Scripture Reference: Hebrews 10:35-36 (TPT); Hebrews 11:6 (TPT); Joshua 24:15
Praise the Lord, glory to God, Hallelujah. Welcome to 2021. I really don’t care nothing about anything negative that happened in 2020 we’re looking forward, even when I was in 2020 I was already looking forward. In fact faith is always reaching to the possibilities of God, always reaching forward to the things that God has good for us. The word of God says that He turns everything, He turns it around, everything He turns to our certain good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose, so you have got to love God and you have got to be called according to His purposes.
Then it doesn’t matter what you got going on in your life, He will turn it around for your certain good for my certain good, I want to say again welcome to 2021. This is going to be a spectacular year for those who want God to be the Lord and Master and Saviour of everything that they do in their lives.
Just wonderful, it’s going to be amazing; I can’t wait to see all of you in person, Pastor Sharon and I just can’t wait to connect with you again in person. We decided after much prayerful thought and consideration that in this year, between the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 because of the way so many people are away and certain limitations that are in church gatherings that we would do the service as a digital service, church service.
I trust you have enjoyed the praise and worship and will continue to enjoy the sound and song, praise and worship sound and song. We are going to call it now sound and song that God has in Him, that has been in Him in eternity that He is transferring to us, sounds and songs, that He wants us to bring into the earth and I know that 2021 is going to be another spectacular year of sound and song that God brings out of Heritage of Faith churches and Heritage of Faith Ministries.
I trust that if you had Christmas with family and friends that you had a good time. I trust that the beginning of the year has already been good for you, that you have been resting and relaxing. But I trust that you have made God part of it and that you continue to make God part of your everyday going forward. You know, I have always said this; how do you have a good marriage? One day at a time. How do you have a bad marriage? One day at a time. Similarly, I would like to say, how do you have a good walk with God? How do you become a strong Christian? One day at a time. How do you become a weak Christian – a Christian that has weak faith or faith that is not enduring? Just one day at a time.
It doesn’t take big events; it doesn’t take complicated religious philosophies or doctrines for you to be undermined. It just takes one day at a time. So, if you wake up one day and you’re saying aah, I’m feeling good today, I am in a good mood today, I don’t think I’ll pray because I am in a good mood, and so I am going to get out there and I am going to do my stuff – danger because you are taking the good things of your life right now and you’re saying, “I don’t need God for it.” Why don’t you rather take that good mood that you’re in, that good space you’re in, and thank God for it and make Him part of it. Thank Him that He has created the opportunity for you to have it. If you’re in a bad space, thank God anyway, then your bad space turns into a good space. It’s one day at a time that you become strong as a Christian. One day at a time you become strong financially. One day at a time you begin to change your destiny, you begin to change your future. Just one day at a time. Every day matters.
This is really an important season for us to just pursue God and keep pressing into Him. Thank you for joining me today on this Sunday service. Thank you for tuning in, for what the Word of the Lord has to say in this time, in this particular season and I am really thankful that there are people out there that are sold out vessels, sold out servants of the most high God, sold out to become a stronger Christian, day by day and so I want to read you a passage of scripture in Hebrews that the Lord gave me, and it is Hebrews chapter 10 and I am reading from verse 35 and it says this; 35 So don’t lose your bold, courageous faith, [don’t lose your bold, courageous faith] this is The Passion Translation, for you are destined for a great reward! [you are destined for a great reward] (Hebrews 10:35 TPT). This year you are destined for a great reward.
Hebrews Chapter 11, the next chapter verse 6 says, “God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6 TPT) And so the reward is there, God wants to reward us, so you have got to seek Him, you have got to go after Him and you have got to keep yourself strong and courageous. Do not lose your boldness, do not lose your strong courageous faith.
