Scripture Reference: Ephesians 4:7-15(AMPC); 1 Corinthians 13:11(NKJV); 1 Corinthians 14:20(NASB); Hebrews 5:14(NASB); Ephesians 4:13(AMPC); Galatians 1:7-9(Berean Study Bible, BSB); 1 Corinthians 4:22-26(AMPC); 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 (BSB); John 17:6-20(AMPC); Matthew 20:6-9(NKJV)
Good morning, Church. Well, it’s good to be here this morning, as the son of the house and I’m very glad and honoured that Pastor John, has given me this privilege to stand before you this morning. I’m just excited to tap into the anointing of the house. Hallelujah. So, this morning I’m expecting you to help me to deliver what God has placed in my heart. Amen. You know me, I know you, so I’m no stranger hallelujah. Praise the Lord.
Let’s just pray. Father, You are the headline as Bertus has prayed this morning. You are the first in this house. We put You first in everything. Lord, we thank You, for Your words, not our words, but Your words Father. We, thank You for Your words, that You give to our Pastors, so that we can be nourished by those words. So, that our lives can be preserved, Father. We honour Your Word. We love Your Word and we worship Your Word, Father.
Father, we thank You this morning, that You still continue to speak to us Father, so that we can set our lives in the paths, that You have already preordained before the foundations of this world, Father. We thank You, Father that as we continue to walk together, Your Word becomes the light unto our feet.
We pray this, in the mighty Name of Jesus. Father, I pray this morning, that everything that is going to be said in this pulpit, and everything that is going to be done in this service, will bring glory to the Name of Jesus and everybody says, “Amen.” Hallelujah.
Well, I don’t have my own message, this morning to preach, it might be different from messages that you heard, it might be delivered differently, but it’s not my own message. Hallelujah.
So, I’ve been struggling to give a title. You know, Tina has been sending me an SMS to say, “What is the title of the message?” I could only give her the Scriptures, because as I’ve said, it’s not my own message, you know. But what God has placed in my heart this morning, is to speak to you about the mature church. You know, that we need to become a church that is matured. Hallelujah.
If we can go to our Bibles in Ephesians chapter 4. Ephesians chapter 4, I am going to read from verse 7, from the Amplified. It reads; 7Yet grace (God’s unmerited favor) was given to each of us individually [not indiscriminately, but in different ways] in proportion to the measure of Christ’s [rich and bounteous] gift. 8Therefore it is said, When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive [He led a train of vanquished foes] and He bestowed gifts on men. 9[But He ascended?] Now what can this, He ascended, mean but that He had previously descended from [the heights of] heaven into [the depths], the lower parts of the earth? 10He Who descended is the [very] same as He Who also has ascended high above all the heavens, that He [His presence] might fill all things (the whole universe, from the lowest to the highest). 11And His gifts were [varied; He Himself appointed and gave men to us]. Hallelujah.
Jesus is so gracious with His gifts and He has given in a form of a gift, He has given men to us. Hallelujah. The Bible is clear, that Jesus has not given anything else, when He ascended. He given man to us. So, I want that thought to settle, before I begin with the message. I want that thought to settle and we need to settle some things this morning, that Jesus did not just give anything else, when He ascended, when He gave the gifts. Because these were the important gifts, because He could no longer be here Himself. He could no longer be here in person, so what did He choose to do? He chose to give men. What type of man did He give? He gave man that He preordained, amen. Those are the men that He appointed, those are the men that He consecrated, He set apart and He gave them to us. Hallelujah. Jesus is good, hallelujah.
And it says, 11…some to be apostles (special messengers), some prophets (inspired preachers and expounders), some evangelists (preachers of the Gospel, traveling missionaries), some pastors (shepherds of His flock) and teachers. Now, it says in verse 12, 12 His intention, Jesus had an underlying intention. He had a purpose in giving this gift. Amen. Yes, you know when you receive a gift, it can impact you in many ways, but there is a purposeful gift; the gift that needs to impact you, the gift that needs to touch you, in a specific way. How does this gift touch us? It says, 12His intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints (His consecrated people), [that they should do] the work of ministering toward building up Christ’s body (the Church), 13[That it might develop] until we all attain oneness in the faith and in the comprehension of the [full and accurate] knowledge of the Son of God, that [we might arrive] at really mature manhood, (the completeness of personality which is nothing less than the standard height of Christ’s own perfection),…. Nothing less. Hallelujah. Nothing less than the standard of Christ’s own perfection, just as He was here on earth, He wants the very same presence to continue. He wants the very same dominance to continue. He wants to, the very same victories over sicknesses to continue, hallelujah. We’re going to find out how do we reach this very same standard that is at the level of who Christ is, hallelujah.
13…..The measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ the completeness found in Him. 14So then, we may no longer be children tossed [like ships] to and fro between chance dust of teaching and wavering from every changing wind of doctrine, [the prey of] the cunning and cleverness of unscrupulous men. There are unscrupulous men there. There are men that Christ has given us, but there are also men who are unscrupulous. There are men who are cunning, there are men who wants to deceive us, there are men who wants to take us off track, but there are men that Christ has given us, hallelujah.
14…. in every shifting form of trickery in inventing errors to mislead. Hallelujah. 15Rather, let our lives lovingly express truth, that’s why I like it. Let our lives lovingly express truth. You need to underline that; we want to come back to the truth. [In all things, speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly]. Do you want to live truly? Do you want to speak truly? Hallelujah.
Then we, as Pastor Christi preached, to say, we put our foot in the message. That is the truth, we bury ourselves in the word. Hallelujah. I’m jumping the gun now. You know, I’m so excited to preach this message of the house. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.
