Scripture reference: Joshua 5:12-15 KJV; Hebrews 10:19-20 KJV; Joshua 1:11-15 KJV; Romans 12:15 NKJV; Hebrews 4:1-2 AMPC; Hebrews 4:15-16 KJV; Hebrews 4:14-15 TPT; Hebrews 10:38 KJV; Hebrews 10:38 EXB; Revelation 12:10-11 KJV; 1 John 1:7-9 KJV; 1 John 1:9 AMPC
We say hallelujah to You, Jesus. We praise You, Jesus. We bless You. Glory to Your name, Jesus. You are wonderful to us, Jesus. You are glorious, You are excellent to us, Lord. We love You, Jesus. We love You. We are devoted to You. We are devoted to You and we serve You, because we love You, Lord, because You first loved us and we thank You. We thank You for Your presence in our lives. We thank You. We thank You for Your Word in our lives. We thank You for the body. We thank You for our brethren in our lives, Lord. Our brothers and our sisters, Lord. We thank You for each other in our lives, Lord. We thank You, Lord.
We thank You for Your ways. We thank You for Your ways, Lord. That we can know them and we can walk in them. And we are already walking in so many of them, Lord, and You continue to teach us Your ways. You continue to increase revelation to us, to give us more light, and we continue to go from glory to glory, Father. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. We continue to give our hearts to the truth, Lord. We continue Father to put truth in our hearts, Lord. We continue to desire truth in our inward parts, our inward being, Lord, hallelujah. Thank You, Your Word is truth, Your words are truth Lord, and that we can know them and we can know it and know it and know Your truth and it sets us, makes us free, Lord. Hallelujah, hallelujah.
So we thank You, Father, for that You continue to just pour out words and messages to us, Sunday after Sunday, Father. Oh hallelujah and just like Pastor John says; there will never be another meeting like we are having tonight with You. We are meeting with You tonight, Lord, breaking the bread of life, Lord. Just drinking in, Lord. Olive plants around Your table. The sap of our good education, Lord, that You are bringing to us, You’re training us and instructing us, Father. We’re just taking it in. We keep taking it in, Lord, and it keeps coming. Your Good News just keeps coming to us, Lord. Thank You for that, Father.
Hallelujah. We appreciate it, Lord. We appreciate Your Word, Lord, Your words that You speak to us that are Spirit and they are life. Thank You. Thank You, Jesus. You gave gifts to us. You gave gifts to men so that we can grow and become fully-fledged sons of the Living God. We are Your sons, Lord. We are sons. We say tonight “I am a son of God. I walk purposefully through my new door.”
Hallelujah. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Holy Spirit. By Your Spirit, You minister to our hearts tonight. You reach into the deep inaccessible places, even to us, Lord, to bring about transformation, Father, so that we may each and every one of us, experience the supernatural increase that You so long for us to experience. In the name of Jesus, we say amen. Amen. Glory to God. You can be seated. Hallelujah. Welcome to everybody. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Glory. I can see it’s mid-term break and, ja. Hallelujah.
So, for those of you that don’t know, I just wanted to read this scripture to you. When we sing that song Hail King Jesus, such a majestic song, it’s like a military song, you know? It’s got that marching kind of a beat in it and it’s so majestic, you know. But I wanted to read you this scripture, for those of you that didn’t know why we sing “Captain Your sword is drawn, and we are going forth.” Um, I know it’s after the circumcision. Yes.
So it’s in Joshua and they’re going into the promised land they’re going to occupy now. They’re going to, they’re believing God this time around, the people in the wilderness didn’t believe that God, didn’t believe God’s goodness to them, they didn’t. They, uh, it’s very clear in the book of Hebrews that they had the Gospel preached to them as surely as we did, but they didn’t mix it with faith and so they didn’t go in.
Okay and this is our time now to be experiencing supernatural increase. These words have come from Jesus, through Brother Jerry, it’s not something he just decided to suck out of his thumb while he was on the plane with Kenneth Copeland; I wonder what I can say to the people, and what’s the word for 2020. These are words that came from Jesus to him, because God gave gifts to men – Ephesians, the book of Ephesians – for us, to give us direction, to give us instruction, and these are, this is our family tree, this is our legacy, this is our heritage, and this is where we, this is where God has us at this time. And so, um, let me just see here. I’ve got it, I’ve got it, I’ve got it, I’ve got it.
Verse 13 of Joshua chapter five. So, actually, let me go to Joshua chapter 12. It says, 12And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old corn of the land; neither had the children of the Israel manna any more (Joshua 5:12 KJV). So they are at that point where they are going into their promised land, they’re with Joshua now, remember? They’re with Joshua now.
And so they’re going in, 12but they did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year. 13And it came to pass, verse 13, when Joshua was by Jericho (Joshua 5:12-13 KJV). There’s stuff now, victories that they’re going to get now. They’re by Jericho, Joshua was by Jericho, 13He lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries? 14And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the Lord am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my lord unto His servant? (Joshua 5:12-14 KJV).
There’s Jesus. That’s Jesus. Because if it was an angel, the angel would have said, “Don’t worship me, stand up.” But here’s Jesus saying, 15And the Captain of the Lord’s host said unto Joshua, Loose thy shoe from off thy foot, for the place whereon thou standest is holy. And Joshua did so (Joshua 5:15 KJV).
So this is what Jesus says; as Captain of the host of the Lord, am I now come. As Captain, I’m coming, you’re going in. I’m here. My sword is drawn and ready, I’m leading you into the promised land.
And so that’s very wonderful for me, that. That when I sing that, I know where that comes from, I know, now you know too. “Captain, Your sword is drawn and we are going forth.” And there is nothing that can stop because we are the holy host of believers in your church. We are believers. We believe what You are saying to us about marvels and wonders, and extraordinary manifestations of Your greatness for us, Lord. We believe, Lord, that this is an ongoing thing for us. And, Father, we believe that 2020 is an open door for us to go through to experience supernatural increase.
Right. So I’m going to start now. I’m starting with a series today that the Lord spoke to me about two weeks ago. And the series is entitled; Having therefore boldness. Having therefore boldness. And so this is part one today and I’m going to lay a foundation for you – very important this. It’s got everything to do with us experiencing supernatural increase together. Going through the open door together. That’s God’s pattern, you see? He took the people out together out of bondage. He took them out together out of bondage as a people. He took them through the wilderness, He didn’t want to take them another way because there was war. It says in the book of Exodus, there was war and He didn’t want them to faint because of war and wanting to go back. So He actually took them through the wilderness which should have just taken them apparently two weeks or something to get through it, but in that time they began to murmur and they began to complain and they began to in their hearts and with each other and I will get into that, but they did not believe God. The Bible is very clear in the book of Hebrews that they did not believe God, that He was going to even though He said, “I’m taking you out of bondage and into a good land” they didn’t believe it. They didn’t believe it. They were full of unbelief. I’ll get to that scripture just now and so God is wanting to encourage us in our believing. He wants to encourage us in our believing.
