Scripture Reference: Hebrews 10:19-20 (KJV); Hebrews 4:1-2 (AMPC); Hebrews 4:15-16 (AMPC); Hebrews 4:1-2 (TPT); Hebrews 4:14-16 (TPT); Revelations 12:10-11 (KJV); Hebrews 10:38 (KJV); 1John 1:9 (NKJV)
Good morning everybody. Pastor John has told me to send his love to you. Children yes, you’re going to learn all about a project and a new open door and how to strike. Glory, hallelujah. He sends his love and he said, I must just tell you, he is soaking himself in the Word of God. Virtually day and night, he is just in the Word. That’s what he wanted me to tell you.
Father, thank You for Your Word today. I am starting a series of teaching today. I received this instruction from the Lord about two weeks ago. I was just separating myself for a while, just to hear from the Lord and I received instruction from the Lord to start this series. The series is called Having Therefore Boldness. Having Therefore Boldness. That’s what the series is called. This is part one today and I’ll be laying a foundation because I must, you know that by now, that when we start with something, that we have to lay a strong foundation. Part one today is called, The Blood, His love – Part 1. The Blood, His love – Part 1.
The key scripture for this whole series, the key scripture for this whole series and it’s got everything to do with your projects, your project strike, your project conditioning and your project celebration, it has got everything to do with it. The key scripture is Hebrews 10:19-20, 19Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into holiest by the blood of Jesus, 20By a new, new door, this new way that Jesus opened for us is always new. We don’t have to look for another new way to enter into the Holiest with God. It’s the new way. Okay. 20By a new and living way, which he, Jesus has, hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh (Hebrews 10:19-20 KJV).
So, as I said to you before, two weeks ago the Lord began to speak to me and this is how He said it. I know His voice. Jesus said; My sheep know My voice. Having, therefore, boldness. Hebrews 10:19. Teach now 2020. It’s important for the people for this time, for our time together now. I love them so. They must know I want to give them supernatural increase of this revelation. Which revelation? Hebrews 10:19 and 20. I want to give them supernatural increase of this revelation. I want them to have great clarity, great light, and great certainty, now. Yes, title of series; Having Therefore Boldness. Teach it in context of their projects; Project Strike, Project Conditioning and Project Celebration. Oh, bring My love to them.
So, I actually can’t bring His love to you. I can just be His mouthpiece. You have to let the Holy Spirit bring the love of the Father and the love of Jesus to you. Bring My love to them. This entire project, bring My love to them. If they will believe My love, their faith will work for them. Galatians 5:6 says faith works by love. It works by the love of God that you believe and you receive in your own heart.
Then I began to send some of what Heritage people were experiencing; help me, with this project, help me. What if I’m disappointed? What if my striking brings nothing to me? Supernatural increase for me? God began to show me the questions in the hearts of the Heritage people. For me? Supernatural increase for me? Can it really be my point of contact seed? This is all so new to me. My faith reaching full expression?
He gave me insight into the questions going on in many of your hearts. You haven’t taken hold with your whole heart because this is what Pastor John said, listen to this, people;
I stand before you as a messenger of God. This is the message he brought to you and I. I stand before you having heard from my spiritual father and I stand before you as someone who hears from God and I say; the execution of what God has prophesied for supernatural increase is Project Strike, Project Conditioning and Project Celebration. I tell you this now by the Spirit of God; that if you will flow with God in this year, you will not recognize yourself when you get to next year because God will make up things for you that you couldn’t imagine He would make up for you this year, but you have got to get rid of the spirit of familiarity. Now is your moment to walk through a new door.
Don’t let the devil lie to you, that even your own familiarity with your own self, with your own familiarity with your own weakness and failures and provide you the excuse to not go forward because it’s the same spirit of familiarity. I’m familiar with myself. I know what my self is. I know what my weaknesses are. I know who I am. I know what I’m not capable of doing, what I haven’t been able to do and what I am capable and therefore that’s an excuse to not go forward. I want to live with myself, by myself, with all my stuff that I have for all these years and I’ve never been able to make progress because I’m so familiar with my own self. You may not be permitted.
You may not be permitted. You may not be permitted, to use that familiarity to not go forward. You may not be permitted. God’s not going to hear it as an excuse anymore because this statement takes the grave clothes off you. He doesn’t want to hear. He’s going to help you. He’s going to help you, but He doesn’t want to hear excuses. He’s so intent and set on you. His love for you and I, to experience changes in areas, breakthroughs in areas with our strikes, people.
