Scripture reference: 2 Corinthians 6:16 (TPT), Luke 12:56 (MSG), Luke 12:56 (TPT), Luke 12:56 (VOICE), Haggai 1:2,4 (AMPC)
Pastor John:
Hello from me everybody. I know Pastor Sharon has already greeted you this morning. It’s a joy to be with you and to bring the Word of God to you. For us, I’m not sure that we would have been alive today. I’m not sure what condition our lives would have been in today, have we not made Jesus the Lord and Saviour of our lives. I’m not sure what condition our lives would have been in if we had not taken His Word seriously and made it the foundation of everything that we live by. I’m grateful that Jesus is my Saviour. Even before we preach the Word of God this morning and we share some things with you, I want to say to you, that everything that we say, everything that we do and everything that God has called us for, is to proclaim the name of Jesus, is to talk about the death and the resurrection of Jesus and the fact that He died and was raised again by the Father so that you can be free from yourself and you can be free from the sin nature that wants to dominate your world.
It’s a very simple thing that you do. You believe what I’m telling you now in your heart and you confess Jesus as Lord and Saviour with your mouth. If you just say a simple prayer that says, “I believe in my heart, that You are the Lord that You died for my sins, I receive You now as my Lord and Saviour.” It’s a very simple thing, when you say that from the heart and you declare that with your mouth, Jesus gives you the faith to become a child of God. If you haven’t done that yet, we urge you, and we strongly suggest by the leading of the Holy Spirit that you pray that prayer, because it’s a life changer. It makes everything worthwhile in life. Amen. We would be nowhere in our lives if Jesus was not front and centre of everything. Everything.
So, praise the Lord. We know that when you get born again and Jesus is your Lord and Saviour, you become part of the Church, you become part of the blood bought family. And when you are part of the blood bought family that Jesus’ Blood paid the price for. Everything that is available to Jesus now becomes available to you through the Church. It’s really a powerful thing.
We have been talking for some weeks, and I just want to introduce us today into what we’re going to speak about, we know that the Church of the Lord Jesus is about a family, it’s not about a building. It’s about a collective greatness of gifts and callings and a collective assembling together of people that God divinely connects together so that they can accomplish an assignment for the Kingdom of God that reveals Jesus to the spirit realms. brings authority and dominion on the earth. This is no small thing, when you become part of the blood bought family.
When we bring messages to you, when we bring truths to you, we are bringing them so that you can have an understanding of the power of the collective greatness that is in the Church of the Lord Jesus. The Church of the Lord Jesus was never intended to be about a one-man-show. It was never intended to be about just a few great people. The Church of the Lord Jesus was intended to be a body of collective people that revealed Jesus on the earth in all of their individual greatness together.
Pastor Sharon:
To be sons of God. To develop and mature into those full-fledged sons of God.
Pastor John:
That scripture I’ve been reading from second Corinthians Chapter 6 verse 16; 16I will make My home in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be My people (2 Corinthians 6:16 TPT). That is what it’s all about. He wants to walk with us, be with us, live in us, walk with us. He wants to be our God and He wants us to be His people. It is really as simple as that. It’s not really complicated for us to follow God.
On this live broadcast, I’m just going to get some housekeeping out of the way. It is a necessary very wonderful celebratory thing that we are going to be talking about for a minute. This stage that you’re seeing now, and in this auditorium, will be the last time we will do this in this fashion. I know that.
Pastor Sharon:
You will never see it again.
Pastor John:
[Pastor John laughing] You will never see it again. After the beginning of COVID, we had to change things around and make things easier for smaller groups of people to come into the church and have multiple services and so on so that we could have some church. God has been doing such miraculous, supernatural things in the ministry that He has given us a platform through the COVID timeframe, He has substantiated our platform, the platform that He wants us to minister…
Pastor Sharon:
Digital platform
Pastor John:
Through the airwaves, on a digital platform, that we are doing some work on the auditorium to make it bigger, better, more beautiful. We are going to have a stage and we are going to have an auditorium that will be worthy of the message that God wants us to minister. It will be worthy of the collective greatness of this body and of the words and the unity and the power of this body, that our message will be known to the world.
Pastor Sharon:
Sjoh I like that Pastor John. Because the message is so worthy. There must be just a worthy setting to bring to put it into.
