Scripture Reference: Ezekiel 3:10-11 AMPC; Revelation 18:4 AMPC; 1 John 2:15 KJV; Proverbs 3:7 KJV; Proverbs 12:15 KJV; Proverbs 16:2 KJV; Ephesians 2:10 AMPC; Revelation 17:9 AMPC; Revelation 3:18-21 TPT; Hosea 4;6, 2 Timothy 2:14,16 TPT; 1 Timothy 4:16 AMPC
Oh, glory, glory, glory to God. Thank you. Thank you. Thank You, Lord. Praise You, praise You, praise You, Jesus. Thank You, Father, that this joy that we have, the world didn’t give it to us, Father – didn’t give it and can’t take it away, Father. And it’s our strength Father, it’s our strength. And thank You for Your words that will come to us today. Your Word, Father, Your precious Holy written Word. We receive it, we receive it with all that it’s intended to do, with all that it’s purposed to do in our lives, Father, in Jesus’ name and we all say, “Amen.” You may be seated. Glory.
It’s good to see you all. Well, it’s not all of you but it’s good to see you who are here. I’m going to just, won’t you just stretch out your hands towards me please, won’t you just say this after me: say, “Father, we ask You this morning to speak through this earthen vessel, speak straight to our hearts. We are ready to receive. May it be all of You, through this vessel, in Jesus’ name. Amen.” Glory to God.
I am on assignment by the Lord and I just said to Pastor John this morning, he called me and he just said to me, “I have such recognition, Sharon,” actually, you know, he was just amazing to me. He said, “I’ve been listening to this minister,” you know, because I’ve been in Johannesburg, and he just said to me, “I’ve been listening to this minister, minister the Word of God with just accuracy and with such power and such truth, such a timely message right now that I am absolutely amazed.” So I said, “Oh.” And he said, “Her name is Sharon Bendixen.” He said, “I recognized that you are on assignment to the Johannesburg church and I will be seeking the Lord as to how you are to complete your assignment there.”
I’m going to start again. God is not going to be in a hurry with this. Okay, so let me start off with what happened to me. It was a defining moment for me. Where are you? Where are you? I’ve got…He is going to take His time with us. I’ll get to it. I shared with you that I received the call from the Lord to; go to the children of My people and of course, when you first get such a strong call from the Lord, you have all kinds of; your soul gets involved in it and imagines all kinds of things. I am going to take my time just to find it. I thought I had marked it. I am going to find it because I want to read it to you. The Lord said, “Tell them what has happened to you so they can be completely in the know about what’s going on here.” And like I said to you before, the Lord has comforted my heart in the past with, “It doesn’t matter who doesn’t hear these messages – they should have.” Because if you belong to this church, and you have allowed yourself to be planted in this church by the Holy Spirit, then it doesn’t matter if you can say, “I didn’t know.” Because you should have known because you have been taught. If you have been in this church and been planted in this church for any amount of time, you would have, you know, that we are to be in the Sunday’s messages because they are messages from heaven through an earthen vessel to earth, from an earthen vessel to earth.
Right, so I’ll find it, Lord. Okay, here we go. 23 June, A new open door call, go now to the children of My people. That doesn’t mean to say I don’t come to you all. But there is a specific assignment that’s on me to go to the children of My people. Go now to the children. Go now. Let the little children come unto Me, let the children come to Me. And He called me through the Scripture of Ezekiel 3:10-11 in the Amplified Bible that says, 10 Moreover, He said to me, Son of man, it’s the first time He has called me that. He called me that quite a few times because He kept saying out of that book, “You don’t speak what you choose, you eat what I give you, you bring to My people what I give you, son of man, son of man.” So He said here, Son of man all My words that I shall speak to you, receive in your heart and hear with your ears. 11 And go. Thus says the Lord God, whether they shall hear or whether they will refuse to hear (Ezekiel 3:10-11 AMPC).
