Scripture reference: 1 Thessalonians 5:23 (AMPC; NLT); 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 (TPT); Luke 4:18 (TPT); Luke 4:18-19 (MSG; NLT; AMPC); Matthew 6:32-33 (NLT)

I just want you to do something with me this morning. I’d like just to say, just raise your hands like this and just give thanks to the Lord. Just say, “Thank You, Jesus, for health. Thank You for abundance. Thank You for good life. Thank You for protection. Thank You for guiding us. Thank You for leading us. We just thank You for all the good things that You bring to us. Thank You, Lord. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.”

Wow. It’s wonderful to be able to give thanks to the Lord like that, you know. Yes. Thanksgiving is a really important and very powerful component of living your life in victory and in freedom, is to be able to give thanks. Yes. Amen. Praise the Lord. Before you sit down, I just want to make the announcement that there is a service at 5 o’clock tonight, and there is a prayer meeting, on Tuesday evening at 6 o’clock as per normal, and, we’re kind of just waiting to see how our year is going to unfold by the Holy Spirit as to adding other things to the calendar. But, it’s going to be a wonderful year.

The next couple of weeks, I believe that the Lord has put it on my heart to bring messages to you that are going to, in my view, anyway, they are going to be some of the most directional messages for your life, for our go together. They are going to be most liberating, delivering messages that the Lord wants to bring to us in this season. So, I want you to have your faith out and have your expectations and put your hope in the Lord that He will speak words to all of us that are going to be most powerful and wonderful. Hallelujah.

So, now before you sit down say, “I’m ready,” and then turn to tell someone else and say, “I’m ready, I’m ready,” tell a couple of people, “I’m ready,” and then you may be seated. Thank you. Thank you.

Praise the Lord. I’m going to read you the same passage of scripture in three different translations. To start with, I’m going to read 1st Thessalonians 5 verse 23, and it goes like this in the Amplified Bible. It reads, 23 And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through [separate you from profane things, or ungodly things [separate you…., make you pure and wholly or completely consecrated to God]; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete [and found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah). (1 Thessalonians 5:23 AMPC)

I mean, there’s quite a lot in the scripture, but, you know, if you say, and if we read it and you say, “May your spirit and soul be preserved sound and complete and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus.” You will say, “Of course, that makes sense.” Because that’s an eternal thing, but in the scripture, he says, “May your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” So, there are some things to consider here and in terms of the part that our whole being plays in our future. Would you agree?

I mean, if you just read that scripture, you have to say, “Well, there’s something that’s going to happen right now that’s going to preserve us for later.” And that means whatever’s going to happen right now is going to happen to your body as well as your soul and your spirit right now. Come on. It’s not putting the body off to some virtual… If he left body out, then you could say, “Well, that’s a scripture for some eternal thing that’s going to happen.” But he’s also talking about the body right now. So, it’s both present and future, right? Because he’s talking about preservation right now. Amen.

So, the New Living translation puts it this way, 23 Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. (1 Thessalonians 5:23 NLT). Well, there’s the three things being kept blameless until He comes again, right?

The Passion Translation says it this way, 23 Now, may the God of peace and harmony set you apart, making you completely holy. And may your entire being – spirit, soul, and body – be kept completely flawless in the appearing of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. (1 Thessalonians 5:23 TPT). I want to just read verse 24 to you from the Passion Translation, it says, 24 The one who calls you by name is trustworthy and will thoroughly complete his work in you. (1 Thessalonians 5:24 TPT)

So, He’s trustworthy and He will thoroughly complete His work in you. Recently, you know, there’s been a lot of talk about people in power and how much, I mean there’s been elections and there’s a lot of political things happening around the world. If you haven’t heard, you know, since Donald Trump has come into power, the whole globe is kind of realigning to his agenda. And, so the Prime Minister of Canada arrived to come and see him and, said, “You can’t put tariffs on us.” And, he said, “Well, we’ll make you the 51st state of America.” And a couple of weeks later, he resigned as Prime Minister.

You know, there’s a lot of talk about power and the impact of power and what constitutes power and what constitutes leadership. And, there’s a saying, you know, if you want to, if you want to, if you want to test someone’s character, give them some power. Because when they have power you will see what kind of character they have. And of course, if you follow on from that comment, there is another saying that says, “Absolute power corrupts.” Absolutely. You know, so having power is a very, is a very dynamic thing and it’s a it’s a very, revealing thing if people have power.

So, I thank God that He has power in my life. He has power in my soul. He has power in my spirit and He has power in my body. The book of Psalms says power belongs to God. Power does belong to God.

Power does not belong to governments. If God didn’t want a government to have the kind of power that they have, He wouldn’t allow it. So, I don’t want to get into that too much today, but it is important for us to consider that we are 3 part beings, and I believe the Lord is going to help us all today to understand some things about ourselves and about our future. What is the spirit of a being? The spirit of the being is that which makes us conscious of God and relates us to God is the spirit. So, what relates us to God and makes us conscious of God is your spirit. Amen.

