Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 10:5-6,11 (NKJV); 2 Tim 3:16 (AMPC); Joshua 14:6-15 (NKJV); Daniel 10:12 (NKJV); ; Joshua 1:3 (AMPC); 2 Tim 3:16 (AMPC); Joshua 14:6-15 (NKJV); Numbers 14:22-24,29-32,36-38 (AMPC, NKJV); Joshua 15:13-19 (AMPC); Hebrews 4:2 (NKJV); Numbers 13:30-33 (AMPC); Numbers 14:7-10 (AMPC); Isaiah 60:5-6, 17 (AMPC); Romans 4:17 (NKJV)
Hallelujah. We want to say thank you to the worship team—what a wonderful way to come and praise the Lord. I want to say to you that what God gave to me today, we sang it, of course, all three songs. We are believers, and we are taking. We are going into the promised land. Hallelujah.
Will you open your Bibles in 1 Corinthians chapter 10 this morning. First of all, it’s so wonderful to be here with you and for us to have church like this. It is great to be with all of you—also, a big, big welcome to all of you at home, joining us from there.
Pastor John and Sharon, and the interns are coming back today. Hallelujah. We bless them. We bless them on their way back. I think they will only be here later this afternoon, but we are really looking forward to seeing them very soon.
So, 1 Corinthians chapter 10, verse 5, we’re going to jump in straight away. I’ve got so many things that I’ve prepared by the leading of the Holy Spirit, In the Light of the Ecclesia, Part Three, today. God reminded me about a message that Pastor Sharon brought about five years ago, and In the Light of the Ecclesia, still what we are talking about. I knew immediately because this is a very precious message in my heart since Pastor Sharon brought it. I knew God wanted us to go there today.
So, it was a message that had a very huge impact on my life. You will hear why today because I’m really going to share what Pastor Sharon shared with us. I kept it in my heart like I do with all the other messages, and I really believe that you are all doing the same. I kept this message in my heart, and I really want to say, this is one of those messages that I meditate so much on, that it has a very, very great impact on my life today.
So,1 Corinthians 10 verse 5. Thank You, Holy Spirit. Where you are sitting right there, will you say these words, “This message is for me today.” Congregation says: This message is for me today. Yes, this message is for me as well because I’m looking at it all the time. So, In the Light of the Ecclesia, what Pastor Sharon shared with us then, that is so important for our lives today is, we’re going to take a closer look at the spirit of Caleb, the spirit of Caleb.
So, I just want to jump to 1 Corinthians 10. I’ve got it in my notes, but I want to read it from here today. Now, when you start chapter 10, in 1 Corinthians, then you will see that the New King James, once again, is saying Old Testament Examples, and Pastor Sharon and Pastor John have shared that with us many times, we learn it in the bible school, that the principles and the examples in the Old Testament is examples for you and me today. So look at verse five. ⁵ But with most of them, God was not well pleased, for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness. (1 Cor 10:5 NKJV) Now that God came into our lives, barreling with the messages, first of all, I Will Take the Children, we have a much greater understanding in what God is saying to us. Please go back to those messages. Please go back to those messages that started last year, where God is saying, I Will Take the Children. We’ve heard so much, but there is still a greater depth of understanding that we need to get from those messages.
Look at verse six. ⁶ Now these things became our examples, ….(I Corinthians 10:6 NKJV) And we are talking and looking today at an example just like that today when we look at the spirit of Caleb. These things became our examples. And that’s, of course, ongoing in our lives, to the intent that we should not lust after the evil things as they did. Then I want to jump to verse 11.¹¹Now all these things happened to them as examples. Once again, I want my and your ears to hear that, and that’s why I’ve asked you today and where you are sitting again, this is not for mom and dad. This is not for the children; this is for you. This is an example for you and for me today. Verse 11, ¹¹ Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition. (I Corinthians 10:11 NKJV) The Amplified Bible says to admonish each and every one of us.
Then I want to take you very quickly also today, to second Timothy, the third chapter, a scripture that we have come to love very much. It’s an ongoing, powerful scripture in our life. 2 Timothy chapter 3, verse 16, the Amplified, ¹⁶ Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) Why? and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose, and action). Very, very important. Also, the Amplified says it very beautifully, for training in righteousness, in holy loving in conformity to God’s will. (2 Timothy 3:16 AMPC)
Remember, God is looking for the ten. He is looking for the ten righteous. We’ve said last week, we emphasized that, that all born again believers are children of God, but not all Christians live in the same manner for God and being obedient. So, God is looking for this righteous living choice from our part. Then in Joshua, Chapter 14, please, I’m going to take you through the book of Joshua, the way Pastor Sharon did, and we’re going to look at many scriptures and numbers. Why? God is talking, and you’re going to see it right now, to His people here in the wilderness in Joshua. But we already take a closer look at 1 Corinthians, those people who did not obey God. Remember, there were, and Pastor Sharon stressed this. Remember, and we know this, there were of those Israelites that did not go into the promised land. It’s very sad, but it actually happened.
God made amazing promises to them. Like God is making amazing promises to you and me, it doesn’t matter your age today. And you’re going to see when we look at Caleb today. God is talking to the young people. Yes, He is taking the interns, but more so like Pastor John shared with us, we are a new generation people. What did Pastor John share with us? There’s an invitation, a call in our generation coming from God. We have Caleb in our hearts and Joshua in our blood. So, young people, older people, I’m going to show it to you today. We’ve got choices to make. We’re not going to die in the wilderness. We’re not going to keep on wondering.
So, this is what the Bible says, and we’re going to see it often through the scriptures today. People who have received wonderful promises, and when we have a promise, it’s a choice to believe God or not.
So Joshua, Chapter 14, verses 6 to 15, we’re going to start there. Why? We really want to take a closer look at Caleb today. He had a different spirit. He had a different spirit. So, from the beginning, we’re going to hear him speak, and we’re going to see what is in his heart. Verse six, ⁶ Then the children of Judah came to Joshua in Gilgal. And Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenzinite said to him: “You know the word which the Lord said to Moses the man of God concerning you and me in Kadesh Barnea. Look at verse seven; here comes the first reaction out of Caleb’s heart. He says, ⁷ I was forty years old when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me from Kadesh Barnea to spy out the land, listen to these words, and I brought back word to him as it was in my heart. (Joshua 14:6,7 NKJV). That’s very, very big today. You are sitting there; I’m standing here today. God knows there are words in our hearts. He knows He knows that, and He knows what’s coming out of our mouths.
