Scripture reference: Matthew 17:20 TPT; 1 Timothy 1:18-19 MSG; Psalm 118:25 AMPC; Psalm 20:4-5 AMPC; 1 Corinthians 16:8-9 AMPC; 1 Corinthians 16:12-13 AMPC; 1 Corinthians 16:12-13 TPT; Galatians 6:10 AMPC; Galatians 6:10 MSG; Ephesians 5:15-17, 19-20 AMPC; Colossians 4:3 AMPC
Hallelujah. I believe God is doing extraordinary things, and as I’ve been preparing for this Sunday morning service, I believe that God is going to be saying and doing extraordinary things, for us. Amen. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
I’m going to be talking this morning about the New Door, Increase, and Opportunity. Hallelujah. The prophetic word for 2020 that was given to us by Brother Jerry is that “God will open a new door and bring supernatural increase as never before”. I’ve spoken quite a bit on supernatural increase. Last weekend we took up a “point of contact offering” for the supernatural increase. I can tell you that as a normal course of events, as a normal lifestyle, as a habit of the way Pastor Sharon and I live, the way Dr Jerry and Ms Carolyn, the way that they live; when you receive a Word from God, we always sow a seed into that word, so that, that seed can do its work in us.
We give financial seed because, it’s not about money, it’s about what financial seed represents. Financial seed represents energy, and in human terms it represents time. Time is only relevant to humans because it is the measurement that we use for the span of all of our energy, but while you’re on the earth you can’t have energy, unless you are receiving energy and you are giving energy. This is important, I know you’ve heard me say this many times, but it is a really solid foundation for our lives. I discovered that actually, somebody that goes and works out in the gym or is doing exercise, they are sowing energy. Right? They’re giving out energy. What do they get in return? Not tiredness. They get energy back.
It almost seems ridiculous that you would give energy to get energy, because everybody will tell you that life is about energy management. It is a principle of God that if you don’t give energy, you won’t receive energy. The fundamental is, unless you sleep, you can’t replenish your energy. God has forced us to renew our energy, by sleeping. One of the ways that you can keep yourself conditioned and energised is by exercising. How does this work? It works, because when you decide to go for a walk, go for a run, go for a bicycle ride, go to the gym, do some pilates exercises, and I want to use the word cautiously because it’s like a stigma in the body of Christ, but if you do yoga stretching, it’s not about the yoga stuff that comes with it, but the stretching is good stuff, but if you’d rather want another name then pilates is better.
If you’re doing exercises, and what happens is that, first of all you get the blood flowing, with the blood flow you increase the capacity of your body to manage oxygen, you increase the capacity of your heart and your lungs to breathe better, to have a better blood flow circulation system working. If you’re doing some kind of exercise, you’re also going to be breaking down muscle fibers which have to renew themselves. The very process of breaking down to regenerate is a health, living process. When you sow energy, you reap back energy. Like everything else, what you sow, is what you reap. If you only sow energy once a week, then that’s only the amount of harvest that you can reap. If you’ve got a physical ailment of some sorts and you can’t do any of the above exercises that I’ve mentioned, you could go swimming. Yes, I know it may take a bit of effort, it may take a gym contract, it might take something, but you know, you should do something.
I don’t want to promote pilates too much now. If you know the story about pilates, it was started by a man by the name of Joseph Pilates, and Joseph Pilates actually discovered a set of exercises that he used, that he actually creatively discovered. He was a pilot in one of the world wars, and there were many injuries and he discovered that all these men were lying around in beds and unable to recover because there weren’t enough nurses, there weren’t enough doctors, there weren’t enough people to take care of them. They literally lay on their beds, and they might have had something wrong with their leg or their arm, but the rest of their body was static. What he learnt was to do exercises, in bed, that would regenerate and renew and keep you strong. The famous thing about pilates is the c-curve sit-up, I’m not going to do it for you and the whole, you know. The c-curve sit-up basically means that you can lie flat and all you do is you just tense your muscles in the core of your muscles, and you just slightly raise your body. You don’t even have to really do much, you just lightly raise.
I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you try and do that tomorrow morning when you wake up? Just raise your body, just slightly like this, and tighten the core muscles all the way down and see what happens. If you can hold it for a minute then you’re fitter than I think. I know, because my son Brynn, he is the gym guy, my son Garth a Pilates guy. He challenged the gym guy one day and said, “Come and see if you can do my exercises with me.” He used him as a guinea pig because they had to do a test to actually qualify in Pilates, and so Brynn couldn’t finish the exercises that he could, because it wasn’t about how big Brynn’s muscles were, it was about the core muscles in his body that wasn’t strengthened.
