I Will Take The Children Part 13: Celebrating With Jesus – Session 1 – Ps Sharon Bendixen (WTB)

Scripture reference: Zechariah 8:11 (AMPC, MSG, TLB, CJB, GW), Ezekiel 3:10-11 (AMPC), Matthew 3:8 (AMPC), Matthew 7:20 (AMPC), 2 Corinthians 2:15-17 (AMPC), 2 Corinthians 3:1-3 (AMPC), 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 (MSG), 2 Corinthians 3:1-6 (MSG), Matthew 11:25-26 (AMPC, TPT), Luke 10:21 (AMPC)

Father, we come, we are open, now. All Your little children; all Your little children are here to receive Your Words and the things You want to do today, and the things You want to say today, and the things You want to do today, and the things You want to say today and for You to have Your way today. Hallelujah. That’s what we are here for. We are like, we are little children, we are Your little children. We become, we’re becoming, Lord. Hallelujah. We are so blessed. We are so blessed. We are so blessed to have You in our midst. Not just living in our hearts, but to have You among us, Lord.

We are so blessed. We are so blessed. Blessed. Blessed. Blessed. We are so blessed, Lord. We are blessed. Right, I am going to let you go [Pastor Sharon speaking to music ministry] because the keyboard and the… you know? You know how it goes. Dad Hagin taught us that in the Ministry of the Prophet, the music just flows and goes. So, I could go and flow here for hours, but He’s got a very specific message that He wants to bring us today. You may be seated. Thank you, Music Ministry, ministry of song and sound.

These are new words that God is giving us. We don’t call it Praise and Worship like we did in the last period and the old. Jesus has given us, Music Ministry and Ministry of Song and Sound. So, we don’t talk anymore, about our Praise and Worship group. We talk about the Ministry of Music of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Ministry of Song and Sound. When we come together at that part of the service, to have a ministry. We have to be listening to the words, the new words that God is giving us now. You know, and not revert to the old.

Hear the words He’s speaking, comes from 1 Corinthians chapter two where it says, The words which the Holy Ghost teaches, which we speak, okay.
I commit you; I commit you all to God. I commend you to His Word. This Word today that is able to build you up today and give you your rightful inheritance among all that God has set apart, consecrated, purified, one’s, hallelujah.

I pray that the sharp two-edged sword of the Lord Jesus, that is now out, His drawn sword because of where we are now. Going into the promised land, will pierce and penetrate and cut and divide between your spirit and between your soul. So, that you can be made completely whole. This is part 13 of I Will Take the Children. Whoo, I’ve got some live wires in the back there. Whoo-hoo, glory, glory, glory, hallelujah. Hallelujah. Glory. I Will Take the Children, part 13.

Today is a celebration with Jesus. I am celebrating. I have been celebrating with Jesus on a level since last week, that is just defeating every devil. I’m celebrating on a level. My celebration is in sync with our Father, our Lord Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit. What they are celebrating now, I am celebrating. This is my Project Celebration, glory. Today you are going to hear all about it. God wants us all celebrating today, but before we all get to celebrate with heaven today, I’m going to bring you what I have received from the Lord in sequence.

Point one; the Lord says, I must tell you that He has shifted everything, here. He has shifted everything here. Everything has changed. This church is not the same and He is not the same in this church, how He was in the last twenty years. He has shifted and changed everything. He says, He is come, He is here, He’s drawn sword is ready. It’s that scripture in Joshua five, that I have read you.

It’s in the messages; He’s drawn Sword is ready. We are going in, with His Sword of His Words, He is working in hearts; with the Sword of His Words, He is working in hearts. No, I am not going to side-track here, Lord. With the Sword of His Words, He is working. It will be for a while now like this, of consecration, separation, dedication, circumcision. He does this at His set times, when He’s ready to move in a specific direction. When He changes direction, He brings the Words, and we all change in that direction.

Yes, that’s how powerful… actually if you want to know what I’m celebrating today, most of all, is the Power of His Mighty Word, when believed and received, exercising it’s superhuman power in those. That’s what I’m celebrating today, above everything. When He’s ready to move in a specific direction, He speaks face-to-face to His messengers. He gives them messages to bring to His people and then they move and shift with Him. It’s just His way, that’s how He does it.

It’s always been like that and still today it is His way. I want to show you and prove this to you out of scripture. Zechariah 8, verse 11, I want you to just see this. I think it’s the Amplified Bible I will do first. Just put the Amplified up, Zechariah 8:11. Because it says, 11But now [in this period…, because it’s so appropriate, Now [in this period… But now [in this period… You see, we’ve got a perfect period that is completed… now [in this period… look what He says here. …I am not to the remnant of this people as in the former days, says the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 8:11 AMPC). I am not. Now in this period, I am not to you, to you church, like I was. I am not. I’m different to you now. I’m just going to read some other translations here. The Message says 11-12…things have changed. I’m taking the side of my core of surviving people: Sowing and harvesting will resume, does that sound like harvesting land? Yah. Vines will grow grapes, Yah, Gardens will flourish… (Zechariah 8:11 MSG). The Living Bible says it’s all so different now, 11But now I will not treat the remnant of my people as I treated them before… (Zechariah 8:11 TLB). Another translation says, I won’t deal with you the same as I did in earlier times. It’s all so different now.