How do you lose it? One day at a time. You just give yourself to too many other things and exclude God, exclude His word from what you are doing in your life. How do you continue in boldness and courage? How do the rewards come? Everyday. You just give God a little part, you give God more and more, you give God a little more, a little part more. A little increase more, everyday you just do more, you just give God more glory, more praise, more thanksgiving, more wonderful things. It is a day by day walk. Even if you might have a plan that is just two or three months or a year in advance, your walk is still daily and God if you let Him change your plans so that you actually have a great reward that comes to you as opposed to pursuing your own plans where no rewards can come to you. It is a good time. So, the Lord spoke to me and He has been speaking to me, and He has told me that in 2021, or from the time that He told me in October/ November of 2020, when He began to speak to me, perhaps even before that, that He wanted me to go Big and Bold in 2021.
That means to me that from this moment onwards, not just for the year of 2021, but from this moment onwards, we think bigger, and we are bolder in the way that we go about things. Are you ready for this? Because it’s coming your way, it’s coming your way, praise the Lord, hallelujah.
So 35 …for you are destined for a great reward! Come, let’s enjoy this reward together. But I want to read you the next verse that says, 36You need the strength of endurance to reveal the poetry of God’s will… 36You need the strength of endurance to reveal the poetry of God’s will… I love the way this Passion translation puts it – God’s will is pure poetry to your life. If you have endurance in your faith, if you have that endurance, you will see the reveal of the poetry of God’s will in your life. It’s just amazing. And it says here, 36and then you receive the promise in full… 36…you receive the promise in full (Hebrews 10:35-36, TPT). There are those that receive the promise, but they don’t receive the fullness of the promise. But if you have endurance and strength, and faith, you’re bold and confident in who you are in your faith, in your unlimited access to God, then you will see the poetry of God’s will unfold for your life.
I want to make this declaration to you that 15…for me and my household, me and Pastor Sharon, and as my sons and grandchildren, my kids and their wives are all in agreement with this word, 15…we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). And we will see the poetry of God’s will unfold in our lives, and in this ministry, and in all the things that God has planned for us. So we’re going big, and we’re going bold, we’re going big, and we’re going bold. We are becoming aggressive with our faith. So that doesn’t mean to say that we are negatively aggressive or violent, but we have a spirit that will not be dominated by violence. We have a spirit that will not be dominated by a domineering violent system that wants to violate our future and violate our destiny and violate the things that God has for our lives. We are aggressive and pressing in and pushing hard and going strong for all the good things that God has for us.
And just pushing back against anything that wants to come and distract us and just trip us up and -cause those little foxes that want to destroy the fruitfulness that God has brought into our lives. We are watching out for them. We are observant, we are careful. We are allowing God to redeem the time for us. And we are exercising the wisdom of the Holy Spirit that has been placed in us by Christ Jesus. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Do you sense as I’m talking to you?
Do you see, in the spirit, that this is a strategic time, this is a time for you and me, for us together, collective greatness. This is a time for us to begin to hold, to join hands to join and strengthen our combined resources, combine our faith, combine our prayers, get united in our prayers, begin to press in spirit, for the big things that God has got for us. As we press as we come together collectively, great together in our faith, great together in our agreement, great together in our life of prayer, great together in sound and song and the way that we worship, greatness in the things, the boldness, and the strength will grow. And the big things that God has planned for us will begin to come into the material world as we bring them out of the spirit realm.
Yes, it’s true. Every great thing that has happened in this natural world, has first happened in the spirit. And so we press collectively, together with God, we press by the leading of the Holy Spirit, we press into going big and going bold. So we’re going to go big in prayer. We’re going to go big in sound and song. We’re going to go big in the word that we preach and the message that God has given us and as we‘re going big our faith is going to rise. Jude verse 20 says that, “Our faith will rise like an edifice going stronger and bigger and bigger and stronger.” Because as we pray in the Holy Ghost as we increase our bigness in prayer and everything God’s got for us, our faith grows, gets stronger, it has bigger endurance more enduring quality about it so that we can get things done with confidence and with boldness. I want to take this moment to read to you what Brother Jerry has declared, the fullness of his message that he’s declared for 2021 and so I read it to you.. This the fullness and it will be on our website so you can go and download it from the website.
