Scripture reference: Ephesians 1:17 (AMPC), Proverbs 8:1-7 (NLT), Proverbs 4:5-8 (NKJV), Proverbs 8:17-21 (NLT), Proverbs 8:17-18 (NKJV), Ecclesiastes 10:3 (NIV), Matthew 5:22 (NKVJ), Proverbs 3:5-7 (NKJV), John 14:17 (NKJV); Proverbs 14:16 (TPT), Proverbs 14:16 (NLT), Proverbs 24:3-4 (AMPC), Proverbs 24:3-4 (NIV), Proverbs 14:1 (AMPC), Ecclesiastes 10:10 (NLT)

Pastor Garth:

I’m going to just pray for Pastor Christi to come up, she’s going to bring the Word to us. Father, thank You, we know and we are expecting that You have put words in Pastor Christie’s heart, her preparation is done, and her preparation is there, and so we thank You for your anointing upon Pastor Christi this morning, your anointing that destroys burdens and removes yokes, brings recovery of sight to the blind, sets at liberty those who are captive. We thank you for your anointing, your burden removing the yoke destroying power that is on Pastor Christi this morning. And we ask Father that as she opens her mouth this morning, You will fill it, that she will have divine utterance from the Holy Spirit. Father, we ask You to give us all ears to hear, eyes to see, hearts to believe, to receive and to help us and to give us Father the courage and the go forward to take these words, meditate on them, and for them to become a part of our lives, not to be hearers only but to be doers of the Word. We ask you to help us with that by your Holy Spirit this morning, in the precious name of Jesus. Amen, thank you Pastor Christie

Pastor Christi:

While we are still standing this morning, we’re going to have a wonderful moment with Pastor John and Sharon in celebrating Brother Jerry’s beautiful memories, we have been doing this, but we have another clip this morning and let’s celebrate together and say thank you to the Lord, Matt thank you, let’s play the clip.

[Video clip of Pastor John plays]

Wow, we say thank you, Lord, we praise the Lord this morning. We give God all the glory for this beautiful faithful servant who has touched our lives, been obedient, and brought us the Word of God. Many of us had the privilege to be there. It’s an ongoing celebration and we all say, Amen. You may be seated,

Well, a big, big welcome to all of you today in the house of the Lord. Pastor John and Pastor Sharon phoned yesterday. Pastor John and Sharon said, please send them all of our love. Now I know you will be in agreement with me, I said, Pastor John, Pastor Sharon we send all of our love. So, it was just wonderful to hear from them yesterday. It’s really amazing to see your beautiful faces here this morning. I’m rejoicing and we’re going to hear from the Lord this morning. We’re going to start straight away.

Will you please open your Bibles at Proverbs chapter 8 verse 1? The title of my message this morning is The Crossover, Get Wisdom Part 1, because Part 2 will come if it’s the Lord’s will and we believe it is. So, praise the Lord. Proverbs chapter 8 verse 1 in the New Living Translation, Hallelujah. Just before we do that. Pastor Garth, thank you so much for that wonderful prayer, I’m in agreement with all of you here today with that. I just want to open my Bible at Ephesians chapter 1:17, the Amplified.

The Lord said to me to speak about Wisdom, because Pastor John, in Morning Moments, the Lord is talking to us about Wisdom. Now Ephesians 1 is a scripture that we love dearly. We cannot pray all the scriptures every day, but this is a wonderful scripture to pray. Ephesians 1:17 Amplified, Father in the ecclesia this morning here, we pray to 1the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, we ask You, show us Your glory this morning Lord. We ask You, grant us a spirit of wisdom and revelation, (Ephesians 1:17 AMPC) of understanding how to get wisdom, how to get wisdom this morning. Verse 18, very important to you and me, by having my and your eyes flooded with His light this morning”, and we all say, Amen.

Well, now I’m going to take you to Proverbs 8. In my preparation, I was just praying early this morning and the Holy Spirit just took me to that verse again, and we are not familiar with scriptures. And I really want to say this today, will you put your hand on your heart and say, “Lord Jesus, I’m hearing You this morning, this message is for me this morning, Hallelujah.

Proverbs 8, the New Living Translation. Pastor John has been using the New Living Translation, it’s awesome in all the translations. 1 Listen as Wisdom calls out! this morning Hear and understand as understanding is raising her voice! 2 On the hilltop along the road, she takes a stand at the crossroads. 3 By the gates and at the entrance to the town, on the road leading in, she cries aloud, to all of us here today. (Proverbs 8:1-3 NLT)

I’m going to read till verse 7. Verse 4. 4“I call to you, to all of you! Heritage of Faith this morning, I raise my voice to all people. 5 You simple people, use good judgment. You foolish people, show some understanding.” Wisdom is speaking to us today. Look at verse 6. 6 Listen to me! For I have important things to tell you at this crossover. Everything I say is right, 7 for I speak the truth and detest every kind of deception.” Yes, Lord. (Proverbs 8:4-7 NLT)

