Scripture Reference: Philippians 3:10-11 (NKJV); Philippians 3:8-11 (MSG); Philippians 3:10-13 (TPT); 1 Corinthians 15:16-20 (TPT)
Good morning everybody, welcome. It’s a nice, chilly Sunday morning. Welcome to church. I am just going to open in prayer and then we are going to do praise and worship that was pre-recorded a while ago. Please join me, won’t you stand with me, please. Hallelujah. Let’s pray together. Thank You, Lord, for this wonderful day that we can come together and just enjoy Your presence and be together and enjoy each other. I just pray, Father, that Your Word will change us once again, it will inspire us, will strengthen us and will cause us to realise just how a wonderful life we have because of You. I thank You, Lord, that every detail in this service today is anointed by the Holy Spirit and I thank You, Lord, that You are invited and You are welcomed here to do whatever work You choose to do today in Jesus name, and everybody said; Amen.
I want to talk to you about a specific subject today. It is something that really is needed to be more understood in the body of Christ and I believe that the Holy Spirit is going to make this real to your hearts today. Amen. Hallelujah.
If I could just ask you to join me in imagining people, a person, could be a person that you know, could be someone you don’t know. But if you could just imagine a person that does not know what God to serve, or whether a God should be served, does not know Jesus obviously, and who is somebody who may have heard about Jesus but has never ever given really meaningful attention to know about Jesus. If you can imagine for me and with me for a moment that this person that is wondering through life and has no definitive answer about why they are on the earth and or what’s going to happen to them when they leave the earth. They might have some philosophies, they might have ideologies about things, about how to live life and what might happen after. If you can just imagine this with me for a moment and just imagine that Jesus died on the cross for that person. What do you think Jesus wants that person to know?
I mean, Jesus wants that person to know that He did die for them. Right? That’s what He wants. More than anything He wants them to know that He died on the cross for them and that if they believe in Him that actually their whole future can change forever. Now I want you to imagine that there is a dark side, an evil side and it’s dark and evil because it’s just against God. I’d like you to imagine what the devil, the evil side, the dark side, what do they want to do to that person? What’s their whole motive for that person’s life to stop them from actually meeting Jesus. Right?
I think it’s it’s fairly honest to say that if that person is walking on the earth there will be an all-out contest whether it be one, whether it be a thousand, whether it be a million, whether it be a billion souls, people. There will be a contest for those souls. Here is the essence of the contest; those people that get to believe in who Jesus is, the very choice that they make to make Jesus the Lord and Saviour of their lives glorifies God and glorifies the death and the resurrection of Jesus. Let’s just say for a moment they make Jesus the Lord and Saviour of their life and nothing about their life changes after that; the only decision they make is that they make Jesus the Lord and Saviour of their life. The very fact that they made a decision for Jesus glorifies God and glorifies the death and resurrection of Jesus. Do you understand?
Because they have made an eternal choice that Jesus is real, that Jesus did die. Now for someone who has not yet made that choice, there will be a contest for the very choice of life and death until that person seizes to exist in their mortal body because if they can die without making a choice for Jesus, then every day they live without making that choice is a worship of the dark side. It’s a worship for evil. Right? It is what it is. So, there will be a contest for them to continue to worship the devil, evil, the dark side. But if you had to ask anybody who has not yet made a choice whether they are knowingly – do they know that they actually are worshipping the devil? They’d say, “I’m not even sure the devil is even real. I am not sure that I can be worshipping him.” Come on now. Because intellectually and emotionally they just wouldn’t go so far as to say; I worship the devil. Right? But the very fact that they are not making a choice for Jesus in itself in their life, is a victory if you want to call it that, for the devil. So what he is going to try and do – the devil – the first thing he is going to do and I don’t want to get too intellectual about this, I want to move along today. The first thing he is going to do is when a child is birthed into the womb of a person, a woman, when a child is birthed into the womb, he is going to try and stop that child from coming into the world. Because if he can stop the child from coming into the world, that child’s choice is taken away from them. I don’t want to get too involved in that conversation today.
