04 August 2024 Motion for Promotion Part 4 Pastor John Bendixen (WTB)
Scripture reference: Mark 11:23-24 (TPT); Proverbs 20:27 (NKJV); Psalm 139:1-4, 11-18 (NKJV); Isaiah 55:10-11 (NKJV); Ecclesiastes 1:1-10, 12-14 (NKJV); Ecclesiastes 1:12-14 NKJV
Pastor Sharon: Father, we thank You for Your word that comes to us now. Lord, our hearts are open to receive. Our hearts are open to believe. Not only to receive, but also to believe. And not only to receive and believe, but to then conceive Your word, Lord. Hallelujah. We listen attentively. We are not distracted today, Lord. And we thank You for Your anointing that is upon Pastor John today. And within him, Lord, rising up within him, manifest upon him. Thank you, Lord, he’s standing in the midst of miracles, Lord. He’s standing Father. Hallelujah. He’s standing, he’s positioned Father, for everything You need to say and do and have Your way through him and through us this morning. In Jesus’ name, we all say, ‘Amen.’ Hallelujah. Glory. Do you want some instrumental, Pastor John?
Pastor John: No sound. I can’t hear anything. It’s working.
Pastor Sharon: Pastor John, do you want some instrumental?
Pastor John: No. I’m good. Thank you.
Pastor Sharon: Are you good?
Pastor John: Yeah.
Pastor Sharon: We planned the instrumental for you, but I didn’t let it go.
Pastor John: I’m good. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. I’m glad you’re in church today. If you weren’t, I wouldn’t have too many people to preach to. So, thank you for coming. I think you should turn to a few other people and say, “Thank you for coming. I’m glad you’re here. Have a blessed day.” Turn to one or two, just shake their hand, say, have a greeting. Just greet someone. Make them feel it out. Praise Jesus.
We will have message moments this afternoon at 5 o’clock. We really have a good time on every Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock. We have a really blessed, amazing time in the Word. Many people get to share about what God’s doing in their lives. Sometimes God will just have Pastor Sharon or me or someone else to share the Word also. So, message moments are just a wonderful opportunity to be together more. Amen. Praise Jesus. Praise Jesus. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
It’s a wonderful thing to know Jesus because if you know Jesus, your eternity is guaranteed. This last week, Waldus’ father, Staren, went to be with the Lord, and our heart is with him and with the family. Today, I phoned him a few minutes afterwards, Angie and the kids and everybody, that when we found out that he’d gone on to be with the Lord rather suddenly. But that’s the wonderful thing about knowing Jesus. When you’re living in your body one minute, your spirit just transitions to be with Him in the next minute. And it’s a very amazing thing that even though we in our flesh, we sometimes feel like, sad. Sometimes we feel, you know, wish we had done something differently, had more time, whatever the case might be. He’s in a better place. You know, he looks down on us and he’s one of the cloud of witnesses now watching what we do next. Amen.
I trust you’re going to enjoy the Word of God today. I trust that the Word of God will have an impact on you today. And that it will change your future. So, I, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, I’m gonna change things a little and make things a little different today. And I’m going to, I’m going to begin by asking you that if you were, if you were to be counseling someone. If you were to be counseling someone whose life was falling apart and they came to you and they wanted advice from you.
If they came to ask you, what advice could you give me? And let’s just say for interest’s sake, they were not Christians, and they were not coming to you for help as a Christian. What would you say to them? Well, there’s a lot of self help books out in the world there that will help people to do things. I mean, you know, if your life is in a mess, then the reason why your life is in a mess is because there have, circumstances have happened. Choices have been made. Sometimes things happen beyond your control.
That change your abilities, your capabilities. Things just happen in life. What would you say to somebody if they wanted help? Well, you might, you might want to empathize with them. You might feel like you want them to know that you are there connected with them. You’re not feeling disconnected and sitting from a place of superiority, trying to tell them what to do with their lives. Right? You would want to connect with them so that if you’re gonna say something to them, that they would feel like they’re willing to receive it from you. Yes?
And then you would go about, you would go about, giving them information as best as you could that might speak to their situation, that might change their world. Right? And it might be a financial situation. It might be a relational situation. It might be political, it might be family, it could be a whole host of reasons. It could be health. Lots of reasons could happen why their circumstances are the way they are. But you would want to engage with them in a certain amount of conversation, find out what the challenges are.
And then do the best to give them something that would help them. Yes? So let’s assume you are led by the spirit and you hone in on the exact issue that is, is the thing that caused the problem. Let’s assume you just find out, wow, this is it. I know now what the challenge is. I know where you where, where, where things went wrong, and I know what to say to you. Yeah? And so now you get ready and you share this thing with them, and, what do you think they’re, what would you be hoping for from them? That they would receive it. Right?
I mean, you would hope that they would receive it because by the very fact that there’s some kind of disorder and chaos in their life, you would want that disorder and that chaos to cease being full of chaos and crisis and disorder, and you would want to have it bring some order that would stabilize them and cause a platform for them to do better. Right? So, you would want and you would hope that there would be some kind of response. I think so, I think so. What happens if that, if you give the person the right information and they come back the next week and they start telling you their problems all over again? What are you gonna say to them next? You might think, is there something else? Is there a different problem? Did we miss it the first time? You know, let’s go through the process again. Let’s see, did we miss something the first time? Come around, find out, same problem. What do you say now? Well, the answer is no different to what I gave you last week. Yeah? I mean, it’s the same answer.
Now you’re gonna hope for what? A better response. I mean, you can’t change what they receive. You can only give them what you’ve got. Right? You can’t change what they receive. So, you’re gonna trust that there’s a better response. What happens if they come back the next week? They still got the same problem. What do you do next? Probably say, have you done anything we talked about since last week? Yes? No? A little bit? Why is the problem still remaining the same? In your mind, okay, maybe there’s external circumstances, maybe there’s some things they can’t change, but there’s something that they can change it’s them. Just their whole attitude towards the problem, at least that can change. Right? So, you would at least want to hear that they’ve heard what you said. They’ve implemented some of the stuff or working on some of the stuff. So now the problem is not exactly the same because there’s some progress.
If it stays the same, probably the next time they phone you, and I’m giving you a lot of credit because by the 4th time they come and see you, you’re probably gonna say, I’m busy. Right? Because it’s just like, hey, you know, how many times do we have to talk about this? And your attitude stays the same about your problem. There’s no change in your circumstances. There’s no change in your attitude. There’s no change in what you’re doing. So at least if you were changing something inside of you, then something could change on the outside. Yeah? How about this? You know, Jesus, He came to the earth, and He came to walk amongst men and He began to talk to men about the answers to their problems. So, what does Jesus expect from us? A response. Now if you come to Jesus with the same problem all the time and He’s given you the answer, what’s He gonna do? If you keep coming to Him with the same problem and He’s given you the solution what do you think Jesus is going to do?
