30 December 2024 Accelerating into the New Things of God Part 13
Pastor Sharon Bendixen (WTB)
Scripture reference: Revelation 1:1 (AMPC); Psalm 90:12 (NKJV); Isaiah 6:1-8 (AMPC); James 4:11-16 (NLT); Luke 3:16 (NKJV); Hebrews 5:13 (AMPC); Hebrews 5:13 (KJV); James 3:2 (KJ21); James 3:2 (AMPC); 1 Timothy 4:13 (TPT); James 3:2 (AMPC); 1 Timothy 4:13 (TPT); Zephaniah 3:9 (AMPC); Zephaniah 3:13 (NKJV)
Pastor John:
Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. We were just talking in the back, at tea time and we were and, Empie was just sharing with me, and then we had a kind of a conversation. It’s an amazing thing that if you want to recreate a memory, you have a reference point of what that memory must look like and what it must feel like. So, the best you can ever do is duplicate something that already was. So, if you’re always trying to duplicate something that already was, then you can never go forward because you’re not creating, you’re just duplicating. Hey? So, why do we want to duplicate memories when we can create new things? But isn’t it just like the human experience, you want to go and duplicate because you have a positive connection instead of taking a risk to create. So, the reason you have a memory is because you created something in the first place. Right?
So now, if we just keep creating, then God’s going to give us so much more. Your life becomes so much richer rather than just duplicating. Hey? That was a lekker (nice) conversation. Thank you. And now, the love of my life, the pastor of the moment, Pastor Sharon, is going to come and minister to you.
Pastor Sharon Bendixen:
Thank you, Pastor John. It’s really wonderful. So, accelerating into the new things of God for us. Accelerating into the new things of God for us. I’m just going to go. We thank You, Holy Spirit, that today, through me, You will say what You want to say. I will clearly hear what You want to say. I will say what I hear You say, in Jesus’ name. And we have ears to hear. Glory to God. We are receiving Your words into our spirits. Hallelujah. We trust You for the Rhema Word. The Rhema Word, in the moment, in Jesus’ name. Right.
Accelerating, I put here advancing, to advancing, accelerating into the new things of God for us. And so, we as a people are travelling and journeying. We can say moving with God. We are. We have been on a journey with Him. Well, I know we have been journeying with Him all our lives, but we have been on a very intentional journey with Him. I would say for me, it started to really impact me in 2010, when I received that message as Rhema through Pastor John. It’s the time of the living God and He will move in the time of men and there is no institution, no philosophy, nobody that can stop what He wants to do. You will be part of it church. You will be part of it. That is not just for us, but it’s a time of God actually everywhere. Wherever God has purposed to have His time and have His things that are in His heart come to pass, that’s the time of God.
And then right on the back of that came 2011, where I heard it was a Rhema Word from God to me. Our Exodus has begun and we are moving forward together. That was the word through Brother Jerry. I would say, very intentional from that time. I was very aware of journeying with God, being moving with God very intentionally in a very specific direction. And all our messages actually from that time, if I look back now, Pastor John, were very like that going, moving us forward. Glory to God.
So, as a people, we are journeying and moving and travelling. Another word for that is shifting with God. So, our Exodus, our departure from hostile circumstances, God began to show us that it is a New Covenant Exodus, taking us right out of Babylon. Taking us right out of the world system, out of our current Egypt and bringing us right into His realm, His dimension, His Kingdom realm and Kingdom dimension. That’s what He began to do most intentionally from that time. I can speak for myself, but I’m sure I speak for others here too.
Shifting with God. So, that’s another word, journeying, moving, traveling, shifting with God. Like the church in the wilderness, The Book of Acts calls the people that came out of Egypt; the book of Acts calls them the church, the Ecclesia in the wilderness. God fully intended for them to follow His ways and listen to Him and let Him bring them out of Egypt and into His covenant with Him so that they could live victorious. Deuteronomy 28. Oh, my word, that’s exactly what He had. He had them marked for blessing. You obey what I’m going to say to you through Moses and these blessings are going to overtake you. These blessings, all of these blessings are going to overtake you. Praise the Lord. Marked for blessing.
