Scripture reference: Hebrews 10:19-20 KJV; Hebrews 10:21-22 NLT; Exodus 12:7 KJV
Good morning everybody. It’s so wonderful, I mean we really have had His presence already. Where’s my glasses? Sjo, my, my. My glasses, oh here they are. Thank you, Christi. You want to wear them? Okie Dokie.
Well, love from Pastor John. Bye-bye children, thank you for being with us in the presence of the Lord. Glory. I had all these things, you know if I could have had a day like this, I would have all the kids here and I would give them all a chance because, you know, it’s wonderful to hear those sweet voices, singing to the Lord and then all of you. Isn’t it great, hey? Glory to God.
Let’s just pray. Father, we approach Your Word with reverence, and we do reverence Your Holy Spirit here with us today, we do. We are learning to recognize Your presence among us more and more, and appreciate it more and more, and we do hunger for more too, Lord. We hunger for Your presence more and more. Now, Father, we come with reverence in Your presence to receive Your Word. Thank You, Holy Spirit that today, You are the One that will minister, through an earthen vessel, to Your people, to every heart, to my heart, to all our hearts. You bring Your Words that are for this time, they are for Your time. Holy Spirit, You do not speak of Your own accord, just as Jesus did not when He was on earth. Jesus said what He heard the Father saying and He did what He saw the Father doing and so we know Holy Spirit, You are the Spirit of Christ and You are just like that. So, You give us words today from the Father and You move and flow as You see the Father, as You see from the Father. Thank You, in Jesus Name and we all say, amen.
So, I started on my series last week. I do need to just recap again so that we all stay on the same page and we know where we’re going, right? Hebrews 10:19 is our key scripture for this series. Whenever Pastor John asks me to minister, I will be ministering this year on Having Therefore Boldness. This is the title of the series, and I started last week with part one called The Accusations of Satan. Teaching you and showing you how the accusations of Satan come to all of us and then teaching you, showing you from scripture how to deal with the accusations of Satan.
So, two, about three weeks ago now, the Lord began to speak to me, Having Therefore Boldness and I understood what He was saying to me because this is a huge subject that He’s been speaking to me for some decades now. About three years ago, two years ago 2017, 1st of January; I woke up that morning in His, going into His presence as I normally do in the morning. I heard Him say, “Having, therefore, boldness, Sharon.” It was very personal for me. I’ve been on a journey of further revelation, greater light for me; to have boldness to enter into the presence of God into the holiest by the Blood of Jesus.
Can we put our key scripture up please, Hebrews 10:19, 19 Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, 20By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; Glory to God, let’s go to the next scripture, I just want you to see context. Let’s go the next verse 20 by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, (Hebrews 10:19-20 KJV) 21 And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s house, 22 let us go right into the presence of God (Hebrews 10:19-22 NLT). Okay, that’s enough thank you.
So, God said to me; Sharon, I want you to teach My people to have boldness to come to Me, have boldness to enter into My presence and I want you to teach them this in context of their projects because Pastor John said this to us all; He said to me; So, John, project strike. This is where your victory lies, this is where your victory lies. You’ve got to push this victory through 2020. You’ve got to make ground here like you’ve never made ground before. Right, Project Strike. God has given us Project Strike. Then he (Pastor John) said this, this is what I really wanted to read; I stand before you, having heard from my spiritual father, I stand before you as someone who hears from God and I say, the execution of what God has prophesied. The execution of what God has prophesied, what has God prophesied? Supernatural increase through the new open door. Supernatural increase through the new open door.
When Brother Jerry prophesied in 2014, I believe it was; Marvels, Wonders, Manifestation, Demonstrations and Visitations he went to the Lord to say, “What is the execution?” And the Lord gave him 4x4x40, for him and for all of us to make progress, to keep our minds fixed and focussed on the prophecy. It’s an instrument God gave us so that we could experience identity change.
Like I shared with you, a few weeks ago; some of you listened and some of you didn’t. Some of you thought it didn’t apply to you – it could apply to Pastor John and some of us, but it didn’t apply to you. So, in that case, you would never have known the progress you would have made if you had applied it for yourself. Okay? Some of you weren’t here with us at that time, but some of you were. Most of you were with us at that time.
I asked my son, even my son, Brynn, to come and give his testimony of how he didn’t think it applied to him; he was above that, he did not believe that God had given Pastor John 4x4x40 for him. Okay? So, the Lord spoke to him at the end of the year and said to him, “You are a fool.” Did He say that to you, Brynn? I had him share his testimony here with you. Alright.
