Scripture Reference: Luke 1:16-17 AMPC; Isaiah 48:6 AMPC; 1 Corinthians 2:7, 9-10, 12-13 AMPC
Well, hello everybody, look at you all come to prepare, come to get ready a people perfectly prepared in spirit, people perfectly prepared in spirit, that was the scripture that so stood out to me that pastor John brought. In one of his messages Luke 1 from the Amplified Bible, that’s what the Lord is looking for, a people, not just a person, a people perfectly prepared in Spirit. And that is the mandate that is upon Pastor John’s life, is what is the purpose of being a Christian? It’s to be spiritual. What is the purpose for being spiritual? Is so that we can access everything that heaven has so that heaven can come to earth in our personal things into our hearts and into the corporate church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. So that it can be as at it is in heaven, it can be on earth. That is the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples to pray; Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. It’s wonderful to know that we have access, that we can have access to everything that heaven has to come to us on earth. So, glory to the Lord, glory to the Lord.
So I got a document here that I, you know, that I have been reading to you from, mainly to the Tuesday night prayer connect people, and here it is. Luke 1:16 Amplified Bible, talking about the spirit of Elijah, 16he will turn back and cause to return many of the sons of Israel, we are the spiritual Israel, to the Lord their God 17and He will [himself] go before Him, before Christ, in the Spirit and power of Elijah to turn back the hearts of the fathers. (Luke 1:16-17 AMPC) So, to go before in the spirit and power of Elijah we see here that that is part of the fivefold ministry’s gifting from the Lord Jesus is He anoints them to bring you into mature sonship. Like I’ve always said and like I always will say; the highest calling that we’ve been called to is to be sons of God. The highest calling is not the calling of an apostle or a prophet or a teacher or an evangelist or a shepherd. The highest calling… because it says Romans chapter 8 that creation is groaning, groaning for the manifestation of the sons of God. It’s not groaning for the manifestation of the fivefold ministry. The groan is for every child of God to be a totally dedicated disciple following Jesus in His ways. His ways is being planted. His ways is being under authority so that you can be in authority. His ways is putting our foot in the messages, listening to the message. He hears, He sees our lives. It’s the law of place; to be planted – Deuteronomy 12; you shall seek the place which the Lord your God shall choose for you to go, and there you shall come, and there you shall bring, and there you shall rejoice, you and your children, Hallelujah.
It’s that law of place that I read to you so often about Kenneth Copeland when he ministered at Brother Jerry’s Ministers Conference a few years ago, where he said “You have a wealthy place, you have a laughing place. It’s the place that God wants you to be.” It’s a place that He wants you to be. There he says, “But the majority of the body of Christ never ask God where that place is in case they might have to go there,” because the majority of the body of Christ do not seek the Lord where the place is that He wants them to be planted. So the question that we should ask is not what is your purpose, what is the purpose of my life, what do I do for You in my life. It’s where do I go and who do I do it with? Where are the people that You have called me to? That I’m going to fulfil my purpose for being born in the earth. There is no one, there is nothing that can ever move me off that.
We have had too many encounters with God to remain planted at the place where He planted us, that I know that if we had gone with our emotions and done what so many other Christians have done, we would have missed God’s plan and purpose for our lives with Brother Jerry. Really. Hallelujah.
And when God calls you and sets you in a place, you know what I’m going to say; even when you get upset, you stay set. Even when you get upset. If you get upset with Pastor John and I, we ask you to forgive us of anything that we had ever done because it hasn’t been purposeful that may have upset you.
And so that is what the enemy would really want you, to get upset with spiritual leadership, be in disagreement with them, so that you can be justified in leaving. Instead of staying on your ancient path and fulfilling your purpose with the people that God has called you to. And God is a lifer, really. He’s a lifer. He’s a lifer, and we have in our heritage and our lineage a lifer, Brother Jerry, who has set the highest and an example in the body of Christ that I know of, that he has stayed with his spiritual heritage and his spiritual legacy and still remains with the people that God called him to. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
And so when we walk in the ways of God, there’s much blessing. So the highest calling is the calling to become mature sons of God, and that is what God gifts apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers with. He gifts them. Jesus, when He rose, it says in Ephesians 4; He gave gifts to men. So that they, the anointing that He has placed in them, the gifting that He has placed in them, can bring the body and equip the body and bring them to the maturity of sonship. It’s God’s way that He chose, it’s God’s way. Jesus, when He ascended, gave gifts. It was the plan and in the mind of Christ and in the mind of God to do that, it wasn’t the plan of man.