Now, very, very important. Tuesdays, when we come together in Prayer Connect to pray, Pastor Sharon has explained this to us many times, and we love this word. I am so aware of it. I know you are so aware of it, but words are so important. God is listening, and He’s seeing what’s in our hearts, but more than that, what we are speaking every single day, the angels are coming for those words.
So, look at Daniel chapter 10, verse 12, in the New King James, because what happened to Caleb? Caleb believed God, and what was in his heart came out of his heart, but in Daniel 10, we see exactly the same thing happened to Daniel, and God wants that to happen to you and me. 12 Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, you see, we’re talking about the Law of Recognition, which is the Foundation of Revelation to change our reality.
Can you see Caleb lived this way? Can you see Daniel? It’s being said about him that you are setting your heart to see what God is doing, what we are talking about In the Light of the Ecclesia. You have set your heart to understand, and this is so important, Matthew 18. Daniel, and you have humbled yourself. You come like a little child, lowly, forgiving, and humbling yourself before God.
Now listen to this, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. (Daniel 10:12 NKJV) And the angel says, I’ve come for your words. So, there are things in our hearts, and we are going to talk about it today. The angels are looking, and they see what we are saying. God knows we are speaking words. The angels came for Daniel’s words because Daniel was speaking the words of faith. Caleb was speaking what God said; he kept those Words. In part one and part two of In the light of the Ecclesia, that’s what we said. In God’s pattern, we’ve got to hear what God is saying to the messenger of the church and set our hearts because that is to honour our Lord Jesus because that’s what He’s saying to us.
Caleb knew what God was saying to him. Daniel knew what God was saying to him. We know what God is saying to us. Now we’re going to stay in Joshua, Chapter 14. But this time, we’re going to read from verses 8 to 15. I want to jump in here in my Bible before I go to my notes again. Let us look at the words that Caleb spoke, and let us take note today; let us listen to the words of faith that came from his heart. I want to say this, that’s why I’ve asked you to say this and actually, the whole time when you are sitting there, please, this is not a message for your husband and your wife, they must decide for themselves. The children, the young ones, must decide for themselves because the Lord said, “Check your heart.” Check your heart because what’s in your heart is going to come out. We know how powerful that is in the Word of God.
Joshua 14, verse 7 says, we just read it, but we are so grateful that faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. Here I am, verse seven, Caleb said 7 I was forty years old when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me from Kadesh Barnea to spy out the land, and I brought back word, the same word that God gave him, I brought back word to him as it was in my heart. Now it’s making a shift. Caleb is saying something, and the people around him said another thing.
Look at verse eight. 8 Nevertheless, Caleb said, my brethren who went up with me made the heart of the people melt. They were not saying the same thing as Caleb. Caleb followed the Lord wholly. Pastor Sharon emphasised this. He followed God wholly because he wholly believed God.
Why must I, and why must you, check your heart today? Because we’re going to talk about it today, he faced giants; he faced giants. We are facing giants today, because of what the enemy is just doing through Corona, the Coronavirus. You must now choose if you’re going to wholly believe God or be frustrated a little bit, be afraid a little bit, waver when you see what’s going on there. You have to check what is in your heart the whole time.
So verse nine says, 9 So Moses swore on that day, saying, Caleb ‘Surely the land where your foot has trodden shall be your inheritance and your children’s forever, because you have wholly followed the Lord my God.’ (Joshua 14:7-9 NKJV), I’m emphasising that because God is saying it to each and every one of us. We are going to stand before the Lord, just me and you, not our marriage partners, not your children with you, not mom and dad with you. We have to fully believe the Lord.
Now I quickly want to take you to Joshua, still in the book of Joshua, but chapter one. We spoke about this in the past, and you cannot say I do not know. Moses said surely the land your foot has trodden shall be your inheritance. Now let’s look at Joshua one, verse three in the Amplified. If you did not know how to take the land, you are believing we are taking the land. Then you’re going to see in the Word again today how you take your own land. So look at Joshua one, verse three.3 Every place upon which the sole of your foot shall tread, God says in Joshua one three, I’ve given to you, as I promised you. (Joshua 1:3 AMPC) God has given us many promises.
I’ve shared with you in the past that Kenneth Hagin, you know, as you come to Bible school, and you read all of his wonderful books, Kenneth Hagin says, also for you and me. Every place upon which you and I are treading upon. God is giving it to you, you and me. How do we tread upon those places? Very, very powerful answer. You believe with the heart, and you speak with your mouth. That’s how you tread upon the places.
I want to ask you today, are you treading upon those places of healing, finances, the opportunities that God has for you a little bit? Are you wavering? Are you frustrated? Are you speaking unbelief? Because at the end of the day, while we are looking at the spirit of Caleb, do you have the same spirit? Are you speaking wholeheartedly what God is saying? Or are you mixing it with a little bit of wavering and fear? This is very important. But you and me, we know today how to tread upon the land that God is giving us. That’s very important.
Back to verse 10. In chapter 14, 10 And now, behold, the Lord has kept me alive, as He said, still Joshua speaking, these forty-five years, ever since the Lord spoke this word to Moses, when Israel wandered in the wilderness; and now, here I am this day, eighty-five years old. I’m going to read it again.10 And now, behold, the Lord has kept me alive, as He said, these forty-five years, ever since the Lord spoke this word to Moses.
Where did we start two messages ago? Since God spoke these words to Pastor John. Can you see again what we are talking In the Light of the Ecclesia examples in the Word of God? Me and you do not have the anointing to take ourselves to the promised land. He sends us a messenger with a message, and when we hear that message, we are going to the promised land while Israel wandered in the wilderness. I am repeating verse 10, and now, here I am this day, eighty-five years old. (Joshua 14:10 NKJV).
We’ve got Caleb in our hearts and Joshua in our blood. I want to ask all of you here today because I know the enemy is doing this to some of you. Well, he’s taking the interns. God is taking the interns. No, we are a new generation people. Are you sitting here today? 40 years old, 50 years old, 60 years old, 70 years old, 80 years old? And you want to say or do you say in your heart? Well, what does God have for me? What will come for me at this age? Is that really going on in your heart because that’s not the spirit of Caleb? Caleb says, and I’m going to show you, give me Lord, I’m ready to take the places that you’ve got for me. But I want to ask you, and I want to encourage you, please, you’ve got to check your heart and deal with matters in your heart. God is bringing this message to remind us to have this spirit like Caleb to say, Lord, after all these years, I’m ready to occupy.
Look at verse 11. I want to say to you when I’ve said to you when the message started that I really meditate on this message, and I keep it close in my heart; it means I’m taking it for myself. I’m taking it for myself. I take the words like Pastor Sharon said, messages ten years ago, five years ago, two years ago, and of course, the messages this year. I allow scripture to speak to me, to go into my heart. So I take this very seriously as the example that God is giving me very, very personally.