The second thing that is going to happen is when they are born into the world, the enemy is going to do everything he can to make sure that they have no opportunity to make Jesus Lord and Saviour of their life. In the process, he is going to help them live their lives for themselves, all of their lives without an opportunity to make Jesus Lord and Saviour. Right? Until the point of death, because if they die, they die without Jesus as Lord and Saviour, they will for eternity be separated from the life of God. That’s death. Death is not about whether you live and die in the body, death is an eternity separated from the life of God. He is going to try and do that. Okay, so if you are here today and you have made Jesus Lord and Saviour of your life, then what is your job? From this point onwards, I have asked this question many times and if you have been here around me for long enough you’ll know that I ask this question on a regular basis; what’s the point of being a Christian? The point of being a Christian is not so that you can just make heaven your home and be eternally connected to heaven, or to God and the life of God. The point of being a Christian is that while you’re on the earth, your life must represent the life of God so that others can choose the same life. Right? There is no one else that can represent the life of God other than the Christian. I mean, the beautiful creation that we have around us will speak the heavens, will speak the beauty of the earth, will speak, it says so in Romans chapter 1. It will speak forever about the glory of God. Everybody is born with a conscience that will lead them to God, so there is no man that can be left without a choice. But the point of being a Christian is so that you can become spiritual. In other words, you can become a representative of the life of God. What’s the point of being spiritual? So that you can make the life of God demonstrated on the earth. I have said this many times; this is not new to you all. Our job once we are saved, and once we have a born again spirit, is to follow the instinct of the new creation and the instinct of the new creation will continue to lead us closer to Jesus.
I want to read to you a scripture from Philippians chapter 3 verse 10 and it says this,
10that I may know Him, Jesus, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, 11if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead (Philippians 3:10-11 NKJV). I just want to make three points to you today. The Gospel of Jesus Christ includes three things. It includes the cross, it includes the resurrection and it includes the Holy Spirit. This is a simple message today, but a very profound and a very powerful message. If Jesus didn’t die on the cross, there would be no salvation for me and you. Right? You’re allowed to say; Amen today. So if Jesus didn’t die, there would be no salvation. The cross is very, very important because on the cross our sins were nailed to the cross with Him. But if all He did was die, then there would be no afterlife after Jesus. So, what needed to happen was the Father had to raise Him from the dead so that His life could be a substitute and be given to our lives if we believe. Without the resurrection, there is no power of the cross. Without the Holy Spirit, there is no power for us to live in resurrection life. Amen.
Today I am going to talk a little bit about the resurrection. We have been given the Holy Spirit to help us live in the Godkind of life. I’m going to read a slightly longer version of that passage of scripture through The Message translation, this is how it reads from verse 8; 8Yes, all the things I once thought were so important are gone from my life. Compared to the high privilege of knowing Christ Jesus as my Master, firsthand, everything I once thought I had going for me is insignificant, this is The Message translation, dog dung. Perhaps better known as poop, there are other words but we won’t go there. The next few words are rather unfortunate but, I’ve dumped it all in the trash, I’ve dumped it all in the trash so that I could embrace Christ. In other words, everything that I had going for me, all of the good stuff that everybody adds so much importance to and gives so much relevance to, it might be so seeming, so insignificant, none of that stuff is really of any value to me compared to knowing Jesus. That stuff is just like dog poop to me because the knowledge of who Jesus is, is so beautiful. It’s so amazing, it’s so powerful, it’s so wonderful that that’s all I want to live for. 9And be embraced by him. I didn’t want some petty, inferior brand of righteousness that comes from keeping a list of rules when I could get the robust kind that comes from trusting Christ, in other words, God’s righteousness( Philippians 3:8-9 MSG).
I’ve said this before and many times you know, religion is just a set of rules and regulation that people say if you obey these rules and regulations then you’re okay; that’s religion. I hate religion because actually Jesus is about relationship and the power of what we have in Christ is about relationship. Hallelujah.