In a time of fellowship with the Holy Spirit, this is Brother Jerry speaking, I heard Him speak these words: A new era has begun and more and more signs and wonders will be seen in 2021, signs and wonders that sounds like the word that The lord gave me: We must go big and we must go bold because there are big things He’s got for us, signs and wonders. For those who will heed My voice and obey My words. They will experience My goodness and My power as never seen or heard. They’ll see the fruit of their faithfulness come bursting forth. They’ll prosper and flourish like never before. Abundance and overflow that’s what they’ll see. I’ll bring it to pass because of their love and obedience to Me. Again there’s that word love and obey and be faithful and He’ll turn everything to your certain good if you’re in His purpose. No longer will their enemy have the upper hand for My Spirit is moving an outpouring of My power is coming upon our land, this land. A new era will be marked by many triumphant victories. It’s what I planned so just rest in Me. Miracle after miracle that’s what I’ll do. I take that I receive that. Big and bold.
Just decree it and receive it and know that it’s true. Refuse to be swayed by what’s said in the news. With Me on your side, how can you lose? So stay with the Word, it’s faithful and true. I’ll bring it to pass and great things I’ll do.
Now, I’ve got more to read but you know, this has come out of Brother Jerry in the form of Spiritual song or a Psalm and so we, with Pastor Sharon have been speaking much about how the Holy Spirit speaks in this form. So I continue.
Yes, a new era is here. It’s already begun and I plan marvellous things for you in 2021. Abundant overflow is the order of the day so rest assured it’s on its way. Your adversary can’t stop what I’ve already decreed so stay in faith and get ready to receive. Allow no one to discourage you by what they say. Just keep looking to Me and I’ll have My way. Tell my people they’ll need to remain strong and stay close to Me.
This is what I’ve been declaring and saying to you, “Confidence and boldness”, you’ve got to stay strong in your faith.
So they will not be deceived by their enemy. Yet his attacks will intensify and he will try to prevail but My power is greater and it shall not fail. Fear not nor be fretful over what shall come. The battle is mine. I’ve already won. The battle is already won for us, church. Contrary to what you see and shall hear in 2021, will be a great year, a year of abundance and overflow. That’s my plan and it shall be so. This is your theme for 2021; abundant overflow and it’s already begun. A great shaking, a great shifting, a great displacing will take place in your nation (which is South Africa) and immediately following this, there will come a great awakening and a great outpouring.
This is what you are to be watching for and what you are to be expecting as you are entering into 2021. You will see it, says the Lord, and remember when it happens – that I told you beforehand, I’m in charge of the seasons. I’m in charge of the times and My purposes shall be fulfilled. See, we got to be connected and in tune with God’s purposes and His plans.
I have the power to raise up and I have the power to bring down. And no man, no government and certainly no adversary will stop what I’ve planned. So lift your voices now and praise Me and rest assured – I have everything under control.
How does God have control? God has control because you give Him the control. You praise Him. You declare these words. And you are set and ready for all the things that God has for us in 2021.
So, hey church, this is going to be a great year. The Lord said to me it’s Go Big, Go Bold. Brother Jerry says, Abundant Overflow. There’s going to be a shifting and a shaking and you mustn’t be fearful. You got to press in. You got to stay connected to the Word. Be faithful. Let the Word do the work because God has already done the work through the Word and the battle is already won.
And so, I believe this year, 2021, with all my heart, I need you to join with me and agree with me that this is the year for the Local Church to prosper and be fruitful. This is the year for us to have Abundant Overflow. This is the year for us to go Big and Bold. Are you in agreement with me? Well then, let’s go. Let’s get ready. Let’s set ourselves to press and to prosper and to increase and to have all of God’s best for us in this year that lies ahead.
I’m so thankful that I could speak these words to you, in this way, in this medium. Thank you for listening to me. I look forward to seeing you in church again soon. Otherwise we will continue to still encourage each other in the Word in this way. Thank you for joining me on this Sunday service and I hope to see you again soon, as soon as next Sunday. May God bless you richly. In Jesus’ name.