We are not being tricked, we are not in error. So, we preach the message of the house, we live the message of the house, we speak the message of the house. I can hear Pastor Sharon speaking to me right now. Hallelujah. Because she is a gift, that is given to me, and I accept her and I embrace her, as a gift that the Lord Jesus Christ has given to me. I’m sure by end of this message, some of our doubts, you know, will be will fade away about what we are doing here. Hallelujah.
We’re not trying to trick anyone, Hallelujah. We’re trying to make everybody to live in truth. 15Enfolded in love, let us grow in every way and in all things into Him Who is the Head [even] Christ (the Messiah, The Anointed One). (Ephesians 4:7-15 AMPC)
Now the question can be; that is this unity in the faith, is this maturity, is this full development, is it for us now or is it for the future Church? When is the church expected to mature? Are we, are we waiting for the mature church? Or is the church supposed to be matured, now? So then, if it means is it, is it for this church, or is it for the universal church?
It’s for this church, because what’s happening here, if we are not concerned with what’s happening out there. Though Jesus has a mandate for the global church, for the universal church, but He expects this church to be unified in the faith. Hallelujah. He expects the unity in the faith to be first, be achieved in this local assembly. Amen. So, the unity in the faith is not something that should elude us, it’s not something that should be estranged from us, but how do we come to this unity in the faith? How do we how do we attain the maturity that we are supposed to? Mature and grow and fully develop into the full measure of the stature of Christ.
Ephesians chapter 4 verse 15, it says “Now these are the examples of maturity but speaking the truth in love we are to grow up in all aspects.” You see, when we come together it’s very important that we find ourselves, that we speak one language.
You know South Africa is a quite diverse nation, you know we have 11 official languages. You sometimes find yourself with people speaking different languages. Do you know how that makes you feel? You wish that people speak the language that you’d hear, even if they are not addressing you, but immediately when they speak a different language you feel estranged. So, there cannot be any walking together there. Hallelujah. But the same language will integrate you. The same language will bring it together, there will be a level of understanding, and there will be a level of moving towards a certain direction. You will understand what is happening around you. Hallelujah.
So, as we are coming together in our lives, there needs to be a certain language that we speak and that language, it needs to be the language of the house; not a strange language, not the language of another nation, because we are a nation. Hallelujah. We are a nation of believers; we are a nation of faith. Amen. We are the household of faith, hallelujah. So, there’s a certain language that we need to speak. It says, and we need to grow in all aspects into Him who is the Head, even Christ. That is quite a present tense, it does not put it in the future, that we need to grow, when and develop when; now.
I want to read another example in 1 Corinthians 13:11. It says, 1 Corinthians, I lost my place there. It says here, 1 Corinthians 13:11, 11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. (1 Corinthians 13:11 NKJV) So now, Jesus is also expecting us to grow up from the way we speak, the language that we speak. We don’t speak defeat anymore, we don’t speak sicknesses, we don’t speak problems, we don’t glorify our circumstances. As Pastor Justin was saying here, that Jesus, our Lord, we say to Him, “You are the object of my praise.”
Because if your problems, if you keep on speaking about your problems, then you are glorifying your problems. If you keep on telling us about how difficult things are; you are just speaking as a child, but we need to get to a level, where we put away childish things. So, we are expected to grow up in our speech. Yes, if you are still a child, it is your first time in this church, and you don’t know the type of language; you can’t just grow up knowing the language. You need to be taught the language. Somebody needs to take you through the language, and somebody needs to tell you how to speak. The most powerful thing, those who are older, those who have been here, they don’t need to speak the language of the child, you know there’s something powerful when you want your child to develop quickly in their speech. You don’t speak baby language; you give them instruction as though they hear you; in their baby state they will understand you. Now when the babies come in, they need to understand what type of language is spoken here, because now, that is why we are left with babies who don’t want to grow, because the others keep on speaking baby language.
You know, my heart was moved to preach like this the other day when I was checking the live stream, the prayer live stream. I saw that it’s always the same faces; you know, who are coming to, when Pastor Sharon calls special prayers. It’s always the same people. I asked the Lord, I said, “Lord, but why?” He said, “Melusi, it’s not only them who are not here, but My people are not engaging in the Word. My people are not putting their foot in the Word. They hear the Word on Sunday, but on Monday, Tuesday it becomes normal, because they do not understand, how precious this Word is, that I’m talking about they need to put their foot in.” I’m trusting God that we’re going to be heard, this morning.
Now, I want us to read 1 Corinthians 14:20, it says, Brethren, do not be children in your thinking; …. (1 Corinthians 14:20 NASB) – even in our thinking, we need to renew our minds about the gifts that the Lord Jesus Christ has given us. There are certain things that are entrenched in our minds. Yes, some of us became Christians, before we came into this house and there are certain perceptions, we had about the men that Jesus has given to us. Some of us had bad experiences with the men that Jesus has given to the body of Christ. Some of us had certain teachings, about how to respond and how to receive these men that Jesus has given, but now the Bible says, do not be children in your thinking.
Now, if you think that, as I’m standing here, I’m promoting Pastor John, then you’re thinking like a child. If you think that when I talk about honouring Pastor John, then I’m elevating Pastor John, into a position that is not worthy of in the house, then your thinking, is the thinking of a child. Hallelujah. We are settling some things this morning, hallelujah. God is helping us this morning, hallelujah.
You know, Pastor John himself, he stood before us, before we even had a chance to go on TV. He said, “There’s some things that the Lord has placed on my heart and He said I must address; please do not call me, man of God.” Because he understood that in Africa, that type of elevation, what does it mean? Not that he is not, a true man of God, but because he reverently occupies this position and as a gift that is given to us; as Pastor Sharon has said, that we are the gifts, but the gifts are given, the gifts. He understood that he cannot, he cannot tamper with that. So, it’s his own walk with God. So, our eyes should be open to say, “This man, is like no other.”