Verse ten says, 10I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself (Philippians 3:10 MSG). In other words, he’s making a statement here that I’m going to live in this resurrection power until such time as either my body dies or I have achieved a resurrection life that removes me from my body because that’s what he says next. 11If there was any way to get in on the resurrection from the dead, I wanted to do it (Philippians 3:11 MSG). That’s what he’s saying, he’s saying if there was a way that I could live in a resurrection life form while I’m on the earth, I would do it. So great is the power of God. I want to read from verse 10 for you in The Passion Translation just to give you a rounded version of this, of what I’m saying here today. And what the word is saying.
10And I continually long to know the wonders of Jesus more fully and to experience the overflowing power of his resurrection working in me. I will be one with him in his sufferings and I will be one with him in his death. 11Only then will I be able to experience complete oneness with him in his resurrection from the realm of death. 12I admit that I haven’t yet acquired the absolute fullness that I’m pursuing, but I run with passion into his abundance so that I may reach the purpose that Jesus Christ has called me to fulfill and wants me to discover(Philippians 3:10-12 TPT). You can’t discover your purpose, you can’t discover the fullness of God’s abundance until you experience the fullness of His resurrection power in you. 13I don’t depend on my own strength to accomplish this; however I do have one compelling focus: I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead (Philippians 3:13 TPT). I think this is one of the greatest weapons of the enemy to the Christian, to keep us quiet is because number one he wants us to live by a set of rules that we can’t keep. Because we can’t keep them he then puts guilt and shame and condemnation on us. Then we feel like we are not worthy representatives of the life of Jesus and certainly, people who have never made Jesus Lord and Saviour of their life and do not have an intimate knowledge of Him will have many, many, many intellectual questions and many things to say about this life of Christianity. If they can’t get you on the intellectualism, they will get you on the true value and the true integrity of your life. If they can’t get you on an intellectual argument about Jesus, then they will say that your life is not worthy of being a Christian and if you’re the kind of Christian that represents Christ then I don’t want to know Christ because you always let Him down. Come on.
The Apostle Paul is clear, in my own strength, I can’t get there. I just want to be clear about this. It doesn’t matter how good I am and it doesn’t matter how well I live my life, you and anybody else will be able to find fault with me. I will let you down. Other people will let you down. In a moment when you need to see a revelation of Jesus Christ in a person and you think I just need the love of Christ to be revealed to me from that person, that’s probably the time you might feel the expectation of that person living Christ to you is not met. It might not be about them, it might be about your expectation that needs something from that Christian and you think that Christian is not actually able to deliver what I have an expectation, so you will have an opportunity to criticise and to judge and to bring a point where you say, “I am not sure that I can believe the Christ because of the person.”
Then I have to go back and say, well, I have no power in myself to save myself, neither do I have any power in myself to live in the abundance of Christ, I have to count on the same power that resurrected Jesus from the dead. That is why knowing about the power of the resurrection is so important for us, because when we recognise that it was God’s power that raised Jesus from the dead, it was not the perfection of Jesus’s life. Now you might say that is not accurate. Let me tell you, once Jesus died in His body and He was in hell, His hands were eternally in the hands of the Father. He never had the power to raise Himself from the dead. He had to trust in the power of the Heavenly Father to declare Him righteous, and then call Him from the dead. He had to trust His Heavenly Father. His perfection had nothing to do with it. It was the reason the Father could call Him from the dead, but He Himself had no power to raise Himself from the dead. You know what that does for you and me> It puts us fairly and squarely in the absolute grace and the love of God where we say; I have no power to lift myself out of my humanity, I have no power to lift myself out of my sin nature, but Your grace gives me all of the power through the Holy Spirit. The same power that You exercised to raise Jesus from the dead, is the same power that You exercise over me to raise me out of my weakness, out of my daily life where I am incapable of changing myself. (Congregation member, “You’re preaching well, Pastor John”.) Thank you.
