Scripture Reference: Matthew 16:16-19 AMPC; Ezekiel 34:17 KJV; Matthew 25:31-34 KJV; John 10:3-4 KJV; Matthew 2:23 AMPC; Luke 12:49-53 AMPC; Luke 14:25-26 WUEST; 2 Corinthians 4:2 AMPC; John 13:20 AMPC; 1 Thessalonians 2:13 WUEST; 1 Thessalonians 2:13 NLT; Acts 20:32 WUEST; 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 AMPC ; 1 John 2:12-18 WNT
It’s wonderful to see you all. It’s wonderful. So, I’m going to just, I’m going to jump in. I don’t know how else to do that this morning. Out of the abundance of my heart my mouth is going to speak today. Hallelujah. So let’s, let’s welcome the person of the Holy Spirit who lives in you, and who lives in me, who’s going to minister to us this morning, through the word, through the power of scripture and change us. Glory.
Thank You, Father for Your Holy Spirit that lives within each one of us and we receive Your words to us this morning. We open up our hearts, we open up our hearts to receive change, great changes, great changes in us, Father. Thank You, Father for as we receive Your Word we have insight, we have insight into Your words Lord. Glory. Glory. Glory. Glory. Glory. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Praise You Jesus.
Ja, we don’t have to have music this morning. That’s all. We don’t have to have it. Sorry about that, if it’s going to be. Will you figure it out? Okay. Glory to God. Glory to God. I’m going to just read this prophecy because um, the way that I received it this morning from the Lord when I was up, I uh, the Lord said, “I want you to give them a piece of you.” You know that expression – You want a piece of me? Well, you’re going to get a piece of me today and I’m going to show you the context in which the Lord showed that to me, but this is a big chunk of me, is this word that Pastor John brought in 2010 that is working mightily in me. It’s working more mightily in me now than it did in 2010, than it did in 2015. It’s working more mightily in me now.
I know that God has got a shifting in the Spirit that has begun to happen. I want to tell you that I am speaking by the Holy Spirit now – that as the world has experienced the shift that has happened, it’s more pertinent now than it’s ever been. The shift that has happened and began to have signs that something wasn’t right. Well, definitely we know things are not right. A shifting, a shaking and the nations began to take note, began to shake.
So there is a shifting in the Spirit. God has been using this that the enemy has brought into the earth with such supreme intelligence that if Satan had known, he would not have. God has used this time to bring about things in His, in His true, in His people who have been pressing into Him, to change things, great changes in the Kingdom of God. And you cannot see that great changes in the Kingdom of God as if you’re going to look for something to happen. Because Jesus said the Kingdom of God is within you; it’s within you. So the great changes are going to come within you. That’s where the great change is happening.
It says here, there is a shifting. And you will see that the nations will begin to take note of what God is doing. Sure, it’s a shifting for our church. Sure we are seeing signs, the early signs of the rain of the Spirit that is happening, but it’s not just for our church. There is a shifting in the spirit for the Body of Christ. There is a shifting of the Spirit of God in this nation!
It’s being, it’s been shifting, it is still shifting. Because it’s the time of God. And God is bringing about His plans and what He purposes to do in the earth on His timetable. There is no thing that can stop God. God will always find a people that will rise up with Him. There’s a thing that, you’re getting a piece of me now. There’s a thing that happened to me in the first week of lockdown, when the Father began to speak to me about His time. “It’s My time, Sharon.” He said, “And this that has happened, because I have opened the door, I have opened a new door for my Church, for supernatural increase to come through. Supernatural increase to come through, not just for My people, for their personal stuff. Yes for that, but for Me. There will be supernatural increase for Me. God. Of things that will happen in My Church and in My people, that I have need of, so that I can have My time in the earth.”
And so when I began to sense what the Father was really saying to me that this has actually come against Him, I experienced an outrage in me. That I immediately began to give God prayers for Him to move in the earth. And that’s increasing in me. You’re getting a piece of me, today. Hallelujah. So, there is a shifting of the Spirit of God in this nation and it’s happening right now. You need to be sensitive church; that’s spiritual sensitivity. You need to be alert. You need to watch and pray, and to be flowing, and be in touch, and be in tune, and in flow with what the Holy Spirit is orchestrating now on behalf of the Father. That’s what we’ve got to be doing now. Right?
There is a shift for victory. These are God’s victories. Yes, it is a victory for you and personal victory for you if your faith goes there. Something has shifted on my inside that I am zealous for this as a son of God. That’s what the Lord showed me to tell you that you are going to get a piece of me this morning as a son of God, not as a minister of God. You’re going to get a piece of me as a son of God. As a son of God, I am outraged that the enemy can even think that he can bring what he has brought into the earth to come against my Father. Our Father. And that God, my Father, can do nothing unless I ask Him and unless I pray. That is a fact – it is a spiritual truth. God cannot move in the earth at this time unless His church rises up. So here we go.