And then this one, this says, 11 get you to the captives in Babylon. You will remember this Scripture that the Lord had me read you, 4 Come out, of Babylon, so that you don’t share in her; participate; share in her sins and participate in her plagues (Revelation 18:4 AMPC). It’s a direct instruction to Heritage of Faith people at this time – to come out of Babylon. And God is going to help you through messages, to come out of Babylon because you don’t know how much you are in it. You don’t know how much of it is in you. Babylon is the world’s system. I read to you, the Scriptures where it says that Jesus came to rescue us from the wicked world’s system. The world’s system is wicked. Jesus says it’s wicked. So that’s why, some of you even now are squirming. You don’t like this statement that Jesus made that the world, I came to rescue from this evil present wicked world system because some of you love it, you love it. Then Jesus says in 1 John, He says, 15 Love not the world, nor the things of the world (1 John 2:15) and so when you hear me make a statement; or you hear Jesus make a statement like, “I’ve come to rescue you from the wicked world system that you are currently living in,” you don’t like that because you love the world. “Well, I don’t know if I want to be rescued from it.” Because that’s exactly what the children; the Egyptians – when God said, “I am going to rescue you out of the wicked evil world system of your time, and your day because you actually don’t even have any idea of how it’s suppressing you and so they took it as good news at first but afterwards they said, “We actually we want to go back; we don’t want to be rescued by You God. We actually want to go back.” They said, “We’re going to get another leader that’s going to take us back because we remember how things were there and this uncertainty of having to live by faith, we like to be in control like the world is in control.” “We like to do things the way the present world evil wicked system is set up, the world’s system is set up; not by God.
The earth belongs to God but the world system He did not set it up. He has a kingdom, He has His kingdom. So everything that’s in the world, that would bring about or cause in you the pride of life, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes, the desire of the eyes, the longing, the greedy longings for the things that are in the world and the love of the world – it squeezes the love of the Father right out of you. So God is not just making a statement to Heritage of Faith, Johannesburg, people at this time to come out of your, the current world system. There is a Scripture that also says that you’re in it but you’re not of it. But so many are in it and of it, of God’s own. And so we don’t know the degree to which we are of it and how much we love it until God starts to touch it in your heart by His Scriptures, with Scripture. With Scripture. With His Word.
Then your response is, “I’m hardening my heart because I want to love it. I want to, I like these things. I like these things. I like the way that I’m living.” Or, you allow the Word to pierce and penetrate you and then you cause, you let the Holy Spirit help you to repent. The word repent means to change your inner man to meet His will in His Word and to walk in His ways that is evident in His Word.
Go to the children. Go to the children of your people and speak to them and tell them – this is My call to them. I’ve had this in store for you for the new open door I have opened for Myself. I have everything ready, I have been preparing this all along. This is a legacy transfer from Me to you. This mantle comes from Me to you now. I don’t know how long this is going to be on me, this is brand new to me. That’s why I’m checking everything with Pastor John. Because it’s a new open door and everything is so new that’s happening to me, in me, because I’m expecting it. I’ve got the Word concerning I’ve never been here before. I have never experienced before. Brother Jerry’s whole word that he brought – it’s a place; it’s spaces; it’s brand new; it’s not the way you’ve done things before because it’s so new. I’m so grateful I have a spiritual leader that I can check in with.
He said to me, this mantle comes from Me to You now and It’s upon you. And He said, it’s a mantle of Jesus. He said, it’s the mantle of Jesus. It is beautiful, it has a particular fragrance, and it has a particular anointing. And I said to the Lord, “I didn’t see this coming.” I see myself in the church of children. And that includes Jesus saying unless you become like little children you cannot. I see myself in a church of little children because Jesus said, unless you, adults, become like little children you won’t even see the kingdom of God. I see myself in a church of little children. The Church of Children – it’s by the Holy Spirit. I said, “How can this be?” He said, “The Holy Spirit.” So I said immediately, “Show John everything, Lord. Tell him everything. And give him all the execution as I begin now to seek out and pray out.” I have organised and established prayer specially for this new assignment that is on me. So, there we go.
The Lord said, this is His plan and purposes for these messages that He is going to bring. I don’t know how long it’s going to last, Pastor John will know. The Holy Spirit will show because I’ve asked Him. He is bringing these messages to you, Johannesburg church, because it has everything to do with supernatural increase coming to you through the new open door. It has everything to do with the supernatural increase coming to you through the new open door. The Lord opened the new door strategically at a time when He knew what the enemy was going to do. He knew what was coming. He’s bringing these messages right now, they are coming from heaven to earth at this time and they have everything to do with the direction that your life will go in. It will have everything; these messages will have everything to do with the direction your very life will go in. Both for the adults and for the children. Even if you don’t have children, and you’re not a parent, this… Brother Jerry said this, Jesus showed him, I think it was in the month of June, this is a defining moment in our lives with what we are going through right now, Brother Jerry speaking. I sensed in my spirit this is a word for the body of Christ. This is a defining moment in your life. And then he went on to say, a defining moment is like a fork in the road. It’s coming to a place in your life where you have to make a decision to go either this way or that. Go here or there. It’s one of those times, listen to this, how you act; how you respond, what you decide will determine the direction your life will go in.
