14 July 2024 Motion for Promotion Pastor John Bendixen (WTB)
Scripture reference: Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)
You know, we’re a church we’re not an event. We are a church. So, I just feel this is a moment for us to just pray in the spirit and just begin to intercede in the spirit. Give thanks to God, give praise to Him. Whatever comes out of your spirit just pray in the spirit. Just pray in the spirit right now. [Congregation praying in the spirit]. We praise You Jesus. We praise You. We praise You. We praise You. We praise You. We praise You. We thank Your Name. We thank You Lord. We thank You Lord. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Hallelujah. God is good.
I want to tell you I’ve been travelling around for a long time and it’s good to come to this church. You know, I know you are home to me. You will always be home to me. And it’s a wonderful thing, it’s an amazing thing that you are home. That we are home together. There’s a power in relationships, there’s a power in assignment together, a calling together. It’s an amazing way that God has with us. And you can travel all over the world and you can see many wonderful things. But there’s nothing like the place that God has called you to. The people that God has called you with and the assignment He’s given us together. It’s a wonderful thing. It’s a wonderful thing. So, welcome home all of you. [Ps John laughing]. Thank you. I feel welcome. It’s a wonderful place to just be here. Glory to God. Glory to Jesus. Praise God. Praise God.
Before you all sit down, I want you to just greet each other. Say, “I’m glad you’re in church this morning.” Hallelujah. I continue to be amazed. Continue to be amazed. And from day to day, it continues to impact me greatly. The fact that God would create such a human vessel, such a, sometimes awkward, sometimes weak, sometimes fragile, sometimes vulnerable, sometimes amazing and great and awesome beings that we are. He would choose this clay and take His divine Spirit and put it inside of us. And create within us some eternal power and eternal life that is beyond what we can consider and be thoughtful about while we are on the earth. It blows my mind. My mind cannot conceive of how great God is that He would do this with us humans. It’s quite amazing. It’s quite amazing. Hallelujah.
This afternoon at 5 o’clock, there will be Message Moments, before I forget. Hallelujah. I know you are keen to hear about my travels. I’m going to speak as briefly about it this morning as I can. But because as time goes by, more and more will come out in a different format. Except to say that it was wonderful to ride motorbikes in Montana in honour of Brother Jerry. We did everything that Brother Jerry would do every day. We spoke about him. We had special sessions where our evenings were actually talking about times of remembrance that we had with him. His passions, the wonderful man that he was. It was sometimes very emotional and always wonderful. So, we had a great time on the motorcycle. But I have to say, it was not the same without him. It never will be, will it? No. It can’t be.
We had an amazing time everywhere else we went in the USA. We travelled just about every day. There were one or two days in our whole three weeks that we were away where I can say we didn’t travel, maybe two, or three days out of the whole time. We travelled almost every day, and I really had a greater appreciation once again. Because over the last many years, most of my travel in America has been with Brother Jerry. I mean, his jet. Now I had to go and stand in security lines and pre-check lines and, you know, hours ahead of time you’ve got to be at the airport. Then you sit and you wait, and you have your Starbucks while you’re waiting. Then you get on the plane and you wait some more, and then you fly, and then you got to wait for your luggage. Then you got to get your car, and you got to go to your hotel, and literally, to go from one place to another, you can leave early, early, early in the morning and only arrive late, late, late in the afternoon, and you’ve been going all day. And, of course, because we were on a motorcycle rally, we rode motorbikes every day from the morning till the evening. So, it was quite challenging, much more challenging than I expected. Actually, once you’re in the rhythm, you can get it done, but it was quite challenging.
But I can say this to you, God has opened many doors for us in the USA. I would rather like to phrase it this way. There is no door in the USA that is closed to us. Everything is open to us. The future that God has for us, both in Africa and the wonderment of God where He brings assignments together in a divine cooperation continue to work in Africa is amazing. So, I expect us to do more bigger, greater things in Africa. I expect us to be more active in the USA. I expect us to be more active on digital platforms. I expect us to be active in many more different areas. So, God has truly, brought about some marvelous, wonderful change. I can honestly say that everywhere, every person, every activity, we had extreme favour. Extreme favour. Extreme favour. So, if Brother Jerry thought that when he left, the favour left with him, he left it here. He certainly left it with me. I’m sure he’s left it with you and we all got favour upon us for the future. Amen. Hallelujah.
I want to share a scripture with you from Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10. The word says in the New Living Translation, 10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10 NLT) Hallelujah. We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things he had planned for us long ago. I want to just ask you about the scripture. Who planned our things for us? When did He plan them? Before we were born, He planned them. Right? So, we are His masterpiece. We are not our own masterpiece. I like to take credit for myself. “I am alright.” When you do something good, then you say, “Look how good I am.” But actually, we are His masterpiece.