I hope this is going to help you. What is your soul? Your soul is that which relates us to ourselves and gives us self-consciousness. So, what I’m quoting to you is what I received from Watchman Nee and some studies that we did along… Watchman Nee is one of the most studied students and established people in God and in understanding the Word of God. He certainly didn’t get everything right. No one does. Not even Kenneth Hagin or Kenneth Copeland or anyone of those guys. They don’t get it right, but certainly, Watchman Nee, wrote a lot about many things that relate to the Christian life, and they had a lot of revelation and insight to it, and he put it better than anyone else I know.

So, your spirit is that which makes us conscious of God and helps us to relate to God. Your soul is that which relates us to ourselves and gives us self-consciousness. That’s your soul. So, and the body is that which causes us to relate to the world. So, another really amazing student of the scriptures, a man by the name of Scofield.

And if you have been around fairly long in this in the church, you will know that one of the most famous, most sought-after Bibles that you could buy would have been the Scofield Bible many many years ago. We’ve become a much more modern society and so there’s a lot of other translations and things that now happen. But the Scofield Bible was one of those Bibles that was along the lines of the Thompson chain reference. So, Thompson, Scofield, many of those guys wrote incredible references and studies of the Bible and Scofield put it like this, the spirit gives God-consciousness, the soul self-consciousness, the body world-consciousness. So, I’m just going to repeat that. The spirit gives God consciousness, the soul is self-consciousness, and the body is world-consciousness.

So, just for us to have some kind of clarity because an animal doesn’t have a spirit, it can be self-conscious. That’s what we would call animal instinct. It’s self-conscious. What does it know? It knows it’s got to eat. It knows it’s got to drink because its body and its instincts are telling it what to do. But an animal can’t make a decision for itself, so it has no God-consciousness. But it’s certainly environmentally conscious. Right? And it’s certainly conscious of its body and its instinct.

So, I’m not trying to make your soul the same as an animal’s soul, but I’m just trying to give you an give you an example that instinctive ness or what some people will call base instincts are very often body-driven and soul-driven. Okay? So, if you want to say, “I’m God-conscious,” that’s spirit-driven. But if you’re saying, “I’m people-conscious, I’m environmentally-conscious, I’m aware of myself in the place of the world.” It’s soul consciousness and body consciousness. Okay.

Why is this important for us to consider at this moment in time? Because as I’m going to read to you today, I’m going to minister to you, God willing, over the next couple of weeks, how we view our world and where we get our worldview from and how we must access the God view rather than the worldview. Because if we say, “We are world conscious and we have a worldview,” then we are saying, “We are self-conscious and we are aware of our own place in the world.” Hello? So, now I know that when people talk to you about having a worldview, what’s your worldview?

They’re asking you what’s your philosophy in life. They’re asking you what’s your belief system in life. They’re asking you what’s your perspective of what’s going on in the world? What’s your view of the world? So, oftentimes, if you talk to people about their worldview and they’re Christians, they will most definitely include God in their worldview.

But so, in a generic context, it’s okay to have a worldview. But I want to separate you from thinking that is worldview versus kingdom view thinking. Because if you have a kingdom perspective, if you have a God view, a 4th-dimensional view of life as opposed to a worldview of life, then you’re going to have a much better understanding of you as a spirit being. So, if I am self-conscious, I am very self-conscious, then I am going to be very much aware of everything that defines me as myself, that’s going to bring happiness to myself, that’s going to create a space for me in the world for myself. Come on now.

So, if I’m self-conscious, then everything I’m doing is about myself. And what’s my place in the world? How am I going to be successful in the world? Who can I connect with to be successful in the world? Self-consciousness.

Now of course, none of us can be self-conscious without our body-consciousness because our body permits us to be in the world. So, you can be very body-conscious, even though you’re unhealthy, potentially overweight and potentially, have different things wrong with your body. I’m starting there on purpose because if I say, “If you’re body-conscious,” people say, “Well if you go to the gym and you work out and you…”, fit and your body is in good shape, then they would say, “That person’s body-conscious.” No. That person has just told its body how he wants it to look because of his self-consciousness. Hello?

Other people have a different self-consciousness about them which comes from different sources. So, somebody might be very unhealthy because of what they eat, but their self-consciousness comes from a survival place where they can eat what they are able to eat, not what they would like to eat. So, if you’re only eating enough to survive, that might cause your body to be very unhealthy. You might look skinny, but you might be very unhealthy because you can eat very little, but you’re eating what you must eat.

Your self-consciousness will then be about survival and your body-consciousness will be about keeping my body alive so I can survive. So, I know, you know, there are many different studies about all of this. I’m trying to be practical with you today. The more you move up the up the scale of, I have my needs taken care of, the more people move from having a needs-driven orientation in their self-consciousness and body-consciousness, to a desire-consciousness and a dreams-consciousness. Amen.

So, later on, when I’m going to be talking to you, I’m going to be talking to you about needs, dreams and desires. So, in later sessions, I’m going to be talking to you about needs, dreams and desires. Because if you have a very big need and you’re surviving in the world, obviously, your body survival becomes your highest level of self-consciousness. I have to eat today. I have to drink water today. I have to find a place that I can be sheltered from the elements and have a sleep and recover.