So, having, therefore, boldness is the title of the series. Tonight is part one called The Blood – His Love. The Blood – His love. Our key scripture that we’re going to be looking at is Hebrews 10:19 and 20. It’s what we’re going to be looking at. So every time Pastor John asks me to minister I’m going to be picking up on part two, whenever that is. Whenever he asks me to minister.
He sends his love and he tells me to tell you that he’s soaking himself in the Word. He says it’s all day, all night. He’s just filling himself up with the Word. So I’m looking forward to that. I’m looking forward to him coming back. Glory to God.
So here’s our key scripture. So every time I’m going to be sharing with you – this is part one tonight, laying a foundation. 19Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus. 20By a new and living way, which He, Jesus, hath consecrated for us, by the veil, that is to say, His flesh (Hebrews 10:19-20 KJV).
So two weeks ago the Lord began to speak to me and He just said this, having, therefore, boldness, because He knows that I know what He’s talking about because two years ago on January the first I woke up in the morning and He said to me, “Having, therefore, boldness” and I knew which scripture to turn to. And He’s been ministering to me out of it for myself personally for two years now, just over two years. And so, He’s just giving me greater insight into it and He said this to me, “Having, therefore, boldness,” I knew what He was talking about.
Teach now in 2020. It’s important for the people for this time, for our time together now. I love them so and they must know that I want to give them supernatural increase of this revelation. Which one? Having, therefore, brethren boldness to enter into the Holiest by the blood of Jesus. Having, therefore, brethren boldness to enter into the Holiest. That’s into His presence by the blood of Jesus by a new and living way which Jesus has consecrated for us through His flesh.
I want to give them supernatural increase of this revelation. I want to give them great light. I want them to have great clarity and great certainty, now. Yes, the title of this series because I’m thinking inside myself as He’s talking to me, and I’m thinking, yeah. And He’s confirming it as I’m thinking with Him. You know how it is with you when you draw near to Him and He speaks to you. You know. You know there’s a place where He’s speaking and you’re communing and it’s like, is it coming from You, is it coming from me but it’s us together. And yes, He says, having the title of this series is, Having therefore boldness. Teach it in context of their projects. Teach it in context of their projects. Project strike, project conditioning, project celebration. I’ll bring My love to them. This entire project – bring My love to them. If they will believe My love, their faith will work for them.
Galatians 5 verse 6, faith works by love. Your faith will only work when you believe that He loves you. Your faith won’t work if you don’t believe that He loves you, that it’s His love that brought you the word supernatural increase through the new open door. That it’s His love that brings you the word of marvels and wonders for your life still expectant. It’s His love that brings this Word to us.
It’s His love that brought His people, sent a messenger with a message to bring His people out of bondage out of Egypt. It’s His love that was the sword was drawn and ready leading and being there with Joshua so that Joshua would know that he’s not alone. The Lord, the captain of the Lord of Hosts is right there. Hallelujah. With His hosts, with His angels working with. You’ve got to believe this, people. That when they went in to conquer their promised land they were not alone, they were with Jesus and Jesus was with His heavenly hosts. And those angels were working with Him in the realm of the unseen to do what they couldn’t do in the natural. Working with them city after city, after place, after place. Strategy after strategy the Lord would say to Joshua, “Now this, now you do it like that. Now you go here and you take that.” And they were moving together. I just can see in the realm of the spirit how Jesus with His hosts of angels was right there, right there doing what they could not do. I really believe that with all of my heart.
And so, this entire project and then I began to sense something. It’s like the Lord allowed me to sense some of what the people of Heritage of Faith are going through in this decision that they’re making if they’re going to strike or not. I began to sense there’s some people that have clarity and they have certainty and they’re moving and they’re quite sure and they’re going, and they’re flowing, and they’re striking the ground with faith declaring already started and begun. Some quite strongly and moving and forging ahead with faith. Others more tentative, more still in a place. Others are still deciding whether they are even going to get involved in project strike. Still deciding and then some in a place in their hearts where “I don’t think so. I don’t think so. Don’t think this is for me.”
So the Lord began to allow me to just experience a spectrum of places that people of Heritage of Faith are at in Witbank and here with us all. And I sensed some of what Heritage people were experiencing; can you help me? Can somebody help me with this? Can you help me? I’m not in a place of believing, I’m actually in a place of doubt, can somebody just help me? Well, you’re going to get all the help you need from every message. You’re going to get all the help you need, because we are praying, at every prayer connect time, for you to get from the Holy Spirit everything that you need to switch from a place in your heart where you may be doubting or unsure, or you may be jaded, or you may be slothful. Just slothful. Just unbelieving. Just full of doubt. Just, that you, that God is going to give you everything that you need. We are going to do everything this year. I’m going to be speaking to you about Project Strike and Project Conditioning and Project Celebration, every time I minister to you.
So if you’ve already decided you’re not going to do it, you’re going to sit there and I don’t know what you’re going to do. Is your heart going to become even harder in your decision that you’re not getting involved in this? I don’t know. But God’s going to give you every opportunity, I know at least through me – Pastor John will flow where he needs to flow, but we are both so riveted and set in our own hearts on this Project Strike, because… Okay, let me carry on here.
Bring My love to them, this entire project. Bring My love to them. If they will believe My love, their faith will work for them. ‘Help me.’ Some people are going ‘Help me. Help me.’ We’re going to help you. We’re going to help you.
What if I’m disappointed again? Supernatural increase for me? Can it really be? Point of contact seed? It’s all so new to me. My faith reaching full expression, declare everything in victory? Praise, strike the ground? What, what, what, what, what is this all about? My faith reaching full expression with the contact seed? My, my magnitude of my praise determining the depth of my breakthrough?
All of this. Then He gave me this: See for how long He has longed, for His beloved people to experience supernatural increase. It goes right back to the very beginning again. Adam and Eve. All He wants us to do is believe, His love and His goodness. And reciprocate with faith and trust, like a little child.
