– HOFMI family member, November 2020
Twenty – Twenty,
We were so ready.
A year of a New Open Door,
Supernatural increase like never before.
We’re getting ready,
For Brother Jerry.
For some reason,
We must wait another season.
Pastor John, Brother Eric and Brother Joe,
The anointing of God still flows.
A point of contact blessing,
I keep it safe, have faith and confessing.
Preparation and celebration,
Bible School graduation.
I am taking authority,
I am going from glory to glory!
So much to celebrate,
In Clarens… we can’t wait.
But COVID-19… Coronavirus
We must postponed, this is not a crisis.
Lockdown is in the order of the day,
The Greater One is in me – that’s all I say.
God is my Provider
By Jesus’ Blood I am surrounded.
Project conditioning,
I’m walking, thank you, Slipstream.
Striking the ground,
My foot is in the message and in the sound.
I stand in awe,
God is far greater than the world’s law.
Miracle after miracle,
I want to be more and more spiritual.
Another miracle in our lives,
Tears of joy was flowing – a grandchild,
Another healthy boy,
A bundle of joy. Glory to God.
Pastor Sharon is inspiring us all.
Activation and demonstration,
Correction and revelation.
Like a tree deeply rooted in Psalm one,
God is my only One.
Day by day I’m growing,
And my blessings are overflowing.
Mountain moving faith,
Tsunami’s of blessings wave upon wave.
Under His wings I found my refuge,
No more fear, no excuse.
No more Church and business as usual,
God will provide for the future.
Giving God all the honor and glory,
This is a glory story.
We dedicate our children and grandchildren,
Because God said, “I’ll take the children.”
Thank You, Pastor John and Pastor Sharon,
For always incline your ear and listen.
By the stripes of Jesus I’m healed,
From the Word of God, I feed.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life,
Moments with God, He’s on my side!
Renewing my mind and stay in my lane,
I will not complain.
I will speak life and pray for our Nation,
This will change the whole situation.
Praying in the Spirit,
This is how I do it.
Praise and rejoice,
Is always my choice.
COVID-19… Coronavirus,
Get behind us.
I am part of a Blood-bought family
I am a son of God and live in victory!
© 2024 – Heritage of Faith Ministries International