And so everything about your self-consciousness is need-driven. As you move away from day-to-day needs-driven, your self-consciousness begins to increase and your awareness of your environment begins to take a second place, and you begin to become much more determined by what your dreams are, what your desires are. Yes? So, now you’re you are world-conscious because of your body, and you’re self-conscious because of your soul. So, if I’m self-conscious and I’m aware of my self-consciousness, then I’m going to start to focus on what I can do to improve what myself is telling me I want to become. Okay?

And so, if I’m a parent and I’m self-conscious as a parent, then I will take a perspective that my self-consciousness is now somewhat wrapped up in what happens to my children. So, now I want my children to be taken care of. I want my children to have a good education. I want my children to be able to press for things that they desire and that they dream about.

So, as a parent, I’m taking care of all of their body-consciousness stuff. They don’t have to worry about what they’re going to eat, where they’re going to stay, if they can have a shower tonight or not. Because now, as a parent, my self-consciousness understands I must take care of their whole body-consciousness. If I can make sure that their body-conscious stuff is as lowered down the pole of survival, if you like, don’t even think about that. Just think about what you desire, what you dream of and let’s put you on a path where all of your potential can be realized. Yes?

My self-consciousness as a parent is now wrapped up in what my children can become because I’ve taken care of their body-consciousness. Very often what happens is that my identity of self-consciousness gets wrapped up in the success, the development and the continuous momentum of my children and their place in society. Now my identity gets connected with their ability to be self-conscious rather than body-conscious. Come on.

The more self-conscious my children are, the more they are able to dream, desire and in some cases, place a demand on their bodies to excel at the highest level because I’ve taken care of them so much that they could focus on the potential of their body, not the survival of their body. Are you all with me?

If I wanted my child to become an athlete, to become a musician, to become a dancer, to become something that requires physical demand, the only way you can have your body focus on those things is if it is not thinking about need. So, the need is taken care of so I can now take all of what is in my self-consciousness and demand things from my body. Ok?

That’s one thing. The other thing that as a parent my identity gets wrapped up in is, ok, they don’t have physical capability to excel, so they might have an intellectual capability to excel. So, now I want their intellectual capability to be released. Again, this is all about their needs are taken care of so they can focus on developing their desires, their wants, their dreams. Yes? Okay.

All the while, if I’m not careful, I’m focusing on making sure their needs are taken care of, so they can focus on self-consciousness. Be aware of self. “What do you want to become? What do you want to do? What do you want to dream about?” If you are a parent that has got a healthy self-consciousness perspective, then you would stand aside and say, “I’m going to let your talent, your desire, your dream emerge for yourself and I’m not going to tell you what I want you to become. I want you to decide for yourself what you want to become.” Right?

So, my own awareness of self-consciousness has given me a sense of self-conscious maturity where I’m no longer trying to tell you what to do. As a little kid, I’ve got to tell you, “Don’t do this, don’t do that, don’t do the next thing, be this, be that, don’t…” But then you get to a point where you say, “Okay, now you can decide for yourself because you understand the needs are taken care of, your education is at a level, you’re capable of making decisions that drive your self-consciousness, your dreams, your desires, what you wish to do and become.” Now this, what I’ve just described to you, is the cycle of life. It’s the symptom of life. Yes?

Now if I’m that kind of parent and my child comes to me and says, you know, “I was pretty good at sport, but I realized, actually, I’m never going to make it in sport to the point where I can make a living out of sport. But I wish to pursue sport just as a hobby, as a habit because I like it.” Right? Then we’re going to have a conversation, say, “Okay. We understand that’s what you like, but what are you going to do to live by?” Yes? “You got to do something that’s going to provide you with an income at some point in time. So, what are you going to live by?”

So, the conversation, “Well, I think, you know, I’m academically as good as the next person. I mean, I can go to university, I can go to college, I can study and become an apprentice or something and learn, and learn a skill with my hands, and there’s a lot of things I can become to make money.” And so now, as a self-conscious, self-aware parent, and because I have enough financial strength for them to pursue their dreams, I say, “What is it that you want to do? What is it you want to become?”

And we have this conversation. “So, okay here’s some money for sport, and you can go and play, golf 3 times a week because that’s what you like to do. While you’re studying and you’re making space for yourself so that you can become something else.” Okay? “So, I’m going to go to university and I’m going to study to become something else, or I’m going to go to and learn a hand skill which will give me something that I can do.” Okay?

Then, as a self-aware parent, I’m going to say, “Well, that’s good. I’m glad you’re going to do that, but what is it that you want to become? That’s just what you can do to make money, but what is it that you want to become?” Because now as a self-aware parent, I want their potential to be everything that they desire to become. Don’t look at me like I’m smoking something.

This is how the world works. Body-awareness and self-consciousness-awareness. Right? “So, what is it that you want to become?” Well and so most of the time, most most of the time, what they want to become is wrapped up in what they do for a living.