You think He is going to change His counsel to you? If He has given you the answer to your problem, He is not going to change His counsel to you. The answer is and the solution to your problem is always going to be the same. Right? So if you keep coming to Him with the same problem, and the answer is always the same, the one thing about Jesus, He is not going to be busy because He is forever and eternally the same. So He is not always going to be busy, but He has just got nothing more to say to you. So if you keep speaking the problem, then there is no way that He can change His answer to you, because the answer is already given. Right. Amen.
So that is why as far as I am concerned, I have always said this, “If you are a Christian, your middle name should be, and if it was me, my middle name should be John Change Bendixen.” Because if I am not changing, then I am not really doing anything that is bringing about something that God wants to change in my life. And so, if you are a Christian, your middle name should be changed. I’m changing. I’m changing. I’m always changing. I’m always changing. It’s just the way it is with Christians, and that makes the Christian walk a really wonderful and dynamic Christian walk. Praise the Lord.
I am extremely encouraged. I have been encouraged over the last couple of weeks. I’ve been encouraged by the Lord about this ministry, this church, this ecclesia. I am encouraged because for many years, from this pulpit, whoever has been here, the leadership of this church, we have been ministering a word to you that is truth, that is strength, that is always demanding change. And I’m grateful to God that we have been obedient to His Spirit and to His leading to bring about the Word of God to you so that it is always demanding change.
Now here is the part of the challenge that we have, and part of the challenge is that when you are always demanding change, people don’t normally like change in their natural man. They want everything the same. In fact, most of your life, you are geared to having a routine, because you don’t want too much change in your life. So you try and focus on a routine. Get up at a time in the morning, do a set amount of hygiene stuff in the morning, breakfast, getting yourself ready. Do whatever you do in the morning. Get yourself to work. Have a routine of the way that you go about life. And for most corporate people, most people that work in corporate jobs, government jobs, large organizations, for the most part, their life is a set of routines, and most of it is not about change. There are very few hours that potentially are in people’s hands to control the change.
So, if you’re in a corporate job and you say, “Well, how can I go about the change?” I’m glad you asked the question because I’m going to give you some ideas today about change Because, although the outside world is limited in the way that you can bring about change potentially, the biggest change that you can do is to change what’s on the inside of you because what’s on the inside of you will change what’s on the outside of you. Hallelujah. Amen.
So, you know, if we talk about finances, so again, I keep reminding you that if the church cannot address the very rawest of issues in life in church, then why do we have church? Because actually, when you leave church here and you go and live life there, you deal with life on a daily basis. It’s raw emotions, raw thoughts, raw words, raw relationships. It’s in your face all the time. It’s always confronting you. It’s always demanding something from you, and it’s always going to be the thing that you have to deal with all the time. Sunday church is a pleasure to come to because here’s the anointing. Here’s great sound and song, here’s a great message, here’s good people, and so it’s easy to come and live Christian life on a Sunday. But Sunday Christian living is not the whole deal. The real deal for Christian living is what happens in the raw stuff that happens out there. Amen?
So that’s why, you know, Pastor Sharon and I, over years gone by, we have chosen our moments well, I think, but we have chosen services where we have been willing to talk about relational intimacy things, sex in the marriage, sex in life. We’ve been willing to talk about financial matters, debt, blessing, things how to deal with stuff in life, relationships, how to deal with your own personal things like anger, moods, temper, desires. I mean, we’re willing to talk about that stuff in church because if we can’t talk about it in church and get in God’s way of doing things to you in church, then where are you going to get it? You’re going to get it from somewhere else, and that somewhere else is, just people that have studied a lot. And just because people have got lots of information doesn’t make that information helpful. Because information doesn’t give you power. It gives you choices but no power. The Holy Spirit gives you power. The Word of God gives you power. The Bible gives you power. Relationships in God and the agreement in relationships gives you power. Information doesn’t give you power. It can help you to make a decision, but it doesn’t give you the power to make the decision. Amen? Hallelujah.
So, when we as Christians, are in our walk with God, I’m wanting Him to give me something that can help change me. Yeah. So, what is the point of having a prayer meeting? Well, let’s start with your personal prayer. I’m gonna get to my notes here in a minute. But, what is the point of personal prayer? What’s the point of having a personal prayer? Well, I’m gonna get basic for a minute. Prayer is communication. It’s a conversation. It’s talking, and it’s hearing. So prayer is a conversation. Prayer is a conversation with a living divine being. Right? So I ask you this question. If you were to go and talk to a senior executive, managing director, CEO, whatever they call themselves nowadays, chief operating officer, and you are a entry-level clerk, a receptionist, someone who’s not involved in setting the strategy of the company and working out all the things that go with running a company. And you go and ask for an appointment to see the managing director. Yeah? And you go and sit in front of the managing director, and you say, I just want to share with you my emotional trauma that I experience every morning to get up at 5 o’clock so that I can be at work at 6:30. I would really like you to understand me. Please understand me. Please understand me. I want you to understand me. The CEO is going to pick up the phone, call his secretary sitting outside, call the human resources director, manager, and say, please come and talk to this person so that they feel understood. Right?
Wrong conversation with the wrong person. So when you come to God and you say, “God, I want you to understand how I feel about something in my life, that’s like going to the CEO that runs 10,000 people in a company and you wanna share your emotional feelings with Him.” So now you’re all saying, but God is a very personal God. I want to share my feelings with Him because I mean, I know He’s with me all the time and yeah. But God God already knows you better than you know yourself. So the emotions you wanna tell Him about, He already knows about. If He knows the hairs on your head and He knows what you need in your life, Matthew chapter 6, if He knows even a sparrow falling out of the sky, if He knows everything that’s going on, you think He doesn’t know what’s in your heart? You think He doesn’t know what’s your struggles?
So why do you wanna make an appointment to go and see God and talk to God about the stuff He already knows about? You think the CEO that you’re sitting appointment, I want you to understand my 6:30 start in the morning, how it affects me, and what pain I’m in, in my emotional trauma that I get up every morning that early. You think that when they have conversations with human resources and their strategy setting that’s not part of everything that they planned for the company’s whole thing? Come on now. So do you think God, when He created everything, He didn’t think about all the stuff that we would go through? How many generations and centuries, millennia of time hasn’t gone by where people have wanted to have those conversations with God? And sometimes they go and light candles in churches and go and sit in pews or go and put on their haunches and go and want to go and tell God all about their stuff.