That’s all He wants. Adam and Eve: Increase. Increase. I bless you. Increase. Increase. Then Abraham: Your children are going to be like the stars of the sky, like sand on the sea. Then Isaac. Then Jacob. Isaac sowed in famine. Hundredfold increase. Increase. Then, Jacob, he got free of that Laban syndrome and he entered into a place of rest and increase and peace with God. Then the Exodus. This is just how He gave it to me, just showed me the spectrum. You know, there was the garden, and then there was, you know, and He blessed, and He just blessed, and His increase, and just, ‘There’s more for you, there’s more of My goodness, there’s more for you, in every way. In every way. There’s more.’
And so here, then the Exodus. There they are, ‘Hear they cry, they’re in bondage. I hear their groan, I send a messenger, with a message from me. I’m going to take you out and I’m going to take you in, to a land of increase, so that you can increase. A land of milk, honey, houses you didn’t, vineyards…’ it’s just the heart of God and His love for His people. Just blessing and increase.
And then the Exodus. And then Jesus, well I must put there, in between the Exodus, I must put Joshua. Before Jesus came for the Gentiles – that’s us – there was Joshua. Actually there Jesus shows up and takes them in, and they actually did win. They actually conquered! They actually occupied! They actually got what God had promised to the generation before, they actually got it! They did it, with Jesus they did it! They believed it. They were a generation that decided ‘We’re going to believe you, Joshua.”
They all came to Joshua and they said to Joshua, “Joshua, now Moses has died. He’s laid his hand on you, he’s transferred some of his anointing on you. Now, just you be sure you’re hearing from God and we’re going to do everything you tell us to do.” See God’s pattern? God’s beautiful pattern for a people to go into the promised land. A people. See God’s pattern for a people.
He doesn’t just want, He doesn’t just want Lilian to go in, and, ‘Wow, look how Lilian’s going in and wow she’s occupying. Yoh. It’s wonderful’. It’s not God’s pattern. It’s ‘We go in together. We go in together. We look out for each other to see that no one falls back from the grace of God.’ And that’s what Joshua said. I’m going to read that to you too. I want to show you God’s pattern here. I want to show you God’s love-heart here, for us to go in as a people.
Look at this: 12And to the Reubenites, this is Joshua 1, to the Reubenites, and to the Gadites, and to half the tribe of Manasseh, spake Joshua, saying, 13Remember, He had just said, sorry in verse 11, he had just said, 11Prepare victuals, for within three days you shall pass over this Jordan,, to go in to possess the land which the Lord your God giveth you to possess it (Joshua 1:11-13 KJV). The very next verse, 13Remember the Lord, he speaks to the Reubenites, Gadites, half the tribe of Manasseh, spoke Joshua saying, 13Remember the word which Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, saying, The Lord your God hath given you rest, and hath given you this land. 14Your wives, your little ones, and your cattle shall remain in the land which Moses gave you on this side of the Jordan; but ye shall pass before your brethren armed, all the mighty men of valour, and help them, 15until the Lord have given your brethren rest, and he hath given you, and they also have possessed the land which the Lord your God giveth them: then ye shall return unto the land of your possession, and enjoy it (Joshua 1:13-15 KJV)
You see God’s pattern here? You see how beautiful it is, that we can go in together, side-by-side, encouraging one another. Being together with one another. Looking out for one another. Loving one another. Helping one another. This is God’s pattern! Hallelujah! It’s a beautiful pattern. And that’s what they did. The mighty men went over, and they went and they helped. And they, they fought for their brethren, until everybody, it’s all good with everybody and that’s what the Bible means when it says 15Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep (Romans 12:15 NKJV). We’re one body. We’re part of each other. Your victories are my victories. My victories are your victories. My striking the ground and my strikes in the areas that I want to see change in and that I want to have victories in. When I get those victories, they’re your victories.
I mean, imagine that. Imagine that you get all your victories. Imagine you get all your victories Pastor Christi and I come to you and I say to you, “I’ve been striking the ground, I’ve got none of mine yet. I’ve got none of mine yet. I got one or two. I got these others I have to get the victory. I have to strengthen myself in the Lord, you know.“ I mean, imagine what that will do to Pastor Christi – I’m not getting mine. She already got all her seven strikes, you know. That’s the love of the body for one another. My victories are quite pale when I know that there’s someone, I mean I’m just going to use an example that I know they’re believing God to come off their medication. They’ve been on their medication for years and it really affects their lives. It’s like my victories are wonderful and thank You Lord, but it’s got a hollow ring to it until you come off your medication. You understand that?
This is who we are people. This is who we are with one another. I get a victory but there’s still that one. And there’s still that one and I know what they’re striking the ground for, you know and there’s that one striking the ground for their parents because their heart’s going out to, their heart goes out to their parents and there’s this issue. I mean how ugly is it that I’m celebrating my victories and you haven’t got yours yet. I am grateful but I am with you. I’m with you here today. I’m helping you right now with all of my heart. I’m doing ‘in God and with God’; I’m doing everything with Him to bring you His love on this matter of Project Strike. When He said, “Bring them My love on the projects”, I said, “Lord, with Your help I can do this. I can do this Lord.” And this is who we are. Who does this? We do. We do this with each other and for each other, you know and it can be done in so many ways, you know. It can be done in so many ways, as the Holy Spirit will lead you to help somebody for their grave clothes to come off. They are coming forth, you know. They’ve started to take steps going through the new door and they, you know, and they want to, and you know. And they want to but there’s still some grave clothes on.
Pastor John said, “Could be that other people, God will send other people to you to help you.” I said to the Lord, “Can I be a person, that You will send me to somebody to help them take the grave clothes off them and where I have on me and I can’t see and You have other people come to me to help me.” This is the love of God and this pleases the Father when we go in like this together.
When Aiken transgressed like that it affected everybody. Right after they conquered Jericho with Jesus, there was Aiken in the middle of all them, just taking stuff for himself. He’s not even cared about obeying God. Sitting there, he’s acting with a deceitful heart, he’s lying, he’s hiding stuff away. And it impacts everybody. It impacts everybody. One bad apple. Isn’t that interesting? One person sitting there, going, “I’m in this church, I come to this church, I have my own agenda.” Listening to the Word and believing the words of Jesus to me, you know. God will deal with someone like that. God’s secret weapon of love, Pastor John mentioned. Somebody that comes in deliberately, you know, with their own agenda. God has to protect the righteous. Remember Pastor John ministered on that? God’s secret weapon of love – judgement; is to protect the righteous. Protect the righteous. Because He has got all this company of people – we are going in. We want to go in and you better believe they were not a perfect company of people going in to get their possession. Please! But they were a people of faith and they believed what God was saying. They believed what God was saying and they were saying to each other, “Let’s go! Let’s go! Come, come, come. Come! We’re going! We’re going! We’re going!” Glory to God.