Praise You Jesus. He says, 1 Corinthians 14:20, 20 Brethren, do not be children in your thinking; yet in evil be infants. (1 Corinthians 14:20 NASB) In evil be infants. You know if the world hates you, that is good for you, but if the world loves you, you need to question it. You need to question yourself, am I an infant? If you know everything about what’s happening in the world, but your language, it’s not according to the Word and the truth of the house, then you need to question yourself, am I an infant when it comes to evil? But in your thinking, it says, but in your thinking be matured.
So, here is an example that Jesus Christ wants us to be matured. Now, Hebrews 5:14 says, 14But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil. Hebrews 5:14 (NASB) So, we are expected as a church, the church is expected to be matured. Jesus is expected that solid food to be given to the church, but how can we receive solid food, if we are like children, if we are not matured?
We have a Bible School, good and well. People must attend Bible School, so that we can achieve a certain level of maturity, but a Bible student who is not planted in the House of God, that’s an immature Bible student. A Bible student, who does not attend PCG (Prayer Connect Group) is an immature Bible student. Hallelujah.
Because Jesus, Paul says in the book of Romans, I don’t have it here, he says, “I wanted to come to you”, so that me, by me coming there, shall perfect some of the things that are missing. Does it mean that the Church of Rome was not matured, but no, it was maturing, but it was missing some things by the mere fact that the gift that Jesus has given to the Church of the Gentiles, he needs to be there in his presence, not only in word, but in his presence. Because the anointing rest on him, he needs to be there in his presence. so that he can complete some other things that are missing. So, you cannot afford to stay away from Pastor John. Amen.
You cannot afford to stay away from Pastor Sharon. When Pastor Sharon calls a meeting and says there will be a meeting for this house at this point. You know, the meaning of ordained, is to confer, is to confess something, or holiness on someone and that person is given a divine order. So, when Jesus ordains men and also He gives them to us, He conferred, a holy order on them and that divine order that He has conferred on them He says, “Now the orders that I give you, give it to My church.” Because you see, Jesus cares about His church, Jesus loves His church, Jesus loves you. Now, He does not, when He says I’m not going to leave you, He says then, “I’m going to give you a gift, who’ll be My full representative and what you must do, you must hear My words, that he received from Me and those words are coming to you.” If you will take those words, and put them in your heart, and speak them with your mouth, you shall experience victory in your life.
This is what, now, the Lord said to me, “These examples of maturity, that I have mentioned can be achieved individually”. There’s certain individual exercise, like the, in the chapter, in chapter five, Hebrews, says, “14…who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil” (Hebrews 5:14 NASB). There is a certain individual training that you can achieve alone at home. There are certain levels of maturity that you can achieve as an individual, but there is a certain maturity that is needed as a corporate church, that you cannot achieve alone. Amen.
So, you need to be here on Sunday. You need to be here on Tuesday. You need to be here whenever Pastor John or Pastor Sharon is calling you to come. Because there are certain things that are urgent, that are given to this gift, so that it can be released into your life. This is what Pastor Sharon says in, in her message, “We want, we prepare, He comes”. This is what she said, “So, you are not going to become that fullness, unless we walk together. Because here Jesus said, “I’ve given apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors, some teachers, so that you can become matured”. Hallelujah.
There’s a measure of growth you can experience with God, all by yourself, but there is a measure that where He, that He, that He won’t bypass His Word. Now, God won’t bypass His Word. You see, let me make an example, about the blessing; I believe that God can bless anyone, who is willing to receive the blessing. God, when it comes to children and parents, there is a blessing that is conferred on parents, I’m talking about natural parents. There’s a blessing that is conferred on parents, that when is not released by a parent, God cannot bypass, cannot force the parents, a parent to, to release that blessing. It will be upon the parent to bless their children. Amen.
So, it’s very important for children to go after the blessing. Like Jacob. Amen. It’s very important for children to go after the blessing, that is conferred on their parents. Then now there is a blessing that comes from God. You know, I’m speaking to you children, that you cannot, at home, you don’t want to do your chores and you want to serve in the church. Hallelujah. You know, it doesn’t work. Yes, God will bless you, but He can bless you thus far. There are certain blessings that God has conferred upon your parents, that should, that there are ways that you need to conduct yourself that will help the parents to unleash and release the blessing that is in them that is conferred by God, so that you can become a blessing in your own life.
Now, this is exactly what Pastor Sharon is saying. That for the level of maturity, you can read the Bible all you like, you can, you can read all the books that you like to read, you can listen to people that, that are so powerful, that they are so gifted, all you want, but there are certain level of maturity, that you can never obtain, except through the gift that God has given you. Hallelujah. Praise You Jesus.
So, this is what she says, she says, “But there is a measure that, where God, He will not bypass His Word, precious ones. He won’t bypass His Word, He said, “You are supposed to be with the people where I can mature you together, walking together in, in His way”. Hallelujah.
There’s a, there’s a vision that God has given me about the vision of Ezekiel, that, that is Ezekiel chapter one. How the four living creatures that he saw, how they were moving, how they were turning. So, when they turn, it’s as if none has turned. It’s a, four, they’ve got four faces, the face of the, of the eagle, the face of the calf, the face of the lion and the face of, I, I can’t remember the fourth one.
But the, when you see that, that walking together, that’s how Jesus, because at the end in that, in the story and in that vision that Ezekiel received. He says, “This was the glory of the Lord”. So, so it was as if the Lord was saying to me, “This is how My glory looks like”. So, when you say, “Lord, show me Your glory”. I need unity amongst yourself as a body of Christ. I need you to listen to my words, and when I say, “We go to this direction”, people will not even be able to identify whether it is Pastor John who is going that way or whether it’s Pastor Sharon who is going that way, or whether it’s Jesus who is going that way. We’re just moving together; we’re just walking together. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.