So, what I do to make money is what I become as a person. So, now and I’m just using this, if I become a mechanic, then my world begins to perceive me as a mechanic. So, what I’m doing to make money as a mechanic becomes who I am as a mechanic. So, now my identity is wrapped up in what I do for a living, and my doing what I’m living becomes what I become. Yes?

If I’m an accountant, then I’m a been counter. I’m person that’s labelled in society that’s able to manage processes, manage the reporting of money and put things in place that can manage money. Now, whatever the accountant in me and my worldview gets wrapped up in what I’m doing. So, this is worldview. This is how everybody goes about stuff.

Tell me what’s missing out of this whole conversation? God-consciousness. God-consciousness. So, everybody that’s talking this kind of language in the world out there is talking like the world talks, but they’re not talking about God-consciousness. So, in time to come, we’re going to talk about stuff that is that is self-consciousness.

The power of the self and the soul is so powerful that the whole world exists and everything that’s being created in the world is existing because of self-consciousness. Hello? Let me put it to you this way, Steve Jobs, who was one of the most creative people on the planet, who created Apple, and how many people are using Apple products today? Steve Jobs didn’t create what he created because of his God-consciousness. He created what he created because of his self-consciousness and his body-consciousness of the world that he lived in and his level of self-consciousness.

So, that includes his intellect, that includes his dreams, his desires, his body, and everything that’s in this world. He didn’t need God-consciousness to be the founder of Apple. He didn’t. So, it’s fair to say that actually, our soul is an extremely powerful force. It’s extremely powerful.

I mean, you know, Henry Ford who created Ford Motor Corporation and created… did the most for vehicles and vehicle manufacturing, probably more than any other person. Some people might say, Elon Musk is in that because of the electric car and what he’s done to promote electric cars in this world. Well, maybe. But certainly, Henry Ford didn’t need God- consciousness to create the motor car. He needed to be a mechanic.

More than a mechanic, but he needed to at least know how a car works and be able to put things together to make a motor car. He was highly soul-conscious, and he was able to take tell his soul to tell his body what it must do from day to day so that his soul could deliver on what he dreamed about, what he thought about, what he imagined. Amen. Okay. Because it’s so easy to use an athlete, I’ve tried to stay away from using athletics as a function here, but, I mean, as a schoolboy, I’m just going to talk to you as a schoolboy.

If I was playing a big game the next day, I mean, I would spend time. This is not because my coach has told me this. This is because the desire was in me. I would spend time the night before, the next morning on a Saturday, whatever. I would spend time visualizing what I was going to do.

So, if I was going to play a game of soccer, for example, and I was put into a position that I play, I would visualize myself playing in that position. I would visualize myself taking the ball. I would visualize myself looking for the spaces. I would visualize myself doing things. When I got onto that pitch, the desire and the expectation of a high level of performance was big inside of me because I’d visualized it. What was I doing? I was taking my self-consciousness of my soul and bringing my soul level up to a point where it was telling my body how to behave before I got there. So, when I got there, my body was already ready to do what my soul told it it should do. Nowadays, this has become part of 101 coaching, helping athletes to visualize their performance. Amen.

What do you do you not need? You don’t need God. Can I put it to you this way? Springboks play All Blacks. For the most part, in generations gone by, I’m not sure about the current situation, but in the days gone by, All Blacks rugby team always used to be a lot of born-again Christians in the All Black rugby team.

Springboks have always had a lot of God-believing people in them. Right? They’re going to play against each other. They both let’s just say they’re both God-conscious teams. What’s God got to do with the outcome? So, the All Blacks get on their knees and they pray and they’ve got things and they got crosses and they [Pastor John kiss his wrist] go like this and the Springboks go [Pastor John kiss his wrist] and they got crosses and they got scriptures and they praise the Lord and everything’s all good. What’s God got to do with the outcome? Zero. They don’t need God-consciousness for that. They need soul-consciousness, visualization, preparation, and creativity, and all the stuff that they do to a body can be in alignment with what their dreams are, what their desires are. They don’t need God-consciousness for that.

So, many times, people give God the glory for what they’ve done, but actually, He’s got nothing to do with it. I know I’m being very controversial to many people right now, but, you know, if I don’t talk about it like this, then we never ever going to make progress because we’re going to get caught into a vortex of thinking. We have to be able to change our thinking so that we can do what God wants us to do. So, do I need God to be successful in business?

I’ve preached this for as many years as I can remember. I’ve said, so many… most of them very wealthy people in the world are not Christians. You don’t need to know God to be a successful businessman. You don’t need to have God in your life. You don’t need to tithe. You don’t need to give to the church. You don’t need to do anything to be successful in business. Come on. Most business people out there don’t need God and they don’t want God. They are very self-conscious, they are not God-conscious.

So, I’m trying to make a point to you so that when I go later on in this in these teachings, I want to show you that the God dimension is always there. The God dimension, the 4th dimension, is always there, and we, living in the 3rd dimension, are very driven in our activities through our body-consciousness and our self-consciousness.

So, I want you to know that what I’m teaching you is coming from the Bible and I’m going to expose, if you like, the lies of the devil, and I’m going to give us a runway for our acceleration into our future. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus.