Well, I have another scripture for you, just in case you are not getting the message today, its 1 Corinthians 15 and verse 16 in The Passion Translation, it says this, 16If the dead aren’t raised up, that would mean that Christ has not been raised up either. 17And if Christ is not alive, you are still lost in your sins and your faith is a fantasy (1 Corinthians 15:16-17 TPT). You understand that faith in the resurrection makes our faith real. It is the resurrection that makes our faith real, not just the death of Jesus. 18It would also mean that those believers in Christ who have passed away have simply perished. They lived and they died. 19If the only benefit of our hope in Christ is limited to this life on earth, we deserve to be pitied more than all others! (1 Corinthians 15:18-19 TPT). I would like to read that to you again, 19If the only benefit of our hope in Christ is limited to this life on earth, we deserve to be pitied more than all others! (1 Corinthians 15:19 TPT). Why? Because essentially you are believing and you’re saying; the only benefit I’ve got is that I am saved. Then we are pitied because we do not understand the power of resurrection, that it not only gives us benefit of life on the earth, but it gives us benefit eternally. 20But the truth is, Christ is risen from the dead, as the firstfruit of a great resurrection harvest of those who have died (1 Corinthians 15:20 TPT).
Our faith is not a fantasy people. Our faith is grounded in the power of the resurrection of Jesus. Do you remember what Jesus said when He was in His last moments on the earth? You can read it in Luke chapter 24. He told His disciples, “You must go to Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit to come and give you power” because you can’t receive the fullness of resurrection life without the Holy Spirit helping you.” Wow. I know certainly for myself, I had little future, little future without the knowledge of who Jesus Christ is. Really. When I look back on my life I can tell you that the only thing that was going for me in my life, is that I gave my life to Jesus when I was a little boy, and I recommitted my life to Jesus when I was fourteen, nearly fifteen, and when I recommitted my life to Jesus, I have loved Him and served Him from that time. I can tell you that when I look at people that are naturally gifted, that are naturally talented, that have got a lot of things going for them in life, either they are born with the gift of leadership or they are born with a fantastic sporting gift, talent, or they are born with a gift of making money, or they have got some wonderful skill, talent, may be born into wealth, may be born into a privileged situation. If I look at people like that and I look at myself then I would say, I really didn’t have any hope of making anything of my life. Really. The only thing that has come of my life is because I’ve truly believed Jesus all of my life, all of my life. I’ve given my life to Him and only Him, and I have counted on His strength.
When I went from the corporate world and I came into the ministry I was so aware, I was so aware, it was like this, it was like almost this burden that was on my shoulders because I was so aware that I had an opportunity to start a church and to be a church that would not reflect organisational excellence but would include it. That would not reflect the ceremonies of church life but it would have the necessary facilitation and the facilities like people need to actually have church life. I remember wrestling with myself at that time and it wasn’t the first time I’d wrestled with myself like that. I wrestled with myself many times when I was raising my kids; one year old, two years old, three years old, four years old, five years old when they were little kids. I would have this conversation with God and I would say to the Lord, “Lord, I’m so aware that my humanity and the weakness that I have as a male is actually being transferred to my kids because they don’t hear what I’m saying. They are learning what I am living and to the extent that my living weakness, my weakness is being transferred to my children. If there was a way that my children could grow up without any of my weaknesses, I would really appreciate that.” And yet I know that I’m the only father that they have, that they could identify with because I am their father that they would in any way be given to follow my weakness – knowingly or unknowingly. What I was was going to always penetrate their souls and was going to cause them to have my weakness.
I had to do one thing only that I could do and that is, I had to keep going back to God and say, “God, I ask You and I trust You that Your life would shine through my weakness and that the life that You live through me would touch them more and greater than the life that is in me because my own humanity would destroy my children’s future.” I had that same encounter with God about the church, that my own humanity would defeat my own church. Come on now. Because essentially, whatever leadership I bring to you is incapsulated and cocooned in my humanity, and so whatever my human weakness is is always going to be on display in the church and what I can’t bring of God to you, you don’t get.