I have been so blessed as I’ve been speaking and every now and again somebody will just, you know, let something personal just show to me; that’s what I’m striking for, Pastor Sharon. I’ve been so; Lord, I feel the Father’s heartbeat for this strike and I’ve been amazed at what I’ve heard so far of what’s in people’s hearts to strike. I’m striking for this thing in my family and this for my mom and dad and this… it’s so different for so many of us. That’s what Pastor John said! We’re not going to give you a book to follow here. It’s deeply personal. It’s personal. This project strike is personal, that’s what he said.
Just extracts here; When you bring your point of contact seed you can’t afford to bring your contact seed or you can’t afford to bring your strike when you’re in faith and you’re talking to God, you can’t just bump into Jesus, as part of the crowd.
This is what he said. It’s what God was saying through Pastor John. You can’t just bump into Jesus as part of the crowd. This is a personal thing. It’s a very personal thing. I’m finding my every strike that I’ve got with God is a deeply personal thing. I’m going through the same things that you go through with logical uncertainty. You think it’s any different for me? I may just be more exercised and practised in having lived by faith in this way for longer than you have, but it’s a new situation for me and there’s new strikes for me. They’re deeply personal for me.
I’m going [gasping] what? Oh, Lord. You mean I can strike for this? I’m going to! I am not going to allow any familiarity with myself to prevent me from going forward and making progress in this. It’s very personal. Your strikes should not be blasé. They should be personal with you in a personal way with Jesus and you and Jesus. He said this; This is a personal thing. Don’t just bump into Jesus as part of the crowd. You’ve got to touch Jesus. You’ve got to get the mind of Christ on this. You’ve got to get the anointing of God on this. I’ve got to get what He wants me to get on this. I’m going to touch His garment.
I have a piece of His garment, of His anointing in it… that little blue cloth – I’ve got it! I’ve got it on me all the time. [Laughs] I put it in a place where some ladies keep their cash money. I’ve got it on me all the time. Every day, that’s where it goes – by my heart. Right by my heart. Sorry guys. Alright. It doesn’t matter, he said, Pastor John, what didn’t happen before. I’m going now. It doesn’t happen what didn’t happen before. It doesn’t matter what didn’t happen for you before. It doesn’t matter to me. There are some things that haven’t happened for me yet. There are some things that have, but there are some things that haven’t happened. It doesn’t matter what hasn’t happened. I’m going now, for it. I’m going now for it because I am trusting, I’m determined, I have a resolve in me because I choose to have it. I believe His love for me.
Alright. I must move right along. So, Project Strike, He said; John, Project Strike – this is where your victory lies. You’ve got to push this victory now through 2020. You’ve got to make ground here like you’ve never made ground before. Because of twenty years, I’m going to cause a rejoicing and a joy and a celebration to rise up in the people. They are going to be part of the victory. Not just because you are celebrating twenty years, but it’s going to elevate the people’s praise and joy and peace and you’re going to have community and fellowship and it’s going to raise people’s ability to motivate and inspire each other. Motivate and inspire each other.
You think I’m blessed and at my rest when I‘ve received what I’ve striked for and you haven’t? That’s not how it works with God. It’s not God’s pattern. I can be at rest when you’ve received yours. That’s the pattern with Joshua. That was the pattern with Joshua when they went in to get their promised land. There was three tribes; two and a half tribes that Moses had said, “You can have your inheritance and you can have your things here.” Joshua said, “Not until you come over. Not until all your mighty men come over and help your brothers to get their stuff.” Hallelujah.
That’s who we are together. I am not at rest and at peace just because I am blessed, not until you get what you are striking for. I will do everything in my power this year to help you to strike. I’m not going to stop talking about it. You are going to hear about it from me all the time. So, if you’re not deciding yet that you’re going get personal with Jesus about what you want changed and what you want to see breakthroughs in, you are going to get tired and tired and tired of me. You’re going to sit there and you are going to be jaded because I’m going to keep encouraging you, I am going to keep coming with my activating gift and I’m going to keep telling you – so, are you striking? So, are you striking yet? So, have you even got one strike yet that’s got faith in your heart with, have you even got one yet? Hallelujah.
I’m going to do that and we are going to do that with each other. Glory to God. Hallelujah. We are going to stand shoulder to shoulder with each other and go in together. That’s the glory of what’s happening here. We are going in through the door, through the new door, together.