Right, my point has been made. You saw that in scripture how God shifts, He shifts.
Point number two; He wants me to share with you my encounter with God. In June this year, I had been wondering why the Lord had not released me to share it here in this church, in Witbank, because He had me share it with the church in Johannesburg from the outset, but this morning, He wants me to release it to the church.

I would really like to read it out of my journal, because it was an encounter I had with God, but I will meander if I do that, because that’s what I do, my journal, every morning I go to all the places where God has been speaking to me and I will look at it again and again and again. You know, but I have to stay focused now.

So, on June, 23rd of June, Tuesday 2020. Lord, You know me. I’m with You, but I know You are also with me. I just really like it in my journal too. The Lord began to speak to me, actually on Friday the 20th of June 2020. Before the encounter came, consecration, devotion, surrender. Jesus made all things new. He is making all things new now. Then He gave me this; Oh, the plans we make as parents. Oh the conversations we have in our homes. Jesus at twelve years old knew. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego knew. Young men knew. Young people knew. Mary, a virgin knew, even fathers and mothers knew. Jesus knew at twelve years old.
Timothy knew. Daniel knew. Esther knew. Hannah, Samuel knew. Moses’ parents knew. Moses knew. Moses knew things when he was a young man before God called him forty years later. Moses made choices as a young man. Right. God, He says here, I just wrote down this before my encounter; God is not mocked. All your children in the New Covenant are kings and priests to God. He expects you, new creation parent, to raise them in the fear of the Lord. Bring them up in the fear of the Lord.

Jesus will touch the bier, Luke 7, 12 to 15, interested parents can go and look at that, that your child is on the bier of Babylon. A young man and a young woman, and God will deliver him, and God will deliver her. Glory to God. So, the younger men in a great house, dedication to the Lord, let the little children come to me. He began to speak to me on the 20th, and then on the morning, six o’clock on the 23rd of June, God visited me.

At 65 years of age, it’s important for me to mention this to you, because Pastor John said, “I encountered God at five, I encountered God at this age, I encountered God at this age, I encountered God”. When I was 32, I encountered God. I’m here today to tell you I encountered God at 65. I encountered God. I encountered Him. God wants you to know all these things because we are going into a very powerful encountering time now. This period that we’re going into, we’re going into an encountering time, God is not the same. Everything has changed now, He’s not the same to us. He’s not the same to us. Right?

He said this to me, A new mantle came upon me. He said to me, Go now to the children of My people. Go now to the children. Go now, let the little children come to Me. Let the little children come to Me. Yes, Sharon. Ezekiel 3:10 to 11, it was as if I had never been called before in my entire life. It was as if, what God was experiencing with me, was encountering me with, was, I felt like I’d never ever been called. Now I am called. Now, I am called.

He says… He called me out of this Scripture, Ezekiel 3:10 and 11, Amplified Bible. He said to me, 10 Son of man, He’s never called me, Son of man ever, there are some names He has for me, in my personal precious time, but He’s never called me Son of man. But He called me Son of man, letting me know He is God, you are Son of man. He is God, right? 10” Son of man, all My words that I shall speak to you receive and go, receive in your heart and hear with your ears. 11 And go, thus says the Lord God, whether they will hear or refuse to hear (Ezekiel 3:10-11, AMPC).

Then He reminded me, the things you ought to do, the words you ought to speak, they are not your choice, they are not of your choosing, not what you would like to say they are Mine and Mine alone. They are assignment specific. Nurture My people into mature sons, prepare for Me a people perfectly prepared in Spirit. Make for Me disciples, mobilize My army, go to the children of My people.

I see I haven’t put the exact scripture here, that you have to see, your eyes have to see that God called me, that God called me. God dropped a mantle on me, and it’s not going to come off me. When you get called, you know everything, but you know nothing until He speaks to you. Then He speaks to you and then He speaks to you. He’s had me eat His Words. Where are you, Ezekiel? Somewhere here? Lord, right. So this was out of the Amplified that He called me. On the 23rd of June at six o’clock in the morning. He said to me:

Ezekiel chapter three. Yes, verse 10, again, Amplified Bible, He said to me, 10” Son of man, all My words that I shall speak to you receive in your heart and hear with your ears. 11And go, verse 11, and go, get you, get you to the captives (in Babylon), to the children of your people. (Ezekiel 3:10-11, AMPC) That’s all I heard. It was as if, He might as well put the handwriting on the wall for me, for the children of my people, for the children of my people. Right. Speak to them, and tell them, thus says the Lord God, whether they will hear or refuse to hear, but actually what He said to me was, they will hear. He said these children of your people that are in Babylonia will hear.