A shift for victory. There is a shift that there are certain institutions, certain standards that have been set in the world, they’re going to begin to crack and the church is going to begin to rise up and they are going to occupy; and they are going to be dominating. If you knew in this church here today – this is just what I have to bring today. I have to bring this today and I have to give you a piece of me of what’s been happening to me in lockdown. I am giving it to you today as much as I can.
There is a scripture in Psalms that says God is indignant every day. There is something that is happening somewhere in the world that God is indignant about every day. I am indignant and I am doing something about it. The thing that I know to do about it is the most powerful thing to do and that is to speak to God, let the Holy Spirit give me utterance and speak to Father God about it.
Romans 8:26 is what I am doing and giving God. I am praying in other tongues. I am praying in my language. I had seen in prayer – this is the collective greatness people. That’s why the Lord said I want you to give them a piece of you for the collective greatness to be great for God to go where it must go for God – for God. That’s the zeal that is in Jesus as a Son of God, not as an Apostle or a Prophet or a Pastor or a Shepherd – as a Son of God He had a zeal for the house of God and the things for His Father. Glory to God.
And the Church is going to begin to rise up and occupy and they’re going to be dominating, because they are going to have the answers. Take note church, take note. It’s the time of God, it’s the season of God, it’s the time of God, it’s the season of God. It’s not the season of the power politics of the world. It is not, I declare it in the midst of this congregation today. It is not the time of power politics. It is not the time of power politics. Can we say that together if you believe it? It is not the time of power politics. Shall we say that again – those who have faith in their hearts? It is not the time of power politics. He said this. You may see that, boy do we see that! You may see that, but it is the time of God. It is the season of God that He has orchestrated for His power and His glory to come and be seen in the earth. I am setting true north again for all of us, Heritage of Faith people. This is our true north. What I am doing this morning, is however your compass has been spinning like this – this is true north.
I’m going to read it again. It is the season of God that He has orchestrated for His glory, and His power to come and be seen in the world. And where, and how is it gonna be demonstrated? Through the Church. That is Ephesians in the Amplified Bible it says through the church – through the Ecclesia, the church; the lawful ones. The manifold wisdom of God is going to be made known to the principalities, and the powers, the rulers of darkness of this world. That is it. That is it. That is it. We state these things unequivocally because the Holy Spirit expressly states these things here this morning to us. It will not manifest, so God has orchestrated – it is a season that He has orchestrated for His glory, His power to come and be seen in the world. It will not manifest in the way the world thinks. Because the world wants things to happen with spectacular fashion. They want things to happen in ways that they can identify as if they had something to do with it.
I just wrote something down here. God said to me that ah anyway, glory to God. Hallelujah. He spoke to me about His time and He said that He’s going to move in a way that not even the body of Christ must think that they had anything to do with it, not even one individual must think that they had anything to do with it, because it’s orchestrated by the Holy Spirit and He will use vessels, but vessels must not think that they had anything to do with it. That was one of the things that He made a cut with some of those people with Gideon. He said you’ve got too many people with you that when you get the victory, they’re going to say that they had something to do with it.
So, they want things to happen in ways that they can identify as if they had something to do with it. It’s the season of God it’s not the season of man. It’s the season of God. When God chooses to do things, there is no man that can stop Him. Nothing. And you know why? Because He will always find a remanence of people that will follow Him and surrender to Him, to the death. Ja, yes, Lord. And when God chooses to do things there is no man that can stop Him. He said it again; there’s no man that can stop Him, there’s no government on earth, this earth that can stop Him. There’s no philosophy on this earth that can stop Him. There’s no philosophy that can stop Him. There’s no government on this earth that can stop Him. There’s no liberal agenda, there’s no socialistic, communistic, humanistic whatever liberal agenda that can stop Him. There’s no Hollywood that can stop Him. There’s no big voices in this world that can stop Him. There’s no financial institution on this earth that can stop Him. It’s the season of God. It’s the season of God, Church. Hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to God.
In the beginning of time, the time was begun because of the hovering of the Holy Spirit. So the earth was chaotic, it says in one translation, and God began to speak and order came, and this is the same way, whatever chaos there is, the church will speak and order, God’s order will come.