7 Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and depart from evil (Proverbs 3:7 KJV). Proverbs 12:15, 15 the way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he that hears counsel is wise (Proverbs 12:15 KJV). Proverbs 16:2, 2 all the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the thoughts and the intents of the heart (Proverbs 16:2 KJV). Ephesians 2:10, 10 For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, or [born again], born again – why?, that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10 AMPC)
This is very key here because you’re about to, in the next couple of weeks, be receiving legacy transfer in a way that perhaps you didn’t think you would receive it. You are going to discover in this teaching how seriously God takes it when you do not follow His plan for your life; what eternal consequences there are. It’s a defining moment in the lives of the parents, in the lives of all the people, and the lives of the children. The children that have grown up in this house – there is going to be a special teaching that’s coming to you and it is as the Spirit wills and as He leads me – I’ve already got all of it. He’s given me all of it. And there will be a special teaching to the children as well that you too are at a place where you have been sitting with this teaching, in this House. You have been with Pastor John and I for many years and at this stage and this age – I’m going to teach you, the Scripture is going to teach you how Jesus even at 12 knew that He was about to be His Father’s House and His Father’s business. So the children of accountable age, I would say 12 years and up even are without excuse in this House, are not being able to have a heart change and turn that says – I only want to follow His plan for my life.
Because I am going to teach you, from scripture, how seriously God takes it for you to follow God’s plan for your life, and then the Lord said to me, then the pride will come in the parents, and the parents will go, are you telling me I am not walking in the plan of God for my life, I have been doing okay, I don’t mind if my children turn out like me. He said to me, “The pride will come, they will face those cross roads.” Are you telling me that I haven’t been bringing my children up to follow God’s plan for my life. He said, “The pride will come in the parents, pride will come up in their hearts.” But what they do with it will be between them and God, that can either be that, or there can be a piercing and a penetrating of the Word of God that will cause honesty and a repentance.
He is bringing these messages to you because it has everything to do with the supernatural increase that He is desiring to bring to you through the new open door, He opened the new door strategically, He knew what was coming. He’s bringing these messages right now. They are coming from heaven to earth at this time, earthen vessel at this time and they have everything to do with the direction that your life will go in. These messages are defining, are life defining messages.
He is Jesus, He has other words He wants to say to you this morning. He is Jesus, He is the head of this church, He has every right to speak to this church, and only for Him to speak to this church. He holds Pastor John and I in His right hand, the book of Revelation says He holds the messengers of the churches in His right hand, that is Ephesians 4. He has given to the church; apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists to bring the body of Christ into full Son-ship and maturity, and you have heard me say this before, and I will never stop. The highest call is to become a mature son of God, not to see if you can become an apostle or a prophet or a pastor or a teacher. It is to become a mature son of God in the order of God.
God has got a way to bring you to a place of maturity which is very clear in scripture, its for you to be planted in a place, its for you to receive the message to come in that place and to be divinely connected where He sets you in. The majority of the body of Christ do not allow themselves to be planted in any way, shape, fashion or form by the Holy Spirit. They choose a place to go to of their preference and their comfort and convenience. Kenneth Copeland said this, the majority of the body of Christ never ask the Lord where are you planting me Lord, in case they may have to actually go there, and he said, that place where God is planting you is your wealthy place and your laughing place. It’s your growing place, it’s your maturing place. Hallelujah.
Pastor John and I, He’s holding us, He holds all the messengers of the churches, in his right hand, the book of Revelation says that. Then it says, let me see if I can read here, I am, Jesus is speaking about Himself here, Jesus says here, I am walking among the lamp stands, He says the lamp stands are the churches. So Jesus, whether you know it or not, whether you recognise it or not, walks here in our midst. Charles Finney says this, in his book on revival, if the minister can not, is not bringing the message directly to the people in front of him, then who he is ministering to, it is directed at you. When Jesus sends a message through a messenger, He is directing it directly at you, why should we squirm at that, we should be expecting the directing of the messenger straight to our heart. He is writing His messages now and it’s His great love and it’s for glory, it’s for His glory to come and to be seen in His sons of God on the earth and it is His mercy opportunity. It is how He gave it to me this morning, it’s His mercy opportunity for you to judge yourself in this aspect so you don’t have to be judged along with the world. So there is going to come this kind of a judgement in you, if there is going to be recognition in you, that you have in the past, because your children have all grown up now, raised your children in the worldly system, to love the world system and to let them integrate with it.