Yes, I’m not comparing. Yes, those six points that Pastor John brought last week are powerful. No, we are not comparing. Your strike and my strike and even how they may be the same, they might be financial or they might be the same, but how they are going to come about and how it’s going to happen for me is going to be so different for you. Hallelujah. There is no need to compare. Hallelujah. We rejoice with those who rejoice. When you’ve had your strike and there is our rejoice. Glory, glory. The Bible says, “We weep with those who weep.” Glory. That’s how we are.
That’s what the Lord said to me. He gave me this, then; see for how long He has longed for His beloved people to experience supernatural increase. It’s not a new thing for His desire to want His people to experience supernatural increase. It’s not a new thing. God has just brought it up very strong, new, for now for us for this year. Supernatural increase has been on His mind from the beginning. This is how He gave it to me; see for how long God has longed for His beloved people to experience supernatural increase. It goes right back to the very beginning.
Adam and Eve, increase, I bless you, increase, increase, increase. I give you, I give you seed. I’ve given you this garden. I’ve given you land, spiritual territory. I’ve given it to you, increase, increase. Be blessed. Have dominion, have dominion. Adam and Eve. Abraham then Isaac then Jacob then the Exodus. He saw His people in bondage. “Come, I’m bringing you out of… So that I can bring you into a land where you can increase, where you will not be constrained, retained any longer; where you can trust Me to provide for you everything that is in My heart for you.”
Then the Exodus, okay, then Jesus for the Gentiles, He came. Jesus came. People, you know why Jesus came to die? Jesus came to die because man fell. The first Adam fell and mankind fell so far from what God intended for them to have and how He intended for them to live. He had to send Jesus to stop it so that we could begin to rise again, we could begin to ascend into everything that God has for us. God’s determination in creation is greater than redemption. Redemption came to stop man’s falling further so that God’s intention and deliberation from the beginning, we could go back to that. Heart of God; I bless you, I bless you, I bless you. Increase, have dominion. It’s why Jesus came.
So, then Jesus for the Gentiles and that is us, we’re the Gentiles. Now us, Brother Jerry, Pastor John and Jesus in our day, in our day. From Brother Jerry’s word to us, Your Exodus has begun and the Lord began to speak to me and tell me, this is a New Testament, New Covenant, Exodus. I’m taking you. I’m taking you out of all of your bondage. Anything and everything that holds you and binds you from all of the goodness I have for you. That’s what a new covenant Exodus looks like. It’s based on the Blood of Jesus. The old Exodus was based on the blood of bulls and goats. The New Testament, Hebrews says it’s a better Testament, stronger Testament because the strength of the Blood and because it’s got better promises. Even though the promises of the Old Covenant were powerful, these are better promises because of the strength of the Blood. They’re based on the power of the shed Blood of Jesus. He came to shed His blood so that all God’s promises could come true for you without… okay I’m jumping ahead of myself now.
Right. So, that’s good, good, good news. Hebrews 4:1, Hebrews 4:1 says this, 1Therefore while the promise of entering His rest, the Amplified Bible, Hebrews 4:1 while the promise of entering His rest still holds and is offered [today], let us be afraid [to distrust it], lest any of you should think he has come too late, or has come short of [reaching] it (Hebrews 4:1 AMPC).
Don’t do that to yourself. Don’t think you have come too late and you have come too short, you can’t reach it, you can’t have the strikes, you can’t have the manifestations of marvels and wonders and extraordinary manifestations of God’s greatness in your life.
Be afraid to distrust this Word. Be afraid to distrust supernatural increase for you, you, you personally. Be afraid to distrust it. If you distrust it, you will miss it. You will just miss it. You will do the same as the people in the wilderness did with Moses; you’ll murmur and grumble and complain and why hasn’t it happened like this and why isn’t it like that and I’m longing for what was and it was better then and God said, “You don’t believe what I said to you, that I’m going take you into the land. You don’t believe Me, you don’t believe Me.”
2For indeed, verse 2, look at this, For indeed we, we, we, we, we. Can I see all see the we’s here today? 2we have had the glad tidings the [Gospel of God] proclaimed to us just as truly as [the Israelites of old did when the good news of deliverance from bondage came to them]. (Hebrews 4:2 AMPC) What is supernatural increase? Deliverance from bondage. God’s saying to you; strike for your deliverance from any and every bondage. You ought not to be in any kind of bondage. Jesus’ blood paid the price for you to not be in any kind of bondage, mentally, physically, relationally. A child of God ought not to be in any kind of bondage.