Look at verse 11. These are the words I choose to say. Caleb says, 11As yet I am as strong this day as on the day that Moses sent me; very important for you and me. He was living in the reality of what God was saying about his life.
Also, when Pastor Sharon said, “What conversations do you guys have about COVID? Do you entertain all the conversations about fear and the new strands that the enemy wants to bring in?” No, this is the Word. It’s a short meeting when we speak to one another. We’ve got to Blow Up Our Minds and also in our family and among our friends.
This is our declaration on assignment, 11 As yet I am as strong this day as on the day when God planted us when He called us. Our strength is like iron; like Pastor, Sharon said, “All the days, and on assignment. We’ve got to choose what we say.” Verse 11 goes on, …just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war.
Joh, this is very powerful. Satan… you know, Pastor Sharon ministered about this. That in certain stages in your life, 40 years, 50 years, 60, 70, the enemy comes to you and me and say, “Yah well you know, you are now 50, or you 60, or you 70, you are supposed to have these kinds of symptoms.” Those are lies; those are lies, and we cannot entertain it, no!
…just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war, both for going out and for coming in. Praise the Lord for doing business, having family. Occupy the time and the place that God is giving us. What Caleb said is, “I will take up this fight of faith because now is my strength for war; I will take up this fight of faith. I will believe God’s Word to me and His promises to me concerning all the areas of my life.” Concerning everything. You do not keep something aside; you do not keep something aside.
So, what is Caleb saying here? It’s time to attack; I’m ready for this war. What is Pastor John preaching and ministering to us by the Holy Spirit? It’s time to attack with our faith; I’m a believer; I’m a believer. I’m going into my promised land. I mean, I can just hear the spirit of Caleb singing that song. So, that is what we are saying. We attack with faith. We attack with joy. We come up in our authority. It’s a completely different attitude, a completely different attitude. We must not be overwhelmed because of what the enemy is doing. We have to be aware of this.
Now look at verse 12; we see Caleb all the time. We see the spirit of Caleb coming out all the time. Verse 12, I love it, 12 Now therefore, give me this mountain, give me; give me; give me. After everything he went through… some people just want to zone out; they just want to zone out. They don’t want to be part of a fight and ruling and raining with Christ anymore. No, no, no, no, give me this mountain of which the Lord spoke in that day; for you heard in that day how the Anakim were there, and that the cities were great and fortified.
Very important, Caleb, just like the others in his day, faced the giants. What do you think we are facing? Do you think I don’t see what Satan wants to do during Corona with businesses, to the lives of people? Stealing opportunities, causing people to despair, talking fear, I know you are seeing the same thing. That is why when the Lord reminded me about this, I knew, I said, “Lord, In the Light of the Ecclesia, this is exactly where we are; this is exactly where we are.” …cities were great and fortified. It may be that the Lord will be with me, and I shall be able to drive them out as the Lord said.”
Once again, once again, what is the Lord saying, and what are you saying? God wants us to say what He is saying. We say it many times as believers, “Father, I only want to do as I see You do. Speak what I hear You say.” But then we hear Him speak to us as a congregation, now the big question is, “Do we say what He is saying?” or do we want to speak the frustration? Speak the fear? Speak the uncertainty? No, we cannot. I am going to say it, again and again, this morning; me and you, we need to Blow Up those thoughts. You are going to see where we are going with this message today. We’ve got to Blow Up Our Minds together in our families. With our friends and our collective greatness, together. We’ve got to do that.
Look at verse 13 because Joshua is in attacking mode. He has faith, and he kept his faith there. 13And Joshua blessed him and gave Hebron to Caleb the son of Jephunneh as an inheritance. Hebron therefore became the inheritance of Caleb the son of Jephunneh… (Joshua 14:7-13 NKJV). Because he wholly followed the Lord, God of Israel. Do you really, do you really wholly follow God right now? Or are you just hanging around here, seeing and just speaking Christianese sometimes because that’s what the rest of the people are saying? No, you’ve got to make this decision in your heart, and that’s why we are talking about repentance.
Repentance is a wonderful thing as you come out of Babylon, as you come out of fear, to come to the Lord, five, six times a day to say, “Lord, forgive me. I did not wholly, fully believe You and fully follow You. I’ve caused this to come into my heart.”
Look at verse 15, 15 And the name of Hebron formerly was Kirjath Arba (Arba was the greatest man among the Anakim). (Joshua 14:15 NKJV). The Lord had then rest for them from war. Now, Pastor Sharon shared about this. I am not going to go too deep into this today. The Anakim was also called the Nephilim. That’s when we talk, and we see in Genesis 6 when we read about the giants. The Anakim’s were there in the beginning when they had to spy out the land; they saw the giants. They were confronted with the giants.
That is why the others said, 33…we were like grasshoppers in our own sight… (Numbers 13:33 NKJV). They are too strong for us than what God said we can do. Because that shows you the inner conversation that is absolutely happening in your own heart. Even if your husband or your wife or your children don’t know about it, and we have to check it out. So, the Anakim’s, just, in short, were the giants. The Nomad race of giants, violent tyrants of those days who fell on others causing them to fall. Pastor Sharon described it beautifully. They were also called the Nephilim, and David, on several occasions, encountered them. They were a warlock tribe, but Caleb had a different spirit; he did not back down.
Then we discovered, oh, I remember when Pastor Sharon shared this, she said, “Then God showed me what the name ‘Caleb’ means. Caleb means – All Heart. All heart, and at the end of the day, what is in your heart is going to prevail, and you are going to lift that out. With all his heart, he believed God; with all his heart, he attacked. He kept those 40-plus years, where people murmured around him. When he saw giant after giant, his heart stayed with God. Now, I want to take you very quickly to Isaiah 60.
Pastor John ministered on this a while ago, and the reason I want to show it to you today. One of the interns asked me the other day in one of my moments with the interns; I’ve shared that about Pastor John’s big heart. His enlarged heart. So, let’s read Isaiah 60, verse 5 in the Amplified Bible. I’m going to remind you of Pastor John, that he ministered about Isaiah 60, and I’ve got notes about this. I just want to remind you, but first, God just wants us to have this kind of a heart like Caleb. I just see Pastor John every day with this enlarged heart. His love for God, his love for us. I haven’t seen Pastor John in twenty years, dismayed, wanting to drawback. Pastor John is going Big and Bold. He’s living in the joy of the Lord. All those living examples that we see him live in. Come again, speak the Word of God again and having that faith in his heart. Now, is that also true for you and me?