There is going to come in you a realisation in these messages to judge yourself like that, because in the book of Peter it says judgement begins in the household of God and then there is a scripture that says judge yourself so that you are not judged along with the world. Because the world system, the wicked evil world system raises their children in a particular way, and so what God’s people have gone and done, oh I see the world system has done it like that, I am going to do it just like that. It looks good to the eyes, see David says how the wicked prosper, see how the wicked prosper. It’s His mercy opportunity for you and I, I am never excluded and nor is Pastor John from any of the messages Jesus brings to us. We take it first.
It is a mercy opportunity for you to judge yourself in this aspect so you don’t have judgement come on yourself with the world. He is helping you come out of Babylon, this wicked twisted world system, you can’t come out of it if you don’t recognise how much you are in it, how much you are living in it, how much of it is in your heart, in your thinking, your thinking because of what you’re seeing, and your thinking, your speaking, your acting your operations. How much you are under its tendency and sway, it’s what one scripture says, you were once under the sway and the tendency of this wicked evil world system. But since you have come into the kingdom of God, it’s all different, completely different. Things are not the same in the kingdom as they are in the world system. The kingdom of God is not Babylon, the Kingdom of God is not the world system, they have nothing similar in them, they have nothing similar in them. You know what this is going to take, these teachings, God says, if you will let Him, He will help you jump over a big hoop and you will go to a new level as a people, what He showed me, I am going to read it to you, I am actually laying another foundation today. I am bringing more clarity as to what is happening here as I am getting clarity.
He said this, in the Amplified bible, 9 This calls for a mind, I’m finding it, falling, falling, here is Babylon. Here is Jesus saying, “Come out of her so that you don’t share in her sins or you don’t participate in her plagues”, you see, God so loved the world that He came to save the world from, He came to save the world. Let me just get to these scriptures. This calls for a mind, this teachings, teachings that are going to come to you, calls for a mind [to consider that is packed] with wisdom and intelligence. This is not something that you can just think you can blow off God here. It’s going to be so, of such a kind of message with such potential in it, to how to be transformed and take us to a new place, collective place. This calls for a mind to consider that is packed with wisdom, Revelation 17:9 Amplified, packed with wisdom and intelligence [it is something for a particular mode of thinking and judging of thoughts and feelings, and purposes].
Let me read that again. This calls, these messages calls for minds to consider packed, that are packed with wisdom, that is supreme intelligence. You are going to have to allow God, from your spirit and from your heart, to bring you up there because your soul is going to say, “I don’t think I am coming again” but if you have a mind to consider what God is saying here, packed with wisdom and intelligence because you have the Holy Spirit operating inside you. [it is something for a particular mode of thinking and judging of your thoughts, a particular mode of thinking and judging of your thoughts, your feelings, and your purposes) of your heart. (Revelation 17:9 AMPC) The Word of God is going to come like a two-edged sword and divide between what’s Babylon and what’s the Kingdom of God, what’s the world system and your love of the world and what’s your love of God. It’s going to come like that. It’s going to come like that.
Here is Jesus and He is saying, first of all, I read you the scripture, come out of her, my people, so that you don’t participate in her sins, her twisted ways, it is what sin means. Twisted ways, not the ways of the kingdom and so that you don’t participate in her plagues because that is the consequence of not coming out of the world system and loving it and you will participate in her plagues. If you don’t come out of her, her plagues will come on you. God didn’t predestine those plagues for you. He predestined for you to come straight completely into the kingdom of God and be safe and sound from the wickedness from the world system.
You can’t not love the world and all that is in it if you think actually, God brought the world system about, to show you how to live. This calls for a mind packed with a particular mode of thinking to judge purposes. You can’t not love the world and all that is in it if you think, actually, God brought the world system to show you how to live, so if you think that’s God’s way of living, what you see in the world system, see.
So you see how your thinking can go just because of what you see in the world. So this world system that was set up by the god of this world, I read you all those scriptures, Satan is the god of this world. Scripture says, “Satan is the god of this world”. God the Father is not the god of this world system. He is not. God the Father and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are in the kingdom of God, not in the kingdom of darkness. So when this world system was being set up, even many years ago in the days of Noah, all that wickedness then and even after and time and time and time again through history, God was telling His people, “Come. Come out, come out”.
This is a much more serious time now because it is the time of God and He is going to have His way and no man can stop Him. No institution, no philosophy, no organisation, no man can stop Him because this is His time. It is different from the time that was there with God. This is the time when He is bringing everything to glorify Christ. He is bringing forth His glorious church and He is going to give all of us every opportunity to be, to come into that glory.