Scripture Reference: Hebrews 10:35-36 (TPT); Hebrews 11:6 (TPT); Joshua 24:15
Praise the Lord, glory to God, Hallelujah. Welcome to 2021. I really don’t care nothing about anything negative that happened in 2020 we’re looking forward, even when I was in 2020 I was already looking forward. In fact faith is always reaching to the possibilities of God, always reaching forward to the things that God has good for us. The word of God says that He turns everything, He turns it around, everything He turns to our certain good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose, so you have got to love God and you have got to be called according to His purposes.
Then it doesn’t matter what you got going on in your life, He will turn it around for your certain good for my certain good, I want to say again welcome to 2021. This is going to be a spectacular year for those who want God to be the Lord and Master and Saviour of everything that they do in their lives.
Just wonderful, it’s going to be amazing; I can’t wait to see all of you in person, Pastor Sharon and I just can’t wait to connect with you again in person. We decided after much prayerful thought and consideration that in this year, between the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 because of the way so many people are away and certain limitations that are in church gatherings that we would do the service as a digital service, church service.
I trust you have enjoyed the praise and worship and will continue to enjoy the sound and song, praise and worship sound and song. We are going to call it now sound and song that God has in Him, that has been in Him in eternity that He is transferring to us, sounds and songs, that He wants us to bring into the earth and I know that 2021 is going to be another spectacular year of sound and song that God brings out of Heritage of Faith churches and Heritage of Faith Ministries.
I trust that if you had Christmas with family and friends that you had a good time. I trust that the beginning of the year has already been good for you, that you have been resting and relaxing. But I trust that you have made God part of it and that you continue to make God part of your everyday going forward. You know, I have always said this; how do you have a good marriage? One day at a time. How do you have a bad marriage? One day at a time. Similarly, I would like to say, how do you have a good walk with God? How do you become a strong Christian? One day at a time. How do you become a weak Christian – a Christian that has weak faith or faith that is not enduring? Just one day at a time.
It doesn’t take big events; it doesn’t take complicated religious philosophies or doctrines for you to be undermined. It just takes one day at a time. So, if you wake up one day and you’re saying aah, I’m feeling good today, I am in a good mood today, I don’t think I’ll pray because I am in a good mood, and so I am going to get out there and I am going to do my stuff – danger because you are taking the good things of your life right now and you’re saying, “I don’t need God for it.” Why don’t you rather take that good mood that you’re in, that good space you’re in, and thank God for it and make Him part of it. Thank Him that He has created the opportunity for you to have it. If you’re in a bad space, thank God anyway, then your bad space turns into a good space. It’s one day at a time that you become strong as a Christian. One day at a time you become strong financially. One day at a time you begin to change your destiny, you begin to change your future. Just one day at a time. Every day matters.
This is really an important season for us to just pursue God and keep pressing into Him. Thank you for joining me today on this Sunday service. Thank you for tuning in, for what the Word of the Lord has to say in this time, in this particular season and I am really thankful that there are people out there that are sold out vessels, sold out servants of the most high God, sold out to become a stronger Christian, day by day and so I want to read you a passage of scripture in Hebrews that the Lord gave me, and it is Hebrews chapter 10 and I am reading from verse 35 and it says this; 35 So don’t lose your bold, courageous faith, [don’t lose your bold, courageous faith] this is The Passion Translation, for you are destined for a great reward! [you are destined for a great reward] (Hebrews 10:35 TPT). This year you are destined for a great reward.
Hebrews Chapter 11, the next chapter verse 6 says, “God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6 TPT) And so the reward is there, God wants to reward us, so you have got to seek Him, you have got to go after Him and you have got to keep yourself strong and courageous. Do not lose your boldness, do not lose your strong courageous faith.