So, Luke chapter 4 verse 18. I’m going to read it in many different translations if you’ll just bear with me this morning. 18 The Spirit of the Lord, this is the Passion Translation. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he has anointed me to be hope for the poor. How do you be hope for the poor? Help them out of their poverty. I like the way the Passion Translation puts this; to be hope for the poor. That means, if I’m going to be the hope for the poor, then they’re going to have a, “Okay, you’re my hope. I’m going to be not poor anymore.” Freedom for the brokenhearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to prisoners, ‘You are set free!’ I have come to share the message of Jubilee, for the time of God’s great acceptance has begun. (Luke 4:18 TPT).

Jesus came and He said, “I’m anointed. I have come to change some things.” Okay. Let’s just take this for a moment and I’ll read this passage of scripture from the other translations in a minute, but this will help you. When Jesus says, “I am anointed. The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me. The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me.” What’s He coming to do? He’s saying, “I’m not coming with self-consciousness. Neither am I coming here with My body-consciousness limitations.” Why? He said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me. I have come with His power.” Hello? So, what has He come to do? He’s come into the world from the God dimension, and He says, “I’m coming into your world and I’m going to readjust the things that are out of order in your body-conscious world. And I’m coming to bring adjustments and reorder and restore your self-conscious world. And I’m going to do it because God has come into your self-consciousness and your body-consciousness and all of the things that are out of order, that are broken, that are not able to succeed, not able to do the right thing. The God-consciousness is coming to change it. I am sent as the God-conscious One. I am sent, enabled by the God of the universe, the God dimension to come into your third-dimensional world and change it.” To look like what? What’s in the dimension of God. Hallelujah.

The Message translation says it like this, 18 “God’s Spirit is on me; He’s chosen me to preach the Message of Good News to the poor, sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to set the burden and battered free, 19 to announce, “This is God’s year to act!” (Luke 4:18-19 MSG). Hallelujah. 19 … “This is God’s time to act. The God-conscious dimension has come into your body-conscious dimension and your self-conscious dimension, and He’s coming to fix everything that’s been broken till now. Hallelujah.

The New Living Translation says, 18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for He has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free.
19 And that the time of the Lord’s favour has come.” (Luke 4:18-19, NLT).

The time of the Lord’s favour has come. What is that favour? He has said, “I’m going to bring everything that’s in the God dimension and make it available to you in your soul dimension and in your body dimension.” Let me put it to you this in another way – you can not, because of your choice, you can not go into the God dimension and get for yourself what you want to get there. Your soul cannot do that. Neither can your body go for itself into the God dimension and go get what your body needs. It requires your spirit that can go to the Spirit dimension and get in the Spirit dimension, the God dimension, what you need in your soul and your body.

Welcome to the spirit world. O spirit beings, recreated in the image of Jesus, you now have access to the spirit realm to go fetch what you need there and bring it into your soul dimension and your body dimension. So, the world cannot do that. The world cannot do that because they are not alive to Jesus. So, what do they do? They’ve got a very powerful advantage. They focus all of their energies on the development of their soul and their body and they say, “Let me liberate the potential of my soul so my soul can get for me what I desire and I dream and I wish for. Let me go after it and to the measure of the capacity of my soul, I can achieve for myself great things. And I will not allow my body to limit me to what my soul demands from my future. So, what I can develop in my soul will determine my outcome.”

By the way, just so that you know, intellect, absolute brain power is part of your soul. It’s not spiritual. It’s part of your soul. So, if I declare to you what I’m saying to you and you say, “But my brain power and my skill and my capacity to learn is outside of the soul.” It’s not. It’s the same thing. Just like you can say some sportsmen seem to have super capabilities. If I just have to use my cycling as a thing, there are some cyclists I mean, you know, if you’re in mountain biking in South African terms, there’s Matt Beers and there’s Nino Schurter from Switzerland and other… I mean, those guys can ride at a level of power and oxygen intake and capacity for 4, 5 hours. And in that time, they’re probably riding, and you might not know what this means, but they’re probably riding at 350, 400 watts for all those hours. It’s like superhuman stuff.

It’s like, how do they get that stuff? Well, what they’ve done is they said, “My body has capability. I’m going to release my soul to work with what my body is capable of doing, and my soul is going to release my body to achieve its highest stability, but my soul is the thing that’s going to drive it. And that’s what makes two sportsmen that have the same physiology, same physical capability. One says, “I’m not limiting my soul to do what it can do on my body.” The other one says, “I have limits.” If you want to talk about rugby players that have pushed themselves beyond their limits, soccer players that seem to be doing extraordinary things. You watch these guys, they’re playing big matches. They’ve got millions of people watching them around the world by television and they come to kick a penalty kick in soccer, kick a ball through the posts in a World Cup game where everything depends on their ability to do it. Let me tell you what they did before they got there was they spent hours visualising how they’re going to kick a ball and then they took that visualisation and they went and kicked that ball so many times to make sure that their visualisation and their training matched to the same level so that when they get to that big game, they just go deep into their visualisation and their training and they just revert to visualisation. That’s why you will see them. They go …… [Looking to the ball and looking to the poles] Rugby, right? You know? You see some guys in rugby, they go like this with their bodies. You know what they’re doing? They’re just going deep into their previous visualisation to make sure their visualisation and their rhythm of their physical world matches.

