Scripture reference: Proverbs 4:20-24 (TPT); Acts 20:28 (NLT); Ephesians 6:10 (TPT); Luke 9:10&13 (TPT); Luke 9:23 (TPT); Psalm 119:32-48 (TPT)

Pastor Christi: Good morning everybody. Goeie môre Pastor John. A big, big welcome to all of you. Message Moments. As julle wakker? I can sommer see it. I can sommer see it. With the Holy Spirit always, not just this morning, but always. Hallelujah. A power hour of God’s Word to share. Praise the Lord. Jackie, can we start with you this morning, please? Thank you. Yes, Pastor John, uit die blokke uit and listen Jackie, I make space for you. Again, dit lyk amper of dit ‘n vroumens ding is but we will not say that.Yes, Pastor John. Jackie, here’s a mic for you. Jackie, you were deeply touched like all of us with the Word of God. Not only these messages but all the messages. Please share with us.

Jackie: Yes, I must just say, like Pastor John said, God… what was the word that he used? I forgot it.

Pastor Christi: Impressive?

Jackie: He’s impressive. I will start to say that God is impressive. I can just say, “Wow,” to all the messages that have come from the first weekend that we started. But God was just focusing me on something. It was actually when Pastor Sharon started bringing the Word yesterday that it was exactly the same things that God was sharing with me from the first time you preached about it was I think it was on 16th, the Accelerating Into The New it was part 1. So I just wanna read this.

My words are telling the Spirit the forth-dimensional realm. My words are telling them what’s going on on the inside of me. Every time I’m speaking something out of my words that I’m saying, “I don’t have control over this, I can’t handle this, I’m in fear or I’m scared to do this, or I’m scared to do that.” That tells the Spirit realm, and it attracts demons because the words that I speak attract devils. God was just showing me through all these messages that came, God wants us to come up to a new level of speaking. That all the words that we speak through… it doesn’t matter, I mean, when we started out in faith let me say this. When we started out with this legacy that God taught us to change our vocabulary about some things, like not using fear and dead, especially in the Afrikaans culture, we have a lot of dead things, ek is doodmoeg, ek is dood, alles is dood, ek is doodbang, ek is bevrees, ek gaan dit nie maak nie.

Pastor Christi: Dit is vreeslik, vrees aanjaend.

Jackie: We have got a lot of Afrikaans words surrounding death. So God taught us to get those words out of our vocabulary. So, I thought, you know what? I have got this under control. I didn’t teach my children to use those words. We didn’t teach our children even to use the word fear. So much so that when Sunelle was in grade one, she came home and she asked me, “Is there a word like fear?” I thought, “God, You taught us this, we took all these words out of our vocabulary.” But God actually showed me things in this message, pointing at my heart, putting His finger on things that I thought I had under control, but I didn’t. So the next thing I want to read is, so they assumed, this hit me so hard that, you say, Pastor John, that the demons, they assume the identity of the will of the being to have an assignment and a purpose to steal and kill and destroy through the words that we speak.

There is a lot of things that we just say that I thought it is part of our language and our culture but we don’t understand that what we are speaking is bringing chaos in our future. We are speaking our future into being. What the Lord actually impressed on my heart to share with you this morning is that He wants to up the power in our lives. God gave us authority. When the Father gave Jesus the authority and He gave us authority on the earth. But we need, God cannot up the power if we don’t have our mouths under control. It is like, say for instance, He ups the power and you drive in your car and there’s a guy or like Pastor John’s situation at the garage. You say, “This baboon.” He actually changes into a baboon. I mean, God wants to have so much, we have to have so much authority in speaking like you said yesterday, Pastor Sharon.

Pastor Christi: Amen.

Jackie: God wants, if you say something, it will be like that. So what was in my heart and you said this as well, if we don’t experience the Rhema, we will not be able to change. We will not be able to change, in this. There was another thing that Pastor John was talking about. So, what I see as a thread through all these messages is the words. God is telling us to come up higher in how we speak. What we say. What we say about people, what we say about our circumstances, because what you say in a moment of crisis will determine your future. That is what … yeah. If you say, “Oh, my word, we’re not going to make it.” You’re not going make it. It’s like, I mean, there’s so many things inside of me.

Pastor Christi: That’s wonderful. Yes in your heart, in your heart.

Jackie: This whole earth is governed by words. God created this earth with words and we don’t take the words that we say seriously. We don’t. We just say things and even the separating thoughts that come to you, that is how the devil works. He comes with separating thoughts. That was such an amazing thing. When it comes to separating thoughts, then the Word says, “Don’t, take no thought saying.” So, if you say it, the devil knows that you took the thought. That you took the thought. On the other side of that, all the dark words and the things that we speak, creates your future, but also the God-words that we speak and just at the end of that sermon that Pastor John brought, it says, the same creative power that He used as the Eternal Infinite God to make the earth under God’s Word, the same power, Holy Spirit lives in me. He possesses you. If you let Him possess your mind, then you can stop all of the suppression and the oppression that comes your way. Everything in your world can change, will change and must change when the infinite eternal Holy Spirit living in you is let loose to make a change.

Pastor Christi: Yes.

Jackie: Because you live in a three-dimensional world. He lives in the fourth dimension and He chooses to live in your three-dimensional body and wants everything in your three-dimensional world to be reflected in His fourth dimension. God’s dimensional creative power. So, it was just … I’ll be very vulnerable with you. If something upsets me, I will speak to myself, but loud, out loud. I would speak about it. I don’t speak to my husband about it, but if something upsets me, then sometimes the children will come into the kitchen and say, “To whom are you talking Mom?” So, I’d say, “No. I’m talking to myself.”

Pastor Christi: Sorting this out. Wonderful.