With my outrage came an uprising in me, to rise up in my stature as a son of God. That’s the same, and I can take no credit for it, as if I have anything to do with it, I have nothing to do with when God puts His zeal in me. There’s nothing I can do. I can, I can switch it off, but when I let it flow then there I go as a son of God. So, it’s the same with you. The Holy Spirit. In the beginning of time the time was begun because of the hovering of the Holy Spirit and the bible says that the spirit of God covered the earth and so it will be in this time. The Holy Spirit is going to begin to move, listen to where He moves, I’ve taught this before lockdown; Where does He move? In me. As if we must look for the kingdom of God, something is happening. As if I must look for the move of the Holy Spirit, something to happen, when it’s in me. The move of the Holy Spirit is in me. He’s going to move in me, through me, for me to do my part. My part, just my part right. Has God not called me; do you not know that God has called me to mobilise His army? You think I can, I can, I can have anything to do with an army of God mobilising but let it flow and let it go? It’s His army. That’s my part. Pastor John has his part. You have your part.
In the beginning of time the time was begun because of the hovering of the Holy Spirit, or the time of the earth. The bible says that the Spirit of God covered the earth and so it will be in this time.
The Holy Spirit is going to begin to move in us, and shifts are going to take place, and shifts are going to take place all over this globe because He is moving in His church, He is moving in you and He is moving in me, He is moving in His ecclesia. He is going to be hovering and moving and orchestrating on behalf of the Father. He, in this time of the church, when the church was birthed, people, it was God’s plan, He does not do anything independently of the church, He has bound Himself by His own Word. He birthed the church. Jesus came to die, He got the keys of death hell and the grave, and then because Adam turned it over to Satan, so Jesus came to get back the keys, and Jesus said here I give it to you, Church, I give it to you, Ecclesia. That is what the greek word for church is; ecclesia. My legislative, legitimate legislative assembly. Now whatever you ask Me in My name, whatever you ask the Father in My name, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
Right, so this morning, it is a part of my series of Having Therefore Boldness, I am bold, I am bold, I separate myself unto God as a son of God boldly, I separate at this time boldly, I separate, I allow the Holy Spirit to separate me, I allow Him to bring me into my fullness as a Son of God in this time right now. Whatever that looks like. He knows, but I surrender and yield myself to Him for that. Okay.
So Matthew 16, this is a piece of myself, “Give them a piece of yourself for the sake of collective greatness for our God.” Simon-Peter. You are the Christ. 16 Simon Peter replied, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17 Then Jesus answered him, Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah. For flesh and blood [men] have not revealed this to you, but My Father Who is in heaven. 18 And I tell you, you are Peter [Greek, Petros—a large piece of rock], (Matthew 16:16-18 AMPC) a piece of rock, a piece of rock. I am a piece of rock. He said to Peter, you are a piece of rock. I am a piece of rock, you are a piece of rock, you are a part of the collective greatness people. You are a piece of rock, and on this piece of rock, that I am, that you are, and together, I am going to build My church, and the powers of hell shall not overpower it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind (declare to be improper and unlawful) on earth, whatever you declare, because you have been revealed, flesh and blood has not revealed to you, but the Father has revealed this to you.
You, whatever you do, whatever you declare to be improper and unlawful on earth, must be what is already declared improper and unlawful in heaven. (Matthew 16:19 AMPC) I am telling you what is happening on the earth now people are already being declared unlawful and improper by God. So we can therefore decree and declare it boldly, that it is unlawful and it is improper, and we do not stand for it, we stand for what God has planned and purposed for this time, not for what the enemy is bringing. Are you getting this, are you getting this.
So this morning, so it is time of God, He is separating for Himself a people, this is what the Lord has said to me, He separating for Himself a people that will separate themselves unto Him and Him alone, and no-one can stop Him, He is busy separating His people unto Himself right now as I speak, He is busy with it already, He has been busy with it and He is now busy with it. Because, there is a power that can be released on earth for Him that comes through a completely surrendered vessel, not half, not half-hearted. Right.
So, no-one can stop Him, He has in particular earmarked, chosen if you will, this people, the Heritage of Faith people. This spiritual leader, to do this in an intensified more concentrated fashion, not because we are great, but because He has found hearts that are willing to be made willing, to go to spaces and places through this new open door, to experience levels and degrees of surrender and consecration and separation and devotion to Him that we didn’t even know was available to us. That is part of Christ being formed in us, because Christ reached that, He was completely devoted, one hundred percent devoted to the Father, and because He was, we can be.
We can go to where He went. That’s what it means to have Christ in you. The expectation of experiencing that glory. Where as a Son of God He said, “I don’t say anything except I hear My Father say it. I don’t do anything unless I see My Father doing it.”
Now we’ve been hearing this for a long time right? That scripture. It’s about time you sowed it into your heart so that it can grow up in your life. You’re not going to have that happen to you. You’re not going to have that level of consecration and separation happen unless you sow the Word into your heart. It’s only the Word of God that can separate and consecrate you to that degree. It’s only the Word that you believe and you receive and you sow it into your heart.