So, the church in the wilderness, He was also building His church in the wilderness. How was He building His church in the wilderness? Speaking through His messenger. Messengers. That’s how He built His church. He fully intended to build His church like that. We read in the book of Hebrews in chapter 3 and chapter 4 that they refused to mix faith with what they heard. So, they heard everything God wanted to say to them, but they didn’t mix faith with it. So, you know what they did instead? They wanted to go back. They didn’t want to journey with God. They didn’t want to move forward. They didn’t want to shift with God. They wanted the memories. They wanted to … they were obstinate. The Bible says, He was irritated with them. The Amplified Bible says, He was irritated with them. “I’m bringing you out of Egypt. I’m taking you into this fullness of blessing and you don’t want it.”
So, after a period of time when they had actually proven to Him who they were, after a while when people show you who they are, you’ve got to believe them. People showed Him – His people showed Him who they were. They’re not going in. They are going to murmur. They are going to have unbelief. They’re not going to listen. And so He said, “Well, you’re not going in.” They began to say to Him, “We want to go back because You’re going to prey on our children.” Isn’t that interesting that God said, I will take the children. Part of our journey. So, journeying.
So, He was building His church in the wilderness in the same way that He builds His church now. He’s given first apostles and prophets and evangelists and shepherds and teachers, to equip you spiritually. Spiritual apostles, spiritual prophets, spirituals that will equip you to be spiritual so that you can do all of those good works which God has predestined for you ahead of time. The purpose of your birth. Glory.
So, He was wanting to build His church in the wilderness, moving, shifting. He was a living God. His Ark was in their midst all the time. He was talking all the time to them. They heard His voice. They knew His voice, but they did not mix it with faith. They said, “We will not believe You.” It was their choice. Changing, an ever-living changing thing when you move with God.
So, what the Lord showed me out of the Amplified Bible, if we can perhaps go there. Thank you, is Revelation chapter 1 verse 1. So, in context of what Pastor John’s been speaking to us about the times that we’re living in, we are living at the end of the end times. The end times began on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit arrived, but we’re right now at the end of the end times.
So, the book of Revelation, 1 … is the revelation of Jesus Christ, He unveils divine mysteries. God gave it to Jesus to disclose and make known to His bond servants. Okay. 1 … certain things which must shortly and speedily… Certain things which must shortly and speedily, come to pass in their entirety, (Revelation 1:1 AMPC). And so, we can take that scripture off now because this is our day in which things are shortly, speedily coming to pass. It’s the days we find ourselves in. You see, we cannot always, we must not put things off until another day. We’re living in the now life with God, now. And so, right now, there are speedily things that are coming to pass in their entirety. And that’s why God’s been ministering to us about the churches because it’s for us now. I’m going to just read something that God gave me about now and today. Now and today. Here we go.
Today. Today. Today. Today. Today, I hear His voice. Today, I obey. I’m a creature of the moment. That’s why we have Message Moments. You’re in a moment. You’re in a 4th-dimensional moment with God right now. Right now, in the moment. Glory. I am a creature of this moment. There is nothing so hardening as delay. Obedience today, listening today, mixing my faith with what I hear today, finding my seed to sow today. I’m a creature of the moment. There is nothing so hardening as delay, making it harder and harder to obey. Cutting off hope of growth, waiting for tomorrow. Satan’s word tomorrow. I’ll just borrow today for myself to do what I want to do today. Tomorrow, Satan’s word. I’ll just put it off. I’ll put my spirit life off until another day. Today I don’t feel like being spiritual. Right? It’s today.
When God started to speak to me about my today’s years ago, I started to buy calendars. I’m still doing it to this very day where I mark off every day because the psalmist says, 12 … Teach me to number my days, so that I may get me a heart of wisdom, (Psalm 90:12 NKJV)
So, my today’s, when I wake up in the morning, my today is very important to me. I’ve got a visual thing where my calendar is there, and every day in the morning I wake up, I scratch off the last day and I mark today and I look at it. Today is today. Today is a day. Today for me, right?
Cutting off hope of growth, waiting for tomorrow. Satan words, Satan’s word tomorrow. I’ll just borrow today for myself. After all, there’s always tomorrow. Today I come. Today I experience the power of endless life. Hallelujah. Your covenant. Your covenant.
I’m a comer being made perfect, Hebrews 10:1. I draw near in holy fear to hear, to obey today. I live in the now with God. Glory. I number my days today, each and every one. Today I come and I draw near. Today I enter in. I come, I come, I come. Early in the morning my spirit comes to meet You, spirit, soul and body comes to greet You. You are my covenant God. Everything You are, is mine. Right. So, that is live.