Jackie: I am just sorting this out. God actually said to me, “Stop doing that.” Because even if I’m not speaking to a specific person, I’m also speaking those words into the universe. I’m speaking it out and the devil is listening, so he knows exactly what’s going on in my heart. What I’m saying is …. Ephesians say the revelation light will expose darkness in you, but it will whatever it exposes, it will also correct. I’m so glad that Pastor John and Pastor Sharon, that you are so faithful in bringing these messages to us. Like we spoke last night, it’s not always easy and sometimes it’s very hard.

Pastor Christi: We must have the stomach.

Jackie: We were speaking about that. Something I’ve learned in this church since we’ve been here is to have a stomach. Is to get a stomach for the things that God is bringing.

Pastor Christi: That’s right.

Jackie: It’s not because He is actually trying to spoil our fun. It’s because He wants to bring good things to us.

Pastor Christi: That’s right, Jackie and have that stomach not only once, but ongoing as God is taking us from glory to glory. What Pastor John said really, Jackie, continually being willing. Willing to change and go there with the Lord.

Jackie: Yeah. So, I just want to read the scripture that the Lord took me to in Proverbs. It’s in the TPT. It says, 20 Listen carefully, my dear child, to everything that I teach you, and pay attention to all that I have to say. 21 Fill your thoughts with My words until they penetrate deep into your spirit. 22 Then, as you unwrap My words, they will impart true life and radiant health into the very core of your being. 23 So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life. 24 Avoid dishonest speech and pretentious words. And be free from using perverse words no matter what! (Proverbs 4:20-24 TPT) So, it was so amazing to me that God is, I mean that is something God is dealing with me and I believe there’s a lot of people here that can say, God is dealing with them as well and that we must come up in how we speak. What you said yesterday about speaking of others and making plans. Yeah, plans words and people words.

Pastor Christi: That’s right.

Jackie: I’ve never experienced it in a church that people don’t actually, in this church, talk about other people. They may talk about them at their home when we don’t see them.

Pastor John: Ons sal hulle slaan.

Pastor Christi: Yes, the Lord hears.

Jackie: But, I mean, that’s something that I actually. I mean, they hear what we say. So, I just want to read this. This is something that I just wrote out of the messages so that I can bring this before the Lord. It says, let it be to me according to Your Word, Lord. Thank You that I will have meaningful changes in my life. You already heard my prayer. God, You are showing yourself powerful so that all glory will come to You. Everything about me is calling for purpose. My spirit man is calling. I will not live a life bound by tradition. Death is at work in me, but it releases life in me. I believe, therefore, I speak. I will not give up. I view my slight short-lived trouble in the light of eternity and I see my difficulties as the substance that produces for me an eternal weighty glory, far beyond all comparison because I don’t focus on my attention on what is seen but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but the unseen realm is eternal. I will no longer let the devil or his demons oppress or suppress my thoughts or my future. I will not speak dark words that attract demons. I will not give up my assignment by speaking words of unbelief or complain. Lord, help me by Your Holy Spirit to only say the things I hear my Father say. Thank You that You live in me and I want everything in my three-dimensional world to be reflected in your fourth dimension, God-dimensional creative power. Amen.

Pastor Christi: Amen. Yes. Powerful confession. Jackie, thank you for coming to share with us and being vulnerable. Because this is where we are as a people. Should we not talk about it? Not hide it. Not talking about it. Yes. Thank you.

Jackie: It’s so amazing that Pastor John and Pastor Sharon, that you’re always vulnerable. So, that you set the bar for being vulnerable, and you come and you say, “I did this or this.” That you all show us examples of how we can change and how we can, I really appreciate, we really appreciate that. That we feel that you are such a good shepherd to us. We really appreciate you, Pastor John.

Pastor Christi: Amen. Jackie, thank you and what you have just said is, it’s something that I’ve been saying to Grobbies since the very beginning. Pastor John and Sharon teaching us from being living examples. If you don’t have leaders that you can relate with, you cannot grow. So, it is Pastor John and Pastor Sharon, thank you. That’s why we can grow. Thank you, Jackie with all of your wonderful books. Hannah, may I please ask you to come. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Hannah, thank you. You and me had wonderful conversations about the authority of God. Pastor John actually started it in part 1. I give you the authority, now go. But God pressed this big time on your heart. Please share with us. Thank you, Hannah.

Hannah: I’m going there now, but just full disclosure, I did have my rusk this morning, Pastor John. But, mine is just short of a protein bar because you know my wonderful sister Herma, she has refined this recipe with amaranth flour, millet flour, there’s sometimes some almond flour and there’s seeds and nuts, I mean all the amino acids, so I think I’m okay. It’s delicious. And honey, yes.

Pastor John: There is no carbs in it, yes?

Hannah: No, no. It’s low carb. No sugar.

Pastor John: I must talk to Herma about these rusks.

Hannah: Yes, talk to her. It’s hard work but she has given herself to it. So Mia and I are, I don’t know, it really is on the level of eternal gratefulness.

Pastor Christi: Yes, amen, amen.

Pastor Christi: First lady with an iPad.

Hannah: I’m learning to do all the things I should on it.

Pastor Christi: Hallelujah.

Hannah: So, I’m not going to quote from a specific message but it’s a thing that has come through these messages in this last time, about this last month, about the authority, and Pastor Christi several times, things that you have said that have also really impacted, added to it. So hear and listen and you’ll understand, because I’m defending my revelation on this here. I’m going to touch on fourth dimension angels. I’m going to touch on authority and I won’t be very long but all those are interwoven in the words.

