Scripture Reference: Revelation 8:3-5, 8 (AMPC); Romans 8:14-17 (NKJV); Romans 8:5-19 (MSG); Ephesians 6:10-13 (NKJV)
Pastor Sharon:
(Pastor Sharon singing in the spirit). Hallelujah, Jesus. Glory to You, Jesus, our King and our Lord, our Saviour, our Master, our Master. We love You, Jesus. Thank You, thank You, thank You, thank You, thank You, thank You, thank You, thank You. Thank You for so much, Jesus. Thank You for so much. Thank You, thank You, thank You. Thank You, Lord for Your presence with us. It’s so wonderful; You are so wonderful to be with us. So close, so personal when we are assembled together. We love Your presence, Lord. We love Your presence. We enjoy Your presence. We enjoy it because You say where two or three or more, or ten, or fifty are gathered together in Your Name there You are in the midst. Thank You for being in our midst. Thank You, thank You, thank You. Thank You, You’re in our midst. You’re in our midst, You’re in our midst, You’re in our midst. And we appreciate You. Hallelujah. Thank You. Thank You, Holy Spirit that You will have Your way here today, you will have Your say, and You will have full sway. Jesus may be glorified and Jesus may be lifted high. You have promised in Your Word that if Jesus be lifted high, You will draw all men, You draw all of us today unto Jesus. Holy Spirit, You draw us all today unto Jesus. Hallelujah. And we thank You for Your work here today, in His Name. In His Name and we all say, amen. Hallelujah.
Are the children to go now? Are the children to go to children’s church? To children’s ministry; young people; young people, children and young people. Hallelujah. You may be seated.
Hello everybody. It’s so wonderful to be home and to see you all. It really is wonderful; it is glorious. It is glorious. We really did miss you all. You were in our hearts all the time, and what I really want to start off saying today is I want to say, thank you. Thank you to all of you that have been praying for us. Thank you for all of you that prayed for us before we went, prayed with us before we went, prayed for everything that God needed us to accomplish, and then prayed for us when we were there. Thank you. There just will not be enough time today to tell you of the things that happened, from even before we left. Things that we knew we were walking into answered prayer. Things we knew that were being prevented because you had prayed. Things that we walked in that were prepared because you prayed. Things that were; the enemy wanted to have happen that could not happen, and God took care of everything because the bowls; the book of Revelation says that our prayers go into the bowls; golden bowls at the throne of God. You can go and read it for yourself in Revelation 4 and Revelation chapter 8. That’s where our prayers go and the angels work with our prayers and God gives angels instructions what to do on earth with our prayers that come from earth to heaven, and then the answers come from heaven to earth and that is just a fact whether you believe it or not. It is just like that. That’s what happens with prayer, very clear, very clear in the Bible. It’s very clear.
So that’s me and Pastor John on his behalf, it’s our saying, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers. We could not have done it without you. We would have had difficulties. We would have had delays. We would have had, oh my, we would not have had the level of supreme intelligence from the Holy Spirit and everything just, just could go according to plan because of prayer that went out. Jeremiah chapter 31 in the Amplified Bible says pouring out prayers for the future. I believe that. I believe that and I know you believe that and that’s why our prayers are so powerful is because of our faith in prayers. There’s a lot of prayer prayed in the earth and there’s no believing that there’ll be an answer. So there is no receiving because there has to be faith. Without faith in prayer, in answered prayer, it is impossible to please God. And you can have faith. You can have faith if you believe what God’s Word says about prayer that we have the petition that we have asked of Him. We have it that He hears and answers prayer.
This is what the Psalmist says; Oh You God Who hears and answers prayer. Faith comes to your heart by hearing what the Word says about prayer. So I thank you, you who prayed for us with faith, God heard and answered in magnificent ways. So you have as much part in what we had to do when we went, because we couldn’t have done it without your prayers. Those of you who prayed for us participate in eternal reward as much as Pastor John and I do for our obedience to go to carry at Brother Jerry’s church, invited by Pastor Justin and Annette, sanctioned and authorised by Brother Jerry to go to Brother Jerry’s church to bring the Word of God on corporate prayer which is what they asked us to come and bring.
And one of the most exciting things for me and I’m speaking to those of you who pray with faith. I’m speaking to those of you who pray with faith so that your expectancy can be high. When I was in America the Lord said, because you have been; I was just out of the blue; He said to me because you have been obedient to prepare and pray, and prepare to come, to bring at this time of Mine the seed of the Word of God on prayer, you can expect a harvest back home of prayer that will now increase and intensify. Expect it Sharon and tell My people to expect it. Be expecting it at the Prayer Connect groups. Be expecting it in your very personal prayer time with God that you have. Be expecting an increase and an intensity; an intensifying in your prayer life; a wonder and a glory and things in prayer because God said it is going to increase and intensify because we went to sow the seed in obedience to Him. Glory to God.
And a very wonderful thing for Pastor John and I when we were there; Pastor John’s just asked me to share for a while just from my point of view; my spiritual point of view. A very wonderful thing to happen to us when Brother Jerry was at the Prayer Conference with us; he held our hands after the first night’s speaking and he said, he must have said it about four or five times to us, as he looked into our eyes, and said, “How timely this is that you have come at this time; how timely, how timely, how timely.”
I tell you they got it so quick; they got it so quick. They got it so quickly. Everything that you prayed, that I prayed, that Pastor John and I prayed, that they would prepare the hearts of the people there, they got it so quick. Hanna, they got it so quick. It’s answered prayer. We prayed and asked God weeks in advance that God would prepare their hearts. They got it like that. Praise the Lord. Glory to God. What took us 10 years happened in 3 sessions. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
Let’s give Him thanks. Let’s praise Him for that answered prayer. Thank You, thank You, thank You. Thank You for answered prayer. Glory, glory, Lord. Thank You, thank You, thank You. You are God; Our God Who hears and answers prayer. Our God Who hears and answers prayer. We praise You, we praise You God Who hears and answers prayers. We praise you, we praise You, we praise You. We bless You. Oh God Who hears and answers prayer. We bless You. We praise You. We thank You. Truly You answered our prayers. Truly, truly You did exceedingly abundantly far, over and above even what we thought or even imagined You would do, Father. Hallelujah. Thank You, Father. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord. And we put so much prayer in those golden bowls that You are even going to continue to use it with them and make sure that they get established and organised, and they increase and intensify. Hallelujah to God. Praise the Lord. This is real to us, people. This is real. This is real.