Hallelujah. So, He’s separating for Himself a people who will separate themselves unto Him and Him alone. No one can stop Him. He has in particular earmarked this people, not because we are great but because He has found some willing to want to go there so badly.
So Ezekiel 34:17. I’m reading it to you,17 And as for you, O My flock, says the Lord: Behold, I shall judge between sheep and sheep (Ezekiel 34:17 KJV). Sheep and sheep, sheep and sheep. You see He has every right to judge between sheep and sheep. Sheep and sheep.
He did that with the rich young ruler. He invited the rich young ruler to full consecration and discipleship. And so the rich young ruler said, “I can’t do that, I can’t give that level at this time. I’m not actually going to.” So Jesus loved him as he left Him. He didn’t stop loving him. But there was a separation.
So Matthew 25:31-34, I’m reading this to you. You must go and look at these scriptures people. 31When the Son of Man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him which is now at the time of God, then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory. His glory shall come and be seen upon the earth. 32 And before Him shall be gathered all nations. He shall separate them from one another. Separate. He shall separate. He shall separate. He shall separate. He shall separate them one from another, as the shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. 33 And He shall set the sheep on His right and the goats on the left. 34 And then shall the King say unto them on His right hand, “Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom My Father has prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” (Matthew 25:31-34 KJV)
What a sheep is? I’m going to give you the scripture that God gave me. So you can get a picture of what a sheep is, a goat. I’ve been ministering this to you for years. A goat sits in the congregation and goes, “But, but, but, but, but, but. I hear you but… I hear you but…” And the heart is full of excuses why it’s not going to go the way of the message that was brought, every Sunday, Sunday after Sunday.
Okay. So this is what a sheep looks like. Jesus explained it, John 10. 3 To him, the porter opens and the sheep hear his voice (John 10:3 KJV). Hmm, the sheep hear his voice and he calls his own sheep by name. He’s called you all by name. Many times in your lives. Every Sunday He calls you by name through the message that He brings. Every Sunday’s message He’s calling you by name. Called them by name. 4 When he puts forth his own sheep he goes before them and his sheep follow him (John 10:4 KJV). See, they follow him. The sheep follow him for they know His voice.
So Jesus Himself is doing the separation. He himself, Matthew 2:23, He went and dwelt in a town called Nazareth so what was spoken through the prophets might be fulfilled: that He shall be called a Nazarene [Branch, Separated One]. (Matthew 2:23 AMPC) He Himself as a Son of God is a separated one, separated one. A separated life, a separated life, a separated life. Looks, you can see, you can see what a separated life looks like.
I’m jumping ahead of myself. I’ll show you now. Here it is, Jesus is doing this. Luke 12:49-53. Here it is. Jesus says, 49 I have come to cast fire upon the earth, and how I wish that it were already kindled! 50 I have a baptism… Okay, He says this in verse 51, 51 Do you suppose that I have come to give you peace upon the earth? Jesus, do you suppose that I have come to give peace upon the earth? No, I say to you, I’ve come to bring division; (Luke 12:49-52 AMPC) That word is separation. I come to separate sheep from sheep. I’ve come to bring division. I see who follows me, who listens to Me and does not. I see I know. I know. I watch My people. That’s that message that Pastor John’s… sjoe, sjoe, sjoe, sjoe.
Oh the plans you make. Oh the plans you make. A separated life does not make their own plans – a devoted life to the Lord Jesus. But oh the plans you make, Pastor John said in this message of the 16th of January. He says this; when the desires of your heart are His desires, then your plans become His plans. The biggest challenge that we have as Christians is submitting our heart to God or surrendering. Most often it is tested when the messenger comes with a message and speaks a message to you and then you listen to the message and you receive parts of the message, not all of the message. And you say, “Well, I can’t do that, I can’t agree with that.” So then, that means the desire of your hearts are already been tested. So the plans you make based on that unsubmitted desire are incompatible to what God’s will is for you.
The more you put the messages of God into your heart and into your mouth, the more your desires change to live for God. Oh the plans, oh the plans we make. Oh the plans we make. And that was the visitation when Jesus visited Kenneth Hagin with plans, purposes and pursuits and said, “My people just make all their own plans and they ask Me to bless it. They don’t ask Me what My plans are for them and that’s already blessed. They just make all their own plans and they ask Me, ‘Bless it, bless it, bless it Lord’.” But they don’t ask Him, “What are Your plans for my life, Lord, what are Your plans for my life?”