God said I’ve got to teach you, coming into God’s presence with Project Strike. I’m dealing mainly with Project Strike today. I’ll get to Project Conditioning and Project Celebration. You should be in celebration. You should have your happy feet on, happy mouth, happy heart, happy mouth, happy feet. Happy feet, happy mouth, happy heart. There’s a scripture in Proverbs that says he who has a glad heart, regardless of the circumstances, has a continual feast. He who has a glad heart, regardless of circumstances, has a continual celebration going on.
We’ve taught you so much about praising and rejoicing. Rejoicing. What a power tool it is. It’s not something God needs because He is feeling bad today and you need to pump Him up. God is full of Himself, always. He will tell you, if you say, “God, who are You?” “I am, I am, I am. I am Jehovah, your Provider. I am your Healer. I am, I am.” He never has a time… So, He receives the praises of His people especially when it’s coming from the heart, but God has also given it to us as a super tool, people, because we need to praise in the face of adversity. We need to praise, we need to praise, we need to rejoice because joy is my strength to keep going; until I get it. Until I get that thing that I am striking for. Until I get it.
I taught you last week how to deal with the devil in Project Strike when he comes to you when you’re striking, when you’re striking. Pastor John said; Project Strike is about what you want change in 2020. What you want change in. If you can find a promise for it – and I promise you, there is a promise for everything that you need change in – if you can find a scripture, you can strike with that scripture and you can strike.
I have been absolutely amazed at people and what they are striking for. Some are striking for a loved one that has cancer, striking for a wife, striking for a husband that’s not serving God. Striking. Just precious things. You can have more than one strike. You can have five strikes, you can have seven strikes, glory to God. There is no, you know, but there are things that you have in your heart that, you know, I want change. I want change here. I want this to change. That’s what Pastor John said Project Strike is. Seven things that you want to see changed in 2020. Then he said this; this is a personal thing. I will show them, individually, things that they can do in their individual lives because they are busy executing. The execution for supernatural increase for you to experience it and for me to experience it. This is the execution that God has given us; Project Strike.
Glory to God. Seven areas where I want to see change. I told you last Sunday what to do when you think I’m not worthy for this, I’m not worthy, I’m not worthy; you need to get my last weeks message, it was part one.
Then God said this to me; it’s a personal thing, this Project Strike, you’re going to have to touch His garment. You’re going to have to touch His garment because there are some issues, this woman had an issue. There are some issues that God wants to help you with to bring change. There are some issues and you’re going to have to say and you’re going to have to believe that God has got supernatural increase and change and restoration for you, on His mind. I shared with you last week how He’s brought Project Strike, Project Conditioning and Project Celebration to us because He loves us because He doesn’t want us to drift and stray off the Prophetic Word. He wants us to attach and lock our faith into it by striking, giving us this execution because He loves us. He loves us.
Project Strike has come to us as a love offering from God; I’m giving you a way to focus your faith on things that I want to help you to change, I want to be with you in it, I want to be personal with you in it. I don’t want you to compare, those points that Pastor John gave, I don’t want you to compare your changes and your things with anybody else. It’s personal between you and Jesus. It’s personal between you and the Holy Spirit. It’s personal, it’s personal, it’s personal. And for it to be personal to you, He requires you to be personal with Him. You are going to hear from Him, you’re going to see from Him, you’re going to know from Him.
Because this is what Pastor John said. You see, Pastor John and I don’t just grab messages out of a bag and go, “Eeny, meeny, miney, moe. What can we say this Sunday?” We are on a journey with revelation. We’ve been on a journey for a long time with revelation that God gives us. Then the next message and then the next message and they’re all tied together because we are going in together into our promised land.
Can you imagine, if those people… it doesn’t matter. I’m not interested in what the rest of the Body of Christ is doing. I am accountable and Pastor John is accountable to the Lord Jesus for how we lead you. Can you imagine, if the current Church had Joshua saying, “I’m here to lead you into the promised,” and they said, “Uhmm, but we are tired of this message. We are going to find someone else that’s got a message.” “But I’m your messenger to take you into the promised land. God is going to give me instruction because God has placed you with me.” But I’m tired of this message I’m going to go and see if I can hear something else from somebody else.
You see, what social media has done? It has gotten the body of Christ all over the place. It has taken them out of God’s pattern of being planted in a place with a messenger that has a message that will lead you into your promised land, into the things that God has for you. Now we have become a jack of all trades and a master of none. We know a lot of things about a lot of things because we listen to everybody. We listen to anything. We are open to everything, after all, it is the Word so it must be good.