So the world system, when it was being set up then, and it is set up now, the financial system, so we look at it and we see, oh that’s how the world runs finances. So it takes God a tremendous effort to wade through all of that, that hardness of heart to His Word, to say, “It’s not My way”. That financial system you see there, it is twisted, it is the god of this world is, if you actually go back to see who actually instituted the borrowing system in the banks and things like that, they have nothing to do with God. God has got His own kingdom’s way of finances for us to be free. Society, if you look up the word, meaning of the word social, it’s to make you to be like everybody else.
Everybody thinks they’re so unique and different in the world but they actually all like each other. Your own, your uniqueness is only going to be found in Jesus. What perfect imprint He has made you to be of Himself, relational, parenting, the world says, “This is how you raise your kids”. You can google it. You can google how to raise your kids successfully according to the world system, educational system, entertainment, system of the world, God didn’t set that up. It is not in His kingdom. Hollywood and sport. Okay, He has always worked as best He could with His people. We’ve become embroiled with the then world systems but this is us now, it is Him and us. It is His time now. It is Him speaking to us in His order. He speaks to us in the church through Jesus. Jesus speaks to His church through messengers and this defining moment that we have come to, you can’t say to yourself, “I don’t think I will have one now. I don’t think I will have that defining moment, thank you”. You can’t, stop that, God has brought it to it.
God has said it is a defining moment now for His Church so you are at one. It’s Him speaking to us now in His order the church it’s our response now to these messages, also He said I must just share with you upfront, they are able to bring us to new degrees of consecration and dedication to His ways so we can go to new degrees of authority as sons of God.
Can you see that? Can you see how that will impact you coming out of Babylon, Babylon coming out of you, the world system coming out of you and your authority going to a new place, can you see why our authority is so weakened? Because of what we love and what’s in us. There is a degree of ruling and reigning in life as kings that we are going to start to touch now, we are going to come to places now through His Word even if it’s just, even if it’s just a few, a handful of us. He’s never needed a majority of people, He’s never needed a majority for Him. Just needs a prototype, He does want all to go in of course He loves us all.
For our faith so here is how He put it to me this morning. These messages will enable us and bring new degrees of consecration and dedication to His ways, so that we can go to new places and spaces of authority as His sons, and we can go to new spaces and places for our faith to overcome the world system. Because that’s what, that’s what the scripture says and this is they which overcomes the world even our faith, but now if you’re in it and you’re of it and you love it, then what authority can you have to overcome it. You don’t even want to. Only that which suits you, when it’s not working quite well for you.
I completely trust His Word to work in us, I completely trust this Word and these messages to do exactly what Jesus said they would do. We are not in any position or condition to fulfil God’s plan for making man to rule and reign. When we overcome this world because Jesus said in John 16, I think it’s verse 33, He said, In this world system you will have trouble and distresses and tribulation but be of good cheer, be of good cheer. I have overcome it the world’s system for you, I have deprived it of its power to harm you, I have conquered this world’s system for you because you are going to be born again and you are going to come into my kingdom, it is so different in my kingdom you are going to be able to rule and reign over the world system not live it, be of it and love it, be subject to it, it overcomes you.
Okay so then I had this also this morning a word of caution, even a word of warning. These are messages from Jesus and if you demean them and refute them and subtract from them and reason against them and propagate, propagate, He had that word propagate it amongst yourselves. When you hear these messages and they so unmasking actually because that’s what the Lord showed me in His message to the Laodicean sea church, it’s because I love you that I am going to unmask you. I can’t let you go for the rest of your life with a mask, masked by this world, it’s because I love you that I am going to unmask you.
Okay, let me read that to you, so Jesus writes a letter to the Laodicean church but that letter is written to us today, He says here, “I know all that you do, I know that you are neither frozen in apathy nor fervent with passion but because you are neither hot nor cold but lukewarm…” This is very interesting here I am about to spit you, God spits, I am about to spit you out of my mouth, now this word, this action of God to spit, to spit is not you know I have just had enough of you now you so lukewarm just ag and done with you. This word ‘spit’ is very powerful, it means this; I am about to reprimand you and give you out of My mouth. I am about to reprimand you and I am going to give you out of My mouth, I am going to let you have it out of My mouth. I’m going to let you have words out of My mouth, because that’s what that word means in the Amharic it says. So to spit, you know when you say to somebody, spit it out, spit it out you sense in someone they want to say something so badly, well this is that time of God’s, He gets to that place too and He is going to spit it out because He loves us.