So, not my will. He said this to me, What I planned and purpose to accomplish in them at this time of Mine. Your part in this is key, be sober, be wide awake every day, all day, watch and pray. I said, Not my will but yours, My Father. Yes, Sharon. You heard me right. Get to the captives in Babylon, to the children of your people and speak to them and tell them and they will listen. This is My call. I’ve had this in store for you for the New Open Door, I’ve opened for Myself. I have everything ready. I’ve been preparing this all along. It is a legacy transfer from Me to you. This mantle from Me comes to you now and comes upon you. It is beautiful.

God was talking about His Mantle that He is putting on me and describing it to me and telling me, It’s a beautiful mantle I’m putting on you. It’s a beautiful mantle. God told me it’s a beautiful mantle. I am putting it on you. It’s exquisite. He said, It has a particular fragrance. It has a particular anointing. What a shift, Lord. I said to Him, What a great change in me, Your Kingdom Lord, I really didn’t see this coming. A marvel and a wonder indeed, I am awestruck. I see myself in a church of children. I thought I was going to leave. It was so intense, the encounter that I thought I was going to leave the adult church and go to the children. I thought God had put a call on me, so intense was it and so vivid and so strong? Of course, I knew nothing.

I was trying in this intense experience to put my interpretation on it. Oh, what could this mean? How will this be? Oh, yes. Oh, and my first thing was, you have to tell Pastor John, you have to show him because I’m leaving. I’m not speaking to the adults anymore. I’m going to the children now. I’m going to the children, and what joy flooded my heart and filled my heart. Oh, and that’s what Pastor John was saying. When you receive a call of God like that. There’s no one, nothing that can stop you. There’s no man, there’s nothing that can stop you. That’s how people experienced their encounters. When Jesus said, “Come, Philip, come, Peter, come, come, come, come, come”, they dropped everything, because the power of the call, the power of the Spirit of God when He calls you.

It’s what it does, you can’t take credit for yourself. It is what it does. I am awestruck. I see myself in the Church of Children. How can this be? I see the Holy Spirit. The Lord said, How can this be? I said, Like Mary, how can this be? He said, The Holy Spirit of holiness will fall upon you. Almighty God, will spread His shadow of power over you in a cloud of glory. And that is why the children that will be born to Me now, the children that will come to Me now, let little children come to Me, will be called Sons of God.
I said, This is amazing. As your servant I accept this mantle, I received this anointing. May everything You have told me to come to pass. Show John everything, tell him everything. Let him bless me.

I know, immediately my order is, I don’t move out into this, without God shows Pastor John, because he is the first. He is the Spiritual leader. He is at my right. I am at his left. That’s the order. Right. I seek out, give me all the execution fully. I seek out, I pray out, and from that time, I have been speaking out and praying out in tongues, because it’s the perfect will of God.

Romans 8:26, you have chosen to surprise me with a wonderful gift, and then He said this to me, With long life will I satisfy you in this. You are anointed with great favour by Me, I’m with you. And I said this – I felt like Mary in the Magnificat when she said, How blessed am I that God would condescend to bless me like this. I am a woman given the highest favour and privilege to do this with you. This work is destined to bring God greater light. Lord, I believe every word spoken to me by You. I sing this song to seal this today.

I just found this – the song, I sing to my Father like this. [Pastor Sharon sings] You’re my Father, I am Your son. I’m walking with You; I am working with You in Your time. It’s just any melody. You don’t have to be Intune You don’t have to be in time. It’s you. It’s your song to God. You are my Father; I am Your son. I’m walking with You, I am working with You, in Your time, how to go, when to go, what to say, I wait on You now, You will show. I will watch and pray, and so that was it. That was it. Hallelujah. And then God showed Pastor John everything. Immediately, immediately. He wanted me to share that with you. I’m done with that part. My encounter with God.

Point three. The Lord wants me to make Repentance from these messages, is underway. Pastor John confirmed to me as the Apostle and as the Spiritual Leader of this House, he said to me, Sharon, this has been the biggest shift in our ministry that I have experienced, was when this mantle came on you and the Words of Jesus, you ate them, and you went to the children, you started to go to the children by the leading of My Holy Spirit. He said, This is the biggest shift for the Lord Jesus in His Church, it’s just the beginning. He confirmed that to me because there were times when the enemy would come against me to contest. What are you doing? What are you doing? Because I felt the shock of the people. They were shocked like that rich man.

You are asking me to sell everything, I’m shocked at you, Jesus. Felt the shock coming from the people, the resistance, resisting the Word of God, words coming from me, and the enemy would come to me and Pastor John would say, This is God. This is of God. I tell you, God showed him. I asked God to show and God showed me. He started to give me the scriptures, Unless you become like little children. Then I started to see, Oh, I am called to little children. I am not called to resisting ones. I’m not called. I’m not called to those that are very wise and mature in their own eyes. I am really called to the little children. I do see myself in a church of little children. Glory to God. Hallelujah.