And in Revelation chapter 4, one of my favourite scriptures that I like to look at; I like my eyes to see it, it’s actually Revelations, let’s just see here; the throne. It’s Revelation 5 and it says here in verse 8, 8And when Jesus, the Lamb had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders prostrated themselves before the Lamb. Each was holding a harp, in the Amplified it says a (lute or guitar); that’s what they have in heaven. They have instruments in heaven. And they had golden bowls full of incense (fragrant spices and gums for burning), which are the prayers of God’s people (the saints) (Revelation 5:8 AMPC).
And then in chapter 8 verse 3 it says, 3And another angel came and stood over the altar. They stood before God. God had a golden censer, and he was given very much incense (fragrant spices and gums which exhale perfume when burned), that he might mingle it with the prayers of all the people of God (the saints) upon the golden altar before the throne (Revelation 8:3 AMPC).
So there golden bowls; there’s a golden altar, and our prayers go into the golden bowls, the twenty four elders have to do with the bowls, I mean you know and then the angels are busy with the fragrance and the incense with the prayers and then it says, 4And the smoke of the incense (the perfume), of the prayers, arose in the presence of God, with the prayers of the people of God, (the saints), from the hand of the angel. 5So the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and cast it upon the earth (Revelation 8:4-5 AMPC). These are the answers. Can you see that? He’s not playing games here with prayers, people. We’re a house of prayer. We have clout with God. We carry clout with God. Hallelujah. We are His sons. We have authority with a Him. We ask Him to intervene on behalf of many matters. We ask Him for things in line with His Word. There’s many things we ask Him and He moves and He doesn’t move without it, He doesn’t move without it.
Jesus was not born without prayer. Simeon and Anna were praying day and night. Anna was praying day and night in the temple and they were the two that saw Jesus in the temple. Nothing happens in the earth without prayer. God can do nothing because He has given authority to man, He has given authority to the church. He got the keys, He got all authority was given Him and then He said, “I give it to you, church and now you go and in My Name, you go.” And then Jesus, this is the same Jesus that took that spiritual whip to the temple and He said, “You are making my house about your own agenda. You are making My house about things that you want to make it about but I’m telling you, My house shall be called a house of prayer; it will be called a house of speakings to God, speakings for God. It will be a house of speaking to God, speaking for God, speaking to God, speaking in God and speaking with God, that’s what My house shall be, a house of prayer.” So we are house of prayer, people. We are a household of faith in Galatians, we are a house of praise and we are a spiritual house in Jesus Name. Glory to God. And we are getting more radical, more radical, more spiritual. Our spirituality is intensifying because we’ve been to sow seed and God is multiplying things for us.
Alright, so I just wanted to read you this prophecy, part of what we did in America. I wanted to remind you of the prayer, the prayer, this is a prophecy that was delivered by Kenneth Copeland, again I’m reminding you we do not surf the web for prophecies. We take the prophecies from the people that we’re divinely connected to that’s God’s divine order, that’s how God keeps things simple for us so that we’re not on information, Google, Facebook overload. We eat at our house. I eat in my own house. The book of Proverbs says it’s a loose woman whose feet cannot stay in her own house. I am not loose; my feet stay in my house where I am planted that’s where I eat. I’ve got five minutes left. Glory to God.
The prayer, the prayer, the prayer. The prayer that has gone forth, the prayer that is going forth that’s where the power release is, that’s where the trigger is. You release them in your church and thus says the Lord your God; In this hour these churches that are teaching and training people to pray, these churches that are teaching and training people to pray, those are the churches where the explosion and the Shekinah Glory of God will be manifest first. The presence of God is what we are all about. That God would manifest Himself among us more and more that we may so qualify as a people in becoming like Jesus, that He would be more and more welcome to manifest Himself in our presence. We have experienced a minuscule amount of the manifest presence of God compared to what we can have, compared to what we can have.
This is our press. When Brother Jerry says 2020 is the year where I will cause My faithful ones to experience supernatural increase like never before; my top priority in my personal life and in corporate life is the increase of the manifest presence of God. When I’m with Him alone and when I’m with Him in assembly of the brethren that is my primary thirst, quest and hunger and for that, for that I will let Him work in me and you will let Him work in you. Because like Pastor John said this morning, He doesn’t have to have everybody like that but if He has a critical mass, enough of us that are totally sold out to God, He has a right to say; “There is a people that are pressing in, they’re going all out, they are My disciples, they are forsaking all to follow Me. There is a people I will manifest Myself to”. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Praise the Lord. So that’s what they’ll say; praying churches will walk in it first and they’ll say, my, my, revival broke out over there. No, answered prayer broke out over there. And people will come into that atmosphere and they will come into houses of worship where the glory of God is residing. If you didn’t know what Pastor John and I are about, this is what we are about; to have God’s glory. Pastor John and I are just like David, we say, “The house is for the Lord and not for man. The house is for the Lord and not for man.” Hallelujah. And then when the house is for the Lord then the Lord is for man. And then it says here; to be clean. People will run in where the glory of God is residing and hanging heavy and they’ll say, “Clean, clean, clean. Oh, to be clean. Oh, to be clean.” And they’ll run into that atmosphere. What atmosphere? The manifest presence of God. The manifest presence of God can do things that nothing else can. And they’ll say, to be clean, to be clean. And My blood will cleanse them from the top of their heads to the souls of their feet and My Word will take root on the inside of them. And this church I declare is headed up for a Holy Ghost move. Hallelujah. It’s good to be home.
Pastor John:
Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Hello to y’all, it’s good to see y’all. Praise Jesus. It’s a real thing that people talk like that in America, y’all. Praise the Lord. I want to just say like Pastor Sharon said, it’s good to be back, it’s good to be home. It’s a wonderful thing to go away on assignment but it’s a wonderful thing to come back because when you come back, you come back to the people you love, to the people that know you, that you are called to and assigned to also. Amen. Praise the Lord.
There are many things that we want to say but we will say them in the weeks and the months that are ahead. I do want to say this to you that Brother Jerry is going to be here early February. It doesn’t give us much time. There is a possibility that he may come back a second time next year and in different circumstances and there’s a possibility that many other things might happen. Praise the Lord. So but what I want to say to you today is that you are aware, most of you are aware that we have placed a demand when Brother Jerry has come here. We didn’t just want to have a demand on his teaching gift; we wanted to place a demand on all of what gifts and callings God has placed in him. Right? And I think you would agree with me that on the few occasions that he’s come in the last four years we have had markable, marvelous, amazing services, in fact so remarkable have the services been that they are still spoken about around the world and we as a church are spoken about because of the climate, the spiritual atmosphere that we created here. Hallelujah.