Well, a lot of people say, “Well, that’s why we have to listen to other ministries on TV and other.” No, what you get is knowledge, you don’t get a transferred revelation experience about who God is that only comes through relationship with the body of Christ and all of us are the body of Christ. The body of Christ needs to grow within itself, just the same way as a child is in a home. You can say, “Well look, here’s a model father that he models this; learn this from him.” He might gain knowledge about what that father can show or what that male man can show, but the real revelation of what they need to do to live life is going to come even through the weakness of the father that they live in the house with because that’s the real deal.
Listen, I’ve been open about this with my kids and I always wanted to direct them to Father God because that’s my hope, is that they will live in the Father God more than they will live following me. That’s the greatest freedom that I can give them is not to become like me, although they will. I can’t stop them from becoming like me in some way. But my hope is in God that they will become more like Jesus and more like the Father God than they will be like me, and to that end, I plead the resurrection power that God the Father exercised over Jesus to raise Him from the dead and then I say, “May that same resurrection power rest upon my children that will raise them up from even the human weakness they have and the ones they’ve learned from me, that it will raise them up beyond their humanity and they will excel and exceed what they think they can become in Jesus.
I’m still preaching good. So, not only was Christ resurrected but we too are resurrected. We are raised, we are lifted up into a new life when you are in Him. Now I want to stress this point, you are not resurrected into new life when you live like everybody else lives in the world, and you just use your mouth to say, “I’m a Christian,” or you come to church on a Sunday and you say, “I’m a Christian.” That’s not how you get raised up into new life. You have to live your life in Him.
I go back to the question of people that don’t know Jesus and so there is a contest about their eternal future. Once you have made Jesus the Lord and Saviour of your life, Christian, what’s the devil going to try to do? He is going to stop you from letting your life become a significant life to others because you represent the life of God, you are messengers, you are light carriers. He is going to do everything he can to slow you down, stop you and if possible, even remove you from the earth so your life doesn’t become a testimony. My testimony is not how great I am; my testimony is about the great God that is in me and regardless of how well I perform or don’t perform on the earth, the greatness of my God is undiminished, it’s unchanged, it cannot be subjected to my weakness. He is much greater than that and so that gives you boldness and confidence to go about your life and openly declare your Christianity, openly declare your walk with God, regardless of their intellectual conversation or their disregard for your life testimony because ultimately, it’s up to God that gets them saved; not you. All you got to do, is do the presentation and you don’t have to do the presentation as the authentic one that “My life of Christianity is so good that you are compelled to follow my God.” You can’t be good enough. Come on, this should be liberating to you today cause your life can’t be good enough – ever, ever, ever, ever, ever. I don’t care who you are.
If you do not live in the power of His resurrection and you live as those who are blind and even in the grip of death, and by that, I mean, you live a separation from the life of God. Why as a Christian would you want to live separated from the life of God on a daily basis? You could only assume then, that the life that you lead is so much more valuable to you that the life of God that He wants you to live doesn’t carry the same value. Then I would have to say to you, intellectually I now argue with you my legal case. Then I have to say to you; intellectually, you are completely deceived because you think that your life is more valuable to you than the life that God gives you through Christ Jesus where He came to pay the price to leave heaven, live on the earth, die for you and the power of God’s resurrection life came to raise Him from the dead so you could have the life. Then Jesus says, “Not only do I guarantee that you can have eternal life; I’ll send the Holy Spirit so that you can live life on the earth, in power, free from all of that self-stuff that you think is so important to you. It’s the only way we get free. It’s not because I am so self-willed and so self-disciplined.
I have got news for you. Even though I believe without hesitation and without retreat, I believe in the scripture that says, the power of life and death is in the tongue. I believe with all my heart, that what you speak out of your mouth and what you believe in your heart will guide your life and you will eat the fruit of it, either for life or for death – is what the Bible says. But I have got news for you. Even a formula of speaking life isn’t going to be the formula that gives you a better life because if it just becomes a practised ritual, then it’s just a ritual. If you believe it in your heart and you speak it with your mouth, then your life changes. If you don’t believe it in your heart, keep speaking it but ask the Holy Spirit to make it real to your heart. That is where the power of resurrection comes in. Wow.