Still in Proverbs 8, I’m just going to jump to verse 17. The New Living Translation says, 17I,”– but it’s Wisdom that’s speaking, “I love all who loves me, says Wisdom. “Those who search” for me says Wisdom. Oh Lord, our ears are hearing this morning, “Those who search” for me, says Wisdom, “will surely find me.” (Proverbs 8:17 NLT)

This last Friday morning Pastor John shared with us, “You are not just going to wake up and say, “I have wisdom.” It’s not just a nice thing to say. Not one of us is just going to wake up and say, “oh, I’ve got wisdom.” No. Wisdom comes from searching and seeking wisdom. Look at Proverbs chapter 4 verse 7, New King James, I’m just going to dive in straight into the way the Holy Spirit gave it to me. I first had it in my heart to go a different way, but the Holy Spirit just completely turned it around and He said this is the way we will go today.

So this time New King James, Proverbs 4:7. 7” Wisdom is the principle thing; …” and again we’re not familiar with scripture. We allow scripture Lord, to speak to us today. 7 “Wisdom is the principle thing; …” Principle means the primary source – God originally from the beginning. Just look at the short next sentence, 7 …Therefore get wisdom”. “Therefore…” Because 7Wisdom is the principle thing; …get wisdom.” (Proverbs 4:7 NKJV). So guys, I know what I’m asking you here today, who must get wisdom? All of us, we must get wisdom. God is Wisdom. He says, He’s telling us this morning, get wisdom.

What does it mean to get wisdom? It means “… get wisdom.“ You know how many times can we read the Bible and our head can be somewhere else? You might be thinking about something else. God is telling us, ‘get wisdom’. On the 3rd of March, God said to us, “I do not want to talk to you in parables anymore, I want you to go after the truth.” That’s why, understand knowledge, understanding, and wisdom, do you all remember that?

Please open your Bibles again at Proverbs 8:17. I’m jumping back to the New Living Translation. In the crossover, while you’re going back to Proverbs 8, I’m going to take you a little bit to study Proverbs 8 today. In the Crossover message, Reset, Pastor John shared with us, that there are many reasons why people make decisions: for survival, for productivity, and opportunities, but for the most part, people do not make decisions primarily on the will of God for their lives, even believers. Sho, that is just wrong.

Proverbs 8:17. Why do we really have to look as an ecclesia this morning? Why must we get wisdom? And I’m going to repeat this sentence quite a bit. There are many things that only wisdom can do for you. Not peace, not something else. There are many things that only wisdom can do for you and me. So, that’s really the focus, what we will focus on today. So, let’s unpack this. Proverbs 8:17 New Living Translation, again I wisdom says, ¹ ”I love this ecclesia loving me. Those who search for me will surely find me.” Look at verse 18, ¹ I (wisdom) have riches and honor, Can I really ask you personally, who has riches and honour? Wisdom. Does the bible say peace? No. Wisdom has riches and honour, and then it says, as well as enduring wealth and justice. Who has enduring wealth and justice? Wisdom. 19 My gifts, verse 19, are better than gold, even the purest gold, my wages better than sterling silver! ² I walk in righteousness, in paths of justice. Look at verse 21, ²¹ Those who love me (wisdom) will inherit wealth. Will you get it from peace? No, from wisdom. I will fill their treasuries. (Proverbs 8:17-21 NLT) Me, wisdom. Who will fill your treasuries? Wisdom.

Now I’m taking you to Proverbs 4 again, New King James, verses 5 to 8. 5 Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth. Verse 6, 6 Do not forsake her, wisdom, and she will preserve you; Who will preserve you? Anything else? No. Wisdom will. 6 …Love wisdom, and she will keep you. Who will keep you? Wisdom. 7 Wisdom is the principle thing; Therefore, get wisdom… 8 Exalt wisdom, and she will promote you. Who will promote you? Wisdom. And she will bring you honour, when you embrace her (Proverbs 4:5-8 NKJV). Who will bring you honour? Wisdom. Lord, we have ears to hear.

I think God is starting to make it very clear. What is my and your confession, absolutely rightly by faith this year? We are advancing and being promoted. Who’s going to advance and promote you and me? Wisdom. 5 Get wisdom! Now, I have asked the wonderful iXchangers, I’m going to put these two Scriptures again, I want you to see it. There are many things that only wisdom can do for you. We are getting it this morning, Holy Spirit. We are getting it.

Back to Proverbs 8, 17 to 21. Verse 18, 18 I, wisdom, have riches and honour, as well as enduring wealth and justice. Verse 21, 21 I… you embrace me, you will from me, wisdom 21 …inherit wealth. I, wisdom, will fill your treasuries (Proverbs 8:17,21 NLT). Back to Proverbs 4, verses 5 to 8 again. 6 Do not forsake wisdom. That’s what the Lord showed me when He showed me this direction. If verse 6 says 6 Do not forsake wisdom, what does it mean? You can forsake wisdom, you can forsake wisdom. 6 Do not forsake wisdom, she, wisdom, will preserve you… wisdom will keep you. 8 Wisdom will promote you, and wisdom will 8 …honour you and me (Proverbs 4:6,8 NKJV). Well, Lord, we have ears to hear this morning in the Name of Jesus.