Pastor John:
A worthy platform. Literally, we are rebuilding the platform. We are redoing parts of the inside of the auditorium. I’m wanting to talk to you about it and speak to you personally. You will have some emails that will be coming to you and some other social media information coming to you. Where on the Witbank campus we’ll meet during the week, the Johannesburg campus we’ll more than likely meet next Sunday in the afternoon. We’ll be communicating with you because I want to share with you personally and show you pictures and give you the designs and all the things that we are doing.
After today’s service, we are literally starting to take everything out of the auditorium; carpets, everything. Because tomorrow they come in here with jackhammers and they start breaking the whole thing apart. I pray that the jackhammers that allow us to replace the stage will be the noise of good things and will bring about wonderful things for us in the future. God is walking with us, walking in us, and He is walking amongst us. We have to be bold at this time because this is a time that God said, He is going to do some supernatural things. Amen.
Pastor Sharon:
We are really looking forward to seeing you. We are going to invite you to come and be part of this with us. And we look forward to seeing you. So lookout for the notifications.
Pastor John:
Watch out for those messages. Yes. Pastor Sharon, I think you want to go into the significance of this time.
Pastor Sharon:
We are going to, now that the housekeeping is over, we are going to go into what it is that the Lord wants to say to us today. He is speaking to us preparing us for Big and Bold, He’s preparing us for Abundant overflow in the Local Church and with the local church.
I’m going to just start off because it is one of the things if you remember, and as we’ve said before please don’t listen to this message in isolation. It’s all the messages that God’s been bringing us. They flow from one to the other, so that we can know all of it. The Lord said this through Brother Jerry, More and more finances, in 2016, he said this, more and more finances will break loose, so that My people can do more for the Kingdom of God.
The Holy Spirit really wanted me to bring this because as you can remember one of the points that the Lord said to us, we’ve got to remind you of what Brother Jerry has brought to us concerning finances, wealth, money, and that aspect of our lives. So more and more finances will break loose, so My people can do more for the kingdom of God.
The question that He asked me to ask us all here, all of us here in Heritage of Faith is; “What is your ‘more’ for? What is your ‘more’ for?” Is your ‘more’ for that scripture that He had us bring in Luke 12? Oh, I’ve got more. I’m going to build for myself bigger, and I’m going to get for myself more? Or is your ‘more’ for what the Spirit of God said through Brother Jerry? So My people can do more, more and more finances will break loose so My people can do more for the kingdom of God?
Very good question. “What is your ‘more’ for?” You have to settle that with the Lord. Then, the 24th of June 2020, a word from the Lord through Brother Jerry to ministers. This was specifically the Lord Jesus speaking to ministers to encourage them. I’m going to call it a word from the Lord through Brother Jerry to Pastor John, because he’s a minister.
Pastor John, Heritage of Faith Church, this will be your finest hour, a time, a time, this is what the Lord wants us to… Please listen throughout the course of this message. It’s the time, it’s the timing of God. It’s the time. These messages on finances are coming to you because of the time of God. He’s bringing it because of His time now. Right. A time when all will see and hear you speak and will know that your God is a faithful God. Don’t be surprised, Pastor John, when unusual resources come from unexpected sources. Understand this; there is no lack of money in the body of Christ. Jesus says through Brother Jerry, there is no lack of money in our local church. Right?
There is a lack, only a lack of obedience. Now here’s the key part. But I am changing that. That’s the good news part. I am changing that. He wants you to know that He is changing your disobedience to obedience. He is busy working on your instincts to change, to want to be obedient to Him like you have never been obedient to Him before, and when we bring to you the scriptures of King David in the time when he built and they just brought and brought and brought and the time of Moses when he built the tabernacle, and they just brought and brought and brought. That was a time when God was moving, and He changed their disobedience into obedience at a time of His.
This is important. I am changing that I am moving, you want to talk about a move of the Holy Spirit. Let’s recognize a move of the Holy Spirit when He moves upon the hearts of people. I am moving upon numerous people right now, right now in the local church, I’m moving upon numerous people right now and they will follow through with what I’m instructing them to do. This is good news we’re bringing you today here, people, if you found in the past, you’ve not wanted to really be obedient to God in finances, if you just open your heart fresh and new to these messages that have been coming in will continue to come, He will change that in you. He said I’m changing your lack of obedience. I’m moving upon you now. I’m moving upon your heart and you will follow through with what I’m instructing you to do. Praise the Lord. He gave it like this to me with such joy, John.