Anyway, I didn’t mean to talk so much about health and conditioning, but the point is, what you sow, is what you reap. If you are in in a place where you have given a contact seed for Supernatural Increase and a New Open Door, or a New Door that God will open, then when you’ve sown your seed as a point of contact into that, it’s a symbol of your energy, it’s a symbol of your skill, your talent. It’s a symbol of your life, because when you go to work and you earn money, you are giving your energy, you’re giving your skill, your talent, and in exchange you’re earning some money. When you give money to God, it’s a token of a percentage of your time or a value of your time and skill and energy. Amen.
Praise the Lord, it’s a year of Supernatural Increase. As a practice, we always sow money into the prophetic word that has been spoken, as does Brother Jerry, because we want the return of that revelation to be as much as we can get. When you give money it’s a representation of your time on earth, your energy, your skill that God gave you anyway. When you’re sowing it back into the word that God has spoken, you’re sowing it into the value of what that word can bring into your life, Amen.
As I was preparing for this message today, I went and I re-listened to, and I re-read Kenneth Copeland’s word, that he had for 2020 and I’m going to just read a part of it because actually he received it in different stages, but this one stage is particularly relevant to us. A lot of what he got was about politics in America, in 2020.
This is what he said, “2020 will be a year of great change. Wonderful and magnificent changes in the kingdom of God in the earth. Changes that will come because of insights, ideas and concepts directly from Jesus to His C Church by His mighty Spirit.” Notice he’s making a distinction here that these are concepts and ideas are not coming into the world. They’re coming into the church. “…by His mighty Spirit. Glorious concepts of how His laws works.”
This is was very interesting to me because the laws of God always need to be applied to get the results that God wants us to get. Always. When he says here, “Glorious concepts of how His laws work.” He’s actually saying He’s going to give us fresh revelation on how His laws work, so that we can have this mighty increase. “The laws governing increase and financial prosperity; the laws of the Spirit that release miracles and divine healings and manifestations of His Almighty power in the earth. New concepts of His love; His very person; for He is love. Insights into the true power and strength of His joy.” Now isn’t that interesting that we’ve chosen the whole year to be a year of celebration? That’s an expression of joy.
“It will be days of political change,” so then he goes on to political change that relates to America. I just stopped it there, because I believe that there is political change happening in our country, and the political change is for our benefit, and for the nation’s benefit, and all of the politics that have underpinned corruption in this nation for so long, I believe all those political forces are disintegrating. They are just going to be taken away, in Jesus Name. Hallelujah.
I am certain of this one thing church. I am certain of this; that you can prosper, even though the economy doesn’t reflect it. If there’s a group of people that can prosper while the economy is floundering, it’s the church. It’s not clever people, it’s the church. Why do I make that distinction? Because this prophetic word has just got through telling us that His wonders and His concepts and His ideas and His insights are what we are going to get as the church, and so we are going to come up with things that are going to make us money. They are going to create promotional opportunities for us, hallelujah.
I’ve experienced that as a believer, many times in my life, I’ve experienced it, where God has creatively given me ideas in my spirit, that have increased and blessed us. Both personally, and in the ministry. Amen. Hallelujah.
It’s along those lines that I’m going to and I am ministering this morning. Remember what Brother Jerry said? He gave us the definition. By the way, I have been carrying this around with me all week, it is the handkerchief that Brother Jerry prayed over. It is in my bag, I asked Bertus to give it to me, because I decided in myself that for the rest of the year, wherever I am preaching, ministering, doing anything, it is going to be on my person. Whatever I am doing, I am going to have it with me on my person. It is not about a piece of material, it is about our faith contact point. That cloth in itself, when the woman that had that sickness for twelve years, touched the hem of His garment, it was not because of what His garment was made of, that was the contact point of her faith, was his garment. Hallelujah.
He talked about the number 20 symbolizes, the full cycle of completion. It is also often connected to a perfect period of waiting. I want to just make a declaration that last year was a phenomenal year for this ministry. We made a lot of progress. In one year we did just about as much as you could do in 10 years. Isn’t that right? I mean, it was just a phenomenal, highly productive, blessed year.
