Scripture reference: Hebrews 3:7 (NKJV); Romans 8:29-30 (NIV); Jeremiah 23:18, 21-22 (NIV); Psalm 139:16 (NLT); Ephesians 1:11 (NKJV); Romans 5:1 (NKJV); Acts 17:28 (NKV); Hebrews 12:22 (TPT); Isaiah 6:1, 5 (NKJV); Romans 8:2 (NKJV); Job 16:18-19, 21 (NKJV); Ephesians 3:3-5 (NLT)

Pastor Sharon: So, this morning, I just want to make a quick announcement that there is no service tonight, right? So, when Pastor John asked me to be doing this today, I had it in my heart that we would have message moments this morning. The message moments are going to come from myself, from Pastor Christi and Pastor Melusi. I did ask Pastor Garth and he would have loved to have done it and then I just got a message from him yesterday, Mom I got in front of my computer and all I want to do is just sleep. Pastor G, you’ve got the rest of your life. The rest of your life. Take your rest and recover well because there’s quite a year ahead of us.

So, Father, this continues to be our time with You and we want to thank You, particularly this morning for all the things that You spoke to us about in our obedience services. And everything that You gave us, all Your words that You gave us during the obedience services to actually position us very well and place us excellently in a place where we can move forward into this next year. Thank You for all the words that You’ve given us. We take them to heart, Lord, because, truly, we are on this journey with You and You are moving us, propelling us, maintaining and guiding us into everything personally and corporately through the words that You are speaking. Lord, as a people, we are realising more and more, we are understanding more fully that this is precisely and exactly how You are working with us.

As a people, it’s more real to us, we have more enlightenment of it than we’ve ever had before. It’s more rhema to us than it’s been before. We’ve gone from glory to glory in this revelation. That truly we are travelling and journeying together with You as a people through Your messages. With all Your words, Lord. We are journeying with Your words, Lord. Hallelujah. Personally, very personally and very corporately. Thank You, Father. So, this morning, we thank You for Your words that we are speaking. Even the words that I’m speaking now, Father, these are Your words that You are giving me to say as I start off today going into 2025, thank You, Lord. You are with us.

It’s definitely going to help you what the Lord says to me. You know that the Lord has always used me like that with you. That what He is doing with me, He has me share with you and then you see it. It becomes light to you. It becomes life to you, right? That’s what we are trusting the Lord now, is that as you are sitting there, you will receive the Word and receive the light. Receive the understanding of it and then receive the grace. You need to say that in your heart to the Lord. I receive Your grace. What is God’s grace? It’s God’s power for you to be able to walk out and walk in that revelation because when God opens up your eyes to something, that’s just the beginning.

You experience and encounter God in a wonderful way when He speaks to your heart through words. But that is just the start of it. Then, you have to take His grace and say, “Your grace, I am going to walk it out. I am going to live in this revelation that I’m getting now.” And that is my prayer and our prayer for you today, that you will receive the revelation and you will believe and receive the grace that you can do. I said to Pastor John that I’ve been so stretched by His Words, so stretched. I said to Pastor John that there is a part in my humanity that says, “Whoo, can I do this? I’m going into 2025 with a greater spiritual intensity than I’ve had before. Really?”

I thought I was spiritually intense in 2024. But now more. Oh, yes, Lord. By Your can-do grace, by Your Spirit of grace that lives in me, I can and I will. I can and I will walk in everything that You brought to us in these Obedience Services. So now, today is a very big day. You see, this moment is all God’s got with you. If you put off for tomorrow what you can receive today, then you are living in the devil’s word. Tomorrow is the devil’s word. I’ll just borrow today for myself and I’ll put off spiritual things until tomorrow. Another day when it’s easier for me. When it’s more convenient for me.

Today. Hebrews 3, 7 and 8. 7 Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: “Today, even as the Holy Spirit says, today if you will hear His voice. Today you are hearing His voice Hebrews 3, 7. …as the Holy Spirit says: “Today. (Hebrews 3:7 NKJV) As the Holy Spirit says today. Today is what you have. Right now in this moment is what you have with God. Today I hear His voice. Today I obey. I am a creature of the moment. For me to live in the fourth dimension, in all the messages that have come to us, I must be a creature of the moment. I must moment by moment be living in the fourth dimension. You and I have come from the fourth dimension. You were breathed from the fourth dimension into your mother’s womb. I was breathed from the fourth dimension into my mother’s womb. From that time that I was born, I was born to be born again, back connected with the fourth dimension, with the God dimension. Born again, connected with the fourth dimension. I was born to be connected to the fourth dimension so that I could live in the fourth dimension so that I could hear His voice all the time and do what He says in my life and with my life. My life means nothing if I’m not on assignment for Him.

Then when I finished my assignment with Him, I go back like Jesus did. Jesus came from the fourth dimension into the third dimension. He did the Father’s will and then when He was finished with the Father’s will, He went back. That’s exactly what God has planned for you and I. If you want know what it’s like to be like Jesus, that’s what it’s like. It’s for you to only do the will of Jesus while you were on earth and to have no distance between you, and then go back to the fourth dimension. But many have chosen to come from the fourth dimension and be born again, but then live their life like the world – in the third dimension, living just like a third-dimensional being, and then going back to the fourth dimension having not fulfilled any assignment of God for their life. The majority of Christians live like that.

Pastor John said that this year is going to be more spiritual, not less because of the times we’re living in, that previously people were not living in, they didn’t have to deal with things the way we do because of the times we’re living in. We’re going to have to be more spiritual, more purposeful, more intentional in living, pressing to live in the fourth dimension, which means I’m so close to the fourth-dimensional Holy Spirit that lives inside of me. I’m listening to Him more, not less. That’s why the Lord brought the scriptures to my remembrance.