If it’s soccer, you watch for yourself, big games of soccer, you’ll see the goalkeeper if it’s a penalty, the goalkeeper will come out and he’ll intrude into the space of the guy who’s going to take the kick because he’s trying to intimidate his soul so he can’t go to the visualisation. I want to disrupt your visualisation so that your body doesn’t match up to what you’ve been training with your visualisation. So, if you watch big soccer games now, often what will happen is a guy will take the ball and they’ll go and put it down and the keeper will come and try and intimidate him and then he’ll walk away and the real guy will come and kick. Because what he’s been doing standing on the sideline away from everything and he’s just been visualising. Come on.

I mean, I did that. I tapped into a God source that I want to use, just use a relative term ….. I did that when I was going after a deal one day in the corporate world and I knew I was going to go into a very difficult situation, a very high level situation. I went to the company. I got there half an hour early and I went and I sat in the front because it was my first time in that company. I didn’t know the people. I had never met them before. I just knew their names and I had an appointment to see them and I went and I sat in the front of the company and I looked into the entrance of the company and I saw the receptionist there and I began to visualise.

In this case, I tapped into my spirit man too, I prayed in the spirit. But I’m just giving you the human thing. I visualised myself walking in there, meeting the receptionist, waiting for the PA to come and fetch me. I visualised myself walking down the passage into the boardroom. I visualised myself seeing the managing director, the financial director, the IT director. I imagined myself, I saw myself speaking to them with authority, with confidence, with strength, knowing that I have the right solution for them at the right time.

You know what I was doing? I was telling my soul it may not be afraid. I was telling my soul it must obey what my desire was, my dream to get the business. I’m not talking about the spirit man, for now. I’m just trying to make a point. I’ve got to teach you some stuff before I get to the God dimension because I’ve spent a lot of time talking about the God dimension already. Now I’m just going to bring the other side so that we put the 2 parts together. Amen.

The Amplified Bible puts it like this, 18 The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon Me, because He has anointed Me [the Anointed One, the Messiah] to preach the good news (the Gospel) to the poor; He has sent Me to announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, one of the things we’re going to talk about is announcements, declarations, your desires, your dreams, your words, the things that are soul dimension, but also spirit dimension, to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed [who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity], 19 To proclaim the accepted and acceptable year of the Lord [the day when salvation and the free favors of God profusely abound]. (Luke 4:18-19 AMPC)

I would like you to declare this with me. Profuse favours abound towards me. Hallelujah. Say it again. Profuse favours abound towards me. So, we can say it like this. Many many favours abound towards me. Multiplication of favours abound towards me. This is the year that we’re living on as we’re accelerating into our future. Hallelujah.

I’ve got a few more minutes, so I’m just going to go here for the moment and I’m going to just wrap it with this because if I go into the next phase, that’s a whole another long conversation. Which I’m sure you want me to go to, but not today. Another time.

How many times have I not quoted the scripture to you? The New Living Translation, verse 32 of Matthew 6. 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, What are the thoughts of unbelievers? Soul. These things dominate the soul experience. 32 These things dominate the thoughts soul of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously His ways of living, and he will give you everything you need. (Matthew 6:32-33 NLT)

So, let me just tell you that the word seek is to desire, to inquire for, and to really look for with fervency. If you seek… Hey, come on, have you seen somebody that’s looking for their keys? They put their keys somewhere. “What are you looking for?” “I’m looking for my keys.” “Why do you need your keys?” “I’ve got to get out. I’ve got to go. I’ve got appointments to do, but I can’t find my keys.” So, what do you do? You’ll look for a while, and if there’s someone else in the house and you haven’t found your keys, you’ll go and get other people to help you. “Come help me seek for my keys.” It means you’re inquiring for, you fervently looking for. “I’m seeking.” What are you supposed to seek for? Not things.

You’re supposed to seek the ways of God, His ways of doing things, the very presence of God. Then what does He say? “Your needs, I’ll take care of them.” Come on, come on, come on. Let’s let’s just go back to this for a minute. I’m a responsible, self-aware father. Parent, I want my kids to not live in needs. I want their needs to be taken care of so that they can pursue their dreams. So, our Father, who is better than any other father, the heavenly Father, He’s going to take of your needs. “No, I don’t want to take care of any of their needs at all. They got to discover it all for themselves.”

The Father is saying, “Find Me as your Father.” Because when you find Me as your Father, your soul power does not yet have to be tapped into. Because your soul power can only take you so far, but I want to give you the God-power, the God heavenly Father provision for your life so you can use your soul-power in connection with your spirit-power, and together we can do God dimension-power on the earth. Praise the Lord.

So, first seek Me so you can get to know Me because when you get to know Me, you don’t have to think about what you’re going to get… taken care of in your needs. Because I don’t want you to be aware of the things you need in your body. I, your Father, want to take care of all the things you need in your body because I want you to live according to your desires, your dreams, your imagination, and your wishes, and you get that from where? Your God-consciousness.