I believe that this year, 2020 is going to be a year that is going to be, at least as good as last year, which means that it is at least going to represent another 10 years’ worth of productivity that we are going to accomplish in this year. Then, if I put the supernatural increase on top of that, and concepts and ideas, on top of that, I believe we are going to make more progress than we have ever made. Hallelujah.
You noticed the foyer that we changed? You like it? If you are going to take a walk around the back and see the classrooms and everything, you like that? I mean you must go and look at them, you will see the new Bible school classrooms are looking amazing. I have an amazing team, I don’t know if they are all in the service today? Are they all in the service today? Many of them are here. Come up to the front my A-Team, come.
I know there is some behind the cameras, I don’t know how I can do that, come on guys, come up here. Come stand closer to me here, come stand closer to me here. Check out this team. This is the stuff right here, this is the team right here. I want to tell you, that in December I said, I just feel like I got to take the plunge and I have got to believe God for the money, but we got to do all this work, and we got to do it before Brother Jerry comes.
For two reasons; once he left, the Bible school was going to start and then it is difficult to redo the Bible School classes, and the other thing is, of course, we wanted to have it done before Brother Jerry came. They got to work, and so this A-Team here, this A-Team here, they did amazing things, they did absolutely exceptional things. Give them a hand everybody. I mean from putting up panels on the walls with the lights behind them, that look amazing, to managing contractors and doing things. Keeping the ministry going at the same time, I mean, these people did an amazing job. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen. Give them another hand as they go back to their seats. Praise the Lord.
There are more people that God is bringing to us supernaturally, to come and serve in the ministry, because here is what is happening, is that these people that God has brought into the ministry. As they are sowing their energy into the ministry, they are busy creating the space for their assignment and their purpose. When you do that, it attracts resources to your life, and so when you are in God’s purpose, it attracts resources and it attracts favour and attracts blessing that you can’t pay for, so you have to believe that. Hallelujah.
It is an amazing thing to me, that we got the job done here in two weeks that under normal circumstances, with a normal project plan, people would say “we need 3 months,” but it was like everything just came together, people’s hands were anointed, peoples hands were blessed, and it just all came together. I mean the year has already started in an amazing highly productive way. I, thank God, and that is my declaration, as I have people in my life, I pray for them, and I pray that God anoints their hands, God anoints their minds, God anoints their creative ability, God creates them with a supernatural anointing for them to come up with ideas, to come up with ways of doing things, that would normally not be considered as normal, and then God does the super on natural. He truly does.
This is a way that God is going to actually end up blessing us more and more, is as the Prophetic word has declared. We are going to see changes that are coming, in the church, and we are going to see glorious concepts of how his laws work. Hallelujah.
Insights, ideas, and concepts. We’re going to find out how His laws work. I read to you last time, Matthew 17 verse 20 from the passion Bible, 20He told them, “It was because of your lack of faith. I promise you, if you have faith inside of you no bigger that the size of a small mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move away from here and go over there,’ and you will see it move! There is nothing you couldn’t do! (Matthew 17:20, TPT). If you have faith. So, underlying faith is an inherent trust in God. It means you really want to trust God. It really means that you, in your heart, are choosing to trust God and to believe God with your life. Amen.
I don’t want to get too caught up in this particular subject of trust in God, but trusting yourself is even sometimes a barrier to trust in God, because sometimes you don’t even trust yourself. You trust yourself; in many areas you trust yourself to fail or to not live up to a standard, more than you trust yourself in God. Because you don’t trust yourself, you have difficulty in overcoming that barrier of trusting God, because you think that the same measurement that you have for yourself, is the same measure that God is measuring you. When actually He is not doing that at all. All He’s wanting you to do is to speak and live in a way that says, “I’m going to put Jesus first.” Then that’s all that He needs, to have a vessel, that supernatural increase can happen in.
In your mind, if you can’t see that you have the authority and you have the grace, and the favor in God by faith to move mountains, well then you can never move a mountain, unless you can see that you can move a mountain. It becomes a contest of what’s happening in your mind, and a contest of what’s happening in your spirit. If you’re always used to giving preference to what’s in your mind, and what’s in your soul, then it’s going to be very difficult for you to continuously live with enduring faith that sees the result happen.