You must gather together all the more as you see the day approaching, not less. (Hebrews 10:25), You gather together all the more as you see the day. What day? The time you’re living in. The times we’re living in. God’s preparing us and getting us ready. Then He brought that other scripture to my remembrance too. In the last days, there will be those that will be lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. (2 Timothy 3:4) They love God but they love pleasure more. God is requiring Pastor John and I that whatever is happening in the last day’s people to preach the opposite of it. Don’t love pleasures more than you love God. Be more spiritual. Be more, be more intense, be more intentional, be more determined, be more obedient. Be more… more, much more in 2025 than in 2024. Glory to God. That’s what God’s been encouraging us in.

So, today, I’m a creature of the moment. I’m listening to everything I’m saying today. I’m listening. I’m here to listen to what God’s saying. I’m a creature of the moment. There is nothing so hardening as delay, making it harder and harder to obey. Cutting off hope of growth, waiting for tomorrow. Satan’s word is tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. I’ll just borrow today for myself. After all, there’s always a tomorrow. Isn’t that interesting?

Now for the new year, He said this to me, “It can rhyme if it helps you.” He did say to me, “You’re going to go into 2025 more alive spiritually than you’ve ever been before.” It was what He said to me personally. “You’re going to go into 2025 so alive spiritually, so alive in your spirit, so hooked up to My Holy Spirit, so listening to Me, so determined, so focused, so living, pressing with every fibre of your being to live in the fourth dimension with me.” Right?

I never heard Him say this to me before, but He says, “If it helps you and if you wanted it to rhyme, it can. It’s just that it is My time for you to transition now to the next on your journey with Me – live. It also happens to be your 24 going into 25. Just keep in mind that I am God, I live outside of time. I live outside of time.”

So, today and right now, I’m like an olive tree round about His table. (Psalm 128:3) The Amplified Bible says, “Right now I’m sitting. I’m as an olive tree round about His table. A feast He has prepared for me. A feast He prepared for us.” And then, one of the Bible commentaries say, “If you’re sitting like an olive tree around His table, you are sucking in the sap of your good education.” I’m sucking in the sap of my good education. Hallelujah.

So, going into 2025 with spiritual intensity, not less, but more. Right? It’s what Pastor John said. We need more sensitivity of the leading of the Lord. We need more revelation in the Word, more grace, more revelation knowledge, not less. A more stronger foundation of spirit and our spiritual strength than we’ve had before, not less of it. Watch yourselves. I’ve got to be before God about everything that I’m doing. Right?

So, I think I’m going to stop right here. Journey – we are journeying with God. Let me see here. Intensity. This word intensity that Pastor John said, “I’m not so focused on 2025. I want to encourage you that as we step into the next year. I’m not so focused on 2025, although there’s things God has for us in 2025. I’m more focused on what He told us 24 months – 24 months – 24 months. That’s what I’m focused on. But I do know this, that the Lord has been sharing it with me and speaking to my heart. He’s going to accelerate things in our ministry. Things are going to happen quicker and faster.”

Now the Lord said to me, “Sharon, not just in the ministry, but I’m going to accelerate things,   your maturity and your growth and your development quicker and quicker in you. As you give yourself to spiritual intensity, I’m going to quick – I’m going to accelerate you as a spirit being. As you take in My Word, I’m going to allow those seeds to grow in you like that time thing, where you see a seed go into the ground and you watch a movie and quickly the shoot comes up, and quickly the plant grows because you’ve placed the power of My Word seed in your heart. I’m very well able to accelerate as you give yourself to My Words. My Words. My Words.” Glory to God.

So, not just the ministry, but in me. Things are going to happen quicker and faster. That means it’s going to be more intense. Intense. You’ve got to live with this word this year, intense. Do you want to say this with me? Say, “In this year, I’m intense.” Intense means this: to stretch and be stretched and be strict and be very close to God. Intense is from intensives, I’m going to be vehement and ardent and violent. I saw myself being violent because you were here for Message Moments when somebody spoke about distractions. I’m violent against any distractions that will distract me. I’m violent against you. No, you will not distract me. I’m not distracted by you. I’m focused on my God and on His Words and in my personal maturity and growth with the Word and my personal intimacy with the Holy Spirit, and then my corporate life with the body of Christ. You will not distract me. You cannot distract me. I’m a lover of God more than a lover of pleasure.

So intense. Intensity means stretched, strained. So, I thought of that scripture in Philippians, it says, “I’m straining forward to what lies ahead.” (Philippians 3:13) Stretched to what lies ahead. That’s all I’m looking at. I’m looking at, I’m living in my moment now stretched for my future. That’s all I’m going to do this year. I’m going to live in my moments of fourth dimension with God right now with my words, with my fourth-dimensional praying. That’s what Pastor John said in his message now, “Everything starts with praying in the Holy Ghost.“ Praying in the realm, the fourth-dimensional realm with my fourth-dimensional language. I hook up like that with God immediately and then speaking His Spirit life and Spirit Words. Hallelujah. Glory to God.

Intensity means stretched. I’m going to stretch myself spiritually. The state of being raised to a great degree. That’s what intensity means. The state of being raised to a great degree. Then I thought of the scripture in Second Corinthians, I believe it is chapter 4 in the Amplified Bible. As I continue to behold us in the Word of God, as in a mirror, the Words of God, I will be changed into that self-same image from one degree, one degree of glory to another.”(2 Corinthians 3:18). Greater degree, greater degree. Stretched. I’m going to allow the Word of God living in my heart. The Words of God coming to me every message. Every message moment. I’m going to allow it to stretch me. I’m going to allow it to grow in me. I’m going to feed my spirit man. Hallelujah.