So I made some notes. It’s all in my spirit so much, but I just wanted to be clear on the things. The devil is no match for God. The devil is no match for God. Sometimes we seem to get caught up when he starts with all his tricks to think that he is, but he is not. That scripture Pastor Sharon read us yesterday Isaiah 6 verse 1. I’ve loved that scripture for such a long time and going on from there, but it talks about the train of his robe that fills the temple. Now if you start looking up what that means, a lot of the people that talk about that, talk about it in those times. What happened is, as a king took a victory they would take a piece of the robe of the king that they conquered, sew it onto their robe. So it was robe with layer upon layer upon layer, every victory. So imagine how big that temple was and his robe filled that temple. How many victories? Just there, you know.

Pastor Christi: Glory.

Hannah: That’s the God we serve. All the devil really has to work with in us is deception, perversion and twisting. I mean, Herma and I had such a good discussion one morning, and it’s so open to us that the fact that he can’t pervert or twist anything should actually encourage us because it means there’s a truth behind it. For example, he can only present sickness because there is wholeness and health behind it, so he can come and twist this thing. So, the fact that there is sickness means it proves that there is health and there is wholeness completely. So, if we start seeing it like that, then it changes things. The thing is that if he can bring a fear into us because he’s not, he can’t create it, he can only take what God has already created. So, if he brings a wrong, then there must be a right that stands so strong behind it. So, this is for me, just in the recent messages, the outstanding truth about the authority that the Lord has given us over the enemy.

I mean, I know Pastor John quoted in one of the messages from Luke chapter 10 verse 18, where Jesus gave the authority to the seventy. He gave us that authority. I mean, you can go to Matthew chapter 28 verse 18, where all power has been given to Jesus in heaven and in earth and He has given that authority to us now to stand and let that power operate in the earth for us under His authority. Matthew 18 verse 18, is another one that goes with that authority. Then, if you look at Ephesians 1 verse 19, up to about verse 26, where it talks about how we are seated in the heavenly places and we are seated with Him in those heavenly places from that place where we rule and reign far above principalities, powers, mights, dominions, every name that is named. We have been given that authority over it.

But Matthew 18 verse 18, is very much about our authority, that we may and should forbid and permit on earth what God has already forbidden and permitted. If we don’t, He can’t, because He’s given that authority over to us. So, this is where this part comes in. So, the one part is that we watch our words, like these teachings that have come from you, Pastor Sharon, and we’re careful about what we say because we give the devil permission on that. But then, there’s another part where we actively take our authority.

So one of the things I was very aware of in these recent times was just the devil’s work with a compounding tactic. So it will be health and it will be finances and it will be family relationships and it will be a whole lot of things. He piles it on and you get to a point where you feel, “Sho, this is a lot to deal with.” With that pressure, he gets you to say something. I mean, Pastor Sharon, I know you and I had a talk the one day and I used the word “overwhelmed” and I thought, where did that come from? I never used that word about me. But he has been piling it on so much, and in that moment, that’s what came out of my soul. But it was good because it was kind of like, “You can’t talk like this?” I don’t normally use that but that is his tactic. That you feel completely overwhelmed.

Then what happens is when we feel overwhelmed and I mean, I’m saying it like that but I know it for myself and you start getting quiet because it’s too much and you think I’m speaking this authority and I’m telling the devil to get his hands off my money, but look nothing is changing and so now I just stop speaking. I stopped telling him to take his hands off my business and off my money because now it hasn’t worked in a week or in two weeks or in two months or in two years and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Then there are no words that God can work with to bring about His will. Because all the while when it looks like nothing is happening, things are busy happening.

That’s the big thing that we continue to take the authority because he wants us, to get us to shut up and not stand up in the authority that’s been given us and we shouldn’t let him. Then Pastor Christi, these were things that you brought in recent times about that from Kenneth Hagin where the Lord gave him the three steps to do. The first one is to command the devil with this authority that’s been given to us to get his hands off our money, our health, our relationships, our families, whatever the area is and the different areas every day. “Take your hands off what is mine.” Then tell that money, that wholeness, that heeding to come to you. Because if we don’t tell that money to come here, how’s the money going to know where to go? “Money come here. Here into this business, into this life. Health, here. This is where you’re called to.” Then the last step is to lose the angels to go and bring about the Word of the Lord in our lives. The Word that we speak, the word that is in the written Word. Then, on the angels, I mean that’s just something I’ve loved for so many years. So we have got Hebrews 1 verse 14, that they are ministers to the heirs of salvation. They are given to us to do this work. Psalm a 103 talks about these beings that excel in strength and they are commanded by the Lord of Hosts.

Now, I mean, the Lord’s also taken me in this year about Jehovah Sabaoth. The Lord of Hosts. Now, He is the one who commands these armies. We’ve got the words that get Him to be able to command these armies. They hearken to these words that we are speaking to bring about what must happen. Do you know that that word, “Lord of Hosts, Jehovah Sabaoth,” is used 484 times in the Old Testament? I mean that is a huge amount of times and my eyes started opening up to how many times it’s used in places where you would think this is really not a warring scripture, this is not about a battle. I mean Malachi, it’s about finances but He, the Lord of Hosts, is the One who watches over our finances.

Pastor Christi: That’s right.

Hannah: You will find it in unusual, unexpected places where He commands those angel armies to go. We’ve read some accounts of people who have been to heaven. I can’t speak for it myself, I haven’t seen it, but we know there’s messenger angels. We know there’s a Gabriel, there’s a Michael, a warring angel. We know there’s the angels around the throne. Pastor Sharon, you talked about some of these things and every time they go around they just worship, worship, worship but there’s some people that have seen these companies of warring angels and I mean the one person described it and he said they’d literally stand there but they are fierce and they are massive and they stand there and they are waiting their command to go and to go and fight and to fight on our behalf and do. So our words and our commanding loosens them.