Ephesians 4:13 says, 13…. until we all attain oneness in the faith and in the comprehension of the [full and accurate] knowledge of the Son of God, that [we might arrive] at really mature manhood (the completeness of personality which is nothing less than the standard height of Christ’s own perfection), the measure of the stature of the fullness of the Christ …. (Ephesians 4:13 AMPC). Now, the Jesus revealed to Pastor John, the Jesus revealed to Pastor Sharon, must be the Jesus we know. Hallelujah.
But how is that? Galatians chapter one verse seven says, I’m going to read to verse 9, “Which is not even a gospel…”. You know there are things I’ve been taught out there, they’re not even a gospel. They’re things that we have been exposed to, they are not been a gospel. Pastor Sharon says, “You have been good newsed”. Hallelujah. In this house we have been good newsed. In this house we receive the gospel, that I don’t have to be poor anymore, I don’t have to be sick anymore. That I can have the most beautiful marriage, ever in my life. Hallelujah.
By the way, yesterday it was our 17th year anniversary, with my beautiful wife. Praise the Lord. It feels like it was yesterday, you know.
So, so, so we have been good newsed. The good news has been preached, that, it doesn’t matter how, how difficult are your circumstances. Pastor John in one of his messages he says, he says, “Lord, I thank You that all my vulnerabilities, You are turning them into victories”. You see, it’s very important, when you hear in the book of Acts, that the church of Berea, they went and they went home, and they checked the scriptures so that, to see what the apostles were teaching. You see, there’s no need, if Pastor John will read Ephesians or will read Galatians one, for you to go home and see, because you have the Bible in front of you.
So, but there are certain things that are inspired word, you’re going to hear it says, the inspired word. There are certain things that God will put in a certain way, particularly for this house. Then you take those things, because you don’t just go to the Bible on your own, you take those things that Pastor John says and then you go search the scriptures and see if it’s not in the scripture. That revelation and the anointing will rise up within you and all your, your, your hurdles, all your difficulties, you will face them all, because you are empowered and the anointing is released upon that Word, that you go after. Hallelujah.
It says in Galatians, 7“Which is not even a gospel, evidently some people are troubling you and trying to distort the gospel of Christ”. 8But even if we, listen to this; even if we or an angel from heaven, should preach a gospel contrary to the one, we preached to you. So now, the only time I’m going to, I’m going to walk away from Pastor John, is when the words that he has spoken and the victory that he speaks, and the good marriage that I can, that is possible in my life when he speaks against it. Then I will say, “Pastor John, you are not speaking the gospel that you have been preaching”. Hallelujah. And then it says, if, so, so that is why the Lord said, the Jesus that revealed to Pastor John, and the Jesus that is revealed to Pastor Sharon, must be the Jesus that we know, not any other Jesus.
It says, “8…. Let him, him be under a divine curse”, be careful church, if you speak against what is being preached in this house, be careful. Be in awe to speak against what Pastor John preaches. Take your time, God is not intimidated by your questions. If you have not received a revelation, particularly on something and you think maybe Pastor John is speaking, you know, something and you know he’s not in his rightful mind. Take your time, don’t be hasty to speak against that. Amen. So, but now if you speak against that, don’t allow another believer in this household to hear that. Just go before the Lord and say, “Lord, I have a problem with this”. Do not be intimidated to say, “Lord I believe, help my unbelief”.
Pastor John teaches us to say that you cannot walk in faith unless you start by being honest first. Amen. You can go to Pastor John and say, “Pastor John, I want to be honest with you. This is something new to me, what is being preached…” please don’t worry the spit, it’s raining, it is not me, you know, so said, you say, “What is being spoken about in this house, I do not understand Pastor John”. Then Pastor John will try and pray with you and he will try to take you into it, but I believe you won’t be intimidated, but what is important, don’t be hasty to speak against it. 9As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be under a curse!… (Galatians 1:9 BSB).
If the Jesus, that Pastor John and Pastor Sharon comes to be the Jesus we attest to, then we are more, closer to Him, manifesting Himself among us. We must want, we must prepare, then He will come.
Now, 1 Corinthians, chapter 14 verse 22 says, 22Thus [unknown] tongues are meant for a [supernatural] sign, not for believers but for unbelievers [on the point of believing], while prophecy… Now, now let me read again, 22Thus [unknown] tongues are meant for a [supernatural sign], not for believers but for unbelievers [on the point of believing] while prophecy (inspired preaching and teaching, interpreting the divine will and purpose) …. (1 Corinthians 14:22 AMPC).
Now, the job of Pastor John and Pastor Sharon is to prepare a people, for the Lord, Amen. Now how do they do that? They do that with inspired preaching, they do that. With inspired teaching, they interpret the divine will and purpose. Who doesn’t want to know a divine will about their business? Who doesn’t want to know a divine will about their workplace? Who doesn’t want to know a divine will about their marriage, a divine will about your health?
I remember, Pastor John spoke here the other time he said, “Father, I pray for them that there will none be sick among them.” I was sitting there I said, “Lord, I receive that, and I accept it, as your divine purpose for my life.” Not that I was sick, but because it was inspired, it was under the inspiration, but I had a problem with my wrist. I’m preparing for race, I need to do my core training, then when I do my push-ups, there is inflammation, constant inflammation, but I found myself being completely healed for that, because when Pastor John is inspired by God to speak healing, then you must just say, “I receive it Lord,” as though Jesus was saying it to you.
It says, inspired, it says, 22 …. interpreting the divine will, you see, the only people that are in this house, for this church, who are supposed to interpret the divine will of God, is Pastor John and Pastor Sharron, Hallelujah. Says here, is not for unbelievers, now while prophecy inspired preaching? Now what is being preached here, it’s not for the unbelievers; it’s for us, Amen.