I’m going live now into 2025. Everything that God has brought me from – I’ll just let me go over our journey of the crossover – everything that God has brought us through, we are ready now. I’m alive. I’m going into 2025. I’m going live. Live means live right now. Live, I’m experiencing, right now, I’m experiencing fourth dimensional live streaming as I’m ministering to you. The Holy Spirit is downloading from Himself into my spirit, out my mouth, live streaming right now. Right now. I’m experiencing live streaming, word proceeding, downloading, real time. I’m online now in real life, uploading spiritual data. Right. That’s life. I’m going into 2025 because He’s a living God. He’s given me living waters to drink from, living bread to eat. He’s given me a living language to speak to Him with. I’m getting to the live, what God wants for us now moving forward. Right? Now, today. It’s all taking place from the 4th dimension, from both the will of God and the anti-will of God. Going live into 2025, right? I’ve read that to you, and now great grace is upon us. It’s been upon us, but great grace is upon us now.
I’d like to pull up Isaiah chapter 6, verse 1, please. Isaiah chapter 6, verse 1. We’re talking about what’s going to accelerate us and advance us and move us. I spoke to you about the Rhema word, about the Rhema word. But there’s the Rhema word, and then there’s your words that have to be in sync with each other. Because the degree to which your own words are weak and careless, your own words, the degree to which your own words that you speak are idle and careless and weak and unthinking, is the degree to which you are going to be able to take God at His word. They work hand in hand. God wants our words to be so powerful because He wants us to overcome the devil continually, constantly, every day, all the time. So, victory, victory.
Isaiah chapter 6 verse 1, this is how the Lord gave it to me. In the year that Brother Jerry died, it’s how the Lord spoke this to me. In the year that Brother Jerry died, everything shifted. It shifted for us as a people. It shifted in Pastor John. It’s moving. We are journeying. We are travelling in the year that Brother Jerry died. God started to unveil and reveal and bring light to things. And, ¹… I saw the Lord and Pastor John’s being seeing the Lord with new eyes. ¹…I saw the Lord upon a throne. He’s seeing God in His authority, in His majesty, high and lifted up. He’s experiencing the realm of the Spirit now more than he ever has before because it’s the time of God now that God visits now Pastor John, for the things that he must move forward in and all of us must move forward in. 1 … and the skirts of His train filled the [most holy part of the] temple. ² Above Him stood the angels; each had six wings: with two [each] covered his [own] face, and with two [each] covered his feet, and with two [each] flew. ³ And one cried to another and said, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory! (Isaiah 6:1-3 AMPC).
Now Isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 with all these other verses is going to be a portion of scripture that you’re going to find the Holy Spirit is going to get you to turn to, and to meditate on. Because look what it says here, 3 … the whole earth is full of His glory. This is the fourth-dimensional realm. This is the God dimension. ⁴ And the foundations of the thresholds shook at the voice of him who cried, and the house was filled with smoke(glory) ⁵ Then said I, then say we, woe is us. 5 Then said I, Woe am I! For I am undone and ruined, because I am a man of unclean lips. This Rhema came to me to a high degree after Brother Jerry died. That I’ve got to watch this with the Holy Spirit more than ever before. It just started to come after Brother Jerry died. It happened, it happened to us in our marriage, where we took, in our fellowship, in our speaking in our home, where we took all of our speaking, we just found it going, “No, we don’t talk like that anymore, we don’t say that.” We’re going to look at the things that you say in your home, conversations that you have.
So, let’s go back there, let’s go back there. 5 Then said I, Woe is me! For I am undone and ruined, because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips. Wow. Yes. Let’s go, 5 … for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts! That’s the fourth dimension. That’s all of His angels. When we see Jesus and let’s go, 6 Then flew one of the seraphim the [heavenly beings] to me, having a live, a live coal. I just can feel it, Pastor John. This is hitting some people here’s spirits like a lightning bolt. You’re going to transform now. This message today is intended for you to advance and accelerate into your future. This message, this year, this is how God gave it to me, I began to say, “In 2025, I live with a live coal. I live with a live coal. I live with a live coal.” Okay? In His hand, 6 Then flew one of the seraphim [heavenly beings] to me, having a live coal in his hand which he had taken with tongs from off the altar, (Isaiah 6:1-6 AMPC). Just leave it there. Tongs from off the altar, and the Holy Spirit showed me, “That’s the altar of your heart. That’s My fire of My Spirit.” If you will live with the Holy Spirit’s live coal, and fire, if you will make an intentional decision now to live with a live coal every day, all day; because you cannot tame your tongue. You don’t even know what you’re saying.