How do you lose it? One day at a time. You just give yourself to too many other things and exclude God, exclude His word from what you are doing in your life. How do you continue in boldness and courage? How do the rewards come? Everyday. You just give God a little part, you give God more and more, you give God a little more, a little part more. A little increase more, everyday you just do more, you just give God more glory, more praise, more thanksgiving, more wonderful things. It is a day by day walk. Even if you might have a plan that is just two or three months or a year in advance, your walk is still daily and God if you let Him change your plans so that you actually have a great reward that comes to you as opposed to pursuing your own plans where no rewards can come to you. It is a good time. So, the Lord spoke to me and He has been speaking to me, and He has told me that in 2021, or from the time that He told me in October/ November of 2020, when He began to speak to me, perhaps even before that, that He wanted me to go Big and Bold in 2021.
That means to me that from this moment onwards, not just for the year of 2021, but from this moment onwards, we think bigger, and we are bolder in the way that we go about things. Are you ready for this? Because it’s coming your way, it’s coming your way, praise the Lord, hallelujah.
So 35 …for you are destined for a great reward! Come, let’s enjoy this reward together. But I want to read you the next verse that says, 36You need the strength of endurance to reveal the poetry of God’s will… 36You need the strength of endurance to reveal the poetry of God’s will… I love the way this Passion translation puts it – God’s will is pure poetry to your life. If you have endurance in your faith, if you have that endurance, you will see the reveal of the poetry of God’s will in your life. It’s just amazing. And it says here, 36and then you receive the promise in full… 36…you receive the promise in full (Hebrews 10:35-36, TPT). There are those that receive the promise, but they don’t receive the fullness of the promise. But if you have endurance and strength, and faith, you’re bold and confident in who you are in your faith, in your unlimited access to God, then you will see the poetry of God’s will unfold for your life.
I want to make this declaration to you that 15…for me and my household, me and Pastor Sharon, and as my sons and grandchildren, my kids and their wives are all in agreement with this word, 15…we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). And we will see the poetry of God’s will unfold in our lives, and in this ministry, and in all the things that God has planned for us. So we’re going big, and we’re going bold, we’re going big, and we’re going bold. We are becoming aggressive with our faith. So that doesn’t mean to say that we are negatively aggressive or violent, but we have a spirit that will not be dominated by violence. We have a spirit that will not be dominated by a domineering violent system that wants to violate our future and violate our destiny and violate the things that God has for our lives. We are aggressive and pressing in and pushing hard and going strong for all the good things that God has for us.
And just pushing back against anything that wants to come and distract us and just trip us up and -cause those little foxes that want to destroy the fruitfulness that God has brought into our lives. We are watching out for them. We are observant, we are careful. We are allowing God to redeem the time for us. And we are exercising the wisdom of the Holy Spirit that has been placed in us by Christ Jesus. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Do you sense as I’m talking to you?
Do you see, in the spirit, that this is a strategic time, this is a time for you and me, for us together, collective greatness. This is a time for us to begin to hold, to join hands to join and strengthen our combined resources, combine our faith, combine our prayers, get united in our prayers, begin to press in spirit, for the big things that God has got for us. As we press as we come together collectively, great together in our faith, great together in our agreement, great together in our life of prayer, great together in sound and song and the way that we worship, greatness in the things, the boldness, and the strength will grow. And the big things that God has planned for us will begin to come into the material world as we bring them out of the spirit realm.
Yes, it’s true. Every great thing that has happened in this natural world, has first happened in the spirit. And so we press collectively, together with God, we press by the leading of the Holy Spirit, we press into going big and going bold. So we’re going to go big in prayer. We’re going to go big in sound and song. We’re going to go big in the word that we preach and the message that God has given us and as we‘re going big our faith is going to rise. Jude verse 20 says that, “Our faith will rise like an edifice going stronger and bigger and bigger and stronger.” Because as we pray in the Holy Ghost as we increase our bigness in prayer and everything God’s got for us, our faith grows, gets stronger, it has bigger endurance more enduring quality about it so that we can get things done with confidence and with boldness. I want to take this moment to read to you what Brother Jerry has declared, the fullness of his message that he’s declared for 2021 and so I read it to you.. This the fullness and it will be on our website so you can go and download it from the website.