Pastor John said on Friday, he believes, this is very important. I am in agreement with him, and I know you too. He believes that the very thing that we need more of in the days to come, in the months to come, and in the years to come is wisdom. We are going to need to know how to find the knowledge that we need. You very personally, me very personally, how to get instructions and to have an understanding of what is needed for my and your life. We are crossing over, but not into nothing. We need wisdom. That means timing, that means knowing, that means resources, it all comes together in wisdom.

I’m going to show you Proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 again. I want to say it again. Many things you’re going to see today for yourself, many things that only wisdom can bring you and me. I know I do this on purpose in all of your getting. The principle thing is; get wisdom. That is what the Lord is saying to all of us, we are crossing over, Lord, into the fullness of the promised land that You have for us, but we are going to get the wisdom, the knowledge, and the understanding from You.

Do we chase these things? No, no. Pastor John shared with us on Wednesday, “I do not seek to fill my life with financial wealth, I do not seek it I do not chase it, I look out for the ways of God I seek to listen to what wisdom is saying”. That is what we are chasing, that is what we are searching for. Pastor John says “I look to see how God is leading me and how God wants me to move”. I’m going to show you today the difference between a wise man and a fool because wisdom has a lot to do with the future, how to move forward either with the leading of God or as a fool all by yourself.

Pastor John says, “I wait to see how God is leading me, how God wants me to move, and when I’m walking in His ways, I’m blessed then riches come and seek me out cause and because I’m following the way of wisdom.” Now, why can Pastor John say this? We all heard this beautiful story, but Pastor John is a living example right here for every single one of us. Do you remember the story of the business deal that Pastor John at one stage he knew he lost it? Pastor John while in business shared with us the story that in the natural it was already in the meeting stated that they lost that very huge business deal, but Pastor John went to the Lord inquiring from the spirit of wisdom. What can he do and how can he recover and redeem this deal, and the spirit of wisdom gave Pastor John supernatural instructions he revealed to Pastor John what no one in the natural could reveal to him.

He revealed to Pastor John what no one in the natural could reveal to him. I hope your ear is listening here today. It’s wonderful to know the story that happened to Pastor John, but what did Pastor John do? He got wisdom, he got wisdom, he went, and he searched for it. So, I just want to remind you what happened to you, many things that only wisdom can do for you, Praise the Lord.

Now, God is speaking to you and me in morning moments, in the messages that are coming. So just if I can ask you this personally, just me to you this morning; do you think it would be wisdom to listen and to heed what God is saying to you and me actually? Get wisdom, in all you’re getting, get understanding yes Lord, it’s actually quite important to listen to the Lord. So, what is the opposite of wisdom? Foolishness. Now the word foolishness is coming from the Greek word morose, we get the word moron from that. (Congregation laughs). I had the same reaction. Now this is very important. The word to be foolish means you are very dull, and for me, the most important one for this morning is you are heedless, doesn’t matter what God is saying, you are just not hearing, and you are just not responding. You are dull, and you are heedless, being unaware and unresponsive.

And then I smiled at this one in the definition of being stupid. Now listen it sounds very harsh, look at Ecclesiastes 10, the third verse in the New International version. When I saw this in the scripture, I said, well Lord, we know You are talking straight, that we know. Ecclesiastes 10, the third verse in the NIV, 3 Even as fools walk along the road, they lack sense and show everyone how stupid they are. (Ecclesiastes 10:3, NIV)

Sho, oh yeah, I’m reading that myself. I’m reading that myself, because when you heed, when you listen, actually listen, to the one who has the plan and you listen to what He’s saying, you are aware, and you actually will respond back. we will get to the big, big, big thing, the big, big, big thing that God showed me. So being foolish means you are unaware.

Please look at Matthew 5:22, so I want to help you here because I can think, in some of your hearts, this might be happening, that we know Jesus said you cannot say to someone raca (you’re a fool). This is not what we’re talking about, it’s two different matters and I just want to show you in the Word of God. Matthew 5:22, New King James, 22but I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother or sister without a cause shall be in danger of judgment. And whoever say to his brother, ‘raca!’ shall be in danger of the Council. But whoever says, ‘you fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire. (Matthew 5:22 NKJV). Now when we talk about being foolish, this is not what we are talking about. In this case to tell somebody, ‘You are a moron’ is not good. Then you scorn a man’s heart and character to say to someone, just flat out, ‘You are a moron,’ that’s not good, you are a fool. What we are talking about is your own foolish actions and choices; that is foolishness.