And so when the apostle and the prophet and the teacher and the evangelist followed Jesus, see here is where the confusion comes in the body of Christ, is when those ministers, those that Jesus has called do not follow Jesus. That’s where the confusion comes in the body of Christ. But that doesn’t mean there’s not the real. There is the real. There are those who are truly following the Lord Jesus Christ and leading the people of God to maturity and bringing them to maturity. Glory to God, Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Manifesting as sons of God and that’s I was hearing what Pastor John was saying, right at the end of his message there; there’s some of you you’re going to break through, you’re going to come into a place of maturity now and you’re going to be so powerful for God, and that is what God longs for. He longs for and as Pastor John has said; there is my gift and the way God calls me and uses me with you and then there’s Pastor Sharon’s gift, and how He calls and so that’s how God uses to bring the fullness to you, hallelujah. Glory to God, glory to God.
And then, there’s God’s delegated authority that comes from Pastor John, it comes and he always gets my agreement on it, he always looks for my agreement. Because I am a co-labourer with him. I’m a co-labourer together with him in Christ. I take my lead from Pastor John. He is the first. He is the leader. If there are two heads in a ministry, it’s a monster. A two-headed anything is a monster. I take my lead, he is my spiritual leader, though I am his wife, God has matured me and developed me that I know how to separate the two completely. I take my lead from him, I do not come over him. God has trained me, I have passed many tests that I do not come over him with my emotions. I mean, that’s not to say that as a husband and wife I don’t have some of those things but when it comes to ministry things, I don’t come over him. I am in fear of God in that, to keep it in proper order. Glory to God.
And so then there’s God’s delegated authority that comes from the Lord, promotion comes from the Lord, not from man. So, when the Lord said it’s time for Pastor Christi, that was God’s delegated authority through Pastor John after we had prayed about it when they prayed and fasted it says in the book of Acts, the Holy Ghost said appoint so and so for the work of the ministry whereunto I have called them, so that is the pattern that we have. Then when we sensed the time was coming for Pastor Garth, Pastor John announced it, he announced it unexpectedly and surprisingly. Pastor Garth and he is in training and is he not just doing so beautifully? You know, there’s that thing when you’re in the army and you’ve been given rank but you still got that white little thing on you, you know what I mean in the army. You’re in training. And he’s in training. And he is developing and maturing beautifully in the things of God to where we could go away and there was not even a spiritual heartbeat that was skipped in the prayer connect groups, and in the ministry to the people. Glory to God, we praise God for that.
And so it is the Lord who speaks. It is the Lord who speaks. So, to make ready for the Lord a people, perfectly prepared in Spirit. And this is what the Lord is wanting me just to mention a few things to you today.
And God will use any and every opportunity to motivate us to want to mature and develop. You know. And so our maturity and our development and our preparation is for Him because we want to prepare spiritually, it’s just wonderful that we have got Brother Jerry coming in February, that can spur us on, and motivate us, he is a wonderful motivator, he knows how to event with us. He knows. So we’re having an event and he will multi-task with that and give us every opportunity to become those that dad Kenneth E. Hagin said it will be said of them that they virtually matured overnight, Glory to God. You see God can’t mature something if there’s nothing but because we already have the seed of the Word of God in our hearts and we’re already giving Him obedience’s corporately, were already, He can increase that and He can mature that and He can develop that so there must be something in you that He can mature in you right? Glory to God, hallelujah. And so that’s why many of us are experiencing identity change.
So I’ve said this to you before, everything we are becoming more again, it is preparation again we are becoming more of what we have become together we’re becoming more of what we’ve already become. Supernatural increase is going to come on what’s already been increased, it’s what already is bearing fruit. There can’t be supernatural increase on nothing. So if you’ve put the Word of God in your heart there can be supernatural increase on what’s already there, right? So if you’ve been faithful, you’ve already been faithful, you’re already bearing fruit there, then you can become more faithful, you can experience supernatural increase of something. You’re already there, okay.
You understand that? I think that kind of speaks for itself. So everything that the Lord has been observing about us for all these 20 years because we celebrate that next year. The temperature, the levels of spirituality, the levels in our church, the Word of God talks about going from one degree of glory to another. So there’s degrees or levels. The Bible talks about going from strength to strength you can go from wisdom to wisdom, you can increase in revelation understanding, your understanding can go to another degree. And you know that’s been happening to you, that you’ve already been, you understand much more even after a message like this morning we’ve gone from one degree of understanding and revelation to another. And now when you put your foot in this message and you meditate on statements and you put some of them in your heart there you go you just gone to a new level and that’s what God has for us a people perfectly prepared in spirit for the Lord for the glory of the Lord so that He can be satisfied, He’s love satisfied that the death and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus is manifesting in them because that’s why Jesus died so that his holy spirits could come and live in us and bring us to that sonship of Jesus to be like Jesus in everything we do, in everything we say in our will, not my will but Yours be done, Father. In my words I only do what I hear the Father saying, in my worship I shall you shall worship the Lord your God and Him alone shall you worship, hallelujah. Glory to God. Hallelujah. And God has got, this is God’s plan the assembling of the brethren together. God is an assembler of His people, He is an assembler of His people.