In a time of fellowship with the Holy Spirit, this is Brother Jerry speaking, I heard Him speak these words: A new era has begun and more and more signs and wonders will be seen in 2021, signs and wonders that sounds like the word that The lord gave me: We must go big and we must go bold because there are big things He’s got for us, signs and wonders. For those who will heed My voice and obey My words. They will experience My goodness and My power as never seen or heard. They’ll see the fruit of their faithfulness come bursting forth. They’ll prosper and flourish like never before. Abundance and overflow that’s what they’ll see. I’ll bring it to pass because of their love and obedience to Me. Again there’s that word love and obey and be faithful and He’ll turn everything to your certain good if you’re in His purpose. No longer will their enemy have the upper hand for My Spirit is moving an outpouring of My power is coming upon our land, this land. A new era will be marked by many triumphant victories. It’s what I planned so just rest in Me. Miracle after miracle that’s what I’ll do. I take that I receive that. Big and bold.
Just decree it and receive it and know that it’s true. Refuse to be swayed by what’s said in the news. With Me on your side, how can you lose? So stay with the Word, it’s faithful and true. I’ll bring it to pass and great things I’ll do.
Now, I’ve got more to read but you know, this has come out of Brother Jerry in the form of Spiritual song or a Psalm and so we, with Pastor Sharon have been speaking much about how the Holy Spirit speaks in this form. So I continue.
Yes, a new era is here. It’s already begun and I plan marvellous things for you in 2021. Abundant overflow is the order of the day so rest assured it’s on its way. Your adversary can’t stop what I’ve already decreed so stay in faith and get ready to receive. Allow no one to discourage you by what they say. Just keep looking to Me and I’ll have My way. Tell my people they’ll need to remain strong and stay close to Me.
This is what I’ve been declaring and saying to you, “Confidence and boldness”, you’ve got to stay strong in your faith.
So they will not be deceived by their enemy. Yet his attacks will intensify and he will try to prevail but My power is greater and it shall not fail. Fear not nor be fretful over what shall come. The battle is mine. I’ve already won. The battle is already won for us, church. Contrary to what you see and shall hear in 2021, will be a great year, a year of abundance and overflow. That’s my plan and it shall be so. This is your theme for 2021; abundant overflow and it’s already begun. A great shaking, a great shifting, a great displacing will take place in your nation (which is South Africa) and immediately following this, there will come a great awakening and a great outpouring.
This is what you are to be watching for and what you are to be expecting as you are entering into 2021. You will see it, says the Lord, and remember when it happens – that I told you beforehand, I’m in charge of the seasons. I’m in charge of the times and My purposes shall be fulfilled. See, we got to be connected and in tune with God’s purposes and His plans.
I have the power to raise up and I have the power to bring down. And no man, no government and certainly no adversary will stop what I’ve planned. So lift your voices now and praise Me and rest assured – I have everything under control.
How does God have control? God has control because you give Him the control. You praise Him. You declare these words. And you are set and ready for all the things that God has for us in 2021.
So, hey church, this is going to be a great year. The Lord said to me it’s Go Big, Go Bold. Brother Jerry says, Abundant Overflow. There’s going to be a shifting and a shaking and you mustn’t be fearful. You got to press in. You got to stay connected to the Word. Be faithful. Let the Word do the work because God has already done the work through the Word and the battle is already won.
And so, I believe this year, 2021, with all my heart, I need you to join with me and agree with me that this is the year for the Local Church to prosper and be fruitful. This is the year for us to have Abundant Overflow. This is the year for us to go Big and Bold. Are you in agreement with me? Well then, let’s go. Let’s get ready. Let’s set ourselves to press and to prosper and to increase and to have all of God’s best for us in this year that lies ahead.
I’m so thankful that I could speak these words to you, in this way, in this medium. Thank you for listening to me. I look forward to seeing you in church again soon. Otherwise we will continue to still encourage each other in the Word in this way. Thank you for joining me on this Sunday service and I hope to see you again soon, as soon as next Sunday. May God bless you richly. In Jesus’ name.
© 2024 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International