When you become a Christian you have access to a completely different dimension which you can see and others don’t see and have the power to live in what you do see. I want to just say this and I’m finished with my message today. I’ve got more scriptures but I’m finished today. I want to say this; when you get born again, you have the ability by the power of your born-again spirit, to see things that others can’t see. At the very least, you must know that you are saved eternally. So please, I don’t want to get into the discussion if you’re saved once, you’re always saved. I just have to make this one, and you know this, this is the thing I use all the time and it is underpinned by John chapter 3. When my son is born, and they were born, they will forever be my DNA. Once they were born there would be nothing that could ever change that DNA structure. They were born of my blood. They cannot undo it. Now I might not have a relationship with them – I thank God I have a very good relationship with them – but they might behave in a way that separates us, relationally, but that would be their choice. Right? At the very least, you should know that you have an eternal destiny. So you can see something that someone else can’t see.
I have observed this in all the years that I’ve been a Christian, I have observed this. People that really know that they are saved, have a confidence about their future. They have a confidence that other people don’t have. It’s an underlying confidence that you just know. Come on, am I right? You just know that actually when it all comes to the end; I’m going to be with God forever. I’m going to be with Jesus forever. There’s a confidence there. In other words, you see things that no one else can see. But here’s the good thing, is that when you receive the power of His resurrection and you say, “I have that same power that’s daily resurrecting my mortality into spirituality. Daily I receive the power that raised Christ from the dead. I receive that power daily. The Holy Spirit energises me through His partnership with me.” You can read it in John 15, 16 and 17.
His partnership with me; He’s my helper; He’s my advocate; He’s my standby; He’s my teacher; He’s the One that always is leading me into truth. The Holy Spirit’s partnership with the power that raised Christ from the dead, that He’s living in me, raising me up from my mortality into spirituality every day and His partnership with me; I now can see things that other people can’t see. I can live in a power band, I can live in a space with God that even allows me, while I’m living in this human body to press towards a kind of living that raises me up to such a high standard that other people marvel at the standard of Christ life that you live. Not because you’re great but because He’s great.
When you start living that standard of life, people will still have reason to criticise you. They will still have reason to judge you. They will still have reasons to have arguments against you. Because it’s not you that they’re actually arguing against, it’s the life of God that you live in Him that they’re arguing against. Because if they don’t argue against it they become responsible to live it. Because they become responsible to live it because if someone can do it, every Christian can do it. When a Christ resurrected life person begins to live life at a higher standard, live in a higher dimension of Christ’s spiritual living when that person starts to live there it’s not – and I say this once again – it’s not because I’m great or they’re great. It’s because of the power of Christ in them that makes them great. But people will still have something to say about it.
My life stands as a testimony. When I was so poor I couldn’t pay attention, I mean church mice had more money than I had, and you know, there’s that saying you’re as poor as a church mouse because there’s not much going on in a church that’s poor and, of course, a church mouse has even less going for it, you know. I was certainly in that place. But through the power of God’s life in me that life allowed me to see a way of living that I couldn’t live by myself. But His resurrection power resurrected my seeing from a poverty mentality to a prosperity abundance living mentality. He lifted me there, not myself. He lifted me there. When He began to show me I could live in a way of living health and I began to speak that, He lifted me into health. Of course, you all know from the early days when I began to see His life in relationships and I began to say, “This is a standard that I can have this kind of relationship.” I wanted to strive for that. The resurrection power of Christ began to lift me into a standard of relationship that I have now, not just with my wife I’ve been with these 39 years, that I still absolutely adore, day by day get closer to her. But I have a higher standard of relationship with all of you. Because my relationship with you is not just based on the fact that we have something in common; humanly speaking. Come on.