Pastor John:
That’s amazing, Pastor Sharon, and I want to stay focused with you. But I want to just bring this in, that what He’s actually preparing us to do, is invest in our eternity. Not to just invest in ourselves and the natural world…
Pastor Sharon:
In our temporal world, yes.
Pastor John:
I heard a really wonderful minister of God that’s connected to our group of people say this recently. “All this stuff, all this stuff that I’ve got on the earth, it will disappear”. You know, it doesn’t matter if you buy a Rolls-Royce, or you buy a very expensive aeroplane, or you buy whatever. Enough time goes by, it’s going to rust. You might not be around to see it. That’s the nature of your physical body is that it might actually deteriorate before the other. The more you invest in this natural world, it actually only has the limited value of what it can do for your natural body.
Whatever you invest in the Kingdom of God is an eternal investment and he put it very nicely, I heard him say this, he says, “And my investment is waiting for me.” My investments, when I leave this place, I’ll never see them again, and if you depending on what you believe about the end time, they could well just be burnt up.
Pastor Sharon:
Pastor John:
You know, whatever the case, when my body goes home, my investments are waiting for me. What investments are those? When the Lord says, “I will move on our people, and I’ll move them from disobedience to obedience, so that their energy, their skill, their time, their talent that is used to make money, will now be dedicated to God.” When you do that, it becomes a representative of your eternity.
Pastor Sharon:
Absolutely, John. That’s right.
Praise the Lord. I’m continuing with the instruction that the Lord gave me to keep bringing you what Brother Jerry has been bringing us concerning wealth and finances. In January 2021, this year, the Lord speaks to Brother Jerry and says this, “The main reason for blessing you and causing you to have abundant overflow is not so that you can store it up”. That’s why that scripture that the Lord wanted to bring in Luke 12 says, 15“Your life is not derived from and does not consist of possessing overflowing abundance or debt which is over and above your needs”. We’re going to look at a scripture in time to come, do not hoard for yourselves treasures on earth, but treasures in heaven. God doesn’t want us being hoarders. He wants us seeking the Kingdom of God with our stuff. And so, it’s not so that you can store it up, the Spirit of God said through Brother Jerry, but so you can be a blessing. Here’s a very, very, very important point, Heritage of Faith people for you to get it, and finance the work of God. I have to say that again, Pastor John. Finance the work of God. your ‘more’, your ‘more’ is not for you to store. Now, at this time, it’s for you to finance the work of God. That which is over and above your needs that you’re satisfied with and content with. The ‘more’ is not for you to store.
But so you can be a blessing and finance the work of God and be involved – very important words – Now, in this next great move of God. I said Heritage of Faith people know that the Spirit of God is moving upon us now, in a way He’s never moved before. The move is on, it has begun, the Holy Spirit is moving. One of the moves of Him was I Will Take the Children, and one of the moves of Him is I will move on the hearts of people who will follow through and be obedient, He is moving. And be involved in this next great move of God. The Spirit of God says, Get this deep in your Spirit, now. Decree it right now.
Why would He make a statement to you to decree it right now? So that you can sow this Word that might even be quite difficult for you to receive, sow it immediately, sow it into your heart with your mouth immediately and decree this; “God is making me His vessel, and He will use me to be a distributor of finances in this next great move of God.” That’s my declaration now… That’s your declaration, the Spirit of God said through Brother Jerry.
Say this now; “We’re going to finance this next great move of God, it’s for the kingdom and so we say; God is making me a vessel and He will use me to be a distributor of finances in this next great move of God. Then he said; don’t miss this move of God. I don’t want to miss it, you know when we took that honour seed to Brother Jerry, Pastor John, some people missed it. This is a time now for us to not hoard and store for ourselves. He doesn’t want us to miss this time, because our abundant overflow is going to come from our recognition of the time, that this is time now, not for our own houses but it is time for the Kingdom of God because He’s moving now.
Pastor John:
If I can just jump in here for a second Pastor Sharron. You know, you and I have kind of lightheartedly said, “If I don’t like the word Revival so much, I would swear you’re in revival.” Because revival kind of talks about the fact that you were dead, you were alive and then you were dead and now you must be alive again. You were revived. Whereas I believe, if you walk, and we both do, if you continuously walk with God you don’t have to be revived. You just go from strength to strength and from Glory to Glory. We personally should not experience revival.