2For indeed we have had the glad tidings the [Gospel of God] proclaimed to us just as truly as [the Israelites have old did when the good news of deliverance from bondage came to them], the good news of deliverance from bondage came to them, but the message they heard did not benefit them, because it was not mixed with faith (Hebrews 4:2 AMPC). This message of supernatural increase may quite possibly not benefit you if you do not… in fact, if you do not mix it with faith, if you do not believe it, it will not benefit you. God is urgent. He wants it to benefit you. Forget not one of all His benefits. He is the Mighty Benefactor. He bestows on us the blessing. Hallelujah!
Be afraid to distrust it because it was not mixed with faith by those who heard it. 15For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. (Hebrews 4:15 KJV) He understands your weaknesses where you are tempted to actually not take hold of this Word. He understands where you are weak – I doubt it, I doubt it, not for me, not for me. I don’t think so, I don’t think so. Not applicable, not applicable. He understands that. What does it say then? What is your solution here? Verse 16, because He is a sympathetic High Priest and He understands your weaknesses to just doubt, and just, this is what you have to do: 16Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16 KJV)
I need help right now, Lord, with this Project Strike. If you have got a cry of your heart that I am not getting hold of this as I know I should, you have to come boldly to God. You have to come boldly to the throne of grace. The Passion Translation says this; Hebrews 4:1, 1Now God has offered to us the same promise of entering into His realm of resting in faith. So we must be extremely careful to ensure that we all embrace the fullness of that promise. (Hebrews 4:1 TPT) You think it is not a promise? It is a promise; supernatural increase, deliverance from bondage, manifestations of My greatness for you, you personally, My child.
But, but, but, but, but… Don’t be a goat. Goats but. Goats but. Sheep hear their Master’s voice and follow it and follow it and keep following it and keep following it. Don’t be a goat! We must be extremely careful to ensure that we all embrace the fullness of that promise and not fail to experience it. We can’t just sing about it. We can’t just feel good about it on a Sunday during a message. God wants you to experience it and you – He wants you to draw near, He wants you to draw near with boldness. He wants you to come boldly to His throne of grace. He wants you to come to Him. He wants you to come to Him. He wants you to come to Him. He wants you to come to Him. The reason Pastor John and I have church is so that you can come to church so that you can learn how to go to Him.
It says here; 2For we have heard the good news of deliverance just as they did, yet they didn’t join their faith with the Word. Instead what they heard didn’t affect them deeply for they doubted (Hebrews 4:2 TPT). I know, there are many of you sitting here this morning, how do I know it? Well, besides the fact God has shown it to me, I know what my logic can do to me, so I know you are not different to me. I know that I have to deal with doubt. How many times has Pastor John said: “You have to get doubt out!” How do you get it out? With your willfulness. God has given you a will to choose to believe God. As a new creation you can believe, you can believe. Every child of God has got the measure of faith. You can live by your faith. You can trust God in the face of opposition, in the face of contrary circumstances, you can do it just like Abraham. If Abraham could do it and he wasn’t even a new creature, you can do it as a new creature. He has given you a new heart. Hallelujah. We are going through a new door with a new Word.
Then verse 14 of the Passion Translation says 14So then, we must cling in faith to all we know to be true. For we have a magnificent King-Priest, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who rose into the heavenly realm for us, and now sympathizes with us in our frailty. 15He understands humanity, for as a Man, our magnificent King-Priest was tempted in every way just as we are, and conquered sin. (Hebrews 4:14-15 TPT). That’s the truth, that is the truth. Don’t philosophize it and imagine this is something else. Jesus had to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. When He was baptized in water, the Holy Spirit came down, the Holy Spirit came to Jesus to help Him to be completely obedient to the Father.
Jesus offered Himself. Jesus offered Himself to God through the eternal Spirit. Jesus could not have gone to the cross without the Holy Spirit, but He had the Holy Spirit. That’s why He was without sin. He died and rose again so that we could have the Holy Spirit. You can have the Holy Spirit so you can obey God. You can! You can obey God just like Jesus.