Now, do you want unbelievers to come here? Do you want baby Christians to come here? Yes, we do. Let’s read on, but this prophecy is for who? It is for the believers. Therefore, if the whole church, if the whole church, assembles and all of you speak in unknown tongues and you know, I know, that when Paul is talking here, he is talking about the unknown tongues. The tongue speaking and praying in the spirit, but if we assemble together and you speak, unknown language to our self, the person that is talking something contrary to what Pastor John is preaching, stay away from. Amen.
You will see why, you’ll see why. It says here, now if we come together, because we cannot communicate if I speak to you in tongues. How will that benefit you? But when I speak in tongues, what should I do, I should be able to receive interpretation. Amen. So, it won’t benefit anyone because when we come together it’s for and it’s to be for the edification of the saints, Amen. It’s for the development of one another, we walk together, we grow together. So, certain spiritual gifts will not benefit you if you cannot receive them and you cannot understand what I’m saying, but if I speak the word that is being released in this house; Marvels, Wonders, Extraordinary manifestation of the greatness of our God, then you understand, hallelujah. Then you can hear me.
If I say 2019 is the year of Abundant Harvest, then you understand. You see, the Holy Spirit, is the one who sets the spiritual climate in the church when we come together.
Now the spiritual climate, the Holy Spirit doesn’t want to leave it in the same place. He wants to move it from Glory to Glory, from faith to faith. However, if you get into a climate and you are not climatized with your language of the Spirit then you will feel estranged. You will feel as if you are not part of, but now for you to be part of, you need to put your foot in the message, you need to bury yourself into the word, you need to engage with the messages that are preached in the house, hallelujah.
Says here, 23 Therefore, if the whole church assembles and all of you speak in [unknown] tongues, and the ungifted and uninitiated or unbelievers come in, … So, now you see, it talks about levels, those who are still Christians, the ungifted and uninitiated and also unbelievers come among you. Will they not say, “You are demented? 24But if all prophesy [giving inspired testimony and interpreting the divine will and purpose] and an unbeliever or untaught outsider, unbeliever or untaught outsider, those baby Christians who must come into this house.”
They are not taught with the divine interpretation of this house. when they come into our midst, as they are untaught it, says here, he is told of his sin, amen. He is told of his sin. Not his sins, he is told of his carnal nature, he is told that is not walking in the spirit. He is told that there is a better way, he is told that his challenges, he can overcome them with the Power of the Blood, he is told that the Word of God is powerful, hallelujah. So, when one who’s untaught and when the unbeliever comes, he is told of their sin to say, “I’m not living according to the standard of the world. I did not know that the Word, can do this for me.” Amen.
Now there is a conviction that comes, but now if they come, we do not influence them with our language. If they come and they influence us, with their language, and they tell us we don’t understand what’s going on in this church, and we speak their language, therefore we can’t be walking together, and we cannot get them staying in the house. So, we must not compromise the message, that is preached in this house, hallelujah. Praise the Lord. I’m going to be done very soon.
It says here, they are 24 …. told of their sin reproved and convicted and convinced by all and his defects and needs are examined. Amen. Even in the marriage relationship, even at home. If your wife or your husband is not talking the language of faith.
That’s what Doctor Jerry and his wife grew up doing. They made a covenant to say, Carol, “What’s her name?” [Asking Garth] Carolyn. Carolyn, you know what let’s make a covenant, that whenever you speak something contrary to the word of faith and prosperity, then you give me permission to correct you. So, that we can stay in the Word because we, you know, Doctor Jerry, we know his story, that how he wanted to bury himself in the Word, to say he went to the edge of his bath tub and said; “Body, if you sleep, because I want to bury myself in the Word, if you sleep, you are going to go there and you are going to die, so you better stay awake. Amen.
There’s certain determination that we need to get to. Amen. There are certain things that we need to rearrange in our life, so that we can bury ourselves in the word. Hallelujah. Says here, 25 The secrets of his heart laid bare, amen. You know, Pastor John brought a word that – confess your sins amongst one another. The biggest sin that we can confess with one another, is that you know what brother I have not been walking in the Word. I have not been burying myself in the Word. Can you help me, how to start burying myself into the Word? You know what my brother, I have not been attending PCG. I have been, I have not valued it, because you know, sometimes when you don’t place a value on something, it shows that you don’t understand, its significance and how much it can empower your life, amen.
I’m sure Tuesday everybody will be at PCG, hallelujah. Because there is nothing important, hey? Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. I’ll ask you Pastor Garth, if everybody was here. It says here, 25 The secret of his heart, and so falling on his face he will worship God. Listen here He says, “Falling on his face he will worship God declaring that God is among you in the very truth.” 1 Corinthians 4:22-26 (AMPC) Hallelujah. We want, we prepare, He comes, hallelujah.
How will he come? When we attain unity in the faith, when we speak the language of the house and people who are coming, they will be convicted because they’ll be hearing us. You know I was so; I was so chuffed the other day, when we went to, was it? Where was that place we went to for Chariots of Light? Groblersdal. Now the Chariots of Light were given a certain place to sit. Now Pastor John was preaching, and now everybody they were doing their own thing there at the stands, at the stadium, but the Chariots of Lights was like, Hallelujah [Shouting]. We were on our chairs and people were looking at us like this. I said, “Yah, people will see that God truly is among you.” Hallelujah. Because we want, because we prepare and then He comes, hallelujah. So, everywhere we go, our language will give us our identity, amen. Because we speak prosperity, we speak healing, hallelujah.
