I could, which I can’t.
I bear witness to the fact that they have gifts. The other thing that I bear witness to is that they are part of this body and that they were willing to give their energy and their gifts to this body. Do you bear witness to that? Because they use their gifts to this and use it in this body, it demonstrates to everybody that this body is functioning as a healthy body. Right? We witness that. The other thing that we witness is that because this body gives them space to do what they can do, the whole body recognises that we all share in the glory of the witness. So, what they did becomes our glory, not just their glory. If they do it just for their glory, then I would go so far as to say that they probably wouldn’t be doing it for us. They would be doing it so they get paid for it. But because they did it so that they could be a witness to us, it becomes a witness to the whole universe that this body is working properly. Amen.
This is a glory story. All of us have got different gifts. All of us have got different abilities. All of us have got different seasons of our lives where we are doing different things at different stages, and we have to recognise and embrace, every one of us, that we are at different stages. We got different gifts. We have different capabilities and capacities. Sometimes, it’s just about the season of our life. If we recognise this, then we give space for each other to do what we need to do and we all become a witness.
God can say, “Look at these people. They are showing the whole universe Me because they, altogether, look like Me.” That might sound like a small thing, but let me tell you, every nail that they that they hit, every screw that they fastened, everything that they glued, every time they went somewhere, they were representing all of us to the heavens that their gift has a place to work, that we are together with them in their working gift. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. Hallelujah.
I thank God that there is a place for all of us to do something some of the time, some of us will do it all of the time, and that’s the only difference between full-time and some time; is that some of us can do it some of the time and other of us can do it all of the time. All of you are messengers of the Gospel, you are supposed to be Good News preachers wherever you go, and you may only do it some of the time, whereas I can do it all of the time. Hallelujah. Come on. When you hear me talk like this, this makes a lot more sense. Right? Come on. This is not a complicated thing for us to operate in the body of Christ.
So, 21 submitting to one another in the fear of God. Now let me just explain this to you for a minute. Submission for me in the fear of God is, if I take Paul’s gift, for example, and I take Ernest’s gift. Where’s Ernest? If I take Ernest’s gift, I know Ernest and Paul, they were sort of the major ones that made those desks. If I take their gifts and I say, “You have no place to function in this church because my gift is the one that must work all the time, because I am the one who is in charge of this ministry and my gift must work all of the time, otherwise we are not a church.” Hello? I lose my fear of God when I think like that, because the fear of God says, “I must recognize their gifts and their importance of their gifts, because their gifts need to be working for all of us to flow properly.” So, when I recognize them today, I’m not bringing glory to the quality and the value of their gift. They know what their gift is, I mean they know, right, Ernest?
I mean, all the years you lived in my house, if I needed something to get done in my house, I would call Ernest. And Ernest had some tools, and you know, I was grateful. All of those years I could say, “Ernest, here’s a plug, here’s a kettle, here’s a whatever, here’s a whatever,” and Ernest was there to fix it for me. I don’t need to tell Ernest what he can do. He already knows what he can do. And his gift to him is not like, “Do you see how mind-blowing my gift is?” In his mind, it’s just like, it’s his gift. He just knows what to do and how to do it. He doesn’t have to come and say, “If you are going to give me the right amount of glory, then I will do this for you.” His gift is just waiting to be used because he knows that he can do stuff with his gift. If I don’t recognize it and I don’t recognize Paul’s gift, then I lose the fear of God because I am not recognizing what God put in them, that it is different to what God put in me. So, when they are busy in the workshop, you think I walk in there and say, “Give me that tool, I want to drill this hole.” “Why?” “Because I am showing you I am in charge.” I lose the fear of God when I do that because I am trying to prove something, I’m not trying to submit to something. In that case, I submit to the gift, and they will say, “Pastor John, stay away. We know you can’t use a drill. Stay away, Pastor John. You may hurt yourself with this drill.”
If I had to take the time and, occasionally people have done this for me because they are just kind to me, they will say, “If you want to drill something, take a hammer or take a… and start somewhere. Don’t just put the drill against the empty surface. Start somewhere. Put a little gaatjie there. You know, start somewhere. And then when you put the drill, do it like this, and then you’ll see me put on…” “No. No, that’s a wrong drill. That’s a drill for wood. You need a drill for concrete.” I didn’t know that, someone had to tell me that. For them it’s like, they already know where all the drills are, they already know where this is, and now they know they got to make a mark there, put the….you know, I’ve watched them. I don’t want to do it. Amen.