God says, my encounter, okay. The repentance is underway. Then repentance started to happen. There was a point at which I knew, in Johannesburg, I came to Pastor John, I said, You have to come in here now. You have to come in here now Pastor John. There’s going to be no movement forward because you are the first, and he came into the Johannesburg church with a message on repentance. That was so powerful, and it shifted everything, and repentance started to happen in Johannesburg because the Word was working mightily.

Powerful statement, Pastor John made to the Johannesburg people, You are not going to repent because you hear me. You’re going to repent because you received something. Repentance is underway. It has begun and it is continuing. In this while of God, there is already evidence that has come in, fruits of repentance. You see, spiritual fruit of repentance can only come from His Words. You can’t bear fruit without the seed of these Words, accepted and welcomed in your heart. Fruit only comes from the Word. Matthew, Mark, it is the parable of the sower. You can’t bear fruit without the Word being in your heart. You’re not got some special way of bearing fruit to me. If you’re not sowing the Word into your heart, like Jesus said “The sower sows the Word”, then you’re not going to bear fruit. You are not going to receive and believe the Word of God and put it in your heart and put it in your mouth and do like Jesus said, you are not going to bear fruit. You bear fruit the same way as I bear fruit.

We all bear fruit, we abide in His Words, His Words abide in us and we bear much fruit, to the praise of His glory. There has been beautiful fruit, the Promised Land fruit, the manna, the Promised Land fruit has already begun to be tasted. The fruit, the fruit, the fruit of repentance, the fruit of repentance.

Can you put up Matthew 3 verse 8 please, from the Amplified Bible. Jesus is talking here; bring forth fruit, bring forth fruit, bring forth fruit that is consistent with repentance, bring forth fruit, there will be fruit that will come from all of these messages in your life, that will be demonstrated in your life. The Amplified is spectacular here, it amplifies, right?

It says here; 8Bring forth fruit that is consistent with repentance [let your lives prove your change of heart] (Matthew 3:8 AMPC). It was one of those things that He said to the church in Johannesburg; it will require a complete and total lifestyle change. These messages will require a complete lifestyle change. Change of heart, change of mind and then lifestyle change. Look at this one Matthew 7 verse 20, also Jesus speaking; 20Therefore, you will fully know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:20 AMPC). You see, that’s how we know each other, by our fruits. It’s because, not because you talk, the talk, but really there is evidence of a complete lifestyle change. I see your whole life has changed. Not just because we speak Christianese because “We come to church and let me be accepted here and I’ll talk what they all talk”. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no.

Point number four, giving the mighty Word of God, it’s rightful due. Giving the mighty Word of God, it’s rightful due. 2 Corinthians 2 verse 15-17, Amplified, please. 2 Corinthians 2 verse 15-17. It’s what He wanted me to do. Give it, it’s rightful due. He wanted me to show you that our changes are because of the Words that He brings us, the messages that He brings us, that’s how He shifts us, right?

17For we, now this is Apostle Paul, this is Apostle Paul and he is talking to the church at Corinth about his ministry; the ministry of the Apostles. We, Apostles, or, we ministers here, we, who are called to bring you to maturity here. We are the sweet fragrance of Christ which exhales unto God, discernible alike among those who are being saved, in other words, you are being saved by the words we bring you, you are being saved by the words we bring you, and among those who are perishing, because you are perishing, if you are not receiving the words, right? To the latter it’s an aroma wafted from death to death. There are some people that were receiving this message and it was death to them and so that is part of the work of the Word of God, is to bring death to our self will. God wants it to die, He wants that Word to come to you like death, so that you can die. Right?

To the former, that’s why, okay, and the smell of doom, oh I am doomed, my willful ways and me doing what I want to do, is doomed. That’s why many people leave and desert Pastor John because they say, “We are not going to die and we are going to carry on living our own willful ways”. But they don’t own up on that, because you see fruits of repentance have a sound and they have a taste. Then the unrepentant also has a sound, they justify, I can’t go into that God gave me a whole, whole thing on that yesterday, but that’s not where He is going today.

Verse 16, we are in, 16To the latter it is an aroma [wafted] from death to death [a fatal odor, the smell of doom]; to the former it is an aroma from life to life [a vital fragrance, living and fresh]. Who is qualified (fit and sufficient) for these things? [Who is able for such a ministry? We?] (2 Corinthians 2:16 AMPC). Yes, yes. Pastor John and I, are able and fit for such a ministry. Why? Because there it is in the next verse. Pastor John and I are not, like so many, [like hucksters making a trade of] peddling God’s Word [shortchanging and adulterating the divine message]; but like [men] of sincerity and the purest motive, as [commissioned and sent] by God, we speak [His message] in Christ (the Messiah), in the [very] sight and presence of God, Himself.