So our living by faith, living in faith level through our engagement with the messages from His messenger, our obedience, our levels of obedience to His Word to change where we need to change to receive correction to receive instruction from every message to receive discipline to receive reproof, right? That level, that level, Jesus is aware of that level in a congregation because He knows the hearts of everyone in Heritage of Faith that’s the Jesus that walks amongst the churches in the book of Revelation that wrote a letter to every single Church, I know this about you, I know this about you and that you’ve done well but I have this against you. So He is the one, this is His church. Jesus is building this church. He’s building it so that the gates of Hell cannot prevail against you or me personally or us corporately so that we can rise up to be that authority so that we can experience increase, supernatural increase in authority. Levels of authority so that we can rise up as a church and declare and decree a thing and it shall be done for us, hallelujah. Because we’re giving Him our obediences. Oh hallelujah. Glory to God.
So our faith level, our spirit of generosity level evidenced in our tithes and our offerings. Jesus is the one that sat and watched His people gave into the offering, He’s still the same Jesus that watches what you put in even though Pastor John and I are not watching Jesus is the same Jesus that was watching when the rich people put in and watching when the widow woman put in and He was not impressed with what the rich people put in because He knew what they were keeping. And He’s the same Jesus in the churches today. He knows He knows, He sees everyone. So the level of our obedience to honour the Lord with our substance and our first fruits of our income and to honour the Lord with a spirit of generosity, to bring, be bringing our tithes and our offerings Malachi 3 into the storehouse of God so that there can be meat here in that’s Jesus is watching our levels, our love walk towards each other, our making allowances for one another, our covering each other not speaking about each other, praying for one another, our watchfulness watching and being alert our speaking truth to one another in love, right? Just the way we deal with each other in love. We led by the Holy Spirit how to love. Because sometimes the love of God also will speak the truth in love even if that is not comfortable, hallelujah.
Our love walk toward each other, our level of value towards His house of prayer and our reverence or our fear of the Lord level in this church, our reverence and our fear of the Lord level in this church. Our irrational honour level, to value the things that God values He doesn’t value as man values He values things that are precious to Him and these are things that I have mentioned that are precious to Him. So a level is a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality. It’s a degree, it’s a grade, it’s a stage, it’s a standard, it’s a specific identifiable position especially in a process, it’s a qualifier.
The thing that we all want to qualify most of all for is for the presence of God to come in its fullness. That’s what we’re after, corporately that’s what we’re after I mean if that’s not what you’re after you have to know that that’s Pastor John and I’s heartbeat for the Glory of the Lord to be manifest in us with us corporately, hallelujah. The presence of God, the power of God and the goodness of God to manifest just as I shared with you yesterday out of that scripture in Chronicles, that is one of my scriptures of my life, that the Glory of the Lord came, the Glory of the Lord came into that place so that even the priests could not stand to Minister. Why? Why are we after that? Because God is after that. He’s like I want to come, I will dwell with them, I will be their God. I will come to them, I will be in them and I’ll be among them, I’ll be in them and I’ll be among them. He wanted to be with Adam and Eve talking in the garden, He wanted to be with the people in the wilderness. He brought the ark in the Holy of Holies, He lived with the people in the wilderness. He’s a God that comes to be, He wants to be and that’s why He puts that wants too in Pastor John and I for Him to come because He wants to come more than we even want Him to be among us, hallelujah. Glory to God.
Now there’s some qualifiers here and the Lord wants me just to share some of those things with you. The Holy Spirit is the great preparer and we are expecting him to prepare us now that we will be ready, perfectly prepared in spirit as a people, for Brother Jerry’s coming that Brother Jerry will find here first of all, of course, the Lord but then Brother Jerry will find here an atmosphere charged with faith, charged with expectancy, charged with spiritual energy, charged with deep high praise, heart praise, charged with exceptional gratitude, charged with expectancy, a deepened anticipation, charged with reverence for God, charged with response and charged with a hunger and desire on levels higher than he was last here. That the Holy Spirit will do a work in us together that will far surpass and outweigh what Brother Jerry experienced with us before that he will personally experience.