It’s not God’s pattern, it’s not God’s pattern. Your spirit can receive truth from anybody. But God wants you to receive the truth that comes here, for you, in this house first because He wants you to develop and come in a certain way together with us, like the pattern of Moses, like the pattern of Joshua going into the promised land. Like the pattern with Paul where he said, “Follow me, as I follow Christ. I’m getting revelation. I’m coming to bring it to the churches that I have established, the churches I established,” and he was always having to contend with other people, other talkers, ministers that wanted to come into his flock and tell them what they thought.
He was even, always having to contend with that. He was always having to pull his people together and say, “Hey, you’re planted here. This is where God has put you. You know that. So now, eat here, feed here.”
Being planted in a church is not going to church. Being planted means, your roots, there is some roots in you that’s going down and you’ve got the message that you’re letting come into your heart. Now you’re going to bear fruit of the message and your root is going… Your roots and your fruit. Your roots are going down, down into the messages; the scriptures that Pastor John is bringing, the points that the Holy Spirit is giving him to make on our journey. Then your roots are going down, the Bible says, your roots go down and the fruit comes up.
I’ve shared with you before, God taught that to me when I was planted in a church with my husband and my children when Brynn was two months old. We were there for 19 years before our pastor blessed us to be with Brother Jerry. The Lord taught me. He taught me; you eat here, Sharon. You listen to your pastor’s messages, you make notes, you go and meditate on them during the week. This is not a new thing.
I would wonder why everybody else would come and say, “Listen to this tape. Read this book. Listen to this tape.” I was like, I’d think; where do you get the time? Where do you get the time to do that? I’m so into the message that my pastor brought me. I understood that he sought the Lord, all week to bring a message from the throne of heaven to me. I would make notes and I’d write down the scriptures – that was before Ipads and before cell phones and before I could record, you know, on my iPad, make notes and then I would go back. I would go back home; Monday, Tuesday, any time I got… Okay. What did he say? What did he make a point? Hallelujah.
I wasn’t listening to everybody. TBN is not my church. It’s not God’s pattern. God said you do not neglect the assembly of yourselves and the gathering of yourselves, together, as is the habit of some. Together. Together means together. I was always so grateful to God. I asked the Lord one day; why are all these people that come to the church and they don’t even listen to what the pastor’s saying? They’re reading everybody else’s books. They’re listening to everybody else out there. Why are they doing that? He said to me; information overload. They’re not living any of the stuff, they’re only listening. They’re only listening. They’re not living it. They’re only listening. They’re not living it, because it’s not His pattern. It’s His pattern. He said to me; keep in the simplicity of what I’ve taught you.
This was definitely for someone this morning. I bless God for that. I really went on a side journey here, but the Holy Spirit wanted to speak this to someone’s heart here today because you’re going to realize it and you’re going to understand it and you’re going to be more focussed and you’re going to be more blessed and you’re going to be more able to get your supernatural increase. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord, for this side journey that You took us on. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Father. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
And it does matter, it does matter what book you read. It does matter what book you read. Do you know that if you don’t honour this book [gestures to the Bible] you’ll never see anything in it? You’ll never see anything in it. If you don’t value, if you don’t believe that scripture is God-breathed. If you don’t believe what this Book says about itself. If this is just one of your books on your shelf, if you don’t value the precious, Holy Written Word of God, you’ll never see anything in it. God values His Word and scripture because the Bible itself says that men moved to write as they were moved upon by the Holy Spirit. The Bible says of itself; every scripture is God-breathed [breathes]. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
If you value it, if you value it as the Book of books in your life, I’m telling you, the Holy Spirit will show you treasures. He’ll show you treasures. He’ll enlighten you. He’ll give you revelation. I’m telling you, He will give you revelation. Glory to God, and when your eyes pop open, you will just love Him more and then your eyes will pop open because He just popped your eyes open on something that you read, hallelujah.
I am in the New Testament, more than the Old because I am a new covenant, New Testament born again believer. New creature. I am in the new, I am going through the new door reading my New Testament. Yes, the Old, but the Old I have to read through the Blood and through the perspective of the New Testament. Hallelujah. Glory to God. His precious Holy Written Word, hallelujah.
Glory. Incorruptible seed, that when I put it in my mouth and I put it in my heart and I do not waver and I believe it and I receive it, that’s how it grows in my heart. That is how I grow as a born-again child of God. There is not a different way for you than for me. We all have been given the same way to grow and develop. I am not developing spiritually and coming to maturity in some mysterious way that you can’t reach. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. God has given me His precious Holy Written Word. I desire the sincere milk of the Word of God that I may grow thereby, hallelujah.