I’m going to feed my spirit man because I’m 3 part being. I am zoe. I am psuché soul. I am spirit. I am psuché soul and I am bios body. And soul, my mind, my emotions, my will. Do not argue with me, spirit man. Do not be in disagreement with me, spirit man. I live. I live not. I zoe not by bread. I zoe by rhema. I live by every word, rhema word. Every living word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.

Extreme closeness intensity means an excess, the state of being raised to a great degree. And Pastor John said, “Intensity is going to accelerate things in our ministry. He’s going to accelerate things in my heart, in my heart.” Right. “You better see way ahead and act way ahead what the Holy Spirit shows you things to come. I’m going to talk about this intensity in the spirit requires a response of faith. Intensity of the spirit requires a response of faith.” Yes! Faith means I believe. I believe I’m intense. I believe I’m in more intense than ever before. I believe I will walk in intensity and in the fourth dimension pressing every day now.

No matter what I’m doing, no matter where I am, that’s going to be my determination and my press. “It requires a response of faith. It does not require a response of emotion or a response of changing for the sake of making change happen. Intensity in the spirit realm requires a response of faith because as the intensity increases, what happens is that the bigger the light, the spirit life, the faster we accelerate spiritually, the more God does with us and the bigger the distance we can go, and the more that comes with us, the intensity by nature will attract unwanted elements.” Pastor John spoke about all of that. They will rise up from among you. From among you, they will arise. People who will speak perverse things.

I looked it up in the King James, he read it in the NLT, but the King James says people among you will start to speak perverse things, wrong things, so that they could draw you away from what you believe. You have to be able to defend your revelation. This is what I was telling Pastor John yesterday. These words that God has given me, I contend to defend. I contend to defend. I contend to defend everything that I’ve received from God up until now that He has shown me. I will not allow anybody around me to speak anything that will distract me from the strait gate. Going through the strait gate, S T R A I T, the strait gate. I put a straitjacket on. People can call me insane, I am an intensity for God. I am because I have decided. I’m a moment person right now. I’m not putting off tomorrow when I can live in spirituality. Intensity today, like Jesus.

So, the spirit life. Unwanted elements. And that’s not the time to respond with comfort and say, “I’d like to go back to the comfort.” Where the movement is there and you’re going, it’s not time to say, “Stop accelerating.” That’s a time to keep going. Because now you’ve got real momentum.

I’m going to stop right here because I really want to listen and be in the moment with Pastor Christi and what God has shown her. God is going to make a point to me through her this morning. Then I want to hear what the Lord is going to say through Pastor Melusi to me. I want to hear what God has got to say through them to me and, so thank You Father, in Jesus name. Amen. Thanks Pastor Christi.

Pastor Christi: Thank you, Pastor Sharon. Good morning, everyone. We are just more intense with the Lord because we are giving Him our yes. That’s where we are going because He is giving us His words. Hallelujah. Apologies for my blocked nose this morning. I’m receiving my healing as well. Many are not walking in the assignment that God has for them. Just so that you can make a note, I’m starting on page 2 of part 1, 14 December. Thank You Holy Spirit that I will just stay in the notes as God gave it to me.

On page 2, as you sit there and I’m standing here, Pastor John, being led by the Holy Spirit started to say, “God is amazing. God is amazing. The most amazing thing about God is that He has made you and me.” You’re sitting there, God has made you. I’m standing here, God has made me. I know you know it, but sometimes we don’t think about it. Pastor John says, “Come on, some of you might think you are impressive, but you also know a little bit about your own self, that you’ve got weaknesses and you are aware of your fragile humanity.” Then again the Holy Spirit said, “God chose to make us.”

Now I am belaboring this point of where we are going today. Still in part 1, 14 December, I’m jumping to my point that I’m going to highlight this morning, page 6, the second paragraph. God is the owner of eternity and infinity. God says, “I’m closer than the very heart that pumps inside your chest cavity. I’m so close to you.” He is the very single heartbeat that’s beating in your chest cavity. I’m going to ask you wonderful guys, back there to put up the first sentence because this is the point that the Holy Spirit gave me to highlight.

Pastor John says, “This is just my point of view,” but I’m in agreement with Pastor John. This is God. This is God. Your assignment that God has placed you on the earth is speaking to your spirit and your spirit remains alive to make you fulfill your assignment. Your assignment is speaking to your spirit man. Hallelujah. Point number 2, and they’re going to put that on the board as well. While you are not yet fulfilling your assignment, your spirit man is going to keep talking to your physical body to keep you alive. Hallelujah. Take note of those two points.

So, your assignment is speaking to your spirit man. God started to open this up for me, but when Pastor John ministered about this word, God just completely opened the whole thing up to me. So, in your Bibles, please go to Romans chapter 8 verse 28. I just have to obey the Holy Spirit to go here for yourself to see the Word of God like this today. I’m going to read from the NIV. I wanted to stay in the New King James, but the Holy Spirit took me to the NIV. Now this is the scripture we so love in Romans 8 verse 26 and that’s not on the board. We’re going to read from verse 28. By the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit helps us to pray like we ought to and then in verse 28, this is the outcome. And we know that all things will  work out for our good because the Holy Spirit helps us to pray.

But I’m going to jump a bit deeper here today talking about our assignment given to us because God chose to make you and me. So, where is our assignment coming from? And doctrinally, I’m very aware which verse I’m touching in the Bible. Trust me. Let’s read from verse 29. Now God is talking to you and He’s talking to me this morning. God says 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son. Now Pastor Sharon has ministered about this many many times. This is what it’s all about, to be conformed into the image of our very Lord Jesus. So again, ² those who God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. Look at verse 30. ³And those He predestined, He also called. Those He called, He also justified. And those He justified, He glorified. (Romans 8:29-30 NIV) Now this is a mouthful, but let’s start from the beginning. I want to remind you what I read to you from page 2 and part 1. So, God chose to make us. God chose to give you and me an assignment that will keep speaking to your spirit man. This is powerful. This is how God designed it to be.