It doesn’t mean that is all rosy, it doesn’t mean that everybody will drive a Rolls Royce actually God doesn’t even care whether you drive a Golf or a Rolls Royce, all that He says is, “Give Me your faith. Work with Me. Let’s go for it.” So, if you think your faith is strong enough to go after a Rolls Royce, go for it, but I will I would advise you, that first build proper muscles of your faith, amen.
As Pastor Christi said, “Why would you want to believe God for a house, if you cannot believe God for socks without holes.” So, that’s how you develop your muscles, you know. The muscles of faith, hallelujah.
Let me read this part it says, what that, no let me leave, verse 26. So now, there is nothing that unifies us, like speaking the same language. Now, concerning Pastor John and Pastor Sharron, and even Doctor Jerry, we believe what they believe, that’s our declaration, we say what they say, Amen. We say what they say. I need to hurry now; we say what they say. 2 Corinthians says I’m afraid whoever 2 Corinthians 11 verse 3, 3I am afraid, however, that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may be led astray from your simple and pure devotion to Christ. 4For if someone comes and proclaims a Jesus…. (BSB).
Now here’s Paul, you remember I said that the Jesus that Pastor John preaches, must be the Jesus that we know. Now here’s Paul, he is talking to the Corinthian church, now people they can be adamant to say, I want to know Jesus for myself, good and fine. Personally, you know, you have to know Him for yourself, but there is a Jesus, that Pastor John preaches. If your Jesus, that you know personally, this is not aligned with the Jesus that Pastor John preaches, as the gift that is given to you, then there is disorder there.
Now he says, 4“For if someone comes and proclaims a Jesus other than the One we proclaimed, ….. Now, Paul is a gift that is given to the church of Corinthians, Paul is a gift that is ordained by Jesus to interpret the divine will of God. He says, “There is a Jesus that we proclaimed, but there is a Jesus that people out there proclaim”. There is a Jesus that people think that you can come the church and stay as you are. It’s okay, come as you are.
No, you need to repent of your sin. You need to be convicted of your sin. You need to change your life, because the Gospel, that we preach is a transforming powerful gospel. It needs to change your life. Then when you talk about this Gospel, people should see that this life of transformation is in you, but there is a Jesus that people preach there, you can come as you are, you can stay as you are, as long as you pay your tithe, actually you can keep your tithe, just give yourself first to the Lord and then you can give your tithe. That is the Jesus we preach and proclaim. He says, 4…. Jesus other than we proclaimed or if you received a different spirit from the one you received, a different Gospel than the one you accepted, you put it out of, you put up with it all easily. 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 (BSB).
Ephesians 4:15 tells us that you, we need to grow into Christ who is the head of the church. Now Jesus uses the same pattern when He speaks to the Father, I think, I’m, there’s a conclusion that I need to get to, but I am going to try and see, because the time is against me.
Now, now in John 17, now let’s read the Word of Jesus, His prayer, John 17 in the Amplified from verse 6, He says, 6“I have manifested Your Name, now here is Jesus, a gift, remember when Jesus was walking on the earth, no one saw Him as a Holy man. No one saw Him as ordained, of what He was called and the claims that He made. No one agreed with Him to say, He is the Son of God. It took the revelation by the Holy Spirit to Peter to say, “You are the Christ”. So, Jesus was a man, just like you and me. You go to Bible School you will be taught, that Jesus was full God, and fully man, Amen. He says, 6 I have manifested Your Name [I have revealed Your very Self, Your real Self] to the people whom You have given Me out of the world. Are you out of the world, are you out of the world? Jesus is given you to Pastor John, Hallelujah! Now listen to what He says, 6 “… to the people whom You have given Me out of the world. They were Yours, …” Amen.
Now the Bible says, God will save them, and you will bring them in, Amen. Who saves you? Jesus saves you, and now Pastor John, has with holy fear, he needs to handle you with the same reverence, to say these people are special to Jesus. Should I mess with these people, then I am messing with Jesus. Amen.
Now He says, 6 “… to the people whom You have given Me out of the world. They were Yours, and you gave them to me”. That was a man speaking, that was a man who was just like you and me, hallelujah.
I know some of the things, maybe you are not at that level, but it was a man who was just like you and me, hallelujah! That is the language we speak, if you don’t understand it, we will teach you how you get to understand it. That Jesus was a man just like you and me, hallelujah. He was no magician, because the Bible says He was tempted at all points, but He was without sin. He was tempted just like you and me, but what did He do, He buried Himself in the Word. What did He do? He put His foot in the message and He attended PCG, Amen.
He did hey, this was His PCG talking to God. He says, 6 “They were Yours, but You gave them to Me, and they have obeyed and kept your Word. Now Jesus is saying, they have obeyed and kept your Word. 7 Now [at last] they know and understand that all You have given Me belongs to You [is really and truly Yours]. Now, they understand that the revelation that You have given Me is a revelation of God, Himself.
They understand that the words Pastor John speaks, is what God has given to Pastor John and they take those words as if God was speaking to them. He says, because now Jesus is saying, at last, say, “At last, I will understand, and I will receive that the words that Pastor John speaks, they are from God, at last,” hallelujah, at last, at last.
You can take that from here and say, “Lord, at last, at last I have been set free, at last I have been misunderstanding this thing that is happening here, at last I understand that I need to bury myself into the message. I need to take the message that is preached in the house, it is for me, it’s for my path, it’s for my life, it is for my victory, at last I understand.” Hallelujah, hallelujah, because the prayer that Jesus prayed is answered. That is what Pastor John says, He said, this prayer that he prayed is the prayer, do you think that it wouldn’t be answered? Jesus prayed this prayer. He knew how to pray, the prayer of faith, hallelujah.