The Lord can work on that to send them to go and do what’s supposed to be done. For us, you know. Brother Jerry’s tenth point, battles we don’t have to fight because the Lord’s fighting them for us. How? Through the angels. Released into the earth. Fourth dimension beings to come and bring about the will of the Lord in the third dimension. That is with our words, we permit or prevent or not.

Pastor Christi: Correct, or not Hannah

Hannah: We choose how we speak and then we stay with the normal words, what Jackie was talking about those words that come out, because if we don’t keep our words in line, well then we’re weakening this.

Pastor Christi: We give the wrong beings access.

Hannah: Doesn’t help I come out of my prayer closet having commanded and then I ….

Pastor Christi: Nullify. Nullify all those prayers and words. It’s our choice to come up in our authority. Hannah, thank you. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Thank You, Lord. Thank You Lord. Luke, thank you so much. Please come and share your Rhema word with us because Luke we have the authority. The fourth-dimensional authority to speak forth. Please share with us and thank you.

Luke: Okay. Pastor Christi, just what I wanted to share was kind of in line of what Melissa brought yesterday, because if I look at the messages, especially from our first obedience services, there’s a lot of staying awake, being alert, watching yourself and guarding yourself. So, a lot of my points come from part 4 on 15th December. I just want to read this verse that Pastor John brought. I know it’s speaking to the elders, but it’s Acts 20 verse 28 and it says, 28 So guard yourselves and God’s people. Feed and shepherd God’s flock – His church, purchased with His own blood – over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you as leaders (Acts 20:28 NLT). Especially that first part and especially where we’re going now, how we must guard ourselves and watch ourselves. Like I said, stay alert and be awake.

Then Pastor John actually said in this message here, Watch yourselves. How do I watch myself? So, obviously, now, he’s talking from his point of view. I know Pastor John is referring as a messenger how does he watch himself? But there’s so much we can practically take here. He says, Number 1, I’ve got to be before the Lord about everything that I’m doing. Number 2, I must also surround myself with people that are going to be able to speak to me in such a way that if I’m being stupid about something, they can tell me.

It’s big because how we actually watch ourselves, that is the point that Pastor John was saying there is being spiritual, going before the Lord about everything we are doing. That’s something that was big for me is, I want to desire that more with the Lord. I can actually, “Lord, I’m doing this. Is it okay? What do You have to say with it?” Then that’s the way how I can guard myself with that. That was the first one. Pastor John, it’s amazing how all these messages are flowing together, But even, what Pastor John, by the Holy Spirit, brought this weekend, who do you associate with? We have to have people who we can trust, who we associate with in order for us to, like I said, watch ourselves and people can help us watch ourselves so we don’t make stupid mistakes and miss the mark.

Pastor Christi: That’s right. That’s right.

Luke: I’m just thinking now, even here, what Pastor John brought about Daniel. Daniel made a stand. He made a stand with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. It was boys, can I say, who had an uncompromising spirit, who stood with him. I think that’s big for me to guard myself with people. It’s amazing because we’re all in this Body together. That we can help each other and we can watch ourselves together.

Pastor Christi: Amen. Because we’re still growing, Luke and we have to help one another. That’s very important, what you’re sharing.

Luke: But it’s also the thing of we speak a lot about it, but being accountable. Because you have to be accountable in order to receive that correction. The power of actually being accountable because it’s so real to me, like Pastor John has also brought. If I’m accountable to everyone here in the Body and to especially a close inner circle that I have, it enables me to remain a servant. It enables me to flow in my gift.

Pastor Christi: That’s right. It’s in your heart then. It’s in your heart to stay humble and accountable. Praise the Lord.

Luke: There’s such power in that of being accountable with people in your inner circle to receive correction, to help you so we can, like I said, watch ourselves and guard ourselves.

Pastor Christi: Luke, that’s powerful. Once again, being willing to do that. Praise the Lord. Another point?

Luke: Like I said, it’s amazing how it’s tying together, but it is to watch ourselves and to guard ourselves here. Like the scripture that I read says, we’ve all mentioned it, but it is, again, with words. Watch your mouth. Practically, it’s just awesome how the Lord is showing us, how do we watch ourselves and guard ourselves? It is, don’t speak people words. Don’t speak plan words and it’s for me also to tap into the grace and rely on Holy Spirit to help me with that.

Pastor Christi: The grace. Yes. Tap that grace and obey the Word of God. Apply the Word of God. Do the Word of God. Hallelujah.

Luke: But it is important what we say because as I’m on this context of watching myself and guarding myself, if I speak words that aren’t God words and that are bad words, those words are talking to the spirit realm and like Jackie said, they’re attracting demons.

Pastor Christi: Absolutely.

Luke: So if I’m speaking those words, I’m not going to guard myself.

Pastor Christi: Exactly, Luke. Absolutely. No, it’s a choice we’ve got to make. Powerful, Luke. Another point?

Luke: Yeah. Pastor Christi, well, I can just also share, it was just also powerful, also in this message, how separating thoughts, we got to also guard ourselves from separating thoughts. Our thoughts are so important because if we have a thought pattern and we’re constantly thinking of those thoughts our emotions get attached to that. If our emotions get attached to it, then it’s so hard to break that thought pattern and it becomes action.

Pastor Christi: To come out of it, not to give yourself to it. To add your emotions. Absolutely. To stay, Luke, in the agreement in the moment as you hear the Word of God. Stay in that agreement and don’t allow your emotions to come in there and to separate you. When you sit here and like Pastor John said, when you walk out of the church. Then you have conversations out there. Yeah. Stay in agreement with the Word of God. Very powerful.