We have so little done that with God, that we’ve made our plans according to the way the world makes its plans. We have become so embroiled with worldly people that we make our plans the way the world makes their plans – as they see fit and as they want to. We have adopted, we have watched them and we’ve watched them prosper in it and we’ve said, “I’ll go that way.” And so the love of the world is in you. You love the ways of the world. You love the ways of the world if you do that. You do not love the way of God that says, “I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you. You want to know what they are? You want to seek Me in a day that I can be found? You want My Holy Spirit to speak to you? You want to come to Me for that… son, daughter? Or you just want to barrel on, barrel on, on your own self, because you see the world do that and prosper?” Malachi 3. So they don’t, they don’t see God for it and they prosper, so I’m going to do the same. You don’t say it like that, but your actions speak that to God. Your actions speak it to the Father. It is like that, even though you don’t say it like that, it just is like that, right?
And so, He says, I say to you I’ve come for division. So if you’ve been listening and you’ve been watching Pastor John and hearing about how he’s living his personal life with the Lord, you would’ve been picking it up a while ago of how he’s changing and you could have begun to already follow him like he’s following Christ. That’s what you’re supposed to do. That’s what the Apostle Paul said, “Follow me as I follow Christ. Follow me as I’m following Him.” Can you see? Can you see I’m not making plans like that and like that? Can you hear what’s coming through in my messages? Can you hear I can’t just do anything I want to do? Can you hear? I can’t just go where I want to go? Can you hear that? And then the congregation sits there and goes… “Right, right, no I can, and I will, thank you. I’ll just barrel on like I always have. Good for you, Pastor John.”
The Lord showed me that so many Christians use this as an excuse when they listen to a pastor or a minister with a message – they do this so much. They… year in, year out and some for their whole, entire life. They go, “Yeah, but that’s because you’re a Bible-calling.” That’s why I speak to you today as a son of God. As your sister in Christ, I speak to you today. He was not speaking to the five-fold ministry when Jesus said this.
51 From now on in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three. 53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law (Luke 12:52-53 AMPC). And then here’s the Wuest translation of Luke 14:25, 25 Now, many crowds were journeying along with Him. And having turned around, He said to them, 26 If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters in the event that they become hindrances to his supreme love for me (Luke 14:25-26 WUEST). If I had a husband that was hindering me in my supreme love for Him, I would not be moved by him. I would love him, but I would not allow him to influence me.
If I was a husband and I had a wife like David had that despised him for his passionate love for the Lord. He said, “I’m going to become worse still my wife.” And she became barren. There will be a spiritual barrenness that will come into your life. If you try to stop your child’s devotion to God, you try to stop your husband’s devotion to God, you try to stop a wife’s devotion to God and put a stumbling block – you’ll have to deal with God on that. Because Jesus said it. There is a standard being raised, there is a standard He is raising. Why? He is separating, He is separating, He is separating, He is separating, He is separating, He is looking for hearts that are so surrendered to Him. They give Him everything, of their self; their self life.
You getting a piece of me? It’s a big rock hey? It’s a huge rock – glory to God. And Jesus said this, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, in the event that they become hindrances to His supreme love for me, in the event that they become hindrances in their supreme love for Me, in the event that they become hindrances.” As a mother and a father, you can become hindrances to your children. You lead them into the way of the world – think like the world, make choices like the world.
The Bible says; fathers, you raise your children up in the fear and the admonition of the Lord. You teach your children to fear God, my son. You fear God first. You serve Him and Him alone. It says here, I’m reading it again, 26 If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, in the event that they become hindrances to His supreme love for Me, yes moreover, also his own life in the same manner, he is not able to be My disciple (Luke 14:26 WUEST). He is not able, he is not able, he is not able, he is not able, he is not able. These are Jesus’ words. Jesus wants me to read these Scriptures today because they are going to work in some hearts; that are going to begin to work. There’s going to begin a fire that is going to burn and you are going to go, “Ah, I have to go there. Holy Spirit, You have to work in me. By the Blood, You have to work in me. You have to effect this work in me.”
Ja. This Scripture gives you opportunity to at least go to Him and say, “I want this, I want this work done in my heart.” Cause if God can even from this group, get two or three who are going to go there completely – collective greatness. We are going to do things for God, get victories for Him, for this time of His so that He can have His time, so that He can have His time. If you don’t go there, you can still have what the rich young ruler had, you can have all. But the eternal things, that you will live with for eternity with God, your Father and with Jesus, your Lord, will escape you, will escape your life.