He has given me His Holy Spirit who lives inside of me who will reveal the Word to me. He has given me my pastors. He has given me Prophets and Apostles and Pastors and Evangelists and Teachers and Shepherds to also bring me to maturity. These are His things whereby He brings all of His children to maturity. A lot of head knowledge does not equal maturity. You mature because of what you live, not just what you listen to. This is helping, this is helping. I tell you this is helping me this morning again. Glory to God! Isn’t this wonderful? Isn’t this wonderful? Hallelujah, glory to God. Hmm, given me His Word, His Holy Spirit, His ways in the church and my, and there I go, and there you go. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Oh my. My message.
So, the Lord has given us. Okay, I have to get here. I have to. I will, I will. Pastor John said something… So that’s why I refer to Pastor John because that was the first thing the Lord said to me when we were called – Pastor John out of the business into the full-time ministry. I said to the Lord, “What do I do, what is my part?” He said to me, “Everything, every message that you hear coming out of Pastor John’s mouth. His mouth is where the message will come out. Now I have called you to teach, and I have called you to preach.”
That was recognized by my husband, after we have been married a few years and he said to me, “Gee, God really gives you revelation like a teacher, Sharon. I believe you are going to teach,” and I was like, really? But I was seeking the scriptures for; to be a wife. I was seeking the scriptures to be a mother. What does the scriptures say? What does the Word say? I was seeking the scriptures how to be a child of God in the house of God. I was seeking the scriptures how I could be intimate with God, how I could have more of God. I wasn’t seeking the scriptures to be a teacher, but in the process of time as I continued, just one day my husband said to me, and then it was confirmed later on by some people that were in our church and spiritual leadership. They had recognized that and I said, “Well, Lord, if it is good with You, it is good with me.” Right?
He said to me, “His mouth, Pastor John, I will be giving him revelation, he is first. You by his side, but he is on your right, right? You are on his left, he is on your right. Two heads is a monster. Anything two-headed is a monster,” right?
That has been, just as I applied myself to always listen to the message, all those years in my church and this, don’t, I’m not saying this all those years, all those years, so that you can be impressed with me, please. I’m showing you pattern because you can adjust yourself to do that in an instant and it can work for you instantly and you didn’t have to have all the years that I had, alright? Alright, okay. Okay.
You can start the right pattern immediately like Pastor John said about Project Strike. One of your strikes might be this year I’m striking the ground to experience intimacy with God, to know Him like I have never known Him before. Then you can use John 17 verse 3, that says, this is eternal life that I might know Him and that I might know His Son, as the Christ as the Messiah, as the Anointed One – that could be a strike. I want my, I’m striking the ground to know You more, I’m striking the ground, I’m drawn to be drawn to Your Word this year and I am going to give You my natural and I am going to read Your Word and I am going to feed and I am going to expect Your Holy Spirit to show me great and mighty things in Your Word. It can be one of your strikes because Pastor John said this, he said; if you are going to take familiarity, oh listen, listen how beautiful the Holy Spirit speaking to us this morning.
Pastor John said this; if you allow your familiarity of yourself to prevent you from transforming, he said, don’t! Your familiarity with yourself, but I know myself, I have always been and I am like this and I am like that and I know and I have been like this for so long. I have been like this for so long. He said; if you allow your familiarity with yourself, you are not going to be able to step through the new door. It is going to prevent you because you see yourself in a wrong light. God sees your potential to absolutely transform into His Son, but your familiarity with yourself and your receiving Satan’s accusations about you, will prevent you, will prevent you from going through the new open door and you not comparing and I not comparing with you.
My new open door may be I am, for the first time, I am making a decision that I might know Him – Philippians – this is my determined purpose that I may know Him, that I may know Him, that I might come to be more deeply and intimately and acquainted. Be acquainted and discern the wonders of the Person of Jesus Christ more accurately. Hallelujah, oh, oh. This is my year where I’m going to draw near to Him. That’s… What? Is that also Philippians? I’m going to draw near to Him. James, James. I’m going to draw near to Him. That’s a promise; if you draw near to Me, I will draw near to you.
This can be a year where you say, “I strike the ground now. I’m focusing, I’m going to give you my natural by coming to You. I’m just going to come to You. I’m going to have therefore boldness.” My boldness is not in, because I’m bold. My boldness is in the Blood that made a way for me to come boldly. He made a way for me to come boldly. Hallelujah. Glory, glory, glory, glory. Oh, Jesus. Joh, joh, joh, joh, joh.