Oh, yes! And like I said, please remember Isaiah 60. The whole chapter is for you and me to pray about because we spoke about it last week in the light of Zion. The last part of the book of Isaiah, the prophet, is all about Zion, about the church today. Those chapters are specifically for you and me.
Isaiah 60 starts with a rise and shine, come out of the depression that circumstance kept you in, that is touching our hearts in some area, but then he talks about verse 5 in the Amplified. 5 Then you shall see and be radiant, and your heart shall thrill and tremble with joy, your heart, at your glorious deliverance and your heart will be enlarged.
I was sharing with the interns how I’m taking the Word praying for myself. I’ve said to the Lord, “Lord, I want a heart like Caleb”, that spirit, like Pastor John. Meaning I want the enlarged heart because the abundant wealth of the [Dead] Sea shall be turned to you. And that’s what God is saying to Joshua in the first chapter, be very courageous and very strong. Do not be dismayed. Do not be dismayed. Dismayed means you drawback because of a sudden fright, or something that’s hitting your life. Do not be dismayed. Come with this enlarged heart, because you speak to your heart, you put the scripture into your heart, you develop your heart, so that like Caleb, you say, at once, let’s take this mountain.
Now, before I read the notes of Pastor John here, some of you will remember, some of you are new, that quite a while ago, Pastor John shared with us about – and I know they made a story about the horse, Secretariat. Pastor John just shared a little bit, and there is some of you that will remember that, in the 1970s, he was the Triple Crown Champion, this specific horse and go and see this amazing movie. And he was setting race records in two of those events that he ran in. When they did an autopsy later on on that horse. Do you know what they found? Because people talk about the tremendous heart of this horse that was able to run like that. And spiritually, the Lord showed many of us a long time ago, in the spirit that Pastor John has a heart like that.
When they did the autopsy, you know what they saw, he had an enlarged heart, twice the size of any other horse. That’s my declaration. I have the heart of Caleb; I have the heart of Pastor John, that spirit upon me. Why? So that I can keep on, keep on going, keep on doing, keep on becoming what God wants me to do. Satan wants to come and make our hearts hard and sick, but we cannot let the enemy do that to us.
Just before I continue, the prophetic word of Pastor John on Sunday, the 11th of August about this whole chapter of Isaiah. I want to tell you, like Caleb, I’m attacking with that chapter. We spoke about it a couple of times in the Word of God; I am attacking with this scripture. Why? Give me this mountain, Lord, give me this.
I’m just going to…before I go to Isaiah 60…this is just – this is on the web, the highlights of what Pastor John said. “But this morning when I was spending time with the Lord,” Pastor John said, “I had a strong prophetic mantle dropped on me, and I have to obey God now based on what He told me to do this morning. He told me to read this Scripture over us today, and I want you to understand something that when He talks about camels and sheep and goats and vineyards and produce”, here today, God is actually “talking about business transactions, companies, money, deals, sales, opportunities.”
Once again, we’ve got to come praying and speaking this Word, into our finances, into our lives that God has for us. Now, there’s a lot that Pastor John is saying here. I want to show one or two things in the book of Isaiah. The Lord said: 6The multitude of camels. That’s why Pastor John says, “Isaiah is talking about camels, but God is talking about business transactions, money, deals and opportunities.” Camels are those things that are working for you. Cars, technology, everything that you need in your company and in your home.” Verse 6, Isaiah 60:6. I did not ask them to put that on the board. But you can have a look. The multitude of camels actually [The sound cut out]
You know what? When me and Grobbies we pray in the mornings,, and we call in the things which are not as though they are. We call in the camels. We call in the technology camels. We call in car camels. We call anything that we need to assist our life on assignment. God says: “Here it is, I give you the best camels.” Listen to what God says. God says, “Men will bring you the wealth of the Gentiles.” I’m calling those men. I’m calling them every single day. Because here’s the thing, when you do not call something or someone, nothing can come. Really, when you do not call something.
I just want to do it this morning here again. A while back, I gave this example of Romans 4 in the New Testament. Meredith, I’m going to use you, please. I’m going to call you to come and stand here. Now, when you call something in the name of Jesus to come, it’s coming. It’s coming. It’s not here yet. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s here. Can you see it? This is very important. If I did not call Meredith, would Meredith stand here? No. Thank you, Meredith. Thank you.
If you do not, Romans 4:17, call those things which are not as though they are. You call nothing; nothing comes but what I wanted you to see. Meredith got up, but it took some time. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. You cannot cut it off with your mouth to say: “Oh well, I’ve asked God for this; I’ve called that thing where it is.” Give it time. Give it time with that faith in your heart. It’s coming. It’s coming. Lord, why did you plant me in Heritage of Faith? Why did you call me here? It’s coming. It’s coming. The answers are coming. Call those things for your business. Now there are many, many things in Isaiah and of course, Isaiah 60:17, Instead of bronze I now give you gold. And we say:” Yes, Lord! Yes, Lord!” Please go and have a look on the website for these message highlights. Very, very important.
Thank you, Holy Spirit, just remember this. We are talking about the heart and the spirit of Caleb, but also the words. That’s why I read to you, and we will go there again. But he said in Joshua 14:12, give me.
Pastor John said a while ago when he was ministering, but also when he was doing Prayer Connect. He says you and I are not asking God enough. We’re not asking God. Matthew 6 says, where God says in the morning when you have time with the Lord. This is one dimension of prayer. When you go into your private, inner room, close the door. Speak to your Father, who is in the secret place, and He who sees in the secret place will reward you with the things that you come to ask Him. And then he jumps to Matthew 7. And he says, keep on asking, keep on seeking. If you do not ask, Caleb came, and he says give me. If you do not come to God like that, “Give me, I asked you. I asked you again.” You must see my list in the mornings. I’m not hesitating to ask God anymore. God says, come on. I’ve got all of that. Check your heart. Check your list of asking. He is just a great Heavenly Father, and He’s ready for us to come that way. Praise the Lord.
Also, Caleb, the first meaning of Caleb’s name is All heart, all heart, and then his name also means “attack, and forcible.” This was a man that went to attack. He didn’t wait to see what the enemy would do to him. He was on attack, and people with that spirit, that’s how we’ve got to position ourselves today. And how do we attack? With the Word of God. The self-fulfilling power of the Word.
This morning, before coming here, Grobbies and I were declaring some things about our lives. I just said to Grobbies once again, I said Grobbies, and that we say about our finances, and that we say here, and that we say here. I turned to Grobbies, just purely having a moment of agreement and coming together. I said to him, and he was just; we were in agreement. I said, do you know why we get that? Because the word creates, it’s in the Word; it’s in the self-fulfilling power of the Word if we will just speak it into our circumstances, call it, declare it and then have it. Hallelujah.