So now we can come. 16Now we come, verse 16, freely and boldly to where love is enthroned. He wants you to come to Him so much. He wants you – your heart. Look at this. This is God’s heart; He said, “Bring My love to them.” I don’t know how to bring His love to you other than, you know, I mean, a lot of you know me. I don’t know. I can bring my love to you. I guess people that touch me more regularly, I mean, maybe you all do know how much Pastor John and I love you, you know, but God says He wants you to experience His love for yourself. Look at this; 16So now we come freely and boldly to where love is enthroned, to receive mercy’s kiss. (Hebrews 4:16 TPT)
This is what I’m going to be teaching you is; how to come into God’s presence. This is what my series is all about. This year, whenever Pastor John asks me to minister on a Sunday, this is what I will be doing. He told me ‘till 2020. I will be leading you through Scripture to let Holy Spirit give you the revelation of how you can access God’s presence for yourself and you can have your personal encounter on a… those of you who have been already accessing God’s presence and now even a greater revelation and more light.
I’m telling you, when you are weak and you access God’s presence and you come to Him, there’s mercy’s kiss every time. When I’m like, “Ah, Lord. Hmm.” You know. But I come to Him, you see. I don’t withdraw from Him when I’m weak. I come to Him. I learned that I could and so I do. When I come to Him, every time I come to Him, there’s mercy’s kiss. “Muah, Sharon. Muah, My child. Muah! I love you.” His strength comes and His peace comes and His joy comes every time I come boldly. Every time. Then I am strengthened and then I am filled with Him and then I’m reassured and then I have certainty again. Muah, muah. Mercy’s kiss, every time. He doesn’t run out of kisses. muah, muah, muah, muah, muah. We used to do that, over the phone; we still do that. Just even as a family, you know, well you know, I’ll say, “I love you baby, muah, muah, muah,” over the phone or whatever and then he’ll do it back to me. Kids and I have done that many years. You know, God doesn’t run out of a mercy kiss. Isn’t it wonderful? He doesn’t run out of kisses. It says here, we come freely and boldly to where love is enthroned to receive mercy’s kiss and discover the grace we urgently need to strengthen us in our time of weakness. (Hebrews 4:16 TPT).
Isn’t it beautiful? I can’t live without mercy’s kiss and discovering this grace that He has for me in my time of weakness. I can’t live without it because I have a day sometimes and what a day it has been and this and that and this and that, but I know I’m going to come running. I’m getting my first opportunity to come, to come, to say, “Father,” and there is mercy’s kiss and there’s the grace for me in my weakness. and then I’m strong, then I’m strong. Hallelujah. That’s why I like first thing in the morning, just get my strength for my day. I come boldly to Him in the morning. That’s why David says; in the morning you’ll hear my voice, in the morning. But, if you work shifts you can do nighttime. Hey, God is always awake. He is always awake and ready for you. You have your own special place with Him. Nobody else has a place with Him like you do.
My place is my place and my space and I’m going through this into new spaces with Him and new places with Him. My place with Him is my place and my space with Him is my space and I’m so glad nobody can take it away from me! He opened that door by His blood and it will never shut. Never shut. It will never shut. It doesn’t matter what I do, it doesn’t matter what I’ve done. It’s always open. I can come and there’s mercy’s kiss. Muah.
Now there may be discipline too, like the scripture that Pastor John brought last week, but I love God’s discipline because I know what His Word says; He disciplines me for my certain good. Our earthly fathers disciplined us as what seemed good to them, but He disciplines us for our certain good so that we can become partakers of His own nature. Wow. “I cheerfully submit,” it says the Amplified Bible in Hebrews, “I cheerfully submit to the Father of spirits.”
You’ve heard this story before; I remember, I was disciplining one of my sons. I won’t say, you know. Well, it was Brynn and he was little. I was disciplining him, and he said to me, “Mom, it’s not fair, you don’t get hidings. You don’t get hidings.” I said to him, “Ohhh my boy, you have no idea.” I had the opportunity to explain to him; when I come to Him, you see, when you never come to Him, you won’t even experience His discipline, wow. You won’t even have a correction from Him. Oh, oh, and He’s a loving Heavenly Father. He wants to bring correction for us for our certain good. You know.
Where was I going with this? I took the opportunity in His presence, ja. I said to him, “When I go to God, Brynn, and He corrects me and He disciplines me and He shows me,” I said, “sometimes I wish it would rather just be here [pointing to bum], than here [pointing to heart].” Because this, oh, I feel, you know? I feel that. But then, it’s over quickly; it’s over quickly. Because I say, “Yes, Lord. I see it, Lord. I know Your blood cleanses me from this. Thank You. You’re cleansing me from this. Thank You, Lord. I see that. I’m going to exercise myself in that to not go there again. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Lord.”