How did that happen? So, God foreknew you. Therefore, He predestined you. Therefore, He called you. Therefore, He justified you, and now He glorifies you. So, let me show you how this works. Please go to Jeremiah 23 verse 18. When God just started to open this in my spirit, it was like, I remembered the moment with God in the messages. It was like the Lord said to me, “Christi, how did I foreknew you?” Thank You, Lord. He immediately gave me the answer. It was not like me sitting there. He immediately spoke to me and let me show you. He answered me and He said, “In the council of the Lord, Elohim.” God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They talked. Decisions were made in the council of the Lord, Elohim.

Now look at verse 18 in Jeremiah 23. I’m going to go from the Old Testament to the New Testament, and you’re going to see it in the Word of God. ¹But which of them…but now God is talking to spiritual leaders not called by God, coming with their own words and their own messages. He’s talking about being in the council of the Lord. So, let me read it to you. ¹But which of them has stood in the council of the LORD, because many do not, to see and to hear His words? (Jeremiah 23:18 NIV)

Now this is a scripture that I’m praying for Pastor John and Sharon many many years ago, and I’m doing it very often. Because when I got to be planted and to understand that there are false spiritual leaders, false teachers, not called by God to stand in that office, for the first time I could see the difference. But I knew they are standing in the council of the Lord to hear His Words, to receive from the Lord. Look at verse 21, still in Jeremiah 23. God is speaking about spiritual leaders here. He says, ²¹I did not send these prophets, yet they have run with their message. (Jeremiah 23:21 NIV) So, you can have actual leaders receiving the message from the Lord, or you can have ones that God did not send. But the Bible is very clear, they’re going to bring their messages. Exactly what Pastor Sharon said, “I’m not going to listen to those words because I’m planted. I know where my and your messages are coming from.”

I’m going to continue to finish verse 21. God is speaking plainly. 21 I did not speak to them, yet they kept on prophesying. They keep on saying. They keep on doing their own thing. We have to see this in the Word of God. Look at verse 22. Very important when it comes to the counsel of the Lord. That’s how God foreknew, and I’m going to explain it all to you today. Well, I’m going to explain some for you because there’s much more to say about this. Verse 22 says, 22 But if they, these false teachers and leaders, had stood in My counsel, they would have proclaimed My words. You see, like the 7 churches, God is giving the words and the messages to the pastor of that church. His words. God’s message, not other words, not other messages. 22 But if they had stood in My counsel, they would have proclaimed My words to My people. Not being a Christian just out there, not knowing where you are planted, taking any words coming from any place. God is very clear about that for you and me personally. Very clear on that. 22 And that would have turned them from their evil ways and from their evil deeds. (Jeremiah 23:21-22 NIV).

So, God chose to make us. There is an assignment speaking to your Spirit, keeping you alive to fulfill that very assignment. Where is this assignment coming from? From the counsel of the Lord. God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit had a meeting and They talked about you. They decided your assignment and everything about your life in the counsel of the Lord. The Bible says, “In the counsel of the Lord, they talked. Let Us make man. Let Us make man.” God foreknew because Elohim, God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit, talked. They spoke everything about your life and my life, about your assignment, where you should be planted, who you are called to, and what you have to do with our Lord Jesus, and in our case, called to Pastor John. I’m going to give you more details about that.

In that very moment, I’ve already said, doctrinally, I know what scripture I’m mentioning here. When the Lord shared this with me about I foreknew, because we had a conversation, He said to me, “If I foreknew, then how did I predestine you, Christi?” Now that’s almost a question that you don’t want to answer, but God spoke to me immediately. The Lord said to me, “’I foreknew you because We spoke in the council about every one of My children. How then did I predestine you?’’ God said to me, “I predestined you by writing all that We have planned and said, by writing it down, Psalm 139 verse 16. We predestined by writing down what We said about your life. We spoke about the assignment, We formed you in the council, We talked about it, We planned it.’’ And then the Lord said, “Then Elohim, God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit, We wrote it down.’’ I thought, Lord, You are awesome.

Let’s read Psalm 139 verse 16. It’s beautiful in the New Living Translation. 16 You saw me before I was born. Remember where we started with Pastor John and the Holy Spirit right in part one? God chose to make you and me. Just like pastor Sharon said, “To be born for your birth in the earth. To be reborn.” 16 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. (Psalm 139:16 NLT) God foreknew us. Therefore He predestined us. He wrote it down. Even before one day, one day, we were not even born yet, but it was foreknew and it was predestined by God. What God foreknew, He predestined. What He planned, He wrote about you and me in His book. I wrote here, your assignment is written in His book and it’s speaking to your spirit man.

Now, just look in the New Testament, how plainly God is saying. Just where I started from the Old Testament, Ephesians 1, 11, New King James. I mean, He is spelling it out for you and me. Look at this. 11In Him in Christ also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will. (Ephesians 1:11 NKJV) What He decided about you, where He decided you will live, where He decided you will be planted, where He decided you will spiritually grow, there it is. Praise the Lord.

What God foreknew, He predestined and therefore He called you and me. He justified us and He glorified us. Let’s talk about the third one – God foreknew us, therefore He wrote it down, and then God called us. This is very very important. This word in the Greek call, God calls you like a shepherd to follow Him as a disciple. That’s the call that’s coming to you and me, to follow Him and not yourself; not your own plans. Calling you like a shepherd to your duties and privileges of a believer, to appoint and to set apart for a special task. God knows everything about you and me and where we should be and where we should not be.