Joshua 15, verses 13 to 19, we keep on seeing how big and wonderful this heart of Caleb was, and a different attitude. Even if you are the only one in your family having that attitude, have it, have it. That’s why Pastor John; that’s why I went there last week. What does it mean to pick up your cross and to follow Jesus? It means the development of an inner nature, to say, I will do what Jesus did, not to do it in self-will, not to do what the people are doing around me. That’s the scripture also in that part of Blowing Your Mind that Pastor John brought to us where the Lord says, you have to hate Father and Mother, brother and sister, a husband and wife.
What does that mean? Do you mean that you divorce people in your life, and you walk away? No. When they are not saying what Jesus is saying, then you say, “I hate what you are doing. I’m not leaving you. I hate what you are doing. I have to say what my Father is saying.” When they are doing anything contrary to what Jesus is saying in His Word, I hate what you’re doing. This is not picking up your cross. This is living for yourself, but I choose to follow Jesus. That’s what it means. That’s what it means, and that is exactly what Joshua did. The others, he said, the others that went with me, the ten spies, the others, they cause trouble, and they cause the people’s hearts to doubt and to melt because they said something else that God was not saying. Very important.
Joshua 15 verse 13. 13 Now to Caleb the son of Jephunneh he gave a share among the children of Judah, according to the commandment of the Lord to Joshua, namely, Kirjath Arba, which is Hebron (Arba was the father of Anak). Again he dealt with giants all the time. 14 Caleb drove out the three sons of Anak from there: What do we have to drive out today where Covid wants to speak and Covid wants to steal opportunities and Covid wants to come in? Caleb drove out these three giants, Sheshai, Ahiman, and Talmai the children of Anak.
Look at verse fifteen, 15 Then he went up from there to the inhabitants of Debir (formerly the name of Debir was Kirjath Sepher). I again remember it like yesterday when Pastor Sharon ministered; I’m ministering her words here today. I just want to say how big is this message in my heart? I’m ministering her words here today. 15 Then he went up from there to the inhabitants of Debir (formerly the name of Debir was Kirjath Sepher). Look at verse 16 16 And Caleb said, “He who attacks Kirjath Sepher and takes it, to him I will give Achsah my daughter as wife.” (Joshua 15:13 AMPC)
Pastor Sharon said we see Caleb was on the attack here, and he was getting help. Caleb was like, is there a man among you that’s brave enough to come with me to fight? Because that’s what Pastor John is saying. I’m Going Big and Bold. Is there in this congregation, people that are going to come Big and Bold because we trust God? We do not fear what the giants and Covid want to say to us.
Caleb says I’m going up for the fight and to occupy, and whoever has the same attitude, whoever is coming with me, I’m going to give my daughter to you. Like Pastor Sharon said so beautifully, he says, and by the way, that’s the kind of man I want my daughter to marry, one that is up for the fight. So look at verse 17, and this is what we want for our children, that’s what we want for the interns, that is what we want for ourselves. So come on, are we going Big and Bold with Pastor John and with Jesus? Yes, Lord.
Verse 17. 17 So Othniel the son of Kenaz, the brother of Caleb, took it; and he gave him Achsah his daughter as wife. 18 Now it was so when she came, and this is so powerful. That’s why one after the other, as Pastor Sharon ministered, that message stayed in my heart. Look at Caleb’s daughter here. Now it was so when she came to him Caleb’s daughter, that she persuaded him to ask her father for a field, so she dismounted from a donkey. And Caleb said to her, what do you wish? 19 She answered, “Give me a blessing; (Joshua 15:13-19). She has the same spirit as her dad, give me. I know what you, my dad was saying all this time.
I’m going to go there towards the end of this message. Can you hear your children are hearing what you are saying? What are you saying to your husband and your wife? What are your children hearing, you say? Because if you have this heart to go Big and Bold with God, give me. Get out of my way, like Caleb said. So she said, Give me a blessing. Since you have given me the land in the South, give me also springs of water.” So he gave her the upper springs and the lower springs. You do not ask; you do not get. You do not call; nothing is coming. So this attitude was even in Caleb’s daughter, give me, give me too, I want to occupy.
That’s what we are saying to our Lord Jesus, and with Pastor John, through every message that’s coming. Caleb had a different spirit. Pastor Sharon wanted just to define that our ears could hear today how important this is. Different means not the same as the other one. Very important, very important. Different means unlike, poles apart, and this is a very important word, incompatible, incompatible. You see, Joshua and Caleb were incompatible with the other ten spies. Why? Just very simple. They did not want to believe what God was saying. So, here’s the wake-up call. Can you understand that in church, in our generation, where God wants to bring us to maturity in this Ecclesia Rising, that people can be incompatible? If there are ones that is listening to what Jesus is saying, and there are ones that just don’t believe Him. That’s what God wants us to hear today. That’s why we are talking about repentance. Only you can check your heart. Only I can check my heart to say, Lord, am I really following you? Am I allowing any kind of pressure or frustration in my life to come and to cause me to have words different from what You are saying?
Those are the words Jesus is giving to Pastor John and Pastor Sharon. It’s His Words; we are going to see here that those ten spies in the people who did not go into the Promised Land actually did not come against Moses; they came against God. That cannot be in our hearts. That’s very important. So, the people whom God delivered from Egypt were murmuring, unbelieving, hard-hearted people. This is what the Bible calls them. They did not integrate themselves into the collective greatness, into the ways of God. They were rebellious, disobedient and unwilling. Listen, that’s why we read that the Word of God is for correction, for reproof. I mean, this is actually to encourage us today, but we’ve got to search our hearts. We’ve got to search our hearts here today.
Let’s go to Hebrews chapter four, verse two, and let’s just see again when Scripture speaks, when Scripture speaks, to see how God is saying the same thing all the time. In Hebrews 2, God is talking about exactly what happened with Moses, Caleb and Joshua in the wilderness. What happened there? 2 For indeed, the gospel was preached to (Hebrews 4:2 NKJV) them, and of course, now today, to us, as much as to the Israelites. But the word which they heard did not profit them because they did not mix that with faith.
So, people, can you understand the real danger, is when the messengers are coming to this Ecclesia? There’s a real danger that we just sit there, and we really don’t align ourselves with God and don’t mix it with faith. There’s a very real danger. God says this is what happened to them when He wanted to take them into every promise that He had for them, everything that He had for them. Of course, that’s the same with us.