Most of the time, if you find people that are faith people that know how to live by faith, it’s because they’ve endured in their faith walk and then they’ve seen the results of their faith. Hallelujah. You got to get doubt out of your mind, because your mind has got nothing to do with your faith. Even if your mind is doubting, you got to make the Word of God come out of your heart. Let it come out of your lips.
I used, 1 Timothy chapter 1 verse 18, 18I’m passing this work unto you…, this is the Message translation…, my son Timothy. The prophetic word that was directed to you prepared us for this. All those prayers are coming together now so you will do this well, fearless in your struggle…, (1 Timothy 1:18, MSG). All the prophetic words, all of our prayers that we have poured out in this ministry, are all coming together. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.
Psalm 118 verse 25 says, 25Save now, we beseech You, O Lord; send now prosperity, O Lord, we beseech You, and give to us success! (Psalm 118:25, AMPC). Success to one person might be different to another person. Some people, it’s more important for them to have a restoration in relationships, than it is for them to have more money. Psalm 20 verse 4 and 5, 4May He grant you according to your heart’s desire and fulfil all your plans. 5We will [shout in] triumph at your salvation and victory, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners. May the Lord fulfil all your petitions. (Psalm 20:4-5, AMPC)
I want you to see, that in this scripture He says,” May He grant you according to your heart’s desire and fulfil all your plans.” How can He pray that? Well, when the desire in your heart is His desire, then your plans becomes His plans. Then all the plans you make, come from the desire of your heart, that is submitted to Him. The biggest challenge that we have as Christians, is submitting our hearts to God. Most often, the way it is tested is; when the messenger comes with a message, and speaks a message to you, and then you listen to the message and then you receive parts of the message, not all of the message. Because some of the message, may be easier to do than others. Then so you say, “Well I can agree with that, but I can’t do that.”
Then it already means that the desire of your heart is already being tested. So, the plans that you make, based on that un-submitted desire, are incompatible with what God’s will is for you. I’m preaching good today, you may say so. Hallelujah. That’s why, the more you put the Word of God into your heart, and the more you put it into your mouth; the more your desires change to live for God. 1 Corinthians chapter 16 verse 8 to 9, 8I will remain…, this is Paul talking…, I will remain in Ephesus [however] until Pentecost, 9For a wide door of opportunity for effectual [service] has opened to me [there, a great and promising one], and [there are] many adversaries (1 Corinthians 16:8-9, AMPC).
I have spoken briefly on this before, but I want to just go back and say, “There is a wide door of opportunity.” When God says, this year is a year, where He is going to open a new door, or there are going to be new doors that you are going to see. I like the way that Paul phrases the opportunity. He phrased the opportunity in a way that says, “There is a wide open door.” That means the door wasn’t open a crack, it means the door was wide open. The difference is this; it might seem a little pedantic if I talk on this, but the difference is this – if a door is already wide open, it takes very little resistance to walk through it. There is no resistance there is only a momentum that is required, movement. Right?
As long as you’re moving, you can walk into and walk through the new door. The way the Apostle Paul says it, is a door of opportunity. I sense this very strongly in my spirit, that God is opening doors of opportunity. The reason I used that Scripture in Psalms, about your heart’s desire, is that you need to be careful that not every opportunity that comes your way, is the open door.
I don’t want to focus on why that might be, I’d rather say it this way; I’d say, that in your opportunities, you need to be touching base with people that are praying people, that are faith people, that are spiritual people, that can help you discern. Because I don’t care how spiritual you are, you’re always going to have a conflict between yourself nature and the will of God. The chances are that you are subjective in what you are doing, partially, subjective in what you are hearing. That means your emotions are involved, your own human desires, your own view, your own worldview of life is involved. If someone helps you to remove those filters, to see a different picture, then you can have a better understanding of what the result might be. What the outcome might be. Amen.
I’m going to read you, a passage of Scripture here that is in 1 Corinthians. I’m going to read it to you first out of the Amplified and then out of the Passion Translation, because I’m wanting you to just see the nuances that are involved here. 12As for our brother Apollos, I have urgently encouraged him to visit you with the other brethren, but it was not at all his will or God’s will that he should go now. He will come when he has opportunity. (1 Corinthians 16:12 AMPC)
Okay? Here is, if I can put it this way, here is one Apostle, encouraging another Apostle to come and visit a group of people, believers. As he is encouraging him, this Apostle says, “It’s not possible for me to come now.” What Paul immediately perceives, is that because his life is committed to God he understands that the reasons why he can’t come are important for him to remain where he is, but it is also the will of God that whatever is holding him there, that he must finished the job there before he moves onto the next one. Did the Apostle Paul not pick that up in the spirit first? Then why would he encourage him to go there, when he was actually going to force him to say, “No I can’t come now?” Because in the spirit there are things that you can pick up that God is doing and then what you have to determine is how you get the execution of it, not just the knowing that you must do it. Amen.