“Oh, no. But Pastor John, you’re you’re treading on my toes here because if I’m going to develop my soul, I know how to do that. There are many books out there. There are many people. There are many motivational speakers. There’s many life coaches that will help me to actually do what I need to do to develop myself and achieve what I want to.” “Yes, many.”

But there’s only one heavenly Father. Only one heavenly Father and He says, “Just get to know Me, get to know the way I do things, and you won’t have to worry about what you’re going to eat, what you’re going to drink, what you’re going to wear. Anything that you have need of, you don’t have to worry about that. I’ve got you covered because I’m your Father. But if you don’t know Me as your Father, then what are you going to do?” I’m going to tap into my soul power to provide for me. So, the more I can tap into my soul power, the more secure I’m going to be because I’m doing me. Hello?

So, I want to tell you that as a Pastor, if you say to me, “Pastor John, I am confessing that my needs must be met. I need a car and I’m going to speak my car into being.” Then I’ll say to you, “Okay, I understand that as a young person in God, you don’t know your Father well enough, so you’re going to start attaching your soul-power to a spirit-power at such a low level that you have to believe Him for a car.” I did that.

I’m okay if you do that, but just understand, that’s the kind of thing that a baby looks at. 5 years old. “Mommy, Daddy, I want a dinky toy car.” “You want a dinky…? Why you want a dinky?” “I want to play with my dinky toy car.” “Okay, well, when we go to the shops next time, and if you do your homework, I’ll get you a dinky toy car.” You understand what I’m saying? “I’m going to get you the thing that you desire because you’re going to do your homework.” So, we attach, in a baby kid, we attach performance to outcomes. So, what do we think God the Father wants us to do? Performance to an outcome. He says, “I don’t care, just seek Me. That’s all you have to do is seek Me. Put Me first. Just put Me first.”

But I am trying to show you that if you have to believe God for a house, if you have to believe God for a car, if you have to believe God for food, if you have to believe God for all of those things, that’s baby talk in your relationship with God. Okay, be the baby talker because at least you’re getting to know God when He comes and He says, “Do it this way, do it this way, do it this way. I’ll help you.” But hey, God wants us beyond baby talk relationship with Him. He wants us to be in a relationship where it’s just, okay, I mean, how many times have we used this example over years and years and years? Even today, I mean, you know, my sons were at my house yesterday, and my grandchildren were there, and, you know, if they went to my fridge, pulled open my fridge, they want to go and switch the kettle on, they want to go and do anything in my house, I don’t care. Mi casa su casa; it’s my house, it’s your house.

I mean, you know, we do this with each other because especially with Brynn and Miranda because we live close to each other, around the corner kind of thing. The other day, Sharon said, “Hey, I’ve run out of onions. I need a couple of onions for our cooking.” Brynn ran around and brought some onions. And then I think there was another time when they needed rice, and next minute he shows up at the door, “Where’s the rice, Mom?” Mi casa su casa. You understand? The relationship is, “Hey, we’re beyond whether I have to pay you for the rice. I’ve got to perform something as a kid to get my rice from you or my onions from you.”

It’s just in the relationship. It’s just there. So, what makes our heavenly Father that different? You know what He says is, “Come to My fridge, take anything you like. You want access to My bank account? It’s there. You want access to everything that belongs to Me? You got it.” The heathen don’t know this, but they take all their time developing soul power to get what they need; to eat, to drink, to wear, to live. Why do we as Christians want to live in soul-power when we can live in God-power?

So, if I want somebody to help me with my future, and somewhere down the line I’m going to talk about authority, and the authority that God has versus the partnership that God has. Because God never wanted to dominate Adam and Eve or have authority over Adam and Eve. He wanted Adam and Eve to recognise His authority so that He could partner with them in running the earth. You see, authority is not something that you must demand. You only demand authority if someone is completely breaking the law. But you receive authority so that you can partner with authority because that’s where power and governance are released.

So, in a marriage relationship, I’ve taught you this before, and I’m going to bring it back. In a marriage relationship, the most powerful place you can be in a marriage is not to expect a man to lead the house, it’s for a man and a woman to have a partnership of agreement in the way they lead the house. Hey. “But Pastor John, you’re talking about a whole different thing.” Okay.

In order to get to the place where you get into agreement and your life is a partnership, it might be that there’s a place where a man must make certain decisions and a woman will make some decisions in the way they manage things, but the most powerful way of living life together is in the power of agreement in partnership. The most powerful thing that exists in the universe is the power of agreement in partnership between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They are not dominating, authorising, or commanding each other. They are not taking the place of each other. They are in perfect unity of partnership with each other, all the while recognising the supreme authority of the Father. But there’s no competition in the partnership. Alright. I’ve got to quit now. Is that good preaching, Pastor Lynn? [Pastor Lynn replies, “Yes.”] Yes. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

We’re going to get set free. We’re going to have a runway here where we are going to see what God’s got in store for us. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. I understand that there’s a lot of soul development that has taken place, that will take place and that is part of life, but I want us to have a revelation of the Rhema word that releases us into the God dimension because that’s where the power is. Amen. Hallelujah.