The other ten spies were not united in faith with Joshua and Caleb, who heard. They also heard. We sit here Sunday after Sunday. We hear the messages. I’ve just shared some of the highlights with you. Do you know that all the messages are being transcribed and are on the web? The full message plus the highlights, but many hear, but they don’t believe, and that’s not what God wants for us. That’s not what He wants for us.
Numbers 14, verse 24, Caleb had a different spirit. Let’s see what God says about that. You know, what, in the light of the ecclesia, there are just very, very powerful things that God is showing me. We spoke about last week, we have come to Mount Zion. He talks about the assembly of the church—the ecclesia, the judge of the whole earth and the blood of sprinkling that speaks. God started to show me many things about the blood of sprinkling that speaks, where God testifies. He speaks; even the blood of Abel is still speaking today. Maybe we’ll talk about that later today. We’ve got to see when a person believes God to the extent that God starts to testify about the person; that’s the powerful thing in our lives.
Let’s see Numbers 14, verse 24, what God is saying in the New King James, 24But My servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land where he went, and his descendants will inherit this. (Numbers 14:24 NKJV). There it is; he had a different spirit, a different attitude. Listen, God wants us to come all in like Caleb with this spirit. Nothing. Just you and me, we’ve got to deal with our hearts today, where you are sitting where I’m standing. And when I’m sitting there and listening to the messages. This is what God is saying. Please understand, even if you’re the only one in your own family. Now, of course, God wants the whole family to come in, but this is not a message for your family today. This is a message that God is speaking to me and you. Only, I can, all by myself, just decide, I’m going to go fully in, I believe God fully, and I am on the attack.
Now, let’s take a closer look at Caleb’s words, still more words that he’s speaking. Numbers 13 verse 30, in the Amplified, and like I said, if you are hearing God today, take this Word, receive these words for yourself, to develop this spirit. 30Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once and possess it; we are well able to conquer it. These words are resounding in my spirit, every Prayer Connect that we pray, this is what’s coming out of my spirit, we are able. Can we see, what’s attacking our city and the things that want to come against our president and our nation? To talk about what the enemy wants to do with Corona? There are many giants. These are the words that God spoke to us a long time ago.
I actually brought one of my books, and this is just the way I’ve got a file and a book with the words that God is giving us every time. I’m going to get there because Pastor John spoke about it. These are the words, Let us go up at once and possess it because we are well able to conquer it. Those are the words in my heart for us with Pastor John, in our collective greatness.
[Missing audio] up in the morning, like [Missing audio]. Do you think we all get up in the morning, and we just sometimes feel we can move mountains? Well, sometimes we do, but there are many times when we get up in the morning, and that’s not the way we feel, but that’s what I say. That’s what I say. Me and you, we do not live by feelings, but we live by faith. We live by faith in the self-fulfilling power of God’s Word that is getting us. So let us go up at once and possess it because we are well able, but his fellow spies, the people around him, said we are not able. Let’s look at verse 31, still in Numbers 13. 31But his fellow scouts said, in the Amplified the spies, We are not able to go out against the people [of Canaan], for they are stronger than we are.
Now, when we see it like this, we know this story. We hear the scriptures. What’s happening where you are working? What’s happening where the kids are going to school? Where we have to face things this week coming and the week past. In conversations, are there things that you are telling your wife, your husband, and your children that you cannot do? This is now what we are talking about. We are here with Caleb, “Yes, we say we can. Other people said we could not do it.” We come back to what’s happening after the church service Sunday afternoon, facing Monday, facing Tuesday, facing every day where we live, because that’s where some of these conversations are coming out. Where we want to justify just like the other 10 spies, but you must just understand how tough that is. You must just understand why I cannot do that. We cannot do that. We cannot do that.
Verse 32 said 32So they brought the Israelites an evil report of the land which they had scouted out, saying, that word is so important, the Bible says, what is in your heart is going to come out. What is in your heart is going to come out, and your children are going to hear. Either like the daughter of Caleb, “Give me too. You’ve got this spirit in you to take; I’ve got this spirit too.” Or like the ten others said? What were they saying? The land to which we went to spy it out is a land that devours its inhabitants. And all the people that we saw in it are men of great stature. Verse 33, 33 There we saw the Nephilim [or giants], the sons of Anak, who came from the giants; and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight. (Numbers 13:30-33 AMPC). Only you today and only me today really know what’s going on in your heart. What’s really going on in your heart. This is an evil; the New Testament calls it the evil, unbelieving spirit.
I can’t remember if it was Brother Copeland or Brother Jerry that said it many, many years or even Dr Creflo that said it at one time. What is the greatest honour we can give God? It’s actually to believe Him. The greatest honour we can give him. That’s why the Bible talks about the evil, unbelieving spirit. Oh, thank You, Holy Spirit. It was Dr Creflo Dollar many, many years ago. The Holy Spirit is reminding me of what happened to him. The enemy came to attack him and his family. And at one stage he said to the Lord, he said to the Lord, “Lord, what can I do to really get the enemy back?” Dr Creflo Dollar, you know what the Lord answered him. The Lord said this to him? I’ll never forget it. I’m talking about 25 years ago. The Lord said to him, “Do to him what you do to Me, just don’t believe him.” That’s massive. That is how you can really hurt the enemy, just don’t believe him. Many times, of course, when we yield to the enemy, and not to the Holy Spirit, that is the greatest dishonour because that is actually what those spies did. It was irrational dishonour because God says, “I’m giving you the land.” God is saying to us today, “I’m giving you the land. Come Big and Bold with your faith because I’m giving it to you.”
Verse seven, and this is very, very important for us today. 7And they said to all the company of Israelites, The land through which we passed as scouts is an exceedingly good land. Look at the audacity. I mean, God says He’s giving us the land, the land is good, but we’re telling you we are grasshoppers in our own sight and in their sight, and we can’t take it. Verse eight. 8If the Lord delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land flowing with milk and honey. 9Only do not rebel against the Lord. Well, actually, this is Caleb speaking here. Only do not rebel against the Lord, neither fear the people of the land, for they are bread for us. (Numbers 14:7-9 AMPC). God has already given us this Word. This is why I brought this book that I shared with you in 2018. Pastor John was already talking about it in God’s preparation for us to take the land.
Look what Pastor John is saying here, right in the beginning, where the year started in 2018. When the Holy Spirit came through Brother Jerry to say, we have to say every single day, “Show me Your glory, Lord. Show me Your glory.” And God did not tell one of us to stop. “Show my children Your glory, Lord. Show me Your glory in my workplace. Show me Your glory in this situation. Pastor John said God delights in me because Jesus is in me. The giants are bread to me, I am consuming them so easily, and it will make them part of my testimony.