It’s like when I would discipline Garth and Brynn and when the discipline was over, it was over. I never brought that sin up again. God taught me how to do that from His Word. I parallel disciplined them, like in parallel to how He was disciplining me. When it’s over, it’s over. I don’t bring it up again. As far as the east is from the west, so far have I removed that sin from you. That thing that I had to correct you about then, it’s gone. It’s gone. It’s over. We’re not talking about that again. Oh, Jesus is wonderful. That’s what the Blood of Jesus was shed for; to have this kind of intimacy with Him. Mercy’s kiss, right?
Then the Lord gave me those scriptures and then He continued, and He said; Sharon, they draw back instead of drawing near. They draw back from Me. They draw back from Me instead of drawing near. King James, Hebrews 10:38, 38Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, don’t draw back from Him, if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him. (Hebrews 10:38 KJV). Okay. He has no pleasure with it because it means I don’t believe You; I’m not coming near to You. What kind of father is going to be pleased with that? Loving heavenly Father. Loving any father. It doesn’t please Him because it pleases Him when you live by faith and you trust Him, what He’s promised you, right?
So, and then He said this to me; They work with their own conscience. Their own consciousness of themselves and I’ve dealt with the evil conscience through the Blood of My Son. Now they must also. And then He reminded me of a message I brought to you a few years ago, but I will finish with what He instructed me before I bring to you an extract from that message. They can overcome him with faith in the Blood of My Son and what it accomplished spiritually once and for all. Now all can come. Jesus’ Blood was shed so that they can come.
Then this is how the Father put it to me; Jesus came to Me, the Father, so I can send the Spirit of My Son to all of My children, to be their everything. They have all that they need. They all have all they need to come, to draw near to Me. If you are not wanting to draw near to Him, it’s yourself and the devil. The Holy Spirit will always pull you, no matter what state you’re in; the Holy Spirit will always pull you to the Father because of the Blood. Because the Holy Spirit works with what the Blood accomplished. The Blood accomplished that. So, if ever you feel like, “I can’t enter; I’m not going to enter.” It’s yourself or you’re listening to the enemy and both of those God doesn’t want in this house for it to be an excuse anymore. Not in this house where we have taught you over and over and over again about the Power of the Blood.
He accuses you. Now, He told me, He told me to teach you this in context of Project Strike. He comes to accuse you so you won’t have the confidence to believe and trust Him for supernatural increase properly. You’ll do it kind of half-heartedly and doubtingly and so, a double-minded won’t receive anything. He accuses you about yourself so you won’t have the confidence to believe in trusting for supernatural increase properly, wholeheartedly, and confidently.
So, Pastor John said in his message; The blood of the lamb on the door, the blood of the lamb on the door, and you start with the blood. So, I start with the Blood. Now I’m just going read through this to you and then I’m done. This is the extract of what I taught you a few years ago.
The major activity of Satan against Christians is to accuse them. The major activity of Satan against you and I is to accuse us. If you are feeling condemned, it’s not the Holy Spirit. His chief work is to accuse. Revelation 12:10 and 11, you must see the scripture, you must see the scripture. Revelation 12:10 and 11. 10And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now have come salvation, and strength, and the Kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. 11And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb (Revelations 12:10-11 KJV). They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, that’s why you can overcome him.
We see here that Satan accuses the brethren day and night. He accuses you and me. He is the accuser in our conscience and his accusation can cause us to become weak and completely powerless. He accuses people to such an extent that they consider themselves useless and they lose all their ground to deal with him. If you’re letting him do that to you, you’re letting him do that to you. You saw the scripture now that you can overcome him by the Blood. If the only thing you do is when he’s accusing you, go; the Blood, the Blood, the Blood, the Blood, the Blood, the Blood, the Blood of Christ, the Blood of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus, the Blood, the Blood, speak to the Blood, Satan, speak to the Blood. It’s cleansed me from all of that.
We are not saying that there is no need to deal with sin, but that’s where you and God in the secret place do it, you see. If you’re not doing it, Satan’s going to bash you over the head ‘till you are reeling from it.
We’re not saying there’s no need to deal with sin, but how do I deal? We deal with sin while I receive my correction from God and when I come to church here on a Sunday and I receive the message, I’m receiving correction, I’m receiving discipline, I’m receiving instruction. It says here; we are not saying that there’s no need to deal with sin. We must have a keen sense towards sin. Sin is a twisted way. It’s a way that you’ve developed and walking in that’s harming you. It’s not like something weird and religious, whooo sin, sin, sin, you know. Wicked. Wicked comes from the word wicker. Wicker like a wicker chair or wicker basket. It’s a twisted way. It’s twisted, it’s twisting you. You’re not walking like a son can walk – free. Alright.