And so then, Joshua. Then Jesus for the gentiles. You see, Jesus, you know, increase. Jesus said, “I came that you might have life and that you might have it abundantly; that you might have it with great increase.” Abundance is increase. “I have come that you might have life and have it in abundance.” Yes, that is spiritual life as well but it’s also, you know, it’s also very practical where we live in this earth. I mean imagine if Jesus said, “Now this promised land that you will into with Joshua is a spiritual land. You will not actually have a house; you will not actually have any honey; you will not actually have milk; you will not actually have a vineyard; you will not have a well; you will not have cattle; you will have nothing. You will have spiritual occupation.” He said, “You will eat and be full.” It’s both. It’s not either-or. It’s both-and. He’s a loving Heavenly Father taking care of our temporal needs and our spiritual needs. That’s His heart. Glory to God.
And now, here’s us. So it was – Jesus came, right? Jesus came. Now it’s us. Brother Jerry, Pastor John and Jesus. It’s still the Good News today. Hebrews 4. I want you to see it in the Amplified Bible, Hebrews 4:1. Okay. 1Therefore, while the promise of entering His rest still holds and is offered [today]. See God offers us abundance today still. He is offering us supernatural…supernatural increase is not a new thing. It’s new for us because it’s come in the form of a new, fresh, inspired words through Brother Jerry. So it’s fresh and new for us now but it’s not new in the heart of God to want increase for His people supernatural. It’s not new. So, 1therefore, while the promise of entering His rest still holds and is offered [today] let us be afraid [to distrust it].
Don’t distrust supernatural increase and the open door. Don’t distrust marvels and wonders for you. Don’t distrust it. 1Let us be afraid [to distrust it]. Lest any of us should think that we have come too late and have come short of [reaching] it. (Hebrews 4:1 AMPC) If you’re thinking you don’t qualify and you think you’ve come too late; if you’re thinking that you’re too old and you’ve been too long without; if you’re thinking anything like that; if you’re thinking, well, you know, so much hasn’t worked before, then you are already distrusting and it’s interesting that the scripture says be afraid to distrust, be afraid to distrust this Word from God to you. That you should think that you’ve come too late and you’ve come short of reaching it. For indeed we have had the glad tidings, the Gospel of God proclaimed to us, just as truly as they, the Israelites of old did when the good news of deliverance from bondage came to them, so what was the good news of the deliverance of bondage came to them then, what is this that God has given us, a message of deliverance for us has come to us.
Now. It’s the Gospel. Can you see it says it’s the Gospel. The Gospel has been preached to us today in the form of marvels, wonders, extraordinary, increase. Come on, new open door. It’s been preached to us just as surely as they did, they had it, I’m bringing you out of bondage. I’m bringing you into increase supernaturally but the message they heard did not benefit them. It was supposed to benefit them. They were supposed to benefit. They were supposed to have what God said He would give them. They were supposed to believe.
Look at this; 2 the message then heard did not benefit them, because it was not mixed with faith by those who heard it. (Hebrews 4:2 AMPC) They heard it. 15 Well we have not a high priest, verse 15, which cannot be touched with a feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Jesus knows our weaknesses, our doubts and our infirmities, our weaknesses where we are vacillating whether this word is for me or not. You see He knows, He knows your weakness. He knows my weakness right now at this time, with this word, where the goodness is coming to us for the deliverance from bondage where God says I want supernatural increase for you in every way, in any way you want it, so that you can strike the ground declaring My Word, declaring My promises in it. Right? He knows our weaknesses. 16 Let us therefore, let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. (Hebrews 4:15-16 KJV)
Father, I feel like I’m so far away from even thinking about striking the ground for anything for supernatural increase. Father, I feel like I am so distant from you in it. I’m really not engaging Lord, I doubt it, I’m doubting it, Lord, I’m full of unbelief, I’m not mixing faith with this, Lord. He knows our weakness, but the only way you are going to get help with that, people that is what God has been telling me to tell you now in this series is, you’ve got to come to Him, you’ve got to come boldly to His throne of grace. That you may obtain mercy and find grace to help you in your time of need. You need help. If you’re in that condition where you’re jaded and you’re saying I don’t think so, I don’t think it’s for me, I distrust the Word, I’ve come too late for it, I fall too short for it, I’ve come too late for it, I fall too short, no I can’t do this. You need help. You need help.You need to go boldly to God and you’ve got to ask Him for help, to help you in your unbelief, just like that father did. Help me in my unbelief, to get help in your time of need, you need help.
If you are in this kind of condition, that you are not even wanting to get involved in project strike. You need help. You need some serious help. And the Holy Spirit is your helper, and if you don’t go boldly, if you don’t go boldly to the throne of grace, and you talk to God about it and ask for help, and ask the Holy Spirit and tell Him, tell Him about your condition, tell Him about your weakness, if you don’t believe that Jesus doesn’t feel your infirmities and that He can’t help you, who can help you then? Who can help you then? Look at the Passion Translation in Hebrews 4 verse 1, Now God has offered to us the same promise of entering into His realm of resting in confidant faith. (Hebrews 4:1 TPT) Okay, it is this realm of 2020 supernatural increase, marvels, wonders continually, extraordinary manifestations of the greatness of God for you, for me, such as you have never experienced personally before and I have never personally experienced before.
Weren’t those six points from last week just absolutely beautiful, not comparing, not comparing myself, not comparing, hallelujah, glorious. It says here, we must be extremely careful to ensure that we all embrace the fullness of that promise and not fail to experience it, we cannot fail to experience it, we can’t just sing about it, we can’t just hear about it, it means nothing to sing about it or to read about it if we don’t experience it for ourselves. We cannot get to the end of the year and any of us have not experienced any of it. Okay. For we have heard the good news of deliverance just as they did, yet they didn’t join their faith with the Word. Instead, what they heard didn’t affect them deeply, for they doubted. What they heard didn’t affect them deeply. If you are in a position here today Heritage of Faith person, beloved of God, and this Word has not affected you deeply and you are sitting there not affected at all by it, you need some serious help. Because you are not going to actually stay in your place of not being affected you’re going to actually become more hardened, and more hardened in your heart. And your carcass, just like in the people of old, your carcass will fall without you having experienced any of the fullness of what God has for you.