So, I mean, you know, I could say, “I know what the will of the Lord is for them. And so, unless I am telling them exactly what to do all the time, then they are going to be missing it.” No, I’ve got to let their gifts just find where their gifts can work. Come on. And so, what I have got to do that’s my part is, “Lord, You want us to do MiXchange Business?” “Yes.” “We need place for business gifts and skills to grow and to develop in the community. We need, where the other gifts of business and those kinds of skills need to be grown and developed and to flourish, whatever it is, we need a place where we can do that.” “Yes.” So, we need it to look like us. So, then as I share my vision, someone comes and says, “Let’s do this in this office space. Someone comes and says, “We can build this. We can populate it with this. We need an air con. We need a WiFi. We need a this.” Their gifts are all working, I’m not telling them. I’m submitting to them in the fear of God.
If they say to me, “You know, Pastor John, this is going to take 6 weeks to do this,” and I say, “No, you got to do it in 2 weeks,” they’re going to just say, “If you want it in 2 weeks, Pastor John, you do it.” It doesn’t matter how quickly I want to get it done, it’s just not going to get done. Or they might say to me, “Okay, Pastor John. We can do it in 2 weeks, but you need 10 more people to work around the clock to do it and it’s going to cost you this much money.” Do you see what I’m doing is I’m putting their gift ahead of my gift because their gift knows what to do, my gift does not. That’s what it is to submit to one another in the fear of the Lord. Amen.
How many of you think that I have a fairly decent singing voice? It’s fairly decent. Okay? Some of you seem like unsure. I have a fairly decent singing voice. I also used to play the guitar. If I took 1 or 2 months, I could get myself into decent playing condition and I could just sing a little bit and I could come and lead praise and worship. I could. If I wanted to, I could. That’s one thing I could do. Drill a hole somewhere, I can’t do that. But take a guitar and sing, I can do that. You know. But you don’t see me doing it.
Why not? Because I have to submit to someone else’s gift, someone else’s calling, someone else’s ability, someone else’s. So, what happens is that when we all do this together, we look like Jesus. We look like the Body of Christ where everybody starts to get into agreement about gifts and about callings and about seasons and about timings and about the release of this and the release of that. And someone’s got a gift and we can see they got a gift, but it’s not yet the calling time, the seasoning time because there’s some things that have to be resolved because sometimes they bring into that particular space a bunch of luggage that might just upset the whole apple cart. Amen. Does this make sense to you?
Now, I’m going to go a little bit further and I’m going to just use Ephesians chapter 6 verse 10. “10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord.” You know the book of Ephesians is like the ultimate church manual, you know, for the New Testament church. If you want to know how to be a church, this is the book you read, besides the book of Acts, the book of Ephesians. “10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord.” How do you be strong in the Lord? You don’t… you do psalms and hymns and spiritual songs and you give thanks to the Lord and you submit to each other in the fear of the Lord, right? So, now 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles,” or the strategies, or the working of the devil. You may be able to stand against the strategies of the devil “12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”(Ephesians 6:10-13 NKJV).
So, the strategy of the devil is going to be, number 1, I need to convince you, the devil being now, the devil needs to convince you in his strategies that he’s going to do, he needs to convince you that the gift that you really want to operate in looks like someone else’s gift. So, for example, if Ernest, if Ernest starts to think, my gift is not to work with my hands and to use a drill and to use all of these things and that his gift is a practical serving gift. If Ernest starts to think, I want to be the Pastor of the church because I pray in the spirit, I sing in the spirit, I’m a spiritual being, I get revelations from God, and I’m a… I become a spiritual mature because he’s operating in his gift. And he now suddenly decides he wants to be the Pastor. The strategy of the devil is, is take him out of his place in the body to become something else in the body that he shouldn’t be. The minute he does that, everybody else says, “Well, okay, if you’re called to that, we’ll just, we’ll go along with that because what else are they going to do?” But the minute he does that, he lacks the authority in the heavens to deal with this job.