So, God says, “I already know about your stuff, but I wanna tell you something that can change you. Something that can change the way things are for you.” So why are you telling God about your stuff in the first place? Come on, anybody? Do you want to feel better? Okay. Let’s say you want to feel better. So now you tell God your stuff and you feel better, but a half an hour later or the next morning you wake up, you feel bad again because nothing’s changed. So, are you telling God just because you want to feel better or are you telling God because you want something better? Well, probably, if you had to, if God had to ask you that question while you’re on your knees and He says, “Hey, do you want Me to answer you?” And say, “Yes, please, Lord.” “Well, if I answer you and I tell you to do something, are you gonna do it?” “Well, is it very hard, God?” “Well, I’ll give you power to do it. It’s just your choice that’s involved here.” And then you say, “What?” You say, “Okay, Lord.”
If you go back to God the next day and you tell Him the same problem again, He’s gonna say what? “I thought we had this conversation yesterday.” “But I don’t feel like You’ve given me power.” “But I have given you power. It’s already available to you.” “I don’t feel like it though.” So, what have your feelings got to do with it? Come on.
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been ministering about energy and time. So, I want to say to you, if you use your energy talking to God about the way you feel and about your problems, you’re wasting your energy because He’s already given us answers to our problems, and the answer comes by the way of the word of God. So, some people might have this view and they might say, “Well, God, I don’t understand the Bible, or so many different kinds of churches have different solutions to different problems that I don’t know which one to follow.” So, if you say that, then I’d say, “Well, then don’t look to a church for a solution. Look to the Bible.” If you say, “Well, I don’t understand the Bible.” “Well, then you gotta have a better relationship with the Holy Spirit because He wants to lead you into all truth.” Hey, come on. Yes.
I talked about this on Tuesday night in the prayer meeting. I’m just going to read this to you again this morning. I had a moment with God, and He revealed this to me in 2015. And I said this: An atomic bomb releases immense energy. In a single moment, it destroys a city. Energy harnessed and transported and released with such devastation, devastating effects.
So, I want to just briefly talk about that word. Energy harnessed, energy transported, and energy released with such devastating effects. Harnessed, transported, released. Harnessed. So, when I spoke these words, this was the complete leading of the Holy Spirit when I spoke these words. Since I came out of my separation, there is an understanding of the spiritual energy and spiritual energy points. You cannot measure spiritual energy. It is so much more than all other energy. This is an energy point in the spirit that God uses to go places. Whenever you access an energy point that God gives you, it goes places. There–This is a pure place of the spirit energy and pure energy point. This energy point continues to flow all the time. This is explosive time. God has been creating this spiritual energy bomb. You can’t measure atomic fusion energy. God is going to release it.
So this revelation of spiritual energy has been part of, part of me for a long time. As opposed to time management, I would rather focus on energy management. So, Pastor John, why are you reading this to us now? Because the Word of God says that He, Jesus, is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no man has access to the Father, but by Him. Right? Who is the creator of all energy? God the Father. What are you? What are you? Are you not an energy point? I mean, when you–since the moment you were created, you became an energy point. Praise Jesus.
You know what Jesus talked about in terms of energy, He gave an example of energy. Explosive energy; it’s harnessed, it’s transported, and it’s released. Bear with me now. Jesus is walking with His disciples, and He’s walking and He’s going to Jerusalem, and, as He’s walking along, He comes to a fig tree and the fig tree’s got leaves on it and if a fig tree has leaves on it, it should be having fruit on it. If it’s got no leaves, it’s not producing food. If it’s got leaves, it’s producing fruit. So Jesus walks up to the fig tree expecting to find fruit on the fig tree, and He finds none. So, He talks to the fig tree and He says, from this day, no man will eat of you ever again. What did Jesus do? He went to a tree that had harnessed the energy of the soil and the sun. The tree had harnessed energy, and it was supposed to produce something with that energy but what it was supposed to produce, it never did. It just made a show of producing. So Jesus says, “Now I’m harnessing energy from My Father; the energy is transported in Me, and I’m now releasing the energy to this tree and everything that is around this tree, I’m releasing the energy.” Huh? The disciples observe it.
He goes into Jerusalem. He has an encounter in the temple. What does He do in the temple? He watches, He observes what’s going on in the temple, and He sees that people are making commerce. They’re buying and selling in the temple. So He picks up a whip, and He goes after them with a whip. He starts, He just starts lashing them, and He’s… The Bible says the zeal of the House of God consumed Him, and He goes after them and all the money changer’s tables go flying. I mean, hey. If you’ve got someone who knows how to use a whip, it can be devastating and painful.
He just goes after these guys in robes and money changers and people. He goes after them with a whip and He chases them out the temple. Meek and mild baby Jesus. He just chases them out of the temple. What is He doing? He’s harnessed the energy from the Father, which came with Him, transported it, and now He’s releasing it in the way the Father wants energy released. He says, “You have made the House of God, you have made My temple a den of thieves when it should have been a House of prayer.” Right? He’s released the energy of judgment. He’s released the energy of judgment with a behaviour pattern and with His words.
Now they come out of the temple. I mean, you know, the first thing that people go crazy and they say, “Who gives You the authority to do this?” And so that’s always going to happen when you release energy. That’s God’s energy. People are going to say, “Who gives you the authority to release this energy?” Come on. Who gives you the authority to release the energy? Well, it’s through the blood of Jesus. It’s through the power of His Word that energy is released.
So He goes out and they come to the fig tree. The disciples make a remark, “Look. The fig tree has dried up from the roots.” Now listen. Even if you take poison and you put it around the tree, it doesn’t dry up from the roots overnight. It takes a long time for it to get into the root system to kill the tree. Right? A long time. Because those roots go deep and the tree has a defense mechanism to try and stop poison from killing it. Right?
For something to die so radically in 24 hours, that means the energy power that released was greater than the energy of the momentum of life, the cycle of life to control it. Greater energy. So then Jesus begins to teach them. Here’s what He tells them. He says to them, “Let the faith of God be in you! 23 Listen to the truth I speak to you: Now He’s giving them energy truth. If someone says to this mountain with great faith and does not doubt, ‘Mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the midst of the sea,’ and believes that what he says will happen, it will be done. Now He’s saying the same energy that I release to kill the tree is the same energy that’s used. If you have it, you can believe that that same energy can pick up a mountain and move it into the sea. Same energy. Same power, same authority. Come on.