This is very important. When God calls you and me like a shepherd, this is huge if you go and look at the Greek word. He personally gives us His undershepherds because in His counsel what He foreknew, it’s exactly what He determined; who will be your pastor? Who will be the one that spiritually will feed you, that you can grow? This is very important because this is the place where we receive His messages, His words for us. Not like the false spiritual leaders running with their own messages. Messages coming from the Lord. The Lord said in Jeremiah 23, “Who stood in My counsel and who heard My words?”

Then there are many that you saw, this morning, in your own Bible that God says, “They are running, but I did not send them.” This is a serious matter to God. The Holy Spirit got hold of me early this morning and I just had to put this in my notes. You cannot and will not be able to walk in God’s plans and assignment for your life without God’s undershepherds in your life. You see when He foreknew us, that was determined by God where He would plant you spiritually in the House of the Lord. Jesus, the Head of the Church, He not playing games. He’s not playing games.

Then while I was praying, the Lord emphasised this point to me. He said to me, “Christi, you have to make sure that the congregation understands.” We hear Pastor John and Sharon’s beautiful living examples as stories. Pastor John shared it again in these holy days. Pastor John and Sharon first had to obey God to go to Rhema Church to be planted, not by their own will or doing, by the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Lord said, and this is so important. You know a little bit about my story as well. 24 years ago, me and Grobbies first had to come, to be obedient, to come, and I wrote it down. When Pastor John and Sharon first obeyed God to go where they had to go, and I wrote down, then the rest of His Words came to them to do and to walk in the assignment.

We must first come, the first step, then all His Words and His leading will come to us to walk in our assignment. You and me, first have to be planted here, and I’m going to say it again because this is a heart’s matter. Planted, not visiting. If you are visiting any church, you know it in your heart, you are not planted, you are not available, and it’s so beautiful how God gave it to Pastor Sharon, you are not a comer. You are not coming to the Lord. You’re not coming to Jesus. For us here in this Ecclesia, I mean He’s been calling us, and Revelation 4, 1, come up. Come up here and let me show you the things that must come. If you are not planted, where you are bringing your gift to your pastor and with your brothers and sisters where you are planted; you are still visiting a church. That’s not God’s design. That’s not what He foreknew.

Now we are receiving God’s Words and messages, this point too, God’s in this calling, He foreknew us, He predestined us, He called us. The Lord said to me, “Christi, in this calling, you are called to a specific pastor, spiritual leader, an apostle and a people.” That’s exactly part of the calling because part of that calling is what He foreknew, is what God planned for all of us from the beginning. I said, “Yes, Lord.” That’s why once again, Ephesians 5, awake you who are sleeping. Pastor John het dit baie mooi gesê, “Word wakker.” (Pastor John said it nicely, “Wake up”) Come up. Come up to Jesus. He wants to show us things.

Many people do not understand the Ecclesia. Some people do not actually know the word, and Jesus, the Head of the Church; I did not 24 years ago. I really did not. I had to be planted, and then I had to grow to hear the Word of God. There’s much more to say about that, but I’m just going to stop there because I just want to finish with the last two. Justified. He predestined us, talked about us, planned everything, knew where God wanted you, the divine alignments, divine associations, then He wrote it down. It’s in His book. It’s beautiful. He called us. This calling to be planted. First of all, what Pastor Sharon did this morning, the invitation to come to Jesus and then when you come to Jesus, then you receive all His unfolding plans for you.

Then He justified us. Romans 5 verses 1 to 2, Pastor John shared that with us this last weekend. Now, this is powerful and I cannot go too deep into this today, but it has everything to do with our authority. It has everything to do with why we can come to God as the Judge of all for our nation, personally to rule and reign as kings on the earth. Romans 5, 1 to 2, 1 Therefore having been justified by faith. (Romans 5:1 NKJV)  That’s why Pastor Sharon says, “We have to come up, be more intense by faith, because we hear the Word of God – take the things that God is giving us. Go there with Him. Step up and into it, by faith.” You have 1 been justified by faith. We have peace with our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1 NKJV), not because of your well-doing, well-meaning but through Jesus.

Then verse 2 is very important. This is us coming up. Verse 2 says, 2 through whom also we have access by faith (Romans 5:2 NKJV) If you are not receiving the words of God, you do not have access by faith. We are not fighting to come to a place anymore. We are all of that in Christ Jesus. That’s why we have to access it by faith. I cannot go too deep in this because I’ve mentioned it on a previous time. You only have that kind of apostolic access, walking, being planted with the divine alignments that God gave you. If you do not have that, you cannot access it by faith. You cannot access it for you and your family. You cannot access it for your business.

If you are not planted where you should be planted, if you are not connected to the spiritual leader that God has called you to be, you do not have that access. In walking in authority, in praying, in calling for the things that you’ve got to have in your life, that God is releasing and that God is giving. We have been justified by faith in Christ Jesus. We are the righteous ones in Christ Jesus. So, the enemy, like Pastor Sharon just said, will not come and tell me I don’t have it, will not come and prevent me. I am justified in Christ Jesus.

Then I want to just finish with that because Pastor John shared with us his glorious experience and encounter with the Lord. Why? If you know today and you take a new look at your own life that God actually made me, as if I think you don’t know that. But maybe you don’t really know that. I wrote down, God chose to make you and me, and He knew what he was doing because He foreknew, therefore He predestined. Pastor John, the last thing that God says, “Because I call you, I justify you, and then I glorify you.” If you want and you have a heart to know what He said in His counsel, what He wrote down next in His book about you, His book. If you are willing to open your ears for His call, not what the world and other people and things are calling you to, He justified us in Christ Jesus, and He will glorify you and me. Look how He’s glorifying Pastor John, an obedient son of God that’s willing to obey what God is showing him to do. He has the same for us.