Does He still love you in the wilderness? Of course yes, does He love you in your unbelieving doubting state, off course He does. You’re His child. You will get water out of the rock, you will have manna to eat, but your carcass will fall. You will live and die, without ever having experienced what God’s promised you in His Word. The Gospel in your life, and the Passion Translation says in verse 14, 14 So then we must cling in faith to all we know to be true, for we have a magnificent King Priest Jesus Christ who rose into the heavenly realm for us and now sympathises with us in our frailty. (Hebrews 4:14 TPT) What frailty is that? My unbelief, my hard heart, my wilfulness my stubbornness, my rebellion, my unbelief, my doubt, my distrusting Your Word, my, I’ve come too late, I fall too short, I’ve come too late, I fall too short.
I’m too old, I’m too young, I’m too fat, I’m too ugly, I’m too beautiful. He sympathizes with us in our frailty. He understands humanity. For as a man, our magnificent king priest was tempted in every way just as we are. That’s why He understands it. He really was tempted in every way as we are to get off the will of the Father, to go do His own thing, to not believe what He read about Himself in scripture. He found Himself in the book, He says in Hebrews, I found myself in the volume of the book”. He was tempted just like we are to be full of unbelief and doubt it and doubt it and doubt it but He had the Holy Spirit that helped Him.
He was baptized with the Holy Spirit when He was baptized in water. The Holy Spirit came upon Him like a dove and that’s why He was found to be without sin and able to have faith and believe everything and you have the Holy Spirit in you, that’s why you can have faith and you can believe but you’ll have to go boldly to the throne of grace, get there and get it.
Look what the Passion, have we got the Passion? The Passion up? No. Not the Passion. Okay, well let me read this Passion to you. Okay, it says here, 15 So now, we come freely and boldly to where love is enthroned to receive mercy’s kiss. (Hebrews 4:15 TPT) Remember I read to you; therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help us with all of our doubt, with all of our unbelief, with all of our hard hearts, okay? With all of our issues and all of our excuses, excuses why we’re not going to do Project Strike, why we’re not going to focus on it, why we’re going to be just indifferent towards it and it will not affect us very deeply and why we just want to doubt it. That we might obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need for that.
It says here in the Passion, Let us come freely and boldly to where love is enthroned to receive mercy’s kiss and discover the grace we urgently need to strengthen us in our time of weakness. (Hebrews 4:15 TPT) If you’re not in a place where you’re going for it with your projects, you’re in a place of weakness. You’re not going for it, you’re in a place of weakness, and the only place where you and I can get help from is from, to go boldly to the throne. You personally go to God, It’s the only place you’re going to get help. That’s what it says here, To receive mercy’s kiss, to receive mercy’s kiss and discover the grace I urgently need to strengthen me in my time of weakness. I’m so weak I want to cave, I want to fold, I want to, I’ve got to do this again, faith again, for this? Yes, yes, because I go.
I get tempted in the same way as you get tempted to quit on striking. The difference between me and you may just be that I go boldly to the throne for help to get great and mighty help from God to help me be strong. I get to the same place of weakness where I want to quit and I want to have doubts and I don’t want to and, and but I go boldly. I go boldly, I go boldly to God, Help, help. I go personally to God, Help. And every time He just goes, mwah, mercy’s kiss, mercy’s kiss, mercy’s kiss. His mercy kisses me when I’m weak and I’m in a place where I need Him and I need His Holy Spirit to minister to me and I need to, Him to put His arms around me and tell me again, how much He loves me and experience His love for myself not because somebody else told me that they experienced God’s love and isn’t it wonderful? No. I want to experience it for myself. I go boldly to the throne to experience and get help for myself with from Him and then I’m strong again and then I’m lifted up again and then I can go again with my faith. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
Just mercies, I receive mercy’s kiss, Father, Father, I’m in this fight. My Father, Father. He just goes, mwah, just mwah, mercy’s kiss. There is a reality of His presence because His throne of grace and mercy and He knows, He sympathizes with my iniquities and weakness. I don’t have to pretend with Him. I’m not comparing myself to anybody and then He gives me, gives me a kiss, He gives me strength and ministers His love to me and He speaks His Words to me and I receive in my spirit, really, this is just how it is and I go, huh, thank You, praise You. Or I go to a prayer meeting and there is the presence of God and I am strengthened at that prayer meeting and I go to the assembly of the brethren and there is a message and I go, huh. It’s a combination of all those things because all those are God’s ways. It’s the fellowship of the brethren in even more ways we see the day approaching. What day? The day of supernatural increase.
And then the Lord continued to say to me, they draw back instead of drawing near to Me. And in the King James in Hebrews 10:38 says that, 38 Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. (Hebrews 10:38 KJV) The Expanded bible says, those who are right with me will live by faith but if they turn back with fear and shrink back, my soul shall not be pleased with them. (Hebrews 10:38 EXB) His soul was not pleased with the people of unbelief in the wilderness? His soul is still not pleased with me when I’m in unbelief. Why? Because it is with pleasure to give me supernatural increase. It’s what Jesus died for. For this purpose was the Son of God manifested to destroy the works of the enemy to deliver me from bondage. Hallelujah. It pleases Him when I am free from bondage. It pleases Him when I am supernaturally increased and I am experiencing the blessing, it pleases Him, pleases Him, pleases Him. But if I’m going, no, no, shrinking back from this, I’ll just pretend in front of everybody at church when they talk about project this, project that, I’ll go hm, hm, hm, hm. It doesn’t please Him, It doesn’t please Him because He loves you. He loves me. It doesn’t please Him.
They work with their own conscience, their own consciousness of themselves and I have dealt with the evil consciousness through the blood of My son, now they must also. And then He reminded me of a message I brought to you a few years ago but I will first finish what He instructed me before I bring to you the extract from the message. He said this to me, “They can overcome the enemy. They can overcome him in their conscience when they distrust and they are, ‘I’m falling too short of it’ and ‘I haven’t come too far to’ and ‘I can’t reach it, no’, you know? Uhm. They can overcome that with their faith in the blood of My son and what it can accomplish spiritually. All can come boldly now. Jesus’ blood was shed so they can come. Jesus came to Me, this was the Father speaking to me, saying Jesus came to Me, the Father, so that I could send the Spirit of My Son to all of Mine, to be their everything.