So, at last, hallelujah, I received that for myself either, hallelujah. Says here, “You have given to Me belongs to You, 8For the [uttered] words, now Jesus is telling us, about what He was talking about. He says, 8For the [uttered] words that You have given Me I have given them…. So, Jesus is not talking about miracles here, Jesus is talking because many performed miracles. Jesus does not base His, His ministry on the miracles. He said to the disciples or He said to those who He was preaching to, to say, “At least believe the miracles”, but when He was preaching the Gospel, He said, “Only believe”, and He said, “Blessed are those who will believe without seeing.” Hallelujah.
So now, Jesus’ ministry was not based on the miracles that He had performed, no, no, no. He was not based on walking on the water, it was based on the Words that Jesus received from God and He give it to them. This is what He says, For the uttered words, that Pastor John is a spout. Amen. He utters the Word of God, we should hang on, on every word, every syllable that comes out from their mouths, hallelujah. I’m not worshipping a man he says, but I’m showing you the pattern of God as Pastor Sharon says, “God will not bypass His Word”. Your victory depends on how much you honour the Word of God. When you honour the Word of God, you honour the man of God. When you honour the man of God, you honour God. He says, 8 …… words that You gave Me I have given them; and they have received and accepted [them] and have come to know positively and in reality [to believe with absolute assurance] that I came forth from Your presence, Amen.
Who gave the gifts to the church? Jesus. Before He gave gifts to the church, the gifts were with who? Jesus, hallelujah. So, the very same, the very, when pastor John comes here, here he gets into the presence of God, he gets before Jesus, he listens to the words of Jesus, he hears the words of Jesus and then he comes and speaks the words of Jesus to us. Jesus is not going to put, Jesus is honour bound, that is what Pastor Sharon says, He says, He, Himself appointed and His gift were varied. Let me read here, moving towards maturity means, we start believing that Pastor John and Pastor Sharon are sent by God. This was not Pastor Sharon, but God give me, I’ll read now. “Not just as mental ascent, but with a noble heart, accept them as specific gifts to us.”
Not just a mental ascent, not just an agreement of now and then you forget about it. You need to be moved with a noble heart, and say, Lord, if you have not been doing it say, “Lord, where have I been, what have I been doing in Your house? Have I been hearing Your Words Lord? Have You been speaking to me and I have been ignoring You, Lord, but from today at last Lord, I’m going to hear Your Words, and I’m going to put my foot in the message?” He says, “And have come to know”, okay 8 “…… that I came forth from Your presence, and they have believed and are convinced that You did send Me.” Hallelujah.
I’m just, I have to stop here. It’s very long, but now, I want, I want to bring some good news to you. I have five minutes left. I’ve got good news for you, let’s go to Matthew 20, especially for people who took time, who have not been engaging, I’ve got good news for you, Amen.
Matthew 20 verse 6, am I helping you this morning? Hallelujah, praise Jesus. Matthew 20 verse 6. Believe me, I am helping you like this, because I have been helped myself. I was once in your position. Amen. Hallelujah, and I am still getting myself out of that position to say, “Lord, I need to engage more.” Amen.
I need to engage more, and everybody must come in, Amen. We, when we go to the promised land, we leave no one behind, hallelujah. We all are going in, hallelujah, praise the Lord. Okay where do I start, let me start here.
The good news is that there is grace for you, Amen. There is unmerited favour, for all of us, Amen. In one of the messages Brother Jerry says, “When God wants to decrease something and sets some things into motion. When God wants to decrease something, and set some things into motion, He, God, gives it to His prophet.” So, God has declared this year, as the year of Marvels, Wonders and Extraordinary Manifestation of the greatness of our God.
You say to me, “Pastor Melusi, it is almost November, I have not been engaging, what about me? I’m left out, you know. Some of us are weary, some of us have been comparing ourselves to other people, to say, Oh, those ones, I think engaging more. Amen. Oh no, I might as well, you know. Sometimes our thoughts are self-defeating, sometimes we just give up, and say, Anyway, let me do what, you know. I don’t deserve, anyway, to see the Wonders, to see the Marvels or even the Abundant Harvest. Amen.
Now in verse six, okay. Pastor John said, In one of the messages, God is honoured, is honour bound to bring to pass, what He has given to His prophet, amen. The Bible says, “Believe in the Lord, your God and believe His prophets.
So, now you don’t believe in Pastor John, but you believe Pastor John and believe in the Lord, your God, and you shall prosper. So, God is honour bound, that is His pattern. When He wants to change circumstances, when He wants to change your environment, He gives it to His prophet. So, that they can decree it and speak it, as the words that are unperishable seeds. The words that will endure forever. Even right now, no matter how your circumstances are bad, but that word is still standing. Marvels, Wonders and Extraordinary Manifestation and the harvest is still coming. Hallelujah.
Even, my wife has been engaging on, my exodus has begun. You can even go back to those words. They are, they are imperishable, incorruptible, the world cannot defeat them. You must, you must contend for those words and see them coming, passing into your life.
Sho, I’ve got one minute. Now, let me read the scripture. Now in, in verse six says; 6And about the eleventh hour, say, eleventh hour. Now, this is how God gave it to me. He said, “There is an eleventh-hour grace, the last-minute grace.” It says here, the definition is there, of the eleventh hour is the latest possible time, before it’s too late. The latest possible time, before it is too late.
Say Jesus is kind. No, no, you did not say, Jesus is kind. You know, Jesus is not legalistic. Jesus does not want to leave anyone out. Jesus, He wants all of us to go in. Hallelujah. Now, there are those who have done, the tough work. There are those who have went ahead of us, but now Jesus is saying, now in the eleventh-hour, I’m going to call them in.