Remember what I said in the beginning of the service. If someone came to you with a problem and you were to advise them and now you’re giving them truth, and they say, “Hey, thank you, but I want to just tell you the way I feel.” This is the Truth that Jesus is giving us. This is an answer to future problems. Mountain be lifted up and thrown in the midst of the sea and believes that what he says, so you have to say it. You have to say what you believe. These are the words of Jesus. These are written in red. This is not my interpretation. This is exactly what Jesus said. If you believe what you say will happen, it will be done. 24 For this reason, I urge you to boldly believe for whatever you ask for in prayer. Believe for whatever you ask for in your conversation with God. What’s He telling us our conversation with God should be like? “God, show me what I must command to be moved.” How do you get to hear from God? What He shows you to command to be moved when you are in communication with Him.
If you don’t talk to Him because your prayer life is about the way you feel and about how you want to have this friendship conversation with God. Well, I’m glad that God’s your friend, and I’m happy for God to be your friend. I choose to have a relationship with God that is certainly intimate, certainly at a level where there is a great understanding between who He is and who I am. Make no mistake, I’m a son of God. And as a son of God, I have a right to enter into His presence boldly and make bold things known to Him because I’m a son. And so if I understand God and I can make bold things and say bold things to God, then I can do things as a son of God that is powerful.
I don’t want to be God’s gabba. I don’t want to be God’s buddy. If God chooses to share secrets with me, I respect them and honor them. That doesn’t mean to say I can’t have really good conversations with God. But remember, and I’m just reminding you that the way God gave me revelation on relationship, it’s about touch, it’s about integration of ways, strategic intentions, divine productivity, and covenant. And so if I’m just always approaching God, “Touch me, Jesus. Touch me, Jesus. Touch me, Jesus.” That’s a wonderful thing to have, and He will always touch you, but He wants us to live with integration of ways. And when He does that, you can move into strategic intentions where He begins to encounter you and tell you things that are on His heart. Hey? 24 For this reason, I urge you to boldly believe for whatever you ask for in prayer. Believe that you received it, and it will be yours (Mark 11:23-24 TPT). Believe that you received it, and it will be yours.
I tell you what, it doesn’t matter what your doctrine is. It doesn’t matter what your religious philosophy is. If you understand what Jesus is telling His disciples and you begin to just, you know, I just say to people, if you got trouble with understanding doctrine, then just read Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and the book of Acts. Just read it and then start again and read it, John, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and the book of Acts, and then, read it again. Because if you sit and have a debate about whether I, for example, have got the right perspective of doctrine or someone else has got the right perspective of doctrine, what you will end up doing is that you will begin to assess doctrine based on a human messenger’s delivery. And so if you like what I’m saying or it goes against what someone else is saying or what you have learned in your life, then either the truth is being spoken by them or by me. So the way to go about it is go back to the Bible. And if you’re that interested in truth that you’re willing to debate and have an opinion about whether my truth is the right truth or the wrong truth as a messenger, then I say you owe it to yourself to go read the Bible. Go read the Bible. And if you’re not willing to read the Bible, then, don’t talk about doctrines.
Sho. Pastor John, you’ve been quite strict here today. Yeah. Because if you’re speaking words that are about stuff, you know, like, I have an opinion about this and I have an opinion about that. Your spirit, man, and your soul is hearing everything you’re saying. And so everything that you say, your soul hears, “I have an opinion. I have a thought about that. This is the way I feel about it. This is what I think about it.” And so what you’re telling your soul is it’s more important what you think about is the right thing because nothing else that anybody else says is the right thing. It’s only what I think. And then you’re training your soul to believe what you think and the opinion that you have based on the thought process, not based on the Word of God. But if you go to the Word of God and you read the Bible and you say, this is what the Bible says, so then you train yourself to recognize what the Bible says rather than what someone thinks and what their opinions are. Then you get the Truth coming into your life. Then change comes. Explosive energy is released through the Word of God. Amen.
Remember last week I said, “I don’t want to live my life. I just don’t wanna live my life on doing something that’s just, I’m being right all the time so that no one can accuse me of being wrong. I must be right.” I’d rather do the right things than just be right. Yes? Because then I’m living my life as something not doing something wrong so that I can just be right. I’d rather live my life doing the right things. Right things are to read the Bible, study the Bible, hear what God says, then speak what God says. That’s doing the right thing. Then you’ve got a much better chance of actually being right. Maybe not to humans, but before God. Well, I mean, that’s fairly basic because the Bible says that we are the righteousness of God. He gives us right-standing. I’d rather be right with Him than right with people because people’s right-ness is going to change. And so one day you’re right and tomorrow you’re wrong.
Hey. Come on. Elon Musk was the darling of America until he bought Twitter, and he refused to let the people control the voice that was political voice that was going out on all the channels in America. And suddenly he’s got the, he’s got the, the anger of the American Democratic Party on his neck. Huh? People can change just like that. Hallelujah.
The Bible says in Proverbs chapter 20 verse 27, 27 The spirit of a man is the lamp of the LORD, Searching all the inner depths of his heart (Proverbs 20:27 NKJV). Now I just want to talk to you a little bit for a moment because I’m gonna read you some scripture. I wanna read to you. I wanna just share with you that in the Old Testament everybody was body, soul, and spirit. But because Jesus could not occupy the spirit of men in the Old Testament, He could rest upon them and He could their, their souls could be occupied by the Word. So if you read in Joshua chapter 1, and you read on the, there it says meditate, and if you read all the Old Testament, meditate on the Word day and night then you will make your way prosperous, then you will have good success. Meditate on the Word day and night. What was He saying? What was God instructing them to do? Fill your mind, fill your mouth, and fill your soul with the Word of God.
Because remember, their spirit man could not be alive. It was, I mean, it’s an active spirit, but not alive to God. Are you with me? So you are, your spirit only became alive to God when Jesus died and rose again and then you could receive Him, then your spirit could be born again to occupy and hold the occupation of Jesus. Are you with me? So in the Old Testament, the prominent focus of the Old Testament is, make sure that your lifestyle and your thinking and your talking and everything in your soul is occupied by the Word. Because if your soul is functioning with the Word, it becomes the light of your, of your being, and God will reveal to you the things you need to know because you are filling your life with the Word. From the Old Testament to the New Testament that doesn’t change. Your soul still needs to be subjected to the Word of God. The difference in the New Testament when you get born again is that now Jesus comes and lives in your spirit by the, with the Holy Spirit. And now when you meditate on the Word day and night, putting it in your mind, putting it in your heart, in your mouth, thinking about it, meditating on it. Now it goes into your spirit where the Holy Spirit lives and He produces life from it. So when Jesus talks to His disciples and He says to them, “Believe it in your heart, don’t doubt about it and speak it out and it will be done for you.” He’s not just talking about an occupation of the soul. He’s talking about when the Word of God is in you, it will be done for you. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus.