This was in the heart of God; that Brother Jerry will personally experience God when he’s with us in a way that he himself has never experienced God before that when he comes to us it will be for him going through a new door, hallelujah. And this is very pleasing to the Father that we would prepare ourselves before Him for Him but that He could use our preparation to be able to come and manifest Himself to Brother Jerry because these things Brother Jerry is longing for, he’s longing for and there was a certain degree and a certain level when he came here the last time but that he would find it at that place where him and Jesus, him and Jesus, him and Jesus, him and Jesus can encounter. That it would be such a reward that it would be a reward of God for his faithfulness of him spending his life, giving and pouring out of his whole life to the body of Christ all of these 50 years he has – the Apostle Paul talks about I spent myself on the church, this is what Brother Jerry has done, he has poured his life out into the church and there are some rewards, there are surely some rewards for this faithful one that God is wanting to have him experience things that he has never experienced before. God knows what those things are. Those deep longings. Spiritual longings. God knows precisely, exactly what they are, and He would be well pleased for us to have irrational honour again for one of His faithful servants. Especially one that is called to be part of us, if we would be reverence, reverent and expecting. Just determined to come, every time Brother Jerry comes, in a place we’ve never been with God, we’ll be ready. We’ll be ready. Hallelujah. Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory.
Ready with faith, ready with belief, ready with love for him. Ready with wanting to just have God completely of what He wants us to have of him. Glory to God. You get this? Isn’t this amazing?
You see He loves Brother Jerry very much. The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit love Brother Jerry like Jesus loved Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Jesus loves Brother Jerry for all of his years of obedience, and the Lord has promised Brother Jerry that his latter end will be greater than his beginning, Oh hallelujah glory glory glory glory glory glory hallelujah.
And so that we can go on record for eternity that I had found a people that would prepare to that degree of intensity, they were so focused. They were so, they were so willing, they were so all in, (they were) all their hearts were all in it to get ready, hallelujah. With all their hearts and just with everything in them. Like as far as I can go, as much as You can do in me, I’m here. I’m willing, I’m willing to be made willing. Lord, just help me. Your mercy, Your fire, Your Holy Spirit. Lord, I’m coming. I’m running, I’m running. I’m a son, I’m Your son, Lord.
And I’m not comparing and I’m not competing. I’m not distracted by other people Lord. I’m not distracted by their levels of maturity or anything, Father. I’m actually attracted Lord and embracing with everything in me to be everything that You know I can be. How ready I can be, you know Lord. But I am cooperating with thee, I am cooperating with You Holy Spirit. Hallelujah hallelujah.
We’re not comparing, we’re not competing, hallelujah. And the Holy Spirit will do the completing in us for when Brother Jerry comes. Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, hallelujah, hallelujah. And so on higher levels than when he was here last year that the Holy Spirit will do a work in us together. That Brother Jerry will personally experience You as he never has before. We have sown the seed for this, Lord. Glory glory glory.
It was revealed to me by the Holy Spirit that the seed that Pastor John and I sowed to go to do the prayer (the corporate prayer conference) at Brother Jerry’s spiritual headquarters. He showed me, he revealed it to me. I did not see it until we were there. That we went to sow this seed, so that we could have increase back here, quickly. Amos 9 (increase) that talks about the Reaper overtakes the sower. It’s such a quick harvest, it’s like water into wine, what normally takes six years. It’s an accelerative work that God can do with a seed that we gave. Because we put our own finances into it. We put our own prayer time and our own preparation time to go and do the best. And give of our very best seed in the best way that we could do it. And we went and deposited the seed of God’s Word of corporate prayer, of what God has taught us all these years.
So that they could just come in one year what took us 10 years. They could just come into it so quickly. And so He showed me because you’ve come to sow the seed back home: You’re going to have an explosive harvest, quickly coming now, expect it. And so I expect it for all of us. Because you all came with pastor John and I. You all came with us. You sent us so you came with us. Glory! You are all partakers of the grace that is upon Pastor John and I. You are partakers of it and so I believe that you’re going to virtually mature overnight. Even today as you’ve been listening, even yesterday as you were in the worship, even at prayer, even when you’re away on holiday and you’re listening and you’re just listening to the Holy Spirit. And you’re more reverent on holiday that you’ve ever been before and you’re more awake and alert and watchful than you have been before. Let those changes, those changes the Bible talks about change in twinklings, changing in twinklings. Just flashes of light, of revelation that God will just bring from your spiritual understanding. Oh oh, I see, they’re just an accelerative of work of the Holy Spirit in you personally every day. Oh, I see I see, because what you can see you can be. You see that? It’s just like that and so when you change in twinklings God’s like flashing His enlightenment in you. Ah I see I see I see. You’re His child, you’re His child, you’re His child. He wants you to mature, He wants you to mature. Oh hallelujah, glory glory glory. He has recreated you to mature and develop into the son-ship of the Lord Jesus Christ. He knows that His DNA is in you and you can develop into the full mature son of God, He knows. And you just need to cooperate with that development and that maturity by the one who’s inside of you, the Holy Spirit, brings you to maturity, glory to God! Hallelujah, yeah, hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah.