I just want to make a point about the time and that we’re on the time and move of God. Many people refer to a revival that looks like the book of Acts where there is on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was moving and everything was happening. Actually, that time of that movement of God, if you want to call it, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit started 40 days before that. Where they had to be obedient to the Word of God and go and assemble and be in one place with one heart, with one, in one Spirit. That happened for a long time before the evidence of something happened. You know? Talking about this, we are in, this has been happening to us, for us for some time already Sharon. This amazing, this movement of God. This awakening, this great, amazing outpouring of God’s abundance and blessing and favour on our ministry, on our lives has been happening for some time
Some of it has been happening while we were united together in the upper room and now some of it is actually being shown in the natural; all the while God has been moving, this is His time.
Pastor Sharon:
And the thing about when God has chosen a people to have an awakening and a revival with, you can’t compare it to anything else that His done at any other time because it’s new.
Pastor John:
Or any other place
Pastor Sharon:
You just have to keep walking with Him and keep recognising what He is doing next. So that the awakening or the revival or the move of God can be what He wants it to be. It’s never ever what He did in the past.
Pastor John:
Never. It’s always new and fresh
Pastor Sharron:
It’s always new and fresh. This is an important instruction again, from the Lord for us for now.
Pastor John brought a message on January the 1st 2017. When Pastor John brought it, he said these words in that meeting; “I see the Lord is not waiting for people to get back from holiday, He speaks today. He’s jumping right into 2017.” As he began to speak these points the spirit of God arrested me in my heart and said; “These you will live by now.” It’s like those other points Pastor John has brought in times past that you live by, you know those ones of, I’m not going to go into them now, they are too many.
Here they are. Point number 1 that the Lord said we must have, you must have recognition of the time of God. The time of God that we were in the last period and the last season is not the time of God now, He moves. We must have recognition of the time of God, and that’s why He is bringing these messages because it is in His time that He wants these messages brought. He did not bring; I Will Take the Children and the money messages in the last period. He brought others that looked like that, but now because we must have recognition of the time of God. We must have recognition that the messages that He is bringing now is for His time, now.
Number 2, we must receive instructions from Him. Every Sunday when a message comes, there’ll be an instruction that comes, because Pastor John and I receive instructions from God, then we must bring that instruction to you. What are the instructions? They have come every single Sunday. We must receive instructions from God about the recognition of the time we’re in.
Number 3, and if it’s up to us, if it’s our place, then we’ve got to give instructions, right? Number 4, when those instructions come to us, we’ve got to activate obedience with boldness. Activate your obedience to these messages with boldness in the knowledge that you are obeying God.
Point number 5 is very important. When you do those things that the law of attraction kicks in, the law of attraction. What is it? It attracts everything that God’s Word says is coming to you. That’s coming to you personally, that’s coming to the Local Church, that’s come to the ministry, the law of attraction kicks in and it’s like, whoa, things are happening. Things are happening. Why? Because we have recognized the time of God, we’ve received instructions, we’ve activated our obedience with boldness corporately and personally, and the law of attraction kicks in and we sense it’s happening, it’s happening. When that happens, Pastor John said very clearly from the Spirit of God, don’t be tempted then and be distracted.
You start, point 6, continuing all of the above, again, you maintain your recognition of the time of God, you maintain receiving instructions, giving instructions, you maintain activating obedience with boldness. The Lord, then said to me, Pastor John, when you have these points operating in you then you can know that you’re waking up. Because Brother Jerry said an awakening was coming this year, right. His definition of awakening is the act of becoming more and more attentive to the will, the plans and purposes of God. So there it is, it’s the recognition of the time of God. You can know that when you’re flowing in these six points; you’re having an awakening. This is an important Scripture.
Pastor John:
If I can just talk about that number five, don’t be tempted or distracted by the law of attraction that’s kicked in. I don’t want to re-minister all of that here. The temptation and the distraction is – when the overflow in the blessing and the good things begin to happen in your life, you begin to say, “Oh, this is my harvest, and this is for me. This is for me to do with whatever I can do.”
Pastor Sharon:
Yes, that’s the temptation in the distraction.