The book of James says no man can tame his tongue, but the Holy Spirit’s living presence, the live coal from all from off the altar of your heart where you are presenting your tongue to Him a living sacrifice; on the altar. You’re presenting your tongue to Him, a living sacrifice. Right. And look what happens here now. 7 And with it he touched my mouth. The Holy Spirit’s going to take the live fire from off the altar of your life because you’re giving Him this worship. You’re worshipping from this altar of your heart saying, “No more will the fourth-dimensional realm of darkness have my worship of my words. I’ll not give it to him.”
7 … this has touched your lips; your iniquity and guilt are taken away, and your sin is completely atoned for and forgiven, (Isaiah 6:6-7 AMPC). Right. So, it’s a daily cleansing from off the altar of your heart fire that you’re yielding to, that you’re craving, that you’re desiring your mouth to be worshipping Him and Him alone. All of your words to be worshipping Him.
So, look at the very next thing the Lord said to me, 8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send? This is the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send? If He’s going to send you and He’s going to send me, if He’s going to send Pastor John as an apostle, cross border missions, this is part of our obedience. If He’s going to send you, if He’s going to send you, if He’s going to send us as a people, it’s because we are worshipping Him with all of our words from off the altar of our heart. 8 … Whom shall I send? And who will go for Us? Then said I, Here am I; send me, (Isaiah 6:8 AMPC). Now I can go. Now I can go. Now I can go. Now.
After all of that, in the year that Brother Jerry died, Pastor John is having heavenly experiences, fourth dimension experiences like he hasn’t had before, because it’s the time of God. It’s the time of God. We’re going live. Okay. Right.
So, I wanted to just read this too. What did Pastor John say here? Pastor John said this; my words are telling the spirit realm, my words are telling the spirit the fourth dimension realm. My words are telling them what’s going on inside of me every time I’m speaking something out of my words, and I’m saying, “I don’t have control over this. I can’t handle this. I’m not in charge of this. I can’t seem to be able to. I’m in fear. I’m scared to do this.” Words. That tells the spirit realm; it attracts demons. It gives them worship. With your words you worship him. That tells the spirit realm it attracts demons because the words attract devils. Dark words, life and death are in the power of the tongue. Death words attract devils, right? Dark words attract darkness and so if you do those things often enough and you say often enough a devil can just say, “This is easy stuff to get words coming out of this person all the time, I’m just going to hang around in their mind, I’m going to sit on their shoulder and hang out because this person just says whatever I tell them all the time. I can get them to do stuff that I want to do all the time. I know this person, just trigger this, just trigger this, just trigger this.” Alright.
Then Pastor John said this; The God dimension is also moved by words. Hallelujah. Glory. The God dimension where we are supposed to operate. In the same way, if we speak the Rhemas of God, if we speak the Logos of God. Because when you speak the Logos of God enough, it becomes Rhema. If you speak His Logos enough, with reverence in your heart, if you speak His Logos with reverence in your heart, it will, you’ll just find, so op ‘n middag (Afrikaans for on an afternoon like that), here’s the light. Oh my word. And then when it comes out of your mouth, it comes out as a two, sharp two-edged sword. That you will be just like Jesus and you’ll just speak a word and command it, and it will be done. You’ll just speak, and you’ll create it, and it will come to pass. That’s what God’s after, this kind of overcoming and victory that He’s got for us. We can create our own personal world with His Word and we create the corporate life that we have together with His Word. How about this? Isn’t this very powerful? I’m telling you it’s so powerful for me that every day now, I say now, “I live with Your live call, because it’s my worship. I’ll no longer worship the demonic realm with my words.” Glory to God. So, let me move. Alright. I’ve got some time.
So, words, if we speak the Word of God, especially the Rhema of God, that thing that God has spoken to you and revealed to you, the dark forces can’t hang around you. They can’t. They can’t. It’s written. It’s written. It’s not only written in His precious holy written Word, it’s written on the tablets of my heart with my own mouth. It’s written. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer and I inscribe His Words on the tablets of my heart. I don’t need the tablets of the law anymore, like Moses had to bring it. I’ve got His laws written in my heart because I write them. I write them with my tongue. A pen of a ready writer. Hallelujah. I inscribe. In that sense, we’re all scribes. We write with our tongues on the tablets of our hearts. So, yes. That was very good. That was excellent. So, alright I’ll get to that.