Come on. If you don’t have a good self-image about yourself anyway, then you’re going to… Don’t shout me down now. It’s better to have a good self-image than a bad one. Right? Because you are, after all, created in His image. So, if you have a bad image about yourself, then you’re not in a healthy place. So, at least you should have a good image about yourself, because at least you are in the image of God. We are His masterpiece, not our own.
How many of you made your own brain cells? Please, just raise your hand if you made your own brain cells. Hey, that good looks, that good-looking self. Who made you your good-looking self? Did you stand in front of the mirror and say, “I think I’ll look like this when I come into my body.” So, who gave it to you? So, He gave you your brain cells, He gave you your looks, He gave you your talents. So now, you must stand there and say, “Look how good I am.” I’d rather say, “Look, I’m God’s masterpiece. Look at God’s masterpiece.” And some might say, “Well, you don’t look much of a masterpiece to me compared to what other people do in the world. You know, you’re not that great.” Well, I don’t care what they say about themselves. I am God’s masterpiece. He has planned good works for me to do. He has planned good works for me to do, for you to do before we were born.
I want to just get a little bit, dive deep for a minute. Will you bear with me if I dive deep for a minute? Okay? I would like to just try and create this picture for you, where God, the eternal God, and the Bible say, in God, a thousand years is as a day and a day is as a thousand years. I would like to put it to you this way, that in God, He is out of time, and time is only the measure of what men do so that we can order our lives. So, if God is out of time, there is no time in God. Eternity is an always ever-present right now. Eternity cannot be measured from the beginning to the end of where eternity is. Eternity is always an immediate present right now. So, in men, in our ordinary world of time, we only have time to measure what we do with our energy. So, when people come together with gifts and energies, and they choose to collaborate together, that they measure how they do it together. So, we set it as time.
Time is really just the way that we live together, it’s not actually a measurement of what we can achieve. Most people want to say your prime time in your age or the best potential time in your life, or they refer to time in terms of when you’re this age in measurement of time. Well, I would say that actually we, God, is going to be expecting us in this age that we live in to redeem time. God has already said He’s going to redeem time. The only way He can redeem time is because He’s out of time, and He can make things that were supposed to happen in the time of men that we thought this is the time it should happen in. He says, “I can say that it doesn’t happen in the time that you measure, but it happens in the time that I order it in the ever-present now.”
So, even though you might have had a whole lot of time go by and people might say you’ve wasted time, God says, “If I order a thing to happen, it doesn’t matter how much time has gone by in human terms, it happens in My eternal present now.” So, that’s why we can say – now faith is always because now is eternal in time with God in relationship with God. Therefore, everything that’s in God, faith-wise, is now for us.
Pastor Sharon did a great job of preaching on faith last week. Hallelujah. Ever present now in God. Hallelujah. So, if God has ordained this moment for us as a ministry, for us as a people, to be ready to be used for Him in a certain way, then it doesn’t matter what age I am or what age my limitations give me. Come on. It only matters what God can achieve. Only matters. I have to use, for a moment, I have to use, Caleb as an example and Joshua, because Caleb and Joshua, they had the right spirit before God. So, when they went into the promised land to evaluate the promised land, the Spirit of God that was in them, the knowing that God can give them this land to conquer right now. Their spirit wanted to conquer the land right now.
There were ten others who said, “Did you see how big those men were? We were like grasshoppers in their sight. Did you see what was happening? Did you see how I mean, this is an amazing land, but how are we going to break these people? How can we defeat these people?” So, they came back to Moses and to the people of Israel, and they gave a negative report. So, the result was they died in their negative report. What they said they were, they became. Caleb and Joshua had to wait at least 40 years before they could go into the land. But the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of faith, the Spirit of victory and domination and conquering was always in them – never left them.
So, you can say, but 40-plus 5 years went by before that happened to them. You could say that happened. So, they wasted 45 years walking around with all of these dreary people. They didn’t waste a second because when the moment was right, Caleb said, “As I was when I was 40, so I am now at this age. Give me this mountain for war. Let’s go in and take the promised land.” He was as strong 40 years later as he was 40 years ago because that was the moment God said, “Let’s do this now. Now my favour is on everybody. Now I’m releasing you. Now is the time to go and get this done.”
Could He have done it 40 years earlier in the time of men? Probably. Most certainly. He himself wasn’t going to be any different than He was 40 years later. Because He’s eternally ever present the same. So, what He did 40 years later, He could have done 40 years earlier. Right? So, He had to wait – He had to wait until human energy was spent and other human energy was ready. Then He was able to move in. Praise the Lord. Glory to God.
So, I hope I’m showing you a way of how God sees things because you can’t see, you and I can’t see things the way God sees things. Because He lives in the eternal present now. So, this is a hard thing for our brains to conceive, but He has actually seen your whole life play out before you already. Well, was He present in eternity before Adam was born? So, when Adam was born, He was living in the eternal present now. Right? When Adam became a thousand years old, later, He was still in the ever-eternal present now. So, He saw everything that Adam lived in the eternal presence now before he lived it and after he lived it.