Pastor John:
That’s a distraction. Now you start to look for whatever else you can do with it. Build bigger barns, to invest… more houses, whatever that is. You tend to be distracted by the temptation. “Wow, look at all the good things that God’s doing for me.”
Pastor Sharon:
Yes like that man in Luke 12, look at this big beautiful harvest I’ve got. What can I do with it all? Excellent, very good Pastor John. Luke 12, 56 because this is just scripture that you must see that Jesus expects you and I to have recognition of the times we’re living in. Jesus expects it of us. The Message Bible says, 56Then Jesus turned to the crowd: “When you see clouds coming in from the West, you say, ‘Storm’s coming’ – and you’re right. And when the wind comes out of the South, you say, ‘This will be a hot one’ and you’re right. You know how to tell a change in the weather, so don’t tell me you can’t tell a change in the season, the God season we’re in right now.’ (Luke 12:56 MSG). Amen.
The passion Bible, same scripture says, 56You are such experts at forecasting the weather, but you are totally unwilling to understand the spiritual significance of the time you’re living in (Luke 12:56 TPT).
Listen to the Voice translation, 56You can predict the weather by paying attention to the sky and the earth, but why can’t you interpret the urgency of this present moment? (Luke 12:56 VOICE).
Well, I can go through, I went through all the translations, and I won’t read them all to you now. These messages the Lord wants you to know, Heritage of Faith people, are coming to us now in a time of God, in a New Era of God. We have to be awake so that we can move with Him now. This is not a New Era, because COVID’s here. The Lord said I must make it quite clear to you. It’s His New Era that He has established. He opened a New Door, and we’re in the New Era, the New Door, they work hand in hand. He opened it for Himself with His Local Church that are going to go with Him.
Pastor John:
In fact, Pastor Sharon, for our ministry, we received instruction from the Holy Spirit to activate a multimedia ministry in the church, before we knew even COVID was coming. It didn’t make sense to me that God said, “Do this, do this, do this.” It was along the lines of, you know, be on multimedia four times a day. And I said, “Lord, that’s a lot of work”, and “Why?”
Pastor Sharon:
And He was like, “Get cameras, get this…”
Pastor John:
“You must do it now. You must make it all happen.” Then COVID happened. None of what we are talking about now, none of our momentum, none of what has happened in the ministry; awakening, the movement of God in the ministry, has had any impact because of COVID. It just happened that in this time, in the new doors, in this era, in this thing that God is doing for us, COVID happened to be there.
Pastor Sharon:
Yes. God has a complete bypass of it. It’s like, “It’s My time, I’m moving.”
Pastor John:
“It’s My time and I’m going to get it done regardless of COVID.”
Pastor Sharon:
Absolutely, “In fact, watch Me now.”
Pastor John:
For those people that are connected to the assignment, God is bypassing the negativity of COVID. All of the, “I can’t get a job, I can’t have any financial… it doesn’t seem good.” God is bypassing all of that if you will work with Him.
Pastor Sharon:
Exactly. If you will work with Him on these 6 points.
Pastor John:
Yes. If you will seek Him first. He is bypassing that, and He is just blessing people regardless of what is happening with COVID.
Pastor Sharon:
Yes, that’s right. It’s marvellous. So, it’s a new era of God, we have to be awake so we can move with Him now. I just wanted to share this with you, just put this for you to just start meditating on it; a new era is a time period. This new era of God is His time period marked by distinctive characteristics. It’s a period of time in which a new order of things prevails.
He brought, I Will Take the Children. He is bringing these messages on finances here because there is a new order that is prevailing; He is bringing new light to us from scripture and it’s a signal stage. A new era is a signal stage of history. Of course, it is ‘His story.’
Right. In terms of this great awakening, the Lord wanted me to remind ‘us’ as a local church, Pastor John. Because as soon as He said this through Brother Jerry here, Pastor John, “An awakening. An awakening.” He reminded me immediately about this prophecy from Kenneth Copeland that he gave to us all those years ago, which we walk in.
We walk in. This great awakening. I want you to listen to it Heritage of Faith people, so you can have confidence that we are in this awakening. We are moving with God. This great awakening that is hanging heavily around the nations of the world. This great awakening that is hanging there; just hanging there, to be realised and to be flowed and released. This is the awakening that Brother Jerry has brought now from the Lord.