So, then the devil just has a field day with everybody who is listening to him because there’s no authority. But the minute he says, “You know what? I’m supposed to do practical services. Pastor John, you’re the Pastor. You deal with that authority. I’ll deal with this authority.” We got joy and harmony. So, the strategy of the devil will try and get us out of our gifting, out of our calling, out of the plan that God has got for our lives. This is good teaching this morning. The other part of the strategy is if I can quit if I can have you quit giving thanks to God for all the things that you should be giving thanks to God for, then you stop thanking God for stuff and you begin to look for stuff that you can be happy with. There’s a difference between giving thanks to God and being happy. Happiness is my self-created state. Thanksgiving is a God-created state. Two completely different things.
When you give thanks to God, you give Him honour for the state that He’s created for you. And where it’s not yet in alignment with God, when you give thanks, He brings your state into His alignment. So, the strategy of the devil is to stop you from giving thanks, stop you from singing and making melody in your heart and praying in the spirit and being a Christian. If I can stop you from doing that, I’m going to make you focus on your self-created happy state. And then you will live your whole life looking for the things that give you a self-created happy state.
How, how does that make it different to anybody else in the world? So, that’s the whole strategy of the devil. “I need you, Christians, to look like everybody else in the world because if you’re looking like everybody else in the world, you stop bearing witness. You stop your testimony because I need you to look like everybody else in the world.” So, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. So, last week, I got to tell you about how I took the furniture back and that guy foamed at the mouth. Well, not last week, the week before and that guy foamed at the mouth and he was, like, very unhappy that I wanted to give the chairs back, and eventually, I just said, “You keep the chairs and you keep the money, and that’s it.” Because I’m not going to get into a mind game, a money game with the devil. As far as I’m concerned, that devil stole $200 from me and you and he’s got to repay that sevenfold. The way I see it’s going to happen is somebody’s going to give me furniture that’s going to be for free. Like, maybe these guys are going to make me a desk that’s going to be for free. I don’t know. No, I’m just saying, I mean, for the ministry, anybody, I just see God is going to work because I submitted myself to God’s ways, not my own flesh that wanted to rise up and klap him back.
I could …. Sow to the Spirit, I could’ve frosted the mouth and got into a verbal fight with him and, you know, I could’ve taken a hard line money point of view and say, “You owe me because ….” The representative that helped us. She was standing at the back there and she was staying out of it. I could have called her and I said, “Did I or did I not say this when I came into the shop?” I could have right there and then called David and said, “David, did we not or do or not say this in the shop?” I could go into a whole major barney about proving my point over $200. Some of you might say, “But $200, Pastor John, that’s a lot of money.” Not really. It’s not enough money to lose my peace over. It’s not enough money to lose my authority in the Spirit realm over that. Why would I just hand over my authority to the devil over a $200 issue? Come on. We don’t wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers who are trying to strategise us and trick against us so that we give up our authority, we give up our plan, God’s plan for us, we give up our gifts and our callings, we give that up so that we can choose some happiness or some self-inflicted moment of, “I have to stand up for what’s right,” or what’s fair or what’s not fair or whatever our issue is on the day. That’s not …… come on. Hello? Julle kan sê, amen? Amen. Praise the Lord.
So, once you’ve done everything to stand, then you must just stand. You just got to stand. You just got to just be there and stand. Hallelujah. I’ve got, something else here and then I’m nearly done. Let’s show the other pictures.
This is a witness. I wanted to show this picture because it’s a testimony. Can you tell me what this witness is? I mean, it’s not complicated. This is a witness of a life that we lived with Brother Jerry, that my family had a relationship with Brother Jerry and that Brother Jerry… let me just tell you something about this picture. Brother Jerry asked for this photograph, not us. It might look like it because we populate that picture. But Brother Jerry asked for this photograph and we took this photograph because Brother Jerry asked for it, not because we asked for it. Because he wanted to take this picture away with him so that he could keep remembering the relationship that he had with us. He wanted to have it as a reminder, a testimony, a witness. So, because he did that, it continues to be a reminder, a testimony, a witness for us past his death into eternity of the relationship that we had. So, it is with everything that you do that is in assignment with God, it remains a witness and a testimony forever. Forever. It never goes away. I think that’s a pretty cool picture. Don’t you think? I mean, that’s a great-looking familia – in our house. Praise the Lord. I could look at that all day just to see Brother Jerry sitting in the middle there. It’s beautiful.