To spit is to eject from the mouth, to expel something from the mouth and these are related words to this word spit, is to pierce and penetrate and run through with a sword and the tongue. Okay, so He says, “For you claim, I’m fine, I’m rich, I don’t need a thing yet you are clueless, poor, blind and barren and naked, so I counsel you to purchase gold.” God’s bringing us the gold now, so this is our opportunity now to go for gold, it’s our opportunity, I am so grateful. God’s bringing me opportunity to be refined by the fire by bringing me gold and you know what does all this work in us, it’s His resurrection life in us. It is not something you try to do yourself, it’s not something you allow to do or be done to you by the power of the Holy Spirit in you and the words coming to you and you go, “Yes, yes Lord, I see Lord. Yes Lord, I turn away; yes Lord, You have my honesty – I’m walking away. I see Lord, yes Lord.” And His resurrection life by the Person of the Holy Spirit just all that death of the world system just gets swallowed up because you say ‘yes’.
He says, 18 So I council you to purchase gold perfected by fire, so that you can be truly rich. 19 All those I dearly love I unmask and train. All those I dearly love, I unmask. (Revelation 3:18 – 19) He sees through all of our masks and we have many. We have many – some we know of and some we don’t even know. 19 All those that I dearly love, I unmask and train. So repent and be eager to pursue what is right. (Revelation 3:19 TPT) This is the Laodicean church in Revelations. So repent, turn around, change your inner man to go with the will of God here. Change your inner man to go with the will of God – that’s what repent means. Inside of you when the Holy Spirit is speaking to you, let Him change – let it not be your will inside of you but His. Yield, yield to scripture, yield to the Holy Spirit inside of you.
19 So repent and be eager to pursue what is right. 20 Behold, I’m standing at the door, knocking. You see, He has an open door, but He is knocking here at a closed door. He is knocking here at a door that is shut to Him to come in with His words. Okay. 20 Behold I am standing at the door knocking. If your heart is open, to hear my voice and you open the door within I will come into you and I will feast with you and you will feast with Me. The one who overcomes, the one who conquers and overcomes and is victorious. What – over the world. This is that which overcomes the world system – our faith. The one who overcomes and is victorious. 21 I will give the privilege of sitting with Me on My throne to rule and reign. There’s the authority. Just as I conquered and sat down with my Father on His throne. 22 The one whose heart is open let him listen carefully to what the Spirit is saying now to the churches. (Revelation 3:20 – 22 TPT)
Then the Lord says this, we have to be careful that we don’t propagate amongst ourselves and discuss these messages because your first words – your first words that you will have with each other in the car, or your first words that you will have internally with yourselves when these messages comes to you, that will be the most powerful thing that will happen to you – always is your first words. Your first response. So, don’t have one that is not going with scripture until you have heard everything that God is saying, alright? Because this is new – going through the new open door. I am in a new place here today. I am in a new space with God here today. I am recognising that it is through the new open-door space that I am in – I have not been here before.
What He said here, if you propagate amongst yourselves, justifying your actions with your children and even, He said, be careful that you don’t shroud – shroud – shroud things that you have already done because of your pride in spirituality. He said, He marks that now because these messages that are coming now unmasks that.
Let me give you an example of how that works in a congregation. So you’ll have a conversation and somebody will come and ask you about something and you’ll say, “No, no, it is all good, it is all God and you connect all the spiritual dots and you portray something that you know that you did not seek the plan of God.” The way you are going to be taught now, how to seek God’s plan for your life, and God is going to listen to that. After these series you’re not going to be able to do that anymore. You are actually not going to be able to think that you can be a matchmaker in the congregation or that you can have anything to say about what you think about anybody’s children in this congregation. Let me give you an example, it is like this. Pastor Christi brought a message – Put your foot in the message and then she brought the next message. Your foot in the message everybody went yah, sjoe, yes thank You Lord, true north again. Then she brought the next message about – Put your foot in the sound. Now those of you that are new to this church, ok, you need to find a disciple somewhere that can share these things with you, ok. Because I think maybe some of you are not up to date with this – but Pastor Christi brought a message of put your foot in the sound. We’re on holy ground.
I had somebody come to me in the congregation that propagated what they believed about the message to me. Bad move. Wrong move, wrong person. Well you know Pastor Sharon, I’m getting the balance in all this. I’m getting the balance in all this, because it can’t be that it is like that and it is that extreme. My extremity is God’s opportunity. Hah, hah! I am quite at peace about holding on to my library of things that I have listened to over the years. Collected, it is in my system in my car. It can’t be that that’s what the Lord is saying through her? If you didn’t hear the message, you are still without excuse before God, you were supposed to listen to it. You still can. So, He said, I am at peace, I am at peace. I said to this person, well, a word of warning to you, be very careful that you do not propagate this among the congregation and stumble a little child that really took it with a pure heart literally, spiritually. Be very careful that you do not stumble a little one in this house with this way that you have summed up this message and you are so proud of yourself, you’ve come to this conclusion, this is how I will interpret this message.