The prayer, the prayer, the prayer, the prayer that’s gone forth. The prayer that is going forth. That is where the power release is. That is how we know as a local church that we are ready for the power release. We are ready for the awakening. We are ready for the glory of God to fall in this new era because we have been preparing; a house of prayer we have been obedient to God from 2008, Pastor John. We are in it. Hallelujah. Trigger release. It has already been triggered and released in our local church.
Pastor John:
The prayer itself is part of the awakening, and we have been awake and praying all of this time and now it is just building and building and building.
Pastor Sharon:
Exactly. It’s just increasing and intensifying. That was the instruction that we received from the Lord in 2008. Pastor John and I were fasting and praying, and the Lord said, “You build me a house of prayer. You get it organised and established so that it can increase and intensify.” We have been obedient to that. We received instruction; we activated our obedience with boldness. The Law of Attraction. We gave instructions.
Pastor John:
Pastor Sharon:
Yes, and the Law of Attraction. Look, it’s attracted us to where we are right now. Whoooo, whooooo, I am rejoicing.
[Pastor John laughing] That is where the trigger of these things is, that’s the way they are released in your church. Thus says the Lord your God, in this hour, “These local churches that are teaching and training people to pray…” Heritage of Faith people, how long have you been taught and trained how to pray? That’s us, we qualify.
That have been teaching and training people how to pray, those are the churches where the explosion and Shekinah Glory of God will be manifest first. The praying churches will walk in it first. And they will say, “My, revival broke out over there!” No, answered prayer broke out over there. The Awakening will come out of local congregations. Which ones? The ones that have taught, and trained their people to pray. There is a hunger for holiness. Okay, okay. I’m just going to say here.
Pastor John:
That’s important, Sharon, because when God brought the message of I Will Take the Children, and now He is bringing the message about where is your ‘more’…
Pastor Sharon:
What’s your ‘more’ for, now
Pastor John:
What’s your more for, you’re more for? There’s been an awakening for and a hunger, certainly in the younger generation of people to encounter God and in the older generation of people that are watching this happening, they’re realizing, hey, there’s some stuff that we’ve got to change in our lives.
Pastor Sharon:
There is some repenting, Yes.
Pastor John:
And that all happens because we’ve been a praying church. We’ve been a praying church, and so there is a hunger for holiness.
Pastor Sharon:
There is a hunger for holiness.
Pastor John:
That’s a good word to say.
Pastor Sharon:
Holiness. Yeah, yes.
Pastor John:
I mean, it’s not a religious word, it’s a power word.
Pastor Sharon:
It’s not an expression on your face or the way you sit, you know.
Pastor John:
It’s a hunger for God.
Pastor Sharon:
It’s a hunger for God. Because God is holy, that’s why, to be holy is to want to be in God, with God, like God.
Pastor John:
Dwell with Him, walk with Him
Pastor Sharon:
Yes, Pastor John, it’s a hunger for real truth, Bible purity before God. People will run into those places – which places? – That have taught and trained people to pray.
Pastor John:
Houses of worship
Pastor Sharon:
They will run into those houses of worship where the glory of God is residing and hanging heavy, and they’ll say: “Clean, clean, clean, oh to be clean, to be clean, to be clean”, and they’ll run into that atmosphere, My Blood will cleanse them from the top of the head to the soles of their feet, and My Word will take root on the inside of them. This local church is headed for a Holy Ghost wake up call. It’s on us now.
Hallelujah, praise Jesus, praise Jesus, that’s what the Lord wanted to say today pastor John, He wanted to reassure us and assure us so that we can have certainty. We’re right on track, for the prophecy that came through Kenneth Copeland: It’s the Year of the local church, and those places are where the glory will fall first, and where the awakening will come. The power-release will be there.
Pastor John:
You know, Pastor Sharon, as I and the team, and we all, have been working on, on changing the auditorium because God has, by the Holy Spirit, He has been working on elevating what our prayer church, our relational and prayer church; what God has been working in us all of these years. He is wanting to reveal it to the world. He’s putting it in my heart, to create an auditorium, to create a stage, to create an atmosphere, so that the quality of what we have, can go out from a worthy platform.
You know, it’s been an amazing thing, that as I’ve gone about all of the planning, the planning, the hours of conversation, and the technical things that; “This can be done, that can’t be done, let’s do it another way, limitations because of spaces and you know, locations and things, and raw material or material” because people want to do things, but they just don’t have stuff. Then God comes up with a plan, you know.