Remember what I was – said last week? I said there is no greater energy on the earth than a spirit that’s full of God’s Life and coming out of your mouth and the spirit of the man speaking what God’s Spirit wants in the earth. One way He does that is through prayer. No wonder prayer meetings are the least attended services in most churches. Not this one. We have strong, vibrant prayer. And that’s why I always say about you people, you are disciples that I’m in awe of because of your obedience to God. Because truly, we have a powerful church that knows how to pray. And the praying church is a church that God can use to bring His will into the earth because actually, when we come together and we pray as a church, it’s like God uses our prayers as an atomic bomb. And we just keep throwing bombs everywhere, and the devil doesn’t know what to do with it because he can’t stand against what we’re doing. Because we’re submitted. We’re praying the Word of God. We’re praying in the order of God. We have the order of God in our prayer meetings.
So just by the way, that’s the reason we stopped having corporate prayer meetings a long time ago, that look like people who come together as a bunch of people, and they walk all over the auditorium, and everybody’s praying by themselves in the Spirit. We stopped that. Because it doesn’t help if you bring an army together and you all send all the armies and say, “Hey, you go and fight that battle on that front by yourself, and you go do that battle and you fight on that front by yourself. And so you’re an army, but you’re all gonna fight individual battles all by your individual selves.”
The reason you have an army that comes together is because the togetherness of the army creates a force that’s a together force, that is not the same as an individual fighting by themselves. That’s why the devil wants to stop corporate prayer meetings because then it’s a military organization of the church of the Lord Jesus. A governing authority body that comes together and says, “We are legislating based on the Word of God for the will of God, and we are declaring the will of God into the earth, into our nation, into this place. We declare the Word of God.”
That’s also why we do not assume the responsibility to bring prayers like, “We come against the spirit of abortion.” We do not take up a position against darkness. We take up a position of releasing energy of life and power bombs by God. We give it into His hands and let Him deal with what He needs to deal with.
Otherwise, people are praying against the spirit of corruption and the spirit of abortion and the spirit of all kinds of stuff, and yet God has given those spirits the right to occupy the earth. We do not have the right to expel them from the earth. Not yet. We don’t have that authority. God the Father and Jesus has that authority to expel them from the earth when the time comes. Until the time comes, they have a right to operate on the earth.
So, why do we wanna try and take an authority God hasn’t given us? I know this is radical. I know because the churches have become so used to, “Let’s pray against the spirit of abortion, and it feels so good to do that.” Meantime, all the spirits in the air says, “Let them waste their time. Let them pray against us all they want because they’re just blowing hot air. There’s no authority in that prayer. That prayer can’t do anything because they have no authority to do that.” But when we come and we say, “Hey, we are coming together. We’re gonna be one voice, we’re going to be focused. We’re going to be like an army.
You know, when I was in the military anyway, you know, I used to drill some of those from time to time, have a company, have a platoon, whatever the case might be, and to have to do some drill commands. I had a… it was a great, fearful… wonderful and fearful thing. One day I was the leading, ranking non-commissioned officer at the time, and I was asked to lead an entire brigade on a parade ground. I mean, it was probably close to a thousand men that I had to command in a marching parade. It was an awesome thing.
At my command, that a thousand men came to attention. They did a whole lot of marching, they did a whole lot of thing, and I had brigadiers and colonels and generals all standing there waiting for me to finish this command, you know. And all the time, all I could think about was just don’t mess up now, you know. When you’re leading a section or a company or something like that, that’s a different story. You know, you can pretty much do what you like, but a whole brigade is a whole different story, you know. Anyway, it was quite something. It was something special. But, you know, when you give one command – “Attention!” Just one command – and everybody that was standing, you know, like this [Pastor John showing that they’re standing with their hands behind their back]… their energy, thousand men of energy all comes into order in one command. [Pastor John showing that they’re standing with their hands pointed down next to their sides]… I mean, it was a moment for me in my life I’ll never forget, you know. And then when you get them ready to prepare for the officers to speak, in that case, it was a brigadier who was going to address them. You know, and you get them to have short arm spaces between them, and you have a whole thousand men that are getting short arm spaces so that they’re compacted together so that he can speak to them in a closer environment. You see all this energy at work with one command.
That’s why when we come together to pray, it’s like, “God, what is Your command?” Okay, You’ve given us the Word of God. Now, we take Your command and we present Your command and we say, “In the Name of Jesus, You have told us we must pray for those that are governors, those that are leaders, those that are in authority, that You, that we as a people, when we pray for them, that the will of God will be done on the earth, that we can lead a life of peace and prosperity and good news. So, Father, we pray for them in the Name of Jesus.” Let’s pray. Boom. Authority. The military might of God’s army is released. No wonder the devil doesn’t want Christians to pray, and he doesn’t want them to pray with authority. He wants to have them side-tracked praying with stuff that we shouldn’t have to pray about. I don’t know why I got there. Anyway, it’s the Holy Spirit here today anyway. Amen. Praise Jesus.
You know, Psalm 139 verse 1 says, 1 O Lord, You have searched me and known me. 2 You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. 3 You comprehend my path and my lying down, You are acquainted with all my ways. 4 Is there not a word in my tongue, But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether (Psalm 139:1-4 NKJV).
Hey? God knows everything about us altogether. What do you think? You can hide your thoughts from Him? If you could, then He’s obviously not God. Those things that you think you’re hiding in your innermost thoughts that lead to some kind of questionable actions you think, “No one else is watching, so therefore, God isn’t?” Huh?
Verse 11. 11 If I say, “Surely the darkness shall fall on me,” even the night shall be light about me, listen to what he’s saying, “Even in darkness, the night shall be my light.” Remember what I’ve been saying in prayer meeting, in message moments, in other places, I’ve been saying this, that when you have the light of God, it doesn’t matter what darkness you walk in, the light is your light. You know, this kind of darkness that you’re walking in on the earth right now, some confusion, some thoughts, some things, this is the worst it’ll ever be in your eternal life. From here, it only gets better. The more truth you receive now, the more change you have now, the more ready you’ll be for when you get into heaven.
Some people are going to get to heaven, and it’s going to shock them, pleasantly, but they’ll be shocked that life on heaven, heaven is so, is the way it is. But, the more prepared you are living for God, knowing Him while you are on the earth, when you get to heaven, you say, “Oh, yeah. This is the way I lived on earth. This is the way I lived on earth.” That’s what God’s will is for us, for us to live on earth as it is in heaven. Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. He wants us to live on earth as it is in heaven. He wants us to walk with light energy bombs coming out of our mouth, night and day.