Going live. Okay. Okay. Now there’s some conversations and there were two areas. I think there are many areas, but there’s two specific ones that I heard the Lord speak to me this morning. People words that we need to be aware of. People words and plan words. People words, words about people, words about people, and words about plans.
So, we’re going to look at this in scripture today. We’re going to have a look at James chapter 4 and I’m going to be reading from the New Living Translation first. James chapter 4 and we’re going to go to verse 11. Verse 11 James chapter 4. Oh, my spirit is taking notes of these scriptures all over again. How about you? 11 Don’t speak, don’t speak, don’t speak evil against each other. Don’t speak. Don’t speak evil against each other. Don’t speak evil against each other. Those are words you want to have about people. Words you want to have, especially you have to watch your mouth, what you say. Even in your heart, He will hear you. What you say about Pastor John and I. We don’t care what other people say about us, but that will damage you. I’m telling you that will damage you. In eternity, you ask Miriam about that. You ask Korah and Abiram and Dathan about that. What it did to their destinies. What it does to their lives. They were so justified in what they could say and what they had to say about Moses, including Aaron. Don’t speak.
11 Don’t speak evil against each other, dear brothers and sisters. If you criticize and judge each other, then you are criticizing and judging God’s law. But your job is to obey the law. Obey the laws that you have written on the tablets of your hearts. 11 … not to judge whether it applies to you. 12 God alone, who gave the law, is the Judge. He alone has the power to save or to destroy. So what right do you have to judge your brother? (James 4:11-12 NLT). That means you have an opinion about someone in the church. You have an opinion about an iXchanger. You have an idea so you think it’s God and you’re so brilliant that you can think for other people that God has got things for other people or He hasn’t got things for other people. What did He say here to me? You think you’re discerning something and you think you’re being so spiritual because you have such an opinion about someone in the church and you call it discernment. You think you’re discerning when God says, “Don’t speak evil about. Don’t even think you can package it in the name of discernment.” Because many times He said to me this morning, “You think you’re discerning but it’s all wrapped up in your fear and your pride, in your own opinions.” Many times when you think you’re discerning and you’re having something to say about someone else, it’s wrapped up in fear and pride, fear and pride are present. Isn’t that interesting?
And then we go to verse 13. Look here. 13 Look here, you who say. Look here you who say. What do we say? Look what we say. God said we have people conversations where we think we’re discerning something but actually we’re judging, we’re speaking against. 13 Look here, you who say, and then plan. Plans. Well, how did He put it here? People words and plans words. So, here’s the plans words. 13 … you who say, “Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do business there and make a profit.” 14 How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog, it’s the New Living Translation, it’s here a little while, then it’s gone. 15 What you ought to say is, “If the Lord wants us to.” (James 4:13-15 NLT). That’s right there. That’s the juncture. That’s the junction. That’s the juncture.
If you really want to know what the will of the Lord is, you will not say, “I’m making my own plans.” In fact, you will not make them until He makes you make them. You will rather not say I’m going to do this and I’m going to do that. Do not say. Do not say, “You who say, I’m going to do this, I’m going to do that, and I’m going to do that.” [Pastor John responds; It’s in the Bible, Sharon]. It’s in the Bible. That’s right. It’s in the Bible. It’s in the Bible. How do you know? It says here, we 15 … ought to say is, “If the Lord wants us to.” (James 4:15 NLT). In other words, what are you doing? You’re seeking the Lord. You fear the Lord. You’re not going to make any plans, you’re not going to have conversation plans, you’re not going to have people words, you’re not going to have plan words, you’re not going to have people words, or plan words. It’s a wonderful thing. Pardon? [Pastor John asks Pastor Sharon to read the rest of the scripture].
Pastor John, I really want to. 15 What you ought to say is, “If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.” 16 Otherwise, yes, I was going to read the rest of it. Otherwise you are boasting about your own pretentious plans, and all such boasting is evil, (James 4:15-16 NLT). Evil. When you make your own plans, it’s evil. I’m coming up higher. Glory to God. Hallelujah. How about you?