We’ve got some work to do to prepare ourselves before he comes in a very short space of time. Right? And there’s Christmas holidays in between. So Christmas holidays are going to look different this year; instead of eating yourself stukkend, you’re going to get on the treadmill, spiritually speaking. It won’t be bad for you to do that physically either but you know, what harm could it do you to skip a Christmas without eating? Could it do you any harm? Could it do you any good? How awesome would it be to get through Christmas and New Year and not put on even one hundred grams of weight? It could be quite awesome hey? If you’ve got a metabolism like Pastor Lynn you can just go on a fast for five days and then you lose two kilograms of weight, you know. Many times I’ve asked the Lord, “Why haven’t You given me a metabolism like him?” You know, it’s like in the winter he doesn’t even have to wear a jersey, he just goes on a fast for five days and it’s like he loses half his body fat in five days and he’s in his seventies and he still does that. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Anyway, we will be letting you know of some prayer meetings, some special services that we are going to call between now and holiday time and we are going to call early in the new year because we’ve got to be ready and prepared for the visit of our spiritual leader and our father in the faith, so we can get the maximum benefit of it. Amen.
How many of you, feel like Rugby World Cup champions? Come on, how many of you feel like Rugby World Cup champions? Feels good, hey? How many people are actually World Cup champions? Let me rephrase the question; how many rugby players in South Africa over the last two years have prepared themselves to be possible World Cup Rugby champions? Maybe 300, if you take all the Super Rugby teams and all the guys that are competing for the rugby teams. Right? So maybe there’s 300 rugby players in South Arica, I don’t know. Maybe not that many, but let’s give it a number, 300, okay, that are really top players. They’re mentally conditioned and physically conditioned and they’re preparing themselves for the Super Rugby side so that they can be considered for national selection. Some of them played overseas, so let’s say 300. Right? So you’re all with me?
Out of a nation of 50 million people, who all feel like World Cup Rugby champions, maybe there’s like 300 that can actually say we actually trained to be World Cup Rugby champions. So how many players are actually Rugby World Cup champions? Let’s take the whole team; the doctors, the physio’s, the managers, the whole support thing. How many people are actually World Cup champions? Maybe fifty. You know, if you take, they’ve even got guys handling the bags, you know, making sure they get on the plane, off the plane, onto the bus, on to the hotels. I mean they’ve got guys that are handling and managing water and stuff like that. I mean take all those guys, they’re part of the actual Rugby World Cup winning team. You agree? So how many actually really are Rugby World Cup winners? It’s really just the team. Yes? I mean it’s really those maybe twenty five guys. Yes? Twenty two, twenty five guys that played or played support, a twenty five squad. But we all feel like Rugby World Cup champions. How can we feel that? How can we feel like we are, (singing) we are the champions, my friend. I mean this is quite moving for me, I mean we became champions while we were in America. When we came back to South Africa, I wanted to watch the match and I wanted to, I wanted to see as much as I could see about the parades that happened and stuff, because history was made, you know. We had a black captain that captained the team to a World Cup winning event.
And I mean I saw a photograph of this great big lock, Eben Etzebeth, holding on to, I think it’s a prop, he didn’t play on the day but he was part of the squad and he was kissing him on the head. This big white guy kissing this huge black guy, had him on the head like this, he was kissing him on the head. If that doesn’t talk the unity of what that World Cup championship performance did, then I don’t know. It moved me. I mean that picture moved me to go and watch what actually happened and I wasn’t here for it so maybe there were a lot of stories going on in newspapers but I understand they went to Soweto on the bus; they went to all kinds of places in different cities, all around the country. Those okes are probably still moeg, not from the rugby but from all the after riding around on the buses, just from the little bit that I saw. I mean I saw thousands of people lining the roadways and police cars and these poor okes they are sitting on the bus chewing gum like, another city, another 10, 50, hundred people lining the roadways. We are the champions; we are the champions (singing). And the whole nation, we feel like we are the champions. We are the champions. Don’t let any other nation in the world tell us that we aren’t the best rugby team in the world. Right now we are the best rugby team in the whole world and we have a trophy to prove it. We are the champions. But how many people are actually champions? How many people played the game for that cup? Twenty five, right? But yet we all feel like champions. That’s what happened with Jesus.
Jesus became our champion. You don’t even have to play the game that He played. You don’t have to do what He did, He won all the victories for us and all we got to do is say, “He’s the champion, therefore I’m a champion.” Come on now, if there was any better example that I could tell you, think of, this is it. Because it’s not that often that we feel like champions. You know, as a nation we tend to be very critical about anything, everything, everywhere, all the time, generally as a nation. You know, but yet we are champions because Jesus is our champion. And we don’t have to fight the fight that He fought. We don’t have to have the battles that He battled. He took it all on Himself and He became our champion. So we have to just bask in the glory of our champion, Jesus. I’ll tell you something else though; not all of you were able to go with us to America, but what God has done for us and with us and through us in America, we were the players on the field but you are a nation of champions because you sent us.
Let me tell you, it doesn’t matter how well Siya Kolisi played or Dwayne Vermeulen or Pieter-Steph du Toit, or anybody on the day, how well they played or didn’t play, it doesn’t matter. If we didn’t send them as a nation, they wouldn’t have been able to play the game. If we didn’t have a nation of people that actually wanted them to succeed, they wouldn’t have succeeded. So yes, we can be champions with them because we sent them, they represent us. Here’s the good news, the good news is that when we went, we represented you. So Brother Jerry and Ms Caroline and the team send their love to you. He specifically sent me a sms message and he said, “Please be sure to tell all the people in South Africa, I send my love.” And he’s going to see us soon. Hallelujah.
Truly, the fact that we have built a house of prayer here is making God famous through you in the world, the world. And so I say thank you, thank you for sending us, thank you for giving us the honour of playing on the team. Hallelujah. Because when we were playing you were there shouting for us, you were praying for us. And we could not have done it without of ya’ll. Hallelujah. And as days and weeks go by we will share some things with you. If I have ever had an example of a trip where I was aware of God’s hand upon details of our life and our trip where things did go wrong, but God had His hand in it. I’m going to share one thing with you because I have a message that I’ve got prepared for today and I’m going to talk about the war of wills, the war of words and the war of worship because that’s a war that we’re involved in.