And so it says here; but we should not, we must have a keen sense towards sin and then I get mercy’s kiss and I received the grace, okay, to change that, but it says here we should not accept the accusations of Satan. You should not. You should not. You should not. You should not accept the accusations of Satan. Once a child of God accepts Satan’s accusations, all day long he will feel that he is wrong. All day long he will feel that he is wrong. When he wakes up in the morning, he feels that he is wrong. When he begins to pray, he feels like he is wrong. He does not even believe that God will answer his prayers. When he thinks about sharing something with another Christian, he feels it’s no use for he himself is not right. When he gives an offering to the Lord, he wonders how the Lord could accept such an offering from a person such as he. From morning to evening they are consumed with thoughts of their own worthlessness, whether they are working, resting, walking, reading the scriptures, praying, there is not a single moment that they are not considering how worthless they are. This is the accusation of Satan. This is the accusation of Satan.
No one who accepts accusations can overcome and have victory. Many times when we are engrossed with the thought of our own weakness it is easy for us to mistakenly think this to be Christian humility. Listen to this, people; don’t mistake it for humility. “Well I’m just weak, you know, I’m just weak.” Let me read that again to you. Many times, when we are engrossed with the thoughts of our own weakness, it is easy for us to mistakenly think this to be Christian humility. “I’m just nothing, you know, I’m just, no, you know, I’m not worthy.” Not realizing that we are suffering the harmful effects of Satan’s accusations. We must not lightly esteem the accusations of Satan. His chief work is to accuse us and he does it day and night without ceasing and it is this work that we must overcome.
How can we overcome the accusations? By the Blood of the Lamb. We just read it; by the Blood. That’s what I say, that is what I say, I say it just like you do: “The Blood, the Blood, the Blood, the Blood, the Blood. The Blood frees me, the Blood releases me, I am unchained now by the Blood. I unchain myself from these accusations.”
Wow, I need to continue with this the next time, but it says here, the Lord knows we have sinned so He has prepared the Blood. The Lord has no way for one who willingly accepts Satan’s accusations. No one who believes in the precious Blood can at the same time receive Satan’s accusations. Anyone who accepts the accusations of Satan denies the power of Blood. Either one or the other of these must go. It takes a moment of time for a man to receive Christ as Saviour, but it’s a lifelong matter to face the accusations of Satan. If we recognize the value of the Blood, there will be a great increase of peace and joy in Christians on the earth.
God desires to deliver us from many senseless accusations. He wants to break these chains. I’m just trying to find out this… It’s especially, when I have sinned, that I must not receive his accusations. Especially when I did do it, because you did it and he comes to you and goes ya ya, neh, yes, you see, worthless, nah, nah, nah. It’s especially when I did do it that I don’t receive these accusations. What do I do? I go boldly to receive mercy’s kiss, to find grace to help me in my time of weakness.
Isn’t this good news? This is my best news. This is my best news. That’s what makes me bold to strike. That’s what makes me bold to strike. Although we don’t know the immense value of the Blood, I can still say, “Lord, I apply the Blood now according to Your estimation of it.” Oh, there is so much good stuff here people. All sin means any sin, whether big or small. This is the Word of God. We must not only reject the accusations which are without cause, but we must also reject all the accusations which have cause. Isn’t that good news? That I can reject the accusation that has cause? I can reject the accusation that has cause because of the Blood.
When God’s children have done something wrong, they need only the Blood of Jesus His Son, not the accusations of Satan. It’s the power of the precious Blood which is needed for sin, not accusation. God’s Word never says that after we have sinned, we need accusation. God’s Word never says, “You’ve sinned, now you need accusation.” [Laughter] I’m so glad you find it ridiculous because now you’re going to really be able to deal with the devil on another level to not receive it especially. He doesn’t say when you’ve sinned, now you must receive accusation. Let Me accuse you. No, no. Let Me cleanse you; 1 John 1:9. Let Me cleanse you from it and get on with your wonderful life in Me.
How much time I’ve got left? I’m done hey, Chris? I’m almost done. I’m just enjoying this even for myself. To remind myself of this preciousness makes me more bold to enter, to go and get mercies kiss for myself. Hallelujah.