We access the fourth dimension with words, including praying in the spirit realm, our fourth-dimensional ability. That’s another message Pastor John just recently brought. It all begins, he made the statement, with praying in the realm of the Spirit. Glory to God. Because when you’re praying with your living language to a living God, you’re praying out things and you’re giving God spirit words to work with and His response is to come and speak to you. He knows the interpretation of every tongue you have about everything. Speaking living words, life words to a living God. So, where was I going to go now, Lord? Alright.
I’m going to just read this to you. The baptism of the Holy Spirit. You don’t have to put the scripture up, just listen. Luke 3:16, 16 … He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire, (Luke 3:16 NKJV). There’s the live coal. When you’re being baptised in the Holy Spirit there must be cooperation by active participation. No. No. No. There must be complete relaxation and surrender into the control of the individual who is baptising. Baptism is submersion and is not complete until every portion of the body of the one baptised is completely out of sight under the water. He is then raised up and comes out of the water literally drenched and dripping with the element in which he was baptised. He emerges as one who has been baptised having entered once for all into this new state. Utter and complete baptism in the Holy Spirit, however, is reached only when there is a perfect yielding of the entire being to Him and one’s tongue is surrendered to the control of the blessed Holy Spirit. As one passes into this baptism experience, he becomes drenched and dripping with the power of almighty God. That’s it, that’s what I wanted to read to you. Oh, no. Just before that there’s this, our physical, we present our whole being to Him, body, soul, and spirit must be yielded. Spirit, soul and body, actually, that’s the order that Thessalonians put it in. Spirit, soul and body. Spirit, soul and body must be yielded. Our physical bodies must be pliable under His power. The tongue is the most unruly member of the body. The tongue is the most unruly and the complete abandonment of that tongue to the control of the Holy Spirit indicates that the entire being is surrendered to Him.
Living continuously in this new state. This is possible. This is available to every born-again believer. This blessed baptism of the Holy Spirit, for our tongue, for us to give Him complete control and yield our most unruly member to Him. Right. Alright. Let me just see here why I marked this. Alright. Yeah.
I think I’m going to finish early, Pastor John. I believe I am. I’ve got this last part. Just this last point now. And it’s when I got to this part of the message of Pastor John’s. When he brought this scripture out of the NLT, the Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance the same scripture out of the Amplified Bible. Right. Let’s go to Hebrews 5:11, from the Amplified Bible. Let’s go to verse 13. Hebrews 5 and verse 13, because we’re going to finish off today with a very specific point. Amplified. 13 For everyone who continues to feed on milk is obviously inexperienced and unskilled in the doctrine of righteousness (of conformity to the divine will in purpose, thought, and action), for he is a mere infant [not able to talk yet]! (Hebrews 5:13 AMPC). He is a mere infant not able to talk yet.
So, what I did is I took it from the King James. Can we just put that scripture in the King James? Not able to talk yet. Not able to talk yet. Not able to talk yet, right? The King James says, 13 For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe, (Hebrews 5:13 KJV). Now listen to what this word babe means in the Greek. This word babe is a Greek word népios, which means not speaking. The Vine says, without the power of speech. In some cases the Amplified is so accurate. Not able to talk yet. Népios, a babe, without the power of speech. This is what God is after in us, is the power of our speech, the authority with which He wants us to be able to speak with. That we can just command, like Jesus, a word and it’s done. That we just speak, but our speaking and God speaking, it’s got to come into alignment. It’s got to correspond. It’s got to. It’s got to correspond. Glory to God. He’s but a babe, right? He’s without the power of speech. He’s not speaking. Not able to talk yet.
Let’s go to James 3 verse 2. We can go there in the King James. New King James will also be good. James 3:2. Let’s see this. Let’s go to the verse before. That’s good. No, the next one. 2 For in many things we all offend. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, (James 3:2 KJ21). If any man offend not in word, the same as a perfect man, this word perfect is a Greek word teleios, which means mature and grown up because he’s learned to speak. He’s learned to speak. He’s learned to speak fourth-dimensional Kingdom of God. So, if we ever have said, “I’m seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness; I’m seeking for my tongue to come under the control of the Holy Spirit.”