This bag here, this bag here, it is not a very big bag. You see this bag? It has three compartments to it and two little pouches. There’s no secret compartment, there is actually a secret compartment here, I’ll show it to you. It’s right in the back here. So this is where you put it on your carry-on luggage. So on your flight, you know, you can carry on. There’s not much else that is on this bag, you’d agree? You can’t hide anything in here. Okay. I get to the airport, Sunday afternoon and we check ourselves in on the plane, and the guy sitting at the counter checks Sharon in. I give him a passport, Sharon gives him a passport, checks Sharon in, issues the ticket, puts the tags on the luggage, sends the luggage through. Now he is issuing my ticket, my passport is invalid. Now we can’t recall the luggage, we can’t change her status of flying on the flight. She’s flying, that’s it. My passport is invalid. I’ve got the wrong passport. I phone Marcelle, she’s at home, “Go into the study.” “Sorry Dad, I can’t find your passport.” Kiss my babes, “Goodbye girl, you’re going. I’m staying.” She’s crying, I’m staying. I’m called on assignment. I’m going to go ride bikes with Brother Jerry, with a whole bunch of guys. I’m staying, bye ya’ll. How does this happen to me? I go home, can’t find my passport. I look through everything, everywhere.
Now I’m a fairly systematic person when it comes to stuff like this. When I come off a trip anytime, I take any spare cash that I might have in a foreign currency, I take my passport, I take it, I’ve got a special little holder for it. I put it in a special drawer and I never deviate from the plan. It’s always the same place, so that’s why, when my passport was there, I just automatically assumed this is the passport. Now I can’t find the passport.
So, Monday morning, first thing, I’m at Home Affairs applying for a new passport. But now understand I still have to get an American visa. My thoughts are; I’m not going on this trip. So, I don’t know where the old passport is. There’s only one thing that I can think of that it somehow got into one of my bags. Somehow it might be in this bag, but only God will know that before I put this bag, which I would use when I was in America to go to Church services like I’m using today, that’s the reason I put it in a suitcase, because I have no need for it travelling on the airplane, because I only use this suitcase for this. This bag. Can’t be in here. Why not? Because before I put it in the suitcase, I looked with my hands, like this, in every pouch, like this, nothing in here. There’s no, no, I can put this in my luggage. It was completely empty. Nothing in this bag. Niks (nothing).
Sharon gets to America, I say, “Sharon, open my bag. If there’s one place in the world that maybe this passport could be, it might be in this bag, but it’s not possible that it can be in this bag.” The only thing I could think of that somehow it got into that compartment, this compartment. Somehow, and I didn’t look here. Do you understand what I’m saying? So she gets to America. First thing they do when the luggage comes through, she, Christi and Grobbies were with her. Unlock the lock, open the bag. The only thing that’s in the bag, is my passport. It is not possible that I left my passport in that bag. It is not possible. It is not possible.
Now here’s another thing. So, when they get there, they’re trying to figure a way of getting a passport back. So through connections that knows a captain that’s flying on an aeroplane, and he’s not flying from Washington via Accra, staying overnight in Accra and taking the next plane on the next day which is the normal routine of captains that fly. This captain for some reason his scheduling has worked out that he’s flying directly from Washington back to Joburg. He happens to know people in the church. They phone him, he says, “Sure, I’ll carry the passport back.” The next day he’s on the plane and he carries the passport back to me. I’m waiting inside. And so, I go meet him at the airport, “Thank you very much, I can fly tomorrow.” “Oh sorry, no sir, you can’t, because when you applied for your other passport they actually cancelled this passport and they should not have cancelled this passport, they should have just allocated you a second passport, but they cancelled it. So now you have to wait for the second passport.” This passport theoretically takes 13 days. Four days later, in terms of time, I have that passport in my hand. Now I’ve got my visa passport.
So, but here’s something that you need to know. On Monday morning I go to the Home Affairs as they open, and God gives me favour through divine connections, where I arrive there before the office even opens. So, before there’s anybody standing in line to come in to Home Affairs, actually I’m already in there doing fingerprints, doing all that kind of stuff, filled out forms, paid for the passport and before the office even opened, I’m out of there. You understand?
I get home. So, here’s the first thing, on Sunday, remember we had church on Sunday, a combined service that Sunday we left. That Sunday morning, we wake up and there’s no water in our house. There’s a burst water pipe. So we have to switch the main water off, the top of the house, because we’ve got a burst water pipe and it’s all flowing everywhere, in the garden, down the, so we switch off the water pipe. So now we’ve got no water before we fly. Monday morning first thing we had arranged that a plumber would come and fix the water pipe. Pastor Sharon had forgotten that she had left the tap open with the plug plugged into the basin. So they come, they fix the pipe that burst outside, switch on the mains to check the water’s working. It’s all working. They arrived there first thing Monday morning, 8 o’clock in the morning they arrived. I’m at Home Affairs. It takes them half an hour to fix the problem, switch on the mains, off they go.
I get back home around 9 o’clock. I walk upstairs and half of my upstairs is floating. From just one hour of water non-stop running out of the tap. Imagine I was on that plane. There was no one scheduled to come to our house till Thursday that week. Imagine what would have happened, it was the basin that was at the furthest, highest point in the house that there was only one place the water could go from there, was the whole house. I get back and the master bedroom is floating. I run and I grab some towels and I throw them at the door. The water’s already in the passage into the next bedroom. And I slush through the water, find out where’s this water. Close the tap. Let the thing open. It was so devastating to me. There was so much water that I just went and I sat on the bed on another room and I said, I can’t believe this. My passport is in America. In fact, at that point I don’t even know the passport’s in America. I just applied for a new passport. I’m sitting there and I’m saying, I can’t believe this.
But you understand later on, I began to understand that God knew about some things that were about to happen and He said, “John, I need you to stay at home.” Because otherwise if that water ran in our house for three days it would have destroyed all of our furniture, all of our curtains and who knows what kind of damage that thing could have done to even the infrastructure if water had been running for four days before anybody saw it?