Luke: Amen. Essie and I have been having lots of chats about it because even the example that Pastor John brought about Brother Jerry and Mrs Carolyn of, “Okay, Brother Jerry. Maybe it’s time; you’ve been doing this for 45 years. Come home.” But it’s so big that we don’t get into agreements on our emotions.

Pastor Christi: Exactly Luke.

Luke: Because then we’re going to miss it.

Pastor Christi: Not inquiring from the Lord, “But I care for you. So you might be tired.” So, wrong words. Wrong words. Don’t do it, but be aware that those moments can be.

Luke: For sure.

Pastor Christi: That’s powerful conversations to have, Luke. Yes. To be watchful for our own lives. Hallelujah.

Luke: It’s like you’ve always taught us. Don’t sympathise with someone…

Pastor Christi: That’s right.

Luke: Because your very sympathising can actually kill them.

Pastor Christi: Can harm you.

Luke: And take them from the plans of God.

Pastor Christi: That’s right. That’s right.

Luke: But if I can also just say, the power of being in agreement on the Word

Pastor Christi: Yes.

Luke: Being in agreement on what God’s leading you ..… so just in our context, what we… the conversations we have had as a couple. When we are in agreement on that, then the power of God is released and that’s effectively what we want.

Pastor Christi: That’s right.

Luke: We strive for.

Pastor Christi: That’s what we want. The agreement with the Word and not with one another if there’s emotions involved. That’s what we want. Luke, this is powerful. Thank you for sharing this with us today, and this is Rhema, to all of us here.

Luke: I like the paper.

Pastor Christi: All the paper people are very glad. We are celebrating with you Luke. Praise the Lord. Yes, Mia, where are you sitting this morning? Oh, there, behind the controls. Thank you Mia. Please come share with us the Rhema, the revelations, the insight, the things that God is showing you. Daarsy.

Mia: Thank you, Pastor Christi.

Pastor Christi: Oh, praise the Lord.

Mia: And if I can almost just preface what I want to say. This is, it’s almost a continuation of a message that Pastor John preached earlier this year. I think it was in October.

Pastor Christi: Glory.

Mia: Covenant versus culture and something that Pastor John said there is he said, culture is trying to constantly undermine God’s covenant and culture will always tell you that the human part of social living is more important than the covenant part of God. Then just a declaration that I got out of that message was I want my priorities to be about covenant and not about culture. That links so beautifully in with a lot of, Pastor John, what you’ve been ministering now of the distractions that culture presents you with and the soul ties and like Cavey was mentioning about the emotional pull on you and the culture comes with all of the emotions with all of the distractions to try and pull you away from covenant and our power comes from our covenant with God.

Pastor Christi: Amen. It’s right Mia. Those things, they want to make a demand on us and they do.

Mia: Yes, Pastor Christi.

Pastor Christi: They do, they pull on us.

Mia: Even just the other night, I was just reflecting on some of the sessions that we’ve been having and what I just wrote down is God is really speaking to us in Ecclesia about not compromising. It is covenant versus culture. So I choose to not compromise on my covenant with God. I will not go after the other so-called gods. I fortify myself by saying, “Jesus, You are my first love.” I allow Your correction, Lord, through a messenger. God spoke through messengers to the seven churches to bring correction so that they can experience His glory. This is how God is refining us as a people. That was so beautiful for me as well, Pastor Christi, because the example that Pastor John used with distractions is if he wants to take Pastor Sharon’s phone, he’s not just going to take it. He’s going to say, “Look over there, and then he’s going to take it.” So, the whole point of culture, the whole point of distractions is to get you to look away from God, to look away from where you should be looking and that’s how we run our race is looking unto Jesus.

Pastor Christi: Unto Jesus.

Mia: Unto Jesus and that brings me to something that really stood out to me that Pastor John ministered about in Accelerating Into The New of God, Part 7. He spoke about the names of God. Earlier this year, Pastor John also spoke about strengthening yourself. He said, You should increase, I want to encourage you to press into God right now to strengthen yourself because there are opportunities coming your way. As the world’s crisis begins to emerge and as chaos begins to be revealed, we will have opportunities to increase wealth. We will have opportunities to reveal God’s protection. We will have opportunities for preservation. Multiplication is coming. Then he read from the scripture, Ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 to 13 in the Passion and just that part where it says, 10 Be supernaturally infused with strength through your life-union with the Lord Jesus (Ephesians 6:10 TPT).

So, then in that message, when Pastor John read about the names of God, that was really something that just, it was impressive to me. It so stood out to me when Pastor John the other day spoke about all of the different gods of the world and you get the money and the god of the sun and the god of the moon and you get all of these different gods for different things. But actually, our Jehovah God, He is the all powerful mighty creator God and our only God. We don’t need to serve a God of this or a God of that or a God of that. We serve our one God,

Pastor Christi: The only God

Mia: Everything that we need in Him is in Him. So I just want to read some of those names. I won’t read all of them.

Pastor Christi: Oh, Mia. You can read all of them because that is just such a wonderful thing again to hear His names and to love Him and to receive all that He is to us.

Mia: Also just before I do that, because Pastor John also said in that message. He said, Begin to speak these names of God and let them become a reality to you as you’re away. Let God speak to you and let hope build in you and strengthen you. So, this is part of how we strengthen ourselves for all of the things that come in recognising Who God is because then we’re also strengthening ourselves against distractions because now we’re constantly looking back to the right place. We’re constantly looking back to Jesus, to Who God is.

Pastor Christi: Mia, that is so important what you’re saying, to strengthen yourself that way. Exactly in part 7, I stood still there and just went there with the Lord, me and Him. We’ve got to strengthen ourselves that way. Hallelujah. Please continue.