You know what happens is that you look at it like that and you say, “What a testimony. What a witness of 28 years of living in fellowship with Brother Jerry.” Before we met him, our kids were about Keira-Leigh’s age when we first met him, maybe just a little bit older. And now my kids have got their kids’ age, and we’re still taking pictures together. That’s a witness. Amen. Next one, please.
I wanted to show you this picture because, this was taken in Cuba, and that’s the kind of cars they have in Cuba. [Chevrolet Bel Air, Classic car]. Remember when I went to go and visit Brother Jerry, and, the Lord said, “Go spend 5 weeks with him.” He said, “I’m going to Cuba.” And, at first, he didn’t let me know that I would be welcome. When I got there and I was now in my 5 weeks, he said, “John, we’re going to Cuba.” So, they had to find out what kind of visa I needed, and it turned out I could just buy a visa at the airport. No problem. And it was $20 or whatever, and we got on a plane and we went to Cuba. It was the one and only time that Brother Jerry ever went to Cuba.
Can I have the next picture, please?
So, the guy who arranged the whole Cuba trip was this guy over here in the middle standing in between Brother Joe and Brother Jerry, and the Pastor that was in Cuba, that lives in Cuba, that still is the Pastor of the church in Cuba, is that other guy with the glasses on. [Ps John and Tony are also in the picture]. So, what is this picture telling me and you? It’s telling me that Brother Jerry was called as an Apostle and when the opportunity came for him to go to Cuba, he recognised that it was his time and he said, “John, you’re with me. You’re coming with me.”
If I hadn’t obeyed God to go 5 weeks with Brother Jerry, I wouldn’t have been there to go with him to Cuba. Because I wouldn’t have flown from here to go to USA just to avoid me to go with him to Cuba. But you know what was happening at the time, I didn’t recognise it fully at the time, but the senior Apostle was going places and the junior Apostle was going with him. And so, this junior Apostle now become the senior Apostle since his transition, and this Apostle has gone to different countries of the world that I didn’t think my feet would ever go. But God knew the time would come that the Apostle would need to go and would have a testimony, a witness of apostolic ventures that happened with the senior Apostle while I was with him. I’d never tried to take his role as senior Apostle while he was alive. Come on. If I tried to do that, I would have been out of order. I would have been out of order and I would have cut off my blessing connection.
Now, I just want to tell you about this. Am I done with all the pictures? Oh, there’s one more. There’s one more to come. [Picture of Br Jerry on the motorbike]
Yeah. That’s well, now that it’s there, let me talk about it. Well, no. You can leave it there. I’m going to talk about it just now. Must just stay on the Cuba thing. I just want to tell you some things that happened when I went to Cuba. Brother Jerry, when we went to Cuba, we had to fly from Miami to Cuba, back to Miami, back to Dallas Fort Worth. So, Brother Jerry, at that time, he didn’t have his Falcon 50, and his aeroplane, there was no place for him to land it, and there wasn’t, all that private stuff that happens in Cuba, so we had to fly a commercial flight.
So, Brother Jerry flies what kind of class? 1st class. So, all of those other people that were with me, Tony and Joe, they were paid by Jerry Savelle Ministries USA to go there and they travelled, what? 1st class. Because Brother Jerry chose for them to fly with him in 1st class. He paid for it. So, where must I fly? First class. So, I flew first class.
So, the difference between a first-class ticket to Cuba and back was maybe a difference – versus an economy class ticket was, I don’t remember, but I’m going to give you what I think more or less. It was like $200 or $300 versus $800, $900. That’s a big difference. So, what must I do now? I must say, “Because of money, I can’t fly with the Apostle?” Because I was paying for me – we were paying for me. So, I could have put everything at stake if I didn’t fly with the Apostle. Come on now. Because when you get off the plane, you’re supposed to, and it happened in that case, you get your luggage before everybody else does, there’s someone waiting, everybody goes into a special lounge, and they get you there, lots of things happen. Come on now. That you can’t even imagine what would happen if you were flying in a different class.