I know you can’t figure this out. Neither can I. Because we are linear. We start and we end in 3D. God lives so far above that that none of what we are can ever comprehend and grasp who He is. Hey? That’s why God says, “Those who He foreknew, He also foreordained or predestined to become sons of God.” Because what He did was He’s living outside and He watched everybody make choices, and so He said, “I see who’s going to make the choices so instead of waiting for you to make the choice, I’m going to send somebody to you and I’m going to work on your heart and get you to make the choice.”
[Bertus says, “Yes, exactly”] Thank you, Bertus. You could say I’m preaching good. [“Exactly.”] So, this doesn’t remove your choice. It’s just that He knows what everybody’s going to choose because He’s already seen their choices. So, instead of waiting for you to make the choice, He sends someone into your life, He sends messengers into your life, He sends awareness of Him into your life. He sends a pulling of a conviction of the Holy Spirit into your life to draw you to do things that give Him the space in your life. This doesn’t take your choice from you. He just knows what choice you’re going to make because He’s already seen it.
So, here’s the news. Before Bluetooth was created, He already knew about Bluetooth. Before the World Wide Web was created, He already knew what was going to happen. Before YouTube and Google became the things that everybody searched for in knowledge, He was the knowledge before all existent knowledge. By the way, He said all that knowledge will pass away and Google doesn’t like to hear me prophesy this, but they will disappear. As will YouTube, as will Apple, as will all the financial systems of this world. They will be gone.
The Bible says, “It will all come to an end.” If you don’t believe me, go and read First Corinthians chapter 13. For a start, and you’ll find out what an infinite, amazing being God is. Hallelujah. So then, if this amazing God, this amazing God knew all these things, then it means that He and the Holy Spirit and Jesus made a decision before They made men. They made a decision that Adam’s choice would become Their choice and that Adam’s choice would make a demand that Jesus would have to come to the earth. Come on now. Yes. Bear with me for a minute.
They premade a decision before the foundation of the earth was formed. They premade the decision that Adam’s sin would trigger Jesus, a third Being of God Himself, to come to earth and leave the position of occupied Oneness with God and become a Being where all of His Godliness would be in this Human Being. He made a decision to sow Himself into a human being so that His Self, could be in a human being and live and be tempted in the body of a human being in the same way that all human beings are tempted. Are you all still with me?
Jesus walking on the earth, He was tempted. The Bible says, in like manner as we were. He was tempted in all things, in like manner. All things. But in every temptation that He faced, He said, “I’m going to do the will of the Father.” Remember what He prayed at the end of His walk on the earth? He said, “I have said nothing but what the Father told Me to say. I have done nothing but what the Father told Me to do. Everything that has been done has been done because I saw the Father. I have been because I saw the Father. I have been completely united in one-ship with the Father.” That was a choice He made.
It was a choice that whenever His Body made a pull on His Divinity, He said to His Body, “You don’t rule Me.” Just bear with me. I’m getting someplace. Every time Jesus conquered His Body, He gave us victory. Every time there was a desire that came to Jesus and He conquered it, He gave us victory. If He did it, we can do it. He gave us victory. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Okay? Are you still with me? Let’s keep going.
When Jesus got to the place where He was in the Garden of Gethsemane, and He said, “Father, I’m at this time now where I know that I’m about to be separated from You. Before eternity, of all of these humans that were born, We made a decision that this time would come.” So, He asks the Father a question. He says, “Is there any way that this could happen in a different way? Nevertheless, not My will but Your will be done.” His divinity knew there was no other way. But in His humanity, He asked if there is another way. Come on. The Father, They made this decision together before the beginning of time.
So, you remember, what I’ve been preaching a lot. You remember that I’ve been preaching that I don’t believe that we should be measuring our lives by time, although I understand the order of time and how we have time as a measurement of how people live together. Yes? I said, “I believe we should rather measure what we give our energy to.” Because energy is the thing that starts at a point and you replenish it. Every day you have a slight energy up and then down and energy up and energy up and down and you have a span of energy that will come to an end in your body. Come on.
So, if you have energy in your body that has a beginning and has an end, then it means your body energy is finite. But there is another energy that you have in you that is not finite. That energy is your spirit. So, where did your spirit come from? It came from God, your spirit. Your spirit connects with your soul, which is your personality. Your spirit and your soul have energy. Now your soul that functions with your body is connected to desire. Your soul that functions with your spirit is connected to God if you’re born again, to the will of God. So, everybody that has a spirit, their spirit’s energy is dormant until they get born again.
Come on. Hear me out now. Their spiritual energy is dormant until they get born again. Their soul energy is active and alive because it’s working in a body. So, if you talk about all of these people that access spiritual energies in the spirit world that are not God’s energies. They’re accessing that spiritual energy with their soul, not with their spirit because their spirit cannot do things with God. So, their spirit is dormant. Their spirit energy is dormant. The only way that someone’s spirit energy can be active is if a demon spirit comes and possesses you, then it takes over your spirit life and your soul and controls your body, then you are completely demon-possessed.