How you go about getting it done and when you go about getting it done, is just as important as, knowing that you got to get it done. There are these factors that are involved in your life, it’s important that you have people around you that you can connect with spiritually that are praying people, faith people, that are on the same wavelength, that are flowing with you.
I’ll give you a small example. If someone had to come to me and seek advice with me, and they are running a business, let’s just say the business was doing a hundred million rand turnover a year. Well, if they had to come and talk to me, I would not feel uncomfortable speaking to them about it, because I’ve been there and done that. I also understand how people think that run successful businesses, where there is a lot of assets, lots of income, lots of human resources and other influences that happen to a business that is operating at that level. Hello?
Someone that’s operating at that level, should go to someone that understands what they’re talking about. If they go to someone who’s just, and I’m not demeaning anybody by this, but if you’re just earning a salary of R10 000.00 a month and you’re working in a job, there are something that you might be dealing with there’s a hundred million rand business, that a ten thousand rand a month income person don’t understand. So, if you go and ask them, “How must I execute this plan?” They can’t see the whole scope of it. Are you with me? There is wisdom in going to people that are the right people, not just any people. Hallelujah.
I do sense this strongly, that there is going to be some moments in the not too distant future where I will be sharing on, quite significantly, on finances and on economics and business things that relate from the Word of God, that can help us change. It can help us identify opportunities and walk through new doors. Amen.
The next verse he says 13Be alert and on your guard stand firm in your faith (1 Corinthians 16:13) Why is he saying that right after the after this first verse? Your conviction respecting man’s relationship to God and divine things, keeping the trust and holy fervor born of faith and a part of it. Act like men and be courageous; grow in strength (1 Corinthians 16:13 AMPC) In other words he’s saying, whenever there’s going to be an opportunity that comes your way, you’re going to have to be courageous and you’re going to have to act like men and flow in strength. It’s not because there’s a resistance, but it requires movement into a new space, into a new place where there is uncertainty, but when you move into that with uncertainty you got to go with courage and strength. There is not going to be an opportunity, that you are going to find ahead of you that is going to just be comfortable. It’s always going to drag you out of your comfort zone in some way. Even if it’s just going into a new place that you have never done before.
I was thinking about it this week. 2015, I believe it was 2015. I had it in my heart that I would go and ride this tour in Cape town, at that time it was called “The tour de Boland” and then it eventually had to change his name because of legal things and it became the “Tour of Good Hope” and it was a five day tour, and it was lots of kilometres and it was with professionals. It was a properly sanctioned International Union, “Cyclist Internationale” accredited at a certain level, and they actually gave opportunity for amateur riders to ride in the same race as the professionals, and they allowed you to go an hour and a half ahead of the professionals.
At that time I really felt in my heart based on where God was wanting me to go, physically and spiritually, that I should go and ride that race, and I went on my own. It’s a matter of record now that on the big day that there was lots of kilometres to do, that there was the highest temperature in the Paarl in a hundred, I think it was fifty or hundred years, was a long time. The temperature was over fifty degrees and that day was a hundred and nineteen kilometres, I think with, I don’t know how many thousand meters of climbing up the hill. I remember I was about, I was halfway up that hill, climbing – it was the one day that the pro’s finished before me – Because that was my goal before the Lord, “Let me finish before the pro’s every day,” but that day I couldn’t, because you had to do almost 100 kilometres to get to the climb. In the last climb, that climb was about five kilometres worth of just passes through like Cape mountains. I got halfway and I saw that the pros were catching me, so I just pulled off the side, sat under the shade of a tree and watched them race past me. It was the only thing I could do. Then when they passed me, I got on my bike and I kept riding and I finished. When I got into the vehicle that actually brought me back to base, the temperature that was recorded in the motor car on the temperature gauge was 52 degrees. That was a door of opportunity that God opened for me, that, that race has never had the same format ever again.