We pray the perfect will of God. (Right, let me just see here). We pray, Father, that the things that would stonewall You and stonewall Your anointing, Father. Just like it did with Jesus that He could do there no mighty works. Because of their unbelief, Father. At least us that are here today we say, “Lord, no that will not be me.” Just say that today, “It will not be me, Lord. I will not stonewall the anointing when Brother Jerry comes. I’m not stonewalling the anointing. I pray tomorrow I’m not stonewalling the anointing, on Sunday. I’m using every day and every opportunity to cooperate and flow with you, Lord.” Hallelujah yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes. We ask Him. The depth of our praise will determine the degree of his breakthrough.
Pastor John said this about our preparation; I’m going to make some demands of you in the weeks and the short few months that we have because Brother Jerry is coming and we become aware of quite a lot of changes that have been made in his ministry schedule. He may not be coming to South Africa only once next year. He might be coming twice next year and there is a bunch of other things that are happening next year. And I’m telling you, we know how to get ourselves ready. Say this after me, “I know how to get myself ready. I cooperate with the great Holy Spirit who lives inside of me and helps me.” That’s it. It’s exactly the same for me as for you. He’s the Preparer, He’s the Preparer. And so he said; we need to be ready. We are already known for being ready to receive a spiritual gift like Brother Jerry. We are already known around the world for being ready to receive a spiritual gift like Brother Jerry. So we’ve got to get some training done. We know how to prepare and now it is time to pick up our training for when Brother Jerry comes. We want to extract the best out of the spiritual gift. We’ve got to be ready for him, hallelujah. Isn’t that wonderful? Isn’t that wonderful?
(So the new door, I just want to see where I want to go today, the new door. Just see here) Lord, I’ve got so many things but it will be very succinctly and it’ll be everything God wants it to be today so I’m just reading what I read what Brother Jerry said; in 2020 I will open a new door and you will experience supernatural increase like never before. And then he said this; experiencing supernatural increases like this: It’s God, it’s beyond anything I can think of, it’s beyond anything I can do, it’s beyond anything I’ve ever experienced before, known before, seen before or heard before. In 2020, You are going to open a new door, I’ve not been through before, a door that I’ve never entered before, this is what he said; keep this in mind meditate on this, ask the Holy Spirit about this, listen to the Holy Spirit. I speak this new door in the spirit. I believe. I get up every day going through the new door, that threshold that Pastor John spoke about. Even with my grave-clothes on I get up to go, to go over, and we’re going to help each other get each other’s grave clothes off people, really, really. Really-really-really, hallelujah, glory to God.
This new door brings supernatural increase to me beyond I’ve ever experienced before, increasing me, this is what I wrote down now, increasing me spiritually, increasing me legacy, increasing me physically, healthy, increasing me financially, increasing me relationally, increasing me ministry, increasing revelation, increasing faith, hallelujah. Increasing the glory, increasing of the presence of God with us. I don’t limit You by my own thinking. I don’t limit You by my own ability. I don’t limit You by the way You’ve done things for me in the past. This is a new door, a new door for me.
He gave me the scripture, I have shared this with you, new things through new door. Isaiah 48:6 says I’ll show you specified new things from this time forth, even hidden things [kept in reserve] which you have not known. (Isaiah 48:6 AMPC). So there are things we already know and those things are going to increase spiritually, supernaturally, but these things we don’t know yet and we’re expecting those new things. And it’s like the Lord said this morning, new shoes when you buy them and wear them for the first time they can feel a little bit tight and maybe even give you a little blister on the heel because you’re not used to walking in them you know, and you might just have to put a little plaster over. The change God is expecting you to make and it’s uncomfortable, it’s not comfortable, because that’s what the bible says about new wine. Everybody that drink the new wine says, “I don’t like the taste of this I prefer the familiar, I prefer the familiar.”
So do you know what the new wine is you hear Christians talk all the time about new wine? Well, I want to make it very simple for you the way Jesus told me, “Simply put Sharon, my new wine comes from the vine. Its new words that I will bring through my messages, through my messengers. Its new words, it’s new wine. It’s not complicated. What’s that sound, it’s a new sound I’m hearing, it’s new phrases, it’s new things God is telling me through Pastor John adjust, adjust, switch, switch, search, search the message, switch, search, switch. And that’s not always comfortable and we are not a people that thrive on comfortable. We are a people who are moving forward into our promise land all the time. Like Pastor John said, I just get used to overcoming the devil every day all the time, I just get used to it, I get used to walking in victory, I’m not a Christian that goes oh no he has attacked me again, no, no, no, there I overcame him again, no that’s how I go forward that’s how they went into the promised land enemy, enemy, overcome, overcome, God identifies, oh that’s the enemy, that’s the enemy make progress that’s just how a soldier life goes. Like somebody once to Brother Hagin, please pray for me that the devil never attack me again, he said, alright I’ll pray for you to go to heaven. Why? Because that’s the only place where you’re not going to have to deal with the devil and overcome him yourself. Jesus said I have given you power and authority over the devil nothing shall any means hurt you, you overcome him. You overcome him, glory to God. Yes, you overcome him.