How is He doing this – with His mighty Word of power given to His anointed messengers. He is doing it through this Word He is bringing this morning. He is bringing. That’s how He does it Sunday after Sunday. Okay. With His mighty Word of power given to His messengers, they bring it to His people, unadulterated. It doesn’t matter to me that other spiritual leaders have got hidden agendas with the way they bring the Word to people. It’s not my business. It’s not my business. Unadulterated is what we are supposed to bring the Word to you – Pastor John and I. There is no hidden motivation from themselves these messengers and how they bring His message and what they bring. Like Peter, they receive it by revelation, directly from the Father then they feed His sheep and feed His lambs and feed His sheep and feed His lambs. Feed My sheep and feed My lambs, and feed and feed them and nurture them into full sonship. Yes, Lord. Nurture them. There will be some among them. There will be some among them that will have fire in them. They will let the fire burn, Your fire is there for all. And I say in me, Lord, in me let Your fire burn. Is not Your Word like fire that burns up everything in me that cannot surrender to You. Yes! Glory!
As for Pastor John and I, 2 Corinthians 4:2 Amplified, Pastor John and I 4have renounced disgraceful ways (secret thoughts, feelings, desires and underhandedness, the methods and arts that men hide); we refuse to deal craftily (to practice trickery and cunning) or to adulterate or handle dishonestly the Word of God, (we refuse) but we state the truth openly (clearly and candidly). So we commend ourselves in the sight and presence of God to every man’s conscience. (2 Corinthians 4:2 AMPC). Selah.
That’s it. That’s just it. That’s just it. Because somewhere, there are some people that are listening, that are getting the pure unadulterated milk. They long for it. They so want to give everything to Jesus. They so want to surrender and yield. They so want to be full-fledged sons. They have such longings and yearnings and here it is. And here it is and I can be. And I will be. And I come. I come.
John 13:20 says, Jesus says this, 20 I assure you, and I tell you, he who receives and welcomes and takes into his heart any messenger of Mine. Messenger of mine – Jesus knows who His messengers are. There are many messengers that are not His. It’s not my business to go, “you are, you aren’t, you are” – it’s none of my business. But Jesus says, Jesus says, 20 he who receives and welcomes and takes into his heart, he who receives and welcomes and takes into his heart, any messenger of Mine. You are supposed to receive and take into your heart this messenger of Pastor John, at least Pastor John. And if you have room in your heart to take me in too. You know, receive and welcome and take me into your heart. Hey? Jesus. Jesus. “Anyone,” Jesus said, 20 he who receives and welcomes and takes into his heart any messenger of Mine receives Me [in just that way] (John 13:20 AMPC).
Isn’t that wonderful? Really. If you know that God has planted you here and divinely connected you with Pastor John and I, do you think He is going to give you, the Holy Spirit is already witnessing that in your heart – do you think He is going to give you someone that’s going to trick you and handle the Word of God dishonestly? Or do you think He is going to give you someone that’s, “I’m going to get revelation from God. I’m going to come bring it to you, and you can grow thereby. And you can receive me into your heart as you receive Jesus in your heart because I’m not tricking you into anything. I’m not using the Word of God because I want a big church and I want more people to come.” So I’m just taking the edges off the Word of God a little bit so that, you know.
The Wuest translation says this and I need to finish now, right? Hey Wes, Conrad? Is my time up? No? You are getting a piece of me? You are getting a big rock that Jesus put in me during lockdown. A big rock. A huge rock – I’m just throwing it at you because you have to have it, you have to have this. You have to have this. It’s your true north.
Wuest translation 1 Thessalonians 2:13, 13 And on this account, as for us, we also are constantly giving thanks to God, and that unceasingly, because when you appropriated to yourselves the word of the message which came from us, even the word of God, you welcomed it, not as a word finding its source in men but as it truly is, God’s word which is being constantly set in operation in you who believe. Can I read that from the Wuest again? Isn’t it beautiful? You’ve heard me out of the Amplified, right? Exercising its superhuman power in me, in you – those of you that believe and receive. Not just mere human words. But here’s the Wuest: 13 we are constantly giving thanks to God, and that unceasingly, because when you appropriated to yourselves the word of the message. There it is, son of God, for you to mature. You didn’t just hear the message in the one ear out the other ear. You appropriated it. 13 when you appropriated to yourselves the word of the message which came from us, even the word of God, you welcomed it, not as a word finding its source in men but as it truly is, God’s word which is being constantly set in operation in you who believe (1 Thessalonians 2:13 WUEST).
The NLT, so this is how He’s doing the separating. It’s not because you can be more separated than me in some other way, no. I get separated the same way you get separated. I separate myself to appropriate the messages that keep coming to me, that word separates me, Hebrews 4. It’s the word that separates you right. NLT says, 13 when you received his message from us, you didn’t think of our words as mere human ideas. You accepted what we said as the very word of God—which, of course, it is. And this word continues to work in you who believe. (1 Thessalonians 2:13 NLT) This is how He is separating us people. You didn’t listen to my words, you didn’t follow me, you didn’t receive and welcome into your heart. You didn’t receive, you didn’t welcome, you didn’t listen, you didn’t separate, separate separate, separate. Love ending never, never never, never, never… His love for you will never end and never change even though you do not choose to follow Him completely.