12 Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, but the night shines as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike to You. In other words, God sees whatever, whatever there is, God is… light and dark in the human sense, night and day, it’s irrelevant to God. It’s the same to Him. Watch this now. 13 For You, God, formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. 14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul, and that my soul knows very well, that I am fearfully and wonderfully made and You knew me in my mother’s womb.
15 My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. In other words, there’s not one part of my entire life that’s been hidden from You, God. 16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, what was written? All of the substance of my days has already been written in His book. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them (Psalm 139:11-16 NKJV). Come on. Come on.
If we think that we were just born to live our lives the way we think we want to live our lives, He fashioned and formed our lives before we were born. Our frame, our very existence, everything about us, there’s nothing He didn’t know from the beginning to the end about everything about us.
17 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! 18 For if I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You (Psalm 139:17-18 NKJV). Hey, I’d tell you that I do this every day when I wake up in the morning. First thing I say is, I don’t use these words, but if I had to use these words, I’d say, “Morning, Lord, I’m still with You in my body today. Thank You for keeping me alive at night while I’ve been sleeping. Thank You for the energy that has been replenished and restrengthened me so that I can be awake today and I can live for You today.” For you, if I had to speak like this and I do sometimes speak like this. If I had to speak like the psalmist, I would say, “Because You knew me before I was born, Father. Yet while I was still in my mother’s womb, You knew all the days of my life, and You wrote about all of the days of my life in Your book before I was there. And all the numbers of my days and all the things that I would do in my days, You knew them from the beginning to the end. And so here I am before You, God, to say thank You to You that this day I can live according to the numbers of the days that You gave me before the beginning because You knew me. You knew my frame, You knew my words, You knew my thoughts, You knew my everything before I was even in it. You knew it, and You created me for it.” How cool is that? Come on.
Since I’m shooting some holy cows here today, I might as well still shoot another favorite holy cow of mine. When people read this scripture, they say, “You see, God’s in control. And because God’s in control, what do I have to do because He’s already counted and numbered my days and He knows my thoughts.” It’s like the book of Romans says, because He foreknew us, He also predestined us to become sons of God. So because God is outside of time, He already knows all the choices you’re going to make, so He creates the life that you need to live in to make the choices He already knew you were going to make, but He doesn’t take the choice from you. That means He’s not in control of your choices. Yes, He’s in control of the overall timetable of the earth. He’s in control of the time that Jesus would come and when He’ll come again and when He’ll judge the heavens and the earth, and there will become a new heaven and a new earth, and there’ll be a new Jerusalem, and there’ll be all this. And there will be a time when satan and all of his angels and his demons, the things, they will be cast into the lake of fire for eternally, and they will be judged. Those timetables, God is in control of those times. But with you, you are in charge of your choices, not God. Did I shoot that holy cow nicely?
So, Isaiah chapter 55, 10 For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, And make it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater. This is also what’s available in first Corinthians chapter 8 and 9. This scripture is quoted there. 11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; meaning God’s mouth, It shall not return to Me void. It shall not return to Me empty. But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it (Isaiah 55:10-11 NKJV). Come on, church.
So when God speaks words, what is in the words that make the words perform the things that God says they need to perform? Does He not take His authority and His energy and all of Who He is creatively and take all of that and put it into a word form and send His words out and when He sends His words out in the package of the words is already authority, is already power, it’s already the productivity to make everything that’s in the container of those words to come back to Him and create what His words say they must create. So when He stood with Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the beginning and He said, “Let there be light!” The power to make the light overcome things and to be present was there. When He said, “Let the earth separate between the land and the sea.” And everything began to move into the power of His words that was released. The earth could not contain, stand against the power of His word.
That mountain, that mountain range that you see there, that was formed because He spoke words. You wanna say the mountain ranges are bigger than words? They are not. Words created them. Because the word is just not the language that we use today. I’ll see you at 6 o’clock. But let’s choose that for a moment. When we said we’re gonna have church service this morning at 9h30, words created 9h30. The energy of words created 9h30. So all of you arrived here before 9h30 or around about 9h30 because energy was created with words. So you came to attend church at the expectation that the words are not empty. That the words are full of power to create the service.
So you arrived here because you got into agreement with the words. When you became in agreement with the words, your energy went into action to fulfill the agreement of 9h30, “I’ll be here, 9h30 music will be here, 9h30, you will be here.” And together, the word energy for 9h30 brought this service into being. This service didn’t exist until someone said, “9h30.” So, you know, if Grobbies and I were to make an appointment to have a coffee together, and I say, “Grobbies, I’ll see you at, Greens or Gatsby’s” …. or whatever it’s called now. I’ll say, “I’ll see you at 11 o’clock tomorrow to have coffee there.” My words have created a substance because now if we’re in agreement, he’s going to meet me there, and I’m going to be there. Now we both have committed that our energies are going to both create momentum for us that when the time comes and he’s somewhere and I’m somewhere around about 10:30, we are going to start to change what we’re doing and create energy to make us get to there so that we could make it not void, but make it substance. So, when God says, “My Word goes forth and it will not return to Me void”, it says, “Whatever I’ve set it out to do, it’s going to happen that way, and all the energies of the universe can’t stop it. Must come and be what it must be.” Hallelujah.
Now I ask you when Jesus sent out His disciples and He said, “Go in My Name. Go and preach good news. Go heal the sick. Go cast out demons. Don’t take any money with you. Don’t take anything to prepare. Go and do it.” What was He doing? He was taking words, energy of God. He was presenting it to the future, and He said, “Now, disciples, when you walk with your energy of obedience and you walk into those towns, My Words have already created an energy in those towns by the authority of God that when you get there, your energy will be doing what it needs to do. Some towns will reject you, take your blessing, take your peace with you, and leave that town because that’s not a good thing for that town if they don’t receive you. But if that town receives you, then leave your blessing, leave your peace with them because my energy is available to them for choice.”
So, when He said there, He said, “Go and cast out demons and heal the sick.” I’m believing that as I do what I’m doing now, every week, there’s an energy of God’s healing. There’s an energy of God’s peace. There’s an energy of God’s anointing. There’s an energy of God’s power that is being released, that is busy healing people, changing people, confirming things to people. Mind stuff things, emotional stuff changing. Hallelujah. Because it’s not me doing the healing. I’m being obedient to God doing what I’m doing. Because He does the healing. He does the touching. He’s the One who’s got all the power. I can just speak His words. The same words that we come together and we pray together and we say, “We’re releasing power for governments to change, for leadership to change, for economic circumstances to change.” That same power is released with us. Same power. It’s words. It’s words. It’s power. It’s words. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus.