So, when we came back from Cuba and we are in the Miami Airport, it’s a late flight. We only started flying out of Miami, like, at 10 o’clock at night, and we only landed in Dallas, Fort Worth, like, half past twelve in the morning, the next day. I mean, it was a long day. When we arrive in in in in Miami Airport, Brother Jerry wants to eat a burger because we’ve been now in Cuba for 6… Don’t look at me like that because he wanted to eat a burger. You all in your healthy exchange month mentality. He wanted to have a burger. There was only one place open for a burger. He wanted to have a burger and fries, and Coca-Cola. I know. Even Apostles can need to have enlightenment. But we went there, we ordered burgers, and we sat and we had our burgers, and just after he’d eaten and had a Coke, Brother Jerry is really upbeat because of the amazing things that God did in Cuba. And he’s really in a chatty mood, and he’s feeling really full of the joys of life, and assignment, and everything, you know.
So, we get on the plane and we find out that we, all of us, are the only ones in first class. JSMI International was first class. I mean, there were a few open seats, but there was no one else in those seats, it was just us. So, Brother Jerry gets up there and he’s he kind of hangs over a chair, between 2 chairs like this and, you know, he starts to talk to us and share things with us, have some fun with us, joke a bit with us, and, you know, and I’m sitting there thinking, “You know, Lord, this is amazing. This is amazing.” I mean, I wasn’t to know that a few years later he’d be gone to heaven, and we would be here. I can tell you, I am a witness of the goodness of God, the favour of God, the blessing of God, because I chose to go with him based on his expectation of things that would happen.
So, if money is just a tool, then why do you want to hold on to it? That went down like a… [Pastor John nods and the congregation laugh]. On the contrary, God says, “If money is a tool, the more you give it away, the more it’ll come back.” Well, the money I spent on assignment, God has been giving it back, and back, and back, and back, and the more I give it away on assignment, the more He brings it back, and back. The more I give it away on assignment, the assignment gets bigger, and the money gets more, and it just comes back, and comes back. Hello? Because I recognised what his gift was, and I didn’t try and do what he was doing. I went and followed what he was doing. Now God has said, “Now it’s up to you, John.” Now it’s up to us. Now it’s our chance. Amen. Hallelujah.
So, I want to tell you about this bike. This bike is a witness, isn’t it?
Tell me, what’s the witness to us? This bike is a witness to what? Irrational honour. A gift that didn’t need to be given, but that was given. Why did we give this gift to him? Anybody? He performed for this gift. It was what? Love. It was just joy, love to give him a gift. Isn’t it an amazing witness and testimony that we did something like this for him? That on his memorial day, on his funeral at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, this was the bike they rode in the front of the whole thing. We are part of forever with this bike. Forever. So, I just want to tell you that it’s in my heart, I’m believing God for it. I just want to share it with you. It’s in my heart that we buy this bike back from Miss Carolyn. That it will be part of our ministry forever. If I wanted to make a reasonable offer to her, I would probably make it for $20,000 even though it costs more than that, but anything less than that would be not proper. You know?
So, I’m just letting you know that this is something… that I’m not rushing it, I’m not fussing about it, I’m not making a big deal about it. It’s just a conversation I’ve had with the Lord. This morning when I was praying and the Lord told me the direction that I was to take with this meeting today, He said that I should share this because I’ve had this in my heart for a while already, Sharon will tell you. In fact, on the two times that I’ve been back to America, I almost made an offer to Miss Carolyn for this bike, for me to buy it. But then I thought, I didn’t have a peace about it. My desire was to have this bike and it still is, but I didn’t have a peace to make the offer. In fact, there were other people that have been close to Brother Jerry and close to Chariots that while I was there this last time, they were making the final payments to other bikes that they had made an offer on to buy from Miss Carolyn. And they were making their final payments, and taking delivery of the motorbikes, and this was all happening around me. What do you think, what kind of pull that made on me? Huh?