You see, the scripture is talking about the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, the Jews and us, now as a church, to say in the last hour, to say in the last days. God is saying, Come to the inheritance of Abraham. Come and inherit. Come and be part of it. Come and be part of the healings. Come and be part of the prosperity. Come and be part of the victory, in the last hour. The last possible time, to do some work. He says, “The last possible time, before it’s too late. It’s not too late for you.” Hallelujah.
You should be on your chairs, those of you who have not been engaging, because I know they are. Hallelujah. Because God will not bring this message, so strongly, because He wants to help us. He says; “It’s not too late for you”.
I have to read; I have to read. It says here, saw them, they might know. I’m in the wrong place here.
It says, 6 And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing idle, … That word idle is, it says, just want to see, where did I write this? It says, in effective, inactive, maybe you have been idle. You have not been engaging. Now, Jesus is coming, to you this morning, He says, Come, come, and engage. Come and bury yourself in the Word. There is much more, there is right stuff for you. There is your house, that you are looking for. Your victory you have been looking for, you can still get it, now. It is not to late for you. It is a place of being unfruitful, those of you who were idle. It means being unfruitful, being barren. To reduce to in activity.
Okay, now we know, we all know this story. Then now, they said, But the first. Now Jesus says, 8 “When evening came, that was six o’clock in the afternoon, because now, at five o’clock, they still hang around. They were in hope, they were trusting, maybe you have been coming to church, maybe you are at the verge of not coming. Maybe you are at the verge of not engaging, you know, but you are still coming. Hallelujah. You still show some interest, some have walked away. Some have given up, to say, No, this thing does not work for me. Maybe you have given up on your faith, but now during that time at the fifth hour, that was 5 o’clock, at the eleventh hour, 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Where nobody expects that you can even get something for a day’s work.
You know, a man had to go back and buy groceries so that the wife, maybe can cook, and feed his kids. But at the eleventh hour, they maybe, but others said, but who can hire you at this time. But why should I start now to engage, Pastor Melusi? Why should I start now? It is to late Pastor Christi, and Pastor Garth has spoken about burying yourself in the Word. Pastor Sharon, engaging, activating us, a long time ago. Why now? Because Jesus is kind. Because Jesus is kind. Hallelujah.
Says here, now listen to this, 8 “So when evening had come, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward, ‘Call the laborers and give them their wages, beginning with the last to the first.’ 9 And when those came who were hired about the eleventh hour, they each received a denarius. 10 But when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more; and they likewise received each a denarius. Hallelujah.
You see, David spoke to his warriors; when the other ones stayed on the other side of the river. They said they were to tired to cross. The took the spoils and bring back even their wives. Amen. Even their marriages, even their families, those who were left on the other side.
The Bible says, those who were evil. Those who were wicked among them, said we cannot share the spoils with you. And David said to them, No, you cannot do that, with what God has given us. Hallelujah.
So, whatever we go and possess, is not for ourselves. If we have started to engage in the Word, before the others, don’t look down on them. The only time that you have to look down on them is when you are picking them up and you say, “Brother, let me run with you. Let’s engage.” Hallelujah. Let’s get into it, because the very same.
This is what Pastor John says, where is my phone? Did I take my phone? I just want to read what Pastor John said about this 11th hour. Thank you.
I am closing Pastor Garth, I am closing. I am done. Oooh, my goodness. Here we go. You know, these gadgets, you don’t trust them. We must bring your hard copy. Otherwise, they will let you down, but not the Word of God. Hallelujah. The Word, you can trust it. Hallelujah.
Now, this is what Pastor John says, “See, we have got energy, cut up into three parts. Oh no, then it is this part. So, they come to work for one hour. So, he tells the paymaster, take the guys that came last and pay them first and you pay them a full day’s wages. When he did that, all the other guys got upset, because they all got the same wages. So, then he said to them, “Did we not have a contract? Yes, we had a contract. You work for me, with what I can. I pay you those wages. Yes. So, is it not my farm to do with what I can? Is this not my payroll? Can I not pay them a whole day’s wages for one hour if I choose it? Well, yes you can.
You can get stuff; this is what Pastor John is saying. You can get stuff by my faith and maybe you are just at a place. Oh, my goodness. This thing. I have been serving God all my life, and I can get stuff by my faith, and maybe you are just at a place in the fifth hour when you get to hear about this.
Maybe, you are at that place where you get to hear about this. You can get the same stuff. You can get the same stuff. I need to get new eyes. You can get stuff and you can get the same stuff, where. Okay.
Well, what’s the fairness in that. That is what they are grumbling about. I don’t care about the fairness. Let God be God and let Him bless you with whatever. Get your houses, get your cars, get your helicopters, redeem. Redeem your time, redeem your time, redeem your energy. Hallelujah.
So, in this 11th hour grace, that God has given me in my heart, He said to me, Melusi, there is an 1th hour grace. It is not to late for anyone. It is not to late for yourself. You can still go in and get the full. You can get your marriage, you can get your cars, you can get your houses, but just bury yourself in the Word. In the harvest time, it is time to work. Hallelujah.
Let’s stand on our feet. Hallelujah. Otherwise, Pastor Sharon says, “Less is more”. Amen. I think that was two more. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.
Now, I would like us to pray this prayer together. Lord, Jesus, I have heard your Word. Today, I make a decision, that I want to walk with you. I don’t want to be an outsider anymore. I want to become a believer. Open my eyes Lord, Jesus. Give me the Holy Spirit, so that, Your presence will remain with me.
Today, I declare that I am a child of God. That I choose to live for Jesus. I turn my back from my past life, from my past mistakes. I do not look at them. I fix my eyes, on You Jesus. Change my life. Come into my life and change everything about me. I give my life to You, Jesus. In Jesus Name. Hallelujah. Amen. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.
Well, thank you for coming to church and thank you for listening to me. Thank you for helping me to preach. God bless you. Hallelujah.
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