Remember, we had been saying from the beginning of the year when we got the message that we will see marvels and wonders and extraordinary manifestations of the greatness of our God and Brother Jerry had said at the time, “And we will see the
manifestation and the work of angels.” When they opened my bag to see, they didn’t even have to look for the passport. It was just in that bag, in open view. They didn’t even have to look for it. There it was. How did my passport get there? How did I not see my passport in that bag? I’m telling you, if that passport was there, I was completely blind to it. Either that or some angel diefed (stole) it from me and he just like, you know, and he held on to it and then after I put in my suitcases, he says, “I think I’ll gooi (throw) it in there.” Now this might seem far-fetched to you, but let me tell you, there is just no ways that this could have occurred the way that it occurred. And there’s no ways I can authenticate it, but Heaven knows. And I’m just testifying to you what has happened. Just one incident. That’s how things began. Hallelujah.
So, as it turns out I’ve got a passport, I’ve got my visa passport back. Friday night, I’m on a plane and I’m flying into America. Saturday morning, rent a car, drive down to where the guys are on the tour with their motorbikes and I’m on the tour, and I got to ride my bike on the tour. I’ve got even pictures to prove it. Only God could have arranged that, so that I was at home that damage wasn’t done. Huge, huge. So you understand that a weapon was formed against us, but it didn’t prosper because God was even saying, “Hold on John, I’ve got some things I’ve got to take care of here, so you can’t fly.” Because how did a water pipe burst the morning that we fly to America, the water pipe bursts, just sommer. Wasn’t like it was major cold, like there was a major reason why the water pipe should burst, it just burst. If you think that there are not spiritual things happening around us, there’s spiritual activity happening by devils and by angels around us all the time, all the time, all the time. And God’s got us covered.
I’ll tell you what, Pastor Sharon, we had it in our hearts that she would go and spend a week while I was doing the tour, she was going to go and be in Fort Worth and spend time in prayer and just do some certain things that was something I felt on my heart that she should do. So we booked her into a hotel, I booked her a rental car. She’s now so full of all of these things with my passport, she gets on her plane to fly to Fort Worth from Washington and meantime I send her a message, “When you get to Fort Worth, go to, this is where you’re going to fetch your rental car and this is you know, all that stuff.” Because now I’m not with her. I’ve got to make sure she’s taken care of. When she lands in Fort Worth, O gats, I haven’t got my driver’s license. But we had arranged with Jerry Savelle Ministries that someone would fetch us anyway from the airport, fetch her from the airport. So the couple that fetched her from the airport, “Don’t worry Pastor Sharon, just have Pastor John send us a photograph of your ID so we can put it on the insurance and we’ll make sure we have a spare car for you with insurance and you just drive our spare car all the time you’re in Fort Worth.” Come on, come on. These people have lived in Fort Worth for three months. More or less three months or four months they’ve lived in Fort Worth. They moved from another state to come to be at Jerry Savelle Ministries and they just happened to have a spare car. Hallelujah. Glory to Jesus.
So that’s just a little bit. That’s the start. I can tell you there are so many more things where I have, we were aware of how the enemy would throw a thing in here and he
would try and hurt us and God had us covered in a different way. And the enemy would come in this way and God had us covered in a different way. And it seems like small things but all of these things were sent to stop us because there was an assignment that we had where we had to establish a house of prayer in Fort Worth. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.
Romans 8:14 says, 14For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. 15For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” 16The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17and if children, then heirs – heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together (Romans 8:14-17 NKJV).
So everything that we are on the earth for is because there has been a war of wills; we are still in a war of wills and your will is demonstrated through your words and your words reflect your worship. Pastor Sharon and I were having a meaningful conversation earlier today, and we were saying; people don’t always have to speak words to demonstrate there will because you can make your will so much part of your life that you go straight from will to actions. For example, we talk to each other about this, for example you hear about these people that have premeditated shootings in America. It’s been happening more and more frequently where guys just walk into schools, or they were in the malls, or they walk into cinemas and they’ve got a gun and they go and shoot people. Let me tell you, they’re not telling anybody they’re going to do that. These are not words that are coming out of their mouth, but they are so deeply entrenched in their will that their will becomes their actions. Their will becomes their worship.
So this started when the devil said, “I will exalt my will above the will of God or to the same equal status of God.” And God said, “There is only one will in the universe that matters and counts and that’s My will.” So from that day to this there has been a war of wills. So I can tell you that when we were on our way to America there was a war of wills going on. The will of the enemy was to stop us from bringing a house of prayer to our spiritual headquarters where we have learned things about corporate prayer that they needed to hear and needed to learn how to do that. Why is it important? Because the senior apostle of the whole movement is there and there needs to be a people that needs to be praying there in the way we have learned how to pray. Are you with me?
So because God called us to learn the way we have learned to pray corporately then God required us to help teach other people to pray that way. There was a war of wills. The will was; I don’t want you to go and teach this to other people because the way you pray is really affective, it’s really powerful, it’s really changing things.
Don’t look around my babe. You get everybody to look at you. I’m also looking at them. That’s a fact. We are a highly affective church of people that pray every week. Many times a week, different formats, staff prayer, corporate prayer; we know how to pray results. This is a fact. We have seen the results of prayer.
So as we were going on assignment and we were called to come and do this, the will of the enemy of God said, “I can’t let you do this because if they get it then they become another effective group that’s just like you and I don’t want that to happen.” So he started a process to distract us, to delay us, to try and prevent us from doing what we do. But God had us covered because we know how to pray by faith. And so you might look at it and say, “You know, surely the prayers should have prevented all of these things.” There are wills that are at work and there are forces that are at work, they are at work in the universe. And so I can’t tell you how that pipe burst in my house the day, it didn’t burst on Saturday, it burst Sunday morning some were in the early hours of the morning it burst. The day we’re flying to America. Come on. And so you can talk to me about anything you’d like about the coincidence of that, you know. I know this was a spiritual thing that was designed to just cause us delay, distraction, disgruntlement, causes us to start speaking words that was, “Why should this be happening?” I mean, I tell you what, this girl of mine, when she realised I was staying behind and she was flying on her own she was almost inconsolable at that airport. I mean, she was almost inconsolable, she almost stayed behind. She just couldn’t though.
I’ve never been in a situation, never, I’ve been flying 30 years. I’ve never been in a situation where we got to the, and they didn’t first check both passports in that are flying together and then check the luggage in and then do; in this case he checked all the luggage, three suitcases on her name. That in itself is just, you know, it is not normal. It’s a war. Hallelujah.