I want to end again, and I’m asking you to put that on the board again. Pastor Sharon mentioned that very early on this morning. Because people are not mindful and they do what they want to do, many are not walking in their assignment, but God says, “No more.” If there’s any of us sitting here and we have not given that yes in our hearts, God is calling us to step up and into. I’m finishing with this. Your assignment that God has placed you on the earth for is speaking to your spirit. Can I tell you why more and more iXchanges are coming and why you are coming? Because your assignment keeps speaking to your spirit and you do not have peace because you know you’re not in the right place doing the right things, and your assignment will keep on speaking to your spirit man and will tell you, as the words are coming and the messages are coming. While you are not yet fulfilling your assignment, your spirit man is going to keep talking even to your physical body to keep you alive. Make the changes. Make the changes. Step up. Step up. Want what God’s got for you.

I’m ending with this. The most amazing thing about God is that He made us and He knew what He was doing. We say, “Yes, Lord.” We say, “Yes, Lord. You are giving Pastor John and Pastor Sharon the messages to this church. You are giving us all the messages, all the words,” and in those messages and with those words, what do we get every single time? The plan, the assignment, what He foreknew. We praise You, Lord. We give You all the glory, Lord. We say, “Thank You.” Hallelujah. And we all say, “Amen.” Praise the Lord. Thank you, Pastor Sharon.

Pastor Melusi: Hallelujah. That was intense. Amen. Thank You for the intensity, Lord. Hallelujah. We need more of the knowledge of God, more of the knowledge of the Word of God, amen, not less. Hallelujah.

Well, I’m going to begin my points from the message, part 5 page 5. I think it’s the 6th, paragraph. It says, So, how about we press into life as close to that kind of level of God that you and I just don’t know what we are experiencing? Is it natural or is it supernatural? I mean, isn’t that what God wants us to live like? God-dimensional beings. Amen. God wants us to live like God-dimensional beings. I want us to go to Acts 17, verse 28. Apologies that you don’t have my Scriptures, but we’re just going to flow together. Thank you. Acts 17, verse 28. 28 …for in Him, we live and move and have our being, as also some of your prophets said, “For we are… His offspring.” (Acts 17:28 NKJV). Now this tells us why because Pastor John said, “The fourth dimension is the God dimension.” He as our Father, we are His offspring. So, He doesn’t want us to live from the third dimension, but He wants us to live as His offspring from His God’s dimension. Amen.

Now it is those things that we need to contend for. That the God dimension or if you want to put it this way, the fourth dimension is more real than we realise. Amen. I want us to quickly go to Hebrews 12. Hebrews 12, verse 22, in the TPT. It says, 22 By contrast, we have already come near to God in a totally different realm. We have come near to God. This is what Pastor John said, “Don’t you want us to, that we can live so near to God that we don’t know whether we are in the spirit or in the natural?” But now it says 22…we have… come near to God in a totally different realm. What is that realm? The fourth dimension. And where are we? 22 …we have already come – not that we are going to be there. That’s where we are living. That’s where we are operating. Amen. 22 By contrast, we have already come near to God in a totally different realm, the Zion realm, for we have entered the city of the Living God, which is the New Jerusalem in heaven! Who has entered? We have entered. We have entered. Not that we are going to enter. We have entered. When? Now. When? Today. Amen. 22…We have joined the festal gathering of myriads of angels in the joyous celebration (Hebrews 12:22 TPT).

Now, it is very important to realise when we read Isaiah chapter 6, we see Isaiah says, 1 I saw the Lord sitting on a throne. (Isaiah 6:1 NKJV) And he says,  5 “Woe is me…” (Isaiah 6:5 NKJV) And the Bible describes that there are seraphims. They are angelic beings that are there. If you read from the New King James, when you read the Hebrews 12, it says, “It is an enumerable company of angels.” It’s not just a few angels. It’s angels that we cannot count. This morning I want us to see with our spiritual eyes and that the light of the word of God can illuminate the eyes of our imagination. Then we can see that in this time where we are right now, in the God dimension, we are in the midst of the innumerable angels. Amen. That is so real. Yes, but it is a God dimension and God is in charge. However, we are also amongst the spirit beings that are in our midst. Amen.

I would like us to go to part 1. I’m still on the point of the God dimension. I’ve got 2 points, but it’s a God dimension and the other point. Let’s just go to part 1 of Pastor John’s messages. I’m going to be reading from page 7, paragraph 4. Now this is what Pastor John says about when he compares the third dimension that he says, “The third dimension is subject to the fourth dimension. One dimension becomes two-dimensional. Therefore, it’s automatically subject to the higher dimension. The two-dimensional becomes subject to the three-dimensional. Therefore, it’s automatically under the authority of the three-dimensional realm. So, obviously, if there is a fourth dimension, whatever lives in the third dimension is subject to and under the authority of the fourth-dimensional realm. Amen.

Then we go to paragraph 3. Hallelujah. Okay. Here’s this part. Because God wants us to live in the space-time element of infinity and eternity with Him under His nature, not under the influence of nature of a devil or demon spirit. This is important to understand this, which is why I want to refer. I want us to refer to the fourth dimension as the God dimension. It’s the God dimension because we understand that we are living under the rule and the authority of God dimension. Then that means everything that’s happening in the third dimension can change. Amen. And he says, whatever happening around you can change.

Can we please quickly go to Romans 8 verse 2? It says, 2 For the law of the Spirit in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2 NKJV). We all know that the law of sin and death operates in the third dimension. It cannot operate in the fourth God dimension. So now, the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, that which can set us free must be able to dominate that which can bind us. Amen. So, if the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us free. He has made us free from the law of sin and death. So, the principles that operate in the realm of the fourth dimension are the principles that dominate the third dimension. Therefore, the fourth dimension is superior than the third dimension. Amen.