I am standing here in the very sight and presence of God Himself, bringing you this message. I am in Him, knowing He is listening to every word coming out of me and that’s just how it is. Purest motive, how do I know it’s the purest motive, because I hear from Him, I know His voice and He gives me all His Words. “Son of man, eat it all and then go, get you to My people.” Yes, I know how to eat His Words. I hear, know His voice. Just like all of His children do.

Well, all of His children can know His voice but because they don’t want to be doomed and they don’t want Him to speak certain things to them, they hold themselves aloof from God in case He might tell us that. You see?

Look at this, 2 Corinthians 3:1-3. Are we, are Pastor John and I, starting to commend ourselves again? Or do we like some [false teachers], need written credentials or letters of recommendation to you or from you, [do we]? [No] you yourselves are our letter of recommendation, you yourselves are our credentials, written in your hearts, to be known and read by everybody. You show and make obvious that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, not written with ink but with [the] Spirit of [the] living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts (2 Corinthians 3:1-3 AMPC).

Can we do 2 Corinthians 2, 14 to 17, in the Message Bible please? 14-16In the Messiah, in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade. Through us, through Pastor John and I, in Heritage of Faith church, Pastor Christi, anybody else the Holy Spirit will tell us, that will bring a message to you. Okay.

Through us He brings knowledge of Christ. Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation—an aroma redolent with life (2 Corinthians 2:14-16 MSG). I mean, it’s jam packed with life. Every message that we have given you, has been jam packed with Spirit and with life.
But those on the way to destruction treat us more like the stench from a rotting corpse. 16-17This is a terrific responsibility. Is anyone competent to take it on? Okay, hear the Message Bible says, No—but then he says at least we don’t take God’s Word, water it down, then take it to the streets to sell it cheap (2 Corinthians 2:16-17). What does Pastor John call me and him? Truth speakers, truth speakers, right.

And then we stand in Christ’s presence when we speak. Can you see that? God looks us in the face, right now, God is looking me in my face, as I’m speaking to you. I know that, you might not think that, you may not even believe that, but I know that. That’s all that matters to me, because He’s the one that I give an account to, not man. So, God looks me in the face. We get what we say straight from God and say it as honestly as we can.

2 Corinthians 3, 1 to 6, Message Bible, I’m just repeating what I read to you in the Amplified. 1-3Does it sound like we’re patting ourselves on the back, insisting on our credentials, asserting our authority? Well, we’re not. Neither do we need letters of endorsement, either to you or from you. You yourselves are all the endorsement we need. Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you. Christ himself wrote it-not with ink, but with God’s living spirit; not chiseled into stone, but carved into human lives—and we publish it. 4-6 We couldn’t be more sure of ourselves in this—that you, written by Christ himself for God, are our letter of recommendation. We wouldn’t think of writing this kind of letter about ourselves. Only God can write such a letter. Okay, right. Let me finish it. His letter authorizes us to help carry out this new plan of action. This plan wasn’t written out with ink on paper with pages and pages of legal footnotes, killing your spirit. It’s written with Spirit on spirit, His life on our lives! (2 Corinthians 3:1-6 MSG).

Herein lies our celebration today, a call has gone out to parents and children. A response of repentance is happening. A selection has been made. A selection has been made. An intake of God is happening. An exchange is happening in hearts. The message of Jesus has found entrance into hearts. A response to Him is come. He is here now, celebrating with us. His heart sings and will continue for long. He has waited long for this. It has come for Him. But so few? Even with only one.

God bared His heart to me yesterday. I said, “Lord, but they are just such a few.” He said, “I’m the Shepherd of the one.” Even if there was just one that came out of this message, I’ve had you bring over and over and over, even if there was just one sheep. He’s the Shepherd of the one. He goes after the one. Even with only one He said to me this morning, He would be spinning around and jumping up and down. He does that? Absolutely.

Matthew 11, verse 25, Amplified Bible, 25At that time, Jesus began to say, Thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth. I want you to catch in the Amplified Bible, Jesus rejoicing, Jesus rejoicing. 25At that time, Jesus began to say thank you for the Lord of heaven and earth [and I acknowledge openly and joyfully to Your Honor], that You have hidden these things from the wise and the clever and the learned and revealed them to the babies. The untaught childish, but it’s child-like, it’s the little children. Untaught and unskilled. 26Yes, Father, [I praise you that] such as Your gracious, will and good pleasure (Matthew 11:25-26 AMPC).

The Passion Bible says of Matthew 11, 25 and 26. 25Then Jesus exclaimed, “Father, thank you, for you are Lord, the Supreme ruler over heaven and earth! And you have hidden the great revelation of your authority from those who are proud and wise in their own eyes. Instead, you have shared it with these who humble themselves. 26Yes, Father, your plan delights your heart, as you’ve chosen this way to extend your kingdom—by giving it to those who have become like trusting children. (Matthew 11:25-26 TPT).