I want to read you this passage of scripture from the Message Translation. Are you ready for it? It’s quite a long passage of scripture. I’m going to ask you to just stay with me because it’s easy reading when you actually read it because it’s about our lives. Romans 8 verse 5 to 28 in the Message Translation goes like this, 5Those who think they can do it on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own moral muscle but never get around to exercising it in real life. Those who trust God’s action in them find that God’s Spirit is in them – living and breathing God! (Romans 8:5 MSG). You see when you made Jesus the Lord and Savior of your life He came to live in you. Whether you know it or not, you are a born again Christ oriented person. You actually have to exercise your will as a choice to go against what God’s calling and pulling you to do in your spirit. Hey, really?
I don’t want to call us animals now so please be careful now, don’t get upset with me when I say this, but if you’re a leopard your instinct is to kill, you can’t actually change that instinct. And that instinct is to climb trees, and that instinct is to behave like a leopard behaves. If you’re a bokkie, not a Springbokkie but an Impala bokkie, because Springbokkies are champions. So I’m going to talk about the Impala bokkies not the Springbokkies that get eaten by leopards. But you know, the Impala bokkies, their whole business is to eat, and instinctively to watch out for predators, because instinctively they know that something is coming to eat them and they can’t help themselves but behave like bokkies. It’s in them.
When you become a born again Christian the Christ instinct, the divine nature of Christ is in you, and it instinctively wants to reach out to become like Christ and you actually have to make a choice to not listen to that in you and say I rather want to do what my body chooses and is always calling me to do. I rather want to do that, because instinctively everything inside of you is calling to be and do what Jesus wants you to do. Because you can’t help yourself, in yourself you have become like Christ. Come on, you can tell me I’m preaching good. Come on now. And if you’re a Springbok then it’s in your DNA to be champions.
6Obsession with self in these matters is a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life. 7Focusing on the self is the opposite of focusing on God. Anyone completely absorbed in self ignores God. Who’s he writing to? Come on now, who’s the apostle Paul writing to? He’s writing to Christians that are Roman Christians. And so he says, you can’t help yourself, you are a child of God and if you are living so absorbed by yourself you are going against your own nature. Stick with me, it will become clearer. Anyone completely absorbed in self ignores God, ends up thinking more about self than God. That person ignores who God is and what he is doing. 8And God isn’t pleased at being ignored (Romans 8:6-8 MSG).
God can never be pleased at being ignored. If you are His child, “Don’t ignore Me.” I know that if I talk to my sons, I would not like it if they just ignored me, especially if I want to say something meaningful. If it is like, “Hey son, just get me a glass of water out of the fridge,” and he ignores me for five minutes, well, I can live with that. But even that, if he ignores me for more than five minutes I’d say, “Hey, did you not hear me? What is going on?” Just a matter of human decency would be that he would listen. And if he called out to me I would do the same.
In this case God is saying, “You are my child, don’t ignore Me.” 9But if God Himself has taken up residence in your life, you can hardly be thinking more of yourself than of him. Anyone, of course, who has not welcomed this invisible but clearly present God, the Spirit of Christ, won’t know what we’re talking about (Romans 8:9 MSG). That is why the world doesn’t understand, people who have never made Jesus Lord and Saviour of their life, when your talk about your life that you are totally committed to things of God, they don’t understand you. There’s no ways that they can begin to comprehend what you are talking about, they can’t understand you because they don’t have that nature in them. It’s like trying to ask a bokkie to identify with a leopard. It’s like, I don’t want to identify with him. He is there to kill me.
10But for you who welcome him, in whom he dwells—even though you still experience all the limitations of sin—you yourself experience life on God’s terms (Romans 8:10 MSG). In other words, what this Scripture is saying; your body wants to limit your life to its nature but you don’t have to limit your whole life to what your body dictates you can do. Your whole life should be dictated to the Christ that is in you which has a limitless life. If you think you are living in the freedom of your choice, you are not; you are living in the freedom of your limitations. Really? Totally. 11It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that if the alive-and-present God who raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, he’ll do the same thing in you that he did in Jesus, bringing you alive to himself? When God lives and breathes in you (and he does, as surely as he did in Jesus), you are delivered from that dead life (Romans 8:11 MSG). What dead life that is? This body keeps telling me, “Do whatever you want, do whatever you want, do whatever that pleases you, do whatever that makes you feel like you can just, it’s pleasurable to you, do whatever you feel like, do whatever, do whatever, do whatever.” And this body will lead you to death. It will literally lead you to death. Ask people that have got alcohol addiction, nicotine addiction, ask people that have got sugar addiction, ask people that have got things like that. You know, they know. They know.
So, I mean you know, this not something that is neither here nor there for me anymore because it has been so many years, but my mother died from alcohol. She drank so much that she literally, her liver and her pancreas and her organs just could not survive anymore. She literally drank herself to death. Do you not think that she knew, while she was drinking that alcohol, that it was killing her? But her body drove her to keep doing the same thing and it killed her. It’s the same thing with people that suck on cigarettes, put drugs in their arms. A drug addict doesn’t know when to stop. It’s just, “I have got to have the next fix.” It listens to the body and the body just drives them to death. But this scripture says you do not have to be confined to the limitations of this dead body. Your spirit man where Jesus Christ lives, the power of God is working in you to deliver your whole life, free from what this body tells you to do. Come on now, this is good stuff. You can say, “You are preaching good on this Sunday afternoon, Pastor John. It’s fine preaching this fine Sunday.” Hallelujah.
12So don’t you see that we don’t owe this old do-it-yourself life one red cent. There’s nothing in it for us, nothing at all. The best thing to do is give it a decent burial and get on with your new life (Romans 8:12 MSG). Tell your body to shut up and quit running your life and get on with living this free beautiful amazing life that God has got for us. You see, what the enemy tried to do to Pastor Sharon and I was, “I’m going to start to see if I can control your body through your language so that I can use your words and your body to stop you from your assignment and I am going to start by bursting the pipe at your house.” How did he do it? I don’t know. But that pipe burst, strategically on the same Sunday that we flew. Come on now. But our prayers had orchestrated that angels took care of stuff. “You can’t fly John because I am not going to have your whole world subjected to the damage that the enemy has in store for you, so I’m going to force you to stay at home.” And so while I am at home, I’m thinking on that Sunday night; she is flying; I’m not going and I’m thinking all the natural thoughts. “There is no way that I can recover from this.” Naturally, these thoughts are happening in my head. Thank God I had no one to speak to except God and so I said to the Lord, I said, “Lord, I want to tell you something; if it is Your will, for whatever reason that I can’t see, that I should be at home, I accept that fully and completely and I submit my whole future of the next two or three weeks into Your hands. And it doesn’t matter that someone’s, all the guys are going to be on the tour, it doesn’t matter that there is a prayer conference; Sharon can handle that. It doesn’t matter if I Ms the whole deal; if there is a reason why I had to be at home, I submit myself completely to Your will and I refuse to give the devil any space.” I came this close, when I walked into ‘slooshy’ water, and the worst thing I said was, “I can’t believe this.”