So, for us to think that there is no demon possession on the earth anymore, we are just flat wrong. There is as much demon possession going on, on the earth. How do you think that people can commit such horrible deeds of violence and war and so much stuff? It’s because they are possessed by demons. Okay? But not everybody’s demon-possessed. They may be demon oppressed, but not demon-possessed. It takes quite a lot of things to get someone to be demon-possessed. I don’t want to talk about that today. I want to talk about God-possessed. Full of God.
So, just bear with me now. If you are born-again and Jesus lives in your spirit, then you now have an energy that is the Ultimate Source of Life’s Energy living inside of you. Come on. So, your human energy is going to ultimately come to an end. Your spiritual energy is going to happen how? The minute you get born again, God brings His Spirit life and fully occupies you. Now, you have an Eternal Force of Energy that begins to work. So, just the way that a baby gets born into the earth and it has energy, but the energy needs to get bigger and stronger and grow up. Your spirit man needs to get bigger and stronger and grow up. So, your energy that is inside of you, spiritual energy, can become more effective.
A baby’s energy is best spent in [Pastor John making the noise of a baby crying]. What’s the baby telling you? “I’m hungry. I need energy so that I can grow.” As the baby grows, because it’s receiving energy, it begins to flex its newfound muscles, and so, its energy gets greater and it gets to learn to control the muscles, the strength that it gets, it learns to control it. Same with spiritual energy. When you put the Word of God into your spirit and the Holy Spirit is working with the Word of God in your spirit, you begin to access a level of energy that will never, ever, ever, never, ever, ever, never, ever stop. It will never ever, ever, ever come to an end. Ever.
From the moment you get born again, your spirit energy only can do one thing, it can grow. So, when you get to heaven, you will get into heaven with a level of spiritual mature energy. What’s going to happen when your level of energy hits the presence of God? Suddenly, you’re going to recognize and realise the source of all energy, the source of all life, the source of all glory, the source of all everything in His presence, you’re going to recognize, I’ve got a lot more energy that I can receive from the source of energy. What do you think is going to happen to your energy in eternity? Well, there’s going to be a place, first of, when you get into His presence, how long is it going to be? I don’t know. It might be in human time a thousand years, but in eternity time, you’ll never measure it because you won’t care. And so how do you measure eternity anyway?
In our human minds, we want to think, what does that look like? And you just can’t make it look like anything because it’s eternal. It’s forever, so it never ends. So, what are you going to do when you get to that level of energy? The first thing you’re going to do is raise your hands and you’re going to worship. You’re going to glorify Him. You’re going to praise Him. You’re going to magnify Him because you’re going to see all these creatures of energy and all of the humankind that’s come before you, and they’re all going to be doing the same thing. They’re going to be joining the angels, and they’re going to be joining all of the hosts and say, “Holy is the Lamb. Glory is God. Blessed be His name forever. Hallelujah to the most high God. Praise be to Jesus.” You think you’ve just been doing that for a few seconds. Meantime, in eternity, it’s thousands of years that have gone by because you won’t care because your energy is now connected to the eternal energy. Call it Glory. Call it Holiness.
What is the energy source that’s living inside of you? It’s all of God’s Glory. Yes? He has come to abide in you in all of His fullness, and He has uniquely created your spirit to receive Him and not to kill you at the same time. Because in this flesh and your own soul, you are, we are so frail. Do you know what the Bible calls us? Vapour. The little breath that you can see, that’s what He calls us. That’s how fragile our life is. We think we are the masterpiece. We think we are something. We are something special, don’t you know? We should be applauded. We should be admired. We should be respected. We should be… we should elevate ourselves to some kind of honour place of such deference. Come on. We’re just here for a moment. The power of it is that in that moment, God puts His energy in you, He puts His life in you, eternity in you, and says, “Come live with Me in eternity.”
So, Pastor John, why are you talking like this this morning? Because, you know, in my humanity, I have to face my own soul, and I’ve got to face time. Because unless you know it, you probably had sleep last night. Maybe some had more sleep than others, but just looking at your faces here, you’re all radiant, and you’re all looking good and smiling, and you’re attentive, and I thank you for that. But if you were, if you did not have any sleep last night and you were on the go, I’ve seen people that come out of raves at 5 o’clock in the morning. Energy. [Pastor John demonstrates dancing]. You see those people at 5 o’clock in the morning? Try and put them in a church service in a chair here, and ask them to keep their eyes open when this energy is speaking. [Pastor John points to himself.] It’s like, I don’t want to do that. I want to go… [Pastor John demonstrates dancing again] Right?
So, every time you go to sleep, you will be reminded and God created it like this, that when you sleep to replenish your energy in your human life and your soul life, every time you sleep to replenish energy, you are reminded that death is a moment away. Because sleep is a measure of death. Your whole body slows down. Everything about you slows down. Your body starts to regenerate itself so that when you wake up in the morning, it’s a mini rebirth. The mini rebirth is to remind you that every time you rebirth in the morning, you should be connecting to Almighty God because He gave you the rebirth in the morning and that you are this close to death every time you go to sleep.