Well, I am glad to say, that was a turning point and a defining moment – that person’s life did go in the right direction. We must be very careful that we don’t be a snare to one another with our opinions about what’s been preached from the pulpit. One person receives it like a little child and another person goes [Pastor Sharon shrugs her shoulders] and then goes to the person who received it like a little child and something comes into them and they’re like “Oh, well, if this person that I know, sees it like that, then, aah, you know, maybe I mustn’t take it so extreme”. So, the Lord said, “Be careful how you speak.” Well, we feel it is God, we connect the dots, but we have not sought the Lord after the due order. That was a very, very powerful statement where David brought back the Arc, but he had not sought the Lord after the due order and Uzzah died and he was offended at God. So he was, the Bible said, he was offended at God. And so these messages that are coming now have the potential in your soul for you to get offended at God. Well, why didn’t you? Why didn’t you, I could have done better. I could have, I could have… God doesn’t want you to live in regret.
He doesn’t come to bring you gold and fire, so that you can live in regret of things you didn’t see, and things you didn’t know and light you didn’t have. He just wants your honesty with Him. That light was always available to be had, to be sought after. Ignorance is not an excuse with God. He has given you His church to be planted in, He has given you His five fold ministry to minister to you, He has given you His Bible that you can read and seek things out for yourself. He has given you the Holy Spirit that lives inside of you, He’s given you so much, so ignorance is not an excuse with God. You cannot say to a traffic officer, “I did not know it was a sixty zone”, you are still going to get a fine.
It’s all in here if you really want to know and that scripture says, God’s people perish, for a lack of knowledge. It doesn’t mean that there is a lack of knowledge, the very next part says, you turned your back on knowledge (Hosea 4;6) you turned your back on it. So there’s no lack of knowledge, it’s all in here. There were people that searched the scriptures daily to see if there is things be so. You can search the scriptures daily for your life. The Holy Spirit will be faithful to show you everything. But, there are places and spaces and times in our lives where we have been ignorant, so isn’t that a good time. Is that not a good time when God brings something into your life and you see “I was so ignorant, I really did things wrong” that you can just not have pride and just shift immediately like a child. Isn’t that a good thing? Or would you rather the Lord have you the same rather than bring you some pain, of your shock of realisation of; actually how badly that you really did do. I’m like that with God, He knows that. “Do not leave me the way I am.”
You bring Your light, You bring your discipline to me I welcome your discipline, I welcome Your reproof, Your rebuke. I want it all. I want it all. Because if I acknowledge my sin, He is faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me. Cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Immediately, instantly that transaction happens in my heart with God. It is a painful process, but I want it quick, quick Lord. It is time now. God is going to help you jump over some big hoops.
And so everything that has gone before without His light in honesty, openness with true repentance will be forgiven and cleansed of, here it is, and now your great change begins. But those who don’t want and won’t, and demean or dilute this message and muddy this beautiful clear water, if you think you can be a neutral on this you need to go and listen to Pastor John’s message on “A Neutral”. Okay. And so the scripture for this is. I mean Pastor John and I had that happen to us when we were young, we first heard Kenneth Copeland speak about “Debt free” we got such great light. It was like we knew we could do it. Then close friends of our Pastors came to us afterwards and they were like, “It is not really like that.” Next door neighbours almost; no, no. What happened to them I’m not going to live this way, I am going to make sure you are not going to either, I will have my 2 cents with you here today. It so stumbled us, it took years for us to get back to that place.
This is what it says here 2 Timothy 2:14 says this to me Sharon, be committed to teach the 14 Be committed to teach the believers all these things when you are with them in the presence of the Lord. (2 Timothy 2; 14 TPT) Okay. And then it says here, look at this; 16 And avoid empty chatter and worthless words, (2 Timothy 2; 16 TPT) that day when we received that great light about “debt free” we received it on the same level. You see that’s what happens, when you’re a doer of the Word like Kenneth Copeland is, when you are a doer of the Word and you speak the message of what you do it carries with it the power to put you right up to where he is. In his revelation, it’s not less light you get, it is the same light. Because that’s what it says in the book of Timothy. Look well to yourself and to [your] teaching; and look well to yourself for by so doing you will save both yourself and those who hear you. (1 Timothy 4:16 AMPC).