Mia: Some of the names is, Elohim, He is my Sovereign, Mighty Creator God. He is Jehovah, my Unchangeable God Who is intimate with me. He is El Shaddai, the All Sufficient One. There’s no need in my life that He cannot meet. He is Adonai, my Lord and Master. He is Jehovah Jireh, the Unchangeable Intimate One Who is my Provider. He is Jehovah M’Kaddesh, the Lord my Sanctifier Who is helping me to correct. Even there, Pastor John said, “This that’s Who God is, but is He that to you?”

Pastor Christi: Yes.

Mia: Something that Pastor G said to us a while ago is, who you say God is is Who He will become to you. So even Jehovah M’Kaddesh, the Lord Who is my Sanctifier Who corrects me, it’s not always the nicest thing, but it’s the very thing that will save your life, is when you receive His correction. So even that is you’re strengthening yourself because now you’re allowing God to come with His Word, to come with the messengers, to come with the message, to bring correction, to bring you onto the right path.

Pastor Christi: To develop a stomach.

Mia: To develop a stomach.

Pastor Christi: That He can lead you that way. Yes. Thank You, Lord.

Mia: Yes. He is Jehovah Nissi as my aunt said. He is the Lord my Banner of victory. But it’s an Unchangeable Intimate One Who is the Lord my victory. He is Jehovah Rapha, the Unchangeable Intimate One Who is the Lord my health, my Physician. He is Jehovah Shalom, the Unchangeable Intimate God, bringing peace and wholeness to me. He is Jehovah Tsidkenu, the Lord, the Unchangeable Intimate One, bringing His right ways and right standing to my life. He is Jehovah Rohi, the Lord, my Shepherd. He is leading me and guiding me and even there, Pastor Sharon said in Sound and Song, that we should be going back to Psalm 23, He is the Lord my Shepherd Who feeds me, Who guides me, Who shields me.

Pastor Christi: Yes, Mia.

Mia: There’s so much provision just in that Name. He is Jehovah Shammah, the Lord is there. He is El Elyon. This One is one that just stood out for me where Pastor John said, “He is the God is the God is of the Most High.” So, El Elyon, He is God is God Most High and despite all of the other gods that’s going on, everything else that’s going on in the world, he is God is God Most High.

Pastor Christi: Most high.

Mia: It doesn’t matter what my situation looks like, what my circumstances look like. He is still God is God Most High.

Pastor Christi: Amen.

Mia: He is Jehovah Sabaoth, the Unchangeable Intimate God Who is the Lord of Hosts, Who has that military power. He is Jehovah Makkah, the Lord Who molds me into His image. He is Jehovah Gmolah, the Unchangeable Intimate Lord Who rewards me. Then Pastor John finished with this of, He is Jehovah Elohay. He is the Unchangeable Intimate God Who is the Lord my God and then He is Jehovah Eloheenu. He is the Unchangeable Intimate God Who is the Lord our God that really just blessed me, Pastor Christi, all of those names and to go back to that and to allow myself to be strengthened by those names. Even how, jah, knowing Him is what will change me and will change my circumstances. That will also give me the confidence and strengthen me for what I need to be strengthened for.

Pastor Christi: Amen. Right here in our holy days going forward. Praise the Lord. Mia, thank you. Is there another point that you would like to make?

Mia: Pastor Christi, there is one more thing that Pastor John said from that same message that really, it just blessed me. Hewas speaking about hopes and he asked, “Well, what is your hope?” Then he gave us what is his hope for us. It was really just something that blessed me because, again, Jehovah, He’s the personal, Intimate Unchangeable God. He’s the self revealing One. So, what Pastor John said is he said, My hope is that everybody here, everybody will have an encounter with God and will continue to have encounters with God that He is so personal to you that you can never ever be swayed by arguments, by discussion, by experience, by someone else’s things, by some false teacher, false message that you can never be swayed, but that your encounter with God is so real that it keeps you grounded in Him, and that you experience the amazing love of God. That you would experience the love of God so big and so strong that you’re unshakable. So again, it’s that getting to know who God is and that’s how I encounter Him because when you encounter Him, you get to know Who He is and how He’s revealing Himself to you in that moment and that is the thing that keeps you rooted, that keeps you set and that keeps you away from the distractions and your eyes looking unto Jesus.

Pastor Christi: That’s right, Mia and that’s our prayer in agreement here for all of us. Praise the Lord. Mia, thank you. We praise the only, very God of the very God, our God. We give Him all the glory today. Mia, thank you. This was just so awesome. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Oh, yes. All of His names. All of His names to all of us. To all of us. Gideon, with your red shirt, not your pink one. Please come and share with us. I must say, you do, you’re doing a good job, Gideon. Thank you.

Gideon: Don’t worry, Pastor Christi. [Gideon shows Pastor Christi text in his Bible]

Pastor Christi: I’ve got my glasses here, I will be able to handle that.

Gideon: I’ve learned two things about a clock watch, the one is you can set it to time, how long you talk. That one is when you should stop. So, I forgot to set mine.

Pastor Christi: So, like I’ve said, Gideon, Pastor John is right here.

Gideon: I know. But it is bad. But I think, you know, what I want to start off with is just, Pastor Sharon mentioned the Lord reminded you about something I said many, many years ago that there will be a time when people will mock you and say, “Well, you’re following a man.” I want to say the first thing here, and just make it clear that everybody knows that. I am following a man. Paul said to Timothy, he said, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” The words that come through these two messengers into my life that have changed my life, I mean, which was in a bad, bad place, why should I do something else? So, I’m following a man.

Pastor Christi: That’s right. That’s the Word of God, Gideon.