And for a moment, I went and sat down on the bed and said, “I don’t know what to do next.” This is what happened to my thought life. I thought, “I am not even going to touch this water, I am going to put a dam wall right here, at this door and I’m going to leave it just like this.” No, because you understand that she’s gone, my passport, I’m on assignment. For the first time in a long time, I had a feeling of what it must be like to live life where you are supposed to be on assignment and it’s been robbed away from you. And suddenly I have got nothing to do. I have got nothing to do. I am sitting on the bed and I have got nothing to do, I have no assignment. And I spoke up, I started to speak, on Monday, I started to speak and I said, “I thank You for this lesson that I am learning, Father that You have called me to an assignment in my whole life and that You have an assignment for me and that because of my assignment and my purpose, I have a reason to live in You every single day and there is no devil in hell and there is no human thing that can stop me from accomplishing the assignment that You placed me on the earth to do”. And so then I began to speak because what I felt, so hopeless without my ability to fulfil my assignment, because right now I am in the hands of everyone else; the government, someone else trying to bring my passport back from the airport, from Washington and none of these things could happen in any given timeframe that could allow me to finish my assignment.
And there are some personal details that we had very personal; very lengthy conversations with Brother Jerry and Ms Carolyn, that I can never tell you about. But those conversations would never have happened if I didn’t go on that assignment. Never mind everything else. Hello? But I realised, shoo, I have been robbed of my assignment here, potentially, that’s what I felt like. I said, “Lord, I thank You for giving me this emotion, thank You for allowing me to experience this hopelessness because I now must ensure that I have got to keep preaching that everybody has got an assignment in life.” It doesn’t matter how your circumstances may seem like there is no ways that I’m significant in anything that I am doing. God has an assignment for you. You are not born on this earth to do what you want to do. You are born into this earth because God has got an assignment for you. No matter how hopeless, or stupid or ridiculous it may seem; God has an assignment for you. He has an assignment for you. Not you have an assignment for you. Because if you have an assignment for you, then that means you are just doing what you plan. And what you plan is what you think is best for you. But we need to find out from Him, what His assignment is because when His assignment comes to pass through you, all of what He is, is available to you. There is no resource that He can withhold and will withhold if that comes to pass. Hallelujah.
15This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike, “What’s next, Papa?” 16God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who He is, and we know who we are: Father and children. 17And we know we are going to get what’s coming to us—an unbelievable inheritance. We go through exactly what Christ goes through. If we go through the hard times with Him, then we’re certainly going to go through the good times with Him. 18That’s why I don’t think there’s any comparison between the present hard times and the coming good times (Romans 8:15-18 MSG). Hallelujah. Praise Jesus.
And I am going to finish off with this scripture, 10Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, Ephesians 6:10, and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand (Ephesian 6:10-13 NKJV). You must stand. And what does that mean? It means you take your will and you say you submit your will and the words that come out of my mouth are His words for my life and my words will reflect my worship. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise Jesus.
And so I want to remind you that Brother Jerry said, “2019 is a year of marvels and wonders and extraordinary manifestations of the greatness of our God such that has never been seen before in the earth.” And he said, “I heard the Holy Spirit say”, the Holy Spirit words speak to him about 2020. This is what he said, “Don’t stop believing this just because 2019 comes to an end. The Lord impressed upon me to tell the people, add and beyond 2019. “Marvels are things that cause one to be amazed or filled with overwhelming surprise. Wonders are unusual and often even strange things that arrest the attention through their grandeur and magnificence. Extraordinary manifestations are rare, uncommon things beyond the common order or method.” He added to this, regarding 2020, this is the Lord speaking to him, “In 2020 I will open a new door and I will cause my faithful ones to experience supernatural increase like never before. Experiencing super natural increase is like this; it’s God, it’s beyond anything I can think of; it’s beyond anything I can do; it’s not like anything I have ever experienced before. Hallelujah. So as I have been meditating on this, and in the weeks to come we’re going to talk about this, I began to think about the new door. And I know Pastor Sharon has some things from God about this and she will share them with you. But for now I want to say this, that this is the way the Lord showed me, is that a new door means you got to cross a threshold. Right? So you don’t have a door for no reason that you can walk around the door on either side to get into where, I mean the reason there’s a door is so that you’ve got to cross the threshold into something new. So there’s a barrier and there’s a door but the door gets you through the barrier. So you’ve got to cross a threshold into something new. So there’s a new door that God’s opening for us in 2020. And we are going to experience supernatural increase that is beyond anything we can think of. But it’s for the faithful ones. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Praise Jesus.
I believe this with all my heart, I do. I used this example this morning and I’m going to close with this. If you take a son who’s got a billionaire as a father and he’s 22 years old. He’s got a billionaire father and he goes to his father and he says, “Hey Dad, I’m your son.” “Yes, you are.” “That means my identity is bound to your identity.” “That’s correct.” “So if your name is Branson and my name is Branson, so that means if Branson and Branson; then it’s a Branson father and a Branson son. So Dad, all your billions will ultimately belong to me?” “Ja, that’s true.” “Well, could I have a Bentley please? You’ve got the money, you drive a Bentley. Can I have one, please?” “No.” “What do you mean, no, we’ve got billions. You drive a Bentley and I’m your son. So if you drive a Bentley, I should be able to drive a Bentley.” “No, you can’t.” “Why not?” “Because you are 22. I need you to show me some faithfulness to the Branson name; to the Branson brand.” I’m just using a name now. “To the Branson logo; to the Branson billions. And at 22 you haven’t shown me enough to say that you are a Branson; certainly not a billionaire Branson.” Come on now. “Okay Dad. I get you. So but what can I have?” “I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I’ll buy you a 540i, fully bells and whistles BMW. Because that kind of represents the Branson name; gives you what you’re looking for, but it’s not what you can have. But let’s see what you do with the 540i BMW before I even talk about a Bentley.” Hello?