If ever we come up to a first love; I give You my tongue. I give You my most unruly member. I love You. I love You Jesus. I love You, Father. I want to speak like You. Think like You. Here I’m coming. I’m very intentional about this. I’m going to develop power of speech now like I never have before. What did Pastor John say? “I’m determined to press to live in the fourth-dimensional realm.” What does that mean? I’m pressing to only have God fourth-dimensional language. How can we say, I’m pressing to live in the fourth-dimensional realm, but I just keep speaking the way I always want to speak. I say whatever I want to say. That’s not it. That’s not it.
Can we go to the Amplified Bible with this scripture, please? James 3 verse 2, 2 And if anyone does not offend in speech [never says the wrong things], he is a mature perfect man, able to curb his entire nature. Never says, okay, he has a fully developed character and a mature man, able to control his whole body and curb his entire nature, (James 3:2 AMPC). That I want to read from verse 2, James chapter 3, from verse 2 in the Amplified Bible. Let’s just go. Oh, that is. That is it. That is it. Sure. It felt to me like so much more, but it is. It’s all that. Isn’t it? It’s all that. It’s all that. 2… a fully developed character and a mature perfect man, (James 3:2 AMPC). Teleios. Teleios, grown up.
Then the one biblical commentary says; the essence of this self control is the control of the tongue. The essence of this control, this whole person, this whole person that I am. I, spirit man, am in control of my soul. My body may be tired. My soul may be wanting to do all of these other things but my spirit man says, “Do not get into a disagreement with me. Do not be in disagreement with me, soul and body.” We go to be spiritual now. We go.” The TPT says, I’m diligent in devouring the Word of God, (1 Timothy 4:13 TPT). Devouring the Word of God. What am I devouring it for? For Rhema. Hallelujah. Speak to me God. Speak to me God. I’m not devouring it for knowledge. I’m devouring it for You to speak to me. Hallelujah. The teleios is mature and grown up and in control of their tongue. This man is the one who has himself fully in rein, r-e-i-n. Glory to God.
Well, I’m done. I praise God for giving me this opportunity to share this great revelation with you. This is what the Lord said, “This is how you’re going to accelerate and advance into 2025. You’re going to live with the live coal from off the altar of your heart.” Glory to God.
Let’s pray. Father, thank You for this wonderful time we’ve had together in Message Moments this morning. It was so amazing to us, Lord, so wonderful to us. And for this wonderful time that we’ve had to hear these sacred words of Yours of how You want us to advance and accelerate into 2025 with Your live coal.
Father, we just want to consecrate. This is how we worship You in spirit and in truth, Lord. This is a moment, Lord, where many of us, Lord, want to make a choice and a decision, Lord, with You, right now, we do want to do that, Lord. We know we’ve made some progress, Lord. We have grown up somewhat with watching our and allowing You to purify our language, Lord, purify our language. But now, Lord, we want to say to You that we are going to be intentional. We are putting this, it’s what Pastor John said, we are going to have new words. We are going to have new words. Where did he say that? In our arsenal, new words in our arsenal. New words in our arsenal, Father.
We give you our mouths today, Lord. I just want to say these words that came so Rhema to me out of one of Pastor John’s messages in, in March. I reach into the eternal Continuous Perfect State of Being Word vocabulary, Word dictionary, will of God’s storehouse in me and bring it into the natural realm. I bring the order of the Continuous Perfect State of Being into my natural realm, and natural laws must obey me. Hallelujah.
Oh, to be pure, to be pure, to have pure speech from pure lips. Zephaniah chapter 3, 9 … then … [changing their impure language] I will give to the people a … pure speech from pure lips, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve Him with one unanimous consent and one united shoulder, (Zephaniah 3:9 AMPC). And what’s left of 13 the remnant of … shall not speak lies, Nor shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth (Zephaniah 3:13 NKJV).
It’s for us. It’s our journey. It’s us as a people undergoing change. It’s a great spiritual principle happening. Great tremendous change. It’s a people accelerating into their future. The tower of Babel reversed. It’s a people giving the enemy no place in their speaking. They have chosen the fire. Nothing they now do will be withheld from them. Amen, Father. We get it in Jesus’ name. Thank you that this word bears fruit and grows root, Lord. And we all say, Amen. Bye bye, everybody.
See you tomorrow morning, 9:30 tomorrow morning for Message Moments. For Message Moments, and I’m just getting the rest of the names from Pastor Christi. And then, of course, there will be others of you that will want to share as well like Melissa shared with us this morning. Bye bye, everybody.
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