Gideon: I just want to get that out of the way. But what do you talk about, Pastor Christi? You know, there’s so many words that come to us. I really had a God encounter in October when Pastor John started to talk about covenant. I think I can call it something like my relationship with God had a revolution. Understanding covenant better than I ever heard about it, when you spoke about Jacob and what happened. Abraham, what happened to him, and he was circumcised and every time … The Lord started to deal with me on covenant and then there was message after message that came and Pastor Josh came and he says that we must start to recognise the time that we’re in, that this covenant, that’s the way that I understood it. That this covenant that we’re busy walking in, recognise the time where we’re going because this covenant is going to increase and not decrease. We’re going forward, Empie not backwards. We’re not going to be satisfied with what we have.

Then in the weekend of 15th, 16th, I’m so glad for LeRoux that spoke about the tennis ball yesterday because I had a bit of a tennis ball moment. So, Pastor John said this in his first meeting. So, He is an infinite God who is trillions of years away from us. Billions of trillions because He existed before He made us to live in the realm that He lives in. I nearly missed that because it’s easy to listen to some of the words Pastor John says, and then there’s something that creeps in that if we miss that. He says that existed before He made us, comma, to live in the realm He lives in. That grabbed me. God, when He created Adam and Eve, He put His Spirit, like Pastor John said this weekend, on them and they lived in the fourth dimension or the God dimension. When they sinned that was removed.

When Jesus came, as Pastor John explained to us, He came to live in us. So, we can now live in that God dimension. I said to the Lord something that Pastor John always said to us, “If you don’t agree or if you do agree, go and study it for yourself.” I said, “Lord, okay so show me.” So, allow me to tell you, I’m going to use The Passion Translation, but I’m just going to read you a couple of things the way the Lord showed me. So, this is in Luke 9. So, Jesus sent out His apostles. So, He called His twelve boys together. He says, “Boys, I want you to go out two by two and I want you to go and do something very specific.”

Now remember, Jesus, at one stage, He took the Book and He says, “I’ve been anointed to preach the Gospel, to set the captives free, to heal the blind or the sick.” He says, “Alright so let Me send you out and you go and do exactly that. Why? Because I give you the authority. In the same message I just made comment of Pastor John started off with that scripture in Matthew 28 verse 18. He had a lot of fun with, therefore, because He’s therefore, for therefore. Jesus came and told His disciples, “I have given you all authority in heaven and on earth.” He says here, “I give you authority over the demons.” He says, “Now go out and proclaim that the Kingdom has come close to you.” The Kingdom is that fourth dimension. It’s the God dimension. It’s now close to you. You can have it.

So, they went out, two by two. I’m just going to read to you what The Passion Translation says. 10 Months later, not days laters, months later, I had some fun with the Lord on this. I said, “Lord, what did Jesus do for those months?” Because now his disciples is gone and there’s no record of it. 10… the apostles returned from their ministry tour and told Jesus all the wonders and miracles they had witnessed (Luke 9:10 TPT). They have experienced fourth-dimensional living. Amen. He told them, “Don’t take your money back.” This is important. “Don’t take extra tunics. Don’t do this. Just go. Because I want to show you fourth-dimensional living.”

So, they told Jesus all that and Jesus, in verse 23, 23 Jesus said to all of his followers, (Luke 9:23 TPT) No. Sorry. I’m on on the wrong place here. Then, right after that, Jesus fed the multitudes. So, they came back and they spoke to Him, months later. He wanted to be, the Bible says, He wanted to be alone with the twelve. He took them one side, but the crowd followed Him and they found Him. His disciples, now remember, they just lived in the fourth dimension. Pastor John warned us this weekend. He says, “Do not be caught up that when we experience fourth dimension, that we get so used to the fourth dimension, that we don’t go forward, the memories, the rusk.” Because if you stay with the rusk, God can’t take you to something new.

Pastor Christi: Yeah, that’s right

Gideon: So, then the disciples said to Jesus, “There’s a lot of people that is hungry. Let’s send them away.” But listen what He says in the Passion. He told His disciples, 13… “You have the food to feed them.” (Luke 9:13 TPT) You have the food to feed them. That’s what I noticed, that they just experienced for months fourth dimension. They came back to Jesus. They fall back into the natural. Send people away to go and buy food. Jesus, “Woah, but I just showed you. You’ve got it.” If you can get the memory out of your mind, if you can get natural out of your thinking pattern, what can happen is you got the food to feed them. He says, “Let them sit down in fifties.” As they went and sat down in fifties, He took the bread and the Bible says, in their presence, in front of them, some translations say, “In front of them He broke it.” As He broke it, He gave it, and they saw how fourth dimension multiplication is happening in front of their eyes.

The minute that we can get ourselves out of the way, that’s what the Lord said to me. The minute when we stop being arrogant. If God ever called any of you arrogant, He called me that one day, reading John chapter 3 verse 16. He says to me, “You’re very arrogant?” I said, “Why?” He says, “Because you think you know the scripture. Let Me show you what God’s love is all about.” The minute we can get the trust that Pastor John also spoke about this weekend of God’s love for us and we can get ourselves out of the way and let the fourth dimension go in front of us, God can use us to impact the world, make a difference to people and show forth the absolute power of God. That’s why He sent the disciples out. He said to them, He says, “Go out.” He says, “The miracles will be a proof that My Kingdom has come close to you.” So, get ourselves out of the way and that’s the way the Lord spoke to me about it. Thank you. Thank you.

Pastor Christi: Gideon, that is powerful. Gideon, hallelujah. Because that’s what we say and we sing it; My faith is in You, Lord. Looking unto Jesus. But it’s an important thing, Gideon, to get yourself out of the way. Yes, absolutely. Thank you, Gideon. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. We have five minutes. Praise the Lord. Mari, where are you sitting? Right here. [Pastor Sharon says, “Angie.”] Yes, she as well. Pastor Sharon, I’ll see if the five minutes can accommodate us. Thank you so much. Mari, thank you. Thank you. Oh, you’ve got it all binded [Pastor Christi refers to Mari’s book].