So it is the Word that I do that carries the most power, for you to come up with light to where I am at, just like that. You do not have to take years. You see so that is what happened that day, we did not realise it at the time, it hit us. God’s light so shone through that message and he came immediately, Satan came immediately to steal that word.
Look what they did, look what they do, look what we do to each other. Avoid anti chatter worthless words against the message of Jesus. Well they simply add to the irreverence of those who converse in this manner for the words of Hymenaeus and Philetus are like gangrene, those words that they were like gangrene, gangrene set into us, gangrene of debt. I’m telling the truth, I mean, I’m telling you the facts, the truth is God’s Word. For the words of Hymenaeus and Philetus that God doesn’t want words here in this congregation it’s our collective greatness, we are going to new places of authority. It’s like gangrene, and they have already spread their poison to many, they poisoned us, they bit us with their words that day. They bit us with their words, so you can come up to a believer, you know anytime when there’s an extreme message you can just have a chat to them afterwards, after the Pastor has spoken and just bring your poison in shrouded in a lovely nice face.
And go it is not really like that, you won’t even use those words, you will just say come and say something to someone like, “I believe that is God’s plan for your life. Yes, I see you become a…” at a point where the Holy Spirit is wanting to do a exact opposite thing. We will not have this in our midst anymore after these messages and it says here, they have already spread their poison to many, they are lost to the truth and teach gross error when they and they are guilty. Look at this of subverting the faith of some believers. That’s what you do when you demean any message of God and you discuss it as a husband and wife. You subvert your own faith.
So even conversations of your heart the Lord hears them. I am just going to be a neutral on this. I’m not really going there, point taken, point made, you can’t hide from the Lord. Right? I am done with my message today. These kind of people, two Timothy says, they shall proceed no further, their folly shall be manifest to all. That is my prayer, that after these messages come, it calls for a mind packed with wisdom and intelligence and of a specific mode of conduct of judging our own thoughts and purposes. It’s a new place we are all finding ourselves in now.
I pray, I pray that after that, anybody that has been guilty of that, of subverting other people’s faith in this congregation, that we shall proceed no further and that our folly shall be manifest to all. Glory to God. Do you receive this today? He is going to place us properly in His kingdom and He is going to show us how to come out of Babylon, come out of the world system and come into His kingdom. How to not love the world, anything in it. We live in it, and He knows how to help us to live in it without us loving any of it. He knows how to help us to live in it without us loving any of it.
Thank You Lord. And to live successfully in it without loving any of it. How to prosper without loving any of it. Glory to God. I will carry on with this when Pastor John releases me again. Let’s pray everybody. Father we thank You for these words that You have spoken to us today they are new Father, they are new. It is new wine that comes from the vine from the Word, they are new Lord. And so when, like Your Word says, the first taste, you think you want the old Lord, it’s a strange taste, this new wine. It’s what Jesus said that people when they first taste new wine they go, hmm, I like the old way that I, the old, but no Lord, no Lord, no Lord, no Lord, this is new, new wine through the new open door, these are new words, these are new things You are doing.
These are new spaces and places of our heart that You are wanting to occupy, these are new and these are restoration, recompense, this is stuff that You know, that You need to fix in us old stuff Father. O Lord, we just welcome Your new, we welcome You, Father and we just will have that mind that will be packed with wisdom and intelligence. The Holy Spirit will help us as we sit here and listen to the messages. He is the One that will help us with everything, we will have understanding that we didn’t even think we could have, we will see what we did not even think we could see because it is new, and we receive it from You today.
I bless Your people Lord, that there will be a reverence in them and that there will not be conversations, that there will just be a reverence Father. A reverence for You. The recognition that this is new, mustn’t talk first, mustn’t talk right now, I must just go with everything until it is all done, until, yes Lord, yes Lord. We will be wise with the new wine, and we will be wise Father. We will be wise. We won’t jump to conclusions, we won’t have opinions, no Lord.
I thank You for Your people that are blessed going out and blessed coming in, they are blessed in the city, they are blessed in the field and the Word and the Blood of Jesus surrounds them and protects them. Thank You for Your extreme providence upon Your people, Your extreme protection Father. I thank You for Your health our Jehovah Rapha, You are our health Lord, You are our health and I thank You Heritage of Faith people here in Johannesburg are strong Lord, they are strong Father. That Your healing power is present to heal all Father and it shall not come nigh us because we are busy coming out Father. We are busy coming out of Babylon Lord, we’re coming out Lord, we are busy not loving in the world any more Lord, thank You Father, thank yYou Father. Hallelujah. We don’t participate with her plagues, we don’t in Jesus’ name, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International