It was like, “Do it now. Otherwise, they’re going to sell it.” So, I just said to the Lord, I said, “Lord, I’m putting it in Your hands because I don’t have a peace yet that this is supposed to be a now thing.” But I’ll tell you honestly, I’m comfortable with this; if that bike gets sold and this is the only thing that we have, that’s okay by me, because whoever’s going to ride it is going to be blessed. Right? That’s just the way that I have it. I’m not, it’s not the highest thing for me, but I’d like to. Will you all agree with me that we will have favour with Miss Carolyn? And, you know, I don’t want to withhold a blessing from her, so if she needs to sell it, and get rid of it, okay. But other than that, I put that bike on hold, that no one else will buy it except me. Unless she needs to do something with it, then I’ll release it. What do you say? [Congregation answered, “Yes Pastor John.”]. That we can have it as part of our witness. Don’t you think God wants to do things with us, through us, for us that will be a continual testimony? A continual witness forever and ever and ever? Look what they believe. Look what they asked Me for. Look what I just did for them as a favor and it stands as a memorial forever. The Bible’s got a story like that.
He’s a centurion man who recognized God’s hand on the covenant people of Israel and he built them a synagogue. So, when the time came for him to have a miracle, the leaders of the synagogue came to Jesus and said, “This man did good for us.” So, Jesus did a miracle for him because someone said, “This man.” It was and it will forever be a memorial. And now I’m talking about it because it’s a witness. This testimony thing, this thing that you do when you pray in tongues, and I’m finishing off with this. This thing that you do when you pray in tongues, when you sing in the Spirit when you give thanks to God. This thing when you bring your gifts to the church and you give your gifts to the ministry and you give your gifts to the body of Christ, this thing that you do is a memorial. It’s a testimony. It’s a witness. It stands before the angels of heaven. It stands before all the hosts of heaven. It stands before principalities and powers and rulers of darkness that we are a separated people. We are a holy nation unto God, a nation of priests and kings to God. We are a special separated people and we show God that we are separated because we don’t behave like the world. We behave as people that understand the body of Christ.
Hadn’t intended to say it, but the Lord just put it in my heart and I’ll say, “That’s why when it says in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 that when you come together and you have the Lord’s body, don’t do it in such a way that you bring condemnation on yourself, but you should examine yourself and make sure that you have your life in order.” It’s not because you’re trying to get rid of sin. It’s because of your place in the body. It’s while you see yourself in the body. When you don’t see yourself properly in the body, then you drink unto yourself a condemnation because you say, “I’m here for myself. I’m not part of the body of Christ, and I’ll give it as much as I want to and I’ll withhold it as much as I want to.”
That’s why when we take the elements in the body of the Lord Jesus Christ, we tell the whole of the universe we reckon we understand body ministry. We are submitted to each other in the fear of the Lord in body ministry. It’s the most powerful force in the universe, us. People that are submitted in the fear of the Lord to each other, people that are submitted to the ways of God, we are the most powerful force in the universe. We are unstoppable. Hallelujah. When Ernest is popping the rivets and drilling those holes, he becomes the most powerful force in the universe because he’s doing it unto the Lord. His gift is submitted to the Lord. There’s no more powerful gift than his gift working at that time doing the thing that he must do, that he can do because he’s testifying of the body of Christ while he does it. He’s just a symbol of all the others that do stuff around the ministry. Hallelujah.
Praise the Lord. Praise Jesus. You know what, hey? I know that the Lord is having me preach this way because we’ve come across and we’re establishing a new order because our Apostle left. It’s amazing to me within the space of 6 months, my Apostle left and my previous Pastor left. They’re just gone. They’re in heaven and they’re watching now, and now it’s our turn. Amen. Hallelujah.
So, sacrifice and obedience services. Special obedience services, the 14th to 16th on this card. Did you get one when you came in? And then Christmas service on the 25th. If you didn’t know, the 25th is Christmas. It also happens to be my son, Garth’s birthday.