So, I will show you, the way He shows us is 1 Corinthians 2:10, God reveals them by His Spirit. I’m gonna go there with the Amplified Bible, I want to show you in a very personal practical way so that you know we’re all going through the new door in the same way right. It’s new words, new things from Pastor John. I’m going to read to you one of the most wonderful chapter in the Bible as far as being spiritual concerned and receiving things from the Lord. 1 Corinthians 2, talking about a new door. Right where am I going to read? I want to read verse 7, so this is the Apostle Paul talking, telling the church in Corinth what he’s actually doing with them, speaking to them. He’s saying, we are setting forth, 7we are setting forth, as ministers, are setting forth a wisdom of God once hidden [from the human understanding] and now revealed to us by God, every Sunday every Saturday, Monday like this, we’re receiving revelation, see? So that you can see, so that you can be, so that you can see, so that you can do, so that you can see, so that you can have, so that you can see, so that you can become, that’s how we become revelation. That’s why in Ephesians 1, our prayer is that God would give you a Spirit of wisdom and revelation, revealed. Things that are revealed to you or belong to you. …now revealed to us by God – [that wisdom] which God devised and decreed before the ages for our glorification [to lift us into the glory of His presence.] (1 Corinthians 2:7 AMPC) That’s what revelation is for, it’s to lift us up into the glory of His presence more and more.
And then it says here verse 9, What eye has not seen, that’s a new door now, what your eye has not seen and ear, what your ear, has not heard, and what has not entered yet into your heart, [all that] God has prepared (made and keeps ready) for those who love Him [who hold Him in affectionate reverence promptly obeying Him, gratefully recognizing the benefits He has bestowed] 10…to us. God has unveiled them and revealed them by and through His Spirit. Hallelujah! Verse 12, 12We have not received the spirit [that belongs to] the world but the [Holy] Spirit Who is from God, [given to us], given to you, given to me, that we might realize and comprehend and appreciate the gifts [of divine favour and blessing so freely and lavishly] bestowed on us by God. 13And we are setting these truths forth in words, can you see that’s what I’m trying to show you here through the new wine comes from the vine and it’s words. …we are setting forth these truths in words not taught by human wisdom, but words taught by the [Holy] Spirit, combining and interpreting spiritual truths with spiritual language [to those who possess the Holy Spirit]. (1 Corinthians 2:9-10; 12-13 AMPC) Words. The King James says, which things we speak. That’s why when new words come from Pastor John, when new words come which things we speak. Why? Because the words that we speak ourselves are what we are becoming. It’s the twice spoken word, you can’t just hear it from us you’ve got to hear yourself saying it too because that takes your believing to the highest level because you will believe what you hear yourself saying. So, we hear what God says but I like Jesus must say what I hear the Father saying. Hallelujah.
So, this is an increase, supernatural increase and there are many things, many things that the Bible talks about increase, it talks about the increase of His government, the increase of His kingdom, the increase of revelation knowledge. There’s many things when we can’t confine supernatural increase just to finances as Pastor John was saying otherwise we’ll be limiting God. So, the Lord from the time I was in America He just gave me some wonderful things on different dates and different days but I’m just going to read it to you because it’s so edifying.
The new door
Yes, I will go through
Hand in hand with You
My ears will hear
My eyes will see
Everything you have for me
I’m walking through rejoicing
Believing and receiving
Things I’ve never seen
Places I’ve never been
People I’ve never met
Stuff I’ve never done [yet]
All glory to the Son!
Words I’ve not yet heard
My heart so stirred
And burning within
I enter in!
And then there was:
Thank You – that this is what You have in store
A brand New Door
And as I go through it
Supernatural increase for me more and more
Thank You for this jump start
Because that’s what Brother Jerry said, he’s given us a jump start to give us a word for 2020 before it’s even 2020.
Thank you for this jump start
I’m doing my part
Oh Yes! You can count on that
off the bat
I’m jumping divining in
boots and all
a free fall
in faith!
And then; with faith over the threshold
Of this new open Door
Increase… supernatural it will be
It will not cease
Leaving behind the old that is gone before
Things that have long lost their use
I make no excuse
Living in the New and the Now
Your glorious Spirit showing me how
In reverence I bow
You are great!