Isn’t that humbling? That does something in me. You’re going to love me anyway. Intensity of love even though I don’t follow you completely. Oh God, oh God, how merciful You are. So the Wuest says Acts 20:32 it’s by the word that he does this separation. 32 I commend you to the Lord and to the word of His grace. You see once we’ve brought the message that’s what happens in us. 32 I commend you to the Lord and to the word of His grace which has power to build you up, and to give you the inheritance among all those who have been set apart for God. (Acts 20:32 WUEST) Wow.
The Spirit of God expressly says 2 Corinthians 6:17-18. Just listen, let the Word minister to you: God says, the Spirit of God says 17 come out from among [unbelievers], and separate (sever) yourselves from them, says the Lord, and touch not [any] unclean thing; then I will receive you kindly and treat you with favor, 18 And I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty. (2 Corinthians 6:17-18 AMPC) Come out from among them. Come out. What does that mean that I have got to leave my job? Your heart has to come out from among them. Your heart has to come out from among them. What can an unbeliever and a believer, what fellowship can they have?
But I have to work with people. But what fellowship can you have. You’re in it but you’re not of it. It’s your heart people, it’s your heart. God knows when your heart loves the world and loves the ways of the world and the way the world does things and loves the world’s entertainment and loves the world’s distractions and loves the world’s philosophies and loves the world’s liberality and loves the world’s immorality and loves the world.
I’m going to read you something shocking. I think I’m going to read it now. No, I didn’t bring it… This is not about legalism and law. It’s about a heart this is about our heart. It’s about our hearts people. Somebody that wrote on the website, wrote and it’s not even a Christian thing but it talks about, what you allow in your eyegate, what your eyes see, how it impacts your whole being and breaks down everything in you that could be good and says about, they put it this way, so what did you do at the youth group. What did you do at the youth group, oh at the church youth group. Well we heard about that there was going to be a girl and she was going to take her clothes off so we all decided to go and watch that. Decided to go to her house and go to peep in. Then we heard she was going to be with her boyfriend in the car and they were going to be intimate in the car and the car was going to steam up. And so the parents were horrified. And the result was; no, we watched The Titanic. Don’t worry. We just watched The Titanic movie at the youth group. Isn’t that shocking? Hmm? Did you understand that? Do you want me to clarify that? So it’s okay. It’s okay for me to go and watch that movie but it is not okay for me to do it, actually in the physical, but I can do it on TV. I can watch on TV. I can watch the same thing, it’s different if I watch it on TV to if I do it actually. We think it is. We think it is different.
You know what Babylon means? The word Babylon means god of the gates. Babylon’s entertainment, Babylon’s, the way that, everything Babylon does, everything the world system does is the god of the gates. It is where Satan comes in; comes into our children, comes into our thinking, comes in everywhere. What do you think about that, it is quite shocking, hey? It shocked me.
So I am writing to you. So he says, 17 come out from among [unbelievers], and separate (sever) yourselves from them, says the Lord, and touch not [any] unclean thing; you should read that in some other versions, then I will receive you kindly and treat you with favor. He wants you clean. He wants you clean.
I will be a Father to you. 1 John 2:12-18, I am writing to you, dear little children, see, he speaks to all of us, 12 I am writing to you, dear children, because for His sake your sins are forgiven you. 13 I am writing to you, fathers, because you know Him who has existed from the very beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the Evil one. (1 John 2:12-13 WNT)
Father’s, do you know Him? Young men, are you overcoming the evil one? You can, young women. 14 I have written to you, young men, because you are strong and God’s Message still has a place in your hearts, and you have overcome the Evil one. 15 Do not love the world, nor the things in the world. If any one loves the world, there is no love in his heart for the Father. (1 John 2:14-15 WNT)
You want to know why you don’t love the Father so much? He gladly loves you. You don’t love Him so much because you love the world, You don’t love Him so much because you can’t. If the love of the world is in you, then there can’t be the flow of love for the Father because you love the world. You love the ways of the world. You love the people of the world. But aren’t we supposed to? Yes, but there is a separation. You’re supposed to love them but not love what they love. 14 I’ve written to you… 15 Do not love the world, nor the things in the world. If any one loves the world, there is no love in his heart for the Father. 16 For the things in the world–the cravings of the earthly nature, the cravings of the eyes, the show and pride of life–they all come, not from the Father, but from the world. 17 And the world, with its cravings, is passing away, but he who does God’s will continues for ever. (1 John 2:14-17 WNT)
See the plans. He who follows the plans of God continues forever. Hallelujah. That’s why Jesus could say, “Who is my mother, who is my father? He who does the will of my father”. So if Jesus had brothers and mothers and fathers that were not following the will of God, He, there is no love that will stop but there is a separation. I am not allowing you to stop me. Even my beloved Peter, “Get behind me, Satan.” Satan speaking through you, Peter, to Me to get Me off track of My assignment.