Every one of My children, they all have all they need to come to draw near to Me. They can all draw near to Me, but Satan will accuse you, so you won’t have the confidence to believe and trust God for supernatural increase properly. He will remind you of all the times your faith failed. He will remind you of all the wrongs you have done. All your weaknesses and all your, he will do that to you so that you won’t have confidence to go boldly, boldly with your strikes boldly with the things you want to see change or the promises he has made, so you won’t go boldly, Listen to this now, Pastor John said this “You may no longer use your familiarity with yourself as an excuse, to not believe the love and desire He has for you to experience supernatural increase, you can no longer use your familiarity of yourself, but I’ve tried this before and I’ve done and I’ve and I’ve you are so familiar with yourself, you may no longer use your familiarity with yourself as an excuse to not go through this new door.”
I know how I have been for the last few years, I know how I have been for eighty years, for seventy years, I know how I have been, you may no longer use your familiarity with yourself as an excuse to not go forward, to not experience with your faith supernatural increase, you may not do that anymore.
You start with the blood, Pastor John said this in his message, “Start with the blood, start with the blood of the lamb on the door before they could go through their door they had to take the blood and put the blood on their door so that they could walk through the door the blood,” Pastor John said start with the Blood.
The blood had to be put on the door, so I am just going to finish off by reading you what I, I taught you on a few years back the accusation of Satan, so I am reading this to you in context of your project and why you not doing your project yet, why are you not picking it up yet, why you not full of faith in your heart and why you are not believing the Love or receiving the Love, I am reading this in context to you of that, right?
The major activity of Satan against Christians is to accuse them. Satan is a murder. Yes, is he a liar. Yes is he a deceiver and a tempter. Yes, he is the one who attacks us. Yes, but this is not all; his chief work is to accuse. Revelation 12 verse 10 and 11, His chief work is to accuse, in the King James, 10 I heard a loud voice in Heaven saying Now must come salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of His Christ, for now the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night 11 and they overcame him… (Revelation 12:10-11 KJV) They overcame his accusations, they overcame his accusing them day and night, Satan’s chief work is to accuse you day and night so you are weak to pick up your strikes and believe God that this is your time for supernatural increase. He will pick on every little imperfection, he will pick on every little thing you do wrong, that’s not God, that’s not the Holy Spirit, he will accuse you till you completely disqualify yourself because you are exhausted with receiving his accusations because you didn’t deal with him with the blood.
…the accuser of the brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of their testimony; and you know what the word of their testimony is not your personal testimony the word of your testimony is you are testifying of God’s promise, you are testifying of the blood, the power of the blood to qualify you for all of what he’s promised you. You testify over it, you’re declaring it, you’re proclaiming it, you’re declaring it. It says here, and they loved not their lives onto death. (Revelation 12:10-11 KJV)
We see here that Satan accuses the brethren day and night. He’s the accuser of our conscience and his accusations can cause us to be so weak, become so weak and completely powerless. He accuses people, he accuses us to such an extent that we consider they consider themselves useless, lose all their ground to deal with him, he accuses people to such an extent they consider themselves useless, worthless they lose all their ground to deal with him. They don’t overcome him with the blood they don’t, they just don’t overcome him with the blood.
How do you overcome him with the blood? “I just do it very simply when he accuses me of anything, I speak just the blood, I say the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood qualifies me for all His promises, the blood, the blood cleanses me from all my sin, the blood, that’s how I deal with it in a very simple way, like a child the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, I don’t have to have fancy words about it. The blood, the blood, he comes to accuse me, speak to the blood, he comes to tell me you did this and that I say so what, so what. What’s that got to do with you when Jesus has given me and cleanse me from it already. What’s that got to do with you, so what none of your business, I deal with you here, I overcome you with the blood, because I know what the blood did for me.”
I qualify because the blood qualifies me, not because I pray, not because I’m so spiritual, I qualify because of the blood. So we are not saying there is no need to deal with sin we must have a keen sense towards sin, but we should not accept the accusations of Satan, there is a difference between when I am coming boldly to God and he’s correcting me and bringing correction to me and bringing cleansing to me for a sin, for a transgression and Him and I are sorting it out. It is a big difference between that and an accusation, big difference, world of difference, the one instance even when He is disciplining me because I come to Him, He gives me a mercy kiss and then He’ll talk to me about this thing. He will show me how I can do better. He will show me how I can do better and then Satan must come and accuse me after that what business has, he in this arena where I put myself in the arena of the blood. How dare he, how dare he come with his accusation to me when I’m coming to God.
Once a child of God accepts Satan’s accusations all day long he will feel that he is wrong when he wakes up in the morning he feels that he is wrong. When he begins to pray he feels like he is wrong, doesn’t even believe that God will answer his prayers. When he thinks about sharing something with another Christian he feels that it is no use cause he himself isn’t right. When he gives an offering to the Lord he feels that how can he accept such an offering from such a person as he from morning to evening they are consumed with thoughts of their own worthlessness whether they are working, resting, walking, reading the scriptures, praying there is not a single moment they are not considering how worthless they are, this is the accusation of Satan.
From morning to evening they are consumed with thoughts of their own worthlessness whether they are working, walking, resting, reading the scriptures, praying, there is not a single moment that they are not considering how worthless they are. This is the accusation of Satan. No one who accepts accusations can overcome and have victory. Many times, this is important Christians, many times when we are engrossed, with the thought of our own weakness it is easy for us to mistakenly think this to be Christian humility. I’m going to read that again.
Many times, we are engrossed with thoughts of our own weakness, it’s easy for us to mistakenly think this to be Christian humility. Not realizing we are suffering the harmful effects of satan’s accusations. We must not lightly esteem the accusations of satan, his chief work is to accuse us and he does it day and night without ceasing and it is this work that we must overcome. You’re going to strike the ground? You’re going to have to overcome this. You’re going to just cover it with The Blood. You going to have to overcome it. I can’t overcome it for you, you can’t overcome it for me, cause it happens here in this thought arena then it impacts your emotions and then you find your will very weakened to actually go forward in faith. His chief work is to accuse and us and he does it day and night without ceasing. He does it you see, and he sees you are taking it, and he says oh you are so weak, so weak, oh you are not striking, you are not striking and you’re not dealing me, you just listen, you just listen, just listen, and he will torment you with accusations day and night.
How can we overcome the accusations of Satan? They overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb. The Blood is the basis of all victories, and it is the instrument to overcome satan. That’s why I just speak the Blood, the Blood, the Blood, the Blood. I don’t speak the Blood because I have such a great revelation of it, I speak the Blood because I believe there is power in the Blood and I speak it according to what God values the Blood to be, and I expect the Father to settle this thing and I expect to be settled in this thing, just the Blood.