So, whatever is happening around us, whatever we are seeing, whatever that is manifesting, that is not according to the will of God, that is not according to the Word of God, cannot prevail, it must change. Amen. It must change. As Doctor Jerry says, “All things are subject to change.” Why? Because the things of the spirit are more real than the things that are natural. Amen. The Bible says in Corinthians that the things that are unseen are eternal.  (2 Corinthians 4:18) Amen. Now the things that we see are temporal. What is it that you see that you don’t like? What is it that you see that it’s not according to the will of God? I want you to know this morning that it’s only temporal, it’s not eternal. It’s subject to change. Amen. It’s subject to change.

There’s a scripture in Job 16 verse 19. I want to show you what Job was saying here. Verse 18. 18Oh, earth. Where’s the earth? What dimension is the earth? It’s the third dimension. 18 Do not cover my blood. And let my cry have no resting place! 19 Surely even now my witness is in heaven. And my evidence is on high. I would like us to go to verse 21, 21 Oh, that one might plead for a man with God,  As a man pleads for his neighbor! (Job 16:18-19, 21 NKJV) Now Job is showing us that the in the fourth dimension in heaven, that’s where God is. There are already witnesses that are standing on his side, that are speaking for him, that are gearing him on, that are urging him on, that are on his side.

You know, the Lord used this scripture to correct me when it comes to political leaders of the country because I follow a lot of politics, and I understand politics. Now it happens that when you follow politics, you tend to have a lot to say about politicians, about the ministers, about whoever that is in authority. The Lord said to me, “You see, every time when you complain and you say something that is unbecoming towards the president, what you are doing, you are placing an accusation where else is already been spoken for in heaven. You are placing an accusation here on earth that now only can be reversed by somebody who can intercede for him here on earth.” So, if there’s nobody who will intercede, it applies also to everybody, anything that you speak against anybody. It’s an accusation that stands before God.

You know, it’s like in the court of law. Until you are proven innocent. You know? Until you are proven guilty, you are innocent. However, the accusation is standing. So, if you say something that is unbecoming and you say something that you don’t want your children to be, you don’t want your wife to be, you don’t want your pastor to be. You speak negative, those words are standing. However, in heaven, they are innocent. In heaven, they have a weakness already. But here on earth, they need somebody to intercede and plead for them. Amen. That is what needs to happen. When we are here on earth, we need to speak the words that have to do with the fourth and the God dimension. Amen.

Now I’m just going to go to the to the second point. But before I go there, this is what the Lord said. He said to me, “It is a sure thing that many of us are familiar with the concept of fourth dimension. But we must not let the benefits of our awareness and consciousness elude us.” You know, there’s so many benefits for us to operate if we operate in the fourth dimension. But if we become too familiar and we become too ….. we take it lightly that how can we operate in the fourth dimension. We operate in the fouth dimension because we are God’s offspring.

I would like us to go to part 4. Part 4 of the messages. I know some of you don’t have them here, but for reference, you can write it down. I’m going to the part 4 now on page 3. I’m just sharing that if we go forward, this is my second point now. If we go forward in life and we hold on to things in the past, then we are going to create conflict for ourselves in the future. Unintended conflicts because we are holding on to things that we want memories because they had memories. So, I want to make my memories in the same way that others have made memories. I’ve got to leave that stuff where it belongs so that I can go forward in the future and do better. We need to go forward.

Then he says here, page 4. As we go forward in church life, we have to make choices about living in church life that might seem uncomfortable because it’s being done like that, it’s being done like that, it’s being done like that. But if we keep living like that, we are not going to make progress. Actually, we are going to continue to perpetuate decisions that are not going to be good for us. I remember when I read this, I was reminded of something because Pastor John, he made examples of the memories and the things that have to do with our culture, the things that we are used to. But I was reminded of Kenneth Hagin when he said, “We need to get ourselves unstuck from the religious rut.”

As we come into the church, wherever some of us were born again from this church, some of us were born again from other churches. And there are certain lawlessness that we learned and which we believe that it is God’s ways because it is things that people have done, and we’ve got used to them, and we thought that they were correct. And we still demand because they created certain memories in our minds. And we are still stuck and we can’t move forward. Amen. We can’t move forward, and we are stuck into those strongholds, into those thinking patterns, in our perception on how we see God.

Actually, religion puts God in the box. We don’t want to accelerate into new things. But in this year, 2025, God is accelerating us into new things. But what does new things look like? Like they look like new. If you know how it looks like, if you know it, then it’s not new. Amen. We cannot expect the religious rut that we are stuck in, is that when a messenger stands before you, we expect the messenger to bring messages that we know. We expect the messenger to bring the messages that we agree with, but then it’s not new. You already know it. You know? So, we just want to stay in the same and stuck in the same place. But now we are being accelerated into new things. This is an era of strong churches, established churches. This is what the Holy Spirit said, “No longer a one-man show era.”

Now let’s quickly go to page 6 of part 4. Now I’m going to start by reading a scripture, which is Ephesians chapter 3 verse 3 that Pastor John brought to us. Then I’m going to be done with this scripture. He read from verse 3 to verse 5, it’s the NLT. 3 As I briefly wrote earlier, God himself revealed his mysterious plan to me. 4 As you read what I have written, you will understand my insight into this plan regarding Christ. 5 God did not reveal it to previous generations, but now by his Spirit he has revealed it to his holy apostles and prophets (Ephesians 3:3-5 NLT). Amen. Now verse 3 says, 3…God himself, not His agent, not an angel, but Paul is saying, “God revealed it to me, Himself.” That sounds like he was given a specific mandate. It was directed to him. God in person.