What Pastor John ministered, I already wrote it in the form of a declaration. Since then, every now and then, I would get out this book, and I would go back to that message that Pastor John ministered, and here Pastor Sharon is speaking about the spirit of Caleb, I’m saying it again, the giants are bread to me. I am consuming them so easily. That I put it in my heart, I put it in my heart, because I know I’m going to face giants, but God says no problem, you will consume them so easily. It will make them part of my great testimony. If you stay there with God, what do you think is going to happen when those giants are showing up? You’re going to consume them so easily by the wisdom and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
They are like nothing before us, Pastor John said, Numbers 14 verse 9, 9 Their defense and the shadow [of protection] is removed from over them, but the Lord is with us. Fear them not. And that is what we are saying. Now Pastor John said much more. I’ve got it all here, but I’m not going to go there right now. I want to go to verse 10. 10 But all the congregation said, can you imagine this? [The sound cut out] … to stone [Joshua and Caleb] with stones. But the glory of the Lord appeared at the Tent before all the Israelites (Numbers 14:9-10 AMPC).
We must understand this as a people. You have to deal with fear in your life, Pastor Sharon shared in that message, or you will not get your promised land because fear and faith are incompatible. At the same moment, you cannot believe and fear in the very same moment. It’s going to be one of the two. It’s going to be one of the two, and then Pastor Sharon said a very big thing. You’ve got to displace your fear with faith. Do you think David did not experience fear? When he went up against Goliath in his humanity? Of course. But he came against the enemy with words. Daniel, the Lord says, I’m coming for your words, Heritage of Faith people. David said I’m coming to you in the name of Jesus, and in my covenant, he came with words because the New Covenant sees God and says it very clearly. God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. So, many of the Israelites yielded to fear, but that was something Caleb and Joshua did not do. They did not yield.
So, let’s go to Numbers 14. I’m going to close with this today. Numbers 14, verses 9 to 10, Caleb and Joshua, before I read that as much opportunity to fear as the other ten spies, but in Pastor Sharon’s words by the Holy Spirit, they refused, and they refuted fear. It is something that you’ve got to do. Do you think you’re the only one at night sometimes thinking about your finances? And what the enemy is shouting at you? Do you think you’re the only one during the daytime? Or in the night, facing things that you and I have to face? No, Joshua and Caleb refused and refuted fear.
Look at Numbers 14, verses 9 to 10. These last scriptures are all in Numbers. I hope I did not put on the piece of paper Joshua because it’s Numbers 14 verse 9 to 10. 9 Only do not rebel against the Lord neither fear the people of the land, for they are bread for us. Like we started to read. Their defense and shadow [of protection] is removed from over them, but the Lord is with us. Fear them not. 10 But all the congregation said to stone [Joshua and Caleb] with stones. But the glory of the Lord appeared at the Tent of Meeting. (Numbers 14:9-10 AMPC) I know we already read that of the Israelites. What did we say? What did we say last week? Our enemies are now coming cringing before us because fear and dread is falling upon our enemies.
Part of what Pastor Sharon said in that message is she said, this time of God is our time. Now keep your spiritual wits about you. Keep your eyes open, our enemies have already been scattered, and their hearts are melting. Remember what we’ve said? God says, “Now I’m going to give you the power to get to wealth to establish My covenant.” God says, “Come on, they are ready to give it to you.” This is what I understood then when God says; I’m giving you the land, everything about the details to get the land is then, in that word, happening.
If God says, then I’m giving you the land, it means that the people living in that land, in Babylon taking for themselves, their hearts are now, right now melting, they are ready to give us everything that when the Holy Spirit will deal with us in matters in business, buying houses doing things, the Holy Spirit will lead us and when we go to ask that they will give it to us. That’s what the Word says. That’s where our faith must be. That’s how the Holy Spirit is going to lead us and help us, but if you have a heart, believing like that, very important.
Then Numbers 14 verse 22. We move on. 22 Because all those men who have seen My glory, and My [miraculous] signs which I performed in Egypt and in the wilderness, yet have tested and proved me these ten times, and I have not heeded my voice (Numbers 14:22 AMPC). Now, I’ve shared with you a little while ago. That’s why I’ve said to you that they have actually not rejected Moses or afterwards Joshua, but God. Look again at verse 22. 22Because all those men who have seen My glory, I’m planting you; I’m leading you, I’m bringing you to the places where I want you to be. You see My miraculous signs which are performed in Egypt, in the wilderness, yet they have tested them prove Me, says God.
That’s why we come back; that Irrational Honour is to absolutely believe God. Trust Him in the patterns that He has for us. That’s why I’ve said with you, this just to name two things today. There are two things that Satan uses very successfully against believers. Number one, it’s time. Satan comes and says, like Abraham, “Well you said, I am going to have a son, where’s that son?” So time because we live in the realm of time, Satan wants to come and say to believers, “Well, You say I must ask God, I must ask many things. So where is it?” I just showed you when I’ve called Meredith, and Abraham believed God.
The other thing that Satan is using against all of us is people. Remember how often Pastor John ministered, and I’m going to go there today. God decided to use people. God decided to use a mum and dad with children in the house. The children don’t like it when mum and dad says, make your bed, take out the trash, do this or that. That’s, of course, where rebellion can start in the heart of a child, but then God has that authority in the Church, in our Government. Satan comes, and he says, “No, you’ve got to do your thing. You’ve got to be independent.” Satan doesn’t want us to live according to the patterns that God gave us, and that’s exactly where security, safety and success lies. So, I’m just mentioning it here, because they came against Moses, they came against Joshua; we cannot do that because those are the easy things where Satan wants to take us out, even before we start.
So verse 23, 23 Surely they shall not see the land which I swore to give to their fathers; nor shall any who provoked (spurned, despised) Me, says God, not the leaders, not Pastor John, not Moses, not Joshua, those who (spurned, despised) Me (Numbers 14:23 AMPC). That’s why I’ve said, “What is the greatest honour we can give God?” It is to actually believe Him. Look at verse 24. 24 But my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit, and he has followed Me fully, I will bring him into the land into which he went and his descendants will possess it (Numbers 14:24 AMPC). We already read that, but I want to show it to you again.
So, can you see if you reject God’s delegated authority, you’re actually coming against Him? That’s why we say today that Caleb had a different spirit, and you have to look at your own heart? He had a conquering spirit. He had a spirit that was ready to attack and to war and to take what God had for him.