In the world system, they want to touch you through networking. So, let’s go play golf, let’s go have lunch, let’s do because you want to find something in common that can bind you. Right? If you do business together then you have the social aspect and you build a relationship that you can continue to have more productivity together. Right?
Well, in Christ it’s not the things that we do together that bind us together, it’s the person that we love together that binds us together. It’s the resurrection power of Jesus that binds us together. It’s the life of Christ in me that talks to the Christ in you that begins to draw out the Christ that’s in you. It draws you into a higher dimension of relationship. And so we go. And so we flow day by day. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.
Did you get something out of this today? I preached myself happy, you know. I want to just conclude by saying; I am sure you are aware, I am sure you are aware, I have made it my business to actually understand, but I am sure you are aware of just how big the war is against the souls of men globally. If you think that the Coronavirus is about a communist Chinese party regime that unleashed a virus on the earth, and if you think that the global economy that has been brought down by trillions and trillions of dollars – if you want to use that as a denominator – where all economies in the world are struggling without exception. Hundreds of thousands of people dying, thousands of people dying every day. The church itself is forced to experience social distancing. The church itself is in a state where people don’t want you to talk to each other. What’s that all about? As many souls as the devil can stop from meeting Jesus through these months that we are separated is his sole goal. Disease, death, and destruction. If you don’t think that this is an ongoing fight against light and dark, against good and evil, against God and His desire for men and the devil and his desire for men then you are blind to what’s going on and maybe just maybe we are living in a little bubble that we think aa long as my bubble is okay then we’re all okay. It’s my job really, and I do and Sharon and I have been doing this; to pray there will of God into the whole earth, the whole earth. Certainly, the will of God into our nation and into our government and into our nation and our leadership. Certainly, God is requiring for the church of the Lord Jesus Christ to be known today, because this is our hour where we can make a difference regardless of all the barriers that this disease is bringing to us, this is our hour to make a difference right now. You need to talk about Jesus and you need to tell people about Jesus and you need to be a person who’s ready to put your life on the line so that you can put out a message of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. Amen.
Will you stand with me, please. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. I’d like you to pray with me, you know how we do this at the end of a service; just put your hand on your heart. I’d like you to just make this declaration with me and just say this; Jesus, I ask You to cleanse me from all my twisted ways, from all my wrongdoings and I thank You, Lord, that because I’ve asked You, You now cleanse me and You bring me completely to righteousness. From this day onwards I receive Your redemption power. I receive the power of the Holy Spirit to help me live my life in strength and in power. In Jesus name. Amen. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
I just want to pray for you as I release you and I do want to ask you when you leave here please put your masks on, please do this. It’s a real thing, it’s a real thing this and I want us to do what is right, what the Government has said for us to do. I have my full trust in the power of the Holy Spirit to protect me from sickness and disease but part of my confidence in God is that I do what the Government tells me to do. Right? If we are going to continue to have these kind of services, we’ve got to do actually what is necessary. I have mine in my pocket right here. It’s hard to preach with it on. Hallelujah. I just pray and I say; thank You, Lord, for all these years I have been declaring faithfully every day, every week that You protect Your people by the Word and the blood of Jesus. I have declared and continue to declare, Father, that You protect them and that no weapon formed against them will prosper. No sickness, no plague, no disease will come near their dwelling place and I thank You that even in these difficult times that You will cause them to prosper. You will cause them to enter into new doors of opportunity and they will see things that other people won’t see and that the power of the resurrection will resurrect their business, will resurrect their finances, will resurrect them to beyond what the human system thinks they are capable of and in this time we are even free from that. I pray, Father, that wherever relationships are taking strain, households, families, relationships, wherever those relationships are now under stress because of this, I thank you, Father, You resurrect that life. You resurrect them with Your power so that in their daily life they will be free of all of those stresses in their life, Father. I thank You that Your ministering spirits, the angels, are going right now into all their lives to help them and to cause good things to come into their lives, in Jesus name. Amen.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International