I rode every stage, every kilometre, everything by myself, finished at the top of the race. When I finished, I called my wife and I said, “I’m done, baby” and she said, it was like, and if you all remember it she said, “There was like a boom in the spirit because it was a natural barrier and a spiritual barrier,” that I broke through. I believe Grobbies and Christi were at the finish line there, to see me there, because we rode the Cape Argus cycle race afterwards, and there were others there too. It was a big moment in my life, it was a big moment in my life.
What I’m saying to you is that if I had taken the attitude, that there’s no way’s, that I can go and do a race like that, because I’ve only been cycling three years. If I’ve taken the attitude “I can’t ride in a race like that, I’ll never make it, I’ll never whatever,” then the discomfort that I had, would have prevented me, can I say, just my projected discomfort, not even real discomfort, just my projected discomfort would prevent me from maximizing the opportunity. Hello? Because I said, I’m not going to let the projected discomfort dissuade me, but I said, “I’m going to trust that this is a God process for my life”
Then if you remember the next year I did, we started, because that was one of my first of my 4x4x40’s, and the next year we did 3x4x40’s, and that, how much change that led into the ministry. That’s all I can say and use an example to you, and if you let your discomfort, even your mental emotional discomfort dissuade you from stepping into new things, then you will never know what it looks like. You got to be courageous and you got to be strong, and joy makes you strong.
The passion Bible reads it like this 2 Now, about our brother Apollos. I’ve tried hard to convince him to come visit you with the other brothers, but it’s simply not the right time for him, right now. But don’t worry, he’ll come when he has the opportunity. 13 Remember to stay alert and hold firmly to all that you believe. Be mighty and full of courage. (1 Corinthians 16:12-13TPT)
You have taken your finances, and you’ve made a point of contact seed. You have got to remember to stay alert now, and hold firm to all that you believe. Be mighty and full of courage. Do not let yourself be undermined by a lack of courage, or by a lack of strength, or too many moments of weakness. This is a time where you’ve got to be alert, and you’ve got to hold firmly to what you believe. You’ve got to hold firmly to what, you’ve got to hold it, you’ve got to hang on to it.
How do you do that? I’m glad you asked. The weeks ahead we’ll talk about that. For sure part of it is that you’ve got to keep speaking it, and you’ve got to do like I do; you’ve got to keep this around you the whole time, that blue cloth that you got, you’ve got to speak it out every day. Hallelujah.
Galatians chapter 6 verse 10 in the Amplified says, 10 So then, as occasion and opportunity open up to us, let us do good, as occasion and opportunity open up to us, let us do good. The scripture reads this way, let us do good [morally] to all people [not only being useful or profitable to them, but also doing what is for their spiritual good and advantage]. So, that is the Amplified version and the way it puts it. Be mindful to be a blessing, especially to those of the household of faith …. (Galatians 6:10 AMPC)
I’m going to read this out of The Message Translation just so that it’s easier for you to get a grasp of it. 10Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith. (Galatians 6:10 MSG) Okay, how do you have opportunity to work to the benefit of all? The first thing that you can do is, when you see someone in the household of faith, encourage their faith to go through the new door, and to take hold of the opportunities that are bringing themselves to them. When somebody begins to talk to you about an opportunity, don’t run it down, because they may be going through a new door, that they haven’t had opened before.
Don’t say, that’s not possible. How can God do something like that? Well, if there is going to be supernatural increase, then it means that it’s the super-natural. It’s not what you can conceive as being natural. Hallelujah.
If you can get a hold of it with your natural mind, already, then it’s not super. Part of experiencing the super, is to actually start doing something that’s natural. Well, you are just telling me two different things. No, I’m not. When God took the children out of Israel, there came a time where they had to kill a lamb and they had to take the blood of the lamb and sprinkle it on the doorposts of their houses. You can’t do that step, if you don’t believe that God is taking you out of Egypt.
You’ve got to take the blood and put it on the doorframe of your house. Ha-ha. Come on now. The blood of the lamb had to be put unto the door of the house, because when the blood was on the door of the house, the Angel of Death could not come and touch your house, because the blood was a symbol of covenant and blessing. That you/they/Israelites, who are going to walk through on their journey to freedom. One of the things that you’ve got to hold on to by going into the new door is, you’ve got to make sure and understand that the blood of Jesus is more powerful, than any confrontation of any evil force, or any doubt, or unbelieve, or anything. The Power of the Blood stands for you.