Where am I for time, Pastor Christi? Really? Isn’t this wonderful, family? He’s speaking tenderly to our hearts, today. You know, Pastor John spoke about when they sprinkled the blood on the doorposts in Exodus. Sprinkled the blood on the doorposts, and you shall take the blood and strike it. This is a Lamb, he spoke about it; a Lamb for a house.
All those years ago when we experienced devastation as a family, this was the scripture the Lord gave me, “Take the Lamb, take the Lamb for your house and strike the ground for restoration for you, for John, for Brynn, for Garth, for Marcelle.” We experienced devastation. He said, “Take a Lamb for your household.” I just took the restoration scripture that God will restore all the years – you see, there’s my promise, there’s my strike; how God will restore all the years that the locust has eaten and the cankerworm stripped away from me. He will restore, He will restore. I didn’t know what it would look like, but that was 2008 when He began to speak to me and over the years I have seen the restoration of God, the faithfulness of God. Hallelujah.
I knew the devastation did not come to me by God. I know that He is always only good. Only goodness, the Amplified says and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. God is always only good. The devil is a bad devil. You cannot believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and not believe in Satan because the New Testament scripture says, “For this purpose was the Son of God manifest to destroy the works of the devil.” You can’t believe in Jesus and say I do not believe in the devil.
One of Pastor John’s messages to, preparing us for strike, Project Strike was you have to be on your guard, you have to be awake, you have to be watchful and you have to believe that there is a devil. You have to believe what scripture says about Satan. Jesus said, he’s a murderer, he’s a liar from the beginning. I shared with you last week you overcome him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the words that you speak. Hallelujah. Glory, glory, glory.
That’s how you do it, where Jesus said, “Behold I’ve given you power and authority over serpents and scorpions, that serpent, it’s the serpent then nothing shall by any means hurt you.” The believer, the child of God has authority, but if you receive accusation you can’t operate in your authority. If you feel bad to come against the enemy with the Word of God, it means you have accepted Satan’s lies. “You, you can’t do this, I can’t, I’m not worthy.” You have to train yourself to rise up in your authority. What you tolerate you’ll have to live with.
You’re not supposed to put up with him in your life. The Apostle Paul says, “We’re not ignorant of his devices, his schemes, his tricks and his strategies.” We’re not, we’re not ignorant of them. The Bible’s quite clear who he is. He comes to steal, kill and destroy. He’s the father of lies. He’s a murderer. He’s the accuser of the brethren and Jesus died so that we could rise up against him and overcome him. So that we could operate in this earth just as Jesus operated in the earth; having complete authority over the devil.
Even as a baby Christian, you can learn these truths and start to exercise yourself in it. You will find yourself a little bit, if you’ve never risen up and spoken the Word of God when circumstances have come against you, if you’ve never praised God when circumstances face you, you’re going to start off a little gingerly. You will start off a little gingerly. At first, you’ll go, “Okay, it’s a new territory for me. No, in Jesus Name, I speak God’s Word. I thank You, Father. I thank You. I praise You, Jesus. I praise You, Jesus,” but as you continue to operate because you believe, you’ll get stronger and stronger.
Is like Pastor John says, “Faith is a muscle, you can exercise it.” That’s why some people in the Bible, Jesus spoke about, “You have little faith, means you have just short bursts of faith. Then some people have great faith, some people have exceedingly growing faith, the scripture talks about. Why? Because you are using your muscle. “I believe that I have authority here. I believe that I can exercise my authority here.”
I remember the one year when the Lord said to me, “So, how long are you going to put up with fatalities because of the fog in Witbank?” I got such a skrik. I said, “Really, Lord?” He said, “Take authority over the fog in Witbank that is claiming people’s lives, every year. People are getting killed, how long?” Why do you think Jesus was in the boat and He said to the disciples, “You of little faith.” Because they woke Him up to take care of the weather, the destructive weather that was threatening to… He said, He had to wake up. He was asleep in the boat and He said, He said, “Shush, hush” He said to the wind, “Hush,” He said. “Shush,” He said to the storm and then He said to the disciples, “You of little faith. You are not exercising your authority here.”
I said, “Lord,” and I must say, I started off, I said, “Well, Lord I do not tolerate this fog rolling into Witbank anymore that has been claiming lives.” Just at will, just and everybody in Witbank talks about it. The talk, “Oh and the fog and they die and they crash…” All of, and it was a few years and when God started to speak to me about that, I started to take authority. I shared it with a couple of faith friends around me, what God had shown me, they started to join me. I tell you the fog in Witbank has no, nie ‘n kat se kans nie. Nie ‘n kat se kans nie. I don’t know how long it has been that it’s claimed a life and now the cats out the bag with you. So you can go, “The fog, the fog.” Or you can say, “I thank You, Father.”