So back to Proverbs 8 verse 4, and I just want to prove the point to you here that you for yourself in the Word can see that Matthew 5, that’s not what we do with one another, to call people names just because you are angry, and you can see someone is acting foolish. It’s not for us to call them names. Look what I’ve already read to you, Proverbs 8:4, New Living Translation, 4I call to you, all of you Heritage of Faith people, I raise my voice to all people. You simple people, this is the spirit of wisdom talking here. You simple people, use good judgment. You foolish people, show some understanding. (Proverbs 8:4 NLT). So, if we do not show some understanding, does the Lord call us foolish? Oh yes. Oh yes, no doubt. Being a fool is heedless meaning God is talking and talking and talking, I’m unaware and I’m actually really not responding. By being unaware of what God is saying is absolutely displaying your foolish actions and your choices before the Lord. Before the Lord. All of us have been both wise and foolish and that’s ‘somma’ sometimes in one day. We are fools when we don’t inquire from the Lord and we all, all of us here, have done foolish things and made foolish decisions. Sometimes, in our lives, it was a little thing and sometimes it was a big thing. It’s in those cases in your life where you want to kick yourself, “What did I do,” but then there were times when we allowed the Lord to lead us, where we were at the right place at the right time; everything turned out right because that is because of the spirit of wisdom.

I want to, and I am going to do it now. I’m going to jump ahead a little bit because I now realize that I must just give you insight. If the Bible then says, “Get knowledge, get understanding, and get wisdom,” what does that mean to you and me? What is knowledge? Now knowledge means ‘you know things,’ knowledge is not wisdom, you can know all kinds of stuff and still be a fool, oh yeah knowing stuff is really just knowing stuff; it does not mean you are wise. You can also have great knowledge and no understanding.

Understanding and wisdom are not emphasized in our culture. Oh boy, we know that listening carefully, wisdom, and understanding are not emphasized in our culture knowledge is. “How many degrees do you have, how much do you know about something?” Even if you can still be a fool, that is what is emphasized in our culture. In our crossover God really wants us to leave these things behind, and that’s why the Holy Spirit wants to show us this; for us to come out of the tyrannical rule of darkness that we know is happening in our crossover.


The crossover is in the moments of receiving revelation. Pastor Sharon explained that so beautiful to us, it’s in our hearts, as the spirit of wisdom comes to Pastor John in the morning because God decided to use people to speak and through the messages. God wants us to see. He does not want us to be heedless, stay unaware, no response, no, no, no, no leave the old things behind, make the choice to not forsake wisdom, change in the moment, and crossover.

Now this is very important, for us to come out of this tyrannical rule of darkness, it’s going to take two things. Two things to get wisdom. The first thing is it’s going to take faith. Why faith? It sounds very simple if I’m talking to people, faith people, because you must actually believe you can get it. You see we hear Pastor John went to inquire from the Spirit of Truth. You must also believe you can get wisdom, very important. Number one just for you personally, you have to answer this question sometime in your life. If God says in Proverbs go and get wisdom, do you think you can? Do you think God said go and get wisdom and then there’s no wisdom? No. So we must be aware that we can get wisdom. that’s exactly what happened with Pastor John with that massive business deal. Now in hindsight, what a testimony, what a testimony what happened there. But you have to come back to basics to understand that he went to the Lord to inquire, to say Lord wisdom, I can get it, Lord how can I redeem this situation and the Holy Spirit showed him, yoh praise the Lord.

There’s wisdom to get, there’s wisdom to get, there’s wisdom to get. We are crossing over. There’s wisdom to get in the name of Jesus. I’ve said to you there’s two things that’s very important in getting wisdom, faith is one of them and in the second place, the second one is humility. Why will it take humility to get wisdom? Because if you don’t know, you don’t know we are crossing over and we haven’t been here before. If you don’t know, you don’t know if you don’t know what to do next, you do not know if you don’t understand, it means you don’t understand, and wisdom wants to show you. To act like you know is pride to act like you know we’re in the same place and not entering into the new is pride and it will cripple you. Things will not go better for you. The truth is you do not know, and wisdom is crying out, wisdom is crying out, cross over with me, I know.

I’m just going to show you Proverbs 8 verse 1, New Living Translation again. 1 Listen as wisdom is calling out today. (Proverbs 8:1 NLT). That’s what the Lord said to me, like I said I wanted to go a completely different way. The Lord said to me Uh-uh. The Holy Spirit said to me, “Pastor John by Me is bringing to this Ecclesia. I’m crying out” says Wisdom “To the Heritage of Faith people.” 1…Hear as Understanding is raising her voice to us.


Now the big question is, “What is understanding?” Well, a definition of understanding, it’s not, there’s too much, and that’s why this is part 1, I’m just giving you a glimpse of each of these sections. Understanding means you grasp the meaning, the nature, the significance, and the value of something. I just wrote here, a husband, just an example, a husband working all the time, never having time for his family, he has full knowledge of his wife and beautiful kids, but he does not grasp the value of his family. He has knowledge, but no understanding of what God gave him. There is no understanding of the actual value. When you understand something, you use the words “Oh, I see.” That means you are getting it, “Oh, Pastor John, Pastor Sharon, you want us to come and pray at Pray Connect because Pastor John has the Apostolic anointing that gives us the access to take the city and the nation. Oh, is that why we take our seat in Parliament on a Tuesday?” Understanding.