You look at it, and then you look at the numbers and you know, you have the sort of mindset, well… You want to do that? This is how the enemy of God comes to me. “You want to do that in a time of COVID, where actually South Africa’s in depression? The biggest depression since the Second World War?” Then the Lord said; “None in heaven.”
Pastor Sharon:
None in heaven. And in His Kingdom, is on earth as it is in heaven.
Pastor John:
It’s on earth as it is in heaven, if you live on earth, as it is in heaven. If you seek Him first; no depression, no shortage,
Pastor Sharon:
No shortage, no lack, no scarcity, only abundance.
Pastor John:
When we get with Him, when we get with Him, and we are just focused and fixed on everything He is telling us to do, there is no stop in the church. A praying church can’t be stopped, because we commune with God and God says do this. Then you said; “Okay, Lord, but no resources.” And He said, “Okay, yes, there is the resource because I’ve changed their heart. Yes, they’re obedient. Come, let’s go, let’s go.” Then it just gets done.
Pastor Sharon:
It’s exactly how it’s happening. It’s exactly how it is currently happening, right now. It’s abundantly overflowing even more and more. When we go to this scripture now, again, please see it in the new light of God saying, “It’s time now. It’s time now.” Having recognition of the time. We’re going to go to Haggai again.
Pastor John:
I have it here. Which verse do you want me to read in the Amplified?
Pastor Sharon:
Well, it’s the verse about where God speaks about the time. In verse 2 it says…
Pastor John:
Shall I read it?
Pastor Sharon:
Pastor John:
2Thus says the Lord of hosts: These people say, The time is not yet come that the Lord’s house should be rebuilt (Haggai 1:2 AMPC).
Pastor Sharon:
See, it’s the time. And God is saying it actually now is the time.
Pastor John:
This is very important Sharon because where this message is going to individual people, someone listening to this message and I heard this earlier on in the spirit while we were talking. This is for someone else in the church. This surely can’t be for me to be obedient to. This is for someone else. If you are thinking that thought, you know, this message is for someone else. No, no. And if you’re thinking it’s for someone else because I don’t have the resources. No, it’s because you don’t have the resources that this message is for you. Because you’ve got something. It might be time, it might be skill, it might be energy, it might be something.
You’ve got something and God wants to break you free of whatever COVID is trying to hold you to and the lack of resources trying to… God is wanting to break you free into the abundant overflow.
If you’re saying that this message is not for me. It is for you. If you think it’s not for you then someone else is putting that thought into your head, not Jesus.
Pastor Sharon:
That’s right, it’s not Jesus.
Pastor John:
And not me. Then you must say, “Goodbye thought, bye. This is for me.”
Pastor Sharon:
Pastor John, you said this powerful thing. I brought your whole message of two weeks ago here. You said this in light of exactly what you said now. It is my spiritual recognition that what God is doing now in these messages is not speaking to one person. He is speaking to all the people at Heritage of Faith that will hear. This is your moment that as you obey God, God is going to deliver you from COVID-19 in restrictions economically, from government restrictions economically. From economic destruction and weakness from this world system. God is about to bring overflow to His people if they will obey Him if they will obey Him.
Pastor John:
And now we have to close.
Pastor Sharon:
Do we?
Pastor John:
We do.
Pastor Sharon:
Ah baby, can we just finish Haggai.
Pastor John:
But, but, but. I have something to say.
Pastor Sharon:
All right.
Pastor John:
This is very important. This has just really come upon my heart very big now. I have something to say.
You know there was this time when Jesus talked about a parable of a man who wanted to have a wedding. He had all these invited guests that he wanted to come to the wedding. It was a wedding feast. He said, “Send out the invitations and get their response.” Someone said, “I can’t come because I’ve got land that I’ve got to take care of. I can’t come because I’ve got cows to do. I’ve got land because I’ve got to be doing a wedding. I’ve got…”
Pastor Sharon:
I’ve got family things. I’ve got a wife.
Pastor John:
I’ve got family things. I’ve got a wife. I’ve got things to do. I mean, hey, when Jesus heard all of that He said, “These are the specially invited guests and they’re making all these excuses not to come to the call, the time, the celebration of God, the things that God wants to do. I’ll go and find a people that will get the blessing. They’ll receive the blessing and they’ll enjoy all the benefits.”