This is excellent, right? So I’m going to pray for you because it finishes off here by saying, 18 the last hour has come; and as you once heard that there was to be an anti-Christ, so even now many anti-Christs have appeared. By this we may know that the last hour has come. (1 John 2:18 WNT) Anything that is anti-Jesus, any way, any thinking, any philosophy is anti-Christ, is anti-Jesus and the way Jesus would be in that circumstance. Anything that is in you that is not in Jesus in any thinking, in any speaking, in any acting, is anti-Christ.
So we trust the Holy Spirit to make us like Jesus. Right? We want to be like Jesus. Hey, Gideon, Charles? Does anyone want to say anything here? Gideon, do you want to say something about this message this morning?
Pastor Sharon: Big rock. I threw a big rock. Eish.
Gideon: Massive, big is an understatement, but, I think Pastor Sharon what you have been talking about is you know what brought the disciples to become apostles, is the fact that they surrender totally to Jesus. They got to a point where they said `well if we leave you where will we go, they have got absolutely nowhere else to go.
Pastor Sharon: Now, some of the people will be thinking, ja but you speaking about the Apostles. You see.
Gideon: No, but the disciples was just messengers in and if you listen to the word apostle is still a messenger, you and I are a messenger in this earth. We can never look at the five fold ministry, it’s something I had to learn in my life, is if we look at Pastor John and Pastor John follows Jesus in everything he does, there is something that I learnt from Pastor John if you will allow me to share this quickly, Pastor Sharon, how many of have picked up that when Pastor John goes to Brother Jerry, that he goes very very well prepared?
Now every time that we get into Pastor John’s presence and we are not very well prepared, we just missed the secret of being a son of God, because the disciples everything the disciples have learned through a life span with Jesus over three years how to follow Him in everything and when the Holy Spirit came on them they were infused by power to speak exactly what Jesus spoke for three years and that’s when you started off this morning about the Holy spirit that is you that is in me um that is the person of God, the Holy Spirit that part of Him that is called to help us to get to that point where and what you said this morning was a revelation to me Pastor Sharon, is I love that scripture that says um, that He didn’t do anything unless He sees the Father do it. He didn’t say any word unless He heard the Father speak it and we must start to speak that over ourselves, wonderful.” “It’s getting to a point of total surrender, absolute total surrender.
Pastor Sharon: Like Phillip, he was not a five fold minister.
Gideon: Exactly and we in our own personal lives are messengers to the world, because if we are not following Jesus and not following Pastor John as he follows Jesus, how can we be that message to the rest of the body and to the world because the world don’t have answers for this scenario we are in right now, but we do because we know that He loves us so much, that He has got the answer already and that is praising, that word that Brother Jerry, of just what get us through this, to give the high praise let us shout the praise out of your mouth, Amen.
Pastor Sharon: Does somebody else want to say something about this message? Eileen?
Eileen: I just want to share a scripture right in the beginning of lockdown that God gave me.
Pastor Sharon: What is it Eileen?
Eileen: It was, it just came so alive to me again. It’s one that people you read and you read and it just like leapt in my spirit and said, it’s no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me and the life that I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God. He loves me and He gave His life for me. Something just shifted in my heart that every word I speak every… and I’m not saying I’m there yet… but it’s in me the whole time.
Pastor Sharon: It’s working in you to become.
Eileen: And I just, Lord if everything I say, must be what You say because then it’s Your faith coming out of me, it’s Your Word coming out of me. That’s why we have the God kind of faith because we’ve got Christ living in us and it mustn’t be me that lives but Christ.
Pastor Sharon: And He can, because it’s Christ in us, the expectation of experiencing the Glory. Experiencing His glory in us. Praise the Lord.
Otto, have we got music? I’m not quite sure what to do… Have we got music? Let’s do some music. If you need to have a body break then feel free, but let’s minister.
Can I just pray this prayer for you? I want to pray this prayer for you before I finish, right? Here it is, it’s out of Thessalonians, the Lord said just pray this over them, may the God of peace Himself sanctify and separate you through and through, separate you from profane things make you pure and Holy consecrated to God, may your spirit, soul and body Heritage of faith people be preserved sound and complete and found blameless of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, faithful is He who is calling you to Himself to separate and outwardly and trustworthy do it and He will do it in Jesus name, can you say amen with me?”
Hallelujah, Glory to God, Hallelujah, praise the Lord, let’s have some music and sound.
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