I know that God is at work and He’s busy at work creating a future for you and me. That’s not a future of the past where it’s bad, where there’s negativity, where there’s all kinds of things. It’s a future that He has planned for us of good things. He has planned good things for us. Health and healing, emotional repair. He’s come to undo the works of the enemy who comes to steal, kill and destroy. He’s come to undo those works. Hallelujah. So, I started the message and I’m finishing with this. I started the message this morning by saying this to you. If someone comes to you and says to you, “I have a problem.”
And you sit, and you empathize with them, and you hear them what the problem is. And then you give them an answer, something that might help them, and you keep coming back with the same problem all the time, then you have to at one point, you’re going to say to yourself, “Hey, the energy that I’m giving you to help you overcome this problem. You’re not using the energy.” Some people would say, “You’re wasting my time.” I don’t believe you’re wasting time. I believe you’re wasting energy. I mean, time is just a measurement of men, but you’re wasting energy. You’re wasting your energy and you’re wasting my energy, because if you don’t want to change, then why must I give you energy to change when you’re not going to change? Amen. Hallelujah.
And so, you know, God is always going to be available to us, but He’s already given us so many tools to change. So, many people come to me and they say, “If I only knew the will of God, if I just knew the will of God, then I would know what to do. If I knew what the will of God was for me, then I would know what to do.” So, then I asked them the question, “So, what is it that you don’t know?” “Well, I want to know if I should do this with my life or if I should do something else with my life.” So, I would say to them, “Well, let’s start with doing the things that you know God wants you to do.” So, before you want to know what is the interpreted will of God, let’s focus on what we know is the will of God, that you don’t have to interpret the will of God. Right?
So, then I would say to you, “Do you pray every day?” “Well, no.” Well, we know the will of God is that you should pray. Do you come to church? Are you planted in a church? It’s not good enough to go to church. That’s where a lot of Christians are having a problem is they go to church thinking, just, “If I go to church on a Sunday, that’s good enough.” No. God intended you to be part of a Body. That means you are connected to the Body. You can’t just sever yourself from a Body or connect yourself to a Body whenever you like and whenever you want. God has connected you to a Body. And so, people get confused because they go to one Body and that seems like a great bunch of people that got a great message, and they got great music. And then, “But this guy doesn’t preach like this, and he doesn’t say these things, and I don’t think that’s right, and I don’t… So, I’m going to go find another church that’s got something more right to my liking.” So, they take themselves to Bodies, and they plant themselves in Bodies, and they remove themselves because they do it themselves, they don’t hear what God has to say. And then they say, “But if I’m not hearing from God, how will I know which church?” Then stay in the church you’re now attending until you know what God’s plan is. Don’t leave to say, “I may need to hear from God when I’m leaving.” Because you will never, because you’re already out of the will of God. I’m preaching good, hey?
Then I say, “Are you a tither? Are you a giver? Are you a person who’s making your gifts that you have available to the church?” Because these are things that you don’t have to interpret. These are things that God has already told us what to do. So, you just obey these things. When you’re obeying God with these things and, for me, this is a big thing, – if men are not loving their wives and wives are not loving their husbands, but they want to know what the interpretive will of God is for their life assignment. And I say, “Hey, wait a minute. God told you to love your husband and your wife the way you’re supposed to love them, and probably a big reason for you not having and knowing what the will of God is because you’re not loving them the way you’re supposed to.” Don’t shout me down. Come on, shout me down. Come on, shout me down. Shout me down. Shout me down! Come on. Come on. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Amen. Hallelujah.
So you know, we’re all so fixated on the interpretive will of God, but let’s just walk in the known will of God, and when we walk in the known will of God, then we’ve got a better chance of hearing what the interpretive will of God is. Maklik. Dis maar simple, hé? It’s not simple, it’s just maklik. It’s not that kind of simple. We’ll see how the Lord leads us for Message Moments today, but I’m going to just leave you with these words. I really wanted to read you all three chapters of Ecclesiastes, but verse 1 says, 1 The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem (this is King Solomon). 2 “Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher (or the messenger); “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” 3 What profit has a man from all his labor in which he toils under the sun? 4 One generation passes away, and another generation comes; But the earth abides forever. 5 The sun also rises, and the sun goes down, And hastens to the place where it arose. 6 The wind goes toward the south, And turns around to the north; The wind whirls about continually, And comes again on its circuit. 7 All the rivers run into the sea, Yet the sea is not full; To the place from which the rivers come, There they return again. 8 All things are full of labor; Man cannot express it. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, Nor the ear filled with hearing. 9 That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun. 10 Is there anything of which it may be said, “See, this is new”? It has already been in ancient times before us (Ecclesiastes 1:1-10 NKJV).
If anybody wants to tell you that what’s happening on the earth right now is new, it’s not. Yes. Bluetooth might be new, but the way people have communicated, they’ve communicated with smoke signals, they’ve communicated with all kinds of stuff. Communication has always been done on the earth. Hey. 12 I, the Preacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem. 13 And I set my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all that is done under heaven; this burdensome task God has given to the sons of man, by which they may be exercised. 14 I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and indeed, all is vanity and grasping for the wind (Ecclesiastes 1:12-14 NKJV).
You know what hey? When you get to my age and you look at these young people, guess what I want to do for these young people? Come on. Let’s guess. What I want to do is I want them to use all their energy for good, for God, all their energy for good, for God, for blessing. Because if they give everything they’ve got to God, there’s nothing God will withhold from them. Even in my walk where I’ve lived for God all my life, I recognised that I had to undo religious things, I had to undo denominationalism, I had to undo many different things in my life. I had to overcome that in my soul before I could be free to live for God, and still sometimes I find some of those tentacles and those restraints still in my life. I’m asking God every day, “Help me.” So that, to all of you, not just to the young people, to all of you, that every message that is preached, every opportunity in the Word of God, that there’s a new thing that happens in you, a change agent, a new thing, a new thing, a new thing, a new thing so that God can lift you up and do amazing, marvellous, wonderful things that He’s planned for you before the beginning of the foundation of the earth. He’s planned for you to walk in.”