When you understand something, you actually say to one another, “I get it. I get it.” And this is what the Holy Spirit wants to do this morning, Get wisdom, get it that I am crying out, I’m raising my voice to say, Heritage of Faith, cross over with Me. You do not know what’s waiting, you do not know the beautiful, and I’m going to show it to you, the things that I’ve got for you, but I know, come and get it. And we say, “Yes Lord. Yes, yes, yes Lord.

What is wisdom, just in short? The Vine’s has this definition, Wisdom is the art of living in accordance with God’s expectations and His will. I’m not going to go there today, but one of the primary words in the Bible when it comes to wisdom is ‘skillful’. In part two I will talk about that, “skillful”. So, wisdom is the art of living in accordance with God’s expectations and His will, because you want to know His ways, you begin to understand these words. Knowledge is kicking over to understanding and can be walked out in the application of wisdom – that is what it means. Wisdom is the ability to make the right choices at the opportune time. Wisdom is the insight into the true nature of things – you see, you understand the value. People who have no or do not understand the value of a thing, act like a fool because what is this thing, this thing that God brought to me, these things that God gave me? I never got the value, so a fool will squander that. So, God is telling us to get wisdom.


Now, big, big, big, big part for us today – how then do you get wisdom? Please go to Proverbs the third chapter this morning, New King James, verses five to seven. We all love this verse, but I come in agreement with all of you today, that we get, we go to the highest levels attainable in the Lord. Proverbs in the third chapter verses five to seven. 5 Trust in the Lord, what did Pastor John do with that business deal? Trust in the Lord, that’s what he did – with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; – because you do not know. We do not know what tomorrow is coming but wisdom wants to tell us. Verse 6 is very important, 6 in all your ways… not in some of your ways, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct you (Wisdom), look at verse seven, 7 be not wise in your own eyes… So now we are talking about how to get wisdom. 6 in all your ways acknowledge Him… 7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; (Proverbs 3:5- 7 NKJV)

Remember I’ve said to you that humility is the second thing that you and I are going to need if we want to get wisdom? Regarding all your ways; all your business dealings; or all your no business; all your ‘not knowing’; you’re ‘not knowing’ – with the children; with the business; with the next thing… In all of your ways, verbally acknowledge the Lord, Lord, I do not know what to do. Lord, I do not actually know what the next step is, but I verbally say to you, I know You know. That’s what that verse means. That’s why He says, “In all of your ways acknowledge it,” not open your Bible and not talking to Him. “No Lord, this is right here where I am and I need to say to You, business is like that, but it’s also not like that, I do not know, but You know.”

Now here comes the whole thing that God showed me about today, here comes the very important part is where we’ve started this morning. Proverbs 8, 1 to 7 again I’m taking you there. 1 Listen as Wisdom calls out! Hear as understanding raises her voice! Message moments every single message that’s coming to you and me from this spirit of wisdom. Message moments this afternoon. Now remember a fool is heedless, a fool does not hear, and a fool does not respond. So, I want to take, oh I just want to read this, it will be on the board once again. Proverbs 8 also 4. 4 I call to you, to all of you Heritage of Faith. Verse 6, 6 Listen to me! Because I have important things to tell you and I’ve put it there again in this time of crossover (Proverbs 8:1,4,6 NLT).

Now look at Proverbs 2, here is our answer. Here is our answer and actually the Lord said to me, “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for this?” This is how the Lord gave it to me so wisdom is calling out, wisdom is crying out I know everything about your life, I have the plans. You know I always hear Pastor Sharon in my ears from 24 years ago when she brought Jeremiah 29. God says, “Me God, I God, I have the plans, I know the plans, Me God, I have the plans for your life, I know the plans.” Meaning come to Me, come get it, I have the plans.

Look at Proverbs 2 verse 1 to 2 and I’m reading from the New King James. 1 My sons, Heritage of Faith sons if you receive my words at this time, of course always, but now we’re crossing over, if you hear me and treasure my commands within you, verse 2, your answer 2 incline your ear to wisdom, hear that I’m calling you and apply your heart to understanding, but here’s the answer in verse 3 today to you and me, here’s the answer. 3 Yes, if you cry out for assignment, if you lift up your voice (Proverbs 2:1-3 NKJV). “Wisdom, here I am, wisdom I hear You, here I am. I say I hear You, I actually respond to say to You here I am, here I am and I know You’ve got the plan. I know now that only You can do certain things with me, it’s with You. But the Bible says if you will cry, if you will wake up and say, “Here I am Lord, Wisdom, here I am thanking You, Spirit of Wisdom, here I am. I actually hear you, I actually come to acknowledge You. Here I am, I want to live with You, I want to cross over with You, here I am. It’s not Message Moment in the morning and it’s so anointed, I listen to it and I make my notes and I go, “Praise You, Lord.” And the Lord said to me, “And ….” And that’s why He showed me, “And it’s time for you to answer Me Christi.” And you know there are things in my and Grobbies’ life, there are things in your life, there are things right now me and Grobbies are sitting together in the morning, we had this conversation and we go and we say, “Lord here we are, Christi and Grobbies, here we are Wisdom, we actually hear You and we need to say to You regarding these things of our lives, we do not know but You do, You do Lord, so we cry out, You’re getting our response, we are lifting up our voices for understanding. Thank You, Lord Jesus. Hallelujah.”