I don’t understand all the magnificent mysteries of power of the Blood. But I know can I overcome him, I know the Word says I overcome him with the Blood and I just say the Blood, the Blood. You know what the Blood does. I value the Blood, Father, but You know its full value, according to that value that You know, I speak it, I speak it, the Blood, I speak it. The Blood. I might even sometimes say I believe the Blood, I plead the Blood, I’ll not receive these accusations.
The Blood is the basis of all victory and it is the instrument to overcome satan. It is the instrument, the Blood of Jesus is the instrument to overcome Satan. Satan may accuse us but when we can answer that the Blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. Okay, 1 John 1:7, it says here that 7 the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. 8 If we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us. (1 John 1:7-9 KJV) Why am I confessing them? Because I come to the throne of grace. I come to Him. I draw nearer to Him to do that. I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid to come to him. I come to him to do that. That’s where I make my confession to Him. Father, I acknowledge, I acknowledge, and He goes [Pastor Sharon makes a kissing sound]; Mercy’s kiss there. It’s right there.
He says I forgive you, I cleanse you. Now, Father, I need your help in this because evidently you know this is the twentieth time I’ve done this now. Father, I need the victory over this. Lord, I’m getting in Your word about this, I’m going to get in your word about this. I’m going to receive your enlightenment for this to help me. I’m going to do better with Your help. That’s where I confess, to Him. If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, but if we confess our sins, the one translation says acknowledge… I acknowledge, I acknowledge. He is faithful and just to forgive us cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
And the amplified bible says 9 if we freely admit, I admit that I have sinned and confess my sins, He’s faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9 AMPC) Glory to God, Hallelujah.
Like I was sharing in the Witbank Church, when I used to discipline my sons for a specific thing, and I would discipline them because they sinned, Okay because I gave them an instruction and they disobeyed it. Okay: ‘Don’t put your finger in the power plug again, okay and then I disciplined them and then they understand what the discipline is for and then we hug we kiss and it’s over. I don’t bring it up again. It’s finished. As far as the east is from the west He’s removed that sin from me. I’m not going to enter into the principle of satan and accuse them now again and again when they’ve already said sorry Mom, sorry mom, and can go off and go play again. You know what I mean. And so, all sin, He cleanses us from all sin means any sin whether big or small.
This, the Word of God, the Blood of the Lord Jesus can cleanse all our many sins away, we must not only reject the accusations which are without cause but we must also reject all the accusations which have cause. Those are the ones especially that you have to reject. ‘Yes I did, and I got forgiveness, the Blood, Satan, the Blood of Christ is against you. On this matter, it’s against you. As far as the east is from the west He has removed this sin from me. You have no business accusing me about this. That’s how we have to overcome him. So we must not only reject the accusations which are without cause but we must also reject all accusations that have cause.
When God’s children have done something wrong they need only the Blood of Jesus, His Son, not the accusations of satan. It is the power of the precious Blood which is needed for sin, not accusation. God’s word never says that after we have sinned we need accusation. It’s ridiculous. Think of how many times we receive the accusations of satan. It’ not scriptural for us to receive it. God says you’ve wronged now receive all the accusations that you can… Let the accusations just come at you Sharon, just come at you. Receive accusation, receive condemnation, bad bad girl. No forgiveness, mercy’s kiss. Grace to help me in my weakness. Because Jesus was tempted like I was. In this cycle in this thing that keeps you know. Not now I’m getting the victory because it’s 2020 and I’m striking the ground for this thing stopping now, I’m getting victory for here. I’m expecting extraordinary manifestations here. This is my time, Hallelujah for deliverance from this bondage, for deliverance from this thing. Hallelujah.
So, God’s word never says that after we have sinned, we need accusation. The thing that is worthy here is that when you do sin you come to Him and acknowledge and confess it. He is then faithful and just and collects you from the unrighteous of it, if we have confessed it then what more can be said? Immediately you acknowledge your sins to him you receive forgiveness. Immediately. And immediately he will cleanse you from it. I said to the Lord, how many times, he said I’ll give you seven times seventy in a day if you like, I said What? He said if I told you to forgive a brother seventy times seven and you think I can’t, that I’m not doing it? Think I’m not doing what my word says? I’ll forgive you seventy times seven. And in all of that forgiveness, I can keep walking towards striking the ground for my victories. In all of it. As long as you’re overcoming Satan’s accusations you will have the victories that you and your heart desires. Glory to God.
So it says here; don’t think that if you consider more how sinful you are you will be a little more holy. Or that if you have a more feeling toward your sin you will be more holy. No, we must ask ourselves only one thing; How do I treat the blood of the Lord Jesus. It’s true that I have sinned, but his blood cleanses me from the sin. All sin means great, small sin, recollected sin, forgotten sin, visible sin, invisible sin, sin we think we can be forgiven, sin we do not think we can be forgiven, the blood of Jesus does not wash away one or two sins, or even many sins, it cleanses us of all sins.
Before God we are clean because we have the precious blood of Jesus. We should not believe in accusations more than we believe in the precious blood. Romans 5;9 says be now justified. Every time we come before God, our only qualification is this, is that we have been redeemed not that we have advanced in a Christian life. I don’t have boldness to come to God because I’ve matured spiritually so now I’m bold I come to God. I have my prayer time consistent so now I’m bold. My only basis for drawing near to God for anything is love, listen to this;
No Christian can ever reach the stage where he can say I’ve been doing pretty well recently now I can worship, now I can really pray. [Repeats in laughter] I can worship now that I’m a bit more holy in my own eyes. I’ve been doing pretty well recently now I can worship, now I can pray boldly. No, every time we come to God, our only ground, our only position is based upon the blood. We must realise that no amount of spiritual growth can substitute for the effectiveness of the blood. Even if someone is as spiritual as Apostle Paul, or Brother Jerry or Pastor John, they still need the blood to stand before God. The blood is the great equalizer. Whether we’re young or old or whatever. Whether we’ve been good or bad the blood is the great equalizer and the great qualifier for all of his promises. Thank you, Lord. We must be clear that we come into his presence only because of the blood not because of anything else.
Once we stand on the ground of the blood, one we believe in the blood Satan can no longer do his work on us if we do not maintain a blameless and clean conscience we have no way to deal with Satan’s accusations, thousands of reasons to believe Satan’s accusations that way. We accept them you fail, you will fall. But when Satan speaks to us we can reply to all his reasons with one answer; The Blood. It is not a single reason that you can not answer by the blood. In a Christian’s conscience has no more sense of sin, because of the blood. The Lord knows we have sinned so he prepared the blood. He knows that’s why he says in 1 John, if you say, you’re without sin; you’re a liar. He knew that we would sin, that’s why He prepared the blood. So we can overcome Satan every day, with his accusations.