All of the medical people around us will tell us… will confirm that this is true, that when you sleep, your body slows down to such a point that you are much closer to death. But at the same time, this activity, this energy is coming back into your body. It’s rebuilding you. That when you wake up in the morning, “I’m ready to go.” And God is saying, “Every time, remember that you must die to yourself so you can be rebirthed every day. You must die to yourself so you can be rejoiced every day. You must die to yourself so you can grow every day. You must die to yourself, so you can be more glorious every day.” It’s a daily reminder that when you sleep and you rise, God’s in your life.
That’s why when I wake up in the morning, I’ve told you this many times. The thing that comes out of my mouth is, “Thank You, Lord, that I’m awake. Thank You, Lord, for my sleep, but thank You that I’m awake. Thank You that this is a new day. Thank You that this is a day that I can live for You. Thank You that You put me on the earth. Thank You, Lord.” Hallelujah.
So, I want to just go back to Jesus. Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane. He knows that in the next couple of days, He is about to go through an examination of epic human proportions, like very few people have ever gone in their physical bodies, and in their souls. So, just bear with me now if I describe this moment to you: Jesus, His body is intensely under pressure. Pain, every single nerve ending is screaming at Him, “You just, You just need to give up. Just call the angels and they will release You from this pain. You would have a right.” And every time in all this pain that’s in His body, He’s saying, “There’s a joy coming. And it’s all of us. There’s a joy coming. There’s a joy coming. There’s a joy coming. And this pain is reminding Me of the extreme joy that is coming.”
So, Jesus eventually gets put on the cross, and He’s hanging on the cross, and He chooses the moment of His death between Him and the Father. It wasn’t the Romans that killed Him. It was Him that released His spirit because it was His choice. Remember what He said to Pilate? “No man can take My life, except I lay it down.” He chose the moment on the cross when He said to the Father, “It is finished.” When We made the decision before man was created, We decided that I would become the Sacrifice. Now My body is sacrificed for the joy. Father, the joy lies before Us. Father, the joy is coming to Us. Father, the job is finished.
Watch this. What happened to His Spirit energy? His body dies, His Spirit energy and His soul went where? It left His body and it went to? Hell. But His Spirit energy was so pure before God, it was holy. What can a holy energy do in darkness where there is no holy energy, there’s no light. There’s no life. There’s darkness. There’s no anything. It’s just a vacuum of void spirits. What does this Holy Thing do in that place? He could, God, they, no one could take the holy energy out of the Spirit. So, that Holy energy, that glorious light that was before all things, that created all things, is still there. So, when it comes into the darkness and it comes to death, the Father declares, “Look at His light. It’s still holy. You killed Him illegally.” Therefore, everything that this light now must do in this illegal abyss, do your work, Jesus.
Thank you, Father. Give Me death. Give Me sin. Give Me the curse of everything. Sickness, disease. It now has no more place for those who receive this Holy energy, who receive this glorious energy. He no longer can control those who receive this energy. Who went from heaven to men to hell, and now I once and for all have conquered the sin of choice. So, when the Bible says that Jesus conquered death, hell, and the grave, He conquered everything because in that place, His glorious light was shining. And in the glorious light, all of the devil’s schemes and all of his weakness and his inferiority and his deception and all of his stuff that he was, it was exposed inside the glorious light that for the first time came into hell. Then you read in the Old Testament how kings would look at this Being and say, “Are you the One? Are you the One that did all this stuff to us?” Because the glorious light of Jesus exposed his deception.
Watch this. What did the Father decide to give before He created man? He decided to give. The Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus, They decided to give the image of Themselves in the form of Jesus, the Source of Life. They decided to give it as a seed for all mankind. Now I ask you, how much more could the Father give? He gave everything. He gave everything for us. I mean, I don’t know. To me, you can’t understand this. You can only know this. You can’t understand this. So, you and I, if we are faced with a decision to give ourselves to God. Do you think that’s a big sacrifice? Jesus already gave Himself. He’s been to places you haven’t been. Some people might argue He hasn’t been to hell like I’ve been to hell. No. He went to real hell so that you don’t have to go to hell. He went into the very presence of death itself so that He could win it back for you.
So, now I want to just leave this thought with you. I was going to read you some scriptures about Jacob and how Jacob, I’ll get to that next week, I think. If the Holy Spirit will allow me to get to that next week. Because when God said that He was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He was connecting Himself to human weakness and human wonderment that He gave them, He gave man the human glory of having the ability to receive the glory of God Himself. But at the same time, the human body is as weak as any, just a moment’s decision away. He decided to attach Himself eternally to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So, that means God has an eternal divine lineage that He’s connected to.