Whoo-hoo. Luke 10:21. Luke 10:21. 21In that same hour Jesus rejoiced and gloried in the Holy Spirit. Does Jesus rejoice in the Spirit? Oh, yes, He does. In heaven, when He was on Earth, before He came to earth, in heaven now – He’s rejoicing. The celebration that’s happened in my heart, is that I see Jesus is standing up now. Jesus is standing up. He’s at the right hand of the Father and He’s standing up and He says, “A selection has been made.” I believe that Afrikaans word for it is ‘n keuring? He says, “A selection has been made of My very own.” Hallelujah. Hallelujah. 21 And He rejoiced and gloried, and He said, thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you’ve concealed these things [relating to salvation] from the wise and understanding and learned, and reveal them to the babes (the unskilled), such was Your gracious willing choice (Luke 10:21 AMPC). Hallelujah.

This word rejoiced in spirit is a strong Greek word, it’s agalliaō, and it’s from agan, which means; properly to jump for joy, exult and agan, much. Yeah, it’s properly to jump for joy. That’s what Jesus does. He does this. He does, He’s doing it right now. He’s jumping up and down for joy. He’s jumping up and down for joy. He’s up and He’s rejoicing, because He put a mantle and He brought messages to say, I will take the children. I will take the children. I will take the children. I will take the children. Let the little children come to Me. Ha, ha, ha, hallelujah. Hallelujah. Yes, and the Word has taken little children. It’s taking us, making us, taking little children. Exuberantly it says, to be rejoicing, exceeding glad, exuberant joy, exceeding glad, with exceeding joy, rejoice greatly. Hallelujah.

Now, I’m going into the next part. Next part, my final point, I need my cell phone out of my handbag. Please Garth. Thank you. Glory. Glory, glory. Glory, glory, glory. Shew, shew. Shew, shew, shew. Thank you. Thank you, my son. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. I’m just going to find this. Hallelujah. Jesus, Jesus. All right. Bertus and Stephanie, won’t you come and stand up here please? Heaven is rejoicing today.

Dear Bertus and Stephanie, I would like to formally welcome you and your daughter, Ester, to MiXchange. This is a defining moment in Ester’s life, that she has chosen.

Did Pastor John and I have anything to do with it? Did we call her like the Holy Spirit told Pastor John, about Miranda, it had nothing to do with it that she has chosen.

In this time, I believe that God is going to reveal His will for Ester’s life, and that she will encounter God. I believe this is Pastor John’s letter now. I believe she will really experience what it means to live life on assignment and in divine alignment. She will also experience what God can do through collective greatness. What God is going to show and grow her spiritually.

Please, I’m greatly looking forward to welcoming Ester to the space. I’m highly expectant of what God is going to do in this time.

The insights, the concepts and the ideas that have been rushing at Pastor John, this is going to be a year like no other, the charter class for Jesus. Jesus is celebrating because His message, His Words are working mightily, right?

Your sincerely Pastor John Bendixen.

Come Ester, come Miranda. Heaven is celebrating today. Hallelujah. Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Whoo-hoo.

Hey you, yes you. Hey Essie, welcome to MiXchange. I spoke to you earlier on, about being very careful with your words. The Holy Spirit is calling it MiXchange. It is not a gap year. It is young people that have been moved upon by the Holy Spirit, that are exchanging their life and getting what God has got for their life. They’re exchanging their plans on purpose, to seek the plans of God for their life. I state it today, this is not a gap year. It’s not called that by God. It’s called MiXchange.

Welcome. We are excited to have you joining us, in 2021. So excited, Essie, that we have already moved out of our office and are busy preparing the office space for your arrival. It’s safe to say that we’re in full preparation mode with lots of projects underway. In anticipation, for you joining us in January. During this time in your life, this next while and we’re not calling it a year either, please don’t call it a year congregation. Please have the Holy… it’s a while. It’s God’s while, whatever while He wants to take for them to be sure that they are following God’s plan, for their lives, is what it will be. It’s not a year. It’s God’s time with them where He’s going to encounter them. Hallelujah.

That you have chosen to give to God. He is going to show you what His will is for your life. You will have encounters with God and experience what living life on assignment is like. You are going to, okay. You will be joining in and experiencing the collective greatness and growing spiritually.

I mean, if I had to begin to tell you what kind of things are going to happen next year, they are spiritual. It’s not anything like the A- team have ever been in before. You’re going to have times with Pastor John, times with Pastor Sharon, times with Pastor Christi, times with Pastor Garth, you’re going to have times of ministry, and you’re going to have times with me of fasting and praying, for God’s perfect will.

Praying out, praying out, I’ll be teaching you out of Kenneth Hagen’s book, what, how to follow God’s plan for your lives. You pray it out, you don’t initiate anything by yourself. So, we celebrate this today. This is a selection; God has called and God has selected. “Dit is Sy keuring vandag” (Afrikaans for this is His selection). Hallelujah.