What will happen to you and me if you decide to respond? Suddenly you will know things you never knew, you will see things you never saw before, that’s what happened to Pastor John. He did not know how to handle that matter, he did not know how to go forward, you see wisdom has to do with now, and going forward in wisdom, you will suddenly understand things because knowledge will kick over to understanding, and you will get it and you will be able to apply it in wisdom.

So, Wisdom is always ahead of the enemy. You remember before COVID Pastor John said, “I had this urgency by the Spirit of Wisdom to record messages and to record songs, not knowing COVID was coming, Wisdom is always ahead of the enemy.” That’s why we say, “Here I am Wisdom, I’m hearing You, I’m lifting up my voice, I come to You. I seek for it as for silver and gold it’s precious.” I grasp the meaning of it, it’s valuable. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord.

Proverbs 14 verse 16. This is very important in the Passion Translation and I’m going to read it in the New Living Translation as well. Now in my and your daily living, the Holy Spirit is the spirit of Wisdom, is on the inside of us. Now you need to learn to look and listen to Wisdom on the inside of you. Before I read Proverbs 14, let’s read John 14, 17, that you can know it and if you are not yet in that place where you have learned to walk with the Holy Spirit it starts today, it starts today. It’s like wisdom, if God says, “Get wisdom,” He did not mean it’s not available, it’s there to get. So, let’s read John 14 verse 17 New King James 17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. (John 14:17 NKJV)

Now you’ve got to look for Wisdom as you call out to Him because He’s going to speak, He’s going to show. So, let’s quickly read, now I’m not going to go into that now. Let’s read Proverbs 14 verse 16 because now the Holy Spirit you’re going to get wisdom, He’s going to show you like Pastor John, what to do with the kids and what to do with this next step in your life. And I’m going to show you as you cry out to Wisdom, you might say to Him, Lord, look at the business like this, look at the kids like that, or look at business not like that. And be prepared that the Holy Spirit will say to you, “Listen, not one of them.” Be prepared for Him to reveal the true answer, wait upon the Lord.

The Passion Translation says this 16 A wise person is careful in all things and turns quickly, you see you do not just come to God to overwhelm Him with your things. A wise person will turn quickly if Wisdom says it’s not the way to go, from evil, while the impetuous fool moves ahead with overconfidence. (Proverbs 14:16 TPT) This is very very important. I remember a story of a lady phoning Brother Kenneth Hagin’s offices many many years ago. She phoned the offices because she was mugged that very morning, somebody grabbed her purse. She was very upset, and she wanted to know why. Because she prayed Psalm 91 on that morning. So, she was crying, and she was angry, and she phoned Brother Hagin’s offices. I just remember the story. The person answering the phone could hear that she was now very upset with God and this person stayed with the Spirit of wisdom. This person asked her, “Well, just tell me what happened that morning.” She said, “Well, I had to go downtown that morning and it is a rough part of town.” And then this person said to her, “Okay, but you felt you had to go?” Listen to the answer that’s why I remember, she said, “I had to go but I had to check from the Holy Spirit not to go,” She said, “But I prayed Psalm 91.” No. No, no, no. “The Holy Spirit led you, you were supposed to quickly turn”, but she moved straight ahead according to her own plans.

How many times do believers do that in the name of faith? In the name of faith, we cannot do that. A wise person takes heed, and pays attention to what the Spirit of wisdom shows, “Stop. Stop, stop, stop, no you’re not going. No not like that.”

Look at the New Living Translation. Proverbs 14, 16, 16 The wise are cautious and avoid danger; fools plunge ahead with reckless confidence. (Proverbs 14:16 NLT) How many times did we do that in the name of faith, and reckless confidence? This is also happening, like I said, with people of faith. They are confident without hearing from the Lord, that is not faith confidence that is reckless confidence. This is not leaning on the Lord, this is leaning on your own understanding.

Now I’m going to start to close and in the second part, there’s many many things that we’ve got to pick up again. Proverbs 24. A wise person builds and a fool tears down. Very important. God is now, He’s got Pastor John and the apostolic crew to build in the kingdom, your personal life, always of course, and in the corporate body here, the spiritual family, a wise person builds and a fool tears down, even what they’ve got.

Let’s look at Proverbs 24 the third to the fourth verse in the Amplified, 3 Through skillful and godly Wisdom, (Proverbs 24:3 AMPC) Can you see the words? You’re going to find those two words a lot in the Bible, skillful and wisdom. 3 Through skillful and godly Wisdom is a house (a life, a home, an Ecclesia, a family) being built (Proverbs 24:3 AMPC). Now, we’re going to read from the third verse to the fourth verse. Look now how many times you see knowledge, understanding, and wisdom because that’s how the Lord leads us all the way. 3 Through skillful and godly Wisdom is a house (a life, a home, an Ecclesia, a family) is being built, by understanding, and grasping why God is telling you to do things in the ways of God. Why He’s telling you to be planted, if you don’t grasp it, you do not know the value. Why is God teaching us this way in this Ecclesia? By understanding we can be established. Prayer Connect, the Lord said to Pastor John and Sharon, “Prayer Connect must be organised and established.” Anything that’s not established cannot increase and intensify your life as well. We have to grasp the ways of God. Why does God say? We have to get it, otherwise we will act like a fool.