So, I don’t know about you, but I consider myself eternally grateful that God spoke to me one day. The first thing He said to me was, “John, I want you to be at Rhema Bible Church.” I was there with Pastor Ray. And out of all those years, preachers like Kenneth Copeland, Jerry Savelle, and all those kinds of guys come and preach to that church. Norville Hayes, Charles Capps, Kenneth Hagin, all those people that many of you maybe don’t even know those names, they all came and preached at Rhema. Sharon and I were called to serve Pastor Ray for all those years, serving in a climate and in an environment where I could learn about victory in faith.
Then God, in His greatness, said, “John, I want you to go and serve Brother Jerry and I want you to be connected to Brother Jerry.” And for the last 28 years, God connected me to Brother Jerry. God has an eternal legacy that He’s connected Himself to that we are a part of. Next week or whenever God permits, we are going to talk about movement and momentum. We’re going to talk about movement and how geography and movement and these things are in God’s plan and how God uses these things to do what He needs to do. Hallelujah.
In case you didn’t know this, I was born in Zambia in a place called Ndola on the Copperbelt, many years ago. So, there are some secrets in there for you. If people still refer to that place as the Copperbelt, then you know what age they came from. I was born in Zambia. I’ve been a child of Africa my whole life, but God chose to connect me with a man from America. Why? Well, He’s got a plan. He’s always had a purpose in it. It wasn’t just because of the revelation that Jerry Savelle walked in because God could have given me that revelation on my own. There’s a whole lot of revelation God gave me that He didn’t give to Brother Jerry. You think Brother Jerry received all revelation of all things? Come on. So, then, God’s given me revelations that He didn’t give to Brother Jerry. Don’t look like I’m being sanctimonious here. Don’t look at me with those eyes.
I mean, I expect you guys to get revelations that I haven’t got because you have a personal walk with God that He will give you stuff that you can find out that I don’t know about. And if I’m connected to you, I get to find out about it. Thank God. Hallelujah. That’s the miracle of how awesome God is in putting us together. Praise Jesus. So, He had a reason to put us together. Some of those things we already know; some of those things are still having to be unfolded. Glory to God.
So Jesus gave Himself and He gave everything. You know, there’s no such thing as He gave His best. There was no best, better, good, bad, baddest, badder, better. In God, there was no such thing. There was only, “I give all of Myself.” So, you and I think we can just give God what we think, and then we must hold on to the rest for ourselves? I know that through the prophetic gift and anointing that is on Pastor Sharon, He has challenged this church in the last couple of weeks to say; come on, we can’t just stay in one place. We’ve got to move on with God. We’ve got to be more serious about God. Well, that’s not Pastor Sharon speaking. I know people sometimes look at her and her personality and they want to evaluate the word that God brings through the personality. It’s not Pastor Sharon’s personality that’s talking, it’s God that’s talking. Yes, I know He uses personalities. That’s the way God works. But let me tell you that the message that I’m bringing this morning is no less powerful, potent, and serious as what Pastor Sharon preached to you over the last three weeks. It just comes through a different messenger with a different gift, with a different calling. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
So then, what are we to make of this time? What are we to make of this energy point that we find ourselves in? Well, here’s the energy point. The energy point is, God has spoken by His Word to create ancient paths that we are supposed to walk on. And in this moment, the energy for us to go to the next level, to the next point, shift, if you like, move, if you like, become what we need to become. God is calling all of us to do this. So, if you didn’t know this, there was an assassination attempt or someone tried to kill President Donald Trump yesterday afternoon. Let me put it to you in my terms for a minute. An energy was worked upon by other energy forces. An energy was created that would use the energy of a weapon that would purposely go and take aim and aim at a target that had a certain energy in it that is standing for a certain belief system. And the energy was designed so that an energy would be targeted and his life would have been taken away from him so that what he’s calling is, what his assignment is could be stopped prematurely. Some people have already said that it’s only a divine moment that stopped him from being killed because that bullet clipped his ear. He’s this close to death. [Pastor John indicates with his two fingers]
What do you suppose? The energies, the shifting, moving energies in the world, global energies forces that are watching a man that they have done every single thing they could do to try and silence him, to try and put him down, to try and stop him, to try and say that he can’t be. I mean, the enemy has used every single force that he could. And yesterday, he tried the ultimate thing. “If I can’t take him out with some political thing, some economic thing, some judicial thing, some other force, we’re going to try and take his life from him.” If we think that everything that we do is just about us, then we are mistaken. Living for me is such a low level of life. Living for me. Living for what I can get out of this world is such a low level of life. But living in the assignment, the gifts, the callings, the plan of God, the energy that God says, “Let’s harness. Let’s harness this energy.”