He gave me all that and I can’t go there. No, Lord, I must, should not go there, but You so, You told me to eat all Your words, so I’m full of words, Lord. A selection, a calling, selected, chosen, taken by preference, picked, singled out, chosen, you know why He’s chosen you? Because you chose Him. Glory to God. Hallelujah. So now, I’m going to ask you Bertus, if there is anything you want to say to Ester today? In celebration.

You are so privileged; I wish I was you, but thank you for going before and being an example. Thank you for choosing Jesus. You will not be disappointed ever, ever will you be disappointed. He will bless you above your wildest, wildest dreams, and He’s got His perfect plan for you, and you will walk in that ancient path that He has planned for you, in Jesus’ name.

It is a glorious moment to be selected by God Himself, to come to His University. To the World it might be foolish, but for God and for us parents, we are so grateful. We know that the Lord has something specific for you Ester. He has called you, thank you for being obedient. We praise God for this House that you can grow for where you must go. We trust God, and you will cooperate, you will do what He wants you to do. We as parents are just grateful. We praise God, we praise God, we praise God, we say thank you, Pastor John and Pastor Sharon. What can we say? God, thank you. Thank you, thank you. What a privilege. We have one example, we give God glory for that as well, for Miranda’s life, pulling her out of the fire. We give God glory; we give God glory.

My heart is overjoyed that you are about to taste the true life of God and live your life for God on assignment. I mean, we’ve heard this, everything is in the call and you take it all. There’s nothing lacking, nothing missing, nothing broken. When you choose this life for God and like my mom said, for the world, it’s foolish. But its words you can’t even put to it because it’s the life of God. It’s the life of God, in a way that you’ve never experienced it before. There’s joy, there’s provision, there’s relationship, there’s all the fun things in life, that you won’t get in the world. It’s true joy. It’s true fun. Praise the Lord Es, I’m glad you made the choice. I’m glad you made the choice.

Pastor Christ:
Ester this is a day of celebrations [Laughing with joy; lifting hands in the air] with our Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus, and our Holy Spirit. I want to say to you today, thank you for loving Jesus. Thank you for being a son of God. You know, coming to church for all of us as a congregation. We love Jesus. We love Jesus and being so young, showing Jesus today, that you choose Him, and you put Him and His words first, and where Babylon is winking, oh and Babylon is winking and calling. That at such a young age, growing up in the house of the Lord, that you, you are one of many being a living example, already like Miranda, choosing Jesus. That is, “Daar is nie keuring by Universiteite soos die keuring wat hier gebeur het” and the selection of our Heavenly Father today, for the little children to come. I celebrate, I celebrate with you today. All glory belongs to Jesus.

[Pastor Sharon speaking to Ester] Ester, I just want you to say something to Jesus, of what He’s done. Whatever He will, you will have words.

Well, honestly, I just praise Jesus for the change that came in my heart. Because at first, I did want to go to University. I just give Him all the glory; it has been such a journey. I’m experiencing so much peace now, where my friends are not experiencing any piece. They’re just wondering, and they don’t know where to go next year, they’re also unsure. I’m just thankful for God, that I can be sure of my future.I know that He’s got me, His fingerprint is on my life, I know that. Just like you said [Ester speaking to Miranda], everything is in the call; everything is in the call and one special thing that God changed in my heart, was to seek Him first. So, there was this first scripture that penetrated my heart to seek Him first and then all these things will be added unto you. So yeah, I thank, I praise Jesus, I give God all the glory. I know it’s going to be a grand year, we’re going to Go Big and we’re going to Be Bold. I’m just looking forward. I’m praising Jesus.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, we celebrate today. Pastor Garth, come, come, come, I know you jumping up and down on your insides. Come say something to your sister in Christ.

Pastor Garth:
Well, you know, you’ve always been like a sister to me and I was just sitting there and I was thinking, the message that Pastor John has been teaching us on Blood bought, and you know, the fact that you’ve chosen God and you’ve, you know, your heart is precious. You are much more of a sister to me, because you’ve chosen God, then the fact that your sister has married my brother, and I see you as my sister. But the fact that your heart is chosen God and you’ve chosen to live a life of purity, and honouring God in your relationships, as much as you’ve had revelation in you’ve, you’ve honoured God, and you’ve been an example, to worldly people, to worldly friends to teenagers, and that is just a beautiful thing.

This is just another step. Another you know, another landmark for people around you to be able to say, “Yes, look, there’s a young person that will sell out to God, that will give God their whole heart, that will seek God first and not follow the Babylonian system… and first, but will seek God first,” and that’s powerful. It’s a powerful thing. Praise the Lord.

Pastor Sharon:
Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Thank you, Pastor Garth. Well, I feel like, you know, you should play something, Garth. [Congregation laughs] You know, play something. Something. The band doesn’t have to come. Just play something. Just on the keyboards. I just want… Jesus is here. Jesus is here. We’re celebrating, oh together. Yah. Glory. Huh? Is there somebody else that knows Ester that wants to say something? Tarryn. I had Tarryn. Where’s Tarryn? Tarryn?