Pastor Sharon:
I’ll take the children.
Pastor John:
I’ll take them. He said, “Go into the highways and the byways, go to the places where people would be unexpected. Go find them there. Go into towns and cities and places. Highways and byways and bring the poor. “
Pastor Sharon:
Bring the poor, and bring the lame.
Pastor John:
“And all those people that would not be specially invited, bring them and we’ll party together, and they will see the abundant overflow, and they will enjoy the whole feast and it will be something that they’ve never seen before. It will be so awesome. First I want to say, if you’ve been in this house for a long time don’t be one of those that says, “I can’t come because I’m too busy.” This is my time.
On the other hand, I’m also speaking to people out there that have been invited. To a people out there that seem they have not quite found their way and have been in the highways and the byways, and cities and places for a long time. The Lord is saying, “Come join this party. Come and join what God is doing here. This feast, this blessing, this abundant overflow, this time, this move of God; come and join it.” This is a good time, this is a blessed time.
Pastor Sharon:
I’m going to just finish off because we did go to Haggai together, baby. Is it time, so in verse 2 it says; The people are saying, so we must not say that; not us people at Heritage. The time has not come that the Lord’s House should be rebuilt and then God answers it in verse 4 by saying; 4Is it time for you, yourselves to dwell in your panelled houses? We are looking at that because the Lord wanted to show you time. He is speaking about time and having recognition of His time. Some people say; “It’s not time”, and God is saying; “Oh, so it’s time for you then, it’s not time for My House? It’s not time for the local Church? It’s time for your house?”
Pastor John:
Certainly, the enemy would want to have this fear be a distraction, “How can I be involved in this, because look at the time, look at the economic factors, look at all the realities that we face.” The minute you look at realities, then you are stepping into logic and not faith and we have to receive this message by faith and not by logic because logic is not how you walk with God, you walk with God by faith; He will then influence your logic so that your logic will do amazing things on this earth. First, you must receive things by faith and know His voice and then He will impact your logic and impact the way that you go about things.
Pastor Sharon:
If ever there was time time to not live in the realm of reason, relevance and reality; it’s now because God is bypassing COVID. Now is the time to walk in redemption, by revelation that we bring you, and we will all have a revolution; together.
Pastor John:
You’re preaching good babe.
Pastor Sharon:
Well, I listen to all your messages, Pastor John. That’s what the Lord told me to do. First of all, when you left the corporate world, I said “Lord what must I do?” He said; “You listen to everything and every message that I give Pastor John”. I still do that because He said; “Then I will speak to you on the back of that, that’s My pattern and that’s My order.” I’m a disciple.
Pastor John:
Baby, Pastor Sharon, you are an awesome preacher and awesome teacher. Well, look you’re preaching my stuff. [Laughing]
Pastor Sharon:
[Laughing] I’m preaching your stuff, you got from God, babes. I am.
Pastor John:
Hey everybody, thanks for joining us in Church this morning. I know that the Holy Spirit has really ministered to you and touched you and made Himself real to you; even though we can’t actually be in your company today. We are still assembling together this way. Just for a few short weeks, because in a few short weeks we are going to celebrate some things that are amazing in terms of the new things God is doing. We are going to see you during the week and we are going to share some vision with you and share some things and have some fellowship with you.
Pastor Sharon:
So that you can see that it is time to build the Lord’s House now. [Laughing] Praise the Lord.
We commit you to His Word (Pastor John: Yes pray for them baby), we commit you. Can I just ready this prayer? Pastor John and I, we now entrust you to the care of the Lord, the message that we brought this morning for it can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who have been set apart by God.
Pastor John:
Yes. May His peace be upon you, that passes the understanding of time, takes the understanding out of the way and the peace is your guide. His peace guides you, leads you, overwhelms you. May no weapon that is formed against you, your business, your household, against your income, against your physical health; no weapon formed against you will prosper in Jesus’ name. You are shielded and protected and surrounded by the Word of God, the Blood of Jesus, the prayers of the saints that go before the Father, the power of our unity and His love for us; you are protected in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah. He will not cause your foot to be caught in a hidden snare but you are safe and sure in the arms of Almighty God. In Jesus’ name.
May your week be filled with peace and joy in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah. Thank you for joining us.
Pastor Sharon:
Bye-bye everybody, we love you all. Bye.
© 2023 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International