Just a bit of thought for you, so that if we do message moments in a different way going forward because we’re praying about that, but just a thought for you. If I come to God with a high level of soul development and how to get things done because of the dominance of my soul, how do I actually let my soul give way to God? Because surely, if I’ve developed my soul and I can see how much I can achieve through my soul development and my body development and the experience of both if I’ve done so much with what I’ve done till now, how do I actually release that and actually let God dominate? Surely that’s going to be the biggest challenge. If I’ve spent all this time making my soul so powerful, I’ve got to trust it, because, to this point, my soul has got me where I am. I’ve got to trust it. So, you got to say it out loud, you know, sometimes you got to say to yourself, “I admit” don’t do it now. “I admit that I’m soul dominant. I admit I’m soul dominant.”

Why would you want to admit such a thing? If you don’t admit it, then you’re always going to lie to yourself that you’re more spiritual than you think. If you admit, “I’m soul dominant, I’m intellectually dominant, I’m physically dominant, and I have all this domination that I’ve chosen for myself, now I’m going to let this all go to being God dominant.” I’m going to give you some ways and help you. It’s not anything you haven’t known already, but it’s just going to be packaged and put into a context so that we can all grow strong and we can understand what we’re doing to get free of that soul domination. Do you like this, Tom? Amen. Do you like this, Khayzek? I do too. It’s setting me free. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. Praise Jesus. Hallelujah. Let’s take up an offering, please. Hallelujah. Did you get something out of this today?

So, you may ask yourself the question and say, “Pastor John, I really want to be Spirit-dominant. I don’t want to be soul-dominant. But I don’t know how.” All I want you to do in the next week is to start making this confession and say; Lord, it is my desire that I will be free of my soul power and I will begin to release inside of me, Spirit power. It’s all you’ve got to start saying. Don’t try and change anything. Don’t try and make anything all big gedorie and say, “All fall down, I can’t do it, I won’t do it, I’m too far gone,” all that stuff. Just begin to make a declaration; I declare that my spirit man is dominating rather than my soul man and I desire that. I want that. I desire that, Lord, help me. Amen.

Because there’s a scripture that tells us we can do that. You want to guess which scripture it is? It’s Romans chapter 12. Therefore do not be conformed to this world – soul domination and body domination – but be transformed by what? The renewing of the mind. Which means you’ve got to renew your soul power. Lekker nê? And then the next verse says how do you do that? By presenting your body a sacrifice so that you can worship and praise Him. And as I do that I get transformed and the power works in my spirit to overcome my soul. Hallelujah.

That’s just for extra for this morning. because you guys have been so great this morning. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. Well, we’re not going to go into this 2025 in the same way. We are just accelerating into our future and I believe what God has given me to be able to teach you is that we are going to just increase the acceleration. [Pastor John makes the sound of revving a vehicle] We’re going to go through gears, man. We’re going to go through those gears so quickly.

You know, I went for a bicycle ride yesterday. I was so quick on that bike that my gears could not keep up with my power in my legs. I was shifting down to get to the… it helped that I was cycling behind the youngsters, you know. No, I’m kidding. [Pastor John laughs]. Won’t you all stand with me, please? Come, Cobus.

Thank You, Lord, that giving our tithes and our offering is an indication that we are willing and desiring to be free of soul power and the body power that we have been so long dominated by. This is an indication that our trust is in You. And because our trust is in You, You’re bringing revelation and teaching to us so that we can be free, we can live in the acceptable, full of favours year of the Lord that is upon us right now and we all agree to that in the name of Jesus. And you say? Amen. Hallelujah.

So, I’d like you to just agree with me, you know, I believe that this is going to be a year of peace. It’s going to be a year of great peace because the true peace of God that’s in the realm of the Spirit will come and affect your mind. So, when you have Spirit-led peace, it will dominate your soul that will get anxious. Your soul will be anxious because it’s self-conscious and your self-consciousness makes you world-conscious around you and so your peace is disturbed because of your consciousness. But I declare that 2025 is going to be a year of peace because it’s going to be so peace-driven that your spirit man is going to dominate your future so that there is nothing missing in your world, there’s nothing broken in your world, that everything that Jesus said; I’ve come to heal the broken hearted, I’ve come to set captives free, I’ve come to bring sight to the blind, I’ve come to make the poor hope again that they don’t have to be poor – that’s peace!

The peace of God will be upon you this week. Starting this week, the peace of God will be upon you. Hallelujah. Will you declare that with me and put your hand on your heart here? And say; the peace of God is upon me every day, every way, in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah. I’m a child of God. The child of God in me is reaching for my Father. I will know Him. I will praise Him. I will thank Him every day, every way, in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Glory to God. I’ll tell you what, you wake up in the morning and say thank You, Jesus, thank You, Jesus. I thank You, Jesus. I thank You for my health, I thank You for my day, I thank You for everything. I mean, that will help you get out of soul-consciousness and bring you into the Spirit-consciousness realm.

Did you get something out of this today? Thanks for coming. See you at 5 o’clock. Bless you all.