Verse 4, 4 And by knowledge shall its chambers [of every area] of your life be filled with all precious and pleasant riches (Proverbs 24:4 AMPC). This is wisdom that is once again saying, “Come to Me.” How do you think will all the rooms in this Ecclesia, in your business, with your kids be filled with precious and present riches? Spirit of wisdom. Look how beautiful the NIV, the New International Version is talking about this same verse. 3 By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established, because everything that you grasp will be established in your life. (Proverbs 24:3 NIV). Prayer, walking in the ways of God, being planted, understanding why God is calling you to a certain apostle, spiritual leadership that God knew you had to be there. Why? That has got everything, Pastor John said the other day, in a meeting; everything in his life was done by obedience, honour, therefore order. If you do not walk in the ways of God, God cannot get riches and honour to you. He cannot keep you, He cannot. Wisdom says, “Don’t be a fool. I’m crying out to you to say, ‘Grasp the things that I’m teaching you, that I’m showing you.’” Verse four, 4 through knowledge the rooms of your life will be filled with rare and beautiful treasures (Proverbs 24:4 NIV). Wow, wow. We believe, Lord. That’s why Pastor John says, Pastor John did not chase money. He went to the Holy Spirit, “What do I do in this case, Lord?” Spirit of wisdom showed him. What came to Pastor John? Riches and honour. That’s what God’s got for us, it’s laid up.

Hebrews 4 says it’s completed, and it is prepared. Oh Lord, yes. Proverbs 14 verse 1, and just to show you the tearing down. 1 Every wise woman builds her house, but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands (Proverbs 14:1 AMPC). Fools will always tear down their own stuff. Many people, this is us in Crossover, God is still bringing us great revelation, and great help. What did God say? Many things that He’s showing us, “Stop it. Change in the moment when you cross over.”

Many people do not think how they treat other people or how they speak to people. They say what they want to say and afterwards let’s be friends, but I will tell you whatever I will tell you. No, you are going to tear down the precious things in your life. A fool does not understand why relationships, or business relationships, or things come to an end. Because they do not value the things. They do not think what’s going to happen and they tear down the already precious things in their lives. Are you aware of what you are doing? A wise person is thinking ahead, what’s next. God, the God of wisdom, the Word of God, the Word of wisdom, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of wisdom, God the God of wisdom sees the end from the beginning. And then the words that are coming from you, what will it do? Everything that God does is strategic with a purpose in the right direction. You must know that words and actions will have domino effects. Meaning, that if you are wise, you will think ahead if I talk like that, you will think ahead if I do this, or I don’t do this – the consequences are coming. Wise ones or foolish ones. The choice is ours.

God is telling us to get wisdom today and I’m ending with this. Please go to Ecclesiastes 10:10, this morning in the New Living Translation. This is describing you and me in the job on assignment – what I’ve got to do, what you’ve got to do every single day by God’s exceedingly great grace, purposed, planned before the foundation of the world. 10 Using a dull axe, I’m reading from the New Living Translation, Using a dull axe and I mean that sounds like a fool, heedless and dull. 10 Using a dull axe requires great strength, the Bible says, so sharpen the blade. Get wisdom, sharpen the blade, that’s the value of wisdom and it will help you to succeed. (Ecclesiastes 10:10 NLT).

How do you sharpen your blade? By prayer, you cry back to Wisdom and say, “Here I am.” You acknowledge Him in all of your ways. You know that you’ve got to humble your heart before the Lord, to say, “Lord, I’m in this place with You, I don’t know but You know and I’m coming before You.” So, this is for you, this is for me.

Why do many not sharpen their blades? This is very important, and I believe today you’ve got an ear to hear. Why do so many people not sharpen their blades? Because it takes time. Because it takes time and the enemy tells you other people are already doing business, you cannot sit here and pray. Go, go, go, go, go, go. You cannot sit and pray, and people do not sharpen their blades. You remember, I mean it’s one of the most beautiful things Pastor John taught us about praying in the Spirit many years ago. He said when he sits down to pray in the Spirit the enemy comes and say, “What are you doing? That’s not so important, you’re wasting time. They’re doing business out there without you. Why are you sitting here and wasting your time sharpening your blade?”

The enemy will remind you of your very strong work ethic. Your very, very strong work ethic. You don’t understand like me and Grobbies, we sat before Pastor John, 24 years ago. He said this to us, he said “You as a couple there’s not a thing that you cannot do.” And you know the story, we walked out of that meeting, and I thought, “Yo, but this pastor understands the work.” I got in the car and the Lord said to me, “I did not give you a compliment. It means you are about your own business. You just go, go, go, chase, chase, chase. You do not know what I’ve got for you. It was not a compliment.” The enemy will remind you of how you can work, people are addicted to work and business. And the enemy will use it against you, and you’re not doing anything. “No, no, no I’m sharpening my blade,” that’s what Wisdom will do for me to get success. We must put our flesh under if we want to rely on the Lord and to acknowledge Him and where we are. It’s a different season we – are crossing over.