God’s Word never says that after we have sinned, we need accusation. The thing that is worthy here is when you come and you do sin, come to Him, acknowledge it, confess it, that’s 1 John 1:9, 9He is then faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you from the unrighteousness of it (1John 1:9 NKJV). If we have confessed it then what more can be said? Immediately you acknowledge your sin to Him – you receive forgiveness immediately. You receive forgiveness immediately. You don’t receive accusation and then forgiveness. No! You receive forgiveness immediately and then He’ll talk to you and show you how you can do better. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
Immediately He will cleanse you from it. Then He said this to me at that time; seventy times seven. I said, “How many times will You do that for me in a day God?” “Seventy times seven.” I said, “Wow! Really?” “Ja, if I expect you to forgive your neighbour seventy times seven in a day, what do you think? I can’t do that? You think I’m not going to keep My word?” I said, “Lord, You are wonderful. You are wonderful.”
Don’t think that if you consider more how sinful you are, you will be a little more holy or that if you have more feeling towards your sin, you will be more holy. No! We must ask ourselves one thing only; how do I treat the Blood of the Lord Jesus? It’s true that I’ve sinned, but His Blood cleanses me from all sin. All sin means; great sin or small sin, recollected sin or forgotten sin, visible sin or invisible sin, sin we think can be forgiven, sin we do not think can be forgiven. The Blood of Jesus does not wash away one or two sins or even many sins. It cleanses us from all sins. Before God, we are clean because we have the precious Blood. We should not believe in the accusations more than we believe in the precious Blood.
Every time we come before God, our only qualification is that we have been redeemed, not that we have advanced in our Christian life. Ah, I’ve so advanced in my Christian life. Really, now I’m bold with You God. I’ve been so good this week. [Gagging noise] I come, every time I come to Him. I come. A fresh new and living way. I come into the holiest by the Blood. By the Blood. No Christian can ever reach the stage where he can say, “I’m been doing pretty well recently, now I can worship, now I can pray boldly.” “Aw, I’ve really been in the message this week. I’ve really had my word in the message. I can pray boldly and I can worship.”
No, every time we come to God, our only ground, our only position is based upon the Blood. We must realize that no amount of spiritual growth can substitute for the effectiveness of the Blood. Even if someone is as spiritual as Apostle Paul or Brother Jerry or Pastor John, they still need the Blood, just like you and just like me, to stand before God. That is so good. We must be clear. We come into the presence boldly, only because of the Blood, not because of anything else.
Did you get something out of this today? Wow wasn’t this wonderful? Isn’t this liberating stuff? Hey? Isn’t this amazing? I’m glad I came to hear this word this morning. It’s made me more bold now for my strike, my project strike. It’s made me more bold because I’m going to deal with the devil’s accusations on another level now because I’m getting my supernatural increase. I’m getting those areas that I need to victory in. I’m getting them done this year. Every single one, every single one. My contact seed. Glory, glory, glory, hallelujah.
Let me pray for you, let me pray for you. Father, I thank You for these wonderful words of life that have come to us this morning. Thank You that You’ve brought Your love to us today, Father. Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha. Father, we go into our week with boldness, with strength, Father, in the Blood, Lord. Glory.
You have given us great light here today. You’ve given us great clarity. You’ve given us great certainty, Father, to go ahead with our strike and go ahead with our faith, Father because it’s because of the Blood. It’s because of the Blood that Jesus shed. He accomplished it for us so that we can walk in victory now and I thank You that the Word and the Blood of Jesus protects all of Your people, surrounds them. They are blessed going out. They are blessed coming in.
They are blessed, Father, in their projects this week, being personal with You. They are blessed in their coming to You, now. They are blessed in their entering. They are going to enter. They’re going to come to You. They’re blessed in it, Lord. When they’re in their cars, when they’re in their showers, when they’re in their homes, when they’re in their rooms, they are blessed as they come to You this week, Lord. Hallelujah.
They are free from accusation. They know how to disconnect from it. They just say the Blood, they just say the Blood, the Blood of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus cleanses me, cleanses me, cleanses me, seventy times seven. They’re free, they’re free, they’re free, Father. This week I rejoice because I’m walking in a new level of freedom with them, with them in my striking the ground. Hallelujah.
We rejoice, Father, in the Name of Jesus. We just say thank You to You for this Word today. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord. Hallelujah. We are without excuse. We are all together without excuse, Father, to not get our supernatural increase. Hallelujah. We are all together without excuse. We are all together without excuse to not get supernatural increase and not experiencing for ourselves, Father. Let’s say Amen. God bless all of you. Bye-bye.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International