So then there’s other Branson kids. They don’t ask their dad for anything. So their dad doesn’t give them anything. So they go and they talk about this son. Let’s give him a name, let’s call him Kevin. Kevin Branson. I don’t know if such a person exists or not. So let’s talk about all the other siblings that talk about Kevin, who went to dad and asked for a car and got it. “So how come Kevin’s got a car and we don’t have a car?” “Well, you didn’t ask him.” So Kevin’s driving around in his 540i BMW and he’s having a whole lot of fun. But he’s being very responsible with his 540. He’s doing the Branson-thing. Hello? And for years all the Branson siblings are, they even have a movement called anti-Kevin movement. So you want to find out why those people are not asking, why those kids are not asking their father for a 540i? Well, maybe it’s because the night before they went on a drunken binge, smoked pot, and was really hanging out with the wrong friends. So while Kevin was asking for the BMW they were having a night out. So one night out lead to every night out. So they never had the relationship with dad Branson; neither did they have the confidence to go to dad Branson and ask him for a car because they were busy doing their stuff rather than dad’s stuff.
Come on now. You may say I’m preaching good. So they start an anti-Kevin movement because Kevin is driving around in a car that dad gave him. And five years later, Kevin is now 27-28 years old and he’s been responsible with his 540; he’s carried the Branson name well; he’s part of all the board meetings; he’s speaking all the words that dad would speak; he’s living the life that dad wants him to live; he’s actually living there and the other siblings call him ‘suck-it-up-to-dad Kevie’. “Who wants to be a ‘suck-it-up-to-dad Kevie’ just to ride a 540i BMW? We want to live our lives the way we want to live our lives and surely, because all our living expenses are all paid for because we’re Bransons, we can party-up as we please.” And so they do. And Kevie’s riding around in his 540 and all these siblings, every night they go to the pub and every time they’re having parties and not acting very Branson like. But being Bransons in the way that they behave they’re talking about anti-Kevie.
But at 28 years old the board meeting gets together and they say, “Kevin, you have been a very good steward of the Branson name and the Branson brand and you’ve been talking like the Bransons and you’ve been sitting in the board meetings and you’ve got to know your dad’s business. We think it’s time to buy you a Bentley.” And now Kevie is not riding around in his 540i BMW anymore, now Kevie is driving around in a Bentley. Guess what the anti-Kevies are saying? “Ja, well you see, that’s what happens when you really suck up to dad. Meantime we will keep partying.” And they will party themselves out of their inheritance of Branson.
Child of God, son of God, Jesus living inside of you, you have the inheritance of everything that God has given you in the universe. Why would you listen to this dead body and lead you into death? And do your own will. And in the meantime, we’ll just have words of anti-Kevie. And if you’re not talking, I’m not talking to you all; other people, we’ll have anti-Kevie words. And if they’re not talking it, they’re thinking it. “Those people, that’s, they’ve got power in prayer, they don’t really have power in prayer. All those circumstances and those coincidences that’s exactly what they are. They’re just coincidences. They’re not really spiritual. Because real life is not like that. Any pipe can burst at any time. People just, he’s talking out of his head man, he just didn’t see the passport. And he made a personal mistake and that’s why he didn’t, and he had to pay the price for it.” No, you see, I am a faithful representative of Heavenly Father. And I am living in the good things that the Heavenly Father has for me. And I’m compelled to preach to you, to say to you; your assignment is to behave like Father God. Your assignment is to speak like Father God. Your assignment is to use words and be in meetings and do things that Father God wants you to be in and represent Him. When you do that, He says, “Let me see how, I see you’re tempted by this party and you’re tempted by this image and you’re tempted by this to overspend here or to do that, or to go this place or to do that.” And you say, “No, no, I’m going to do what Father God wants me to do. I’m going to do what Father God wants.” So, when I get to drive my Bentley many people think, “Oh well, it’s just, you know, it’s just sucking up to Daddy.” If that is what happens, I’ll suck up to Daddy anytime because my Daddy is Abba Father. He’s God. And there’s nothing like pleasing God like that. Hallelujah.
Glory to Jesus. Won’t you all stand with me, please. Won’t you just make this declaration with me. Say; I am a son of God. Say it again. I am a son of God. You know what that means? It means you are a son of God. That means you carry the inheritance of eternity with you. You are a son of God. You are. Hallelujah. And so we are going to just take care of business right now. This morning I refer to, they are trying to impeach Donald Trump for a few words that he used and they use these words to a Ukrainian president, “Do me a favour, please.” And so they are trying to bring legal proceedings against him to remove him from office as a president because he used the words, “Do me a favour.” Because the liberal party understands that he who controls the language controls the culture. And the devil wants to control your language. Be it body language or word language. He wants to control your language so he can control your future. So we are going to take care of impeachment proceedings against you right now. Are you all with me?
So we say: I am a son of God. And I declare right now, in the name of Jesus, that all my past, my words, my habits, my behaviours, everything that I have done that is against the will of the Father, I confess it to You now, Lord. I ask You to forgive me for it. And I repent from it. And from this day, I’m going to walk as a son, in Jesus Name. And I say; I am a true son of God.
There you go. That’s how you take care of anti-impeachment. And so now, when the devil comes to you tomorrow, and he will, and he’s going to get you to speak words and he’s going to want you behave and do things, you just say, “I took care of that accusation, that legal case you’ve got against me, I took care of that yesterday.” And I want to encourage you, for the next foreseeable future and we’re going to keep reminding you, wake up in the morning and say, “I’m a son of God.” Why? Because when you say you’re a son of God, you’re making a declaration that my day is about Him, my day is not about me. And it doesn’t matter if your day turns out that you do a lot of things about you, Jesus heard it. Your conscience heard it. The Holy Spirit heard it. The world that is seen and unseen has heard it. “I am a son of God.” And if you do no other confessions, but you say, “I am a son of God. I’m a child of God. I’m a son of God. I have an inheritance. I’m a child of God.” Then you get up and you say that every day as many times as you can say it, “I’m a child of God.” Because eventually God is going to use those words and He’s going to get that spirit of Christ in you to burst out of your dead nature that is holding you down. Burst you into your assignment. Burst you into your future. Do you all agree with that? Hallelujah. Well, I’ve got about three weeks worth of pent-up preaching that came out of me today. So thank you very much for listening to me. I appreciate it very much. It’s good to see you all. We love you all. Thank you very much for praying for us. Okay. Bye now.
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