We must get wisdom and I’m ending with this this morning, Isaiah 11 verses 2 to 3 in the Amplified, it’s talking about Jesus the Messiah but you and me – we are in Christ Jesus, we live, move, and have our being in Him. 2 And the Spirit of the Lord is resting upon Jesus and the Spirit of the Lord is resting upon us. …the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and the Spirit of might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the Spirit of the reverential and obedient fear of the Lord. Verse 3 what will we cry out to the Lord? We will cry this out to the Lord – He is – You, Wisdom, are making me of quick understanding. Here I am, Wisdom. I don’t know right now, but You are making me of quick understanding. I actually come by faith, I humble myself and I come to sharpen my blade. I need to know how to cross over, I need to come to You, someone else is not going to sharpen my blade I’ve got to do this.

The Spirit of the Lord is resting upon this Ecclesia, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, here we are wisdom and understanding here we are, we hear You, we love You we search for You, we come to hear from You because You have, You preserve us, You have everything for us. Pastor John said in morning moments we must learn to trust the Lord. It’s really big, it’s wonderful to see Pastor John walking in that faith, he’s not telling us the story because here is my story – do it, get wisdom. Today we speak it back to the Lord, “You are making all of us of quick understanding,” there are areas, this is how the Holy Spirit gave it to me there are areas we have no experience in, of course, because we’re going to take the land, we’re going to take Jericho and that God’s got for us in the promised land. Areas we have not considered before, spaces and places a long time ago announced by the Spirit of wisdom through Pastor John that we have to occupy.

Do not say, “You’re not smart to do that,” do not say, “You cannot.” Do not say, “It’s not me,” say, “I can do all things through Christ. Through the Spirit of wisdom that is keeping me, that is showing me.” Cry out, “Spirit of wisdom, here I am. I am crossing over with You into all that You have for me.” That is our cry today. That is our response to the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of wisdom and we all say, Amen.

We’re going to take up an offering right now. Why? Because we trust God, we trust God, we search for Him and for what He has for our finances. In our getting, we are getting understanding and wisdom. Thank you, ushers.

This is such a wonderful time and I just want to encourage all of you, and I want to say already thank you, we are praying for Pastor John and Sharon in the morning. We are praying for them, we have a night watch also going on. If it’s in your heart, it’s not to pray for an hour, if you can pray a breath for them in the morning and in the evening, please do that. We pray Tuesday evening Prayer Connect because we have… we know, we understand, we move in the wisdom of God. This is the start of a new beginning – Brother Jerry went Home.

Brother Jerry went Home, and we will not stop celebrating and thank You, God. And thank God for that precious gift of Brother Jerry bringing us the words faithfully through all these years. It’s time for Pastor John and we say today, “Arise, Pastor John – arise in the name of Jesus, step up and into what God has called you to do.” We love Pastor John and Sharon. It is so important what they must see, what they must do in the hands of God now. The first chapter of Joshua says, Arise and shine, Pastor John. Then the Lord said to Joshua and, of course, Pastor John, now I will give you. That means I will place you, I will add to you and you will bring forth, Pastor John. And then in the Book of Joshua, it talks about territory. Of course, territory Pastor John must take for the Lord right now.

When you have that extra time in the morning, that time in the evening, individually, husbands and wives, will you offer a prayer up to the Lord because Pastor John, first, always.

Can I ask, who are the ushers today? Thank you so much. Ah, LeRoux, praise the Lord. Ek en jy brei ewe erg. [Pastor Christi laughs] Will you all stretch out your hands, please?

Father, in the mighty name of Jesus we call out to wisdom today and we sow our seeds, and we declare; what was difficult will become easy, what was slow and hard will become quickly because the spirit of seeing and the spirit of knowing is upon us. We will see, we will know and with You, Spirit of Wisdom, we will flow. And we all say, amen. Thank you, LeRoux. Praise the Lord.

What an awesome time. Like Pastor John and Sharon said, we are at a high time with the Lord. He’s overtaking us. He is the fix-it-anointing, it’s working in every area of our lives. He’s redeeming. He’s correcting things personally for me and you. And we say thank you, Lord.

I bless you in the name of Jesus Christ. The Word of God and the blood of Jesus surrounds you. The Blood surrounds your family, your income, your business, and your health. No weapon, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. The Lord is guiding you. You will not even dash your foot against a stone. Thank you, Lord, for the angels, Your ministering spirits that are keeping us, preserving us and protecting us, and causing all these wonderful things that must come to us, they are causing that it is coming to us. I bless you in the name of Jesus. See you at Message Moments at 5 o’clock. And then we say, amen.

Thank you. I hope you’ve got a wonderful lunch waiting. I am sceptic to ask if there is a skaapboud in die oond. There might be. Be blessed and enjoy the afternoon.