The previous Sunday, I preached in a church, and I read them because God has been doing this in me because I spent a lot of energy for three weeks. So, obviously in my energy expenditure that I put out. I mean, every night I would go to bed totally, totally done, spent, because engaging with people, hearing the will of God, preparing to give out to people, all of these things, they use energy. So, I am aware, I was aware all of my time, all of the time, this energy, this energy, this energy that I’m using, this energy. So, naturally, I go to God with this thing and say, “God, what about this energy that we’re spending, this energy that’s going on here? What about this energy?” So, I read them this thing, and I said to them, you know, light is made up of little packets of energy called photons. Photons, they are little packets of energy that make up light. God is [Pastor Sharon replies, “Light”] He is energy.
That’s why when the devil killed His Body, he might have taken His human energy but he couldn’t kill His Spirit and His Soul. So, when His Spirit and His Soul left His Body, and it went into hell the energy that was in His Spirit had to confront everything that was not of God, and everything that was out of the order of God. The life and the energy and the pureness of God Himself had to just totally control it, dominate it because you can’t have darkness and light in the same space at the same time. So, Jesus just dominated hell for that time, and He took back everything that He had given mankind. That same energy lives inside of you and me, and that same energy is in your spirit. And the more you do with your spirit energy while you’re in the body, the more your spirit grows and it becomes connected to the eternal purposes of God. Then when you get into heaven, He says, “I see that you saw. I watched you grow in your spirit and use My energy for My purposes, not for yourself. I see you’ve taken your energy and you’ve connected it to Me. And now come into My presence, good and faithful servant because you used your energy.”
So, you and I have a choice. You can use your soul energy to fulfil your body and do with your body and your soul whatever you like, and God says, “I gave you the choice.” Or you can say, “Hold on, body, you shut up. You’re going to serve God. You’re going to use your natural energy in the service of God. Now come on soul, you are going to get into the order of the life of spirit energy; light, life, and love. Get into order.” As your body gets into the order of life, light, and love your spirit begins to get strong, and you look at life and you say, “Okay, I see. I see. I see. I see where God’s working. I see a river of light here. I see a river of life here. This is the footsteps I’ve got to walk in. This is the ways that I must go. I see there’s angels that go before me. I watch them. The energies of God are going, and I’m following the energies of God.”
God reminded me and I asked Miranda to send it to me. I think I was one week into my trip. I don’t remember when it was. The Lord spoke to my heart, spoke to my spirit. He said, “John, that vision that you had, you must read it again and you must begin to speak it out of your mouth.” Remember that vision that God gave me, that dream that He gave me? I was standing in a dark space, and as I began to speak words out of my mouth that they were like shafts of light that came out of my mouth, and where they landed they immediately, the seed got into the ground, and a tree of light began to grow. And as it grew it had fruit on it and I would go to the fruit and I would eat of the fruit, and my light would get stronger, and I would speak, and forests of light would just grow around me.
I want to tell you there are forests of light that God has got for us, and we must eat the fruit of Him. We must eat the fruit of His Spirit, the fruit of His life, the fruit of His light, the fruit of His energy, and it will consume you, and it will energise you, and it will create a whole new momentum for you and me. You can’t fake that. It’s life. It’s light. It’s glory. It’s God. It’s goodness. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
“So, Pastor John, what have you got to say to us about our future?” A lot. By the way, September, men, we’re going to, I’m going to confirm it. I know Simon and a few people have been looking into this for me, but we have times reserved. I just don’t remember them today, but I had it in my heart that we will have a men’s and boys’ getaway in a bush somewhere about four hours from here. We’re going to spend four days just men and boys together, and we are going to let the light of the glory shine in the men. In the men. I can’t wait for it. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. We’re going to have fellowship together. We’re going to let God do His work inside of us. Hallelujah.
This is a new day and a new order and a new set of things that God has got before us. “What have you got to say about our future, Pastor John?” A lot. We are eating from trees of light. We are eating from trees of light. Hallelujah. We are walking on paths of light. The Bible says, “His Word is a light unto my feet and a lamp unto my path.” His Word is. His Word is. Praise Jesus. Praise Jesus. Praise Jesus.
Do you understand that every time you say, praise Jesus, you are activating spirit energy? And your soul says, “Don’t say that word because it’s not in your emotion because you should feel bad because of what you have or haven’t done.” “Shut up, emotion. Let light speak. Let glory speak. Let the energy of God come out of my spirit so it can grow and everything else can come into alignment.” “No, but I don’t feel like it.” “Shut up, feeling.” “Oh, but I don’t deserve it.” “Shut up, you performance-orientated person.” That we all have. Don’t look at someone else and say, “I don’t have that, they have it.” We all have a performance spirit. It comes with the sin DNA. We all have that accusation, judgment, fragility, shame, guilt. We all have all of these potential emotions, but I don’t receive the potential of any of those emotions. I receive the life and the light of God that there He is. There He is.