You’ve got to start somewhere. You start with the blood, then you’ve got to walk through the door with a covering of the blood. Once you walk through the door with the covering of the blood. Every step that you take from that point onwards is a step of blessing taking you to freedom. Your freedom doesn’t come immediately, it just comes one step at a time, as you walk through the door. That’s where your discomfort comes, too. I’m walking one step at a time, it doesn’t look like I’m making that much progress, but if you just look back, two, six steps, you think I haven’t come very far now. Hey, come on. You can’t walk from here, anywhere without walking six steps at a time. If you only measure yourself at six steps at a time, and you think, all this energy for six steps, then you’re going to think I’m never going to make it to where I’ve got to go. If you don’t take the first six steps, you can’t get to the next six steps. Glory to Jesus, hallelujah.
When we have the supernatural increase, it’s going to happen to a point where you come to a Red Sea and the impossible of God needs to work, because behind you, all of the natural forces of humanity are building up to come and take you captive. I’m speaking prophetically and I’m speaking under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, now. When you then look in front of you and you see no way possible that, all my many steps have brought me to an impossible barrier. How is it possible that God would bring me to an impossible barrier, when I’ve been walking through the blood door, with the blood on the posts and I’ve come under obedience to Him and I’ve walked all these steps, and I’ve got to an impossible barrier, and all of the forces that have dominated me in the past, are all ganging up behind me to come and destroy my future? That’s the point when you need a very special something to hold on to. It’s called the prophetic word of God, that God has given us, and you speak to that river and you speak to that water, and you speak to the impossible barrier, and watch God come to work. You can’t get there unless you walk there! And you can’t walk there, unless you go through the door with the blood, that has been sprinkled over the door. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. Glory to Jesus.
It’s a Year of Supernatural Increase. It’s a year of great change in the Kingdom. It’s a year of great change for the Body of Christ. Hallelujah. It’s a year of concepts and ideas and all manner of miracles that God is going to do. This is the year! Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus.
I’m going to finish with this scripture, here. I’ve got two scriptures. One of them is just reading it twice. Ephesians 5 verse 15. This is one of my favourite scriptures, because this is all about hearing the Word of God and the execution – that’s why I love this scripture so much. 15 Look carefully then how you walk! Hello? I just got through talking about walking. Look carefully then how you walk. Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people) (Ephesians 5:15 AMPC) Hey. You don’t have to be intelligent in your head. You have to be intelligent in the Spirit because let me tell you; a spiritual person, that has got good, careful, walking about them with purpose is far more capable of living intelligently than a smart, intelligent intellectual, because an intellectual cannot receive the favour of God, but a purposeful, accurate, wise-living Christian can.
Hello? Morning. 16Making the very most of the time, the Amplified Bible says, [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil. We must make the most of the opportunities, God is bringing for us new doors, God is bringing… because the days are evil. Why? The days that are evil are going to try and prevent us from making the most of our opportunity. That’s why we’ve got to live with our eyes open. We’ve got to walk and be alert. We’ve got to walk purposefully. Hallelujah.
17Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is. (Ephesians 5:16-17 AMPC) Here’s the key. You see, if you’re looking carefully how you walk and you live with purpose and you live worthily and accurately, then you’re going to know what the will of the Lord is. Amen.
Just a few verses on, verse 19, 19 Speak out to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, offering praise with voices [and instruments] and making melody with all your heart to the Lord, 20 At all times and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father. (Ephesians 5:19-20 AMPC) This is an indication to you, how you can live purposefully, thoughtfully, wisely, so that you get to cross over seemingly insurmountable barriers. I’m going to talk about this in time to come, but I want to just say to you, that the only reason you may come across an insurmountable barrier in your life is because if you’re a faith-walking Christian, covenant-believing Christian, Blood-understanding Christian – the Blood of Jesus Christ – the only reason you will come to an insurmountable barrier, is so God can destroy it for you. Otherwise, you would think that your opportunities are your opportunities, but when God destroys the barriers in front of you then you’ll know that only God could do it. Hallelujah.
Almost the same thing the Apostle Paul says, in Colossians and I’ll pick up here next week. Colossians 4 verse 3, 3 And at the same time pray for us also, that God may open a door to us for the Word. (Colossians 4:3 AMPC) So, I’m going to finish this off today by saying this; that the Apostle Paul is talking here about his assignment. Yes? At the same time pray for us also, that God may open a door to us for the Word. My assignment is doors to be opened, for the Word to be preached, but your assignment, as a calling on your life, which is over and above what you are as a disciple. So, every disciple should carry the message of the Word. He is talking about an open door for his assignment.