He has no way for one who willingly accepts satan’s accusations. No one who believes in the precious blood can at the same time receive satan’s accusations. Anyone who accepts the accusations of Satan denies the power of the blood, either one or the other of these must go. It takes only a moment of time for man to receive Christ as Saviour, but it is a lifelong matter to face the accusations of satan.
You see, he is an active spirit being, 24/7, you know the word says, God doesn’t slumber or sleep; neither does satan. He is an eternal spirit being, he will spend eternity prepared for him in hell. So while we are sleeping he is thinking of what he is going to accuse you of when you wake up. So when you wake up in the morning, you will feel all wrong. You feel all wrong about yourself. That’s why it is the best thing for you to just go boldly first thing in the morning, you go boldly, you go boldly to God.
Okay, I’m almost done, I’ve got a few more verses, a few more sentences here and then. Okay, it takes only a moment of time for us to receive Jesus as Saviour, but it is a lifelong matter to face the accusations of satan. We recognise the value of the blood. There will be a great increase of peaceful, joyful Christians on the earth. God desires to deliver us all from many senseless accusations, He wants to break these chains. I believe He is breaking, He is breaking all these chains. I believe you are never ever going to allow him, ever again to accuse you of anything, with cause or without cause. I believe that your eyes have seen it, your heart has heard today and you are going to go boldly, you are going to strike the ground. You are going to go boldly now. You are going to have confidence now because your confidence is in the blood. The blood has qualified you for project strike, and project conditioning and project celebration, so that we can. God has given it to us as a way to keep us focused, for, our faith focused. He has given us, project strike, project conditioning project celebration, to keep our faith-focused, so that we don’t just drift with this word, maybe happening to us this year. Maybe this word will happen to us. Okay.
We must never feel that we are being humble by receiving accusations day after day. [Pastor Sharon laughing] I’m so unworthy. I don’t qualify. I doubt it, I doubt it. I’m humble. No. Come on. Hey. we must never feel, we are being humble by receiving accusations of satan day after day. Beat me again, beat me, beat me. I’m bad, I’m bad, ja.
[Pastor Sharon laughing] Not for me. This striking for deliverance. I know I’m ugly, I know I’m old, beat me, beat me, I know I’m fat… [Pastor Sharon laughing] I’m humble, humble, humble. [Pastor Sharon laughing] I’m really glad I came to church! I feel the chains falling off me. I feel like [Pastor Sharon singing] I’m coming up in faith, I’m coming up in joy, I’m coming up in love. In His love. I’m coming up in joy, I’m coming up in strength. Yes, yes, yes, and I’m not comparing myself to anybody else. It’s part of what the devil does:.. ‘you’re not spiritual like Pastor Sharon so what makes you think that you’re going to get any deliverance from anything, what makes you think your faith is going to work, she’s been working her faith for a long time, yours is not going to work now.. you’re doing it for the first time? Naah, naah, naah. [Pastor Sharon laughing] And then he’ll (satan) say to you: ‘and she prays so much, she prays so much, much more than you. Of course, she’s going to get the deliverance.’ [Pastor Sharon laughing] It’s all happening for Pastor Sharon, she is healthy and she looks so nice and thin… [Pastor Sharon laughing] I put on so much weight I can’t strike the ground… I feel so bad about myself… [Pastor Sharon laughing] Oh, Jesus. Oh my.
He’s really not original, satan’s really not. He does the same thing to everybody. He really does. That’s why that point of Pastor John’s… you’re so beautiful, I don’t compete, I don’t compete. I come to You. I come to You. It’s me and You. It’s very personal this project strike. The things that you in your deep heart are going to strike for. Put your trust in God for that to change. It’s very personal. It really is. You can’t touch Jesus, like Pastor John says. As part of the crowd you’ve got to go touch His hem. This is so wonderful. I feel all those chains falling off me. Disconnecting, I’m disconnecting, I’m detaching from all accusation, so are you together. This is what God’s got for us together to be free so that we can go in together. We can help each other now. Remember what Pastor Sharon said about accusation.
You have got to hold the Blood. Start with the Blood. That’s what Pastor John said. It’s so interesting to me that the book of Exodus says: Take the Blood and strike it. Strike it on the lintel! King James says: Strike the Blood! (And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper doorpost of the houses, wherein they shall eat it. Exodus 12:7, 22-23). I’m telling you I strike with the Blood. The enemy thinks that he can strike with his fangs, with his poisoning me of accusation. I strike. I strike. The Blood. I strike with the Blood. The overcomer must know the value of the Blood. Although we do not know the immense value of the Blood, I can still say: “Lord, I apply the Blood according to your estimation of it.” How can we think that we can understand all the estimation of the mysteries and the powers of the beauties of the Blood, what it accomplished at Calvary? How? I apply it according to Your estimation of it. Say this with me: I say, Father, I apply the Blood when satan accuses me about anything, according to Your estimation of the Blood. That settles it.
Can I pray for you? Father, I thank You that we are on this journey now of having, therefore, boldness to come with our strike, we come with our celebration. We come for our conditioning, to change our condition Lord. We come with our faith, Father, We’re becoming a whole lot freer. Father I thank You that all of us are becoming a whole lot more freer, a whole lot more confident now than before this message. We come now with boldness Father declaring what You have declared about Supernatural Increase and Marvels and Wonders in Jesus Name. I bless Your people. Thank You that the word and the Blood of Jesus surrounds them and everything that is theirs Lord. I thank You for the tremendous that they are going to make this week to come boldly Lord, to come boldly and receive heaven’s Mercy Kiss! Hallelujah, Thank You, Lord.
There’ll be a lot of kissing. You never run out of kisses Lord! Your mercy is new every morning, every morning You’ve got Mercy Kisses for us, Lord. Hallelujah. Glory, Glory Lord and they will come to discover Your grace to help them in their time of need to come with their strike and to come with their faith and come every day, Lord, in Jesus Name. Hallelujah Father. I declare strength to your people That they coming up, they coming up in love, coming up in Strength, coming up in joy Father and Your joy is our strength and we will rejoice though the fig tree does not blossom, doesn’t bear fruit, yet we will rejoice in You because Father Your joy is our strength for the whole turn around to come in our circumstances in Jesus name. I bless Your people today, I bless them, Father, this week in Jesus Name and we all say Amen, God bless you.
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