This is what the Holy Spirit helped me with. He always gives you a declaration according to His Word. “I thank You, Father, no destructive weather patterns are permitted on my ancient paths, where I traverse.” Sorry, it’s anointed spit. “Where I traverse and where I travel – no, destructive weather patterns are permitted.” If Jesus walked like that as a Son of God on earth, I can walk like that. I have experienced the victory of my authority in many things before, this was just another step up for me. Hallelujah.
So now there’s a lot of us, when destructive weather patterns threaten in Witbank, whoo we talk about it afterwards, “Ja, I spoke. I spoke.” And then I hear, I hear my friends that have faith we speak together. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. God wants us to rise up in authority this year. Hallelujah. Woah. My, my, my, my, my, my. My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my.
So, strike, take the Blood, He wants you in His presence. He wants you there personally – Having Therefore Boldness. Pastor John said this, “Whatever the new door is, it’s going to open to you, you are going to see it in the power of the Holy Spirit. You will see them in your spirit before you will see them in the natural.” Well, who will show them to you in your spirit? Who will help you?
I lift up my eyes, to the mountains where does my help come from? My help comes from the Holy Spirit. In the New Covenant, He’s called my Helper. He lives inside. He is my guide. He lives inside. He lives inside. He lives inside, but you have to commune with Him. You’ve got, you have to commune with Him. I think it’s, 2 Corinthians 15 last chapter or 1 Corinthians the last chapter says; the love of God the Father, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the communion of the Holy Spirit, is with you. You can develop your communion with the Holy Spirit, your fellowship, your intimacy.
He’s already into you – in you – He’s into you, you see, but He could possibly live within you for the rest of your life and you never ever develop… It’s possible jy sal nooit in jou lewe n verhouding met Hom aanknoop nie.
You have to, you have to hook up with Him. I realised this morning that when Pastor John was talking about, He stands at the door of your heart and knocks. I realised this morning, in prayer, actually, He’s not knocking from the outside. He’s not on the outside of my heart. He’s inside my heart, He knocks inside of me. Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. Draw near, draw near. Knock, knock, knock, knock. Come, come to me, My child. Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. I want to share somethings with you, I really want you to get to know Me. Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. That’s how He knocks on the door of your heart.
So if you and I are wanting to go through the new open door and we can’t, we are not even heeding His knocking. He’s knocking so that He can show us how these supernatural increases are going to come about. What the new door is going to look like. Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. He will never stop knocking on the door of your life for all the lives, all the years of your life until the day you die.
Then you’ll get to heaven, oh ja, you’re His child. Doesn’t mean you are not His child because you never ever developed an intimacy with Him. Then you will see and you will know throughout eternity what you could have had when you were on earth with Him. You don’t want that. You want, you want Him. You want Him. You want Him. He wants you. He wants you.
You can’t let him lie to you. I’m too old. I’m too old. I’m too young. I’m too ugly. I’m too fat. I’m too thin. I’m too… I’m… You can’t, you can’t let him lie to you like that. The Blood of Jesus gives you access into the holiest. Do you know that this outside man is nothing, it’s going to die. It’s my inner man that’s going to spend eternity with Him. It’s my inner man that knows Him. It’s my inner man that’s growing. It’s my inner man – it’s the real me. I have a spirit. I am a spirit. I have a soul – mind, will and emotions and I live in a body. This is my earth suit, it houses my soul, my will, my emotions and my, uh, my thinking faculties and my spirit. The Bible says, “He’s the Father of spirits.” God is a Spirit; God is a Spirit. This is a spiritual connection that you are going to have with Him. Your new spirit was recreated and designed to connect with Him; connect with Him. Just connect. He wants you to know that, that you can just connect. No matter what age, no matter what colour. His Blood was shed for every kindred, every tribe, every tongue. Wow. Glory to God. Hallelujah.
See, He looks on the heart. He does not look on the outer man. He doesn’t’ look and go, “Well you know”, who can I pick on? [Laughter]. “Brynn, well you know, you’ve put on some weight Brynn and you really look awkward, so, how can you come to me?.” Like I read to you last week, as if we can stand with God and say, “I have really been good this week. I have, I’ve even been in the Word and prayed this week. Now, I can really worship because I’ve done well.”
It’s because of The Blood. There’s no born-again believer on this earth, it doesn’t matter what kind of maturity they have pressed into for God, that can ever stand in the presence of God on the basis of anything else, other than The Blood. Hallelujah. Whatever the new door is, you’re going to see them under the power of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah.
Are you going to set up here for me? Please, Matt.