If you are a business person that is on assignment to make money for the Kingdom of God, then you can say; let us pray together, that at the same, let’s pray together that God may open a door for us for the fulfilment of our financial assignment. If your assignment is to look after children because you’re a mother with children; thank You, Father, that you open doors for us, that I can raise my kids in the best possible way.
If you are wanting restoration in relationships, “Thank you Lord that you provide doors that we can walk through, that even though they make us feel uncomfortable will bring about restoration in relationships.” Hallelujah. If there are other things that you are believing God for or that need to change in your life – this is a foundation that you can begin to believe God for and say, “I’m looking and I’m staying alert and I’m being careful and I’m walking purposefully, and I’m being alert with everything, and I’m looking for every opportunity. I’m looking for those opportunities that I can’t really see them yet, but I’m declaring that they are opportunities.” The opportunity may come in the form that it makes me feel uncomfortable.
I’m just going to go and finish off with when God spoke through the messenger of God, and by the way, my whole discourse and that whole message I preached to you – that God always has a messenger with a message, remember that? That was Moses, that God, remember the foundation of my Scripture was about Moses at the burning bush where God called him as a messenger to carry a message to his people for deliverance. Right? God has got a messenger that He’s brought to us, that He’s brought a message for deliverance and for our supernatural increase.
If you remember, and go back to that message which was a long time ago now. I had two parts to it – the first part was for deliverance and for supernatural increase. The Holy Spirit just reminded me of that right now, as I was standing here. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Glory to Jesus. Thank you Lord.
Whenever we find ourselves in this situation, right now. God is about to do for us what He did to the children in Israel. He’s about to bring us out of places and spaces, that should not constrain us, and hold us and if you can imagine those people they lived in a space of 400 years’ worth of living and God said, “I’m taking you out of this place, this space, this people, and I’m taking you to the land that I promised you long time ago. I’m taking you there.” When they got through the red sea, and they were busy walking through the wilderness. Can you remember one of the first sins that the Israelites did? Was that they were just eating manna, every day that God provided and so they started to murmur and complain. You know what they began to murmur and complain about? They were directly comparing their current state to their comfort state.
When you are in the transition of God’s blessing to take you to the promises that He’s given you – don’t get yourself into a place where you compare your current state, to your comfort state, because if you compare yourself with your current state to your comfort state, then you are going to want to project yourself back to the comfort zone and in that case you begin to forget all the hardships. You just remember the good things, but actually God has a whole lot better, waiting for you for your future – just don’t get caught up in the current state, and project yourself to the past comfort state. Rather look forward to the new covenant state. Hallelujah. Glory to Jesus. I got through preaching well this morning. Hallelujah.
Come on stand with me all of you people. Hallelujah. You know the drill. I am a son of God, and therefore I walk purposefully. I am alert. I do not concern myself with current status, neither do I look back to comfort status. I look forward to covenant status. In Jesus’ name. Hallelujah. I am a son of God, therefore I can do all things through Christ Jesus, who strengthens me. I will be bold. I will be courageous. I will be fearless, in Jesus Name, because I am a son of God. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus.
I tell you, it’s like, yesterday, it was like this mantle just dropped on me, and I just knew by the Holy Spirit that the next couple of weeks and going all the way through to our camp meeting, God is going to impart and do things for us, that we have got to move beyond comfort, and move beyond current and move into covenant. We have to do that. We just have to do that. We got to make the moves, we got to do it now. Hallelujah.
Let me just pray for you. Thank You, Father for this opportunity to share in fellowship and share Your Word this morning. I pray that everybody that is hearing this message, that they are truly going to apply this to their lives, and not just live comfortably, but move into that covenant statues that you have for them. I pray, Lord, that this Word will be strong in their hearts. I pray, Lord that Your peace will rest upon them, that the joy of the Lord will be their strength. No weapon formed against their soul, their goods, their families will prosper in Jesus’ Name, or their health. And I thank You Lord that the Word and the power of the Blood of Jesus surrounds them, protects them and they are blessed going out and blessed coming in.
Do you agree with this prayer today? Say amen. Thank you for coming to church. Goodbye you all. Before you go out, tell somebody – at least three or four people – “I’m a covenant person.”
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International