So if I, if I come to you and I shoot holy cows, it’s because I’m willing to do it and risk persecution and risk words and risk all manner of things because I’d rather want to be on God’s side in saying what is, and shoot down holy cows than to leave them mooing around us. And when you go home and you sit at your lunch table, you moo at each other. And you moo out all of the religious practices and all of denominationalism and all of that nonsense, and you speak it like it’s truth. I’d rather have you come and debate something that’s of substance in the Word of God and go to the Bible and say, “You know what he said? Listen to what he said. He said that … Let’s find a Bible scripture that proves him wrong.” I double dog dare you. I’d rather challenge you and you’d be so challenged. Go read your Bible. “Hey. Check. He said what he said is right. Look at that. God wants us healed. He wants us blessed. He wants us prosperous. He wants us all good, look at that. I grew up thinking God wants to make us sick and wants to do all kinds of bad stuff to us. Nonsense. Hey, look the Bible’s true.”
That’s what happened to me. First time I heard somebody preach on prosperity that a Christian could be really rich. You know, when I grew up, it was like this; the church was full of people and there were poor people in the church and there were rich people in the church. I saw this firsthand. I saw rich people always trying to influence what was happening in the church with their money. And I saw all the poor people have a lot to say about what the pastor is doing or not doing right or wrong. I saw it a lot. And as a teenager, I grew up thinking, “Hey, if God loves me, does He really want me to be poor? Does He really, does God really want me to be poor?” This is how I grew up in my own heart, my own walk with God. “Does He really want me to be poor?” No. I didn’t believe it. There was nothing. Isaac was rich. Abraham was very rich. Isaac was very rich. Jacob was very rich. And, even the famous Job story, he grew, he ended up being rich. He was already rich, and then when he lost everything, God made him double rich. You know, people want to focus on nine months of his life, but actually his whole life was a rich life. You know, everything I read in the Bible, even Jesus, before He was born, He sent all kinds of people that were traders and economic specialists and powerful men, and He brought, they brought all their wealth, and they laid it at the feet of Jesus. And Jesus never had to worry about money all of His life because they brought it to Him before He even went into His ministry in His life. God ensured that Joseph and Mary had so much money that they didn’t know what to do with it. Hallelujah.
And so when I heard the prosperity for the first time, message, I danced, because I knew in my spirit, this is the word of God. He doesn’t want me to be sick. He doesn’t want me to have anything bad in my life. He just wants good things for me. Hallelujah. Now the Bible says that for the Word’s sake, you will suffer persecution. That’s different. But God is a good God. He’s on our side. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah. I think we should take up an offering. Before the service this morning, Pastor Christi said to me, “I’ll hold up a note or something so I can remind you to take up an offering.” Because I get so caught up in the Word. I don’t wanna take up offerings, and you have to walk out the door and put your money in the basket, then I don’t get to pray over it properly. Thank you. I’m getting better at taking offerings. That sounds very weird from a prosperity preacher. Getting better at taking up offerings.
You know, I’ve known this all my life that our prosperity is not based on your giving. It’s based on my giving. So then I’m safe. My future is not dependent on what you give. That should encourage you because now your future is not based on your job. Your future is based on your giving. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. Praise Jesus. Right now, I just saw something in the spirit. I saw it. I saw these people, that when you go home, it happens occasionally. It happens from time to time, that it’s like if you it’s like this fog comes on your head and this fog, it’s like this dark cloud that comes on your head and this dark cloud that comes on your head is like, it’s like, I don’t wanna call it depression, but it’s like this it’s like this the sense of hopelessness and the sense of no real possibility of changing your future.
It’s like this cloud comes on you. I wanna tell you by the spirit of God today that when you feel that cloud coming on you, you must at least let something come out of your mouth. And even if it’s just the name of Jesus, say “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.” Because once that emotional despair gets a hold of you, hopelessness and despair gets a hold of you. It can pull you into a dark place for days. I saw it happening. I just saw I don’t know how many people, but I saw it happening to people in the service that there are people here today. I saw it happening in the spirit. I just caught a flash of it in my spiritman, and the Lord wants me to tell you, “If you do that, you must speak the name of Jesus.” You must speak the name of Jesus. You must speak the name of Jesus. When it starts to happen, speak the name of Jesus, and light will immediately penetrate that dark fog.
Yes. Light will penetrate that fog. It will penetrate that fog. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.. Hallelujah. And you’ll find yourself free and you’ll find yourself coming out of that thing and that he’s trying to get on top of you and you say, “No. No. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.” Because sometimes you don’t know the right scripture to go to. In the meantime, just speak the name of Jesus. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. And if you listen to my Tuesday night prayer, you will know that I believe in spiritual hand grenades. Lob a hand grenade into the air; “Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! I call on the name of Jesus to help me here.” Hallelujah. Come, let’s pray. Stand with me, please, will you?
Glory to God. Just stretch out your hands, here. Father, we thank You for the opportunity to sow seed. We thank You that this is part of the energy that we have reflected in money and as we give You our seed, You create more seed for bread for eating and seed for sowing. And we thank You that we receive both; the bread for eating and the seed for sowing. We thank you for it, Lord, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Amen.
So, I want to tell you that as I’ve been pressing into God, men, I want to tell you that God’s got a word for us. He’s got a word for us on the men’s camp. Hallelujah. I’m telling you this because I want you to have your expectation to increase because God has been telling me things that I’ve got to say to you and thank God we’ve been obedient to it. Otherwise we would have missed the opportunity for God to say what He has to say. Amen. And in the meantime, church, you all people, you can be praying for what’s going to happen on the men’s camp because God is going to do some things that are going to change our future. All of us, it’s going to change our future. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
Take your hand and put it on your chest here, say, “I’m a son of God. I am His child. I have authority. I have boldness. I have courage and I’m ready for whatever God’s got for me. I’m listening for Him and I will obey Him, in Jesus’ name.” Hallelujah. I thank you, Lord, because of the authority that You’ve placed in me, that I declare over all of them that they leave with joy and will walk in peace. Joy and peace is their portion this week ahead, in Jesus’ name. Joy and peace. No fog of oppression. Joy and peace, in Jesus’ name. I declare, Father, that according to Your Word, they are blessed going out and blessed coming in. Whatever they put their hands to will prosper, in Jesus’ name. And no weapon formed against them will prosper. Wherever they go, Your angels and Your Word and the light of Your goodness, and the blood of Jesus surrounds them, protects them, and shields them from any danger that the enemy would want to bring against them in relationships, economically, and in their physical world that they live in. I thank You for it, Lord, and I declare that by faith in Jesus’ name, and all of you say; amen. Amen.
I’ve just seen Johan and Belinda at the back there and it’s good for them to be in church and congratulations on the birth of your little one. Hallelujah. Our church is flourishing. Babies are being born all over the place. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Good to see your faces again. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. And when I say that, look at the two Delport grandparents in the front here, it’s like, “That’s ours down there. That’s ours he’s talking about.” Praise Jesus. Have a wonderful day. I’ll see you later alligator.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International