I’m just going to finish off here, he said this also in his last message; It’s about the Holy Spirit now. You see, your intimacy is going to be with the Holy Spirit. It’s about the Holy Spirit guiding you now, you’ve got to see that door, you’ve got to walk through that door, you have got to go into. I’m telling you God said to me to tell you; you must go into His presence; into His presence. He wants you in His presence. He wants you in His presence. He wants you in His presence. He wants you in His presence. He wants you in His presence. He wants you in His presence. He wants you in His presence. He wants you in His presence. He wants you in His presence. His Blood has made a way for you. Hallelujah.
His Blood has made a way for you to enter in. His Blood was what, that veil that stopped, that stopped the children, the Israelites even for so many thousands of years from not being able to enter in. The Holy Spirit prophesied that there will come a day when that veil would be torn. The Blood of Jesus would be shed, and all men could now come; all men could now come, freely, boldly, enter in, not your own boldness, but boldness in The Blood. Glory. I haven’t even touched the tip of the iceberg. Can you imagine what’s coming? Wow. Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah.
Thank you, Matt. Thank you, Matt. Yah, you can take the pulpit away too. Maybe I just have one more thing here. Yah, set it up; set it up. Let me just quickly find this part. I want to tell you something about the presence of God; to tell you something about the presence of God. Hallelujah.
Acts says to God’s presence and fellowship, the right and the power to make that our abiding, dwelling place and to live having, therefore, brethren boldness to enter into the holiest, the holiest. Let us draw near. Glory. Here the Father’s face is seen, here His love is tasted, Here His holiness is revealed, and the soul may partake of it. Here the sacrifice of love and worship and adoration. Hallelujah, Hallelujah. Glory, Glory, Glory.
Come, Kate. Come, Kate. Hallelujah. Here, here the sacrifice of love and worship and adoration. Here the incense of prayer is offered in power. Here the outpouring of the Spirit is known as an ever streaming, overflowing river from the throne of God and the Lamb. Here the soul, in God’s presence grows into more complete wonders with Christ and more conformity to His likeness. Here the soul mounts up eyes on eagles’ wings and the strength is renewed. Here each day we may receive the fresh and anointing. Hallelujah.
Child of God, the Father opens, unto you the holiest of all. The father now opens to you the holiest of all and says, “Let this now be your home. What will your answer be?” Glory.
So I’m just going to sit here with Kate because we’ve been working on a song. Hallelujah. Glory. I just want to hear the song and I know you want to hear it too. It’s about The Blood. Hallelujah. Kate, this is how we’ve been sitting this week. Just sitting and finding the song with the Holy Spirit and it’s so beautiful. So, it’s in its very early stages, but I couldn’t wait to hear it again and share it with you all. Glory. Let’s enter in together.
[Kate singing:]
I enter boldly,
no fear and no shame,
I enter freely,
Your Blood made the way.
For me to come boldly,
cleansed from my sin.
For me to come freely,
and enter in.
I enter boldly,
no fear and no shame.
I enter freely,
Your Blood made the way.
For me to come boldly,
cleansed from my sin,
for me to come freely,
and enter in.
You paid the price I couldn’t pay,
And by Your blood, You made a way.
Once for all the sacrifice,
And once for all You paid the price.
You paid the price I couldn’t pay,
And by Your blood, You made a way.
Once for all the sacrifice,
And once for all You paid the price.
Into Your presence, I now come.
I have full access, I am Your son.
Your throne my home now.
Its where I sing,
Songs of victory I will bring.
You paid the price I couldn’t pay,
And by Your blood, You made a way.
Once for all the sacrifice,
And once for all You paid the price.
You paid the price I couldn’t pay,
And by Your blood, You made a way.
Once for all the sacrifice,
And once for all You paid the price.
Blessing and Honour,
Glory and Power,
Be unto Him, who sits on the throne.
Blessing and Honour
Glory and Power
Be unto Him, who sits on the throne.
Unto the Lamb,
Unto the Lamb,
Forever. Amen.
Unto the Lamb,
Unto the Lamb,
Forever. Amen.
Blessing and Honour,
Glory and Power,
Be unto Him, who sits on the throne.
Blessing and Honour,
Glory and Power,
Be unto Him, who sits on the throne.
Just keep on playing, Kate.
Jesus, hallelujah. Glory. The sounds of this song calls you this morning to draw near. The sounds of the song call you, child of God, this morning, to draw near without fear. The sounds of the song this morning call you to draw near this afternoon, tonight, tomorrow, the whole week long. Right now, right now. Glory to God. Jesus.