So, you know, this is what the Lord said, “What’s going to happen is that when the energy of God is inside of me and the gifting and the anointing is working inside, it’s going to come on you. It’s going to come on you. In these meetings, it’s going to be there, and life and light and healing is going to come. And the order of God is going to come into your bodies, and it’s coming to your souls. It’s going to restore your soul. It’s going to restore your emotions. It’s going to restore your body. It’s going to be doing things. It’s going to do the supernatural work of the energy of God, of the life of God, of the glory of God.” And it doesn’t have to have me lay hands on you because this clay body can’t transmit anything to you anyway. It’s all of His glory anyway. That’s all of His energy anyway.
What do you think a pure energy of God does when it comes into the sick and the sin that’s in your body, the sickness? Cancer that’s in your body, what do you think energy does with that cancer? It takes all that toxic stuff, and it just drives it out. Can’t stay in the same place. All of those old emotions and all those ideas and all of that dark stuff that’s been hanging over you, when light comes, it just goes. It just goes. It just goes. It just goes. It just leaves. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. Praise Jesus.
Stand to your feet, everybody. Come on. This is what we’re going to do right now. We’re just going to tell our minds, until that dormant body of yours has been sitting still for about an hour. Min of meer, how long did I preach? Anybody tell me? An hour. I didn’t even put my clock on today. I was so focused. I’m in the spirit flow here. Amen. Hallelujah. Come on. We’re just going to practice our everyday energy release and energy replenishment. You know, every time you use energy to do this, I use energy to get energy. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. Do you feel yourself? Do you feel yourself… you’re doing… squats? [Pastor John demonstrating doing squats] I just don’t want to tear my pants here. That would be a bit of a disaster. You know, can you feel yourself doing squats? Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Praise….
This is all happening in your spirit. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Do you know what happens when you give out physical energy? It tears down muscles, and then when you sleep, it rebuilds muscles. And it gets stronger. And you say, “Yeah, but I’m using energy,” but you’re gaining energy. So, when you praise Jesus, that’s what you’re doing. You’re giving out spiritual energy, but He’s got He’s life energy and He’s pouring buckets of energy into your spirit man. Glory to God. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. You may be seated for a minute because we have to take up an offering. We have to.
I want to, but we have to. I want to. [Pastor Sharon saying she wants to give] You want to give, baby? I want to give too in my wallet in the front here, babes. [Pastor John speaking to Pastor Sharon to take out his wallet] This yeah. I took my dollars out this morning, and I put a whole bunch of rands in. I don’t know how much I put, but empty my wallet, babes. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus.
So, we’re going to talk money. In times to come, we’re going to talk about the energy of money and the enemy, the god of the world and how it uses the energy of money to distract you from the energy of God. Hallelujah. So, when you give your money to God, guess what He’s got to do? You say, “Hey, Lord, I’m honouring You with the world system of energy.” He’s going to put the energy in you to replace that a hundredfold return. How’s that going to happen? His energy. Wow. I’ll tell you what, this is a whole new this is a… I’m telling you, watch this space. You’re going to speak words, you’re going to speak energy out of your mouth, and God’s going to do supernatural things. He’s going to do things that you couldn’t imagine with your mind because you’re tapping into His energy. You know what God’s doing? He’s just… if I have to take Bible words, I can put Bible words to what I’ve said today, but God’s using a language that we are familiar with in this world to explain to you what’s happening when you are activating your spirit man. That’s just how great He is. Hallelujah.
So, you know what happens now? This is a really good training session. What happens now is that they come forward and they bring a bag. Inside this bag is money. It represents energy. It represents skill. It represents talent. It represents calling. All of the things – it represents that. So, let’s call it energy-past that is currently now in the energy-present, in the form of your money and now when we – come forward when you’re ready to do this – when we’re ready to pray over this, you say, “Lord, multiply this energy back to me.” Come on. How does a seed give energy back? One little seed can create a tree that can create perpetual cycles of energy – from one seed that dies! What do you think this seed is? That’s energy spent. Your energy that is spent, if you use it back on yourself it’s wasted forever. The energy spent that’s put in the hands of God has eternal value and in this lifetime a hundredfold!
Stand with me, please. Stretch out your hands and say; Father, we present to You our energy spent and we ask You to multiply this energy back to us in all the ways that You can for all the kinds of income that You can, for all the seed we need to eat and all the seed we need to sow and all the blessings You want to bring to our lives, we put it in Your hands and we declare it to be so in Jesus’ name. And you all say? Amen. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. I think you should just praise the Lord one more time. Praise You, Jesus. [Congregation praises]
Hallelujah. And now, because of the Spirit energy that is in me, I declare that you go forth with joy and with peace and the energy of joy and peace will guide you and lead you and go before you. And His favour and His blessings will not just rest upon you and be in you, but it will overtake you and overwhelm you and completely saturate your life with blessing and favour and the glory and the energy of God, in Jesus’ name. And no weapon formed against your energy will prosper. But the Holy Spirit and Jesus and the angels and the Word of God surrounds you and protects your energy field and it protects the eternal life of what energy you must still give in this earth so God’s will can be done with your energy, in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus! Ja! Glory! Glory! Whoo! Okay, bye. See you at Message Moments or whenever.
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