And, then on the 28th to the 1st, special obedience services. If you look here, there’s someone in, chalk here worshipping. Beautiful picture. Then there’s a bigger one here, sacrifice and obedience, and there’s worshipping hands. Nice hey? I know there’s one here. And if you look at this one here, it says… where’s the one here? Oh, it’s on the other side. This is on this side. This is us giving our holiday of… what? Holiday beach, holiday bush, and holiday house. This is us giving our holiday house, holiday beach, and holiday bush to the Lord. And there’s a bush lodge and a waentjie being pulled by a car. Lekker man julle mense. This is beautifully creative. In case you think it’s me, I have nothing to do with this. This is disciples making a statement. Well done, all of you. Praise the Lord.
Also, I want to tell you, and this is for those who are still here for the next 2 weeks, all of our major events are over. So, our next biggest event is… our biggest event, not our biggest service, but our biggest event is the 14th of February. It’s Valentine’s relationship celebration.
These 2 weeks, we going to make it work, so when we come back, we are ready to make it happen. We are going to have a party. I’m just wanting you to know, just want you to know that I’m having a special… a special outfit made for me for that date. Uh-huh. Ek gaan baie mooi lyk. And this girl also has a special outfit made for that occasion. Also, we’re going to celebrate 45/70. Amen. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus.
So, hallelujah. Thank you for being my family. Thank you for being a family of God. Thank you for being such an amazing people. Hallelujah. Won’t you all stand with me, please? Hallelujah. Hallelujah. You know, I just know we got to do this one more time. [Everyone praying in the spirit.] I mean, that’s so easy to do. You’re just revealing to everybody like I’m something special. I have a special language, and I’m talking like a special thing. And I see Pastor Christi’s got money in her hands, so now I have to take up an offering. So, you’re going to have to sit again because once again, I forgot to take up an offering. Eish, Jesus. Holy Spirit You must help me… He is helping me. They help me. They help me. Let’s take up an offering, please.
Just look at all these marvellous people. Lillian, it’s good to see you. And where’s Daniel, the Khambatika? Where is he? Daniel. Hey, I mean, they’re not here every week to come from Joburg… it’s good to see you when I do see you. How long have you been with us now, Lillian?[Lillian responding from day 1] From day 1. No wonder I miss your face.
But you see, they are, they are serving here. They’re drilling holes in your pocket. Praise the Lord. So, I don’t know who’s supposed to come up here with those bags, but I would like Lillian and Daniel to come up with those bags. Just because I saw them this morning, and I haven’t seen them in a while. I’m not saying that they don’t here… how often they are or aren’t here, but I saw them this morning, and my heart is glad. So, Lillian, you and Daniel are going to bring the… but I want to know if this is going to take long, Lillian. Look at her. No. You don’t have to do this.
I just want to hug you. And here comes Daniel. Oh, it’s good to see you. Because you’re going to finish and run out afterwards, and then I don’t get to see you. Are you doing alright?
That’s good. Let’s pray… let’s stand and let’s pray together. Thank You, Lord, that we can bring our offerings to You, and that as we give our offerings to You, You receive them in heaven. And we are blessed that You see the work of our hands, and You bless the work of our hands and that we can show You our love by giving You our money. It’s a blessing to us, Lord. And we thank You for the opportunity, and we ask You to make opportunities and blessings come into our lives on every wave because that’s Your desire for us anyway. And we thank You for it in Jesus’ name. Amen. Bless you. Bless you.
Hallelujah. You know, Daniel here, I don’t know, for many many years, I don’t know, probably 10 years, he was the sound man in Johannesburg, and he was, like, every Sunday, he would be in at the sound desk every Sunday. Faithful, faithful, faithful. Amen. And now the season has changed a bit, but here they are still. Hallelujah. You know how much… I feel like dancing. That’s how much joy I have because I saw them this morning. Yeah. I mean, I love you all too, but I don’t see them that much.
Hallelujah. Can I pray over you? Can we pray together? Please say this with me. Lord, thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit, that I can live my life, giving thanks to You through the person of the Holy Spirit. Thank You, Lord. Amen. And I pray that your week is filled with peace and joy, and there are so many good things that happened to you that you can’t hardly stand it. Don’t you want to agree with that? Say, “Let it happen to me, Lord. All those good things overflowing in abundance so that I can’t hardly stand it because it’s just overtaking me all the time. Hallelujah.” And we’re all in agreement with that. Amen. Amen.
I’ll see you at 5 o’clock. Okay. Bye.
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