And then; Through the New Door
This is God speaking to me.
Through the New Door
The light more bright
Much of Me you will see
Things way more clear
Me so much more near
A release of Spirit life divine
Lay your all on the line
Much brighter through this door
Expect revelation on a new level
It will defeat every devil.
Let me read that again.
Through the door new door
the light much more bright
much of me you will see
things way more clear
me so much more near
a release of Spirit life divine
lay your all on the line
much brighter through this door
expect revelation on a new level
it will defeat every devil.
You can defeat the devil with revelation God gives you when you know a thing that right there you defeat him. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Expect revelation on a new level
it will defeat every devil
uninterrupted unlimited your authority
it’s my time in history!
A new door
it’s open
it’s new
I’m going straight through
These are in different days you know, there’s an increase of Psalms in my life supernatural increase, I experienced it very quickly because it’s just flowing now because it has been present in my life. Colossians and Ephesians, you will speak to one another, speak to yourselves in Psalms and Hymns and spiritual songs, psalms, hymns come from your spirit. Psalms, hymns, spiritual songs singing making melody in your heart to the Lord, this is not speaking to people that are in a music band it’s speaking to the body of Christ.
The new door it’s, oh.
A new door
It’s open
It’s new
I’m going straight through
My will surrendered to You
My Words from You
My faith unshakable
My praise unstoppable
My love walk impeccable
My worship true
I’m going through
My joy unlimited
My strength in You.
The new door
It’s open
It’s a kingdom door
It’s being opened by You Jesus
How do I go through?
Like a little child
Come to Me like a little child
Come humble
And you won’t stumble
Without humility
There’s almost a kind of futility
Because through this new door
There will be no place for pride to hide
Let Me help you deal with it
Privately Personally Powerfully
Through this new door
Everyday humility will be required
Just like a little child
Pride and greed are deadly twins
No one wins
The pride of life
The lust of the eyes
The lust of the flesh
A trio of death
Breathe in the life of My breath
And you’ll stay free
of all three
Come with a heart sincere
No place for pretense either here.
Glory to God, Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
I don’t mind printing this and giving this to if you want it I’ll have it ready for you just because you know – Yeah okay, all right, because I don’t have ownership of it the Lord gives it to me to help me to stay focused. Hallelujah.
He really spoke to me about humility. I want to read that again;
The new door
it’s open
it’s a kingdom door
It’s being opened by You Jesus
How do I go through?
Like a little child
Like a little child
Come to Me like a little child
Come humble
And you won’t stumble
Without humility
There’s almost a kind of futility (in other words your efforts will be futile to go through the new door without humility. Like a little child has humility right?)
So that without humility
There’s almost a kind of futility
Because through this new door
There will be no place for pride to hide
I’m experiencing that like I’ve never experienced before. The Holy Spirit on me so quick He’s there present with me so quick when pride wants to rise up on any matter at any time He’s very quick. Because When He showed me about this the first time we were preparing for Brother Jerry He spoke to me personally saying, “No place for pride to hide. Better let Me help you deal with it personally, privately powerfully inside.”
So now He was just embellishing a little bit more on that for me because I’m asking Him how I want to go through right. Right? So I want to cross that threshold you know like a child.
So that without humility
there’s almost a kind of futility
Because through this new door
there will be no place for pride to hide
Let Me help you deal with it
Privately Personally Powerfully Inside
Because if we don’t allow Him to deal with it, personally privately inside it’s going to become public and we’re all going to see it. I saw that, if I don’t deal with pride you’re going to see it. If you don’t deal with pride I’m going we’re going to see it. Because through this new door there is no place for pride to hide. So God is saying to me, “Rather let Me deal with your pride privately personally inside than it have to be dealt with publicly.” “Yes, Lord.” Because pride is something that’s in your flesh and my flesh. And greed the Lord said to me, “Pride and greed deadly twins.” Deadly, deadly twins.