Then Numbers 14 verse 29 in closing. The Lord says – just before I read it – if we don’t believe God, and this is what I want you to see in closing, this is very, very real. It’s real in every generation, for assignment with people in every generation. There is another side. If you don’t believe God, there’s a real other side of the coin. There is. We have to understand that today.
Verse 29 says, 29 Your dead bodies shall fall in this wilderness—all who were numbered of you, your entire number from twenty years old and upward, Why? Because you have murmured against Me. What’s going to happen? Verse 30, 30 Surely none shall come into the land in which I swore to make you dwell, except Caleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun. Verse 31, 31 But your little ones, and of course, this is the message that God came barrelling into our lives: I’m taking the children out of Babylon. The way that you wanted to live for yourself, the way that you are so comfortable in the world system. 31 But your little ones whom you said would be a prey, them will I bring in and they shall know the land which you have despised and rejected. If we do not believe like Caleb, there is another side of the coin, unfortunately, but it’s very real. Verse 32. 32 But as for you, you’re dead bodies will fall in the wilderness. (Numbers 14:29-32 AMPC)
Numbers 14:36. 36 And then men will Moses said, to search the land to return. And now I want to talk to you really in ending here today, about the collective greatness. God is at least looking for the ten. God wants all of our hearts. God wants us to go in, but what can happen? It happens in your family; it happens between husband and wife; it happens between children. Let’s see what happened here. And we have to be very, very careful. Verse 36, numbers 14, 36 And the men whom Moses sent to search the land, who returned and made all the congregation grumble and complain. They made the congregation; you can make others around you and make your family members dismayed. You can say things that will cause. Verse 37. 37 Even those men who brought the evil report of the land died by a plague before the Lord. (Numbers 14:36-38 AMPC)
So, let me ask you today, if you and I grumble a little bit, we are frustrated, and we waver a little bit. Do we think that’s okay? No, it’s going to make someone around you look at you and think: “What is this? Why are you talking like this? God says we are well able. At once. Why are you talking like this? Why do you speak about business like this?”
Verse 38, 38 But Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh, who were among the men who went to search the land, lived still. (Numbers 14:38 AMPC) So, this is very huge for us today. What are you saying to your family members? What are you talking about? Fear? Grumbling? Here’s the big thing, all of them, Moses sent them out, and they came back, and they caused the people to start to grumble.
So, the Lord said to me regarding this message, really just like this, He said to me: “Parents, what are you saying to your daughter and to your son?” Number one with the messages that God came barrelling into our lives. Do you still tell them they can go and do what they want to do? Are you telling them that God wants to see what God called them? What should this little one be? The Lord said to me, “Christi, you must just say it like this. Husbands, what are you saying to your wives? Wives, what are you saying to your husbands? Children, what are you hearing, and what are you choosing to say? Because Pastor Sharon made it very, very clear when she ministered on that. I don’t want to skip to my last page, but she made it very clear. Your unbelief will affect your family. You will infect and affect people around you with your lawlessness, your unbelieving heart, your hard heart, and not wanting to repent and coming out of Babylon.
So, that’s the one part, but the other part, and I believe that’s where we are as a people—the other part is also true. It’s wonderful if you have the spirit of Caleb and Joshua in your home. That is a great thing. That’s the way you must speak to your husband, to your wife. That’s the way you must speak to your kids. That, on the other side of the coin, is a wonderful thing that we are to choose. We choose to live as a people like that. We say what Jesus is saying to Pastor John and Pastor Sharon when we say it to one another. We’ve got the guts to say: “No, you cannot speak like that. You cannot grumble like that. You cannot do that.” That is a wonderful thing when we have one another next to us. We affect, and we impact people, for the good, full of faith or full of doubt, and that’s what God wants us to see today.
So, last verse for today. Numbers 14, verse 36, in our collective greatness, 36 And the men whom Moses sent to search the land, who returned and made all the congregation grumble. (Numbers 14:36 AMPC) I’m not going to read that again. But verse 38, 38 But Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh, who were among the men who went to search the land, lived still. (Numbers 14:38 AMPC)We are still alive, and something in closing that Pastor Sharon shared with us. And this is just the truth. If you go and read the book of Joshua, you will see that Joshua, his messages did not change. He kept on saying the same thing to them, from taking the first city and then taking all the other cities. There is a different spirit in you when you have, and later on, in covenant, I would like to talk to you about this.
You can believe in God; it’s not to say you live in covenant with Him. When you live in covenant, and you know that God is planting you, you align your whole life. You trust God actually in what He is doing, and you align your whole life.
And then we see, like Pastor Sharon said, you love to come to church to say: “Pastor John, tell me again, tell me again, what I must do there. I love the messages. I love to hear what God is saying to Joshua. I love to hear what God is saying to Pastor John and Sharon.
That’s the choices we’ve got to make. Tell me again the story Pastor John. Tell me again the story Pastor Sharon. We love to come and hear the Word of God. We like it when we share those stories with one another. Speak faith to one another again because, in our Collective Greatness, God wants to check our hearts because we’ve got an Ecclesia already here to become. To arise and to take our place.
Let’s pray. Let’s pray. Father, we want to say thank you today. You are so good. You are so faithful, even when we are not always faithful. Oh, Father, we want to say today, we love Your Word. We love Your people, and we say today we have the spirit of Caleb. We have the heart of Caleb and Joshua in our blood. We are a new generation person. If we are five years old, 15, 25, 50, 70, 80—we say Lord at once. We are ready to go up and to possess the land. Personally, and in our Collective Greatness, together. Thank you, we give You all the glory because we are well able. Lord, we are going well able from this place to tackle this afternoon and this week, and we say: “Father, we are bursting forth in the fruitfulness of our faithfulness. No weapon formed against us shall prosper.”
Father, we are blessed. The Blessing is working for us even when we are sleeping. The Blessing is working when the kids are going to school. The Blessing is working. The Blessing is in us and on us when we go to work. Father, we want to say today that we now, every moment of the day, live in a new era marked by many triumphant victories. Why? Because You are doing miracle after miracle for each and every one. Lord, in this, we give our hearts to study online Bible School this year. You promised us Holy Spirit, things that we struggled with is now just falling off us. Lord, You sent, and You give us this afternoon, supernatural intervention.
Supernatural intervention, why? Because we believe what the prophets are saying. We believe what You are saying. Your goodness and Your power, we are now experiencing like never before, and we all say, Amen. Hallelujah, Hallelujah.
We have the spirit like Caleb, to say, Lord, at once, we are able, and we already have a blessed afternoon. See you soon. And bye-bye everyone at home. It was wonderful to be with you today.
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