Pastor Garth:
She’s out in the front.

Pastor Sharon:
Why? [Congregation laughs] All right. All right. Glory to God. Alright then. Hallelujah, Lord. Jesus. We worship You. [Pastor Garth laughs; plays bouncy tune] Anything. I mean, I just feel like the sounds today. Any sounds. I’m just buoyant on my insides. What do you think about this, isn’t this precious, Liesl? Hey, Zani? Isn’t it a beautiful thing, what God did bring here to us? Hallelujah. LeRoux?

[Pastor Sharon singing] Sho, hallelujah, Lord. Glory to You, Lord. We worship You, Lord. Thank you and praise You. We love You, Lord. We worship You. We celebrate You, Lord. You’re having Your very own breakthroughs here in Your Kingdom. [Pastor Sharon laughs] You’re getting for Yourself Your very own victories and we’re part of it, Lord, in Your time, in Your time.
Caitlin, come. Hallelujah, Lord. Hallelujah, Lord. I just want you to say something to Ester.

Caitlin speaking:
Just praise the Lord for this decision that you’ve made, Es. This is the start of your life with Him. It’s His while, and it’s His while that is just going to… supernaturally increase. Praise You, Lord. Praise You, Lord, for Ester. Thank you, Father, for Your imprint on her life, Lord, that she’s separated and consecrated to You, Father, that she’s not part of the world, Lord. But she’s separated for You, Jesus. Thank you, Father, that she’s chosen You, Lord. Thank you, Father, that You are her first love, Father. Praise You, Lord. Thank you, Father.

Pastor Sharon:
Stay here. Bertus, don’t you want to sing thanks to the Lord?

[Bertus singing in the Spirit]
Father, we praise You. We praise You, Lord. You are wonderful. You’re awesome. You are fearsome. You are almighty. You are the living God. We thank You, Lord, for Your mercy and Your grace and Your love, Lord. [Singing in the Spirit] We thank you, Father. We praise You. We praise You, Lord.

Pastor Sharon:
Glory. Hallelujah, Lord. Well, thank you for celebrating with us. Celebrating with the Father and the Son and Jesus and getting to experience what kind of things He celebrates. How He does celebrate, when the entrance of His messages comes to a people. I mean, I know this message has completely transformed everybody. I mean, it’s changed already. There are children that are in people – it says the children that are in you – there are children in you, Simon and Tarryn, and you will never have the conversations that we as parents had in your home. Never.

I mean, you know that. You’re so transformed by these messages that you know, there will be different conversations you’ll be having. [Pastor Sharon singing] Whatever will this little one be? We will seek the Lord and we shall see because He will show, and all will know. Hallelujah, Lord. Praise the Lord! Hey Catharine and Jan-Eben? You’ll never ever raise your children the way you were raised. Never! You will never! You will never! You will never! You will never! You will raise your children in the fear of the Lord. You will completely dedicate them to His plans and purposes and give glory to Jesus, that He took such time with us to bring these words and words and words.

Bring me my big file there, please, out of my bag, the purple file. Hallelujah. Where is it? No, here it is. He brought all these words to us. [Pastor Sharon holds up the file and demonstrates all the pages] Sunday after Sunday. “I will take the children,” He said, “I will take the children.” And you will give your children to Him, wholeheartedly. Hallelujah, Lord. Glory. Matt and Kate. You have children in you. [Pastor Sharon holds up file to Matt and Kate; Pastor Sharon walks around auditorium holding up file].

Because He came and spoke and intervened and interfered to take us out of Babylon. Sho! [Pastor Sharon to Caitlin and Ester and people in the front] And of course, we know how you’re going to raise yours and yours. We know how you’re going to raise; we know how you’re going to raise yours. Words, He brought. Hallelujah, Lord. Praise the Lord. Glory to the Lord. Hallelujah. Let’s stand everybody. Let’s celebrate that God loves us so much.

Listen, I raised my kids the same, as Jan-Eben and Catharine got raised, the same as many other children got raised. I’ve had repenting of my own to do. You know? But it’s gone and done and dusted, fruits of repentance are here. Hallelujah. Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory. Praises to His name.

Well, I’m going to pray for you again [Pastor Sharon laughs]. Because how do I go home? How do you go home? In this atmosphere of celebration? This is what the Lord wanted today. He told me that this morning. He said, “Please. It’s so big to Me, Sharon. Can you make a big deal of it? Can everybody please know, how big this is to Me?” And so we will celebrate everyone. Everyone, because they’ve chosen, God has selected them. Oh.

God bless you all. I’ve already prayed over you at the beginning of the service. I commend you and I commit you. But I just want to spend a little bit of time with them, now, before the second service comes in. Please have a wonderful day. Bye-bye, everybody.

Tommy and Azelle, you know how to raise your children now. Hallelujah. Jesus. Glory.