Mari: It’s Angie’s idea.

Pastor Christi: Oh, Angie, it’s beautiful. Thank you, Mari

Mari: There’s so many points, but from Pastor John’s first message of acceleration, what stood out to me. The first point is basically what Jackie was saying also about your words. Pastor John was saying, “My words are telling the Spirit in the fourth-dimensional realm. The Lord stopped me there.” He said, “My words are telling. What is my words telling?” Then he spoke furthermore when he gave that example of the guy that just made him kill. It was words, actions, impressions that the enemy brought to him. And He said to me, “What are your words triggering? “What are my words triggering when I’m saying.” I just take it, I speak like that and I’m not counting my words and not really being careful and thinking of my words.

Pastor Christi: Speaking about it.

Mari: That was that and then I’m just because of time, that statement Pastor John said, at the end of the message, the Holy Spirit is a person, a member of the Infinite Eternal Godhead. The Holy Spirit will create with His power, a creative power lives in you. The same creative power that He used as the Eternal Infinite God to make the earth under God’s Word the same power. The Holy Spirit lives in me. He possesses me. Let Him possess your mind and then you can stop, then you can stop all the suppression. I was thinking, the Lord was saying to me, that is supposed to be my determined purpose. To let Him possess me. I had to repent. I’m thinking, Lord, I didn’t give it this attention. Until now I’m giving it that attention.

Pastor Christi: Praise the Lord. Marii, thank you for that.

Pastor Sharon: Is that what it said? To possess your mind?

Mari: To possess my mind, because that is where the problem is.

Pastor Christi: To possess your mind. That is it. Just like Pastor Sharon has said. Mari, thank you. Once again a choice for us to make.

Mari: It is a choice.

Pastor Christi: Yes and you saw it. You saw it by the Holy Spirit. We have authority, like Pastor John said, “But the power belongs to the Lord.” Thank you, Mari. This is precious to us. Well, Pastor Sharon, we’re going to make it. Angie, can I please ask you to come? Thank you. Please come and share with us a precious point that the Lord showed you, and listen, Angie, I know there’s many. Like for all of us, thank you.

Angie: Thank you. Pastor John was talking about how, we are disciple messages and they are messengers and how we don’t have any power, but we have authority. I had, like, a personal experience with the Holy Spirit where I was dealing with symptoms in my body and I just said to Him, “Well, I have the authority, so I don’t permit this, but You have the power.” His presence just filled my whole being. Pastor John was also speaking, Jackie mentioned it and my mom, that whole piece about the Holy Spirit in us. It’s just from these messages, that there’s a tenderness and a sensitivity that I want His power to be revealed completely through me.

Pastor Christi: Yes. That’s right, Angie.

Angie: He’s telling us how we need to come up in our authority by our words and the great grace, Pastor Sharon, always has said, “Don’t frustrate the great grace.” He’s given us great grace right now to be able to do this. That part as well that my Mom just read, everything in your world can change. World change must change when the Infinite Eternal Holy Spirit living in you is let loose to make a change. I want Him to be let loose. [Angie crying.] Sorry. So, He has given us the ability through these messages to be obedient to Him because He wants to come with His power into every area of our lives to live powerfully, personally and corporately. We can. We can. Just one more thing I just wanted to share.

In the message, before our obedience services started, I kept on seeing the word obedience, obedience, obedience. I know it’s this period that we’re giving our obedience to, but I said to the Lord, “I want my obedience to go up to a new level with You.” It’s by the help of the Holy Spirit.

He took me to Psalm 119 verse 32 to 48 in the TPT, 32 I will run after you with delight in my heart for you will make me obedient to your instructions. 33 Give me revelation about the meaning of your ways so I can enjoy the reward of following them fully. 34 Give me an understanding heart so that I can passionately know and obey your truth. 35 Guide me into the paths that please you, for I take delight in all that you say. 36 Cause my heart to bow before your words of wisdom and not to the wealth of this world. And I just put in brackets there; the distractions. 37 Help me turn my eyes away from illusions so that I pursue only that which is true; drench my soul with life as I walk in your paths. 38 Reassure me of your promises, for I am your beloved, your servant who bows before you. 39 Defend me from the criticism I face for keeping your beautiful words. And that’s the persecution Pastor John was talking about. 40 See how I long with cravings for more of your ways? And that’s desiring the burning coal that Pastor Sharon was talking about. Let your righteousness revive my spirit! 41 May your tender love overwhelm me, O Lord, for you are my Savior and you keep your promises. 42 I’ll always have an answer for those who mock me because I trust in your word. 43 May I never forget your truth, for I rely upon your precepts. 44 I will observe your laws every moment of the day and will never forget the words you say. 45 I will walk with you in complete freedom, for I seek to follow your every command. 46 When I stand before kings, I will tell them the truth and will never be ashamed. 47 My passion and delight is in your word, for I love what you say to me! 48 I long for more revelation, and that’s the rhema, Pastor Sharon, it was so good, of your truth, for I love the light of your word as I meditate on your decrees. (Psalm 119:32-48 TPT)

And that’s our prayer for everyone, I believe. So be that.

Pastor Christi: Angie, this is the prayer that is in all of our hearts. We mean business with the Lord. That’s why we’re giving Him our holidays to exchange for holy days. That’s why we are here. We mean business with the Lord. This is our desire. Thank you, thank you for sharing this with us. This is all of our prayer, today. Thank you, Angie.

Thank you, everyone. We say; amen. Yes, Lord. Let it be so. Let it be so. Praise the Lord. Pastor John, a 15 minute break? Thank you so much. See you in a while.