Remember, it’s possible. I know. I can hear your voices, “How can God Himself speak to him?” He does. He does because we are God-dimensional beings. Hallelujah. So, God Himself appeared to Paul. Amen. And what did He do? 3…God himself revealed his mysterious plan to me (Ephesians 3:3 NLT). He gave him a defined mission. This is your mission. This is the mission. You see, we really need to defend our revelations. Amen. The revelation really, I know, this is intense. God works through a man. He has always worked through a man. He started with Adam and according to the works of Josephus, the Jewish historian, Adam passed on the government to his son, Seth and Seth passed on the government to his son, Cainan. The government was passed on until it was passed on to Noah.

When people began to be evil, God spoke to Noah because God had charged them and gave Adam the mandate to say, “Fill the earth, subdue it, increase, multiply.” He came to Noah and said, “Noah, you’re not going to fill the earth now. I’m going to contain you. You’re going to do something new. I’m going to reveal something new to you.” When he told them about something new, nobody wanted to listen to him. All they knew from the generation of Adam until, I think Noah’s father who is Lamech, all that they knew was that they have to spread out, possess, and be blessed and get married and get stuff and go places. But Noah says, “No more. Now God is going to contain us for a time. I don’t know how long. Because it’s new to me.” Hallelujah. “I’m going to build an ark,” but where do you take that?

Even his fathers, because when he preached this, some of his great grandfathers were still alive. Amen. Some of his fathers were still alive because he was coming up with something new. But they didn’t want to be unstuck. Amen. 3 As I briefly wrote earlier, God Himself revealed His mysterious plan to me. 4 As you read what I have written, you will understand. (Ephesians 3:3 NLT) It is not a once off. This statement is not a once off statement. It’s an ongoing statement. As you continue to read, then you will understand the mysterious plans of God. You will understand the insight into this plan regarding Christ.

Now there is a specific mandate that was given to Paul. Just like a specific mandate that was given to Pastor John. A man of God, that you see, when God gave government, there will be as much as He was passing on government. There was this governor. His name was Nimrod, a rebellious man who represented a false prophet who wanted glory for himself. To an extent, the historian says, Nimrod said, “If God will flood the earth, I will avenge myself. I will avenge ourselves against God.” Those were the words that were coming out of him because he was a man who was wicked. What we must understand, these people, they were living, they were conscious of the fourth dimension. They were still aware of the fourth dimension. Because they understood where they came from. They understood Who created them. Amen.

Now God works in this way. He works with a specific mandate that He has given to Pastor John. It’s not a general mandate like our mandate. Our general mandate as Pastor John says, “That because you are in the church of authority that has authority, your authority will accelerate.” He said, “You as a disciple, you can preach the gospel to somebody and if you have a pool or you have a place where you can baptise them, you can go baptise them because you have the authority to do that.” That is a general authority. That’s what the church is called for. To make disciples, all of us.

But there is a specific mandate that God gives to His messengers and He gives that mandate personally. In-person to them and what they need to do. They need to come and give us that mandate in part and some of the things that they say and then the Holy Spirit leads them, “No, tell them this far, not so much, this direction.” We are called to support that. Now I’m going to go back to this story of Noah. Now the instruction according to the historian, that was given, the mandate that was given about fill the earth, was that God was charging them to go and send out colonies. Colonies. A colony is a group of people who are venturing out to possess a place, a colony. Colonisation did not start in 1652.  But somehow because people, they live for themselves, they ended up perverting things. But God’s intention was that we need to fill the earth and occupy it. The colonies is just as the crew, the apostolic crew. So, God gives the mandate and the apostolic crew comes in support of the specific mandate. And we operate within a general mandate. Amen.

There’s a lot to cover about this, but I just want to encourage you so that we become unstuck. Then verse 5 says that 5 God did not reveal it to previous generations… (Ephesians 3:5 NLT). There are new things. There are new things that we need to do and go after. And there are old things that we need to let go of. There are old things that are innocent even within the word of faith. The way things were done but there are new things that God is revealing to this man of God. To this generation. How He wants things to be done in this generation that He did not reveal.

I remember Pastor John told us a story when he went to Doctor Jerry when he wanted to start a sort of a business school. Doctor Jerry did not understand that, and he said, “John, let’s pray about it.” Obviously, he means Pastor John. Says, John, “Let’s pray about it.” He said to him, “I don’t get this. I don’t understand it.” But God has given Pastor John a specific mandate. But Pastor John knew that he needed to submit to a man at that time for his generation. But now we are in this new generation and God is revealing new things within this generation.

Praise the Lord. Amen. Thank you, Pastor Sharon. Please, let’s take up the offering. Can we stand, please? Stretch out our hands. Father, we thank You for this opportunity, Lord, the opportunity to sow a seed, Lord, and to give into Your Kingdom, Lord. Thank You, Father, that You bless the work of the hands of Your children, Lord. Thank You, Lord, that everything is accelerated in their lives. Thank You for the new things, new opportunities, Father. Thank You, Father, that You bless this offering, Father, and You multiply it, Lord, and it shall be used for the extension of Your Kingdom, in Jesus’ name. And we say; amen.

Father, we thank you for these wonderful messages that You bring to us. Thank you, Lord. We acknowledge, Lord, and we recognise that this is a different season, Lord. We are pressing, Lord. We are pressing for the fourth dimension, Lord. We are pressing for the new things, Lord. Lord, we are going forward together, Lord. Thank You, thank You for revelation, more revelation, Lord, more knowledge of the Word of God, more intensity, Father, in our homes, wherever we are, more intensity. More intensity with the things of God. Thank You, Lord, for that awakening. Awakening, Father. Thank You that we are awakening to the things of God, the God-dimension things, Lord, in Jesus’ mighty name. Thank You that Your people are blessed, Lord, during the week. Lord, those that are going back to work, they are going back strong, Lord, filled, Lord, thank You, Lord, that we all have a strong week and You bless the work of our hands, in Jesus’ mighty name. And we all say; amen. Thank you, bye.