Hallelujah, Lord. Hallelujah, Jesus.
Okay, there’s some people here this morning, God’s calling you. See when God calls you to come to church, He doesn’t call you to come to an organization. He calls you to come to Him. He calls you. Hallelujah.
Maki – He’s drawing you closer, yes, He’s drawing you closer. He’s drawing you closer. Drawing you closer, Hans. Each and every one of you. He’s drawing you closer, Lettie. His love draws you, yes. Ronel? Yes, Ronel. Hallelujah.
The Lord showed me this morning that if you will open up your heart even more to Him, that was what I was asking Pastor Christi just now, if you were here. He showed me this week that if you’ll open up your heart even more to Him, He’s going to draw you into His presence this year. You are going to have an experience, supernatural increase, supernatural increase of intimacy with Him. Receive it and believe it. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. I know it’s for everyone here but He especially wanted me to tell you that this morning. His drawing power. He is drawing you, just respond, hallelujah.
[Pastor Sharon singing]
Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, He draws us, draws us, draws us, draws us near, He calls us, calls us, calls us, calls us, calls us, calls us, calls us, calls us near, Hallelujah.
Oh, there is some young girls here, there’s some young men here. He’s pulling on your heartstrings even now, even now. He is tucking at your heartstrings, even now, even now. You may not understand it, He will show you, He will help you, He will help you, He will help you. How, how, how? Hallelujah.
It’s the Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, it’s gonna make His presence real to you. Jesus, glory, glory, hallelujah, hallelujah. Just say: “Lord I’m coming, coming, coming, coming, coming, running, running, running, running, running, running, running, running, running, coming, coming, coming to you, coming to you, coming to you, Jesus. Oh, yes, Lord.”
Let’s stand. Hallelujah. Yes, thank You, Lord. We praise You, we thank You, Lord. We’re coming, Lord. We heard You this morning, we’re coming. Our boldness is in the Blood. We’re coming, Lord. We’re coming praising, we’re coming shouting, we’re coming rejoicing, we’re coming boldly, we come boldly, having therefore boldness. We enter through the Blood.
Yes, having therefore boldness. Yes, we’re entering in through the Blood Lord. Hallelujah, the Blood makes you bold. The Blood makes us bold. Father, I pray for your people now, everyone Lord.
Say: “I am a son, I am a son of God, His throne, my home now.” Glory. You just make a switch that’s all. Wherever all your dwelling has been, you just make a switch, Your throne, my home now because of the Blood.
Oh, can I just get Kate to sing that song one more time for us, and just allow even more of the pulling of the Holy Spirit. Kate, would you just sing from the beginning, thank you so much. Yes, these words are your words and my words. Hallelujah.
I enter boldly,
no fear and no shame,
I enter freely,
Your Blood made a way.
For me to come boldly,
cleansed from my sin.
For me to come freely,
and enter in.
I enter boldly,
no fear and no shame.
I enter freely,
Your Blood made a way.
For me to come boldly,
cleansed from my sin,
for me to come freely,
and enter in.
You paid the price I couldn’t pay,
And by Your blood, You made a way.
Once for all the sacrifice,
And once for all You paid the price.
You paid the price I couldn’t pay,
And by Your blood, You made a way.
Once for all the sacrifice,
And once for all You paid the price.
Into Your presence, I now come.
I have full access, I am Your son.
Your throne my home now.
Its where I sing,
Songs of victory I will bring.
You paid the price I couldn’t pay,
And by Your blood, You made a way.
Once for all the sacrifice,
And once for all You paid the price.
You paid the price I couldn’t pay,
And by Your blood, You made a way.
Once for all the sacrifice,
And once for all You paid the price.
Blessing and Honour,
Glory and Power,
Be unto Him, who sits on the throne.
Blessing and Honour
Glory and Power
Be unto Him, who sits on the throne.
Unto the Lamb,
Unto the Lamb,
Forever. Amen.
Unto the Lamb,
Unto the Lamb,
Forever. Amen.
Blessing and Honour,
Glory and Power,
Be unto Him, who sits on the throne.
Blessing and Honour,
Glory and Power,
Be unto Him, who sits on the throne.
Father, I bless your people today. Father, they are blessed, they are blessed by the Blood, to come and go freely now into your presence, Lord where they belong. Your throne their home now, Father, where they belong. They are blessed, Father. Going out and blessed coming in, Lord, to be in your presence. The Word and the Blood of Jesus surrounds them, protects them but also draws them in and pulls them into Your presence Lord, this week. In Jesus Name. And we say, Amen.
God bless you all, have a wonderful life until I see you again.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International