So there will be no place for pride to hide
Let Me help you deal with it
Privately Personally Powerfully
So the Holy Spirit will help you because sometimes you don’t know what it is. So if you’re not in communion with the Holy Spirit you’ll just keep on with that way of thinking and it will just be pride. Pride, it will just carry on so you know let Him ask Him to help you and show you and so He will. And you’ll be honoured He’ll be honoured “That’s pride, that’s pride, that’s pride, that’s pride”
You know even that sense of unworthiness “I’m not worthy I’m not worthy” that’s pride. That’s pride that’s not humility, that’s not humility don’t think you’re being humble because you say, “I don’t qualify I’m not I’m not worthy I’m not worthy I’m not worthy” you are making the blood of Jesus that makes you worthy, you are making it of no effect in your life. You are worthy for one reason and one reason only and that’s because of the blood of Jesus that He shed for you. If you disqualify yourself on a false sense of unworthiness that’s pride. It’s pride because every time the devil comes to you that you’re not worthy you’re supposed to defeat him because that’s a lie. That’s a lie, every time you think you’re not worthy, it’s a lie. And if you don’t deal with the devil on that issue, then you choosing to rather disqualify yourself than make the effort of rising up in your grave clothes. Your stinking grave clothes and saying, “I’m coming I’m going in because the blood of Jesus qualifies me and I’m made righteous because of the blood and I’m coming through the new door like everyone else is coming. I’m not staying behind I’ll not let the devil lies to me that I’m not worthy. That somebody else is more spiritually mature than I and let the devil play mind games with you like that because you are comparing and you looking at other stuff you’re not supposed to be looking at. You’re supposed to be looking to Jesus.
I mean something that happened to me yesterday morning, I was telling Pastor John, I saw the new door also in a different light, I said I’m seeing this new door like in 4D. I’m seeing it in multiple dimensions I’m seeing myself come going through it but it’s a spiritual living door of Jesus but yesterday morning I saw Jesus I saw the door open. And I saw Jesus come through to me. He came at me through the new door. Knocking at the door of my heart, “Can I come in and do this mighty work in you? Can I bring this supernatural increase in all of you?”
So I’m going through but that’s because Jesus says in John 10 “I am the door” I’m going through the new door because He is the door and He’s coming and in Him and I move and live and have my being. You see? So it’s this beautiful thing. It’s the first time I saw He’s not standing there at that end of the door and saying, “Come come come” no I saw Him come at me. And then I was reminded of the time when Kenneth Hagin was in his hospital bed and he said, “Jesus came walking through the door and sat next to my bed.” Instantly when I saw, okay, so this new door – wow it’s beautiful, Lord. I’m going through it and you coming through it and You coming in and out of me. I’m knocking at the door if you let me in, I’m going to come sup with you. I’m going to come have some intimacy with you like you’ve never even thought I could be intimate with you. So there’s that aspect too. He’s coming right at me through the open door. He’s coming right at you, He’s walking through the open door to you. The door of your heart in your heart. He wants us personally. Isn’t this wonderful?
I think I must finish now. So did you get something out of this? Okay.
Through this new door.
So let me help you deal with it
Privately Personally Powerfully
Through this new door
Everyday humility will be required
Just like a little child
Pride and greed are deadly twins
No one wins
The pride of life
The lust of the eyes
The lust of the flesh (There’s a scripture for that)
A trio of death
Breathe in the life of My breath
And you’ll stay free
Of all three
Come with a heart sincere
No place for pretense either here.
Glory to God. Hallelujah, hallelujah praise the Lord. Glory to God. Glory to God. I believe this helped you just catch the spirit of what the Lord is doing here. That is an amazing qualification all I have to do is become; Jesus said in the scriptures “Like a little child.” You have that childlikeness already in you because it’s in Jesus. Just let it come out just let it be let it manifest. You already got the childlikeness of Jesus it’s not being childish. Jesus said, “You mature in you’re thinking.” But to be childlike when Jesus said, “Unless you become like a little child you can’t even enter the kingdom of heaven” and Jesus was saying that to me “You want to come through the new door? You become like a little child unless you become like a little child Sharon, you can’t come into through this new door.”
A little child is open-faced, trusting. It’s one of the most beautiful qualities that Father God loves that you could develop in you as a childlikeness. Because it’s in Jesus. It’s in Jesus so it is in your new nature. You can be childlike in your approach to God and you can be.
Say this with me, “Father I ask You today, by the power of Your Holy Spirit restore to me childlikeness, fully.” Do you think He can’t do that? He’s going to do that with you. You’re going to find yourself becoming like a little child. Hallelujah, trusting, believing, receiving, open-faced hallelujah.
So I thank You, Father, that You are restoring our childlikeness, Father. Every day we become like a little child because, Jesus, if You said, “Unless you become like a little child.” You knew we can become like a little child. You knew we could and we will, Lord, we will. We’re co-operating with Your Holy Spirit, Lord, and we let You deal with pride inside personally, powerfully, and privately. We’re going to let You help us deal with pride and wherever we see it coming up, we’re going to put the power of the Holy Spirit put it down. We’re going to put it down because we can. Because we can hallelujah. In Jesus Name I bless you, I bless you, I bless you all in your travel back to Johannesburg. You are just wonderful and I believe you’ve received a rich impartation today. Glory to God. May God bless you and keep you. Make His face shine upon you. Amen.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International